Daily British Whig (1850), 5 Dec 1922, p. 15

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. | ve That Christmas Present For Her? Turn To "Christmas Gift Suggestions" Business Service ed Merchandise Real Estate For Sale CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING. ig. furniture repairing and re-| Bronze, bred from first prise winning' 4 years old, good cellar, clstern, w : ~~ . - i - . [ ! : i a I TTEERRSITI EE ~ ---- _-- nn amen SER Che Britis h I hig > = : a a eas Repairing SE | Articles For Sale 51 Farms For Rent 76 ! N, ONT. | | CABINET MAKING--AII kinds of wood) TORREY TI sore bred Sasohin | T ACRE OF Tend with frame hous ! . n €liing done. Our repairing is fully stock These are grand birds Can at door, stone barn, hen house, 2 indexed, standardized and popular. | guaranieed, and our prices are mode- fi 1 ed > ' r 1 ' ( ; | Ww Pat "h aii 8 a nish unrelated trios. Apply Joseph ced good with woven wire, § miles zed according to t h h ] St | ids Phone, call or drop a card Arash - ; "ar ity 2 ot i e e ce y ois A y . - Spence, Brewer's Mills. Phone Gan rom city nm provincial highway. Japanese Deity Whose Favor THE BASIL L. SMITH SYSTEM . Oo or | LL, hry gL. 00k, 212 Mentreal Street. anog vg 700. Can be handled on $550 hy : | : 159 : =. WoC ta Row Tor Ie A Trumpour, y 127 Bagot street. | | | | | | . } Tel . | Inc, Philadelphia, Pa, 9 Fl F gr IN all kinds : one 7 y Naturally Is Sought, ! n P : FURXIT FINISHING =Of all kinda{ or monte. Any length destred.] Ehone 104 or 8485 = { All ads. are restricted to their 1 e ou é@ Call and see Driscoll, John} /rite for particulars and price. W. a, | proper classification, and to the giireet. Phone J4§@ = { FP. Good. Parham. : ad : | regular Dally Whig style of type. - . SHO REPAIRING--Qulick vice In WODD--AST Toiber Fiase Sour or. {HE J = SARROLL AGENCY, | The elephant," sald little Alice, who had just come shoe repairing. Shoes half soled and| ders now with W. C. Talbot for hard ST. J heeled, Satisfaction aranteed. R | hid 5 5 Fulton, 374 Princess Soars "| orgoft wood Orders taken at 3 St} 5000-40 acres, an workable, 2 wells CLASSIFIED RATES from the zoo, "is the animal that eats with its long tall Daily rate per line or consecutive in the front.' |! > Ag paired half sii a=ii--t. | Catharines Street, or at the yard, Con-} "and good spring, 4 miles fr r . , SHU tepaired, ha 1- " . om Kings luseriions; Not such a bad observation, though not what you'd 0. Fine work 'done. "bes and Bos, | Session sireet. near Division. Celi, barn, drjve Syems, with goud Minimum charge, Zi cents. call an exact description-of an. elephant. Princess Street, near Albert St WOO i] fee 4 *. hhed, hen house . . " . = Tn - rd D----2 cars best ualit eavy etc. Complete with impiem : Daily rates per Li Chaige. Cian And plenty of people will tell you that the A-B-C SHOE REFAIRING--QuIcK service, 6X-| toed Babe ary and ean ai] Sitex. Plements fre a clan of deities from which phi- | 3 saly *1 4 Classified Section is the part of the paper to which you Dest of material Tosaiable prices and} for heaters and ranges; measure guar. i . ; ell $ stitlon have days Ve > bs 'est of material Loo Or The Veteran| anteed; full cord $12.75; half cord (EAL FARM--In the \osophy, religion and superstitio 1 vay .. « 8 8 turp whenever an emergency turns up. : Shve HRepalr, 218 Wellington Street,| $6.75 while they last. G. G. Richard-} esttown, 197 aren borrowed much of thelr origin. Deaihs--One imsertion, charged, Which is all right as far as it goes--but it doesn't Sother wueen Street. .- = = | Soh. 'phone 11544, * 3 wells and never They are a queer set of deities, | Bifias, Lugsgemeits, Marraiges, 80 far enough! SCALES--Ur all kinds repaired by ex- pasture, also creek, 77 acres good pase ept together from many incongruous | bOu: hsm. allb | o It's true that when you want quick action in buying cons panics. | L. A. Sterling, 8 =e cssrssomses lure and wood land, containing avout ~"gources--Jupanese Shintoism, Chinese | = otices "Ciai ged, $1.00; casn, $1.00, or selling, finding help or a lost article--the A-B-C Ads. SEO WEI Te work doov it RADI FThTER fooms with H.W. neers; double : v ee pai ¥ a] 's © O- t + = Taoism, Indian Buddhism and Brah- cacn lusertion. will give it to you. leusonublie prices; 14 hour service E'| Grana rao Whats on for to-night!l Lytng nog pen, drive house, gara Advertsing videred for (rregular But the real value of these columns and columns of Eliott, $18 Barri reet 5a sTAng ridio concert from Schenec-] "RH JUS Pu nouse y manism. Orientals all, but cosmopoli- | [lsertiuns takes toe une-time inser- . : ar VERY y Stieet" °F tiaflie Street, pear Earl! (aay. 