Daily British Whig (1850), 8 Nov 1922, p. 12

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Hi Hi WEDXESDAY, Sov. 8. 1028 _ | THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, [ Buyers and Sellers For Miles Around Will Get Together Over These Ads. { he following classification headings | : KINGSTON, eligi, he wspaper ia the numer- | Moving, Truck ing, Storage 35 a ---- = | ical ETT Alien, - Slately Sila] | STORAGE--For furniture, clean. dry,| CIVIL ENGINEERING--Take up sure f CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING. | classifications being grouped together. | { STORAGR-For Drmita Sous oa, 40; | CIVIL ENGINEERING Tak uF r- Aad key. [Frosts City Storage, 299-| Eineering course is very complete. 1n- The Individual advertisements are! . 305 Queen St. Phone 526. Res $89w. | ternational Correspondence Schools, Apply Geo. Lo AGE For Tomi % No. 1, Cataraqui, Ont. indexed, Standardized and popular. |, iced under these headings in| 6 9» » 305 Q zed according to alphabetical order for quick reference. | . ost oesn t eas as { STORAGE--For Upright Plano ig "pri-{ _130 Clarence Street. Tel 1002w. _No. 1 raqui, Ont. = : SYSTEM : av | Ate house; Will be carefully kept.| T----------me--mm----e------aee | IGOR S--South half Tot 20, 3rd come THE BASIL L. SMITH SYS BUSINESS SERVICE. ! Apply for further particulars to Box | Musical, Dancing Dramatic 44 | cession. S. -Fredericksburgh; all dee A-4, Whig ORCHESTRA --Book Treneers Novelty lands Soca hate of alive ion; ©. © ; first Inc, Philadelphia, Pa. Engagements. | All ads. are restricted to their Marriages. uc as t SE Oo STORAGE--For furniture, 1ighi, dry] Orchestra Kingston's Premier Dance iry. » igh, combi . ings; 6 miles south of Napanee and airy Apply Mrs. W. G. Alnslie,| combination, for your engagements p cial highway: convenient Proper classification, and to the Deaths. 2--In Memoriam. R 3 » ; _358 Johnson stree Write or pnone Ted Chai King school and church. APPLY on Lent, Napanee. Fegular Daily Whig style of type. 3-Card of Thanks. _Qr phone 153 r 24 The Britis Whig | Index to Classifications | -- Business Service Instruction NT. 1--C ; Asm ey Phone 979w. or 1164F. CLASSIFIED RATES 1 func Pirectors. Not since the Whig's Lost and Found column has set Painting, Papering, Decorating 20 | ORCHESTRA "-- Harmony Six, for Qr phone 153 r M, Na ; acutive Cemetery Lots, Monuments. PAINTING--Paperhanging, Decorating. | dances, soclal evenin banquets or] 170 ACRES--Of good land, bord Dally rate per Une or cons i $F Lois, up such a reputation for bringing missing articles back Glazing, Storm Windows put cn. Stock| conceris. For pA rs apply Art| West side of Knowlton Lake, in Lo! [Ne Nw. to their owners. of Wall Paper at store. Prices right.| Christmas, 263 Queen St. Tel 1022m.| Doro township, concession 9, lot 1, at Minimum charge, 25 cents. | s--Personala. . A Anderson, 155 Bagot street. Phone PIANO--Karrinne A. Madden, teacher| Livlieford. 