SATURDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1922 THF DAILY BRITISH WHIG. | ; -- Attractive Decorations i | or the Home are Under "Christmas Gift Suggestions" Real Estate For Rent -- SEERIE *s bor Rent 7 5, if Coficession Sta eau St, modern Singie garages, §9 i rent reasonable, A . Phone Sssw, : Pe . Hive rooms, near Chal- rent $15.09 per month, i390 Claretice Street, ET---New brick, hard rooms, 3 piece bath, hot lectric lights, fireplace. This house can be easy terms. Small de« ce in monthly pays Zh B. Wilson, Uptown | i ~ The British Whin KINGSTON, ONT. CLASSIFIED ADVEKTISING. indexed, standardized and pofular- ized according to THE BASIL L. SMITH SYSTEM Ine, Philadelphia, Pa ads. are restricted. to thelr proper classification, and to the Yegular Daily Whig style of type. CLASSIFIED RATES Dally rate per line or consecutive insertions. Minimum charge, 25 cents Daily rates per une. Charge. Cash 6 days . "es 4 8 4 days . » b 1 day cases 8 $ Deaihs--One jnsertion, charged, Lugagemenuts, Marraiges, 1.68; cash, piu. hv of aD and Memoriem Notices--Lna: ged, §1.50, casn, $1.90, eacn insertion. Advertising vrdered for Irregular insertions takes tne vne-ilme lnser- tion rate; nu ad. Laken or less tnan basis of tour lines Count s'x average words to the line, Chéiged ads. will be receivea by telepuune and if paid &t Tne Brii- ish Whig onice w.ain 6 days trom the first day of inserilon, casu rate will be hliowed. Merchandise = | Artivies For saie 51 EE Ia | HAY--Good, $12 ton: go load oat! i EVERYBODY | 'straw §5, delivered Apply Box 35,| (Fk this line over | that we said must). A ---- Employment = Index to Classifications :» following classification headin, wll ed together. | The tisements are arrange headings in| | alphabetical order for quick reference. classific again and note { positive necessily because of govern. . . t ruling It repeats and repeats e | repeats. Exclusively owned and A olled \RY usicdf you are an order] r= - me | you 'Should'make $30 to §30 a Lda. Se x0 2 l : if yoy are an ambiticus salesman, I ' I | The Rip Van Winkle Association exactly what you'd call a pro- Or a spry mers church; APP-Y RC bie WILLIAM ST} woud oor alr furnace, e Price $4300.00, handled on very posit and balan BUSINESS SERVICE. Rip Van Winkle wasn't gressive citizen. - Or a wide-awake American. customer, ; His name is good for a laugh anywhere because he was just the opposite of what everybody in th.s bustling country is supposed to be. But poor old Rip has ple same! They don't slip off to the hills for any 20-year naps. They may not even look sleepy But they're true Van Winkles because they're not awake to valuable oppor- tunities, ' They don't, for instarice, keep an eye on the changing offers and warts in the A-B-C Classified Section. They don't follow these buying, selling and renting opportuni- ties that are before them every day. They don't realize that they haven't read the news till they've read the Classified Section ! Do you? Engagements Marriages. Deaths Memoriam. rd of Thanks. uneral Directors. uneral Flowers. §--Cemetery lots, Monuments 7--Lodge Notices. §--Coming Events 9--Personals 10--Lost and AUTOMOBILES +A --Automoblie Agencles. 11--Automobiles For Sale: 12--Auto Trucks For Sale. 18--Auto Accessories--Tires--parts. 14--Garages--Autos for Hlire--Taxi 16--Motorcycles and Bicycles. 16---Repairing--Service Stations. 