THE. DAILY BRITISH LITTLE MISS MUFFET Dressed Spruce New stocks of select grades from the best mills in Quebec and New Brunswick. ALLAN LUMBER C0: VICTORIA STREET. "Phone 1042. Best Cidar Value in Canada 1 GENERAL CIGAR COMPANY LimiTteo CONTROLLED AND OPERATED BY IMPERIAL TOBACCO CO. OF CANADA LIMITED estinghouse RADIO SETS 'COMPLETE AND READY TO SHIP Type "R.C." 2 Aeriola Jr. Aeriola Sr. A highly sensitive long For reception of local Has greater range than distance receiver. Valve broadcasting. Crystal set, Aericla: Jr. Valv t set, embracing Armstrong including everything ne- . hlve sel, Regenerative Circuit (pa- cessary for this type of makes nse of Regenera- tented) tuner and two- receiver. A compactout- tive Circuit (Armstrong stage amplifier. : fit. ! patent). : If your dealer cannot supply you write our nearest office. MADE IN CANADA Canadian Westinghouse Company Limited Ontario S CAKES and PUDDINGS Now is the time to order ycur Christmas Céke and Pudding. WE USE NO SUBSTITUTES F. C. HAMBROOK 115 BROCK STREET. PHONE 1025w. "CHRISTMA mn na $8. lk packing sows, i $ rable pigs, $8.00 THE MARKET REPORTS | © 2 af i )0. Sheep, top, 5.25 to packers y butchers; bulk, $14.50 to b cif { $15 00; culs mostly $11.00 to $11.- 160; desirable 81-pound freshly elip- ------ ! ped fed lambs, §13.00;. summer Montreal. ; | shorn 80-pound lambs, $14.00; fed | Montreal, Dec. 8.--Oats--Cana-|87-pound yearlings, $12.75; load 3.23, Halliday Electric Co. {dian Western, No. 2, 64 to 65¢; No. M17-pound aged we 13, 59 to 65c. Flour--Manitobay feeders active, 25¢ highe CORNER KING AND PRINCESS STS. lapring wheat patents, firsts, $7.10 §2-pound Western - feeding {Rolled oajs--bags, 90 1bs., $3.30 to $14.50; sheep fully steady; heavy | $3.40. Bran, $24. Shorts, $26, | ewes ari d $5.00; lighter weights, | -- | up to $7.50. Winnipeg. | Winnipeg, Dec. 8.--Wheat--No, 1 Northern, $1.09 3-8; No. 2 Northern, $1.07 3-8; No. 3 Northern, $1.04 3-8 § No. 4, $1.00 3-8; No. 5, 94 3-8c; No. [$5.50; cows, $3.50 to $4.00; desir-| 6, 86 3-8¢c; feed, 77 3-8¢c; rack able heifers, $4.50 to $5; feeders | $1.05 3-8. Oats--No. 2 C.W., 46 5-8c; !steers, $4 to $4.25. Hogs, $9.50 for | No, 3 C.W., 41 1-8¢; extra No. 1 feed, | thick smooths and $10.50 for select | 41 1-8¢; No. 1 feed, 37 5-8¢; No. 2 |bacons. | feed, 34 5-8c; 'rejected, 32 5-8c; | Lambs $11; good track, 42 5-8¢. Barley--No. 3 C.W., 50 to $7. 4c; No. 4 CW, 49 1-4c; rejected and feed, 44 1-4c; track, 54c. Flex-- No. 1 NW.C, $2.01 1-4; No. 2 C.W,, $1.94 1-4; No. 3 CW, $1.54 1-4; re- jected, $1.54 1-4; track, $1.94 1-4 Rye--No. 2 C.W,, 78 3-4c. -- | $7.60; des estimated D, | We are offering a number of Connecticut Phone Head Sets, 8000 ohm at $6.00. These are high-grade and worth $8.00. Radio and Elec tric supplies of all kinds. Complete sets in- " GRAIN QUOTATIONS. stalled. X one desirabla lambs, PHONE 94. on nn u | ---- | Winnipeg. | Winnipeg, Dec. 8 --Handyweight } erg ranged from- $5.00 to Prepared Bitinumous Coal