'N.Y, at 745. Selecrions ro ud® Cash payment of $8000 of $lv.v0u.ve, tan Orlentals! | livu ree; BU Wd. beAen TOT (esl LOAD alphabetically catalogued little ads is in the EVERYDAY : : ----pee __-__: | "Poet and Peasant" Give Radio this $4,000 will nandle, : 2 Lauis of four ines. service they can give in helping to satisfy all sorts of Ur STEERING -- Covering buttons| Christmas, - Canada Radio Stores. . They comprise, to give them their Cuulil 8x wversge words to the § saliv fuade to order in all popuisr shapes| -------------- oY y Louk & wants--quickly and economically. and sizes. Uphouistering und rejairing| -- me 1g Jffice Phone 68. full names, Ebisu, Dalkoku, Benten, line. Get i as s Sheistn oh. TR = : * 1 b ceivea by iet it regularly! dc KE J. Goodridge, 244 University ristmas t uggestions Faburopuju, Bashamon, Jurijin and | (iu€ed ada wil be received by : > Ahuenue. Phope 18dud." 0 eminem + Hotes. ish WILE oice witain 6 days from : THE A-B-C CLASSIFIED ADS UPHOLSTERIN New or used furnl-| _ t: Her _ A 2260J and 2240 A full: discussion of their origin and Lhe list Qay ul lhderilon, casi rate WLWAY" THE SAME--IN SERVICE . Saber work guaranteed. Call or drop &| BOUDOIR BLIP ERS --An deal gift -- Will be alhiowed, card. W.J. Gavine, 216 Bagot sireet wonderful assortment of styles and + Attributes would doubtless reveal how | Ags oraered for more than one day ALWAYS DIFFERENT--IN OPPORTUNITY. UPHULSTERING--ARG general Tepalr-| colors, from $1.26 up. L. Abramson, Tm slender a basis the modern popularity and stopped before expiration will - > ielve orders at or drop a cayd| 336 Princess Street. Ouse For Sale ai W. MULLIN a 808 ully be conarged for ibe nutiber of TW ar aan Srop § of these divinities has been reared on, Only ajust- a ox WV. Harald, 104 Clergy Street. - 3 i he AYpeaieq and adjuv 2 RE = Gifts for Him BJ Real Estate ana Insurance Brokers excellent Phone 539w. Their union in one group is the result | iaent made at Lue 1ate earned. 11 Ee ---- as. O -- -- hi & P al than | Mate per line for white space Is J ae Laltoiing and Pressing _80| 5iTH HobEs-- For men, See Di y of nothing more recondite tha The Shoe ar a LE or Spe 3 is your chance! Suits to me&-| quality; an ideal gift. Priced at $9.0 --=¢ee Display Advt. on Page Two. popular ignorance and confusion of Special rale for yvarly advertising dere Sn an 2 Ee re, Benulie bargains. Look! Serge| and $13.00 at Louis Abramson, 336) 10U rooms, With toile: ot Sad 5op 2 a, = = 8 , { upun request. . ¥ 3 with extra pants, §37, while they| Princess Street. ; centrally ko ated; sou o. r ideas. They themselves never chose | upon request. =~. FIERt to edit Announcements Business Service P Street. th of Prin Worshipers at His Shrine, However, Are Comparatively Few Consider. ing His Reputed Powers. Japan's "Seven (Jods of Good Luck" Princess Street. 1228, Radio Equipment 62a | 44.000 worth of umber. House of 19 iouse Phone after six p.m. a pin ss 1 .. Frank Owles, 196 Colborne St. BRACES Have Sant Blaus re cess St. Easy te Y 1 pr Emon | 1080. FY BRACES Have Santa Claus give the 4 ice Y terms. Apply Box F-3, idm Salted, Toes veigo ia an | 20, ieiest ali ciaxsliied advertibing Porsouals. ~~ 9 = Miness Services Ultered 18 | TY SRING-- Hepiiring, oleanlig Wid) boy (Ma first pair of Heaces. (very Wg Otiee,___- Tr em €, for they ha 0 ! "Peder a SKIN BLEMISHES--Halr, Moles, Warts| NTERING-- Re-modelling, job-| pressing; alterations neatly and care-| practical and very Eratitying to his ~\even spokesman among them. Col- | LSiephone 243, ask for a want ad. Birthmarks, Skin Cancers, Scars, Pits, bing, hardwood floors & r eclaity. Call| fully done. R. Alexander, 116 Brock| Vanity. 2bc, 30c. and 3bc. E. P. Jen- >» P m g t k 4, 8 Pp : ? ledtt ly th d nnlal ores =k oy Sma etc, removed permanently. Satisfac-| or drop a card. A. E. Sedgwick, 305 _Street. king Co. = : ______ | BATEMANS REAL ESTATE ectively they command pere hy | > tory Glasses fitted aud furnished afier| University Avenue, TAILORING--Why "walk around In| COLLARS--The gift that is always use- FARMS FOR SALE: - petual and everlasting Interest. Indi d Cl . if . others have falled. Goltre cured with. CARPENTEHRING--Jamew Belly, oon-| Wrinkles? Suits cleaned and pressed.