Daily British Whig (1850), 16 Dec 1922, p. 10

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10 [craps | TO CRICKET WRESTLER-BOXER INTERESTING BOUT "¥byszko Says He Could Trim Dempsey With Ease in a Mixed Maton, { By Billy Evans.) Is the champion fighter a more formidable opponent than a cham- pion wrestler? Jack Dempsey is the heavyweight champion of the string: Stra Lewis holds the heavyweight wrest- ling honors. What chance would Dempsey have against Lewis in a mixed match? Would the packed by Dempsey prove more ef- fective than the bone-breaking holds of Lewis? : ¢ This question has been revived 1 the recent wire report that Demp was not adverse to meeting Lewis in a mixed match. A year ago, when Stanislaus Zby- n Pain Between the Eyes | That pain is not rhéumatism or neuralgia. Many folks think is due to Catarrh, plain ordindry Ca- tarrh and needs attention right now Catarrhozone is the name of a won- derful invention that is daily fixing up chronic cases of weak throat, bronchitis and catarrh. Every breath through the Inhaler is laden with soothing, healing substances that destroy all diseased conditions in the breathing organs. It can't fail to "help, because it goes where the trouble really exists, and doesn't at- tempt to cure an illness in the head or throat by means of medicine tak- en into the stomach. There is no sufferer from a grippy cold or any winter {1}, that won't find benefit in| Catarrhozone, which is employed by. lawyers and | physicians, ministers, public men throughout many foreign lands. Large size lasts two months, | Small size 50c. | Sample size 25c.; all storekeepers or | and costs $1.00. the Catarrhozone Co., Montreal. Supreme : To Her A DIAMOND RING---whe- ther it begone at a price of $350 or the less expensive at $100, $75, $50 or $25, you can feel assured that the quality of Diamond is the very finest and the mounting the very latest. Every Ring carries guarantee of satisfaction or money refunded. our All mall orders receive our personal atteamtiyn. Kinnear & dEsterre gleep-producing wallop | so--it | | 8zko was the champion, I raised tha, & as to the superiority of the wrestler and boxer if two cham- | argument pions of the same class met in a mix- ed bout I put the ques*'on to Dempsey and ck's answer was most emphatie. "I'll knock out Zbyszko and a haif dozen-other. cnappjon wrestlers in the same ring on the sa'me night. "All that would be necessary for Ja me to trim Zbyszko would be to sink | a couple of punches in that bay win- | dow ol hls, cross a couple of right | handers to the jaw, and it would be | all over "A good wrestles hasn't a chance | | with an equally good fighter." The question of a match his chances was put to Zbyszko. "In a match with Dempsey floor," sald Zbyszko. working and thereby render Demp- sey"s best punches far less effective. |, "Dempsey is a great fighter, but he knows nothing of wrestling. It {s an easy matter to forve an inex- 1 got Dempsey on the mat the con- | test would goon be over. mercy of the wrestler in a mixed match." I asked a score of much comment, h writers for thatr leading sport ions. szko the margin. Later the idea was tried out in al half dozén matches between fighters and wrestlers possessing merely 10- cal reputations. wrestler was victorious. | A .match between Dempsey and | Lewis would settle no momentous | question, but it would prove mighty interesting while it lasted, regard. | less of who was the victor. | YALE FOOTBALL SCHEDULE i 'LACKS ONLY ONE GAME. Announcement from that McGill University will meet Yale on the gridiron here on Octo- .ber 20th next year indicates that the Yale football schedule for 1923 is | If Yale cuts, its schedule down to eight games, as | virtually completed. Harvard has done, there remains but | The | tentative schedule as made known so | ! ane open date, October 27th. 1 | tar is as follows: October 6th, North Carolina; | tober 13th, University of Georgla; | October 20th, McGill | November 3rd, Army; | 10th, Brown: November 17th, | Princeton; November 24, Harvard at | Cambridge. | Joe Boley, star shortstop of the | International League, for whose ser- vices several major league clubs have been dickering, has signed a contract continufng with the Baltimore Clud for another