THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. Diamonds for Christmas OUR STOCK OF DIAMONDS IS ALWAYS CAREFULLY CHOSEN. Pure White Stones in the newest settings. OTHER SUGGESTIONS INCLUDE ~Sflver Miniature |---Attractive strings Mirrors. of Fancy Beads. | e=fiflver Vanities ~--Mesh Bags in Sfl- Pencils ver and Gold. =8ilver B ar|--Shopping Bags in Brooches set with | Fine English Lea- Brilliants, ther. FOR MEN--What is more desirable than a Gift in the Choicest ENGLISH LEATHER, WALLETS, MATCH OR CARD CASES. SMITH BROS. _ JEWELERS, LIMITED 850 KING STREET "SMITH'S, FOR JEWELRY, FOR YEARS" i SS Sen PIANO TUNING Plano Tuning, Repairing and Player Ptino Adjusting. Norman H. Butcher, 27 Pine Street. PHONE 1819w. f Laundry Comfort During the'\Winter it is often found that the basement is not suited for Laundry pur- poses. We have what is called a Laundry Sink, which is a White Enamel Laundry Tub, and a deep Kitchen Sink combined, which can be installed in your kitchen. Space required 4 feet. When the Laundry Tub is not in use there is a cover which closes and acts as a drain board to the Sink. Price, complete . . .... ....$65.00 2 Part White Enamel Laundry Tubs $55.00 2 Part Cement Laundry Tubs . . . . . $28.00 See our Plumbing Show Room for Christ- mas Presents. Gas Mantles and Globes. Decorations Just now we are featuring new Velours- for Draperies in all the warm shades for - winter--Old Rose, Mulberry, Claret, Gold- _ en Browns and Navy Blues. I RUGS, to harmonize with the above | shades at greatly reduced prices. PIANOS and ROLLS--PHONO. GRAPHS and RECORDS SELECT YOUR CHRISTMAS GIFTS NOW ! It is not too carly, and we will store them and deliver at AMA MATER ELECTIONS Postponed Till Monday Next Owing to Final Rugby Game Saturday. | At the alma mater society meet- ing Monday evening nominations for the annual elections were received. The two parties, arts .,and the sclence-medicine group, nominated their candidates. For practically every office there will be a contest. {J. T. M. Wilson, the present vice- | president, is the arts candidate for the presidency, while W. Powell re- presenting the science-medical fac- tion, is his opponent. The following | are the nominations for some of the! major offices, the arts candidate be- ing mentioned first: 1st vice-presi- dent, E. L. Murphy and V. Minnes; secretary, D. B. Taylor and W. A. Henderson; critic, R. G. McKercher and G. E. Flanagan. Principal R. Bruce Taylor was el- ected honorary president by acclam- ation, and Orrin Carson was elected' athletic stick by acclamation. The athletic stick-elect is in the final year sclence and a member of the first rugby team, On account of the rugby game on! Baturday the elections were postpon- | ed until the following Monday. There | will be a mass meeting Friday even- Ing for the candidates to address the | students. | MASQUERADES AS MAN, | GIRL IS SENT TO Jan | Her 8ex Unknown Until She! Raised a How! About Be- | Ing Searched. | Montreal, Nov. 28.--Alice Martin, | a twenty-year-old girl who claims! she is from Winnipeg, was arrested by the Westmount police last night for masquerading in male attire in the company of two Ottawa men, who gave their names as Peter Tru- deau, aged 22, and Rene Oullet, aged 26. When apprehended the trio were loitering under the balcony of a house on Prince Albert avenue. Brought before Magistrate Raddon in the Westmount Police Court this morning, the masquerader received a thirty-day sentence, while her com- | panions, neither of whom had a cent, were sentenced to fifteen days jp jail, with the option of a fine of $20. The girl's sex was not discovered until her strenuous objections to be- ing stripped and searched at head- quarters aroused the suspicions of the polices Westmount authorities described her as "the bummest of the three bums." -------- DOG IN EAGLE'S TALONS. N.Y. Orowds Watch Great Bird De- vour Prey. New York, Nov. 28.