| ful, Kant Krease Collars. Comes In : vidually they celebrate their own festi- In ex to assifications out operation aL years gxperisnce. tractor, 63 Livingston Avenue Phcne Quick service. Overcoats turned, J Quartes Mites and made in the smart. vals and each can boast of an entirely | The following classification headings| Dr. I Zia Yo SBI has! 1130) cite TR in hompson, $4 William Street. Co Poa. . 2 eniing, $1.950--Frame Bungalow, 4 room <| Throat, Skin. 2 & 2 = s, appear in this newspaper in the numer 11357 CARPENTERING--And. cement. work Employment COLLARS Give hima Talf dons orir.] 224,C+ eleotric lights, . close to oar : by contract or day. First-class work| _ P yme . COLLARS--Give him a half dozen of the] tracks. Easy terms. y different group In his train of dev- | PP or a newara). closely allied _301w. House 113 RE-Give him a AIE FTE otees. classifications being grou together, | mmm : at reasonable prices. F. W. Smith, Ra = new uctex Semi-Stiff, 'Unshrinkable On Dalkoku's birthday a few of his The individual advertisements are| lostandFound 10] 51 ieasohable | Help Wanted--remale Collars. Comes in quarter sizes too | +2,600--Bungalow, § rooms, 3 plecs 4 arranged under these headings In ost, gold, cresent, green PUBLIC STENOGRAPHY --Advertising MAID--Goud, for general housework. 2 each. KE. Pp, Jenkins Oo. o bath, eectric lights, good garden, right disciples will worship at his shrine at | aiphabetical order for quick reference. d in centre, Sunday night, in vicin-| oo 0 kg 0 "fatter, ete. Prompt, efii-| NO Washing. = References. Apply 9% JEWELLERY--In fancy gift] ©f way. Azabu and In Osaka. It seems so ' ity of Sydenham Street church, Finder| . o.¢ service. Business service Lures, | [ar Street . pa) A pair of Kum-A-Part Cuff] go -00 BUSINESS SERVICE. i : Newman & Shaw's. " , ayy 7al Rousswork A elvy L ¥ > 1 rery ac-| 33:700--Frame, 7 room i #, " piease return to New 14 Market Street. Phone 8$91J. MALD--ror general housework. Apply nks to match his shirts are very ac i 8, Improvemen strange to say "a few," for of all the | | Reward. rr Ym No. 13, Stan Quarters, K.M.C,, or phone| ceptable. 76c., aml $1.00. E. P. Jen.| 9table, west-end. ie Fe om Lo} n . eee. | WHYNGU be a member of the Auto- J gods In the cycle of Japanese mythol- | Engagements, BELT--Found, off 1ady's coat, picked Up) 15,76 Legal Associa ton, and have tie : Ene go. . $3.500--Brick V., 7 rooms, 3 py DAD---Never wants anything, but these| electric lights, large lot, Dass bay * e an Marriages. | ry ior > Wil- . as gems = | In this material age. Dalkoku, the | on Wellington Street, between rvic »f the best lawyers in an = 3 25: . : eaths | Mam and Johnson street. Apply at| ris Of Gn Dost iawyers in any Help Wanted--Male 83! "Sox will please him Immenaely. All hennouse, god of wealth, should find greatest | 3 JL Mein or arn, ka 232 King Street. o. for less than 2c. a day. Offices;| HOME-WORK--Good Wages. Wo peea| wool cashmere in black and assorted] favor! But perhaps he has not proved | ----Foneral Directors. BRACBLET--Lost, diamond, on Satur-| y Richmond St. i, Toronto. Jou to make sOCKS on the fast, easily-| ovlors. 75¢. K.P. Jenkins Co. #3.600--Brick, semi-detached 10 room himself to be gracious to suppliantg! | 6--Funera] Flowers. day afternoon between 2 and 6 p.m, | === sc ho oe--==== | learned Auto Knitter; experience un- S n Wool or Silk, Always an] 2 improvements, : a Perhaps efficacious influences have not'| 6--Cemetery Lots, Monuments. either at the Richardson Stadium or Cleaning, Dyeing, Renovating 20 | necessary; distance immaterial; posi-| appreciated gift. Priced from 60c. tc SIG aps e 18 | odge Notices. on Earl, Frontenac, Johnson, Barrie HOUSE CLEANING--Time is here. Caly| tively no canvassing; yarn supplied; Louls Abramson, 338 Princess] {{OUSES--To rent, $22.50, $20.00 $15 been felt in result of worshipat his | oming kvents. or Princess streets. Kindly return to] 'at Muller's, 371-373 King sireef, for| Particulars, ge. stamp. Dept. 8-C, } . 199, 00, shrines--or Is it that even he, the god | 9--Personals, 128 Victoria Street, near Johnson 8t. | prices of electric vacuum and Hand| _Audto-mmitier U Torunto. BATEMAN'S REAL ESTATE 159 Wellington Street. . Cc ee a For brothers new Brogue Ox- ' | 10--Lost and Found. EA ING--Found, large pearl, In} cleaners; carpets made over and laid.