year. His salary, it was sald, will be $6,000. Many fans who saw Kitchener beat | Argonauts, Wednesday, are of the opinion that the Green and White will cut a wide swath in the O.H.A. sentor race this year. The recognized record for the 220- yards three-legged race is 27 1-5 seconds, héld by C. Cassasa and S. C. Northridge. Break in plant of private power company at Decew Falls shuts down factories at St. Catharines not able to switch to Hydro. Make Real, Gifts Our stock is one in which you will find the article which makes a worth while gift for any of the men folks. See our stock of Pajamas and pick a pair. Nicely boxed for gift packages. Watch our suggestion in to-mor- row's paper. George VanHorne's with | Dempsey and vhat he thought ot} | I would immediately force him to the | "That would | enable me to get «my deadly holds | ~e | Perienced wrestler to the floor. Once | : y . { Liniments Won't Relieve "The fighter will always be at the | The proposed match aroused so Only one conceded Zby-| In every case the | Montreal | . Oc- | CHICAGO CUBS PRESENT University; | November | SE FIA Pa HPCE va : THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. SPORTING meme, You not only read it, you si ng it. Tr comic hit. "THEM DAYS IS GONE FOREVER" y it on your piano. Watch nightly for this big "SOMEWHERE A 'VOICE IS BAWLING." LATE WE HAD A MEETING OF THE CLUB -AND THAT (S WAY I'M I 3 Denti ag ne la fpe---- = oar = WAICK MEANS CANNED STUFF FOR SUPPER -HEY ? -- THE VERY THING I HATE --- | | | BEFORE YOU TOOK TO PLAYING WAIST, YOUR MEALS WERE SIMPLY GREAT -- =° OSV, THEM DAYS IS GONE FOREVER ! | nm---- | ARRAY OF YOUNGSTERS IN 1923 BATTLE LINEUP | The Chicago Cubs will go into the 1923 National league pennant race] with a team made up of more young | players than any other club in the] {major leagues. It also will be pilot- led by the youngest manager in the | {older organization, William Killefer, | | who was reappointed for a term of | two years. Forty players are on the club's roster to report for spring training at | Catalina island. The majority were with the club in 1922, when Manag-| er Killefer began the process of re-| constructing the club, and with the! exception of Marty Krug, who filled | in at third base the latter part of the! season, will be on hand when called | together, From this array of talent, a club| of seasoned players is expected, | which should be an improvement over the 1922 aggregation, which] made a creditable showing despite the fact it finished in fifth place. { Fourteen pitchers on the Cubs'| roster will strive for permanent posi- tions. Of these, only one, Grover Al- exander, is a veteran. Altho handi- capped part of the season of 1922 because of a lame arm, he still has considerable pitching prowess. Four are southpaws, > - The Cubs are believed to have] secured star players in George Gran-| tham and R. B, Barrett, who will Z=DopD's ) "KIDNEY ~ TREE | contest with 10 other men signed ih Byars, for infield positions. ! Charley Hollocher, rated as one of | the best shortstops in the majors, | of the leading first basemen in the <€ague in 1922, and an excellent bat- ter, may find some stiff competition | among the other young men. Other candidates for infleld berths | include Johnny Kelleher and . Joe Klugmann, who returns from At- lanta. Bernie De Vieveiros also comes back for another trial. Ten men are slated to battle for outfield berths. The catching department should show to greater advantage in 1923 as Bob O'Farrell has developed | into one of the best backstops in the league. He probably will be the first string receiver, but will find some strong competition in Wirts| and Leo Hartnett, | tee oe | SCOTTISH CURLERS. The Personnel] of Those To Be Hero | January 10th. | Members of the Scottish team are: Col. Robertson-Aikman (Captain), Hamilton; Major Astley, Littla. Plumstead Halli, Norwich; J. Doug- | las Campbell, Travebank, Forfar- shire; David Moffat, 31 St. Vincent | Place, Glasgow; John Weir, Shots- burn, Holytown; John F. Ross, Ross Hotel, Arrochar, Loch Long; Major | George J. Lumeden, Freuchie Fife; | Dr. Cameron Loanheed; C. H. Gii- christ, Kennington, Lanark; W. K | Jackson, Broomlands, Symington, | Lanarkshire; Alex. Clarkson, Skirl- ing, Biggar; T. B. Murray, Black- wood, Biggar; James