Daily British Whig (1850), 6 Dec 1922, p. 11

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> + 11 dt -------------------- ---- m----m-- : The Newest Electric Range is, of course, a Moffat-- { . the 1923 model. It has | many improvements that will bring joy to women. Fast heating, indestruct: ible elements; a porcelain enameled one-piece oven; switches that turn either way; drip pans under the burners; finished in black or handsome gsey porce- lain enamel. See it or THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG Ee -------- er -------- - | Markets Reports | Letters to the Editor] Kingston, Dec. 6.----- (To the Edit- | feeders active, '25¢ higher; desirabls | OT): Thanks for the complimentary | Toronto. 62-pound Western feeding lambs, remarks about me in yesterday's | Toronto, Dec 5.--Manitoba wheat | $14.60; sheep fully steady; heavy | Whig. If it is true that my race and --No. 1 Northern, $1.22 1-2. ewes.around $6.00; lighter weights, | religion lost me a few votes, the re- American corn--No. 2 yeilow, 90¢c; 'up to $7.50. | flection is not on me but on a fow No. 8 yellow, 89¢, all rail, | ' . electors. Barley--Malting, 61 to 62¢, ac-| Toronto, I am pleased that the by-law to cording to freights outside, | Toronto, Dec. 5.--Choice heavy | purchase the Murdock farm carried, Buckwheai--No, 2, 76 to 78c. | steers, $7.00 to $7.60; butchor| and as I am - responsible for the Rye--No. 2, 77 to 7%. write for free particulars | steers, choice, $6.00 to $7.00; do.,| deal, I shall have the satisfaction of Miilfeed -- Delivered, to Moffats, Limited, Wes- Montreal | £00d, $5.00 to $6.00; do., medium, | knowing that I have accomplishol ton, Ontario. I freight, bags included; bran, per ton, { $450 to°$5.007 @6., ¢opmon, $4.00 | something for the eity while I was | . $24; shorts, per ton, $26; middlings, [to $5.00; butcher . heifers, choice, !in the council :n 1922, and unlike | : $28.50; good feed flour, $2. $6.00 to $6.50; do.,s medium, "$5.00 | Moses who didn't live to lead the I[s-| WEDNESDAY, DEC. 6, 1922 | GRAIN QUOTATIONS. 2 Dressed Spruce New- stocks of select grades from the best mills in Quebec and New Brunswick. ALLAN LUMBER CO. E24D VICTORIA STREET... "Phone 1042. rr --. SRE Why Not Visit Us Ontario. wheat, No. 2 white $1.0) [to $1.12 according to freights out- side; No. 2 $1.03 to $1.06. Ontario No. 2 white oats--41 to Je. Ontario flour--Ninely per cent. pa- to $6.00; do., common, $4.00 to $4.- 60; butcher cows, choice, $4.00 to $6.00; do., medium, $2.75; to $3.-| $2.00 to] 75; canners and cutters, $2.25; butcher bulls, good, $3.50 to $4.80; do., common, $2.60 to $3.00; feeding steers, good, $56.00 to $5.50; raelites into the promised land, I hope to see this land covered with factories or exhibition buildings, should the people desire to continue having a fair. Had a few more wiso | men voted against the g»-law, the | city would have missed this good on- ~Morears Za FOR SALE BY 'The Public Utlity Hydro Shop andiee our splendidly equipped plant and the high chara®ter of Phone 844 machine work we turn out? A¥- ter such an inspection you will feel llke.placing some of your jobs in our competent hands tent, in jute bags, Montreal, prompt shipment,» $5.20 to $5.30, Toronto 268 Princess St., Kingston, Ont. basis, $5.15 to $5.25; bulk seaboard, $5 to°$5.10. i Manitoba flour--1st patents, In cotton sacke, $7.10 per barrel; 2nd do., fair, $4.00 to $5.00; stockers, good, $4.00 to $4.50; do., fair, $3.00 to $4.00; calves, choice, $10.00 to $12.00; 'do., common, $3.00 to $7.00; milch cows, choice, $80.00 to portunity. Many private citizens were just waiting Yor it. | Unfortunately, in referring to tha | purchase of this property, the Stand- | ard stated that the by-law was for fourteen acres for | Estimates gladly furnished. KING AND QUEEN STREETS Bishop Machine Shop patents, $6.60. Hay---Extra No. 2, per ton, track, Toronto, $15; mixed, $13.50 to $15: clover, $13.50 to $15. : Straw--Car lots, Toronto, $9.50. per ton, track, mith Prepared Bitinumous Coal for use in Furnaces, Quebec Heaters and Ranges ! _* $15.00 PER TON SOWARDS COAL CO PHONE 156. : UP-TOWN OFFICE: McGALL'S CIGAR STORR PHONE 811. Montreal. . Montreal, Dec. §.--Qats--Cana- dian Western, No. 2, 64 to 66¢; No. 3, 59 to 65¢c. Flour--Manitoba spring wheat patents, firsts, $7.10. Rolled oa's--bags, 90 lbs, $3.30 to $2.40. Bran, $24. Shorts, $26. Winnipeg, Winnipeg, Dec. 6.---Wheat---No, 1 $100.00; springers, choice, $90.00 to $110.00; lambs, $11.00 to $12.00; sheep, choice, $6.00 to $7.60; do. culls, $2.00 to $5.00; hogs, fed and watered, $11.25; do., f.o.b., $10.50; do., country points, $10.25. Montreal. Montreal, Dec. b.--Cattle Butch- ers' steers--Good, $5.50 to $6; med- fum, $4.75 to $5.50; common, §4 to $4.75. Butchers', heifers--Medium, $3.75 to $4.25; common, $3 to $3.75. Butchers' cows--Qood, $4.50 to $6; medium, $2.50 to $4; can- ners, $1.60 to $2; cutters, $2 to $2.50. Butchers' buls--Common, Northern, $1.09 3-8; No. 2 Northern, {$1.07 3-8; No. 3 Northern, $1.04 3-8; No. 4, $1.00 2-8; No. 5, 94 3-8¢; No. 16, 86 3-8¢c; feed, 77 3-8c¢; track. | [$1.05 3-8. Oats--No, 2 C.W., 46 5-8¢c: | A BUSINESS MAN'S LUNCH courtevus service and a menu for those of the most discrimi. nating taste will assure you of a pleasant noon-day lunch. We have made a specialty of the business men's lunch. At the noon hoar, drop in at The Victoria .Cafe. Our quick, THE VICTORIA CAFE JEWLY LER, Manager. 854 KING STREET TELEPHONE 762. We are offering a number of Connecticat Phone Head Sets, 8000 ohm at $6.00. These are high-grade and worth $8.00. Radio and Electric supplies of all kinds. Complete sets in- Halliday Electric Co. CORNER KING AND PRINCESS STS. 3 CHRISTMAS CAKES and PUDDINGS Now is the time to order your Christmas Cake and Pudding. WE USE NO SUBSTITUTES F. C. HAMBROOK | 115 BROCK STREET. PHONE 1025w, S < How Many Kinds of a Man Did Is Hea Sportsman? A Smoker? A Motorist? A Business Man? A Reader? Once You've Decided Just What He ls, You Know What Sort ot Ihings To Give Him For Christmas. # It's Easy To Pick Them Out Among the Little Ads under * "Gifts For Him" ia the "Christmas Gift Suggestions" Columns in To-day's Classified Section. e {No 8 C.W,, 41 1-8¢; extra No. 1 feed, 41 1-8¢; No. 1 feed, 37 5-8¢; No. 2 feed, 34 5-8c¢; rejected, 32 5-8¢; track, 42 5-8c. Barley--No. 3 C.W., 54c; No. 4 C.W., 49 1-4c; rejected and feed, 44 1-4c; track, 54c. Flex-- No. 1 NW.C, $2.01 1-4; No. 2 C.W., $1.94 1-4; No. 3 C.W,, $1.54 1-4; re- jected, $1.54 1-4; track, $1.94 1-4. Rye--No. 2 C.W.,, 78 3-4c. Chicago. Chicago, Dec, 5.--Wheat--No, 3 red, $1.28; No. 2 hard, $1.20 1-2 to $1.21 1-2. Corn--No. 3 'mixed, 71 1-2 to 72 1-2¢; No. 2 yellow, 78. 1-2 to 73 3-4c. Oats--No. 2 whi'e, 42 1-2; No. 8 white, 44 to 44 5-8¢c. Rye, |No. 2, 83 3-4 to 84 1-2¢. Barley, 64 {to 73¢c, Timothy sead, $6 to $6.75. {Clover seed, $15 to $20, { Minneapolis. | Mineapolis, Dec. 5.