Daily British Whig (1850), 4 Nov 1922, p. 19

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ER TY . } 1 SATURDAY, NOV. 4, 1928, THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. 15 = 11 --- ed thnough private énterprise should twenty-two miles fr th re - 7 - eee . Suffered F rom . . be pupported by the State under the [ment road to Beton. -- "he . -- Churches closest expert supervision and with | village near §t is kao "Hamh- . » i Pimples and Blotches : Sunday Services mn the Wightet elcionm mots s, giv- |begamuwa." There he little of Kee Adding M ore - ing those in charge the largest liberty |the ity ROW standing beyond the old T » ] For F ifteen Years St. An@rew's--Rev. John W_ classes; 4 p.m.--Holy Baptism; 7 |In managing them, and wih the ane stone pillars and aimost only 0 at You ve Saved > to mrake | visitors to It are the wild creatures Stephen, minister. Services 11 a.m. -- lana 7 p.m., conducted by the min- When the blood becomes impiire it | ister. Students, soldiers and strang- # only natural that pimples, blotches, [ers welcome, bolls or some other blood trouble will manifest itself by breaking out of the System, '|a.m. Preacher St. Paul's.--Holy Communion, 11 Canon FitzGerald, M.A. Sunday zchool and Bible classes, 3 p.m. Evening prayer, 7 o'clock. Preacher, Canon FitzGerald, M. A There is only one way to get rid of these obnoxious skin troubles, and that 1s by giving the impure blood a thorough cleansing by the use of a Sood blood putffter such as Burdock Blood Bitters This remarkable remedy has been on the market for over forty years; is the best obtainable, and will do all We claim for ft us a Blood cleanser. Mr. Albert R. De Witte, Lake Val- ley, Bask., writes: --"1 have suffered Johnson streets.--Pastor, A. Sidnoy . sy much 1s Yupich Bd utistetst- | Duncan. Services, 11 a.m. and 7 A otal - vad 1 ered to go a |p-m. Sunday school, 3 p.m.; prayer where. I tried many different medi- | meeting, Wednesday, 8 p.m. Sacra- cines, but none seemed to help. A ment following morning service. friend told me t use Burdock Blood | Strangers made welcome. Bitters. I have uwed three and a half -- bottles, and now 1 have a clear, rosy | Zion Preshyterian Church, Plwe street. -- Rev. Ed®™n H. Burgess, complexion." {minister. 11 a.m., and 7 p.m. The . B. B. 1; The - Mp Stcured ohly 1 minister will preach at both services. to, Ont, : In the morning there will be a hs thanksgiving service. Special musiz. WHEN KIDNEYS HURT Patriotic sermon. Everybody wel- r -- come. Sunday school at 3 p.m. Eat Less Ment Hf ¥ou Feel Back- Bladder Gospel Hall, Upper Princess street. --=Sunday, Nov, 5th. 11 a.m., The Lord's Supper. No evening service for the present. Wednesday evening a helpful prayer meeting with short Bible talks. A welcome for all. Bethel Ohurch, cor. Barrie and corner Charles and Bagot streets, pastor~--~Rev. A. ¥. Brown, 144 Bar- rie street, phone 1806w. Sunday 11 a.m. subject "Work." 8 p.m., San- day school; 7 p.m., subject "Lep rosy," Monday, 8 p.m. Christian En- deavor; 'Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. prayer meeting. . Calvary Congregational Church, achy or 'T00 much meat may form uric acid, Which excites 'and exerworks the kid- neys in their efforts to filter it from the system. Big meat eaters can flush the kidneys oceasionally to relieve them like they refteve the bowels, re- moving all the acids, waste and poi- First Baptist Church, Sydenham and Johnson streets.--Rev. J. S. La- Flair, pastor. Thanksgiving services. 11 am, sermon theme, 'Lest We son, elie they may feel a dull mis- es : ery in the kidney region, sharp pains Forget." 12 m. Ordinance of the in the back or sick headache, dizgi- (Lord's Sapper. 2.45 p.m. Bible school; 7 p.m. sermon theme, "God's Open Hand." The ordinance of Bap- tism at this service. St. George's Catlprdral--National Thanksgiving. 8 a.m., Holy Com- niunion; 10 a.m., Men's Bible class; 11 a.m., Choral Eucharist, preacher, The Bishop of the Diocese; 3 p.m., Sunday school; 4 p.m., Holy Bap- tism; 7 p.m., Evensong. Preacher, The Dean. Special music throughont the day. Sermons on National sud- ness, the stomach sours, tongue is coated, and when the weather is bad they have rheumatic twinges. The urine is cloudy, Tall of wediment: the channels often get irritated, obliging one to get up two or three times dur- ing the night. To help neutralize these irritating acids and flush off the body's urin- ous waste get about four oulites of Jad Salts from any pharmacy; take gspoonful In & glass of "water before breakfast for a few days and your kidneys may then act fine and bladder 4 disappear. This jects famous salts fs {from the acid of . -- grapes and lemon juice, compined with lithia, and has been used for Queen Street Methodist oharch.