--Pedestrians In Riverside Drive paused at 1.30 o'clock yesterday afternoom to watch what eeemed to them as extraordin- arily small aeroplane. It was sharply silhouetted against the clouds at a height of 1,600 feet or «0, and the astonishment of the observers grew As the "machine" apparently hover- ed, a thing that aeroplanes can't do yet, but will when the helicopter has beem perfected. A woman in'an apartment on West End avenue, noticing the sky-gazing crowds, got out e pair of field glasses to gain a closer vlew of the thing that was attracting their attention. What she saw through the binoculars Jed her to tum to a telescope, and then she had revealed to her a most unusual spectacle. : The "aeroplane" was in reality an eagle, riding fletsuvely on the stiff northwest breeze and bearing in t's talons a terrder. Whether it was a small Airdale or an Irish terrier the woman could mot be sure, but it Plainly was a dog, and as she watch- ed she could see the great bind strike with its beak at the ayes of its prey or at the base of its skull, For ten minutes the woman watch. od the strange sight. She lowered her telescope then for & moment, and When she scanned the heavens again the eagle wes dost in the clouds, Bravery of Belleville Girl, Belleville, Nov. 28.--A: a Girl Guides' sacred concert Mere a silver medal was presented .t0 Miss Mar- garet Blaind of this city by the Girl Guides' "Association for saving the life of a child on a retiway track by rushing in front of a train and throw- Ing herself and the child down a bank beside the track. -------------- Fire losses in Canada during hte week ended Nov. 22nd, are estimat- ed by the Monetary Times as $289,- 000, compared with $547,500 the previous week. -------------- PROBS +==Wetinesday, fair and a litle milder. = "THE STORE WITH THE CHRISTMAS SPIRIT" AT THE SIGN OF THE CHRISTMAS TREE Thoughts immediately turn to Christmas and the many friends we must think of. Now is the time to plan your gift-giving--you can accomplish your Christmas shopping NOW without hurry or fuss, and this great gift shop is ready with full stocks of Christ- mas merchandise to assist you. Evening Gowns Evening Gowns brilliant in their new colors and fabrics, are here to in- veigle the giver of gifts. Gowns of radiant Chiffon, Velvet, Glisten- ing Metal and Bead Gowns, Gowns of Taffeta and Georgette Crepe. In this special selling they are far below their usual markings. PRICED FROM.......... $25.00 UP, To wear on Christmas mornin~-a negligee An exquisite, Negligee, soft, graceful and Gay Colored or a bright, warm robe of Velour or Corduroy. There is a delightful assortment with every newest style trend at very special pricings. PRICED FROM.. ,. $4.48 UP. If the truth were known The one gift that will satisfy most any young lady, is a real French Ivory set or piece, and just such an article is to be found in our "Gift Shop' --popularly priced. PRICED FROM...... $1.25 UP. Selecting the right Tie For the right man--each Christmas proves it's seldom done. We are braving fate and have a counter where women may consult our Neck- tie experts. Christmas Necktie stocks are now complete and early in- spection will disclose a wealth of neckwear for the masculine mem- bers of your family. ; PRICED FROM. :.... 50c. UP, A man and his Shirts Have a peculiar bond between them. 'We bre placing our entire, new stock of Christmas Shirts on special sale. We are rather proud of the collection and can assure you the recipient of one of these smart, new Shirts will indeed be a proud man on Christmas morning. PRICED FROM....... $1.50 UP. »" Have you visited our new gift shop? IT IS NOW COMPLETE WITH MANY ATTRACTIVE GIFT SUGGES- TIONS AT POPULAR PRICES. \ "SANTA CLAUS IS COMING We have completed all arrangements to give him a rousing reception on his ¢ val Saturday next, between 12.30 and 1 o'clock. oy