| SHOW CARD WRITING---b or us. Make , how about.'a pair or two of M Wealth, has ated to live up » i | AUTOMOBILES Bank of Montreal, corner King and money at home, §16 to $60 paid week- smart, ribbed all-wool Heather extravagant standard our present-day | 8 Clarence sireet. Owner call at above rm 1 - ~Automobile Agencies. ank, ilinery 21 | cards for us. No canvassing. We in- A Ti Sill turien hut Set 93 4 Busy to eon iA tomobiies For Bale. is GLASS "Found, with light tor-|{ [ NG "Repairing Yom ng struct and supply Lou, wih ork I ai of pntme B . : . 3 JASE , ] - s ning { Bt- L w Ca vice, Er Ne $-Auto Trucks Por Sale toise shell rims. Apply to 36 Syden-| Gvercoats a specialty. Price $8.00 | co Angus de rvies, Dalkoku is a Hindu and a Buddhist. 13--Auto Accessories--Tires--Parts. AF po ? : Sn done 4 a joorn --m-------- / 14--Garages--Autos for Hire--Taxi ham Street. Children's work done. Miss J. Finkle, |; = x EXperiines anes. The word "Dalkoku" means 'great 16--Motorcycles and Bicycles. FOUNTAIN PI Found, without top, 93 Wellington Street. ig BATY. APP Doom ahlTients unneces: "He expeots them. he will - - blackness," and when he first came | 1g Repairing--8ervice Stations. on Princess Street, Saturday night | HEMSTITUHING--Picot Bdging Pleat- Chambers. &bpreelate them = Real aristocrats o-Day Ss Blunder to Japan he was a god of physique and | 17--Wantea--automboblles. Oner kan Baye vame ut 933 Princess a i. A. CArd, 366 Barrie St. |= v CT these Ente Hrensdines BI 95 C : ale 1 . Shreet. i re | FAT McLaughlin, 112 Lower Solicitors, Canvassers, Agents 33|.'% >. Jenkins Co. ~~ frightful 'aspect with a face as black Busin ges SERVICE i GLOVES Found, two pair, children's Wililiam Street, will take orders or NURSERY STOCK--An ih tor a|SHIRTS--Men's Shirts in Silk, Percales, orrected _ as night. Since his naturalization 1§--Duginens Be Dhered, kid, Also an kversharp Pencil, and! making trimming and remodeling. | reljanie neessLy firm is profitable. You Madras and Zephyrs A very useful When gettin oft Datkoku has thrown off some of his 3a ng oh &--Renovating. two Jack-knives, in Sydenham street Hours.9 to 6 can sell In country, town or city, We gi Yor mm, Priced from $1 00 to| forwara.f g O & street dar ga bh i h a ai Le i Niinery. "| Chureh. Owners apply to Sexton, _ |-------o--e-- ------------=--===| grow and sell the best only, and want| $35.00, Rt Souls Abramson, 336 Prin-| Wward-facing position should be native. characteristics and has adopte i 2: Hoy Plumbing, Roofing. HAT--Lady's brown, flowers on crown, Jn _23| reliable, energetic agents for unrepre- Sass Sree x . _______|taken. If a car starts unexpected a new mode of living, the chief of his | 23-- Insurance beiween Smith and Victoria on Prin-| A oiomoh sualty Insur-| sented terr'tories. Wrile now. Pel- TIES-----fe expects them, he needs them. |ly there is less danger of-a fall models being Okukikushinomokoto, a | 13 IE. cess Street. Finder please return to CHL Crumley, - 420 Earl ham Nursery Co. Toronto Don't disappoint him this Christmas| .._ : a fall. S eS $ rN : Quick's Butcher Shop. 112 Clergy St. . SALI 1 Do yi i } = " ~Moving, Trucking, Storage, i. a Lo famous god In the mythology of Japan. I'alnting, Papering, Decorating. HOUND--Lwost, medium sized, black and! 7 RANC Our Sickness and Acci-| Steady employment selling our Some Cons Street v of whole- ---- ly tor your spare time writing show | Hose, at 60c. pair dupl ing, give him Pure Irish Linen, C. 1 >. Jenkins Co. | e.| per dozen, boxed. B. P| | -- eae SALESMEN--W weekly a i offer A large variety in stock. fn 50¢c. to ~~] i e. Day ehi]ly and $1.76 at Louis Abramson, 8 Prin-| Freer | TINE In the old records this god was | 37 _printing--Engraving { White, about Nov. 17th, at Bruley Lake, | "og o0 Policy is what you need. Fire| Plete and exclusive lines $5088 Dire Fa : rep " | 28--Professional Services.' | near the Schouners. kinder notity John| oh . w rates. Don't d y.{ root [fresh-dug-tu-order trees and! UMBRELLAS The kind he won't for- W Tepreacnisd Savrying 2 fue hog oe { 3oa--accountania Towsley, Route 2, Brockville, or A. E.| d OF pb A i iilams 2 Couper plants. Best stock and service. We i ein gman handles on eight rip Bank : Kent Macnee oulders. As there is a similarity . : ; Tame, 2 Couper St, : : f :y-| framew and oo , : . nk o shoulders. / re 3 38b--Architects, Haffie, Lansdowne, Ont. ert, i378 ¥ the incest reliablg| Leuch and equip you free. A moneys] {ramey and o vered with silk and wool, Coinmerce Bullding, Brock ogy, in this material age, Dalkoku, the |. 