17--Wantea--Automoblles. renvaoat-| lowest tactory i "npany, 33 i ing. ¥r for those who qualify. One ambitious! h10E salesman wanted for every ouunty in| PIANU--ia this Province; large territories to crew| ful, man managers. Jerome Laadi, Prés. § So. | Dearborn St, Chicage. SrECIALTY SALJKSM Systems, Limiteq, have some very de-| = sirable openings for men with the wile necessary energy, enthusiasm and in-| ply telligence to sell McCaskey Credit! CA Systems, Cash Systems and Sales] Books. Both Credit and Cash mer- | chants are' served with our latest] Cash and Credit models. A very satis-| factory commission arrangement wherein. commissions earned are ad- | vanced weekly, A real opportunity | for acceptable applicants to become! 'members. of one of the best known | and most thorough national sales or-| Banizations with the opportunity for real training and earnings incident thereto. The successful applicant will be carefully trained. Previous ex- perience in seliing Cash Registers, | Computing Scuies, Adding Machines, | ete, preterred, but not necessary. For inierview, write MeCaskey Systems, iy case, tall 7 1-8, wonderful plans for on.y| 1 Apply Wi P.O. Phone --*MeCaskey| Lindsay, Lin 8 } all the nt nty of followers, Busines Pe Business Property BAJUS BREW ERY--For sale or to Tet. Apply G. M. Macdonel!, KC, 38 Clar- SLE i good condition. g Street W. 5 -- Canadian Toledo, honest' weight, no springs, also number of second-hand Dayton and Bramford|, Scales. L A. Sterling, 209 Princess St. Phone 1228 WOOD--Order your supply now for the Winier months. An) length desired Write for particulars and price, W. F. Good. Parham. .e "reas Found. THE J. K. CARROLL AG 86 BROCK ST. $5.000--4 and ENCY, cres, all workable, 2 wells spring, 4 miles fro King- ston, "Stone house, § rooms, with yi far, barn, drive shed, hen hou, Complete with impiements aad Township of Erne esttown, 197 acres; 120 acres workable, BUSINESS SERVICE 18--Business Serviccs Offered. 19--Buillding---Contraci'ng 20--Cleaning--Dyeing--henovating. --Dressmaking---Milllnery : 22--Heating, Plumbing, Roofing 23--Iinsurance. 24--laundering. WOOD--Good. mixed. limited quantity, | aL $10.75 per full cord $0.00 a hal 4 nN n cord, deily ered. Apply G. 4. Richard- Ale THE A.B-C CLASSIFIED ADS Son. ; Puone 1154J, stock. ALWAYS THE SAME----IN SERVICE ALWAYS DJF FERENT--IN OPPORTUNITY. bacter aud Exchange 81a | REAL FARM--In the Ads. ordered tor more than one da and stopped before expiration will vnly be charged tor the nuniber of times the ad. appeared and adjusts mient made at the fale earned ie per line tor white space is 25--Moving. Trueking, Storage. 26-- Painting, Papering, Decorating. 27--Printing--FEngraving. 28--Professional Services. 28a----Accour tants, . 8¥b--Architects. mited, Galt Ont A Experience unneces-, tioum Nog. §, Royal Bank Solicitors, Canva sers, Agents 38 RECORUS-- We exchange records with anyuvne anywhere, only 60¢. for six or $1.00 per dozen. Charges paid one way. accepted. Give us a trial. Standard Hecord Exchange, Canunto, Ont. = ; odin unly records in gvod cundition! 3 welis and never-tailing sprin, | paswure, also creek, 77 pon J as is ture and wood land, containing about j. $4,000 worth of lumber, House of 10 |" rooms with H.W. floors: 2 double ! barns, hog pen, drive house, Fara, 28c--Chiropractie. 284 --Dental 28e--Legal 28f---Medical, 28g--Osteopath 28h--Osteopath 26---Repalring 30--Tailoring and Pressing. 3l~Wanted---Business Service, EMPLOY MENT 22---Help Wanted--Female. 82--Help Wanted-->Male. 3¢--Help--Male or Female. 