-- generations to Welp clean and stimu- i late sluggish kilneys and stop blad- der irritation. Jad Salts is inex- pensive, harmless and makes a de- § t- Mthia water drink, which millions of men and wo. Rev. W. 8S. Lennon, B.A, D.D., pas- tor. 11 a.m. service of thanksgiv- og, followed by the satrament of the Lord's Supper 3 p.m. Synday school and Bible classes, 7 p.m., all musical "men take row and then to help pre-service. Rendering of the Cantata e veut serious kidney and bladder @ie-{ "Ruth" by the choir, assisted by orders, ' ist = """iredge Lavell and Mrs. J. Evans. Everybody welcome, 8. Luks Church, Nelson strect-- Rev. J. de P. Wright, M.A., B.D., Rector. 21st Sanday after Trinity (All Saints Day) 11 a.m.---Morning Prayer and Holy Communion; 2:45 REDPEPPERFOR COLDS IN CHEST * derstanding that fadlure .m.--Ewenin Prayer. Musio-- P.m . result in immediate dis- Sclo, "Thanks Be to God," (Dick- son), Mr. E. J. 8. Wallwork. good will These institutions and agencies could advance no faster than the great mass of people wish them %o, but when the people have decided upon a policy for them, it should be vigorously carried out, Unquestton- ably, the day will come when large legacies which are now the perpetuation of tions will automatically be absorbed by dive State, to be used for the same geriefal purposes for Which such St. James' Church, corner Union and 'Barrie streets.--T. W. Savary, rector, the rectory, 152 Barrie street. Special Thanksgiving Serv- fces. 11 am., Te Deum and holy communion. Sermon subject, "Our Goodly Heritage." 3 p.m., Sunday school; '7 p.m., éventag prayer and sermon. Preacher, the Right Rev- erend, the Bishop of thé Diocese. Cooke's Church, Brock street Convention headquarters of Ontario Christian Endeavor Union. 11 am., Rev. Principal Smith, D.D., of West- minster Hall, Vemcouver, 7 pum. Rev. J. A. Wilson, Hamilton. 2pm. Sunday school and Bible clase. Tn- spiring message, heafty singing and a Warm weltome to all, 38.16 pm. #pecial business meeting of Cooke's congregation. First Ohuteh of Chris, Scientist, 95 Johnson street.--Services, 11 am. and 7 p.m. Subject, " Adam and Fallen Man." Sendey school, at 9:45 a.m.; Welnesday, 8 p.m, testimonial meeting. Public reading room open every afternoon exeept Sunday and holldays, from 3 It way wesm' fooihardy to Say that Women are mot demoarefic, but es a Matier of this kind ean be settled only upon a comparetive beels, it might be better to say that women [are not as demowratic as men. In a little Minnesota railroad town I found thre®™women's ¢lubs. One was composed of the wives of the engineers, another of the wives of the firemen, and a third of the wives of the brakemen. Tt was an absolute impossibility for the wives of the fire- men to join the olith Sompowed of the wives of the enginests, and as for the wives of the brakemen--they simply Mm. All are cordially invited to the services and to the reading room. Possibly the spirit of demvermey has developed more rapidly among 'men because they have been assocfat- ed together in various movements to a greater degree than have the wo- men. Men have worked together in political otganivaliions, in commer- cial clubs, in labor unifofis, in lodges, in charches. But women have also been active in practically all of these organizations during recent years. Perhaps they have been too severely Wmited in their daily associations With women.