ARETE Ap THE DAILY BRITISH\ WHIG. : + Oranges, doz. | ; : x No, Dear Reader, It's Not Apples, DE. ...vecrvise : Every Baby Should | Markets Reports |. =. BEE 0 pari lita Have a Savings Account | + Cabbage, head. . .. 1 / EPs some up-to-date steel welding with Carrots, Mb, .. .... . .... .0i..3 his little old oxy-acetylene torch that 4 . : Celery, head .... .. .. ..20 to 30] ] \ id, plays with steel the way the Spanish Small deposits made regularly will -s No. 1 feed, 41 3-8¢c; No. 1 feed, Lettuce, head... . .20 to 25 S$: . torturers used to play with their vic- . . Toronto. 39 1-8¢; No. 2 te d,,36 5-8c; reject- Onions " domestic : 4} \ . tims ir rhe olden days. Only to-day provide funds for education. { Toronto, Dec. i ed, 34 5-8c; 4 1-8c. Barley] 2 00%, Gomestis, 1h, , to as ; A the torch serves the needs of modern R + . <r 2 «ww Onions, Spanish, cei ivan 25 7M Ein wheat rn --No. 3 C.W,, 55 3-8¢; No. 4 C.W., Potato 9S . . business, - 50 5-8¢c; rejected, 45 7-8o; feed 45 "oWatoes, Idb.... | 4 1nz - N Now, 87 4% : > ; trac) 3-8 FIaZ= No. 1 Potatoes, sweet, 1b, 25¢ | Bi h ' . 88¢; No. 3 ye , 87c, -§ Xk, 55 3-8¢c. lax--No. : k S TANDARD BANK Barley--Malting, 60 to 62c, ac- N.W.C., $2.04; No. 2 C.W., $1.94; § wrenive, O . tr ta \ IS 0p Machine Shop - CANADA ording to freights outside. No. 3 C.W., $1.62; rejected, $1.62: ' » SIN \ E 2 cording t "; ed, [bsg - KING AN TEEN S LE - ~-- | Buckwheat---No. 2, 73 to 75¢ track, $2.02. Rye--No. 2 C.W., 3 AND QUEE} TREETS Kingston Branch, J. F. Rowland, Manager ,| Rye--No. 2, 76 to 78: _|82e. ; Botte, brome, or feed-----Delivered, Montreal 2 r i ht, bags ipcluded, bran, per ton, LIVE STOCK MARKETS. | Butter, dairy, 1b, ses Ce ----Tr Am. ire . ERAN EON 24; shorts, per ton, $26; middlings | Butter, whey, 1b. .......... al NINE BEN b* -- 28.50, good feed flour, $2. Montreal. {Chicese, new, Ib. ., Ontario wheat--No. 2, wai Montreal, Dec. 15.--Cattle--But- | eae. 2d. Bs 2 iene arr es We are offering a number of Connecticut Phone Head Sets, DURING GOOD HEALTH [ls 170 erafns to ints enc be: Ebon Foes {Batts No 1s G00. ces ersss 3000 ohm ac $6.00. These are high-grade and worth 8.00, | Ontario No. 2 white oats--41 10 to $4.75; butcher heifers, medium $4 | Eggs, strictly fresh, doz.....70 0.16 : Radio and Electric suppHes-of .all kinds. Complete sets in- : : : oli | 43c. : {to $4.75; common, $3 to $4. Butch- | 5 18 the time to obtain ap cy | Ontario flour--Ninety: per cent. !er cows, good, $4.50; medium, $3.75 | Unclaangied, ' al] . o>. Sugar, granulated, 1b. ........ . 1 ® : ' | patent, in jute bags, Montreal, |to $4; canners, $1.75 to $2; cutters, | 1 Insure to-day in |prompt shipment, §5.10 to $5.20; 132 to $2.50. Butcher bulls.common. | SUB: YeLlOW, 1b. .......ur. We Halliday Electric Co. 5 5.10: |g9 75 a |Suzar, feing, Iv. ......... o {Toronto basis, $5.05 to $5.10; bulk {$2.75 to $3.25. Good veal, $10.50 Flour, Standard. SW he. PHONE 04. CORNER XING AND PRINCESS STS. 1 a ' GRAIN QUOTATIONS, 46 5-8¢; No..3 C.W., 41 3-8¢; extra stalled. | Hay--Extra No. 2, per ton, track, Selects, $11.25 to $11.50; sows, $9 |Oleomargarine, Ib.. . eee . | ping steers, $10 to $11.25; butchers, | {extra No. 1 feed, 57 to 58c. Flour Calves, $5 to $12.50. | Perch, Ib. jers, $6.40. Winter patents, choice, I pigs, $9 to $9.25; roughs, $7.50. Steak, cod, 1b. . 13 Made in Camda thers, $8 to $8.50; ewes . 