~~ THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1922 LEYS HL DRE Ses AGENCY FOR ALL OCEAN 'STEAMSHIP | { LINES > Special attention given your family Or friends going to or returning from | tae Old Country. Passports arranged or, For information and rates apply to | J. P. HANLEY, C. P. and T.A.G.T. Ry., Kingston, Ont. Office: C.N.-G.T. Station, corner Johnson and Ontario Streets, King- ston, Ontario, | Open Day and Night. i 'PHONE 99, | Skin Tortared Babics Mothers Rest DR. A.W. WINNETT [fies Suticura. DENTAL SURGEON, P 7e) TUNING Corner of Johnson and Wellington Streets Phome 363 Plane Tuning and Mepairing. * Alse Organ Work, All work guaranteed. | PETER D. BROWN | Ver moving of FREIGHT, FURNMTURE, SAFES, PIANOS, CARTAGE and STORAGE OF VERY DESCRIPTION {2 Markland St. Phone 2307m. -| giving Day, . { 1 Kingston Transfer Co. | Dap ssor 2 mone oi7. hLvemimgs 2231. Plumbing and Gas Work a spec 158 WELLINGTON STREET falty, work guaranteed. Ad- dress 145 Frontenac Street. Kingston and Vicinity City Council Meets Tuesday. Owing to Monday being Thanks- the city council is to meet on Tuesday evening. Arrange- ments will then have to be made for the city elections to be held on the 4th of December as nomination day is 'the 27th of November, A Queen's Attraction. The Queen's Alumni re-unfon this week-end should attract a recqrd number of graduates of the umiver- sity, owing to the splendid showing of the rugbyists this season, and it will give the "old boys' an opport- unity to watch the team in action against McGill on Saturday. For Fall and Winter. We have received all our fall and winter goods, consisting of Boys' and Men's overcoats, Boys' and Men's suits, also a large range of cloth for suits made to measure at! reason- able prices. Prevost, Brock street. Special Ride Arranged. At a meeting of Renfrew council on Oct. 24th, it was decided to al- Phone 1277. Dr. Waugh & 106 ion Fhone 356 "THOMAS COPLEY Telephone 987. P! ting ything dome in the earpeatery lime. Kotla tes os « oa al Ikbade repairs = new or se hi floors of all kinds. All orders "will receive prompt attention. Shop: 28 Queen Street. Bell's Vanilla HIGH GRADE 28c. A BOTTLE Cheapest in the long run. Made in Kingston by-- DR. BELL WONDER MEDICINE CO. WATTS 385 545 I Wish I Knew Stuttering BOOTH 'Grove Inn Yard Phome 183 rn, a The following DANCE RECORDS P Bailey's Lucky Seven, Leaves Come Tumbling low a special rate for electric heat- in two parts played by the Moon played by His Trio Orchestra and The Rega Orchestra --all of New York Nellie Kelly 4346 4346 459 Chicago Orchestra of New York. layed . by Markel's Orchestra To-morrow No Wonder I'm Lonesome Don't Bring Me Posies Struttin' at the Strutters' Ball Apex records are made by men who know how. That's the reason it's possible to have them better than other records sold at higher prices. sell Apex 10 inch double sided records for 65c, Why Pay More? The Sun Record Company, 210 Adelaide St. West, Toronto, Ont. pp ing during the winter months of one half cent per K.W.H. on current consumed over and above the larg- est gross bill for 1921, or in some cases 1922, this rate to go into er- fect November 1st, 1922, and expire May 31st, 1923. Honor Memory of Heroic Dead. At the request of King George two minutes of silence in memory of those who gave their iives dur- ing the war, willl be observed throughout Canada on Armistice Day, November 11th, commencing at 11 o'clock in the morning will be ob- served in Kingston. -------- More School HoLdays. The city echool pupils will have the benefit of holidays on 'Friday ot this week and Thursday afternoon of next, owing to the sessions of the Kingston Teachers' Institute on those days. With Thanksgiving Day on Monday, the "kids" will have a fine old time with these holidays in view. Steamer Portland Repaired. The steamer Portland, which has The RECord that WRECked RECord Prices 10 Inch Double Sided Phonograph Records NOVEMBER RELEASE 460 Old Favorite Waltzes Waldorf Astoria Lest You Forget and Holland Willie Eckstein and 550 The Hymns of the Old Church Choir sung by Ruthven McDonald and Song of Love (from Blossom Time) and Moment Musical by Benjamin Scherzer and Orchestra been at Ogdensburg shipyard about seven weeks undergoing extensive re- pairs, left Thursday for Oswego to | take on a load of coal. Captain John | J. Curran is in command. The ves- | sel was released some weeks from a ledge near Treasure east of Ogdensburg after she been abandoned. (LHurt-Lafleur Wedding. The Presbyterian manse, Pem- broke, was the scene of a quiet wed- ding Thursday, when Miss Mary H. Lafleur, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Lafleur, Pembroke, became the bride of Hermann Court. The | young couple left for a short hones - | moon in Toronto, after which they will take up resilience on Moffat street, ----- A. E. Maines Dead. Allen Edward Maines, aged fifiy- three, after a lingering illness, pass- ed away at Sohpiasburgh, on Oct. 14th, and was buried in Glenwood, Pleton. Mr. Maines was a kind, fath- er, and will be greatly missed. He leaves to mourn, his widow, three sons and three daughters, Mrs. P. J. 461 4393 4393 Dealers ' everywhere : INSURANCE OF Get the Habit: "For Records Try Treadgold's First." We have the Record whem you want it. All mail orders prepaid. Mail us yours. Treadgold 88 Princess Street. < Sporting Goods gods Co, All the Latest Apex Records Can Be Had at Our Store Ar THE SONG SHOP 216 Prin When You Think of Music Think of Us, cess St. 