3 miles east of Hartingion. © Daily rates per line. Charge. Cash | 10--Lost and Found. Ask anyone who has ever lost anything and recov- Pe RT Tr Perms es of Piano. Studio: §0 Earl Street Bank ars. gta, 4x. day 2evase AUTOMOBILES ered it what the best plan of action is--and you'll learn ; FA ob and FuperangriE: py Ork-| Phone 1538. ~sacis| ITme house, cistern, telephone, winds | Lh suten ous By thot to ns n our choice selection of wes, Fight te) P Miss Carrie Bhepheard, teacher | mill forcing water to house and bara, | Ame Ea al e only thing to do is to call 243 and te your our. Dice + Hon o Stee Paper. of Music. Special attenton to begn- large sugar bush, good ture sup= Thi Teet. Phone| nors Pupils prepared for examina-| plied with lake water, mile : t unc. Address $47, Alfred St. ch school and Po Births, Zogagements, Marraiges, 12--Auto Trucks For Bale Parts 3 --On insertion, charged, 13--Auto Accessories--Tires-- 5 TT 3 I's : $1.00. pm PAINTING --P Anand PALS; Decorating. | ORCHESTHA--MoCormack's -- SRHIFeTy| Soectonr err?igsel Avply to owner; 4 > Claire Death 8 or His and Memoriam eA erie Tan. It's not hard to figure out why this is so. Slazi a awed Joor Rinanin reorganized--now known as Wesley Vanluven on premises. : eo mand 3 -. Clas, or reasonable aa Logs 30; cae, 31.00, RE om The Whigs éirculation immediately puts your ad in Prices rey alipaper samples. Estimates| Soiit ond Bis Det the best dress Harungton. Ont. RR. No. 1. Pt ken the uneruime Titer. | 13 unaine-Conisaetime oy | the hands of almost everybody in and around the city. Si Pont die + 2 AW) Bithion™ Folud Mii "HH ahaa 10 achmevaruabl tara ant rtions takes the une-time Inser- 9--Bullding eras! i rt trad . rm en Con. 7, townshi! rate; no ad. taken for less than 20--Cleaning-- Dyeing --Renovaling. If an honest person has found what you've lost, it won't Professional Services 28| VIOLIN -- Daisy ~ Johnaon, ATC | to school chess pheh teacher of Violin and Piano. Studio:| smith shop and church, one +s B 4 5 $ ¥ sserevrencssracene trouble to an ad taker. of four lines. . 21--Dressmaking--Millinery. be long until the little ad has brought you together y CTS : Jigant Sx averake words to ts 3 Poeting, Plumbing, Rovfins: . . y 8 : Aercane Bank. cosmos +ad D: 8 307 Collingwood. Street, near Johnson. | brick dwelling arranged for two ads. will be recelved by ray. v The chances are all in your favor when you use a Brock and Wellington, Phone 2229w. Ti Tod hata and a buligings, & fete 20s Snd if paid at The Bait an Tuk SOYaEY 198. Whig Lost ad. Whenever you need ome--just call 243 Chiropractic 28c¢. Live Stock township, Apply ¢o H. and T. Shannon, the first day of Insertion, cash rate 27--Printing--Engraving. and ask for an ad. taker. MARCELIS--Wm,, A, D.C, Ph.C. cor- = fe mo rr ¥, Ont, wit Ba allowed. . #3--Professional Services. floor, Bare Br eariie Streets: ina BOSTON BULL PUPS--Pure bred. Also] = Ads, ordered for more than one day 25a--Accountants. oor, Irie . entrance, ingston, OSTON BULL PUPS-- Pure bred. 80 and stopped before expiration wiil 28b--Architects. Ont. Consultation free. Telephone| all other kinds Apply Frontenac Houses For Sale \ only be charged for the nuraber of 28c--Chiropractie. . _822J. Hours § to 12 am 11t906pm. Kennels, 377 Alfred Street. Phone BERT 8 timea the ad appeased A214 adjust. jid--peniii LUCY=Dr. George F.. Dr. Jennie A. ALBERT STREET t made the rate earned. e--Lega . ucy, Chiropractic Specialists and GT Sees or. 'white space 1 Jit-dedical Oraduate Nurse 133 Bagot Street, be- Wanted--Live Stock Sol Sona brick ololion bok te in : -- , ° 9 TEE -- mova » - for yearly advertising | ISh--omcobaint: Physicians. Announcements Automobiles $43w. Hours § to 12 am. 1 co Plone DE wunted alive: 18 cents ® pound. tric lights. gas. 3 piece bath, 'fur goon request. 