* ' SATURDAY, NOV. 25, 1922. 7 THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. ------ 10 DEVELOPMENT Se THE LEAD PLATE STORAGE BATTERY. In the lead cell type of battery the plates are made of lead in the form of a grid. Each plate con- tains many tiny cells, like honey- comb, often called by the name "grid." 'Into these honeycombed cells {8 heavily nresced or forced; 8 mixture of red lead, litharge and sulphuric acid. When two plates thus prepared are immersed in an electrolyte. consisting of a 20 per cent sulphuric acid solution, and an electric current passes between them hydrogen will accumulate on the, plate from which the current leaves the cell. thus in one plate the active. material is reduced to A spongy lead and in the other the sams materia! is being changed to lead peroxide. as it takes up the oxygen The cell now contains a lead peroxide plate, called the (+) and a spony lead Men's hearts ought not to be set Against one another but with each other, and all against the evil thing yaly, . plate called the negative (--). After the charge is cut off. as- suming that it is fully charged. if the cell is in a circuit a current will flow in the opposite direction to that by which it was 'charged. The cell upon completion of the full charge should show a voltage on open circuit of approximately 2.2 vplts: this. however, will drop quickly to about 2 volts. As the battery fs discharged the voltage will gradually fall. The dlscharge should never be carried below L75 volts. The container of a lead cell must be of a material sulphuric acid will not attack and is usuvally of either glass or hard rubber, de- pending upon whether it is of the portable or stationary type. The negative plates appear gray and the positive reddish In color. (Continued. in next issue.) The blessings of immunity, safe- guard, lberty and integrity which we enjoy deserve of a whole life. Almost every radio experimen. ter makes 'more or less of his Own apparatus, at ieast he as Embles a ave part ol it. If is finished set Ao ppeas hs and work smoothly, ¢ fe tering intc its construction must be of a nigh degree of accuracy and uniformity. A switch would appear at first glance to be a comparatively small item of consideration, but A poor switch or irregular con- tacts may ruin an otherwise well built set. The illustration shows a switch that is designed for panel mount- ing, and is so constructed that re- sults and permanent efficiency are assured. As illustrated, the coil spring tension insures sufficient Mlexibility for smooth operation, 3 with the editor by mail? Pur. We bave against environment, the thanksgiving | only medium through to work out the real life within. Wihen a man is no longer anxious to do better than well, he is done for, much to eay for and | yet it ds the [great wealth and they are undutify! which we are children, for they sink wealth down APPARATUS % DEVICES By RALPH BROWN, Rabio ENGINEER ROTARY LEVER SWITCHES. : 7 ® parts en- When assembling the coil spring should be drawn as tight as pos- sible: this places the bearing strain on the face of the panel and not on the shaft. Will readers interested in these radio articles 'kindly 'communicate ~ Great wants often proceed from to poverty. Adversity leads the wise to pros- perity. [ony Tr ------ ---- nN Sn, Will Your Boy Be Educated? Of course he will, Because "real" man, When he gets what pleasure and parents, holding them in high LIFE INSURANCE IS "THE WHEN EXTENDED TO ITS HIGHEST. FORMS OF ¥ LOVE THAT NEVER DIES," AND HILDREN REACHES ONEOF, satisfaction it will bring to you] you want to see him grow up to be a out into the world and makes his mark, afterwards pay honor to their YOUR CHILD. EXERESSION, Py A MILITANT CLERIC. Strenuous Work to Make Schools More Efficient. It is a fine thing to be a radical Conservative. This is merely another way of saying that the Rev. "Bob" Dickiv, ene time 'Varsity undergrad, presently pastor of Knox Crescent Church, Montreal, has succeeded bet- ter than most of us In filing himself out and building himself up to the full measure of a man. There is noth- Ing of the "cloister's stillness and seclusion" about Rev. Robept William Dickie, B.A., D.D. He was born at Hyde Park, Ont, on January 25, 1873, the son of George Dickie and Allle McDonald Ontario Presbyterian divine, the Rev. A. D. McDonald of Seaforth. He im- bibed the elements of his education don Collegiate and 'Varsity. By '94 he had got about 'all that Toronto to give him and wandered over to Edinburgh--that home of Presbyter- Ism triumphant--where he put a brillant polish on the educational structure he had erected. In 1898 he was back in Canada again and had started on his life's work as minister of St. :Andrew's Church, Orangeville. In 1903 he turns up at Brandon--which in those days was considerably less of a place than it is now, Brandon held Kim for five years, but the call came to him and by 1909 he was ptioting Knox Church, Miontreal, one of the biggest Presbyterian churches in Eastern Canada, and has beea in charge there ever since. The work of providing first-class education for the Protestant English- { speaking minority in Montreal is the one job which has taken Dr. Dickie's time, outside of his strenuous pas- '| toral activities. In 1918 he was made president of the Protestant Board of School Commissioners and cleared away many cobwegs. He believes in happy schools, where the teachers have