N THE DAI ¢ LY BRITISH WHIG Stationery It is a perfect gift for every age. See our Note Paper Department. Also just received Kiwanis, Ma- sonic and Rotary Greeting Cards. R. Uglow & Co. =) "BULDING" AS MOTTO KINGSTON WANS CLUB 'An Able Address Was Deliver- ed on Monday Evening by Hon. E. J. Davis. Hon. E. J. Davis, formerly minis [ter of Public Works tn the Ontario | government, was the speaker at the | weekly luncheon of the Kiwanis Club {in the Frontenac Hotel on Monday levening. Taking for his subject t*'Bullding," the motto of the Kiwanis | Club, the speaker showed how it | could be exemplified in the life of the | individual, in that of a city, and fin- [ally, in the life of a nation, Not the | lcast interesting par: of his remarks | was nis eseertion that a man should |be always building even though ad- {vanced in years, for # wae impossible [to say when a men, enjoying full | physical and mental vigor, might not [continue to perform useful service 'and Increase his efficiency by reason of his rich experience. Glade"one, leader of the Liberal party in Eng- FAULTY VISION may some day cause you to lose your job. Let us fit you with proper Glasses now and avoid this. LJ. Registered Optometrist 140 Wellington St. Opp. Post Now Is The Time to decorate your Lawns and The "British Liberals take steps {owards the reunion of both sections of the party. All parties agree upon the ratifi- cation of the Irish constitution. | For Christmas An Overcoat Watch Someone has called the Wrist Watch for men The Overcoat Watch. This is a good, winter name for it, as every man will appreciate who knows what it means to have ome on when he fis gloved and close-buttomed for cold weather and wants to know the time, Bee our display. Priced from | $1500 up | land at the age of elghty-one, and John R. Booth inspecting his timber |hmits at the age of ninety-five, were mentioned by the speaker as proving his statement. "The motto 'Building' as applied to the lpdaividual implies a respon- sibility to build on a proper founda- tion. Some men there are who will not attend to the foundation, and it 8 our duty to help them to get on the right foundation. For his pur- pose an individual's record must be known as it is a wonderful thing thie personal record, particularly the early record of any individual as the foundation for life's structure mus: be latd in early life. Queen's foot- ball team was not made in a day but by hard training for some years, Too many young men today want to be- 3in at the op. Building in Business. "In a training for business three things are essential; industry, sound bealth and judgment. While health may be regarded as not always in one's comtrol, we know of many per- eons who cut short their careers by misconduct, and who passed out at Kinnear & d'Esterre JEWELERS Princess Street, Kingston thirty. Without judgment success is Mot possible. Young mem who waste time are doing more than throwing away money. They are falling to equip themselves for life. An ex- bert will make more money than one not so equipped. How long should we build? We should continue to DENTAL PARLORS Dr. Nash's 188 PRINCESS ST, KINGSTON We specialfse on Painless Extraction, Latest Pyorrhea Treatment an X-Ray work. To select and give gifts of China in CROWN DERBY, "COALPORT, ROYAL WORCESTER, ROYAL DOULTON, AYNESLEY, Etc. - COMMUNITY SILVER is also always ~ acceptable, Would advise you to call soon while the stocks are complete, | | Orders held until Christmas if you wish. ROBERTSON'S Limited 73Princess St. . tafld just as long as we have physi- cal and mental strength. It is not work thai ehortens life but stagna- ton. I hadrd Gladstone speak as leader af the Liberal party in Eng- land when he was eighty-one years of age. Another example is afforded us In John R. Booth who just recently made an inspection tour of timber limits at the age of ninety-five, Think of the experience that @ man of seventy-five or eighty years has! What is he able to bring into the Process of forming decisions? We all should take a pride in building and enthusiasm is a great thing for with it we can accomplish wonders. "Nation building 1s the sum total of the efforts of the individuals who comprise the nation, and & is the ame with a city. So we see the im- ; [operation ought to be inculoated. | Personally, I think that we ought to have French taught in our schools. | English will always be the dominant {language in business and cc |of Quebec. Then we ought to have | Spanish and German, too, if we are Boing to develop our export trade as WILL TAKE OFF ALL EXCESS FAT 0 ow that there is a gimple, Soa effective remedy for overfat ness that may be used safely and sec- retly by any man or woman who is los- ing the slimness of youth? There is: and it is none other than the tablet form of the now famous