355s aasera, Agents. the same as.,a line of (ype Special rate for yearly advertising upon request. Publishers reserve the right to edit or reject all classified advertising copy. Telephone 243, ask for a want ad. NORE FIRMLY THAN EVER ESTABLISHED IN SADDLE French Chamber Gives Prem- : : AL ler Poincare Overwhelming y--Iny ents, Stocks, I Vote of Confidence. Wanted--To Borrow. FY : area. w ete. Water in house. Price $1 g } oo Madio Bquipment 62a Gp plimeat hie, Price masta, RADIO--The only eXclusively radio l Supply house between Toronto and Montreal. Canada Kadio Stores. Get our prices. Mail orders promptly fill- or Open evenings. Wanted--To Buy 66 FOX TERRIER---Pup, male, black and white, about three montis old. Apply Box 5-12, Whig Office, stating price, ete. FARM---Waht to hear 1 A owner ing 1arm for sale; give particulars and lowest price. Joumn J. Black, Chip- pewa Falls, Wisconsin. Ap: Christmas G.ft Suggestions | mm - Tt &- = | MEN --To travel and ap- point: local representatives. Yearly guarantee $1092 (weekly average of $21.00), and expenses. Write at once for full particulars, Winston Co., Dept. W., Toront NURSERY STUCK---An agency a reliable nursery firm is profitable. You can sell in country, town or city. We ETow and sell only, and want reliable, energetic agents for unrepre- sented terr'tories. Write now Pei s 85a __Business Service da dervices wer, Son and Drever, Chambers, 'eorner of Lost and round 23 3 JOS yn Tuesday or day. i r please return to King street after 5 p.m. and re- a reward. BROWN STOCKI new, in Chalme after the ladies' sale. The party lost them may have them at 151 Earl Street. DOG--Found, White Fre Pa hurt by car; now in hos Inquire Dr. Nicholls. Tel. 439 GOLD' Office Phone 68. House Phone after six p.m. 2260J and 2240M. ree eee Houses For Sale Hh COLBORNE ST --Frame house § ms, H 2 , § roo; toilet, gas, in good location. Price $l,» 200. This house is a real bargain. MM. B Trumcur, 237 Bagot Str Phone STREET or - FRONTENAC Brie! ner Fronte eets. Owner leaving city, bouse and store, gor Princess str rs Apply on premises. S-- I ts Bank i W ll % Physiclans. -- em a hiropractic Ce ung. ehilds SANCELI &. D.C, PRC. ctor ner Princess and Barrie Streets. 2nd floor, Barrie enirance, Kingston, ; Telephone n. 1 tos pm. r. Jennie A. practic Specilalisis and 8 Nurse, 233 Bagot Street, be- 'rincess and Brock. Telephone Hours ¥ to 12 am. 1 to 6, and p.n Spinal analysis and cons ' free. Residential calis by ent han Co., Toronto chers Wanted n ed. Si tions Wanted--Female. : --Situations Wanted-~MaTe on Brock Stree Owner apply at 1 Y McCullough, or g43w nda, | pho: ¢ 7t09 TEACHER--For Echo Lake school, 8. 8. | v 10, Hinchinbrooke, Frontenac! county. Salary $600.00 per year ply H. Mcleod, Sec,-Treas., Echo Y..,.0nt. tween § _Far'particula E. W. MULLIN & SON Estate and Insurance Broke . Phone 339w ci See Display Adve. no lot: Gitts 10r her A 'DOIR SLIPPERS--An ideal gift -- | remale 36! erful essoriment of styies and| hy - | FS, Irom 31.15 up. La Abramson, own home. ce. Sy direet ~~ Real ¢ n to reward ip INSTRUUTIO Correspondence ~Local -Musica ~PrIvVALE 46--Wanted LIVE STOCK -Dogs, Cals, els le, imp and Supplies Live >tuck Paris, Dec. 16.--Despite the .at- tempts of his political opponents in the chamber of deputies to mak= the breakdown of the premiers' confer- ence at London an excuse to over- throw him, Premier Poincare was | more firmly in the saddle than ever | today, strengthened by an over- whelming vote of confidence given | him by the chamber last night. The | strength of the 'bloc national," which stuck to Poincare when strong interpellations by Deputies Tardieu and Herriot threatened his position, | accounted for the premier having an | overwhelming mandate to continue the reparations parleys on his pres- ent platform, "France will act alone | it necessary." The vote of confidence was earried | 612 to 76. Opposition to Poincare's policies is growing, nevertheless. Many politiéal observers feel that re- $7:--Rouims With board ticence of deputies to overthrow the | S3--luums A A keering. prime minister at such an important | i ¥ each Places Juncture In international affairs was --Waere To shop In Town. largely responsible fer his victory > Dental 42 SI'ARRE -- 43 on Page Two 6 rooms, With tollet and deep ntrally located; south of Prine terms. Apply Box Fa& ------ ------------------_-------- ked ly at ¢ Sry © kim B men, exceilent| Whig Offic r'riced at av.vv Abramson, 350 "Wlits lor OBko-- ror un jgeal guit (U0 at i Frince ss oirect . BRACKES--Have danta Claus give the boy nis nrst pair of oraces Very Practical and very grauiying to his Vanity 40C, JVC. and Joc, Li. P. Jen- King Co. instruction FF INAr i ER Financial vney 10 Loan FRONTENAC--Loan and Suciety, incorporated (ssl W. F. Nickle, Kt vice-president, A.! B. Cunningham. Money issued on eity| and farm properties; municipal and | county debgntures, mortgages pur- | chased; invesuncal bonds fur sale; de-| The rif: ha AVE, Pusils received and interest ailowed.| Yea lis. The gif: that is always use- RC. Cartwrixni, manager, 57 Clarence| ub haul nrease Loey in Street, Kiigston. Suarie: sles BIaf1~ 47 Louis 48--Ho1 49-----Ll'ouitry p0--Wanied arrisiers arence Street, iingham, K.C; BATEMAN'S REAL ESTATE. FARMS FOR SALE: en's Bakery, PA | small same a SOLDIER f Pe lige RCE MERCHANDISE ~~ Tr IRTEF rr , corner of King Royal Bank. Money $1,950--Frame Bungalow, 4 rooms, B, and C, electric lights, close tracks. kasy terms, to sag B1--Artic Bart jusiniess and ¢ and Acce s igs and LBuldiug Materials and Dalry Frouucis. Feed, PFeriiliders. 5 Goud Things to kat Homemade Thinge ~tivusenuid Goo Jewelry and V Machinery and -M usical iadio lquipment ssories 5 i Coulis made each. =3 281. = wt ergy St Office aud i vr Jvc Eo $2,600--Bungalow, § bath, eeciric Lights, of way. tree SUM OF M a same rooms, 3 plece = est shapes Jenkins 8ood garden, right Co. CULLAR: him & half dozen of tne new Luctex demi-Sulil, Unsarinkabie Coliars. Lumes In quarier sizes too. i eac EE. P. Jenkins Co ~Attention! Army Blankets, elt. bargains in every line A. Bnapiro, 45 rriucess street. Phone 145.:m MENS JEW ELLERY --In fancy gift Duxes A puir ol Rum-A-tary Cuff LIBKS Lo male nis shits are Very ac- Ceplabue, 4c, and Jiw. K.P, Jen Kius Cou DAU---Never wants anything, but these BUX Wil peeliaé Dim LNMcasely All- Wool casumere in DICK anu assorted _Cuiors. be. kb. FP. Jenkins Co, Us in Wool or Sik. Aiways an appreciaied git. Priced trum suc. tw] i $4.80. Lwuils: Abramson, $v Princess | . Street. | £Usk--kor brother's new Brogue Ox- fords, how abeut a pair or iwo of ihese smart rivved a.i-wool heather Hose, AL GUC. pair. Lk. PY. Jenkins Co. ir--Arraid of duplicauhg, give him Handnercniefs. ture irisa | en, 2bc. each, §2.i6 per duzen, Luxed. Jenking Co. Neo nilesi--He expects them, he will horses, Cattle, Implements 48 %pbreciate them. keal aristocra.s rpm ----m it - pi nese new kuilced Grenadines at soc MARm-S Ane, well-bred, hackney; 10| k p. Jenkins Co. years old; thd, sound, vod driver;| z= rem RS Shirte Io =iil Aid ronabocy hehe Bu hear weil 8 Shirts in Silk, Percales, ts . Madras and wephyrs A ver 4 ul i ) Y usety apply 332 University Ave Phone! oii tor nam. Friced trom ivy to $o.vy, i louls Abramson, 33v Prine Ceas Sireet. arm INEY- boi uel, by a 432 Corresponuence Cour: - $3,700--Frame, 7 stable, west-end. $3,600--Brick Vv. electric lights, henhouse Sours io rooms, Improvements, LOBINSON-- 10 30-12 steel rims, cor eels. Uwger ng at 429 John- BUILDING TRADES--Need Men. We Will train you lor success in 'Archi- teciure, vratting, Surveying, or what- €VEr It Is lust yuu set your heart vn dothg Trained men are in demand. ATrTaige lor inteiview. Phone ivviw, or sued Internadivnal Correspun- denice SCN0O0IS, 13V Clarence Sireet, an . 