for use in Furnaces, Quebec Heaters and ¥ Ranges ; $15.00 PER TON SOWARDS COAL CO PHONE 166. UP-TOWN. OFFICE: McGALL'S CIGAR STORE PHONE 811. a { Hamilton, District Offices: Toronto, Montreal, Winnipeg, Calgary, Vancouver, Edmonton, Fort William, Ottawa, Halifax. -------- A ae b.. Ham--Igthe size 125¢; cooked, 37¢ to 42¢ per Ib. Bacon--Windsor, boneless, 42¢ per | b.; breakfast, 29¢ per 1b. Dressed Poultry---Milkfed citer 35c to 38¢ lb.; broilers, 35¢ to mutton sheep . y 22¢; small size, | Potatoes, sweet, Parsnips, Turnips,: 1b. . $6 PHONE 1746] For Firewood A choice lot of Hard and Soft Wood always on hand. See us first. CHAS, BEDORE & SON, 274 NELSON 8sT, | Montreal. | Montreal, Dec. 8.--Cattle, Butch- |! ers' steers--Good, $5.50 to $6; med- | eng, ium, $4.75 to $5.50; common, $4 to |. . . $4.75. Butchers' heifers--Medium,|°c¢; elected chickens, .26¢c to 30c; --- $3.75 to $4.25; common, $3. to turkeys, 45c¢ to 50c; ducks, 25c to RUTTER TTT ° : ' la ne ' OWE AYO: | 36¢c; green Hucks, 36c to 38c 1b. Personal Greeting Cards « Toronto, Moighiie IRL whoatle at er $2.50 Sn joo Droescd Hogs > Freeh 'killed, abat- | y . it 9 . | oY 9. a ir stock, $18. ~--No: 1 Northern, $1.22 1-2. ners, $1.50 to $2; cutters, $2 ie il ' ¥ Large and select assortment to choose American ecori---No. 2 yellow, S06; i250] Butchers' bulls--Common, Flour--First patents, $7 per bbl; x 2.750 t 3.25. G from. Order now. $2.75 to 5. Good ail, veal, $10;|%econd patent, $6.50 f.0.b. track; High-Class Printing of Every Description. No. 3 yellow, 89¢, all rail. medium, $8 to $10: common, $5.50 «trong bakers, $6.67 per bbl.; winter BRITISH WHIG JOB DEPARTMENT ome i 62 Barley--Maiting, 61 10 i to $6.25; grass, $3.50 to $3.75. wheat flour, choice grade, $6; broken: 806-8-10 KING STREET, KINGSTON, ONT. PHONE 243, a gi 78¢ Ewes, $6 to $7; lambe, good, $13 to |!0!8 In cotton bags, $6.25 to $6.30. ag : $137.25; do., common, $11 to $12.50, Mill feed--Bran and shorts in AERA EERE ERATOR ERROR RRR RCO RRR RRR No, Dear Reader, It's Not Rye--No. 2, 77 to 79c. rats i : Millfeed -- Delivered Montreal | Selects, $11.2% to $11.50; sows, §9 jimited quantities in box car lots, 4 4 ' 5 to $10. 1923.25; shorts, $25.25. . o age The Spanish Inquisition It's only one of our welders doing freight, bags included, bran, per ton, _ $24; shorts, per ton, $26; middlings, Rolled Oats Standarq grades, $35.50; good feed flour. BZ. Toronto; $3.65 to $3.70 per 90-1b, bags, de- Ontario wheat, No. 2 white $1.03 | Toronto, Dec. 8.--Choice heavy Hvered fo he trate, to $1.12 according to freights out-|Steers, $7.00 to $7.60; butchor| Havs--DBaled, per tom, in car lots, | steers, choice, $6.00 to $7.00; do.,|eW ¢Top, No. 2 Timothy, $16 to $17; some up-to-date steel welding with his little old oxy-acetylene torch that plays with steel the way the Spanish torturers used to play 'with their vic- tims in the olden days. Only to-day Unclassified. | Sugar, granulated, 1b. | Sugar, yellow,'1b .... | Sugar, icing, 1b. | Flour, standard, cwt. | Rolled oats, 1b.