--Flour un- |changed to 6c lower; family patents, {$6.65 to $6.75 a barrel; shipments [89,333 barrels. Bran, $22.50 to $23. |Cash wh Ne 1 Northern, $1.16 |2-4 to +23 3-4; Dec. $1.14 3-4: { May, $1.14 1-2. Corn, No. 3 yellow, j55 to.66¢. Oats, No. 3 white, 36 7-8 jto 38 7-8¢. Flax, No. 1, $2.47 to $2.49. ------ | LIVE STOCK MARKETS. Ga. |. Chicago, Dec. b.--Cattle, bulk beef steers, $8.00 to $10.00; best yearlings except show-fed offerings. ($13.00; two loads long yearlings | fed with.show catle, $13.65; several] lots, $13.00 to $13.50; bulk desir- | able bologna bulls around $4.25 to | $4.40; few heavies, $4.50; bulk veal calves, $8.16 to $8.25; bulk stockers and feeders, $5.75 to $7.00. Hogs, buik, 190 to 240-pound aver- age, $8.05 to $8.10; good and cholce 210 to 275-pound butchers, $8.15; late top, $8.20 on 291-pound buteh- ers, bulk 140 to 160-pound average, $8.10 to $8.15; bulk packing sows, $7.25 to $7.60; desirable pigs, $8.00 to $8.15; estimated holdover, 11. 000. Sheep, top, $15.26 to packers and city butchers; bulk, $14.50 to $15.00; culs mostly $11.00 to $11.- 50; desirable 81-pound freshly &¥p- ped fed lambs, $13.00; summer shorn 80-pound lambs, $14.00; fed 87-pound yearlings, $12.75; one load Deep Hollow Coughs Are Mighty Dangerous That same cough is everywhere you go, deep and hollow, why--be- cause consumptive. « First it Was a cold, next came Catarrh, vitality de- creased then the trouble was very serious. = Never neglect a cold, not sven a little one. Never trifle with sore throat or Catarrh. Get out your "Catarrhosone Inhaler." Breathe deeply into your lungs the healing, soothing vapor of Catarrhozone. Let Catarrhozone clear out the nostrils. You'll wonder at the change when you use this healing remedy. It's really endid for coughs, colds, bronchial irritation and catarrhal trouble. Bold everywhere. Two months' treatment, $1.00. Small size, 60c. , Queen' vs. Eskimos ough to beat the Eskimos, but ' there is one Eskimo you cam- » $2.75 to $3.25. Good veal, $10; medium, $8 to $10; common, $5.50 to $6.25; grass, $3.50 to $3.75. Ewes, $6 to §7; lambs, good, $13 to $13.25; do., common, $11 to $12.50. Selects, $11.25 to $11.50; sows, $9 to $10. Winnipeg. Winnipeg, Dec. 5.--Handyweignt killing steers ranged from $5.00, to $5.50; cows, $3.50 to $4.00; desir- able heifers, $4.50 to $5; feeders steers, $4 to $4.25. Hogs, $9.50 for thick emooths and $10.50 for select bacous. / Lambs $11; good mutton Beep $6.50 to $7. i Buffalo. Buffalo, Dec. §.--Cattie--shipp- $8 to $9; yearlings, $9 to $11; heit- ors, $5.50 to $8.50; cows, $1.7b tv $6.75; bulls, $3.25 to $56.25; stock- ors and feeders, $6 to $7; fresh cows and epringers, $30 to $126. Calves $5 to $13.50. Hogs, mixed, $8.65 to $8.75; yorkers, $8.75 to $8.85; pigs $8.85 to $9; roughs, $7 to $7.25; stags, $4.50 to $5.50. Sheep and lambs-- Receipts, 15,000; steady; lambe, $6 to $16.75; yéarlings $6 to $13; weathers, $8 to $8.50; ewes $2 to $7.25; mixed sheep, $7.60 tu $8.00. , GENERAL maDE. Toronto. Toronto, Dec. 6.--Butter, dairy, 2b to 45¢; do., creamery, 45 to 60c, oggs, now laid, doz, 90c to $1; cheese, 1b., new, 25 to 35c; do., old, 35 to 40c¢; dressed poultry--brofilers, spring, Ib., 25 %0 28¢; fowl, Ib, 20 to £8¢c; ducklings, 1b., 256 to 30¢; tur- keys, 1b., 36 to 40c; appies--spies, bbl., No. 1, $7.50; do No. 2, $6, do., domestic, $5; do., other varieties, $4 to $6.50; do., B.C,, box, $2.25 to £3; 'vegetables (Canadian), beets, bag, 75 to 90c; cabbage, doz., 35 to G0¢; caulifiower, doz., $2 to $2.50; carrots, bag, 656 to 80c; celery, doz, 40 to 7fc; onions, sack, $1.50; par- snips, bag, 76¢c to $1; squash, dos. 76c to $1.25; tomatoes, hothouse, 1b., 30 to 3Fc; turnips, bag, 60 to 750; lettuce, iceberg, $6 to $7, Montreal. Montreal, Dec. 5.