Daily British Whig (1850), 5 Dec 1922, p. 4

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---- ST AT THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG 4 »-ECZEMA Hands Were Raw Would Crack and Bleed | TC AI, VA CHT HTL IIHTIST/CS CITA SE RECORD By TLS ITE PETS SOD STLRGINESE GO4 CAIN ESE ; WN AI TE NEGROES INLD /AGALS i | OTHER CEN 4.9 Eczema or Salt Rheum, as fit fs commonly called, is one of the most agonizing of skin diseases. The In- tense burning, itching and smarting, especially at night or when exposed to heat, are almost unbearable and relief is gladly welcomed. The pre-eminent success which | pushed back- her plate, Burdock Blood Bitters [rushed back ber pitte. rv voles. has met with ir? permanently remov- | and Gocomeback, the travel elfin, | ing a disease of such severity is due| { happed upon the chair at her side. { Betty Has a Strange Meal "Oh, dear," Befty sighed when | her mama passed her the eggs and | ; fo bacon at the breakfast table. "I'm | AP 4 \ | | certainly tire od of bacon and eggs all | ' ; i the time." And Betty scowled and | to its wonderful blood cleansing and | "What's all the trouble this morn- purifying properties. mn Mrs. M. R. Willard, Dudswell Jct., Que., writes:--" For about three] years I had eczema, in a very bad form, on my hands. They were all | fo 1 is raw and would crack and bleed w "Pghaw, isn't that too pad! that I could not do my housework. I| laughed the elfin. . "What you need | tried everything I could thiffk J is a sail before you eat any break-! without .any results. At last I got |\({ast, Suppose you come along with] a bottle of Burdock Blood Bitters,| me. 1 was just on my way to Cen-| and when I had it about 'all taken I|¢ral Africa to visit a little friend of | could see it was helping me; by the | mina I'm sure she will be glad to| time I had Jaked, five bottles BY | gon you, t00." | nds were all well 'again and I have | : | not been bothered since. I cannot | Before Batty, could even gal "praise Burdock Blood Bitters en-| she was whisked through the alr, re OUEE" = rout--the--back door; and--away overt -- Manufactured only by The T. Mil- [the mountains and seas to a strange burn Co.; Limited, Toronto, Ont, land. --_ The houses were all made of mud with grasses piled high on the roofs. eggs and bac-| "Bacon and eggs, "I'm so tired of| on,' Betty pouted. eating them.' Delicious! Fra iy A A CROWDING THE CRADLE. view of California's grave racial problem. --From the San Francisco Examiner. A cartoonist's | Three Minute Journeys Where a Gift to Charity is Viewed With Suspicion. VISH RESTLES CHILDREN SFTENTIMES ARE SUFFERING FROM The VAGES or ENT CORRECTIVE THAT WILL QUICKLY SD 1H THE SYSTEM OF THESE PARASITES, ema ported by the police. The perpetra tors are unknown, and there ig something of a panic among Buda. pest women. HYPNOTIZE WOMEN, Panic in Budapest Owing to Numbey "Of Cases. Vienna, Dec. 5.--Peculiar cases of alleged hypnotic interférence with women in the streets of Buda- pest are reported. A young servant ICATE SONST I TUTION, 18 ""CUND IN THAT REL ag. MEDICINE Refuse Allegiance Oath, In our country the man who makes Colombo, Ceylon, Dec. 5.--Mem- 2 large gift to an institution or en- dows a college is looked upon as a man to be respected. Often a name girl in the service of a wealthy fam- ily was sent for a walk with a baby, and returned in a dazed condition. bers of the Ceylon Legislative Coun- cil who recently resigned as a pro- test against the action of the gov- ernment in carrying a measure by an official vote and were afterward re-elected have declined, with one exception, to take the oath.of alleg- lance after absenting themselves from a specially convened meeting. "oy Almost immediately she fell in a trance, or sleep, which lasted two days. Physicians - stated that the girl had been hypnotized in some strange manner. Five similar cases have been re- ro will live and be reverenced for that reason alone. Others who make smaller gifts are 1#iled with pride when they read their names on the long