23--Repairing. SE A es | 77 te 9 p.m. Spinal analysis and con- i Dairy : a conte Ee baal flat ad cera nara on or ahers iT clase Sho, Fispt rth aan J ioring and Fr eaning ce. Personals 3S Automobiles For Sale sultation free. Residential calls by wanted in 6 Po par 10 cents, f.0.b lar divided), newly decorated ahd ect all classified advertis --Wanted--Bu iia -- | appointment. : : : 36 Dus : SMISHES--Halr, Moles, Warts Shpuintme; tation. Albert 'is, - ainted, - QUlone 243, ask for a want ad EMPLOYMENT SI than, Skin Cancers, Scars, Pits, : TR + E-- wa ion volver Lewis, 666! Dun Tnx oom mre rieablaot dn the Uv. Soiep » h 32--Help Wanted--Female. etc, removed permanently. Satisfac-' STOP! LOOK! LISTEN! oo enta a LTO. = nen Rouse in rear and loc coco = 32--Help Wanted--Male. tory Glasses fitted and furnished after . SPARKS & SPARKS -- Dentists, 159 fruit trees and berry bushes. T 34--Help--Male or Female. others have falled. Goltre cured with- Wellington street, corner of Brock. : Ry A blocks off car line. Phone 346. sponsible parties. | --=Solicitors, Canvassers, Agents, t ration. 38 years' experience. . {i Son Wanted. Dr Haaliol Lary, Eye, Ear, Nose, BEAUTIFULLY APPOINTED KNAPP--Dr. A. E, Dentist Officer 385 ANTIQUE FURNITURE-- Three wal-] reasonable time. M. B. Trumpour, Throat, Skin, 258 Bagot Street. Phone Princess Street. Phone 653w. > nut hall tables, small colonial arm 2 et Street. Telephone 704 36--Situations Wanted--Female. PODS Hos TOURING | CAR, chair and Otterman, one upright Rose- -- 37--8ituations Wanted--Male. 301w. House 1135J. N' LD: Legal 28e.| Wood Pllano. Apply Lesses Antique FOUR MONTHS OLD; FULLY Shop, 507 Princess Street. Phone : FINANCJAL SEL ws, ties. UNNINGH} -- v SERIOUSLY ILL 39_investments. Stocks, Bonds. Tuesday's Blunder EQUIPPED WITH ALL EX- 'and. Botioiors® 330 bh rencaromier BUNGALOW Five os brick vases | CVEROY STREET WEST < : 3 Five rooms, veneer, Hugston, A Cunningham, K.C.; o e Tov 7 rooms, hardwood floors, solid fy to Loan. 5 \ re Borrow. Corrected TRAS. WILL BE SOLD AT A Smith. one quarter cut oak dining room set, brick, large porch in fro; h Confined to His INSTRUCTION SACRIFICE FOR 'A QUICK ols JSATUGE | She, ombinetel sus and' coal range SLICE latws gored in tant ali A : f 3 Solicito Yrs pply to am uce, 97 Victoria . r Queen's Coac niin 42--Correspondence Courses. ' When writing a lefter, begin on "AN oC etraele ver os, Sher "hing Breet. RT et lights : d SALE. CAN BE SEEN AT ANY , BABY CARRIAGE --White Wicker, In ; NE modern in every | | Home With Inflammatory | 43--Local Instruction Classes. the first page of the stationery and to loan. Phone 1999. er, An every Bood condition, Price reasonable. Ap- Pespeat. splendid large E07 4 Reof | -= in { round, Rheumatism va arias. Dramaie. th ding pages consecu TIME, AT 521 ALBERT . 45--k'rivate Instruction. use e succee 3 . E, A 2 > STREET. Medical 281, ly 19 Ellice Street 1 sh 5 {i os c ei 2 . 3 - = ree a--------nis pa -- Ape; extra deep lot, on 46--Wanted--Instruction tively, Skipping around is freaky . ROBINSON=. K, M.D J65 Brrrie Sc | uantity of hard and soft. Ap-| Spot: away from. car icy garg yon Th d town | LIVE STOCK and confusing to the reader rrr rr Hours 10.30-12 am.; 3-4 bin 708.30 y . Wathen, 143 Nelson street. clusive and quiet locality. Owner ere was a Fumo arous OWN | Dogs Cari Pes oh rhe z = 10| Auto Accessories--Tires--Parts 18| vm. Phone 1040 Pia. 1-5.30/ Drone 413 or phone 1391J. - Jeaving city. This property is sell- this morning that At letic Director | 48--Horses, Cattle, Implements, Lost