7 rooms, 3 plece bat large red . wishes lot, stable an ne has resumed the practice surgery in Kinston. Practice Hmited to surgery and radium treatment Qffice; 142 Wellington Stu i 4, and by appointment. : $3.500--Brick, semi-detach ed, 10 all improvements. Tons --W eat §6--Wan ROOMS FOR RENT Instruction ~ mI -SETRE Musica,, vramatic 44 ORCHEST RA--Y our dance or banquet Wiki be a vigger success if you engage Alclleer' 8 duviely Urcaesira, Fnune JiWW. or Livdl. Yed Lreueer, 2361 King sueet. ae UKCHELSTHRA -- Harmony Six, for dances, social eveniugs, banquets or CUNCCIiS. For cugagcaienis apply Art Lafisunas, Jud Queen dt. Tel iviim. URCHESLIRA--Clare Smith and his or- Chnestra fur all svcial tuncdons Percy Otten, coruer Clergy W. and Division, rhone vigw for engagements. Live Stock ee ; HOUSES--To rent, $21.50, $20.00, 315.00. BATEMAN'S REAL ESTATE 159 Wellington Street ria School and Gore Wednesday, Finder piease R:' H. Toye & Co. & Co, 95 Ontario Street. Automobiles For Repairing ET MAKiNG--All kinds of wood turning, furniture repairing and res modelling done. Our repairing is fully guaranteed, and our prices are mode- rata Phune, call or drop a card Henry H Cook. 212 Montreal Street Be. i3%6m. FURNITURE FIN 1ING---Of all kinds, Call and see W. Driscoll, 23 John Phone 296F va 'OW---Is your chance! Suits to mea- sure, genuine bargains Look! Serge Suits with extra panis, $37, while they Frank Owles, 196 Colborne St. AIRING--Quick service In ring. Shoes haif soled and Satisfaction guaranteed R , 374 Princ S t --~Warted--Rooms or Board. ATE FOR RENT Apariments and Flats Disiness Piaces For Rent ~Farms For itent ~Houses For Rent Olfice and Desk Room. 79--S8uburban For Rent. $0---Summer ces For Rent. $1--Wanted--To Real REAL ESTATE FOR SALE R --Brokers in Real Estate. $2--Business Property §3--Farms and Land For Sale. S4--Houses 'or Sale, $6--Lots Kor Sale. 3 --Resort Property For Sale. §7--Suburban lor Sale s¢s--Real Estate For Exchange. 39---~Wanted--Real Estate. Oki Han acnee ank of Commerce Buildin Br and King Streets. Phone 101 'of om General Insurance A necy. Writing: --Autoinobile; re, Accel. dent, Sickness, Plate Glass, Burglary te. Representing only reliable com- panies. PPPPSFPIPIOVYOROETS tees ® - 4 FRANCE IS WORRIED BY U. 5. PKuSIDENT London, Dec. 16.--President Harding has sent a warning to France that occupation of the Ruhr would gravely endanger negotiations concerning an in- ternational loan to Germany, ac- cording to the Daily Sketch. Other London papers to-day did not\carry despatches to this ef- fect. USED CARS, USED TRUCKS FROM $75.00 UP. USED AUTOMOBRLE PARTS G. A. PALMER, USED CAR & SALVAGE CO, LTD. COR. BAGOT AND QUEEN d heel- Repaired, half soled an . Fine work done. » Jarvis, 621 Princess Street, near Albe St 3A0E REPAIRING=-QIICK service, exe pert work and reasonable prices and best of material. Look for The Veteran Shoe Repair, 216 Wellington Street, corner Queen Street a ) all Kinds repaired by ex mechanics. L. A. Sterling. 208 Phone 1325. ATIUNG--Fin reasonable prices; 24 hour service Elilott, 313 Barrie Street, near Bar] Street. TAILORING--Why walk around 1h wrinkles? Suits cleaned and pressed Quick service. Overcoats turned J Thompson, 94 William Street. JPHOLSTERING -- Covering, buttons made to order in all Pupular shapes and sizes. Uphoistering and repairing done. E J. Goodridge, 244 University _Avenue. Phone 1833), UCPHOLSTERING--New or u ture, work guaranteed, Call or drop a t A card. W. J. Gavine, 2.6 Bagot sireet at reasonable prices. F. W. Smith, CPHULSTERING--AnNd general Fepair- ing. Leave orders at or drop a card Si York Sireer TC UCC" PUBLIC STENOGRAPHY--Advertising to F. W. 4, 104 Clergy