-of their own social grade ==possibly they haven't had the same Shance to mest in a Business and pro- fessional way women of other social groups, thus becoming narrow and clanniwh in their thought and action as these are 'redated to dealing with Women in different waks of Yife. 0» Chalmers Churdh--Rev. R: J. Wil- son, D.D., minister, Services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m., conductei by the nHnister and Miss Jean Chown, con- tralto soloist and Miss Leslie Taylor violinist will assist the choir at both services. Bible classes at 2 p.m, con ducted by Prof. Matheson and Pror. MacClement. Sunday school at 3 p.m. On Monday at 10:30 a.m. Un- fon National Thanksgiving wervice. Rev. Principal Smith, DD. will preach. All are invited. i Sydenham Street Methodist Ohare Thanksgiving Sunday, R. H. Bell, the minister, will preach at 11 a.m. end 7 pm, Harvest thanksgiving musical service. Anthems, "The Lord is Loving." (Limper), "Praise the Lord, O Jerusalem;" Solo, Mrs. Pound, Maunder, "Ye Shall Dwell in the Land"--8tainer. Solos by Misses Woodman and Pollard and Dr. An- grove, Viokn Solo, "Meditation," from "Thales," Massaueh, G. Duncan. Miss Shaw, organist and conductor. Princess Street Methodist church Rev. John A. Waddell, minister. Thanksgiving services, 11 am. and 7 Dam, The minister at both services. The sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be administered at the those of the morning service. Special the! giving musie: | anthen, r Not, O Land;" Solo, Stafr-3gt. @. L. Mayer; Evening anthem, 'Praise the Lord, O Jerusalem" Solo; Harold Wiskin; Duet, Miss G. Peters and L. M. Loney: Solo, Ms. W. N. Archi. Sunday school, 2.45 p.m. Strangers and visitors cordially wel Even in the church one finds a greater democracy among the men than one finds among women, On the boards of the ¢hurch there are mechanics, and even laboring men, bat whoever heard of a servant girl being asked to associate with '""wo- men of the house" in committee work or in any other manner Wwhioh would Inevitably place them upon the same level for the time béing? How often do shopginls or ssleswomen serve with the women of the socalled "up- Por ¢lass" in a common task? It m bo argued that servant girls and #hopgiris haven't the ex- Derence or the drala power which would equip them Por such wervice. Maybe not. That is, they may not have had the same kind of experi ence that "my lady" ikrough, but that . Pm, Sunday School and Bibvle lcomed : the por pit thing ches. Sap a ~ so {work which require a knowledge of Feel a bad cbld loosen wp in just . ran Bar and Some other things short time. . Democracy in Institutions and Personal ar are the possession of only those "Red Pepper Rub" is the cold rem- Relationships tye deal with the common ET a rs Col oh maa S cann u ou "seems to end the and drive By the Rev. Stelle. and Diedinons men of Meh Jnr onl She cangestion an Borombes tight | ¢ ordisarlly ah oa 5 . i Citar 'Comimittecs With workingmen of ep- : Peasy Is, such | cOnesttiated. "Mie dowd hand Tres. houbily wpa om Sood and fattite work ee- even Jess ¢hah oMinary When heat penetrates down In| o which large endowments heve Support. Large contesbutions ToT ave ally Jha ut 18 Soida. con OIE relit coniuclen | ome. Ite Tafuence upon benevolent tocometn. The strain was off. is distinctly worth white _ once: organisations instituted for Whe pur: Wis 20 longer the posh and There's no doubt that the damo- The moment you apply Red Pepper {pose of propagniing "truth" is me which charactirtzed the |aratse wparet I growing emong wo- Rub Sou feel the tingling heat. In There are Owe reasbns ehime Was rwh men, for frankly matters were recs three minutes the congested is{ gor this paralysis. First, there are §reator emse but 8t ts.a yuvstion Worse not mshy years ' warmed through and through. When he conditions Jad dowa by the donor the results per doller apen : SS, go, But it a SaREIRg from a cold, rhow- Wiidh Buk te SRS OF REPS §00d. It was compare uy Oo evr oti neck or wore ol the organisation, make fine Showings in 9 diveness : oe Bowie Red 5 the look of Agit and khow what they've sald pit of Gomonrany or TE a, rs tr wh cin 41 (She Cire? a en [Ca St Sen ou uickest relief known. tion has been made too eamlortable, of lies, Wives witd 06oudy Sven more » | Tt eometinwes happens that wife former period mot much Positions than they db and So. w [Eis are made without sonditions on [thie was Spent Ja making statinthon. Women wlio are of the "em the part of the donor, nevertheless, |The workers Were %o busy on the o¥ing Sladses." There's no - " the wellkmowa attitude toward cer- tasks Said out Yor them, Now, feton- TRY GRE the studied anobbien. tein questions of the person who /Ing reports must be prepared. There of wong 'women toward wo- ol ol do fhe Gift, whether ho be Mving [mt be a bigger showing. Events of the upper eles has much to eal or dead, undoubtedly lnfiuchce the [W formenly dame the day's With he datk of the