EE TUESDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1922, RTT | "AGENCY FOR ALL. OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES--~ Special attention given your family Or friends goiug to or returning from he Old Country. Passports arranged or. | For information and rates apply to | J. P, HANLEY, C. P. and T.A.G.T.| Ry., Kingeton, Ont. | Office: C.N.-G.T. Station, Johnson and Ontario Streets, cormer | King- | pe ER er te CC Coll or them y name - is your /t Safeguard em rn THE. DA ILY BRITISH WHIG. Kingston and Vicinity "County Roads Are Good. The roads throughout Frontenac are reported to be very hard and dry for this time 'of year, and motor traffic is unimpeded as yet. } ' Mail For Overseas. A British mail for overseas closed ston, Ontario, Open Day and Night. 'PHONE 99. . Collingwood 8¢ 2 houses, 7 rooms each, bath, elec- tric light, gas for cooking $25.00 ser month. Possession at once livingston Ave. -- Frame, T rooms, hot air furnace, 3 plece bath, electric light, newly rated $27.00 per month. session January 1st VICTORY BONDS Bought and Sold frame eco ~ * Pos- R. H. Waddell { 86 Brock St. - DR. A.W. WINNETT DENTAL SURGEON, | Corner of Johnson and Wellington | Streets Phone 808 | | | For moving of FREIGHT, FURNITURE, SAFES, PIANOS, CARTAGE and STORAGE EVERY DESCRIPTION Kingston Transfer Co. . @ $77, vemings 2231. 183 WELLINGTON STREKY e { oy | bl Dr. Waugh Dentist 106 Wellington St. Phone 2356 THOMAS COPLEY | Telephone 987. yantl an one in the Se eu al all ki All orders will receive prompt attemtion. , Shop: 28 Queen § Bell's Vanilla HIGH GRADE 36c. A BOTTLE Cheapest In the long run. Made In Kingston by-- DR. BELL WONDER MEDICINE CO, WATTS 'People's Florist 177 Wellington street, Fresh flowers and plants daily Funeral designs, and wedding bouquets to order. Phone 1763, Res., 1187, and €OKE HARD AND SOFT WOOD Cut in stove lengths. BOOTH & 00. Grove Inn Yard Phone 133 er TT. | GUNNS MAPLE LEAF COOKED HAM Made from Pork Sausage. Put up in one pound net tins. Cooked fresh -- the flavor is surprisingly different to what one expects. Just the thing for holiday tr and hurry-up meals, ay trips BON MARCHE GROCERY Coraer King and Earl 8t Phone 1844. Tee. FOR SALE Quebec Heaters, Fire Kings, Radiation and Piping. Also all kinds of building material. I. Cohen & Co. 27% Untario St. Phonss 836, 83 I DAVID 8COTT PIANO TUNING Plame Tuning and Repairing. Also Organ Work, All work guaranteed. PETER D. BROWN i Markland St. Phone 2307m, Plumber \ Plumbing and Gas Work a spec- lalty, 'All work guaranteed. Ad- dress 145 Frontenac Street. Phone 1277. day night, and the size of the mail was evidence of the near epproach to Christmas. Storing Away Boats. The local boat liveries have stored ,| the winter season, although a few boats are still rented for fishing or hunting purposes. For Fall and Winter. | winter goods, consisting of Boys' and AA cl FIFTY DAYS SPECIAL SALE Furniture, Crockery, Silverware, Glassware, Good assortment novelties, N. A. JOHNSON, SEELEY"S Undertaking a speciality, Motor Hearse, of Christmas BAY. | Men's overcoats, Boys' and Men's | tuits, also a large range of cloth for | suits made to measure at reason- | able prices. Prevost, Brock street. Tower Comes If,wn, | The sky line on Brock street has |imination of the steeple and tower | of the former Brock street Methodist Removal Notice W. H. FRANCIS, PAINTER Has moved to 438 DIVISION ST. Drop a card or phone 1885J and you will receive prompt attention. Workmanship guaranteed and prices right. church. The steeple was erected iu | the early eighties. News To People. The automabile has brought peo- | ple from 'remote' parts of the coun- | try. It brings buyers to stores that 80 is he" does not apply to who thinks he is the whole show. |are known through constant &dver- Save Your Coal CHOICE HARDWOOD Cut 12" long and split ready for - ranges $4.50 per load 16" long for Furnaces $4.25 per load Try a load this mild weather. W. A. Mitchell & Co. 15 Ontario Street Telephone 67. tising in the newspapers. This paper takes the news to the people. Christmas Decorations. The Christmas decorations are al- | ready appearing on Princess street, {and in the block between Welling- ton and Bagot, the vari-colored el- octric, lights lend an added festive appearance at night. : Farmers Want Snow. The farmers of the district have had an 'exceptionally good fall for ploughing and other work of the late season, and they are now haping that a good fall of snow arrives to pro- tect their meadows from the frosts. Results. Some people have to know resulta before they will start; but anyway, results do count and they count tre- Real Gifts An Eversharp Pencil or a Waterman Pen makes an ideal gift for any friemd. Both are every day necessi- ties and will be much appre- clated. We carry a large stock of each. Buy your Gifts here | M. R.McColl PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST , Opposite" St. Andrew's Church 4 Phone 82. | mendously, If you are timid about "| | advertising--Ilet us show you some results--some convincing results of | good advertising. Military