Daily British Whig (1850), 28 Nov 1922, p. 6

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THZ CAILY BRITISH WHIG. Fobilaned Dally sad Semi-Weekly by & BMITISH "WHIG PUBLISHING €0., LIMITED «ono. Bditor and naging-Director TELEPHONE Exchange, tonneeting all 88 c.cevscen sessennns tion, i yaw or FO pk cessrsees 9100 tes ......91.00 'RESENTATIVEY: Fhempton ... 100 King Bt. We. paid! . Mditor are published sctuni mame of the of the Dest job Canada, WHIG is authenticated by the ABO Audit Bureau of Circulations _ Halt a ton, halt a ton onward--- toward spring -- ---- Another record-breaker speed of experience. - is the Too much of the midnight ofl that 1s burned now is gasoline. France is getting back to normai. Another cabinet crisis looms, A lucky star is one who gets a lot of publicity without any divorce in it Still, the gnashing of teeth here- after won't be any novelty for the gum-chewer. aerio-------------- . From the number of hold-ups re- ported, these are the lead-piping times of peace. ---------------- A cultured man is one who has a jot of information that isn't worth anything to him. "LA republic is a place where every fow years give citisens a new set of rulers to curse. Fable: Once there was a garage mechanic who was too sensible to Wse pliers on a nut, The new government in Italy has one political advantage, Black irts don't show dirt. A man makes a much more satis. factory guest. He never 100ks about the ceiling for cobwebs. Correct this sentence: 'The plates were not hot, sir," sald the waiter, "and this tip Is too large." Merely finding the gulity won't discourage crime; the important thing is to find them guilty. When Kemal points a 'gun, the Allies must choose between sticking b ~~ together and sticking 'em up. It {sn't so very difficult to get into a union suit if you have some tal- ' eum powder and a shoe horn. " The man who sald variety is the wplte of life never had to change fires three times in.one day. ~ He isn't wholly satisfactory as » husband unless he gives her fro- quent opportunity to feal abused. Walking 1s cheaper, of course, but it's worth the difference to be¢ in the taxicab instead of under it. _ Even regret has its compensations. The greater your remorse next . morning, the better ice water tastes. This age will be remembered by the altitudes reached by flyers and the platitudes spoken by statesmen. Well, weather is about the only ing you can talk about without foul of some listener's pre- In the old days, greatness was a ter of being in the front rank: it is a matter of being on the -- HONORING HIS MEMORY. lows in the corner to the land of fos- In" his address following the no- | gotten things. mination proceedings in Ontario | For the parlor was never a Canaa- hall yesterday, Mayor Corbatt | {an sort of institution. It was un: struck a popular chord when he call- | comfortable. The shades were drawn ed upon the peopie of Kingston io | the better part of the week, and honor 'the memory of a big man, | there was too much sanctity about who, when mayor and president of | the best rug that adorned the room. the Liberal Association abolished | The big family Bible on a red plush party politics from municipal af- { table scarf, the family album leaning fairs. He had reference to the late | up against tie mantel, and the fram. Major J. M. Mowat, during whose | ed portraits of the rich, revered termr of office the new policy was uncles frowning from the sombre adopted. For himself, Mayor Cor- [walls--who could feel at ease In bett declared that he would foll)w | their company? that policy and that he believed the | It was Hobert de Cotte, a seigneur people of this city should "carry on™ | of the time of Louis XIV of France, the splendid work so ably inaugurat- | who was respousible for the intro ed by Mr. Mowat. duction of the parlor. It was the That, we believe, is the wish of | room set aside from family use, and the great majority of the electors. | proper only for state occasions or They have no desire to see politics | the entertainment of visitors. reintroduced into council. There is | Canadian homes could not forever only one way to prevent it. That vs | brook such a symbol of exclusives to leave at home the candidates who | ness. The living room is one aboat appear on the Givens-Sowards plat- | which the fondest associations of form and whose names are published | home gather. There the family daily in a balf-page advertisement | comes together of an evening, in the Standard. These are the men |sprawling as it will on chalrs, who are in favor of bringing back | couches or the floor, unabashed by the old party régime. Ald. Angrove, | antimacassars and gilded brick-a- mayoralty candidate, repudiates the [brack. The death of the gloomy, sab. charge that he is the nominee