° Honey, 5 1b. pail | Lard, 1b. | Oleomargarine, Ib... - medium, ac- Hay, Straw and Gralns. Barley, bus, ..... ! Bran, ton { Buckwheat, bus. . | Corn, feed, bus. | Corn, car lots ..... { Hay, baled, tons .. Hay, loose, ton ,.. | Oats, local, bus. | Shorts, ton Straw, baled, ton ,... i Straw, loose, ton.... .. 8. .... | hea, local, bus. .... 1.00 to 1. ---- $22 to $24 . 65 to 70 95¢ to $1 05 Meats and Pouitry, Prince Beorge Hotel TORONTO In Centre of Shoppi and Business Distri 250 ROOMS 100 with Private Bathe BUROPEAN PLAN E WINNEJT THOMPSON. MAN'G. DIR, | | | 8 | per tom, track, The Pleasures Are Many --The Cost But Little There's nothing complicated about a radio receiving set. You can either purchase a compléte set or assemble your own. Our several years of radio experience is always at your ser- vice. We are always glad to tell you just what you need to hear the many wonderful concerts now being broadcasted. Drop in. Open every evening. GIVE RADIO THIS CHRISTMAS ! Out-of-town people write. CANADA RADIO STORES 269% Princess Street Phone 1207J. SAAY, Eastern Ontario Headquarters for the Best Radio Equipment. spri 0 en a RT Te \ Tzuffalo. Buffalo, Dec. 8.--Cattle--ship- ing steers, $10 to $11.50; butchers, $8 to $9; yearlings, $9 to $11; heit- ers, $5.50 to $8.50; cows, $1.75 to $56.75; bulls, $3.25 to $5.25; stock- ters and feeders, $6 to $7; fresh cows | and epringers, $30 to $125. Calves $5 to $13.60. Hogs, mixed, $8.65 to $8.75; yolkers, $8.75 to $8.85; pigs $8.85 to $9; roughs, $7 to $7.25; |May, $1.14 1-2. Corn, No. 3 yellow, | '288, $4.50 to $5.50. Sheep and |56 to 66c.. Oats, No.:3 white, 36 7-3 |lAmbs-- Receipts, 15,000; steady; i . Flax, No. 1, $2.47 to lambg, $6 to $15.75; yearlings $6 | $2.49. : "Ito $13; weathers, $8 to $8.50; ewes $2 to $7.25; mixed sheep, $7.50 to $8.00. ~ Minneapolis, Minneapolis, Dec. 8.--Flour un- {changed to 6c lower; family patents, 1§6.65 to $6.75 a barrel; shipments 89,333 barrels. Bran, $22.50 to $23. Cash wheat, No. 1 Northern, $1.16 2-4 to $1.23 3-4; Dec. $1.14 3-4: CR side; No. 2 $1.03 to $1.06. : 0s {No. 3 Timothy, $14 to $15; delive we No. 2 'white oats--41 to 500k Fn a F000; go, meni: | Mont v3 $15; delivered yl flour--Ninety per cent. pa- {to $5.00; gocher hellere, Ginn ent Montreal ipt | $6.00 to $6.50; do., medium, $5.00 | eo a a $5.30 or: |to $6.00; do., common, $4.00 to $4.- KINGSTO , basis, $5.15 to $5.25; bulk seaboard, | 50; butcher cows, choice, $4.00 to N RETAIL Beet: the torch serves the needs of modern g5 to $5.10. > *1$5.00; do., medium, $2.75; to $3. | MARKET PRICES! |steak, porterhouse, Ib business, Manitoba flour--1st patents, in | 75; carnners and cutters, $2.00 to 4 | Steak, round, 1b. teessirg 2210 25 . cotton sdtks, $7.10 per barrel; 2nd | 32.25: butcher bulls, good, $3.50 to Boiling cuts,9b.. +4 +0 .. ..8 to 12 Bi h Machin Sh phtents, $6.60 | $4.80; do., common, $2.50 to $3.00; Sat@rday, Dec.9th. |Stewing