Street. oupy, Form Letters, etc. Prompt, eri- tS cient service. business service surcuu,| | Employment 14 Market Ss Phone 391J. Fn mn To Dressmaking-->Miilinery DRESSMAKING -- Hepairing, Turning Overcoais a specialty. Price §s.0u Children's work done. Miss J. Finkle, 93 Wellington Street. --. BEMSTITCHING--Picot Edging Pleat- ing. Mrs K. A Card, 366 Barrie St. insurance os FIRE--Automobile and Casualty Insur- ance. Mrs H. & Crumley, 420 Karl Breet FnonetiemM. | INSURANCE--OQur Sickness and Acei- dent Policy is what you need. Fire insurance at low rates. Don't delay. Call or phone kk. Williams, 2 Couper Si. ISURANC be--Un oe meat reliaole companies represen ange & Strange, established in tieg "iit: E Clarence Streei, opposite Post Oftice. INSURANCE---Fire, life, accident and sickness insurance. In reliabie com- Veterinary H. MURPHY, B.V.Sa Veterinary Surgeon Phone 2193J. 680 Princess Street, Kingston, hepairing-->bdervice Stations 16 AUTOMOBILE PAINTING--ARd finish- ing a specialty. Also Fiano and ure niture Fo:isning. - Gordun Young, shop Queen street, rear of Abernethy's Shue biore, or pnone idlbw. . DR. war - 50 --Wanted, alive, 20 cents a pound uggs, butter and noney wanted. Urates dia cEg cases loaned. Alberi Lewis, bbb Dudas Westy Toron Merchandise i Arudes ror Sale B81 ASHES FE] Also heavy clinkers. Especially sulted for road work. 0 be had for drawing. Apply to Angrove's Foundry, King and Queen Streets. AnTiwio--vue solid * walnut, high, four-poster Led, one solid mahogany grandiaihers civck, works guaranteed. Lessces Antique shop, 507 ¥rincess St. . e CHAINS-- See our special display of Dreadnaught Chains. Sizes tor ail maxes ol cars. sucoaby bros, corner Queen and Wellington dtreets. __ Business Service Busiuess Bervives vuered 18 TIES --He expects them, he needs them. ! bon t UiSappuintl mam Ris Caiilsivas A large vanwely in stock rom sve to $L.05 at Louis Avramson, 346 Frin- cess Sireet. LMBRELLAS--The Kind he won't for- Eel, Wilh smar( on eligi irames and covered wiih silk aud woul, aL Jive. EK, Co, + Rooms For Rent EE I -------------------------------------------- . aa _ Rooms With Board 67 ROOMS WITH BOARD -- First With all eunventences: also one large | front room with iirepiace. Apply 29% University Avenue, near Brock street. VEEP PIP rele Announcements "Personals PFS SPSL peed the grandest sermon ever preached. Send birth- date and 3c. stamp for trial character reading sent in plain envelope. Sec- reta Box 368, Vancouver. = KNOW YOUR LIFE--Latest scientific method. Develop your powers. Send birth date; 25 cents. Satisfaction guar- anteed. Walter Winston Kenilworth. 88 Bivd, Courcelles, Paris, France. MATIRIMONY--Marriage Club for Ca- tholics only, confidential information sent for stamp. Box 103, Oak- Pittsburgh, Pa. oo ATRL 2 Wealthy southern gent- » 59, ants to marry. P-Box 1134, Club, Detroit, Mich. | MATRIMONIAL -- Hundreds seeking marriage. If sincere enclose stam Mrs. Willard, 2928 N. Broadway, Chi- cago, IH. MATRIMONIAL---If you wish a wealthy young wife, write, enclosing envelope. Violet Ray, Dennison, Ohlo. MATRIMON y hei LASS AEE EERE RA KN RO) - The Australian Elections Are Keeniy vontested Dressing Tables From 50 to 75 per cent. be- low manufacturer's price. Here is a chance! J. Turk PHONE 705. BARBERING--Men and boys wanted to take notice that J. Ws Curzom has moved from 23 Brock Street to 354 Princess street, be.ween oarrie and Division Streets. Men's Hair Cut, 20c. Boys' Hair Cut, 1bc. Shave, 10 ceu.s. Melbourne, Australia, Dee. 16. Keen interest is being taken in the 'federal elections to-day. The fight in north Sydncy, where Premier Hughes Is running against W, Pidd- ington, has been warm. The