'from Pork Sausage. in one pound net tine. : 'fresh -- th futpriaingly erent te nds | Justtew 4 Tas. hing for holiday tripe BON MARCHE GROCERY 4 > Fhone 1564 "vets. Tenny and Mrs. George Fox, Soph- fasburgh; Mrs. Lloyd McKee and Edward F. Maines, Toronto; Oscoe A. and Hermon at home. Community Dance. Parties are being made up daily to attend the big Community Dance in the Armouries next Tuesday un- der the auspices of the Princess of Wales' Own Regiment. The event will take the form of a grand prom- enade and dance, and will be a com- memoration of Armistice Day. Tu. admission price, twenty-five cents, is ridiculously low, and a large crowd will be on hand. Tickets are now be- ing secured at Best's and George Vanhorne's. -------- Richard Cornell Dead The death occurred on Thursday at the Belleville Hospital, ot Richard Nelson Cornell, after a serious opera. tion, The late Mr. Cornell was in his seventy-sixth year was born in Thurlow township, having" lived in Belleville for the past twenty years. Surviving are his wife, five daugn- ters, Mrs. M. Huddleston, Belle- ville; Mrs. Cousno, Watertown, N.Y.; Mrs. Russlo, Milton, N.H.; Mrs. Johnston, Rochester, and Mrs. Metcalfe, Cleveland; two sons, Thomas, Belleville and William, New York. A ---- ------ ---- Again Rejects Bids. The town of Prescott considered tenders this week for a second time on an issue of $30,000 5% per cent. twenty-wear sinking fund bonds, and for a second time rejected all bids. It was but two weeks ago that the former tenders were declared unac- ceptable, and it is interesting to note that on this occasion the bid was even less favorable, the cost to the town on the bwsis of the high bid being 5.60 per cent., whereas on the former occasion the cost would approximate 5.53 per cent. Tenders are again called up. -- How Story Originated. The story has come to light as to how a Toronto morning newspaper this week printed a report about bodysnatchers operating in grave- yards In the county of Leeds. Lieut.- Col. Andrew Gray, M.P.P., who is in Kingston, throws light upon the matter. It appears that prominent Toronto members of the Masonic Order were attending a burial at Westport on Monday last, and at the vault, it was told that years age bodysnatching in Leeds was very common and that the people of t:e rural districts began to build vaults for protection against ghouls. This was the basis of the story published in Toronto. : -------- The Late Fred McWilliams, The sudden death of Fred McWii- liams, Camden Bast, on Nov. 1st, came to the family and vicinity as a shock. He lad been ailing for some weeks with heart trouble. Mr. Mec- Williams was out having a little ex- erciee when the family missed him, when found he was dead. failure was the cause, He was a Methodist and wil be greatly missed by his large circle of friends. He leaves a wife and daughter, one sis- ter and four brothers. The funeral was held in the Methodist church, Camden East, on Friday at one o'clock, the services being conducted by Rev. Mr. Nickle, after whioh the remains were placed in the vault awaiting interment. | -- Christian Endeavor Union. The Ontario Christian Endeavor ~joonvention opens in Cooke's church {on Saturday afternoon, and will con- {tinue tiH Monday {those who will Miss Van Mere, ent of the Ontario > Endeavor Union; Miss A. ; Ray Hardwood Flooring We carry in stock the best make and grade of Clear Birch, Maple and Oak Floor- ings. Good lengths, perfectly manufactur- ed and second to none. S. ANGLIN & CO. \Voodworking Factory and Lumber Yards, Bay and Wetitngtos Btrects, KINGS1ON, Ont. Office Phone 66. Factory Phone 14158. RUBBERS! RUBBERS! The slush is here and that means Rubbers. Those who bought our Rubbers last year know how good they are. Those Who didn't have a treat in store. A full stock light Rubbers, in the famous A. JACK Phone 231], of Men's heavy and Rubber Boots and Overshoes mes Holden make, guaranteed JOHNSTON'S SHOE STORE 70 Brock Street FURS Genuine Beaver Coats Gourdier's BROCK STREET; OVERCOATS $15.00 t0°30.00 WARM, FANCY BACK WEAVE, ULSTERS *25.00t0°40.00 YOUNG MEN'S SUITS *15.00t0°35.00 TWEDDELL'S 131 Princess St. (One door below Randolph Hotel) A manufacturer's sample lot of Children's Sweaters,. Pullovers and Sleeveless Vests--all pure wool and silk and wool--every size in the lot, but not in every style. Your choice on Saturday for ...........$1.50 each No approvals. ~ See them in the window to-night! : ? \