list of persons who have contributed to, a good cause. Even their friends are graa to know they have been charitable. There is, of course, a class of finu people who are very modest about giving and will send in a sum anony- mously--not because of the amount, because it may be a very large asmount--fotr they find a certain satis- faction in giving .without taking thé world into their confidence. There may be some people like this in Burma, that picturesque country northeast of India, but it would be he "The Telgmans School of Music Plano, violin and other stringed in- struments Altda "V. Telgmann, "BE, teacher of Elocution and Delsarte sys- tem of Physical Culture Pupils may ,begin at any date. Terms on applica- tion. 484 BROCK ST. Phone 2217). Pio --6 ®--- Modern She Was Whisked Away. A little brown, girl heard them and | came running out to meet them. 'Well; well, Gocomeback," she cried, shaking the little elfin's hand. "You and Betty «re just in time f § dinner. i'W hurry and set it ready. Make yourselves at hpme." "Now, & 't that fine!' whispered | Gocomabac. . "You're going td have a real Afriean freat." They watch- ed the little black girl go out to a queer-lovking basket, shaped like a barrel, high up on poles. Betty, eager to see everything she did, ran| af* x her. "This is our family eorn- cil, the little brown girl laughed. "When | the corn is ripe, Mother and 1 go | out into the flelds, hoe the corn and | gather it. We store it in this corn-| crib basket until we want to use it, then we take it out/and grind it into meal." "But where in the world do you take it to grind?' Betty asked. She couldn't see any mill. 'Do you have to take it very far?" "No, indeed," laughed brown girl, and her white "teeth sparkled against her black face. "Not very far." She pointed to a big, round block of wood near the corn-crib. Betty-toThewed her and found that the block had a hole in the top, forming & deep bowl. The little brown girl shelled several ears of corn into the bowl, and with the end of a long wooden club pounded the corn until it became quite fine. Then she poured it out onto a flat basket tray of coarse fibres--forming a ro ieve--and shook it until all the fine meal was sifted through. This she put back into the mill while BRITISH SAILORS HONOR DEAD COMRADES. British sailors recalled the services and sacrifices of their comrades in the war on Armistice Day by dropping floral ~wreaths into thie sea. The picture shows a group at Hastings. em ming Build up your children into Wann WARY TG] ERY ONO AILS the sturdy with Apll yg IETIRTITG HO [SLOTRE| ipl (R1 Science The Scltmes of Optometry embraces two functions-- First--a thorough, accurate examina- tion of your eyes, Second---the prescribing of correct glasses, best suited to your individual features, We perform this double service to your utmost satisfaction. R. ARTHEY, RO. VISION SPECIALIST 148 PRINCESS STREET the "little JOHNSTON WARD MONTREAL STOCK EXCHANGH TORONTO STOCK EXCHANGE Bibby Blook, Kingston Toronto 'Moncton, N. B. MEMBERS Montreal Sydney, N, 8. St. John's, Nid. London Halifax, N.S. Sherbrooke U. 8. DELEGATES AT CANADIAN CONVENTION. SHOT TUTE NTN WHOA SORE): Bottom row, left to right, W. Irving Glover, third assistant ostmaster-general; Hubert Work, pbsimaster-general; John 1. Edwards, solicitor; top row, Edwin Sands, supt. of foreign mails; Peter J. Schardt, railway mail service. mr hard to find them, because all gifts to charity there are kept a secret. This is not from modesty or from au simplicity of character, It is a pro- tection. LOf course, Burma, like all Ofiental countries, is full of superstitions, but perhaps none holds so promin- ont a place as the fear of giving to charity. If a Burmese is discovered in this "unworthy" act he is gossiped about and all his family are regard- ed with scorn. DIRECT WIRE CONNECTIONS, Eg About the Yunniest thing In this old vale of tears and laughter is to #08 how serious! some of these poor fleh take themselves. It never will take any conscription to get men to