--Butter--Cream- ery, sods, 38¢ per Ib.; prints, 39c per 1b.; cooking butter, 32¢ per Ib; cleomargerine, 21¢ per Ib. Bggs--No. 1, 37¢; No. 2, 30e; ex- tras, 40c; special, 80¢. Ham--Large size, 22¢; small size, 25¢; cooked, 37¢ to 432¢ per Ib. Bacon--Windsor, boneless, 42¢ per 1b.; breakfast, 29¢ per Ib. Dressed Poultry--Milkfed ehick- 26c; selected chickens, 26¢c to 30c; turkeys, 46¢ '0 B50¢; ducks, 25c to 36c; green ducks, 36¢ to 38¢ per 1b. Dressed Hoge--Fresh killed, abat- tolr stock, $18. Flour--First patents, $7 per bbl; second patent, $6.50 f.o.b. track; strong bakers, $6.67 per bbl.; winter wheat flour, choice grade, $6; broken lots in cotton bags, $6.25 to $6.30. Mil feed--Bran and shorts fn lim¥ed quantities in box car lots, T1328; Sworis $26.25. . es, $3.65 to $3.70 per 90-Ib, Ta Mvered to the trade. . Hays--Baled, per tom, in car lots, new crop, No. 2 Timothy, $16 to $17; No. 3 Timothy, $14 to $15; delivered to Montreal. ing steers, $10 to $11.50; butchers, ens, 85¢ to 38¢ lb.; brotlers, 35¢ to. '| Xmas Greeting Cards. Special the purchase of $19,000, instead of forty-one acres | for $9,000. I learn that . several] parties used this extensively against me on election day, inferring that 1 was making a profit of $10,000 and | twenty-seven acres. { Thanking those people who sup-| ported me and you for the valuable | space in your paper, I remaln, ! Respectfully yours, --I. COHEN. HAD NO KNOWLEDGE. The Family Distressed Over a Wrong | Statement. | Although a statement had been published in Kingston to the effec: | that the body of the Chiet Engineer, ! Dunn, of the ill-fated Maplehurst had been located, the family 'of the de- ceased, who reside on William street, | stated, on Wednesday, that they haa received no official communication | as to finding it. At first it was thought that one of the bodies pres- ed up was Engineer Dunn's, but it is | evident that it was not or else the family would have been officially in- | formed. | | A Big Mail From Overseas Show Approach of Christmas| Every day now there is evidence | at the Kingston post office, of the! near approach of Christmas. | Every day the mails are getting { bigger and bigger, and the rush will | continue until the approach of the] néw year. | On Wednesday morning, a malt | from overseas arrived in the city and one hundred parcels containing Ghristmas gifts were in the consign- ment from the old land. | Chief Lost His Glasses. 'When the fire alarm was sounded |! late Tuesday afternoon for a chim- | ney blaze on Nelson street, Fira | Chief Armstrong was at his home reading a newspaper. He rushed out | the door and in his excitement heput | his eye glassed in a case in his pock- et, but on the way to the fire the ch'ef had the misfortune to lose the | case and glasses. The chief has an | advertisement in to.day's issue of] the Whig, about his loss. It would | be hard: luck for Kingston's fire chief to be minus his glasses, and it Is hoped th#t some person will be | lucky enough to find the glasses anl | return same to the owner. * Appointments. The following graduates of the] Kingston Business College were, last | week, appointed to positions in King- ston and Hamilton: Edna A. Cam- eron, stenographer, B. Greening