32 to; * . : seahoard, $4 to $5. ito $11; medium, $9 to $10; grass, nl The Dominion Life Assurance Co, [f= = BE gel So op i pis SR po vegt {cotton sacks, $7.10 per barrel; 2nd! lambs, good, $13 to $13.25; com-| Honey, 5 Ib. pail ... vee Nal r ee : * ; ARCH. THOMSON, BRANCH MANAGER. Toronto, $15; mixed $13.50 to $15; |to $10, | | Kingston, Ont. Office: 56 Brock St. Phone 68. | clover, $13.50 to $15. } Fish, ial : | Straw--Car lots, per. ton, track | Buffalo. | Cod, Weees van nis -.12 to'15 | 3 : : | Toronto, $9.50. | Buffalo, Dec, 15.--Cattle--Ship- | Eels, Ib... . Montreal. $8 to $9; yearlings, $10 to $12.50; Finnan haddie, Ib. { DI T | Montreal, Dec. 15.--Corn, Ameri- | heifers, $5.50 to $8.50; cows, $2 tc | Haddoch, fresh, . PLUMBING, TINSMITHING, STEAM HEATING, | Manitoba Spring wheat patents, firsts| Hogs --Heavy, $8.85; mixed, $3.| Pike, Ib.. te 00. 120 5 If your dealer cannot supply you write our nearest HOT AIR AND HOT WATER HEATING $7.10; seconds, $6 60; strong bak-|g80 to $8.90; yorkers; $8.90 to $9: Salmon, Ib, \ i office. All work given our personal careful attention. | $5.65 to $5.75. Rolled oats, bag 90 stags, $4.50 to $5.50. * Trout, salmon, Ib. . .. HOUSE FURNISHING HARDWARE loa, $3.38 to 33.40. Bran, "$24.1 ""Sncep and 1ambs-Lambs, $5 tol WRC 80H. os ur +ses s. Canadian Westinghouse Company, Limited Chicago $7 . oz Beef: vi . on y, 7 1 $7.60; mixed sheep, $7.50 to $8. } Seel: | District Office: Toronto, Montreal, Win ipeg, Cal , Vancouver, Chicago, Dec. 15.--Wheat--No. 2 | Steak, porterhouse, 1b | nc Edmonton, Fort William, Oto Hot . } . To-morrow it may be too late. | patents, $6.60. {mon, $12-to $12.50. Off car weights: | "Td, 1b. ..... a 25 to 27 { see se ' {Flats ID. ...........s4, 18 to 20 GRAVES BROS can No. 2 yellow, 92 to 93c. Oats, |$5.50; bulls, $3.25 to $5.25; stock- | Ha/ibut, i teerenas ) Canadian Western No. 2, 64 to 65¢; ers and feeders, $6 to $7. Fresh KiPPers, pair .... af Ye ® | Canadian Western No. 3, 59 to 60c; cows and springers, $30 to $130. Oyeters, quart , COMPLETE AND READY TO SHIP Shorts, $26. Middlings, $31. $15.50; yearlings, $6 to $13.50: we-| -- 5 . | i 5 8s, $6 to $13.50; we Moats aug Foulisy. ! Hamilton, Ontario red, $1.33 to $1.33 1-4; No. 2 hard, Toronto, {Steak, round, 1b. ..... 2 -- EC SEoE ee Ce EE ---------------- "UT ES Tae b Buel, TL 34] Torouto, Dest TowoHoary sours, [BONNE GHA TO. 11 1 vo v. I 211 Princess Street Phone 332 ¥2 1-2¢; No. 2 yellow, 71 1-4 to $7.25 to $8; do. good, $6.50 to $7; |Stewing cuts, Ib.. . .. . ...8t0 12} 74 1-2¢. Oats--No. 2 white, 46 1-4 butchers, choice, $7 to $7.50: do. |Deef, Western, cwt. .... 10 to 12% | 9 - 9 47 1pe1 Ro. 3 white, 44 31-90 imodium, 15.50 10 36.30: do. coir. x VECO HIBGS, CWE | ororrs he 15 There's A Lot Of Difference ° Personal Greeting Cards 45 1-2c. Rye--No. 2, 87 3-4¢.!¢o $5.50; do. common, $3.50 to! Beef, local, Ib, .......,...,. 6 to 10 | bs Between iuferior radio equipment aud the quality equipment ~ Bare pee. Timothyseed . $4.50; baby beeves, $9 to $15: but- Seal, EE 12 tor 15 0 4D. overseed--3$15 0 | Tk: > , "hile 10 nferio Large and select assortment to choose $20. cher cows, good, $3.75 to $4.75; [Pom roasts, 1b. . { \ looks the oe: Hl w orking shows from. Order now. ---- do, medium, $3 to $3.50; butcher Shoulder riasts 5 | 4 TE a iy Ly Christmas Minneapolis, bulls, good, $3.50 to $4.50; canners|Hog, live weight, cwt 7 | f radio equipment, and we have stock- ed only the best in preparation for High-Class Printing of Every Description. Minneapolis, Dec. 15.