democratic _ They prone governing board when &t comes % & [Work almost wanotiosd, are magni. iri among the latfer gro colds or coughs, When fhe donor is dead it 1s fed Into major cecurrdhees. But (there's a definite responsibility 1g and thin. What ne a In aphoaritoet "the. Goud |thia matter va both mate a rich, nourishing Tostitutions of learning mest bave shlvanize the sodiety nt u semar & 80 mwust churches. Fhiland- [886 oF itte, it Is ohly too apparent * : thropic wooleties cannot sciét with. |(RS he Dresent axomentem ts merety | | LONG Forgotten Oltles - ' out #. But % Is a serious question that Which was put hte ® Watle & In the pure vitarnine - bearing whether individuals who happen to Pocstssed real vitality and varity, : p ood-liver oil, to help be rich have the wight to determine se ------ strengthen end build § |iotions simply Docause they baye |comequently large Goguests, be. = large comribution of money POOYER us to ede © Tt hat tie Mle 13 to Es: Supe re. There are any (St crufhied out of Ser bust tative: "Ome of the sraa that En the country which Of endowments asd legacies. he. o ok Mes one of ok, * 1 stood alone A an to arouse hem. ° one of the greatest men- SRN the ruins op-5 : wey ha R asloch hechuts.they Leak 10 Our dumstutY: te ra SX Out [that het eEited bong ago: oo lens ; fmncial «Mire. A fow large gifts [cational, as well ah war poets cas hat ve po piling about have apparently relieved them from |dgendies, shoul be supported by the |... a8 one gots in the tig the necosslty GF even co much as giv- |Decple, either Whtough the State-- land (he mec played ng a public atOOUTt of their steward- | where tris is passible and desirable. pranks as they fitered down - Thi§ does not mean that they [or Shrough o far . Er the branches of the T¥ees on to the ropriate money--they by ' f lo Pillars of the houses. From ~The ary aot bavi to hi A A yc Goad 7 a: Sao or ad tn" ES a a hele! L fen when wn owl seddents neste ; and finance and the use ¢ 4 ery In annual verre. a hadi, " ; whete | OF oven Whe Gompars | Theumilon, hendathen, norvess loeath dors of nae i | to § p.m., and en Thursday and Sat-[Feren't in ft. And all thelr hus | 30 10 9. .|bands belonged to the Tralnmen's arday evenings from 7.80 to 9.30 p. Brother ' of the jungle, Once there must have | been thousands of people Itving Ma [that eity amd district for there 1 {® large irrigation tank there Which Is ome of a series of tanks Which stretch all the way across the dary belt to the mbuntains. The tank Is |bullt with massive Stones, which |must have been brought many miles. going toward | They have been Bplit, ltke the pil- private institu- [lars of houses, and it is easy to see they were split with wooden wedges. Wedges of @ry wood were placed in regular lines of holes and then the moneys are now employed but with- | Wood Was soaked in water until ft swelled and split the granite. How they mad the holes is mot kmown. There fs wo granite anywhere near end those Wuge stones were carried fn some way from the distant mows |_ Sins fifty miles away. How do you think it was done, Teddy? Can you Dicture long Mines of slaves toiling along under the h 'burden while task-masters fl them ba. It may be that they wsed elephants or long stMngs of water-buffaloes drawing some wort or rude cart, but it remains that the tanks have been bulk and no one knows anything more about it for certain. ---------- Clever People and Wealthy Farmets. "There andtent people were clever as their engineering work has stood the test of time and the tanks are gradually being restored and filled while the ricé-fields of long-ago are being reclaimed from the Jungie. At one time there must have been miles of rice fields all thrdugh this dis- trict with many wealthy farmers. There is a bath cut out of stone on & large rock near the city and the remains of what must have once been #ome big man's dwelling. I wonder who he was and how he ¢ame to die. The place makes one Btop to wond- er who these people were and what happened to wipe all off the face of the earth. Was there some awful mas- Sacre fn the now silent street or did some fearful plague kill them all oft so that thi>usands of years later there wonld remain only a few stones standing- to tell of the pros- perity that had once been the por- {tion of these people, "Can you picture yourself stand- Ing there at midnight with the my- stery