Wire Co., Hamilton; Dalsy Henry, steno- graphér-bookkeeper, W. P, Peters, wholesale department; Ronald Al corn, stenographer, Hon. Dr. Ross; Frances Crawford, stenographer, McLean Packing Company, To Meet To-night, The L. R. Steele Service Corpora- tion, with offices in the Royal Bank Building, has arranged for an inter- esting gathering to-night, at a meet- ing of the executive and clients, when pictures of the stores and general in- fcrmation concerning the business will be given together with operat- ing methods. The meeting will take place at eight o'clock. = A Terrble Wind. The wind storm which prevailed on Tuesday was about the liveliest of the season. Headgear suffered as a result of the etrong wind and it was a common sight during the day to see pedestrians chasing after thelr hats. The water in the harbor was in a terrible turmoil and vessels were forced to seek ghelter. Navel Seedless Oranges. Little Lady Oranges, 20c dosen, af' Carnovsky's. : The memoirs of Count Von Moltke, just lesued by his widow, gives the impression that England deliberate- ly duped Germany {nto delaying mob- {lization by tentatively indicating she wold observe neutrality, {if Ger many desisted from a naval attack on the north toast of France. See our exclusive line of personal sale this week. The Jackson Press, 171-/ 176 Wellington street. i Parliament fs likely to open on | Thursday, Jan. 18th. Speaker Le- | mieux sails from Burope, for Can- | ada, on Rec. 12th, i The Most Popular Present on the Tree If you buy your Radio gift from us, 1 Are sure. Of giving a worth while r pnt Glve the boy one of our lado Gift Certificates (made out to any amount), and let him do his own choosing of goods. Boys! Bring Dad in and get him acquainted with RADIO. Open every evening. out-of-town residents, prices, : & CANADA RADIO STORES 200% Princess Street Phone 1207J. Radio 3AAY, e Only Exclusively Radio Supply House Between Torento and Montreal, + + AQ write for | DAINTY CAF SS SOSA SARS. The place where dining out is truly a delight PRINCESS ST. OPPOSITE BIBRY'S 3 DAYS SALEMEN'S SHOES Thursday--Friday--Saturday Men's Leather-lined G. M. Blucher with heavy visculized soles and rubber heels. Special Price ..............~... $3.08 Men's Black or Brown Lace Boots-- dregsystyle .................;.. $3.98 Men's Brown or Black Lace Boots -- high, medium or French toes . . -... $4.98 The Sawyer Shoe Store Phone 159. 184 Princess St. ill I Iii Ii HEINTZMAN & CO. PLAYER PIANO The most efficient Player Plano on the market. Constructed with every consideration to the necessity for perfect reproduction, and having achieved this point, stands out most prominently in the world of Music. * Open evenings. Sold on easy terms ----y FT YR re Sole Agents in K'ngston for Weber Plan as PRINCESS UTRERT, KID\USTO, to politics in the city council, states that while he is opposed to politics in the council, he did not say anys thing ebout any "clique or group". He further states that he Is a Con~ servative and always has been. A postal convention has been| | J. A. Ferguson, Conservativ: achieved between Canada and the - . Datted States, : J. A. Ferguson, Princess street y marks first anniversary of | barber, referring to the Whig's pub- the accession of the Liberal patty to [lished Interview with him on Nov. Potter wt Dawa. 23rd quoting him as being opposed Phone 237 (Copyright, 1922, by Basil L Smith) : _ OPEN NIGH! ut

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