--Flour un- and cutters, $2 to $2.75; feeding | Chops, Mbeuns oi avi . } Q : this demand. There's a money-back H WHIG JOB DEPARTMENT changed; shipments, 54,620 barrels. |steers, good, $5 to $5.15; stockers, | Hops, dressed, owt \ * guaranteé of everything we sell. BRITIS : 4 Bran, $22.50 to $23. Cash wheat, $3.50 to $4.50; do, common, $2.50 | Bacon, breakfast.... .. .. di, 5 hesuality equipment costs no more 8068-10 KING STREET, KINGSTON, ONT. PHONE 243. |x, 1 Northern, $1.20 7-8 to $1.27 Mo $3; calves, choice, $11 to $12.50; [Ham Smoked . ! hese. ; * 7-8; Dec., $1:18 7-8; May $1.18 3-4; |do, common, $9 to $10; milch cows, | Lamb: ! a Re Iara as for . : .15 7-8. Corn, No. 3 yel-|$50 to $90; springers, $70 to $80; [Carcase, 1b 35 \ ~hristmas we offer you our-experi- NERA NINH" | Fuss. $1.15 7-8. Corn, No. 3 vel sheep, chofce, $6 to $6.50; do. howvs | pace: 1b : Ended Fadio service. "We Koos hens. Foovvvveveevevveeevevevevee eves Treas -- Srveey 39 to 41 1-2¢. - Flax, No. 1, $2.59 to $4.50 to $6.50; do. yearlings, $7 ok oy Yes re , ThIRK they do 2nee8 ON. hesemigy i] $2.60. 1 $8; lambs, light, $12 to 13; do. ; os > i 1? 2 heavy, $11 to $1125; he ni tie vad CAN A a 50k Ne hve them--risciun. Winnipeg. |rates): hogs, fed and watered, Bid: [Sevens meat..., ces 7 CANAD RADIO STORES Winnipeg, Dec. 15.--Wheat--nNo. | $10.50; do. f.0.b., $9.75; do. to far. Poultry: ' 26034 Princeas Street Phone 1207J. ; Radio SAAY, : . 1 Northern, $1.08 1-8; 'No. 2 North. Mer, $9.50. | Chickens, Ib, .. Radip is Our Only Business--NOT A SIDELINE, {lern, $1.06 5-8; No. 3 Northern, Fowl, Ib. inin {/$1.08 1-8; No. 4, 98 5-8¢; No. 5. | : Chicago. European Plan D g Room : 92 5-8c; No. 6, 85 6-8c; feed, 76 G-8¢ Whig Dees (i =CalljenTup is : track, $1.06 5-8. Oats--No. 2 C.w., Matured steers, $12.25; best year-| Barley, bus, ........ Service De Luxe Ryn nts = : | lings; $11; bulk short fed steers, | Bran, ton $22 to $24 i \ {$8.50 to $10; stockers and feeders, | Buckwheat, bus. 65 to 70! CH TE U | Hot Water Comm Remov- steady to strong; she stock, bulls|€orn, feed, bus. ....... 9bc to $1 4 : Bea . and veal calves, generally steady; |Corn, car lots .... 90 A A er. No Pain. Acts u { bulk desirable veal calves to packers | Hay, baled, ton $12 to $14 tifully. Costs a Few around $9; few wpeore to $9.50; | Hay, loose, ton $13 to $15 . o Cents | outsiders upward to $10.50; bulk | Oats, local, bus. ...... 36c to 40a | \ . {stockers and feeders, $6 to $6.75; | Shorts, ton $24 to $29 | e is a simple, painless way to | pulk canners around $2.75; bulk] Straw, baled, ton ...... $9 to $10 He, rid Your feet of corns or callouses-- | beef cows and heiters, § % | . | + $4 to $6.50. |Straw, loose, ton..." .. .. .... takes only a few minutes and is cor-|"pyooe pol Dos to 175-pound av-| Wheat, local, bus. .... 1.00 to 1.05 | 3 tain in results. Just cover the pi 141 King E. Phone 1743 cern or callous with Putnam's Pain- | ®'28¢, $8.35 to $8.50; top, $8.55 ren M (od FENWICK Pro less Corn Extractor a few times, and early packing sows mostly $7.50 to} Hides, Woul, etc, . . 9' Pe. then fake a good hot foot bath, and | $8; desirable pigs mostly $8.40 to| Deacon skins, each, ......... 