a 0 --_ Tas 1} ETHERINGTON--Dr. Frederick wishes CLOCKS--Mahogany, § day cathedral i na Rar Sov fgure, and $1, George Awrey, of Queen's Univer- 49--Poultry and Supplies, 3 Toa for boy's © ABROUL CH chime clocks. Only a few left. ¥rom + Jalance straight Wanted--Live stock. BELT--Lost, \ t nnounce that he has resumed the T75 t 10.09 GW. L h 5 year mortgage. M. B. Trumpeur, ity was confined to his home 0--Waante v coat. Between Clergy street and Stad- practice of surgery in Kingston. $7.75 o 3 00. GV yons, the 297 Bagot Seve. MB.) 5) ium. Finder please return to 47 Clergy Practice limited to surgery and radium | Jeweler, 267 Princess St BY nr : ¢ or 348J. through serious fllness and DINING ROOM SET--A very fine quast- TE RT TRE -- ered oak set, containing large buffet, ¥. MULLIN & SON would MERCHANDISE Bury Street. treatment. Office: 142 Wellington St. 61--Articles For Sale, ----- pr i EW not be able to carry on for the rest pila--Barter and Exchange. CUSHION--Found, yellow, near the Lib- tours 2-4, and by appointment. table, six chairs. As ownes is leaving| Real Estate' and Insurance Brokers Of the football season. It was| gu Business and Office Equipment, | rary. Owner may have same by ap- Repairi 20 city, will sell this fine set for os Phone 589w. known yesterday that he was at his| bs--boats and Accessories. ALINE to Whig Office. ena Lo F ug -- | than half cost price. Apply Box Z.4 See Display Advt. on Page Two. b4--DBuilldings and Bullding Materials. ---Found, child's, on John St. R VE Ce > ! ; Hr ------ Cs Ie, GLOVE--] CABINET MAKING--AIl kinds of wood Whig Office. home through sickness and unable 5o--Lkarm and Dairy Products, near St. John's school Owner may turning, furniture repairing and re- FURNITURE -- Wiaed me to look after his team but the trou- $r-Luel, eed, Fertilivern, » by applying at 32 John St. Uoast modelling gone. Our repairing is fully ia of good, aa Ts aa BAT = 1--Lou 9 8 le tleman's, n Monday after THOUSANDS guaranteed, and our prices are mode- ' Hy or : ATEMAN'S REAL ble was thought to be only a pass b5--Homemade ping y midnight, from taxi between cuter rata Phone, call or drop a card. a ray PeISun having Stoves| ! ESTaTH ing indisposition and no great im- §3--touselioid Goods. hes. station and city. Finder please re- OF USED PARTS Jeary H Cook, 212 Montreal Street. Pay highest pricos ep "i43| FARMS FOR SALE: portance attached to it. { lon to 343 Brock street. or' phone FOR, Of all Kinda, | er nCess Street. Phone 1800w. $1.980--Frame Bungalow, 4 rooms, B. ; AS GOOD AS NEW FURNITURE FINISHING--Of all Kind. | sem my When this morning's rumor got J BLOVEE Fora oor Taos Call and see W. D ng » ; o and C, electric lights, © ci Into circulation a Whig man imme-| $ia--_Radio Equipment. Flowers. ie Jui ol Rays Wilts, FOR ANY MAKE OR MODEL Phone pei ow 3 J 930 MATT rides For Sale "51 {nig Petrie lg ay 19 cag diately sought the members of 64--Specials at the Stores. Same at 68 Johnson street. ~~ = G. A. PALMER inds repaired by ex- (LL ey Pra vr i IRL 2.600--Bungalow, ¢ rooms, 3 1" Queen's Athletic Board for light on| $5--Wearing jbrarel. GLASSES--Lost, Tortoise Shell, on Sai- Pi oiischanics. "1. A. Sterling, 203] Jour, O7der any sive, any renvoat: (bath. eectric lights, good garden, Hane the matter. Professor Manley Bak-| °0--'anted--To Buy. usas a ght, Finder pienso Teturn a2 USED CAR & BALVAGE CO, SE hows BH AORg 1215 ing. Frontenas Ma iress Company, 377] of way. ROOMS FOR RENT Reward. -- COR. BAGOT AND QUEEN STS, ---- airing 2 NO Seusre a 50d conden, iso] $3i700--Frame. 