28c--Chiropractie. HOUND--Lost, good-sized, black, white| "companies represented. Strange making opportunity. "Lu Oe es: Jonking Co. =~ 5 - Phone 701 or 36m. Japanese people somehow mixed up | 3$d--Dentul and ian dog, with M cut 10 hair of Sirange, established In 1860. Office; 95] Nurseries. Montreal ~~ Gifts For The Home n the two. characters and molded them eliotn | left ear, between, Buckshor Lake and Clarence Street te Post Office. Teachers Wanted 35a | FCLLER BRUSHES. Pellisred In; dent, Sickness, Plate Glass Burglary : 3 mn ov Brown's o. nswers to TET ee rr a} ranma a . Ch . 4 Fa B 3B p a * nto erfect deity who combines 28g--Osteopathy. a Konity Grove od ene INSURANCE life, accident and | Fr GER: Protestant, for 8. 8. No. 6,| tractive holly boxes, make the {deal| | $'¢& Representing only reliable com, to one perfect deity 28h--Ostsopathic Physieclans. Harry. y sickness In . In reliable com- Hinchinbrook, holding eoond or| Christmas gift. Phone 553 for Fuller|] Ponies. the good points of both. Makhala | 39 Repairing _dowhe, Ont. | panies. J. B. Cooke, District Manager Bl nang 8 seco OT Baus Ei. apply at 84 Brock Sto-| (Sanscrit) was the original name by | 30-- Tailoring and Pressing. RETFBR---SIAYel ov premises of Thon | 4 B42. 0108 Baw, Others Rood not Bern. Duties ciicate.| Man to aul : I 5 vice. Bauder, one yearling heifer. Jwner), -- t Er ee po? i the ot aj Duties to com- which hie was known in India, where | 31--Wanicd= Business Servic may have ame by payivk cxpenees | nara Kite, auaiyy| Meco January dr 102d Saiagy $180) Veter: ~ Tho or. -! , " = Ap tc ig " - - he was feared as god of destruction. 33-Help BMELOY ENT and proving progefty, Thus, Bauder, | Automobile, Plate Glas, Burglary. | Zeon em NahPY to BF, eferinary Sd . : OH Rr 2 re -- G. Hunter Ogilvie, 1561 Wellington St. | ----_ > -0 "7 0 Foor His immigration to Japan has changed 3:--Holp Wanted--Male, KEY--Found, Yale, No. 18525, on Brock Phones 789w and 1087 Financial his incarnation to that of wealth and 34--Help--Male or Female. RY und. Yale, Ro 18025. on Brook "and i = | Solicitors, Canvassers, Agents. . : : Te ie: HEA waned KEYS hous d. set of 5,"on ring, near wie ins, Trucking, Storage = __Money to Loun ~~ 40| ROOMS WITH BOARD -- First class; e. having In one band the uemoene | Hi Situttions Wanted--Mate. "corner Pine and Montréal streets. Left| ABHES--Lleancd out of cellars and FRONTENAC--Loan and Investment| With all conveniences: also one large a a Le ees yy : Whi fice yards, clean job done. A. MacGregor, | Society, incorporated 1861. President,| front room with fireplace. Apply 293 CKIACE Las, "on Sunday, | gionussell Street. Phone 2265. W. F. Nickle, K.G; Vice-presiaens x] University Avenue, near Brooy rec | irr a on "® v Lr kozuchi or the. lucky hammer from FINANCJAL NECKLACE--Lost, pearl, STORAGE--For furniture. clean. dry,| "B. Cunningham.. Money issued on city ' 38--Business Opportunities. between Alfred and Union and Mae-( SF and. spaces: » and farm properties; municipal and Which [he can produce anything in the 3y--Investments, Swocks, Bonas. donald Park. Reward if returned to air jSoms Preah girl Jour own lock county debentunes; OD pure HARRY W, " y y ge, 299 world 'he chooses to, from a palace | (o_ Money to Loan. Mie MORE DY WA rT 303 Quen St. Pitine G10. Ret Sire | ChaNH! Ivete buna Poses Dur Rooms Without Board Teach down to gold or silver, man or beast! 41--Wanted--To Borrow. PUP--Strayed, Collle, about 213 or [2 En a i osiia received and interest allowed. BARRIE --FTRERT oo] a -- eacher of Hawaiian Music - iy months old, from the Aylesworth Bros. ecorating . C. Cartwright, manager, 3 Clarence ARRIE EE 38 . - He carries on his back a bag full of ic INSRRUOTION place. Finder please notify or returh | px (NTINGS "hd Paperhinging worl | Direet. Kingston Yooms, close to Dusineas sectich. Bb Anaceisied oth Peterboro Con- treasures of all sorts, while rats are A aon Clasdes. mosame --__. | manship guaranteed; prices right. See| = TP TS uire 361 Barrie Street. ------ ..Puplls enrolling At Bur Blo. his earthly messengers and oftentimes 44--Musical, Dancing, Dramatio, PURSE--Found, containing small sum} our choice selection of Wall Paper. S, Correspondence Courses 42 3 ) Darcy furnished, suit- will receive 3 Lessons FREE. he is represented with .one on either 4b--Private, Instruction, of money, near corner of Alfred and| R. Lyons, 314 Barrie Street. Phone| BUILDING TRADES Need Men, We| able for light housekeeping. Rent rea- # side of im walting to do his bidding. 