i SATURDAY, DECEMBER 16, 102: THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. SL OWL Eg HIDING IN THE CITY ? 3 L AIDL AV & SON | LIMITED - Noticed Him Coming Out of House Wednesday. 170 PRINCESS STREET Qian OF RSany aa Bans al KINGSTON'S FAVORITE SHOPPING PLACE J . ft this is the case is not definitely i eae well-known . citizens are PHONES 754-755. Open until 9.30 > strongly of the opinion that a man - $ SN a they noticed coming out of a house ' Laidlaw's_ Saturday Night Sales the city on Thursday night, was STARTING SHARP AT 7.30 O'CLOCK Founded 1847. ---- res G. Evans, wanted on a x 1 of charge of assaulting John North, In hiding in the city? 5 is the question that a great eople are asking and it is.the Evans,' They say he answered the picture of Evans in the Whig. As soon as one of the citizens in ques- tion noticed the picture in the paper, he made the remark that the man wanted was the party who was notic- | ed coming out of the house. When | spoken to about the matter, the other party also stated that he b»- lieved that the man who came out | of the house was Evans. | It is stated that, later on the same | evening, the two citizens again not- fced the same man on the streot, ds they gave 3 ODD LINES. TO IW BEFORE STOCK-TAKING 76 SUITS Sizes 25 to 35. at 15 Price The Original Price Marked 'in Plain Figures on Each Ticket. and in talking to minute description « | it is stated that it talliéd with Evans LOCAL NEWS. Brief Items of Interest Picked Up by the Whig Re= porters. MEN'S OVERCOATS BOYS' OVERCOATS at 209% Discount Every Winter Coat in the House in This Sale. Sales for Cash. 7 Mr. Swaine, piano 'uner. Orders | received at 100 Clergy street west. | 'Phone 564w. James Grant, Lavant Station, who was shot in the thigh 'while hunting | some weeks ago, is still in the Gen- | eral Hospital, but is progressing fav-| orably | Progressive people read(the adver- | tisements. That's one way in which | they keep up with the times. ! Dr. John Waddell left for Ottawa | on Friday to lecture before the So-| ciety of Chemical Industry. While| |in Ottawa Dr. Waddell will be the| . > Lguest of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. MacRae. ! The following U.F.O. delegates to | » | the annual convention in Toronto, | : s 9 | returned to the city Saturday: Mrs. | 1VIN S on S iJ. re A. E. Weller, Mrs. | > { Charles Walker, Mrs. R. C.. Hawkey, D. C. Rogers, Orris Orr, P. J. O'- | Neill, --- Get your Christmas shopping un- {der way. Make yourself a little] | Christmas present of unexpected eace of mind by early "shopping. | MEN'S INITIAL do The present 1s the time for 'presents. | HANDKERCHIEFS LADIES' LINEN LADIES' BOXED. HANDKERCHIEF 2 IN A BOX SPECIAL 29 TO-NIGHT Ladies' Boxed Handkerchiefs on sale at this special price to-night. Made from ancextra fine quality White Lawn, have embroidered or fancy corner designs, and there are two in every box. : No approval. 75-77 BROCK STREET "IF OFF YOUR ROUTE IT PAYS TO WALK" bo ~ MEN'S LINEN .HANDKERCHIEFS* SPECIAL... 3 for $1.00 Men's Plain Linen Handkerchiefs specially priced for to-night only. Fine Linen, they have 3% inch hem. Regular 40c. | © A. K. Coulter, Toronto, was fined | HANDKERCHIEFS Special 25¢ PR - -- | $6 and costs in the county magls- | 3 for 50c. Sn trate's court for speeding on the| Men's Initial Handkerchiefs. They Samuel Kearns was the victim of | {a very painful accident while work-| i MEN'S LINEN INITIAL HANDKERCHIEFS Ladies' pure Linen Initial Hand. kerchiefs, Made from a beautiful, MEN'S ' LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS { | Lika | SPECIAL 19c. | =<" INITIAL | | | } | fing on the steamer Malton in dry- {dock at the Collingwood Shipbuild-| ling Company's plant, when a ham- | | mer being weilded by Charles Val- | ler, struck him on the head. He is| | improving at his home. | | On Friday afternoon the case of | West Rydal, Limited, vs. Mrs. Eliza- | | beth McAdoo, was concluded at the | court house and J}dge H. A. Lavell | {reserved his decision. The case of! {| Robert W. Polk vs. Charles H. Polk! fine quality Linen, they are nicely hemstitched with the initial in one corner. All initials, | 3, APR & % " jand R. O. Patterson, Kingston, a ly worked. All initials from A to Z. { similar amourit Phones 458, 459, 365. Wholesale 1767. . * 9 2 i Bighway at Cataraquf on Sept. 22nd, are beautifully fine and initials are nice- 50c. . Men's Pure Linen Handkerchiefs. Fine quality, are nicely hemstitched and come in every initial. 