Marmola Pre- Siription, knows as Marmol SrsscHiy ou gon) and easily without go- ong sieges of tiresome exercise and starvation diet. Marmola Prescription Tablets are sold by all druggists the world over at ois 0 for a case, Or you can secure them di- from the Marmwola Co. $613 Wood- Juct Mich, on receipt ward Avenue, of price. ally Husiness go. This 33 & spirit that the war was a wonderful accompli ish- ment, nn; Prohibition & Good Thing, "Prohibition is a good thing as it has worked a mirecle in the indus- trial and social fe of the country. We had about 1,600 men working in cur factories before prohibition, and although we had local option there were men without a home because of indulgence in drink. Three years of local option did some good, but pro- hibition is better. One hotel, with- out the bar, least year, paid ten per cent. and provided most satisfactory socommodation, and the workmen are now getting homes. Prohibition is good morally and you are by it bullding a nation. There is one tend- ency all too common and that is ex- 'ravagance. It must be combatted. I don't think anyone should be mean, but there should be more judgment exercised in the matter of the ex- venditure one makes. This is some- thing that should be reflected upon especially by young men, Canada a Great Country. "There is no country in the world today that offers such opportunities to young men as Canada does. We have but to review our record of ex- pansion in manufacturing and ex- ports. There is a continuous growth and 'he future is bright. Our trade has rapidly improved since the war and we are entering upon an era of prosperity. Then we have the finest people in the world. They possess vitality and initiative and by reason of this we have the assurance of con- tinued progress in the sociel, indus- trial and financial life of the coun- try." A hearty vote of thanks was ten- dered to Hon. Mr. Davis by president Noble Steacy on a motion of Ma jor- General Macdonell, seconded by R. E. Burns. ~ Noble Steacy presided and during the roll call the following guests were 'ntroduced: William Sowards, O. V. Smithers, L. J. Bishop, Toronto, J. Moore, « new member, Hon. E. J. Davis, Harry Smithers, Rev. Dr. R. 'H. Bell, L, J. Hamper, William Chap- man, * James Armstrong, fire 'chief, was the booster, and he provided several valuable prizes. The winners wera, W. Y. Milla, M. Hanson, J. M. Camp- bell. Ernest Kerr, musical director of the Montreal Kiwemis Club, intro- duced several new songs and played the accompaniments. It was decided to enter'ain the R.M.C. end Queen's champion foot- ball teams on Monday evening next. The dates for the minstrel show at the Grand Opera house are January 28th and 20th next, | Letters to the Editor | Large Families. Verona, Nov. 27.--(To the Edi- tor): I read with interest your edi- torial under this heading, and the large list of celebrated men that had '|a large number of brothers and sis- and by reason of this knowledge extended their trade "We ought, also, to have civic and national pride in our b LA great example of national pride was foundation of o country. Couples should not delay marriage for want of money, but should get married to make the home. Some people suffer more by postponing marriage than do those who marry early. The home is not meade by money but by the people that live in it, and I can re- call a very humble beginning mysélf. It is mecessary 20 cultivate a public spirit, by that I mean the willing- mess ou the part of people to co- operate in measures for general good. Today we find a disposition on the Tart of the people ¢o look to the = county council or the government in -- matvers . | New Footwear 15 | 1 mn ion. . Call and For the present ool Women's Grey Buck Oxfords--toe caps, saddle and back sta Putt Colt or Brown Ki with style, comfort and quality. This pattern represents one of the stro tendencies in y's inspect them. trimmed shoe fash- Allan M. Reid' SE SAEEER i E j they could very well of themselves. I ¢ H ; § r ; : i i £ 41 a kt i § g Z A f r Ek : ® ¥ ters. I write this note just to add one more example, which I wonder- ed you had inadvertently omitted. I refer to the Rev. John Benjamin Wesley, M.A., "sometime fellow of Lincoln College." He was certainly a very cléver and remarkable man, and he was nearly the youngest of a very large family,~being the seven- teenth of the nineteen children of the Rev. S8amuel and Susannah Wes- ley, of Epworth, Lincolnshire, Eng- land. ~--JAMES LAWSON. WOMAN DRIVER AVERTS A SERIOUS ACCIDENT Turned Car ' Suddenly When Lad on Bicycle Got in . Her Way. on Monday. Good work on the part of a woman driving an auto, pre- ' Sale of Ladies' Evening Shoes ----Ladies' Silver Cloth Pumps, Louis Heels. ----Ladiey' Patent Pumps--Louis Heels, ----Ladies' Satin Pumps. 