McGooch, 2567 Upper Brock street, Manchester; | Major Marshall, 58 York Place, Har- | rogate, Yorkshire; Douglas Willi- son, Acham, Killin; Provost Lang, The Grange, Johnstone; I. Y. Kean- nie, Floor street, Johnstone; John Hewetson, Battersan, Newton Stew- art; R. Bramwell, Burnfoot, Sanqu- har; T. Thompson, Newark, Sanqu- har; M. Hunter, Kennedy, 23 Kings- boro' Gardens, Glasgow W.; James T. Ward, Lymehurst, 74 S. Brae: Dr. Jordanhill, Glasgow; W. Wilson, (Harthill), care M. 8S. Russell, Drake, Sask.; David Reid, care Miss 6 Victoria Terrace, Edin- burgh; A. L. Lorimer, N. B. Lozh Co., Ltd., Queen's Pk. Works, Glas- gow; J. P. Lopp, United Service {should have mo trouble winning his| Club; David McNair, Falkirk; James | regular birth, but Ray Grimes, one| Walkden, Wigan; Angus Gilmore, Renfrewshire; John All are from Sco:- McGooch and Eaglesham, Clark, Hamilton. land except Messrs. Marshall of England. Ott Miller, former star catcher of the Brooklyn Nationals, will act as coach of the Kansas City American Association club next season. He signed a contract, and received a bonus of $3,000, it was said. The compensation to umpires in world series was changed from a per- centage of the players' share td a flat sum of $2,000 each per series. BRITIS -- ee Skaters' SATURDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1v:3, | BADMINTO _ | TO BOXING Supplies SKATES for THE KIDDIES BOB A cure fon weak ankles. HOCKEY BOOTS Everything for Hockey and Skating pleasures. Treadgold Sporting Goods Co 88 PRINCESS 'ST. P---------------- INCREASE IN WINS ~~ FOR KING'S HORSES | | Lord Woolavington's and Lord Derby's Stables Season's Chief Winners. Complete' figures for the fiat rae- ing season, in England are now avail- "wahbje, and show Lord Woolavington as heading the list of winning owners, the nine horses racing under his colors winning 21 races, for a total value of $160,450. Lord Woolaving- ton this season supplied the Derby winner, in Captain Cu'tle, and his two-year-old colt, Town Guard, is generally credited as being the be of his year, IL.ord Derby second place in the list, with win- | |nings of $153,165 by his nineteen horses in the forty-one races which | they won. | His Majesty the King met with | | more success during the past season {than he did in 1921, his colors being | carried to victory on ten occasions | this year, compared with four times during the season a year ago. The earnings of the Royal stable this {year amount to $26,445, more than {dcuble that of last year. Twen-y-eight owners were success- ful in winning purses totalling $25,- (00 or over. The list, with the horses A AP MILD, occupies | PHONE 529. [In training, races won and total (purses, follows: Lord Woolavington, $160,450; Lord Derby, $153,165; Somerville Tattersall, $104,785; Sir George Bul- lough, §82,065; Mrs. §. Whitburn $81,072; Lord Astor, $75,785; Lord Lonsdale, $68,895; Lord Queensbora | $68,522; Jas. White, $68,310; H. H. Aga Khan, $55,665; B, W. Parr, $62.- 1620; Sol Joel, $60,855: Duke of Westminster, $56,220; Sir W, Cooke, $43,440; W. M. G. Singer, $40, Sir E. Hulton, $39,905; 8ir Hed worth Meux, $35,645; G. E. D. Lang- $33,710; Lord Rosebery, $33.- 560; Rarclay Walker, $29,775: W. T. de Pledge, $29,457; R. C. Dawson, $29,077; Lord Penrhyn, $29,010: Lord Furness, $27,875; H. M. the {King, $26,445; C. F, Kenyon, $26 - 12¢5; Frank, $25,230. ley, If virtue kedps court within, hon- or will attend without. Mild Epidemic Going Round | It is due to impurities in the {| water, causes cramps, diarrhoea, | headache, Those who take twenty drops of Nerviline In sweetened [ water usually get quick relief. It is {really wonderful how good old Ner- | viline fixes up a sour upset stomach, | how it stops hiccoughs, how quickly | it puts a stop to those nasty attacks | of gas. Every home should keep a | bottle or two of trusty old Nerviline jon hand. 35 cents everywhere. I~ mm H CONSOLS SWEET, - OLD VIRGINIA For pipe smokers who prefer straight Virginia there is nothing finer than BRITISH CONSOLS TOBACCO a2 32 By | GEORGE McMANU OO THEY PUT THESE Opt ALL THE BR) DONNER, JILLS DoT YOU OARE <C CUT OF THE HOUSE OD COME, BACK, YOU HEAR ME? |

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