N __THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. W ur Coat Values THAT DESERVE IMMEDIATE ATTENTION Rarely has it been possible at this season to secure Fur gar. ments at the prices we are now asking. * The importance of these pricings will be recognized when these distinctive McKay Coats are scen. Each garment is representative of that standard which has made McKay Furs famous. Nn $ =e -- a -------------------- = is HUDSON SEAL il | All our Coats are made from solected, finest quality Hud- | || son Seal Skins and in the latest styles. They may be had self- || trimmed, from $250 and up, according to length and style. orf { with Collars and Cuffs of beautiful contrasting Fur f . FROM $300 AND UP. | saa | SILVERRACCOON We are showing some very Smart models in this popular Fur. Prices range according to quality, style and length. From . $165.00 to $300.00 MARMOT COATS 36 to 40 mches long, $65 to $90 Children's White Coney rremer-- rere PERSIAN LAMB We show thems Sable trimmed $225 UP TO $450 according to style, quality -l length. MUSKRAT BEAU- | in securing the concessions. PORTSMOUTH COUKCL | HOLOS FINAL MEETING | Good Work of Year Was Re- viewed by Reeve Halili« ! day. The Portsmouth council held its | final meeting of the year on Friday | night, with ,Reeve James Halliday | { presiding. A number of outstanding accounts | were palr, and the report presented | by the treasurer was regarded as aj most satistactory one. i | " Reeve Halliday thanked the mew- | | bers of the council and the officials | | for their assistance in the work dur- | | ing the year. He reviewed the work | | carried out in the village during tue | year, and also called attention to the | { fact that the Ontario government | { had rebuilt the road on Front street, | | without any cost to the municipality. | The reeve expressed -appreciatioa te W. F. Nickle, M.P.P., and Anth- | ony Rankin, M.P.P., in their efforts | He also | complimented the Drury government on the assistance they are giving to | | education. Portsmouth public school | Is receiving four times as much as they received from any governmant | Le SATURDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1022 * Brass goods. : ; . Christmas Cards Christmas Cards, Booklits, Post Cards, Tags and Seals. Gift editions of the Poets and Authors. Books and Hymnals, Boxed Stationery from 50c. to-$5.00. Useful articles in wo JHE COLLEGE BOOK STORE OPEN NIGHTS Bibles, Prayer Pe, --_-- TIFUL COATS Banded and straight as desired. Prices range according to qual. ity and length. $113.00 to $275.00. 'ivy CHOKERS IN FOX, MINK, KOLINSKY, SQUIRREL, SABLE, Coats $25 to $85 White Coney Caps $4.50 to $6.50 Stoles $3.00 and up, White Fur Baby Robes . .. $4.00 to $7.50 FISHER, GREY MARTINS, ETC. ETO. Ins John McKay Limited KINGSTON, CANADA in grants. Reeve Halliday suggested that the council of next year, with the Kingston city council, and Kingston township council get together for the | ( - oe mE = jg --- | purpose of macadamizing Johnson | | street, from Victoria street to ts} FOR CHRISTMAS 1 SHOPPERS--READ | Palace Road. The reeve was of tha | opinion that -the stone could be ob-! tained from the penitentiary quarry. This would make a very convenient | i route to the Mowat Hospital, and re- | lieve the traffic to a great extent oft | the other streets, Manufacturers Importers Fine Furs ! $5.00 SILK WAISTS, $2.89 White Habutai Silk Waist s--tailored and fancy styles -- all sizes. Priced upto $3.00, for .........\, oii. .$2.89 $20.00 DRESSES, $12.95 Tricotine and Serge Dresses--pretty styles in Navy and Brown--all sizes--regular up to $20.00 each. Clearing ........