Labor party withdrew its cantiidate to acer. . Piddington. Hughes lately repre- scented Bendigo, but as a change in the\ electoral boundaries seemed to prejudice his chance of re-election, he dicided to contest North Sydney. French Amateur Radio Fans : Hear Messages From U.S. CARPENTERING--James Selby, cone clans tractor, 55 Livingston Avenue. Phene 1130J. 7 Se CARPENTERING--ADd cement wor by contracc or day. First-ciass work ed furnl- te S--leveiand and olum Bicycles stored tor winter; Baby Car- riage repair work done; Skates sharp- ened ana hollow ground at Mulier's i51- cycle: Works, 371-3 King Street. Phone J381w. Sais BRICK--yuantity of hard and soft. Ap- ly E. E Wathen, 143 Nelson street hone 61% or pnone 1391J. CHRISTMAS GIFTS--In the B Jewelry line--we are ceriain to satisfy at either of our two stores. Lyons, the wo-store Jeweler. DESK---Disappearing typewriter office desk, 6 drawers, quarter cut oak; first class condition. A snap. silent salesman show case. _S. Asseistine, 342 King Street. BNGINE--Fairbanks Morse, § horse power, clutch puliey, Bosch Magneto son steel wheel truck; suftable for gen- eral use. Price $300. y terms. Ap- Piy herman .Buck, Sydenham, Ont. FUR-LINED COAT--Man's, large size, in A-1 condition; siightly used; a bargain. Apply cor. Alfred and Prin- cess streets, or phone 244w. rURNITURE--Kitchen range, 3 burn- er oll stove and oven, gas plate, re frigerator, stair olicioth, linoleum, baby carriage, dressers, tables, chairs, buffet and other furniture. Phone 208 w "UnNITURE -- We nave fc: sale ail kinds of good, secona-band furniture and stoves. Any person baving sto and uaiture is a oe SL we tl prices. . 010) 333 einem. Street. Phone 600% =, a ¥ OOD--3§14.00 cord; jis0 artes gth; slab-w. $2.15 cord, sawed and a Jas Tal er % 0% - bot, Bt. Catherine Sireet: yard on Concession Street, near Division. HARD LUAL CUKE--Ji0.0v 1 Years While it lasts. canst Rooms Without board 68 BEDROUS--- Large, furnished, weil heated, centraliy located. A U-13, Waig Oftice. bpiy Hox BEUROOM--Furnished, use of sitting foom, eiectric iignt, bath, use of teie- Phope, central jucation. Apply phone BARRIE STREET. 3¢i-- Furnished rooms, close to business section. Kn Quire 381 Barrie Street FRONT ROOM --Furnis ed, warm, with hot and cold running water in roum; modern conveniences. ARPply 496 John- son Street. Phone 997]. ROOMS--Two, front, furnfshed, with use of parlor and kitchen. Suitable for married couple without ehiidren. Apply 31 Clergy reet WwW, INIVERBITY AVENUE, 143 -- First © Ooms and board; yi ments; centrally J ed SIF uspieve. Kovius ror hb FLAT Furnished, large dining roon kitchen and pantry. Also ony owes om for light nousekeeping. » 1517w. 436 Princess Street." Fnone Real Estate For Rent -- J a and JOHNSON "ST, ET, 116--inf fat, hardwood floers and or aed] heap Immediate Possession. Phone | LODGE ROOM pont --formerly oeiiooms on & ¥. occupied b Apply to Cunningham ang Rr DOMESTIC COKE Especially for Hot Air Furnaces--Heats as well as coal. Goes farther than coal. James Swift & Co., Limited Foot of Johnson Street Help Wauted--, e. 32 HOME-WORK--Good wages. We neea JUU 10 MaKe 80CKS on the fast. essily- learned Auto Knitter; experience un- necessary; distance immaterial; posi- tively no canvassing; yarn supplied; particulars, 3c. stamp. Dept. 78-C., Auto-Knitter Co., Toronto, House Two comfortable rooms vaeant after November 15th, All conveniences, First class medals. Special atiention to transients. West. --Marry health, » he refined widow, 35, worth x : Ane ne girl. 18, worth $15,000, will marry. Members everywhere. List free. Sunflower Club, B-30, Cimarron, Kansas - ; ATRIMONY--Catholics wishing to MATH wanting