7' rooms, Improvements, dark grey felt, between UPHULSTERING -- Covering buttons stove, tables and other household ar-| PoPle, west-ena. er, a member of the Board, told the $1--Rooh ih DLN Whig that-the report was correct. S3--Kaoims Witheus Board. HAT---Lost, "Mr. Awrey Is confined to his 69--Hoomg For Housekeeping, Centreville and Reidvilie, A Oetubes . made to order in all popular shapes ticles. Apply 222 Division Street. $3,500--Brick V., 7 rooms, 1 ; . 70---Vacaticn Places. 26th. Will the finder kindly leave and sizes. Uphoistering and repairing SCALES -- Canadian Toledo honest) electric 1 . 3p. home under a doctor's' care," he| TI WE are he Dae h D. B. Floyd, Tamworth. done. E. J. Goodridge, 244 University welght, no springs, also mumbo ns henhouse, Et large lot, stadle a sald, "with a very serious attack of | 12--Where To Shop in Town. BD a, Dek Ham Bag PHOS Ton me MI <3 Turns | Second-hand Dayton and Bramford 00a A §--Wanted--Rooms or Board. contain ©; ur- NG---New or us rni- Seales. . ' Z hmmatory rheumatism. The Ath-| 73 eh oT as OF RENT ing Kihgston Fair. Owner may have ture; work guaranteed. Call or drop a ey FT Sterling, 209 Princess st. all SDridie, semi detached, 10 rooms, Committee will carry on tom-| 74--aApariments and Flats. . same by applying to Mrs. Bruce Rob- . card. W. J. Gavine, 216 Bagot street. BIDEBOARD--Biack walnut and other] oo. ly in his absence." 76--Business Places For Rent. _ertson, Napanee, R. M. D. 2. ~~ UPHOLSTERING--ANd general repair-| artiolew. ail in good condition. Ap-| HOUSES--To rent, $22.50, $20.00, y e. : 8 p , , $15.00, Comin, 76--Farms For Rent MONEY---Found, corner Princess Street . Ing. Leave orders at or 2rep a card| ply Mrs. Youlden, No. 8, Sydenham | oming at such a critical time of and Bath Road. Owner may have to F. W. Harold, 104 Clergy Street. Dara cnt " BATEMAN'S REAL ESTATE the season, with the titular game A r Bicycle, 32.00 cach: Tiles with Varsity on Saturday, the unfor- same at Palace School Concession St. aaa ng money. on| roarages--Autos for Hire--Taxi_14 Tailoring and Pressing 30 RA aL "ack: Tile 189 Wellington Street. B- ¥ ent. E--Found, containing money, on : -- cok do Hu --Summer Places For Rent. Alfred street. Owner may have same Ralls AGE--Dally Service, Kingston SUITS--Try my Cheviot Serge Suits, baby capriages repaired. Muller's --Bath. Leaves Bath 8 a.m. standard good value, tailored on the spot, not| cle W ks, 371-3 King Street. Phone 1 8 o tunate illness of George AwrlJy has s1--Wanted--To Rent. at 154% Pine Street. : LX caused a great stir in the city and eB 8 PURSE--Found, small black on Ear] time. aves .m. t factor: rices; reasonable for lad-| 1961w./ AL ES OR SAL ound, small black, on Earl at | Y, prices; reason r 1a A961w. SL REAL ESTATE FOR SALE dard time. =~ F les" and gents' cleaning, pressing and| WOOD And Yamber.. PIa0o Jour Br. | meri i college circles. It is doubtful If he| R triers in Real Estate. Street, Saturday afternoon, containing | $ n . small change. Apply Whig Office. E ot Ki freight at, reasonable *!'