ef tha | batical parlor brings not a sigh. Glvens-S8owards Municipal Party, | but his name appears very promin- | ently In the advertisement and fs | displayed in large type on the win- | dows of the party's headquarters. | His disclaimer would be much more | effective jf he insisted on the remov- | ---- al of his name. Why does he not do | You've Met This Bird. so? | I wish that gabby gink could learn y i That he would be less of a bore We have been making some pro- |, ia give his tongue a rest And work his brain a little more, ---- Observations of Oldest Inhabitant. Bente * ALONG LIFE'S DETOUR | BY SAM HILL years. It would be a pity to revert ings were more in evidence than the city's interests. "If you want to turn back the hands of progress, vote for { gress as a city durir; the past ov | | to old conditions, when party bicker- | | Families used to scrap over the | name they would give the new baby. | Now they «crap over the name of the | new car they Watt to buy, | BIBLE 'THOUGHT FOR TO-DAY NEITHER POVERTY NOR! i RICHES: -- Remove far from me vanity and lies: give me {neither poverty nor riches: feed me {with food convenient for me.--Pro- | verbs 30: 8. | SLUNOERS = | Why Is This Wrong? The answer will be found among to-day's want ads. : (What "Blunder" do you suggest?) (Copyright, 1922, Associated Edi- tors). By James Stewart. Postmaster, City of Kingston. The word "City" should not be ased as a part of the address on a letter or package. It does not take much longer to write ut the name of the city, with the province, and it may save annoying delay. Letters which are sealed with a sponge and those upon which the stamps are dampened with a sponge frequently stick together, and if a letter ad- Sinn the Givens-Sowards slate. For the | | He Went, | fe Bake of the city it 1s hoped that pat "What time is 1t?" asked the weary ty bias will be set aside in this elec- | , "0 ines) stifle a yawn. tion and that all will unite to keep | «<r don't know," replied the young politics out of municipal affairs, man, "I forgot to wind my watch and it isn't going.' "But you are, and - that, damned EUGENIO MARRIAGE. quick," came the gruff voice of her father fromthe doorway. At a recent meeting of mdnisters o it was urged that clergymen decline Phonographs or Radio Machines? to perform marriage ceremonies for | (Classified Ad. in New York T'mes) couples who cannot produce centifi- ADDITIONAL capital wanted for enlarging sound manufacturing busi- cates testifying to their good health. neon yielding Very: Food. returns; The support of the movement to de- | r jee: investigation solicited. Z 3134 mand prenuptial examination has | Times Annex. been growing as the realization of the results of hereditary diseases has become more general. It 3s hardly a pleasant subject to discuss, and that, perhaps, is respon- sible for the silence with which it ds . sometimes Song of the Martyr. treated. There is a sinie- There is no use for a husband wish- ter truth én the phrase that the mis- ing he was perfeot. His wife would fortunes and 'the &ins of the fathers | fina fault with him anyway--Sam Hill shall descend upon she third and |!n Cincinnati Baqeirer, ah 5 " . Bo what's the use of wishing, boys, Sour generations," which is attest: or even trying dc. be perfect and by statigtics of insane asylums and | righteous? The Wife can't see your prisons; An allenist recently declar-| virtues and your merits, though they ed that a race of degenerates ds being loom up hes ang gi Whataoever E those you 0 my friends, she's gonna say bred by afflicted with poverty, it's wrong. So do the best you can, disease and instability of character. | 51a sports, don't pine or balk or ory, Marriage is and should be regard- | but Jook for your rewards, may be, in ed as more than a partnership for | the sweet bye and bye. Tom Deming, the propagation of the race, but | Warren Tribune. nevertheless that is the most import- tnt social result. There is no happi- ness, even for the negligent parents, A when children are handicapped in |® T°! Jinks---"85 if she doesn't like It af- mind and body. Certainly, df health [ter she has had it & while she can blame examinations will reduce the number | me for it and make me put up for a of human beings brought into the |"®W one" ---- world to face conditions which are Atter-Eleetion Echo, practically insurmountable, they! The prominent politician, should be required, not by the minis- |" Who was well known to fame, ter, b . _ | Now passes us Without a glance bl a by society, which is respon And we do him the same. le for the future. ~ "Reader. tate 'Nuft Sald-Both Dead. Two speeds met Sia . At a curve that was sharp; And now each plays Upon & golden harp. Men Were Invented To Be Goats. Blinks--""Why does your wife al- ways