60c | . off comes the corn as clean as a|$8.50; estimated holdover, 9,000. Horse hides, each,.... .. ,.up to $3 | whistle. It's the easiest, most pain-| Sheep--Top, $15.50 to packers | Hides, Ib. .., .... ss se +.10t0 12} less method imaginable. Just try|and city butchers; bulk fat woolled | Sheep skins, fresh »;.... 75c to $1 it and get that glorious feeling that | lambs, $14.75 to $15.25; culls most-| Veal skins, Ib. .... vewsas 120 [springs from glad feet. Costs little Iy $11 to $12; desirable 85-pound | Wool, washed, Ib... . 20 | {for such big results. Remember the Fall clipped fed | ] . o , B bs, $13.76; feed- | Wool, unwashed, 1b, ... .. 15 to 17 name, "Putnam's Painless Corn Ex , » . am ! | , ' tractor." At druggists everywhere. | °F SUPPly very light; 56 to 60-pound | Raw #urs-- | ran pera {feeding lambs, $14.50; one deck 90-:fox.... . ... up to' $8 | pound yearling wethers, $12.75; | Mink see.up to 37) . | feeding yearling wethers, $11, aver-|Racoon. . . sais arses uipto 36] now being broadcasted a, |aging 83 pounds; sheep steady to|Skunk.. .. .. tsssse ese .Up to $2 | strong; 100-pound aged wethers, | Beeswax, 1b 30 ! i ingi i , reeves Lee | iversal and - 188.60; fat ewes up to $7.75. i Gnseng, We bs wm or sven -$12.00 | " i a ad § vig are bringing n | GENERAL TRADE Clear, sweet and full come the voices of the -- HOLD UP SURVEY. chorus, the solos, duets, etc., by great opera Toronto, stars, amid the noble strains of the Grand 35 to 45¢c; do., creamery, 45 to 50c; te Interest. f Orchestra, °8gs, ney lald, doz, 90c to $1; | Washington, Dec. 15.--According| Educative! Thrilling! Inspiring! cheese, 1b., new, 25 to 35¢c; do., old, | to officers at the chief of engineers | v ust £ thi ivil 35 to 40c; broflers, spring, 1b., 25 to| Office here, inhabitants of Cape Vin- our capturing of this great privi ege from | 28¢; fowl, Ib., "Ya 28¢; ducklings, | ent where the proposal has been | the ether depends upon the type and efficiency | Toronto, Dec. 15.--Butter, dairy, [or Vincent Residents Exhibit Lit- | {1b., 25 to 30c; ttkeys, 1b, 35 tol made that the breakwater be greatly | of your Radio Receiving Set. 40¢; apples, Spies, \bbl., No. 1, $7.50; | eXtended, have expressed so little in- No set is quite so. dependable as the |do., No. 2, $6; do. domestic, $5; do, terest in the project that the United Universal. q P | other varieties, $4 to $6.50; do, By| States engineers have been unable 1C., box, $2.25 to $2.75; beets, bag, | even to get the information which 75 to 90c; cabbage, dozen, 35 to 50c; | they need for their reports. : Radio caulifiower, doz., $2 to $2.50; car.| I0 the last rivers and harbors bill The » Receivin rots, bag, 50 to 7he; celery, doz.,| Was an item calling for a survey at] : niversa Set A 40 to 70c; onions, sack, $1.50; pars. | C3Pe Vincent harbor to see if there | TPs, bag, 75 to $1; squash, dog, |Y28 & need for the extension of the It represents our 18 years of experience as ¢ t0 $1.25; tomatoes, hothouse, 1b, breakwater Jere. Jaitea ' Biates manufacturers, and the combined experience 30 to 6c; turnips, bag, 60 to 75c: |°N8 E o'l%erS, Who are familias of our expery/radio engineers, * : 3 i : ith the h 3 th the | Will Your Child Have a College Education ? 36.50, °cbe18: #3 to $6; holiy, case With the harbor, state that of ail on | It is equipped with the most approved bal ith 's sim Our Child' : owm 2 -- tarlo and the St. Lawrence ner, devices for avoiding interferences and for Now only a a baby's Jur Childs Educational Endowment Montreal. some glx or eight in number, Cape "reaching out to the RE distances possible ple needs. But only a few years from Policy will provide the extra money Montreal, Dec. 15.