€rations. Your own materials made ders now with W. C. Talbot for hard HOUSES--Farms and. | 0 ade fs 4 ~ Will be able to return to his work| 82--Business Property. Spsedannlita up. Frank Owles, 196 Colb 8 B §3--Farms and Land For Sale. = 8. Henry Calver, Proprietor. P. B es; oihorne St, during the football season, according | si monres bor Sale, Automobiles ! heli hear McDonald School. id] Saharines Street, or at the yard, Con-| Toundi 8 district: mma - Repairing--8ervice Stations 16 | TAILORING-- Repairing, cleaning andj cession sireet, near Division. mention. FOr particulars amg to all reports, om BOY For Sale Automobiles For Salo 11 | ee o_o pressing; alterations neatly and care-| ==------x-- : No announcement has been made, ST--Buburban Fer saict > STUDEBAKER BUS-- Excellent, en. | AUTOMOBILE PAINTING --And finish-| fully done. R. Alexander, 118 Brook Barter and Exchange 51a !lsoni Real Estate, Uptown P. 0, by the Queen's Athletic Board as to| s¥--Real Estate Fort Exchange. body; 20 comfortably:| pio. SRocialty. Also Piano and Fur-| Street. TIAVE--You an Sulomchiie soo wear) = er me | 9--Wanted--Real Kstate Y; T Yi! niture Polishing. Gordon Young, shop! ---- HAVE--You an automobile you would "rots For & successor to cdrry on in Mr. Av-| I sal aaiate. ---- : mechanical condl-| Queen street, rear of Abernethy's Shoe Empl like to trade for an 8% investment. i ots For Bale 's abs bi i $80 for quick sales. H.| Store, or phone 1876w. _Employment Apply Box 1-19, Whig Office. LC 'orner of Centre and Unica Tey's absence but a man will very learning. The Tri-color captured the ott. CHAIN ee our special displ t tet Re ER | = "Radio Eauipnerc: az. | Drees. Apply to 1 3 Cooke, nian S--See our sp splay © Help Wanted--r'emalo 32 Radio Equipment 62a _Bank of Toronto Bullding. ' likely be selected shortly. honors in 1004 5 . 8 and the last time Dreadnaught Chains. si for all me ios . ' k gat Bros. corner | CHAMBERMAID -- Middicaged Woman RADIO--Conan Doyle's "Sigh of ihe mmm they played in the Canadian champ-| A NATIONAL DIVORCE Sores preferred, also pastry cook. APPIY| "Four will ve broadcasted to-morrow rontenac Hotel evening, 7.45. You'll want to hear this. RELA ad full benent from < -- { 3 MOMASTER HERE TO | onships was in 1894, when they were MEASURE FOR THE U S = Sem a ee anisole -- aaa yo PLAY QUEENS lll. beaten, 8 to 7 by Ottawa College. "Be CIR art. To <Ioi Princess S¢77| Gata Canada Radio Stores quality re-| Slasaified ad. ey Sad teien Sb---- e Queen's won the Dominion classic in ---------- TT PT A olonlV omtior. | em ae Le number 1s used. To The W "s Club F 18 | GIRL --Youn nart, steady employ. Carry Strong Team in Quest | 1893, defeating Montreal in the final, 6 VWwomen ub Federation a Service, 14 Market| JNeUt. ADPIY 204 Princess Street. Rooms For Rent : 29 to 11. Queen's represent he Prepare eas Ising, Auditing, Pub-| WOMAN-- Good, to take cha eof Tome . AUTOMOBILES of Junior Intercollegiate O.R.F.U. Rue on > Ruiod as Be Measure for the lic Stenography, Verbatim Reportia children; references required, TE ory ___Rooms For Rent "| -- i Title. the Tri-color won the Intercollegiate Next Congress. - on a yl 18 ra vet, ses | BEDROOM --Comfortably furnished, al-! . . I Soft wood. Orders taken at § St rent in all par ger. Phone | -------- = 80 study or siting r , In beautiful | title they did not play for the Can- PE eth A Help Wanted--Male 88| modern home, suitable for ro tifa Heavy Hauling and - Washington, Nov. 8.