7 $10.00 to $12.00 values. Clearingat ....... ....... $4.95 ~ ABERNETHY'S SHOE STORE more when he could go back to his old country ho and discuss con- ditions with his former friends. These country folks, he said, are reading and thinking. They cherish high ideals, tempered with practical experience. They come in contact with travelers and business men, and know more of what is going on than the city people. The coutry "grocery parliament" used to be ridiculed, but much plain truth used to be swap- ped in this assemblage of worthies. EXPANSION SALE NOW ON WIth Christmas just around the corner, this great Sale will offer wonder- ful savings te the ear., gift buyer. The shams of modern society do not affect country people much, and they see life about as it is. : a -- steel frames in Art Cre- tones and Green Den am SLIDING COUCHES s = Weven wire top; all Nay Heavy Coll Springs all steel a and durable. All gises. so.88 MATTRESSES All layer felt in faney Art Ticking--built, mot stuffed. All sizes. 1350 0.50 cr Datr™S ot 1 tn. an. ball meun and Ribbon monte In BRASS BEDS LAMPS Floor and Lampe--assorted, ed--14 in. Shades. COMPLETE 913.50 CHILD'S CRIB All steel, white enamel - deep with 8 and drop side, Only $10.00 Table color. SALE PRICE g23.00 with A DOLL CARRIAGES Metal and wood bodies oods. 3 PIECE TOY SETS 2 Chairs and 1 Table only Child's Chatra. Child's Highcheira, Child's Rockera, Childls Commedes-- Only $3.50 each Sets, 4 pleces ==2 chairs, 1 table, 1 set- tee. Only $3.50 $3.50, ga.50, 99.50 PHONE 147. ~-------- Some of the many features in our Big Expansion Sale, James Reid, We pay freights and s tore your purchases. No bramches, KING FERDINAND OF RUMANIA Narrowly escaped death in a rallroad accident recently. REEVE OF WOLFE ISLAND. i : | Dr. William Spankie Re-elected by | Acclamiation on M}anday. Nominations took place at Wolfe Island on Monday, when Dr. William Spankie had the honor of being el- ected reeve by acclamation for his tenth term. The following were nom- Is the Time to Qst Your Watch or Clock REPAIRED L. C. HEMSLEY Watchmaker from R. J. 149 Sydenham St. © Just off Princess A choice farm of 3200 _Scres about six miles from Kifigston on Provincial highway; a good dwelling, five bedrooms, good cel- inated for the council: Stewart Armstrong, John O'Shea, Morray Spoor, John Weir, Edward Payne, John Flynn. John Tarrant was also nominated, but withdrew fis name. : The candidates have until § o'- clock Tuesday afternoon to qualify. Suing For Alimony. A claim for $20 a week alimony and the custody of an Infant daugn- {er is made by Mrs. Martha Ellen Leach, against her husband, Joshua Leach, Kemptville, They were married in February, 189%, ana lived together until August, 1£2%. She claims her husband gradually buters im Canada offer you the mewest Aad best that you cam get in Canadas, conference demand admission to the Near East conference to take part in all discussions. bill passed its second reading in the British house Monday by unanimous vote. lar and cistern; barn 50 feet by 50 feet on stone wall; concrete floors In stables; silo and all | other necessary outbuildings; about 136 acres of deep rich sofl | under cultivation; plenty of wood for fuel; well drained; well Watered and well fenced; a desir able property. This is one of our large list of Ji farms for sale. T. J. Real Estate and Li Phone 3223 or Yioige Taaurascs 8 BROCK STREET Nr Old and New---the oldest tea distri- DALY'S GOOD TEA Get your share of it from MAHOOD'S DRUG STORE Russian delegates at Lausanne The Irish free state constitutional became worse rntil thelr whos life was merely a repetition of quarrel- ling and complaint by the defendant. She says he swore at her and threat- ened to put her and her famiiy out of the house, and at one time even hit her with a chair. She accuses him of being both miserly and of re- fusing to provide sufficient clothing, | fuel or food for his family. Mrs. Leach states that following a visit to Ottawa in June, during which time she was ill, her husband refused to allow her or her young daughter to enter their home and continued to refuse. Leach claims that his wife deserted him. Two Cars BITUMINOUS Egg and | Stove Size Particularly adapted for Hot Air Furnaces and Quebec 515.00 Crawford wor Phome 9, - Foot of Queen 8¢, OT re eh A LITT Points of Sonora Supremacy Qlinms is a musical ine Titensiinnne rT TL LL LLL I TT TO TIT TT) strument that has no pariont ad ire and exclus Seatures than any other phono- graph. FTC TT I TT TET LI ETT COLLIE 1) Note these points of "Sonora" Superiority 1. Sonora fs designed to ay ALL MAKES of dise records ls without extra magnificent tone, which won highest score at the 2. Somora hes Pasiame Pacific 1 a graceful Sonora has design lines, charseteristio of the finest LL LTT TT IY TITTIT TT) sas SUL IIT EE LL TT IT Iv rT LO LL LL LITT]