of the ages? Would you be sur- prised if some strange being sud- denly vame around the corner of the street or if you saw in the moon- Iight the ghosts of two lovers, who had once walked down those streets" Would. you be startled if suddeniy you saw the bamMhyos waving 'at the far end of the street and suddenly a huge elephant e¢ame out of the jungle? It might only be a beauti- fal deer or a leopard on the prowl, Mut I have an fea, Teddy, that you would feel like letting out a double- sized yell. One's nérves get terribly worked up in a place like 'that, but it Is something I would not have miss- ed. The beauty, the mystery, and the enchantment of the night are things that I can never Forget, while those ancient people will elvweys be my friends in famey." HOW TO REGAIN YOUR GOOD HEALTH : i i i i £ : if ig i : 4 i i i Thea in old age you'll not £ regret a thriftless youth. 3 STANDARD BANK ig Kingston Branch, « - ° J.F. Rowland, r MILK DEALERS WE SPECIALIZE IN-- " MILK BOTTLE STOPPERS, MILK TICKETS AND BUTTER WRAPPERS, 3 WHIG PUBLISHING CO., Limited PHONE 243. THE MAN ON WATCH : - SUCCESS In the Stoek Market FORTUNES What we don't know about Mor- Meade from Small Investments. monism Is perhaps not as much as we | | gue Jie for Free Bockier. ol do know about it. However, King- Ww Profitable Stock Trading _ g: Son pastors will have to be careful | | V* JMEIRtG To that your money square deal. 2 when they tread on the toes of other sects, KENNEDY & CO. 74 Broadway, New York Member Oonsofldated Stock Exchange "Mother Why Not Try The Newer Form Of Iron For the telephone operators to say "Thank You" every time they ans- wer a subscriber wouM in many in- stances be like a man saying "Thank You" after receiving a swift kick. Wollte Island # right up to date and has come into Mne with King- ston in regard to holding its elections on the first Monday in December. There are no flies on Wolfe Island, £54 oN whose residents think they are just And Be Strong H 2 a step ahead of Portsmouth, Ad Bo Strom ad Welland Nice 2% -- vou and ligitablecl Go TS NS One thowsand dollars a year is a So Haggard and Old ?® heavy garbage tax for Queen's Uni- versity to pay. Thdre is mot that amount of useless material around Queen's to cart to the incinerator unless from the medical college dls secting tables. there to care to the incinerator unless from the medical college vats. The Grits and the U.F.0. boys are claiming the oredit for the fine weather and the great crops. Times certainly are better since the new government came into power, We prust ali admit that. Boohoo need not take all the credit for Queen's victories. Let some of it be given to AMle Pierce whowe Mturn to the gridiron side. Mines has put the winning spirit into Dr. Taylor's boys. Rev. R. E. Knowles preached at Queen's on the folly of mid-night shopping. Next time he comes Jot him discourse on the Tolly of mid- night YTeasting. 4 The Queen's studen's last Sunday showed the Lord's Day Alliance that it was not wrong tq be merry on the Sabbath Day. It took a dozen or more outside preachers to tell the people of King ston les: Sunday that the Bible was the best book in the world end that it should be further circulated. Could the Jocal clergy not have dome this and saved a lot of travelling ex- your money Dénses? For sale in this city by James B. ey "THE TOWN WATCHMAN. I Louis T: Best, Fears J. Hoag all other druggists, ities. A - May Add Story te Hotel. Plans for adding another story to the Wellesley Hotel ana making other improvements were disenssed at the annual meeting of the Thous- and Island Park Association. The plans are tenative. Bids sre being asked and it satisfactory fig- ares can be obtained 'work will eomnrece at onée. It Is the Intention to raise the hotel one story, making four stories in all. This will add "My trouble came about twenty rooms, the present ca-| | blisters which would pacity being about 200 guests. Sev- Sob ehiteon bath rooms will also be adad- and the ed. Gemetal improvements will be red. The made to the property. The Park As- and b sociation reported a mot profitable scratched season, one of the best in years. \ { faconay "The trouble May Go To New Oricans, months. A friend John Flynn, the weil known Pres- prim ¢ott horseman, ¥s considering an of- be fer from southern capitalists to man-

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