-- Preparation CARPENTERING-- Re-modeiling, job- BOY--Smart, to help In tore and d man or man and wife. Apply Box * The McMaster University team |adian championship, and in 1904, an Of a bill establishing national mar. | bing hardwood floors a speciaity. Call| tiers appr tho Martin, Ltd, $73] Bei, Whig Office did oving " jarrived in town this morning and|cther year they were successtul. |. zo and divorce regulations Yor i Dives Ard A. B. Sedgwick, 305| Princess Street. : . BOARD AND ROUMS--Firat glass, with = ritish- r ho-| Canadian finals were not played. Ag oR ns Tor In- | University Avenue. Elen MBN--A¢ once, with rubber boots, for| ll conveniences; table hook separate- By large Truck. Makes work put up at the B American ho- e play > MEN--A¢ once, with rubber boots, for P ; . This afternoon they meet Queen's re ot troduction in the next congress, was | CARPENTERING--Jamss Selby, ,0n-| work a short distance from the city | 1¥ if desired: rate reasons e. Apply| | ®88¥. Why not try it? The largest IL. at the Richardson Memorial MONTREA Is TO HAVE announced yesterday by the General teen 83 Livingston Avenue. Phone Call in the evenings to 301 Barrie St. 298 University Avenue, near Brock St. Sapacky ruck in Kingston at your » rosa "Stadium in a sudden-death game for | Federation of Women's Clubs. CARPENTERING--And cement Work | SHOW CARD WRITING--VFor us. Make ROOMS-- Furnished, for light house- ' you esl 420.07 113, He Tanior far or aaen suite. for POSSIBLE PLAYOFF| Provisions of the bill would make | by contract or day. First-class work money at home, $15 to $60 paid week.| Keeping, gas for Davi. Dr the junior og P: -- marriage more difficult, and would | 3} Jeasonable prices. F. W. Smith,| ly for your spare tiie writing show c avis y Dock Co. ship, and it 4s going to be a hard- 37 York Street. cards for us. No canvassing. We in-| _P. 8 In Event of Varsit Winning | 2llow divorce on one of five grounds, | § R BOAT TO HIRE--Parties to| Struct and supply you with work. UE, fought contest. \ 9 enumerated as follows: Infidelity. | 'hensive SoA Pr bnS Sounds." Apply| West-Angus snow Card Service, 17 | ------ The Visitors tarry 4 Strong team, From Queen's in Satur- incurable inetnity, abandonment for |. W- Sparling. Phone 1180s PPIY| JISiAn€us Bow Ca . ally located BUSINESS sSEMVICE apite the fact three ' == sine = = on Dest men have heen put on day's Game. ome year, cruel and inhuman treat- | WHY--Not be a member of the Auto-| Solicitors, Canvassers, Agents 35 : w -ment, or conviction of an infamous | Movlle Legal Associa'ton, and AGHENTS--Make §10 dally taking orders| APARTMENT No. z ound _ floor, . Kent Macnee the shel tor he Yeu Syyoueh ia. It is generally agr reed in Intercol- | crime. agr¥ice ue the be § lawyers for new OB, oY of Canada" con- Winston Apartments, 56 Earl Street. Bank of Commerce Bullding, Brock a ag Canada ted ning over pages; 150 illustr: eated and supplied with hot water. | | and King Streets. Ph Sm. pry legiate circles that, in the event of| Once granted, such a divorce ! for I than Off} Se anory Sf Canada trom earliest 1 ie possession. General Insurance Agascy. two 1m . Oe istmas| FLAT Furnished, for rent, ali conveni-| | Writin mca aati, ra riccl other men took the count so Va EL rsity winning from Queen's here [would be valid in every state, bi is concerned. Ip the , but ee 100, Book BIb ; , : : playing of the season McMas- next Saturday, the playoft match | nefther party to'a divorce would be ! bik profics; po siven: Trorght paid: ry Be W. Sutin: real Sterate, ci 'Represonitbn. only Tellable com- yom Varsity III 3 to 0 ana| "ill De in Montreal. Although