25¢. Plain Linen Handkerchiefs in a popue lar size for Men. Lovely fine ' quality and are nicely hemstitched, Grand Display and Sale All Next Week { was tried and then the court ad-| | journed : ¥ | Two of the local active militia) - . | units received their annual inspec-| For the holiday feasts ---- so many good ! tion at the armories on Friday even- | things to choose from. Our counters will [}|i»s. No. 1 Company, 4tn CE be laden with the finest assortment of table [thin Gu Cope asd Ya. x Plea, edibles especially mentioning FRUITS. Jade ang presented 2 splendid appear: B 1,600 dozen California Navel Oranges-- | it e-------- Foun Specially priced. Where there is no temptation there ? is no proof. of virtue. Stripes Brand Grapefruit, Malage Grapes. _ Japanese Oranges--small, baby size, thin skin--in handy box--7 dozen. California Oranges, good size. Special . eons ide vie. dozen Persian Dates; stuffed, in fancy boxes, 25¢. New Fancy Dates in packages . .....10c. BAT Vain. AGT WM New Fancy Dates in bulk Ib. 15¢., 2 for 25¢. Yery low priced, = Apples--Mecintosh Reds, Northern Spys, HANSON CROZIER & EDGAR Golden Russets, Talmon Sweets and |} PRINTERS other varieties. | MARKET SQUARE, KINGSTON. Christmas Stockings. ._- DIED. dreds of coupons, the name "Blue yo : STEWART---At Vancouver, B. C., on| Bonnet" 60c and 85¢ quality was Tom Smith's Crackers. ie ot Rk SY G2 chosen. Thi name vas' given by | ' {Mr. Hamilton, of Ward & Hamilton, ~~ PLUM PUDDINGS Old English Mince Meat in glass Recipe. |" jars and in bulk. LADIES: te ) f CLOCKED HEATHER HOSE Regular value $1.50. Ladies' All-Wool * Heather Hose----made from pure All-wool Yarns, they are well made and have reinforced toes and heels. They have embroidered Silk Clocks of contrast. ing colors and conie in such wanted shades. Green Olive | | | | LADIES' HEATHERHOSE SPECIAL 7 5 Cc REGULAR DAILY MEMORANDUM, Euchre at House ¢f Providence post- poned until January Sth. | CHRISTMAS CARDS TO-NIGHT VALUE, 90c. All Wool Heather Hose in pretty Brown and Green shades. Wool, they are closely woven and have double toes and heels. Every thread There's Something Decidedly "Homey" about Slippers as (Gifts This store has a nice, choice to select from in all kinds of comfort Shoes. Prices lower and better shoes. SLIPPERS from ....... $1.00 up Won Prize For Tea Name. A short while ago Anderson Bros. offered prizes for the best names for their new tea. After careful c ideration amongst many hun- years. Princess street pharmacy. This is a very fine name, and in good keeping with the excellent blend ox the teas. Be Tor : J REI] The ol Frmet BID cers 254 and 256 PBINCESS STREET Phone 147 for Ambulance EAA ere. mer tan} ROBERT REI Victoria, B.C., Dec. 16.--Establish- The Leading REID ment of a provincial home for incur- Phone 577. 230 Princess Streeg |2DIes has been adopted as a govern ment policy, and a bill to that end was introduced yesterday by Hon. J. D. Maclean. A sum from the liquor profits will be exiracted to capitalize rurchase of a building for about $70,- 4/609, the minister explained. . ---------- Tons of Poultry to Choose From-- Turkeys, Milk Fed Chickens, Fowl, Ducks, Geese . We invite you to personally inspect our special offerings. DISPLAY AND SALE OF CHRISTMAS BEEF, LAMB, VEAL, PORK : FRUITS--PEELS--SHELLED NUTS, CANDIED CHERRIES, + FLAVORINGS, SPICES. FREE--1 dozen Choice Oranges with $5.00 order. This ap- ? plies to every department. TRY THE NEW TEAS WITH A NEW NAME-- BLUE BONNET 65¢. and 85¢. per 1b, yee BOG Ib, |, Quality Blend 95¢c.i 2 lbs. for < | LL i 1 Sl, a Eas ld Charles Beckett, self-confessed slayer of a neighbor, commits suicide by hanging in Welland county jail. Announcement was made at Chat- {ham that the plant of the Dominion Sugar Co., will reopen about the middle of January. and will con'fnue | in operation for at least three! UF DERTOKER enths, : He who follows theories will often PARLORS~ Sydenham and Yarker, ; 3 E 1d : Phone, Sydenham 35 and Yorker 3 ¥ 4 bump 5s head against solid facts, x " ¥ ys : a» i tea te et a | HI KNIGHT