good working conditions and the children find their school a com- munity center and a thing of beauty. Rumor has it that on the threshold of his ministerial career, '*'Bob" Dickie resolved never to wear a gown, never to read again his Hebrew Bible and never to give up family prayers. But some ladies gave him a beautiful gown and he has to wear it. The other resolutions fared better. -------- The Duke Was Floored. Like all public men who have had military training, the Duke of Con- naught has a keen eye for medals and decorations. He can tell at a glance what every bit of ribbon 'means, and usually has some com- ment to make on campaigns of other days when he meets an old soldier proudly decked out for formal inspec- tion. On one gecasion, however, the duke was at fifst puzzled, then hopeléssly at a. loaf to identify a certain medal. It Sha) ed when as Governor-Gen- eral'of Canada, he paid his vice'regal visit to Western Canada, this includ- ing a call at Prince Rupert, then only emerging from the boom state. Included among the ex-service men drawn up for inspection was a gris- sled stalwart who sported a solitary medal off his manly chest. There was no ribbon, no bar, no clasp. The writ- Ing could be distinguished only by close scrutiny. The Governor-General happened to halt in front of this man, glanced curiously at the bit of metal, and said: "Ah, you served in the--er--* A slight pause for the wearer to Aupply the desired information, but the stalwart was much too flustered to speak. He just gulped. Under ordinary circumstances the duke would have passed on, but he Dickie, daughter of a famous Western ' at the "Little Red Schoolhouse," Lon- | we Dressed Spruce New stocks of select grades from the best mills in Quebec and New Brunswick. ALLAN LUMBER (0. VICTORIA STREET. "Phone 1042. Will There Be a Radio In Your Héme This Christmas ? . Everybody has gone wild over this pew and greatest of home entertainers, and we know you will too. Drop in some evening, and have a private demonstration or If you prefer we will put a set in your home on trial, Our several yvearw experience in RADIO enables us to sel] only goods we can recommend, at prices you know are reasonable, Let's get acquainted. THREE REAL BUYS U. 8 Tool Vernier, "A" Ad- The new binding post rata bl Yen Variabl ustable ones ---| Variable Condensers rd) 8000 ohmna, 3 Fiug-2-Pouty $18.00 patr. 24 plate. 45e. a pair, MAIL ORDERS ALL PREPAID. WRITE. CANADA 10 STORES 309% Princess Phone 1307J, Radio 3AAY, Kingston's First and Oaly Exclusive Radio Supply House "A , Personal Greeting Cards 3068-10 KING STREET, KINGSTON, Large and select assortment to choose r from. Order now. = High-Class Printing of Every Description. BRITISH WHIG JOB DEPARTMENT ONT. PHONE 48, A" ELECTRIC WELDING in our shop has reached its highest state of perfection, and We guarantee results achieved by our specialists. Welding of metals under our supervision produces genuine economies by avoiding replacements of parts, delays, etc. Bishop Machine Shop KING AND QUEEN STRERTS Prepared Bitinumous Coal for use in Furnaces, Quebec Heaters and ; anges © $15.00' PER TON SOWARDS COAL CO PHONE 155. UP-TOWN OFFICE: McGALL'S CIGAR STORE ~ PHONE 811, had mitted himself to b in- trigued by that medal, and he would not be satisfied until he had it identified. "May I ask in what campaign you received that medal?" he finally inquired. "Cer-certainly, my lord duke, cer- tainly," came the blurted reply. Another pause, and then the duke put the direct question. "In what part of the Empire did you win this?" "In New Westminster, my lord duke," came the unexpected answer. "In New Westminster? I don't re- call any recent fighting in British Columbia." "Oh, this isn't a fighting medal. I won this in a singing contest!" Our Hardwood. With a shortage of hard coal threatened throughout - Ontario, many persons are turning to wood a8 a source of fuel. The question of & more general utilization of our hardwood resources for this purpose is discussed in the following para- graph from the Canadian Forestry Association: Canada has a superabundance of hardwoods, but the bulk of the sup- Ply grows in districts not accessible by railways or roads, and hardwood cahnot profitably be transported by water owing to the heavy percen of what is called "sinkage." T cutting and marketing of :bardw: fuel has seldom been a satisfactory or profitable business except for the farmer owning a wood lot near his market. So long as anthracite can be secured it seems improbable that our ised for fuel he tan hae or purposes. cord our finest hardwoods, beech, birch and maple, is barely equal in heating Power to a ton of the best anthracite, "2 N GRAVES BROS. PLUMBING, TINSMITHING, STEAM HEATING, HOT AIR AND HOT WATER HEATING All work given eur personal careful attention, - HOUSE FURNISHING HARDWARE 211 Princess Street Phone 332 nn, 4 Street FROST'S PHONE 538 MOTOR OAR REPAINTING The 8ame Superfine Lasting Finish The Best Is the .Cheapest--The Lustre Lasts 209-305 Queen ------r si, CAR We are now fully equipped 'to take care of your Auto Repair needs--First Class Mechanics to do your work, and all work guaranteed Car Washing, any type ........81.00 Gasoline and Oils for Sale. Distilled water always on hand OWNERS ATTENTION STANDARD AUTO SERVICE PHONE 545. ' QUEEN STREET (Behind Standard Office) "THE SHELL THAT HIT GERMANY HARDEST" 'SHELL MOTOR SPRIT THE LAST WORD IN GASOLINE