introductions. Booklet Pi holle Corr d Mich. nter in Florid write pretty maiden, worth $80,000. Box 58, Cxford, Fla. MATRIMONIAL--Marry, If lonely; for results, try me; best and most suc- "Home Maker:" h.indreds rich wish marriage soon; strictly confiden- al; most Jellablej Years exhericente; escriptions free. "The isto Club," Mrs. Nash, Box 536, Oakiand, CaMfornia MATRIMONIAL-- The Leading Mat. , monial Club. Best, largest; establish- ed 18 years. Thousands wealthy mem- bers wish marriage. Confidential de- scription free. Only honorable; sin- cere people of both sexes need write. The Old Reliable Club, Mrs. Wruble, Box 26, Oakland, California. SKIN BLEMISHES--Halr, Moles. Warts Birthmarks, Skin Cancers. 8, Pita, . ete, removed permanently. Sstlsfac- tory Glasses fitted and furnished after others have failed. Goltre cured with. out operation. Ear, N Dr. me one, Throat, in. Bagot Street. Phone House 1138J \ I 301w, Lost and Found 10 Paris, Dec. 16.--French amateur radio fans are receiving messages from the United States regularly. Two Paris enthusiasts, Perroux and Louis, heard the wireless telephone |. broadcasting from the American sta- tion WJZ and picked up telegraphic signals [rom a dozen American am- ateurs. Man of 78 Dies While Dancing 6n Stage Montreal, Dec. 16.--While danc- . ing on the stage of a local theatre last night, Joseph Casavant, aged seventy-elght, dicd suddpunly of syn- pe. In his pocket was fdund a list on which amateur nights in local theatres. 74 Bydenham Street Telephone 781m. MRS. E. P. DENISON WOMAN--- OR GIRL TO ASSIST WITH GENERAL- HOUSEWORK. AP- PLY BOX V-15, WHIG OPFICE. Help Wanted--Hale 33 TARPENTRRS Bricklayers, "Contract: ors and builders. M more money cd our method. Send for free build- les. J B Cooke, District Manager | Biue Printa Just oot No chiens ones: ies. §42w. Office 503w, Address Bldg. Dept. 2305, Chicago 8. Mich. Ave., Chicago, I INSURANCE--AL branches Fxcelstor| Tech., 2721 Life, Royal Exchange Fire, Casualty b Sas where Big pay. In. Ss ay NOTICE P. M. DRISCOLL, late of the old Grimason Hotel, wishes to an« nounce that be has taken over the Lakeview House Corner of Queen and Ontario Sts First class meals, S0c Good yards and stables, "Your patronage is solicited. ms and Automobilie, Plate Glass, Burglary. | G. Hunter Ogilvie, 151 Weilington St. Phones 188w and 1087. ? ' Moving, Trucking, Storage 25 ASHES--Cleaned out of cellars ~and 8 rego ards, clean job il S i : 8. Chicago, 11. BN AND BRAK} n- ners $1 inter $250 montnly teh position?) Radlway, D-2, Whig Dftice ; CARD WRISING--F or = Make money at home, §i5 to $60 week. iy for our spare time welting eh cards or x e in. oot Aad w 8a a oT Colborne Bid. Toronte. nosy Sins Seer demand v ra : Suter mecha nies "ana driving CIGARETTE CASE-- LOST, HAMMERED SILVER. INITIALLED E. J. T. ON BROCK OF PRINCESS STREETS. FIND- ER PLEASE RETURN TO THE WHIG OFFICE. REWARD. ToDays Blac: Corrected work, . ices. Wall samples. submitted. > ee 208 apres A Paleri and Decorating--| now is the t time to ge: the t man and obtain the right. prices, ders promptly attended to. Work guaranteed. li or phone A. Ander- #on, 166 Bagot Street. Phone 1966. A lingering leave-taking at the doorway is wearisome and uncom- -fortable to the host or hostess. Es- pecially in inclément weather the! | leave-taking should be made courte-| i ously, but quickly, appealed ¢ for economy in public and private lite , Irish Free State garrisons in Cal- lan, Thomastown and Mullinavat, Kilkennv county, were captured by nd original testimonials in | & position. A copy will de "Advertise that spare room for rent, there are many des'rable roomers to be bad through Daily Whig want-ada,