cuts, Ib. , .. . : IS 0p e 0p Hay--Extr#No. 2, per ton, track | feeding steers, good, $5.00 to $5.50; | Owing to the recent government | Geef, Western, ewtl. +... KING AND QUEEN STREETS Toronto, $15: fixed. $13.50 to $15: do., fair, $4.00 to $5.00; stockers, | regulations requiring all dry garden | Leef hinds, cwt. JZ |clover, $13.50 to $15. | good, $4.00 to $4.50; do., fair, $3.00 {produce to be sold by the pound, in-| Beef, local, 1b, .. Straw---Car lots, 'to $4.00; calves, choice, $10.00 to stead of by the quart, peck, etc.,|Veal, Ib. Toronto, $9.50. 1-$12.00; do., common, $3.00 to | either on the public market or in the | Pork: . $7.00; milch cows, choice, $80.00 to retail stores, the prices for this week | Loin roasts, 1b, , Chicago. $100.00; ers, choice, $90.00 are quoted in that manner, so that Shoulder roasts Chicago, Dec. 8.--Wheat--No. 8/t0 $110.00; lambs, $11.00 to $12.00; the new system may become familiar | Hog, live weight, cwt red, $1.28; No. 2 hard, $1.20 1-2 to | sheep; cholce, $6.00 to $7.50; do., | with all buyers. This regulation will (Chops, 1b.... .. . $1.21 1-2. Cort--~No. 3 mized. 71 {culls, $2.00 to $5.00; hogs, fed and not effect the selling of early spring | Hops, dressed, owt... 11-2 to 72 1-2¢: No. 2 yellow 73 1-2 | watered, $11.25; do., f.0.b., $10.50; vegetables by the bunch, | Bacon, breakfast. . to 73 3-dc. Oats--No. 2 white 40 140. country points, $10.25. There was very little change in (Ham, smoked .. 1-2; No. 8 white, 44 to 44 5-8c. Rye . meats, poultry or figh during the Lamb: No. 2, 83 3-4 to 84 1-2¢c. Barley 64 week. Considerable changes will be Carcase, 1) to 72¢c. Timothy seed. $8 to $6.75. noted in the hides and wood section. | Fronts, 1b... Clover seed, $15 to $20. The hide market is slow and dota: | Hines, Ib. e's Mutton, Ib Fruit, {Sausage meat... Bananas, doz. ........ce0ee. 50c| Poultry: Grape fruit, each ....,. +++10 | Chickens, Ib, ..... Grapes, baskot '..wessseresa.. 50C {Fowl 1b: ...... Lemons, doz .. Oranges, doz. .. Apples, bus, .......... Pears, Duchess, basket . Pears, winter, 11 qt. basket ....80¢ Hides, Woul, etc. Deacon skins, each.... .. ... .. Horse hides, each,... ..up to | Hides, Ib ..10 to Fish, {Shoop skins, fresh.... .. ..7 50 gj Veal gkine, 1b. ... .... CITT Tae | Wool, wasted, Is to 20 | Wool, unwashed, 1b. ... .. 1 | Raw Furs-- - {FOX..00 4 400s sussss.. upto e | Mink... ..up to g5 | RACOON..,¢ 4: 4sisy ops. up to 80 to $1 |Skunk.C .. ees up to $2 LIVE STOCK MARKETS. Cod, 1b. . Eels, 1b. . Fliets,'Id.". .. ...... Finnan haddie, 1b. Haddoch, fresh, 1b... Halibut, 1b. Toronto, Dec. 8.--Butter, dairy, Kippers, pair ... 94 to 45¢; do., creamery, 45 to 50c¢; {Oveters, quart .. oggs, now laid, doz, 90c 0 ¥1: perch Ib. .,.............. .1214 Beeswax, Ib. . +e. 30 cheese, 1b., new, 25 to 35¢; do., 01d, pike 1b.. ...... .. ..13% to 15 Ginseng, b.. .... .. «r§13 35 to 40c; dressed poultry--brollers. ig imon, #b, .............. 