Exantnations. | A number of officers from the P. {W.O.R. and the Frontenac Regi- ment, who have been attending a | provisional course -at the Armories | for the past few weeks, will have | their examinationg shortly. _Simpson-MacNamara Wedding. | At the.Methodist church parson- | age, Brockville, on Wednesday, Rev. |G. W. McCall untted in marriage, | Miss Nora Kathleen MacNamara,, { Lyn, to George H. Simpson, Brock- | ville. The bridal couple were unat- {tended . : ------ | Prize Winning Herd, Agricultural The Kemptville * | School exhibited its herd of Holsteins FOR GOOD BREAD TRY BURNS' BUTTERNUT BREAD MALTANA BREAD W. BURNS, 61 Frontenac 8t., North Phone 1826w. Make her a present of a Diamond Our stock consisting of the better grade, up-to-the-min- : ute prices, at your service. Do not hesitate to call and see us in our new and most up-to-date store. G. W. LYONS' "WHERE YOU WILL EVENTUALLY BUY" TELEPHONES: 7h2w and 1394J. 267 and Wt4 Princess Street "As a man thinketh in his heart the bird {at the Royal Winter Fair, at Toronto, {last week and was suddassful in win- ning prizes in all classes entered. The fair staged the 'greatest dairy | cattle show held in America to dare, { both in numbers and quality. Goloshes Are Back Again. | Yes, dear reader, they are back again. What? Why, goloshes of | course, and it is stated that they will be going strong too. It is eaild that they will be very popular this win er among the women, so if you hear | something &oing flap! flap! flap! won { will know that the popular footwear {of the women is responsible. | | To Conduct A Mission. | Father James Fallon and Father Charles Fallon, will conduct a mis. | sion at St. Mary's church, London, Ont. The two missigners, who are Canadians, having been born in Kingston and educated at Ottawa College during the war served as chaplains. They are now membars of the Oblate Order of Missioners of the Eastern Province of the Unit- ed States. ---------------------------- War Memorial Hospital, The Board of Directors of the Great War Memorial Hospital ot Perth District expect that this insti- tution will be opened shortly after December 15th. The reconstructica work on the building, formerly known as Vietoria Hall, is now ra- pidly nearing completion and an up- to-date twenty-bed hospital is being quippd. A separate building has been fitted up as a nurses' residence. amma -- | Married At Brockville. |" At Brockville on Friday the mar- { riage took place of Miss Margaret { M. Potter, youngest daughter of} iMr. and Mrs. Richard Potter, 93 Buell street and William G. West, Detroit, Mich., a former resident of Montreal. : ' At Brockville on Friday Miss Hel- | en Hill, of the township of Elizabeth- {town, and Willlam Seguin, a well { known resilient of Ogdensburg, N.Y., | were married. is : Only One Survives. | -Enreks Lodge, No. 283, A.F. and |AM. Belleville, commemorated its golden anniversary, last week hav- ing been in existence for fifty years. At the annual communication of Grand : Lodge, held in 1872, a wer- at the Kingston post office on Mon- | |away moet of their various craft for | We have received all our fall and | ne rant was recommended to be granted [on an afr of pre-holiday rush and Ito thirteen members of the craft for bustle. Santa Claus is no myth to | the institution of the Jodge. Of those merchants. From now on jt is ex- | thirteen who were the charter mem- | pected that there will be a steady in- {bers but one is living to-day, name- crease in sales and receipts. The {ly, Rt. Wor. Bro. 8. 8. Lazien time-worn slogan, -"Shop Early" i en | again to the front, .and if it is heed- Graduated at Queca's, ed, Kingston should ,be merry and Dr. George F. McFadden, Strath- |satisfied--everyone is starting early | roy, was agreeably surprised the enough to make ijt as complete and other day to receive a telegram | efficient as possible. Jolly Old Santa | from Mayo Clinic of Rochester, Clause has made his appearance iu | Minn., stating-that at a special meet- | the decorations in the shops. There {ing of medical graduates committes |are toys, and toys, and toys. Armies he was nominated for a surgical fel- [of dolls have sprung up and -every lowship in the Mayo Clinic. Dr. (. conceivable kind of a mechanical | |F. McFadden recently returned contrivance has been placed on sale. from a year's post-graduate work in A surgery in Europe, and was formerly | To Have Fine Water. | assistant medical superintendent of| Good progress is being made on | Hamilton General Hospital. He is a | Trenton's new waterworks system, | graduate of Queen's, the pump house is well under way !and necessary mains have been iaid to furnish service before the frost | Support. | closes operations for the season. As | Stores are supported; wot-by the {mich work will be completed as pos- | casual shopper that happens to pick | gihlo this season and in the spring | up sometliing, that has dropped In| ing work will be resumed and com- | is | assumed quite a change by the el-| while walting for a train or a beau, but by the people who read the store |Inite article. Those