46--Wanted--Instruction, Earl streets. Owner may fave same A » wiil train you for success in Archi- enable Tor suitable pamey. Apply 25) -- , , W 0 ( s 3 4 by applying at 235 University Ave. | PAINTING --Paperhanging, Decorating | tecture, Drafting. Surveying, of what.) Kirst Street, ______~-_ _""" "| =F MERCHANDISE : Daikoku is generally coupled with Live STOCK HBD SPANIEBL--Lost, on or about Oct.| Glazing, Hardwood Iloor ever it Is that you set your heart on| UNIVERSITY AVENUE, 213 -- First| ==-------------- "ANDI Ebisu, the god of tradesmen. Though 41---Dogy, Cais, Fes i t 25th, last geen at Jackson Mills. Any| ete, frst class work, reasoniable| doing. rained men are in demand.| class rooms and board; all improve. 2 a, g a . g 48--Horses, Cattle, mp ements. information regarding same will be} prices. Wallpaper samples, Estimates| Arrange for interview. Phone 1002w m centrally located. . they are of totally different birth, $i--Poulisy 359 Supplies. gladly received by Willlam Fenwick | submitted. A. Mounteer. 208 Alfred| or 363). International Correspon- Ee Dressing Tables race, religion, etc, they have been | S0--Wante : Rockwood Hospital, Kingston. Re-| PAINTING--Papering and Dedorating--| dence Schools, 130 Clarence Su Real Estate For Rent From 50 to 75 CRCHANDISE a a -- now 18 the right time to get the right RE momen TERRI BT m per cent. be- liuked together and one seldom sees 51 ARI ror Sale. i 5 man Owner may| man and oblain the right prices. Or- } Instruction For Housekeeping low manufacturer's price. Here the one without 'the other in close 5 Barter and Exchange. e by applying at Whig Office. ders promptly attended to. Work en Taney eer | RO vo; TF Tight BousekespIiE. nat 0 Mako ' s and Oftice Kquipment. | sim oT "Inde a Pore on guaranteed. Call or phone A. Anders Musical, Dancing, Dramatic 44 trie Nght. gas. fo a ly ' propinquity. Although Diakoku is net b2---Busines Found, lady's Persian lam ght, gas for cooking. Apply a god to whose shrine worshipers | bi--Bosts and Accessories. als| Owner may have same by proving) #on. 186 t Street. Phone 194 ORCHESTRA--Your dance or banquet >rincess Street. | 54---Buildings and Bullding Materials roperty at 469 Barrie Street. ZS Will be a bigger success If you engage| ROOMS--Three for ii ght housekeeping. | k larity is told 'by tl Products. Dy Spe iY at 10) Darra SU . Professional Seérvice : oy Eht housekeeping flock, popularity 1s to y the 85--Farm and Dalry Foc uo SUM OF MONEY--Found, in A. Mar-| --crroressiona Services Treneer's Society Orchestra. . .Phone| heated, electric iights, gas for old. . number of metallic images of his 56--Fel, Feed. Fertiitsers. tin's Ltd, 272 Princess Street. Owner | ARCHITRCTS--Power, Son and Drever,| 979W..or 1164}. 'Ted Treneer, 261 King ing: newly decorated. Apply 366 Bar- PHONE 705 ¥ divinity which are bought and carried HN I a ® may have same by applying at above] Merchants Sauk Chambers, corner of Street iin | F1€ Street. Phone 1179J. > ' o ; - i : named store. » n slington ORCH HA -- mony Six, for my Lm #3 amglets by péople seeking wealth, Ce cod W Ssolien WALLET--Lost, Saturday, small, con- Chiropractic Bac, | Gances, social evenings, banquets or PEIN part 8 MLL Shall we test this jovial little man's 61--Machinery and Tools. taining a sum of money. Finder will] 3 rsmemr--a--o-- gonceris. Kor engagements apply Art kAPARTMEN ree rooms, including| wers? Go to his shrine and beseech | 62--Musical Instruments, be liberally rewarded. Notify Whig MARC Nm AD IRC. © Christmas, 243 wueen St. Tel, 1033m.pATARTMENT. "Three r HR Ri po » phone 1403 8 - e Stgeets. 2nd] GRCHESTRA---Clare Smith and his or- flat, on University Avenue. Apply Box 1 28 Equipment, . Oftic Marsden Kemp, 3 c him to command a shower of gold, or §1a Radio Paced and Flowers. as Thi ph toor, Tassie Sb inte, Jiingsion; chestra for all social functions. Perey Whig Office. N 8 ials at the Stores. utomo es " ephon Otten, corner Clergy W. and Division.| z+ hs Ter I eee carry his image in our pocket Aud See $4Spocihia APA eL -- --~.