25 to 35 | Tg spring, 1b, 26 to 28¢c; fowl, Ib., 20 t0 | 54eak, cod, 1b.. .. .....12% to 15 £8c; ducklings, 1b, 25 to 30¢; tur- bproue salmon, Ib. .. .. .18 to 20 keys, 1b., 35 to 40c; appies--sples, white fish.... .. .... ..20 to 25 Chicago. - GENERAL TRADE. | Chicago, Dec. 8.--Cattle, bulk, || beef steers, $8.00 to $10.00; best yearlings except show-fed offerings. 11$13.00; two loads long yearlings {| fed with show catle, $13.65; several || lots, $13.00 to $13.50; bulk desir- | able bologna bulls around $4.25 to European Plan Dining Room Service De Luxe CHATEAU BELVIDERE 141 King E. Phone 1743 M. C. FENWICK, Prop. Toronto. D WIGHTMAN : ERNIE 0. SUITE 151 WELLINGTON 151 sit Heater and Cooker The Range that is replacing all other styles of Kitchen Ranges. It is a $4.40; few heaviés, $4.50; bulk veal calves, $8.15 to $8.25; bulk stockers and feeders, $5.75 to $7.00: Hogs, bulk, 190 to 240-pound aver- bbl, No. 1, $7.50; do No. 2, $6, do, age, $8.05 to $8.10; good and choice gomestic, $5; do., other varieties, 210 to 275-pound butchers, $8.15; $4 to $6.50! do., B.C., box, $2.25 to late top, $8.20 cn 291-pound butch-}¢3: vegetables. (Canadian), beets, ers, bulk 140 to 160-pound average, (jag, 75 to 90c; cabbage. doz., 35 to Nr aT rn L500; candiffower, dors $2 to $2.50: Is Your Stomach Sour? carrots, bag, 65 to Sic; celery, doz, Do You Belch Gas? Dalry Produce, Rutter, Creamery, Ib.. .. 42 Butter, dairy, 1b, ..... Rutter, whey, Ib. ... Cheeae, new, Ib. .......... 27 to 80 Cheese, old, ib. . «+35 Bggs, fyesh, doz 50c Eggs, No. 1, dos. ... + B62} eT 49 to Tie; onlens, sack, $1.54; par- snips, bag, T5c to, $1; squash, doz, There's nothing that will tire on» "quicker than the child whose i {reese & 1s culming. 1 ofybeing called brave. He is almost a fool who will take parents | chances of danger simply for the sake If you have sour risings from the stomach, feel bloated and uncom- fortable, just try twenty drops of Nerviline in sweetened water. Re- lief will come quick. Nerviline dis- pels the gas, sweetens the stomach, makes you fit and fine in a few min- utes. 'As a general househdl: rem- edy for many of the {ils that con- stantly turn ap, nothing is more use- ful in every home than'a 35 cent bottle of good, old "Nervilime." T6c to $1.25; tomatoes, hothouse, 1b.. 30 to 35¢c; tarnips, bag, 60 to Tbe; lettuce, iceberg, $6 to $7. Eggs, strictly fresh, daz.....70 fb 75 Garden Produce, Beets, 1b... se nnnnend Montreal. o Montreal, Dec. 8.--Butter, Cream- jery, solids, 38¢ to) 3b.; prints, 38¢ per 1b.; cooking dutter, 32¢ per 1b. cleomargerine, 21¢ per lb. | ®ge=--No. 1. 37¢; No. 2, tras, 40c; special, 80c. 30¢; ex- Cabbage, head. ... . .. .,,10 to 15 (CARTON AY. J. iis eae di ea geist. head .... +e +420 to 30 | Lettuce, head, «:20t0 5% { Onions, domestie, 1b. ... 3. .. ..4 Onions, Spanish, 1b.. ....4 for 25 Potatoes, W.ves bs ee ae 8 «1% powerful Heater, economica) cooker and baker. and is an ornament in any kitchen. Let us demonstrate it to you. Lemmon & Sons 418% PRINCESS STREET °° - v