are your best customers, Gave Warden a Bag. On Thursday evening a pleasant {and profitable function was held at {the Grand Central Hotel, Brockville. | The occasion was a complimentary | banquet tendered the warden of | Leeds and Grenville, Mc. C. F. | Smith, reeve of South Crosby by his | colleagues in the council. M. B. Holmes, reeve of Athens, proposed the health of Warden Smith and read to him a complimentary address. -At the proper time, Mr. Tackaberry, on {behalf of the council, presented War- |den Smith with a handsome club |bag as a token of their regard. Penitentiary Problem. Time was when a penitentiary was a place, where, all too often, the | man who had committed one crime | was made fit for the life of felony. | Today the great effort is to make tha penitentiary a means of restoring to Hves of usefulness and honor all of its Inmates who can possibly be sav- ed. General W. St. Pierre Hughes, Dominion Superintendent of Peni- tentiaries, gave a lay sermon on' th's theme in the Church of Our Father --Unitaridgp--on Sunday morning. The service was under the auspices of the Ottawa Chapter of the Unitar- fan Laymen's League. Christmas Shopping Commenced Christmas shopping has commenc- ed. The Kingston stores have taken ads and come to the store for a def- | | pleted. A large reservoir on the | | hill will furnish additional pressure | when needed and this basin will be | kept full at all times. Engineer Proctor says that there is pignty of water supply for present purposes in | the springs which have been tapped { and there are other springs which | can be used at any time if it js found necessary to increase the supply.. | The quality of the water is said to be the finest in Canada. To Calilornia via Canadian Natipnal Route. At this season of the year, many Canadians are planning to visit Cali- fornia. Of course there are' many routes, each with their special scenic | |interest, but, treating travel as a | fundamental of education, why not | {travel one way through Canada? It | will give you an opportunity of | knowing your own countny better, a chance to view the finest mountain | scenery in America, and to visit our own all-year-round resorts on tha | Pacific Coast. Vancouver and Viet- | oria, where the grass is green anil flowers blooms and golf, motoring | and all out door sports may be in- | dulged in throughout the winter | months. Discuss this tour with any | agent of the Canadian National Rail- ways, before concluding your plans. "The Continental Limited" which runs daily between Montreal, To- ronto ,and Vancouver is one of tha finest all-steel equipment trains in America. For full' particulars, ap- ply to the city passenger office, Can- adian National-Grand Trunk Rall- way, 217 Princess street, Kingston, | | | | | | "There Were Cad? DR. CHASE'S " Which XI Could Mes. H. Robert Welle Eoalish Harbour, 50 Cents a box, all dealers, or Edmanson, Bates & Co., I4d., Toronto eee em : ot Trinity Bay, Thin Eat> 1 was troubled with nervous dyspepsia--so much so that there were a great many things I could mot eat at all on account of the distressed feeling after- wards. | used many different remedies, but they did me little good. Finally I tried Dr. Chase's Nerve Food and Kidney-Liver Pills, and was surprised at the relief this combined treatment gave me in such a short time." NERVE FOOD ee meee nt eee eee 1 HIRI, } = CONSERVATORIES: § * CHRYSANTHEMUM SEASON | Our Greenhouse is full of choice bloom--fresh 'cut every day. See our choice cut Pom Poms. : 3 Funeral and Wedding Designs a 'Specialty. | P.C. LAWSON | THE LEADING. FLORIST ii | | == STORE: Corner Wellington and Brock Streets. Phone 770. i Centre Btreet. Phone 1174J. Ra CL | f | 0 m ND \ ---- FUEL DRY, SOFT KINDLING. DRY HARDWOOD. SOFT LUMP COAL for open grates and furnaces. ~ S. ANGLIN & CO. Woodworking Factory and Lumber Yards, Bay and Weuingtos Streets, KINGSTON; Ont. Office Phone 60. Factory Phone 1415. , NE ee TO ADVANCED AGRE, What mother has not worried over and felt ut- terly helpless in dealing with a baby that cannot assimilate tg food, and simply will not thrive. In Such a case OLAJEN works wonders. No matter how young and puny the infant' yoy will be surprised at the result, CHILDREN LOVER IT. It also replaces the lost tissue of old age. A builder for any period of thé human life, A trial wil prove more convincing than anything that can be saiq ASK YOUR DRUGGIST } a ----e-- Genuine Beaver Coats Gourdier's BROCK STREET, WARM, FANCY BACK WEAVE ULSTERS $25.00 t0°40.00 YOUNG MEN'S SUITS *15.00t0°35.00 TWEDDELL'S 131 Princess St, - (One door below Randolph Hotel) 7 o [ Always Appreciated We have many useful articles suitable fts that are sure to please. Eife Umbrellas for Men and Women in the best English makes, with new style handlesfrom ............. $1.50 each. SWEATERS the largest variety and the newest styles in Pullover and Tuxedos for Men and Women from . . ...$2.50 up. GLOVES in Wool and Kid, lined and unlined, in all sizes and styles from 50c. a pair up. See our Christmas Handkerchiefs. W. N. Linton & Co. Phone 191. - The Waldron Store. for