make you go with her to buy od WHO KILLED ROMANCE? Gems From Guide Book te Success. True happiness lies so much in the about now the new women 1s don | Lrrment a6 suciens 'tt don "| through tasks performed which made ing all the lure of romance from the | success possible. The joy lies In the hearts of men , it is refreshing to | strusgle. learn how Mrs. Carrie Chapman Catt enatly turned the tables by declaring that women will never again' have the same romantic faith in the abili- ty of men since seeing the tragic mess they have made of things with the war apd its consequences. Mrs. Catt further rubbed it in by giving the emancipation of women as one of the greatest two results of the war, the other being the de- mocratisation of the governments of Europe; 'and the address in which she gave this plain talk was made in the former stronghold of the man who thought to Mmit the sphere of women to children, kitchen and church. But this was way back in the days when the women of Ger-| many did not \dare to speak aloud thelr belief in woman suffrage. Mrs. Catt spoke in the reichstag chamber in Berlin, urging the women of Ger- many to unite with other free wo- men to help gain political freedom for the women of France, Italy, Spain and all other countries which N have not granted it to them. Ida Clare, on in, '18 re- Mrs. Catt Is said to be the first Ported by T. P. IL. e foreigner ever permitted to speak jn |, OB: Wires that Ions Lyons, of Dal las, has been divorced from hus. the hall sacred to German polities, | pana and now she don't a -J. BE. F. ----- Dog Has Inside Information. (From the Lake County Times, Ham- mond, ®nd.) LOST--Black and white fox terrier, contains papers of value to owner only. Reward, return to American Trust and Savings Pank, Hammond. ------ Ho, Hum! It's too slow for me--- I will confess-- T'd never get a thrill In play'ng chess. --Cincinnati Enquirer. It it's thrill you want, I'll tell you, by jinks, Just try that old game Tiddle de winks --Warren (Ohio) Tribune. If you'd play game To warm the soul, Just try that old one Crokinole. ~Canton News -- Daily Sentence Sermon, The bird whe wll Hsien to reason never gets an earful of bhnk, you bet, S-- dressed "City" sticks to a letter ad- dressed to another city and should be misthrown to that other city, it is a matter of chance whether or not it will be delivered; and if it is de- livered there is sure to be a delay. Traveling men sometimes fall in- to the habit of using the word "City' as a part of the address, for- getful of she faot that when the let- ter is mailed It will nof be in the city in which they reside, and there- fore delay, and perhaps non-de- livery, is the result, The designa- tion north, south, east or west before the name of the street should always be used, to avoid delay, when it is required as a part of the address. - . I -------------- Our Canadian Question 1 And Answer Corner a was Sir Casimir Zgow- 8 A~Sir Casimir Zgowski was a public spirited citizen of Canada, a Polish exile, who was knighted by Queen Victoria and became one of her aldes-de-camp. He was also the first chairman of the Queen Victoria Niagara Falls Park Commission, a monument to his mem hav been ereoted in the gl the ag tario 'governemnt in 1891. ------------ The total surface of the earth | s 197,000,000 square miles, and 110 000,000 of these are , Oceans, seas and lakes, nm. ------ i ~~ BELLEVILLE SWEET CIDER Just arrived. 60c. per gallon, Jas. REDDEN & Co. "The House of Satisfaction" Phones 20 and 000, BIBBY'S Men's Suits and Overcoats See Our Great $30.00 Ulsters Irish Cheviots, three-quarter Polo Lining, Three-way Belt -- a real beauty for the money. MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S SUITS, $30.00 Beautifully tailored, pure Indigo Blue Serges, Scotch Tweeds and Cheviots. SALE OF BOYS' SUITS AND BOYS'. OVERCOATS AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. KINGSTON'S ONE PRICE CLOTHING HOUSE occupied by | but she is by means the first woman to speak there, as the reichstag has now thirty-six women members, oue of whom introduced Mrs. Catt to, the Women's League of Social Welfare my Santa Claus Is Coming to | Moore's Toyland Saturday Morning, Dec. 2nd The same and original dear old fellow that visited our store last Christmas--The Children's Santa -- AW? = 2 y And Kiddies, he has sent us anoth wireless from his | fala. tion, saying he will be sure to see wow! liek ys "10 O'CLOCK' SATURDAY MORNING, DEE. 2nd. Street to MOORE'S ris load of Toys, where he will speak to the e upstair window. Before he leaves again for > get the rest of his Toys ready, he will tell the will réturn on Saturday, December 9th, and Allen Theatre, where he will every kiddie, and have something

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