thls | permitted to remarry until one year Satluaive ton TorY; Outfit free; act all" Jonuwon street. * 7] | antes. Ml them 7 to 7. They also defeat. | 1005 Ot seam desirable from some |after the interlocutory decree was NO--iLad > igaton Dept, C, Torente, JOKNSON STREET, 116--Unfarnished| - ¢ angles, considering the weather |granted. , olear pressi FOR MEN OF VISION -- On Tuesday| fiat, hardwood floors. and hot water BH " conditions in the Quebec city late| The bill would provide also that XK done. ; fen Scientine 'Salem ta MEE COURS i FHL. Usmodiaty possessivs. Fhions Veterinar In the season and the long run to be | appMeations for marriage licenses be | ling BAGhY Se faoterari ng. AC the end of five -- Businoss Fiaces For leat 73 MURPHY, J made by both teams, especially Var- [posted two weeks prior to the cere- La natiuctiune uo, ro Te LODGE ROOMS--Room. es Janta DR. H. . B.V.Se sity, it is nevertheless logical that | mony. 4 to advantage by earnjng for them- ~--formerly occupied oy ine oe Vetsrinary 8 ag on the McGill fleld should get the play- ------e ne a. oH rk ra fina APPly to Cunningoam and Smith. 650 Princess an Kingston. Off between the other two teams in Confidence Game Arrested. making aad remodeling. Houses For Rent 77 'orden has built up athe senior intercollegiate, Montreal, Nov. 8.--Sought by the tand to lose ¥ HOUSES Nos, 41, 45. #5 Concassioar or. EN -- 18 & hard ove to beat and| It Will be remembered that when | Minneapotly petice. jor the Inst three By 'king us wp in "Chis ARS | Brann each 01 an ge ion BE. 3! 'y confidence in the boys.| Varsity and McGill played off two | months, a man who gave the name Fale, aa genius de a ee. Hf mi abe , People may remember Mr.|Y®ATs ago the game was awarded to | Of Sam Herman, and later, accord. 4 pila you. if you wiil,'in Sve Se Ly M. Susman. Phone 95sw. ® Dressing Tec re Js Queen's grounds after a lot of dis-| Ing to the Montreal police. way so: of 'making sore of &| LIVINGSTON. AVE room house, 3- i one vance super- - Tie seat in the class begining nex; Ti bath, the Dominon Chautau-|€ussion, on the same basis, Queen's | tified as Louis Ackerman, was ar. . telephone 1114 or cali Royal Bark] Bos Bardi. Fosacsion paelEhe and Prom 50 lo 18 per ceft. be- ton in this| being the third senior intercollegiate | rested Monday night in theatre als. ; ms, 2 GC Chambers, Hoom i. | Der. ADPIY 25 Livingston Ave. All Jow Watutactyrer's Prics, Here the past summar.. rounds, : trict. He is wanted In Minneapolis , : ort % 4. chasic! Ea ; that will take the field] Should Varsity win here on Sat.|O0n & charge of securing by a con- ! nted. or 'We e, Queen's to-day is as follows: |urday the McGill officials will at | fdence game the sum 'of $5,000. ange. : ia floors. et Mi urk wing, K. Stiver; halves, M.|once have their tickets printed for oes eae RA AU bra io: ! at PHONE 108, --p ak 8, W. Hughes and H. G. Doo-|the playoff match. Prices as sug- 989400000000 049 Kentucky Cannel Coal Hah ent i 7, Eo 1 VETS nn on : HARD AND SOFT SLABS 1 CITE and BITUMINOUS COALS PRICES NORMAL Es ii Hl * eral admission $1, and rooters'|® Gilbert McKelvey, "Red" McKelvey, of football team, met with an unfortuh- |8te mishap while playing with the : t Kingston Collegiate team against this Queen's juniors on Monday when ha know how to had his nose broken. He is getting on. seat of | along nicely. a 2

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