fly to arms--of the pretty girls. the'coarse part was thrown away. Time after time she did this until 2 the meal fn the mill was just right, then out it came and was tumbled between stones until it was ready to be made into pancakes. "Now we must have milk," she ZAR CLEA NATO TY ZS wherever a UNDERWEAR Justly popular with men is this member of For Ladies and Children Turnbull's vests, drawers and com- binations represent thesame high séahd- ard as employed in making Turnbull's Underwear for men. the great Turnbull Under-Clothing Family--No. E 88--It is a splendid garment, moderately priced, yet giving excellent service and - comfort,withdouble chest, back and seat. You're buying big value when you buy NUMBER For » FOR MEN Turnbu best of Many of knitters ati ' Also makers of Turnbull's "CEETEE" the only pure wool under- clothing made in Canada that is full-fashioned . and re-inforced at all Over - Sixty Years II's have been making the knitted underwear and nothing but knitted underwear. their em- ployees have been for gener- laughed, and called her brothen, He took a long plece of grapevine, tied it around the trunk of a tree to make a hoop, stepped inside the hoop, and 80 climbed the tree, When he reach- ed the top he cut off great, green cocoanuts and threw them down 'to his sister. She cut off their tops and handed Betty one to drink.. - This was all so strange to Betty that she laughed, and like a whiff of smoke the whole scene changed, and once more she found herself at her own breakfast table, eating eggs and bacon. My, didn't they taste one ever heard her complain about her breakfast. Married people dd not live longer than single ones--it only eeems longer, AIME GEOFFRION, K C. Counsel for "the attorneysgeneral'y department before the royal commis- sion Investigating the Blanche Garneau good! That was the last time any] | that is covered wtih ugly murder. § tery' at Quebec a TAKE MINTINE proven remedy for colds, coughs asthmng, bronchitis, sore throat, ular since 1889. Quickly a inflammation of the throat ° and bronchial tubes. Wonderful for children--so pleasant they like it. oe At All Druggiste Mintine Co., Ltd, Toronto. Sales Mentho-Sulphur, a pleasant cream, will soothe and heal skin that is fr ritated or broken out with eczema; rash or pimples, or is rough or dry. Noth- ing subdues fiery skin eruptions so quickly, says a noted skin specialist. The moment this sulphur prepara tion is applied the itching stops and after two or three applications, the eczema is gone and the skin is de- lightfully clear and smooth. Sulonug is so precious as a skin remeé cause it destroys the ny oy cause the burning, ching: or dis- figurement. Mentho-Sulphur always heals eczema right up. In some countries, blessing comes to a person his first impulse is 40 meke a present to a charitable institution or a donation to a parish or church. But not so in Burma. Here it works in the oppoe- ite way. The donor loses caste iImmediate- ly--for to the Burmese mind the giv- er admits he is an offender. The Burmese firmly believe that the per- son who gives to charity has a secret sin. It has so weighed upon his spirits and pricked his conscience to such a degree that as a penance he makes a gift, thus absolving himsell from. his sin. Wife beating has become a lost art since the women have learned te shoot straight. smi. On of the eve of the meeting of the in London, Ambas sader Harvey served notice, in an ad- dress, thet United States Is deter-| A small jar of Mentho-Sulphar may be had n t any good drug store. mined to collect what is owing to Bey from her war allies. "To The Ladies!" is a Popular Christmas Thought--- But Just What to Give to the Ladies Is a Different Matter. That's a Christmas Thought That Requires a Lot of Thinking on the Part of Mere Men. You'll Save Yourself a Great Deal of Worry by Turning to 'Gifts For Her" in the "Christmas / Gift Suggestions" Columns in To-day's Classified Sectiom. « (Copyright, 1922, by Basi! L. Smith)

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