| 822, Hours 9 to i2am. 1to6 Pm. | Phone 973w for engagements, cn tral, 3. Ie oe, all Bil. ensmere If we find it gold-lined by night? $6--Wanted--To Buy. Liles JALCY--Dr. deorge Dr. Jennie A EE Te] Upto Po mam JB I v bs--all of us--of one o Jom anise Lucy, Chiropractic Specialists and oon. Ly O. Phone 1098. or We are snobs--a . 4 ve 8toc 3 ' kind 'or another. "We don't care for Ruoms "OR RENY ; USED CARS, ween Beincens any) ghugot Street, be- | geno. Ts ar, Tih alurnished ouse . ~ . ---- y ith Board. - to ween Princess an rec ephon 3 " 9 oors n ot water §7---Rooms W USED TRUCKS 948w. - Hours 9 to 12 a.m., 1 to > poi Dogs, Cats, Pets 47! heating. Immediate possession Phone ound. Eggs,| 1281. . Two comfortable rooms vacant money," say some haughtily, having --Rooms Without Board. Se Tame Yu at know how to spend my 8 For Housekesping. FROM 373.00 UP. : it : ot Spinal Shao and con. | HENS Alive w Pog hh hl Vv Places. USED AUTOMOBILE PARTS sultation free. esldential calls by| butter and honey wanted, Crates and after November 15th. money," complains a millionaire, It's 71---Where. To Eat. appointment. egK cases loaned free. Albert Lewis | Busines ror her 4 668 Dundas West, Toronto. LODGE ROOMS--HRooms on King street All conveniences. een = ~--formerly occuplfed by the 1.0.0.F, First class me oku's turn to speak and if he 'but 72---Where To Shop in Town. . Dalkakus tu 1d * Sp the world of its | 13--Warted--Rooms or Board. G. A. PALMER, Dental % .. could he would strip ~ USED CAR & SALVAGE CO, LTD. SPARKS & SPARKS -- Dentista 159 Merchandise _Apply to Cunningham and Smith. Special attention to transients. " i STORE AND DWELLING-- With --3- 72-74 Sydenham Street West. ' snobbism and no doubt reveal a race , REAL ESTATE FOR RENT COR. BAGOT AND QUEEN Wellington street, corner of Brock WaT eS t 74-~Apurtments and Flats. : P 3486. Y : Articles For Sale iece bath, eleotric light and gas, or of human beings all allke "in their 76----Business Places For Rent. hone ic! F 51 pie re ay ry BUS aud Cm = Telephone 791m. o him, the god of wealth! -- Farms For Ren KNAPP--Dr. A. E, Dentist. Office: 388 ANTIQUES--One solid walnut, high, Fk} Princ a > ¢ allegiance t h ko TS arm Ropalring--8ervice Stations 16 "brincess Street Phos Siw. __ | four-poster bed, one solid menogany I ec Toni ances, Street, upp MBS E PF DEXISON 77--Houses For Rent. zs 78--Oftice and Desk Room. * AUTOMOBILE PAINTING--And finish- a 55 | srandrathers clock. works guaranteed 'Described. 79---~Suburban For Rent. ing a specialty. Also Flano and Sur. Lessces Antique Shop, 507 Princess St. 80--Summer Places For Rent. niture Polishing. Gordon Young, shop| CUNNINGHAM & SMI -- rristers| I'hone 1045w. v + Conse "What sort of a fellow Is he?" -- ted--To Rent ueen street, rear of Abernethy's Shoe] and Bolicitor. 9 Ci Emp mm---- - SES-- 41, 45 (9h : "Well, were you ever driving along 81 Wan e 0 Store: or phone 1atbw, en # Shoe Kingston. ors B' Charan, ak Articles For Sale ; } 3 loom edeh. 27 Ridesu St, modern | a busy. street and held up for .several BAL ESTATE FOR SALE CHAINS Ses our special dispiay at Cyril M. Smith. | CHRISTMAS TREES--Any oie Wanting | Quoen atreat All neon rodarages. AR - minutes by a man who had discovered Dreadnang t Cha Sizes for all mbrose, BA Barrister and| same drop a card to J. Kelly, 216 Bar =i ! z of cars. Budaaby Bros. corner| Solicitor. Law o ice, corner of Ki Street. Will call and make arrange-| BX 2000 C00 pT that somebody was about to vacate a n And Wellington Streets, and Brock over Royal Bank. Money| ments for delivery. A RELZON STREPT-Seld Bek A P. M. DRISCOLL, late of the ol4 parking space?" : 85--Lots For Sale, . pt Fo le. J DE HY Lox $4--Houses For Sale erm, | to loan. Phone 1999, BRICK wuagiity of Yard and soft. Ap-| month. H. B. Wilson, R. 3 Grimason Hotel, wishes to an- "Yes," 3¢ --Report Property For Sale. and James Sprott for poll clerk. Medical BO pa Of; hen. 193 Nelaun street. _town Post Office. Phone 1098. aounce that he has taker over the "And were forced to stay-th 3i~-Subusban For Sale. s Ww hone $13 or phone 1191) SYDENHAM ST-- Bieotric. light And Jou forced to stay'there | 3" Real Estate For Exchange. William Irwin D.R.O. for poll 3 BENNETT. C. W.--M.D.. 133 Cleray,5t | CHRISTMAS GIF TS--In (he Jewsiry bath. Rent $16.00 per month HB . until the other man cranked up his | y9--Wanted--Real Estate. and Ross Wartman for poll clerk. Dace Fhone $51. Res 18i6m. Otfice| line--we are certain to «satisfy at| sein rom estate, Uptown Post Of- Lakeview House 4 10-12 am, 2-4. 