--Cheese, finest | ViBcent has probably the best case. | from your locality. P now yau'll be figuring on sending your needed for those years of expense. easterns, 22 1-dc. Butter--Cholcest|!D Other words there is a distinct | 0 : child to college. It wan be 8 written hid any child at any creamery, 37 to 37 1-2c. Eggs. |IaVorable feeling on the part of the * Anyone can operate with little experience. : : 4 age. tis simplest, surest means Fresh, 45 to 46c; sel k : engineers for the Cape Vincent pro-| Are you trying now to savea little each guarantecingthat your child will not have aie sted 10c; No, posal and they do not hesitate to say | Sold by d the most reliable dealers, who in order to ensure that your child : b ; 998 03 gg 'Yoors gladly render service insuring complete satis- year in to go life without a complete ------ that the breakwater there should be | facti Wri for i INE G Pg will have that advantage ? education--and all that a good education ! greatly extended in order to take! action. Write us for interesting descriptive You can fo give yourchild the means. . care of the shipping coming into the! literature. 9 arrange a s NGSTON RET, harbor, | : best education available--provided you Let ustell youmore aboutit. Send the i eran. Despite this, these engineefs say, | The Universal act now. coupon to-day. No obligation, of course | : PRICES} |... People of the village do not seem . in realy act fo take the slightest interest in the 7% to wave Jengthe {ruin 130 32 70.000 proposed improvement and have eters. Deted or re sely- ee audio Saturday, Dec. 16th. |made no response to repeated re- ean. ned by vern : There has been very little change quests for data upon which to base a with fers. Automatic filament e AN UI AC I U ERS LIFE Fin prices over the week although itis | report. As a result the entire sur- pertect resuiter i -. J expected that the marxet will change vey is being held up. IN SU » A N CE C Pp ARY considerably during Christmas week. ---- - S.C.-10 is : Diomagiié Srapes and Feats have Sis Women may learn to smoke but airs, lsc make the 3 C10 a single. : ' appeared from the market, although | we never expect to see tham take reuit receiving milar fn type Heap Orrice, - Soros, CARADA. Caltornia grapes may be obisined at | tousemn Shem '® 1*% hm take wp Saal tothe Americun best sellin : Branch Office, 58 Brock St., Kingston, Ont 30 cents per pound. The hide mark- could learn to expectorate properly. | e Canadian Independen M. G. JOHNSTON, Branch Manager. i ot continues to decline. ; When a man is too lazy to wash Th lan Ddepend it Telephone Company, .| is face he lets his whiskers grow, a . ' ronto Without axy ebilgation, will you kindly furnish me with full particulars of your Child's Education] Endowment Policy. 1am ! Badanac. 'Bor ito a ol Jes auothet Som 91 pains : Dealers: Write Us for Information, : . 3 cats DeForest Radiophones. Dealers' and users Protected under trademarks a) fully our yours of age, sad am {Sarid poo, Address rr California grapes, 1b. ...... .30 a big mind, but a big head. Ane is : Grape fruit, each ..............10 (gosh! what a difference there is ve . . . kemons, dos. +..vveenrnennen, 40¢ [tween the two !1} 3 -- rr er { - »