7-58.30 p.m. sither of our two stores. Lyons, the car and arranged his b and oe P. Wright, D.R.O. for poll 4 and| RonF Barrie se | ive Tons, fice. Phone 1098 finally started up?" l -- i, ye Barrie Bt | AW0 ators Sewelel, a Corner of Queen and Ontario Sts. i ROBIN ON Dy 365 Tr gy {E. H. M. Sproule for poll clerk. iors 83 Clie opm; 740 le al _Real Estate For Sale First class meals, S0c E Er Sn -------- y EE DR. H. MURPHY, B.V.Se. Veterinary Surgeon Phone 21838) 680 Princess Street, Kingston, = Ss ply M. Susman, Phone 958w. : : , D.R.O. for poll 1 gus 14 ret "And then compelled to wait stm . ~ M. Daly, D.R.O. wha Send D THER N--Dr. Frederick, wishes Good yards and stables 'Jonger until the hog had maneuvered 4+ Gellaghor lor poll clery, I sitnounce that he has resumed the y highest prices 3 |-EpTUE BREWERY --For = { Your patronage is solicited. i P. Marwell D.R.O. for poll 6 and| practice of surgery in Kingston. Princons Street. Phone toon" poly G. M. Macdonel), K.C, 38 his vehicle In and out several times | i ractice limited to surgery and radium be a x C. Taylor for poll clerk. treatment. Office: 142 Wellington Si.| HARD COAL COKE--310.00 ton Ta ence Street. a hr ue sur ito the RANGSTON. George Redden, D.R.O. for poll 7| Hourss2-4, and by 'appointmens. " AE) lea, while I Tinta Dry Cond: s " a "| Nov. 13. --Members all present|and R. Martin for poll clerk. ee Minding Cakes or Tad Abwood for ne the chances are it was"the [Jules of last meeting adopted. |e R. Blierbeck, D.R.O. for poll § and | front tile for Twp. culverts $20.50 | ways. walks or fil Tw ors for road. HARD COAL SUBSTITUTES fellow you just asked about." Motion, Sproule-Heaton, That By-|R. Vanorder for poll clerk. J. C. Silver, rdp. to crusher; $5 R. So taantity nhl delivered. moss! | 1. BOULETS iStove Coal size), the best Anthracite Briguet on jard Lee be given wire fencing to re~ Payments ordered: $12.50, D. E. Harpell, sand acot.; $29.75, E. aw a the marke. A Decorated by All Alles. place fence on the town line, pro-|Smith, 50 per cent. of work on King- | Buck, rep. stone wagons. MATTRESSES For. sale. or mads | | 2. DOMESTIC COKE (Nut size). : Samuel Glucksman, a sergeant of | Y'd!DE ho allows the present road on |ston-Storrington boundary; $5.13, Council adjourned to meet Dec. west factory prices. "also SuAntity.| | 3 SMALL SIZE ANTHRACITE the Sixth marines. has been decorated | Ris property to remain open and that| Beil Tel. Co. acct. for October and [15th 1922 at 10 o'clock a.m. iby. Frontenac Mattress Company, 371 Al hess are good substitutes. We especially recommend the use . o the Clerk notify him of this regolu- | November ; « RH. ; hy sires one 1961 of Sma nthracite, Split Pea Coal--to be used about half and half by every allied government for his dls- Ay egolu- | No 1922; $116, R. H. Fair PEA COAL-- For $10 per toh. at 6ar.| | with the larger sizes. Hard Coal production is 50% short, conse- tion, for Suburbaf Com. for 232 yards ' i tinguished service during the World ¥ 4 $10.50 delivered Expected some day uently you can e t i I war. One of his feats was the capture Motion, Weller-Heaton, that the|crushed stone; $5 E. Kincaid, work The death occurr 1 suddenly on| this week, at E Er yard. Rush 9 Xpect only half your usual supply in regular sizes. - . - : ! ; BCALES -- Canaa . dint James Sw ift & Co. Limited Argona Election in January 1923: Quick, breaking stone; $9.75 Stroud | of Lawrence Naismith, Balsam Hill, ES I al isdo, hopes: | ' Knowledge without practice makes | John Trudell for poll clerk. British Whig, acct. adv. etc; $23.20) It is the wise head that makes she Salen. L A. Sterling, 20¥ Princess St. i your order, rdson. Phone - A. E. Diy, D.R.O. for poll 1 and |{Pub. Co., acct. adv. etc.; $10.67,| in his seventy-eighth year. second-hand Dayton and Bractoes Foot of Johnson Street Sut half an artist, . Howard Keyes, D.R.O. for poll 2 Lemmon & Son, acct.; $196.50, Co. still tongue. 1438, ' an engagement at Mont Blanc.--The | meet requirements for the Municipal Wise, supplies, stamps, oil; $45, Ed. | law, Mr.° Henry Crosier, Admastoa, ok \ of twenty Germans 'single handed In following appointments be made, toon Cliff's 40 foot road; $23.68 J. | Saturday at thé home of his son-in- 19627 . >

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