% .... vemensvaes $12.95 : Far Merchants Nominations for the Portsmou"h council will take place between 13 | and 1 o'clock next Friday. The council also expressed ap- | preclation of the interest taken by Dr. E. Ryan and Warden J. C. Pons. . | ford in village improvements, | | AANA Ar At AAA Aer tN Arent att hn en mn 91 Kingston Girl Is MEADOW CREAM |=: == CAKES Watertown. NX. Y., Standard | Muriel Burke; aged nineteen, ! {ingston, Ontario, who was taken into custody in this city on Novem- ber 11th by Immigration Officer Don McIntosh, Ogdensburg, N.Y., charg- Fresh from the ovens to your tables, A piece of as fine a Cake as is made to-day. PLE Ask your Grocer for it. Price 20 cents each. Crothers ed with illegal entry into the United Established 1869. COATS AND SUITS AWAY DOWN IN PRICE The balance of our stock of Fur-1 rimmed Suits and { Fur-Trimmed Coats at cut prices to close out before | . ok To-night For the Last Time. Baskets of Pears for a quarter at Carnovsky"s fruit and oyster store. Christmas Eve. To see is to admire and buy quick. sc aA. a. Stat. States, has been deported back tos, Canada. | Miss Burke cams -to this city sev-| eral months ago and obtained a lodg- ing place at the home of Mrs. G Scott, in East Main street where she | was located hy Mr. McIntosh, At the time she was acting as sales lady {in a business place in the city. She failed to pay her head tax and Inves- tigation proved that she had forgot- ten all about returning to Canada. UNDERWEAR BARGAIN Ladies' Winter Weight Combinations -- long or short slecves, ankle length, broken sizes. $3.50 to $4.50 Suit. To clear teri ey sveenaie hess $2.50 SILK SCARFS for Women and Men . .. ... . $1.50 to $3.95 PURE WOOL CASHMERE-_ White, Cardinal, Pale Blu e, Pink . EIDERDOWN COMFORTERS : Beautiful coverings ................ cer. $13.50 up. Newman & Shaw THE. ALWAYS BUSY STORE cumerrolinm ih, ia. One Week More For Christmas Buving «+ «+4. $1.50 per yard Kingston | CADETS GAVE EX TERTAINMENT. hd Provided a Fine 'Programme at the ili Home for the Aged. | Members of the Naval Cadets corps paid a visit to the Home for || the Aged on Friday night, and enter- | tained the inmates at a most enjoy- | able concert. The programme was one of high merit and every number was warnMy received. The pro- gramme follows: 3 Chorus, "Rule Britannia"; club { swinging; song, Mrs. Meagher; recii- { ation, Wilfred Newton: exhibition boxing; song, Stewart 1 'Salsbury; | reading, Mr. Breem; Swedish drill | song, "The News Boy," A. Alddrige, | signalling; song "Little Billie Wii- | liams,"" Newton sen.; chorus, "0 | Canada," God Save the King. "FURS! The wean ou -+'We make everything in Fine Fars for Mex," Ladies and Children, and are now making Special Exhibit of ------------------ At Nt i Peta en . * Christmas Bargains 1 FOR THRIFTY HOUSEWIVES . Creamery Butter Island Roll Butter [ Xmas. Seedless Raisins . Fancy Cooking Figs: h Large Juicy Dates . .3 Ibs. 85¢ New Prunes, large . .2 Ibs. 35c. Rolled Oats, new pack 8 for 25¢ Bugar and Ginger Cookies [ 2 lbs. 25¢. Now Pack Soda Biscuit 14c. Ib. Week-cnd Oranges, per doz 20¢ Fancy New Rice . ...8 lbs. 23c¢. Table Figs, Table Raisins, 1 | | | USE A Perfection Oil Heater AND SAVE COAL THE DAY OF REST. { When my eyes behold the beauty Which the smallest flow'rs con- | tain, | Vel { When 1 feel the golden sunlight | REAL ESTATE FOR sALE FOR RENT Centrally Located, at a Bargain Price for quick sale, $2500. Princess Street--detached rough- cast dwelling, 7 rooms and bath, gas, electric lights, arage and barn, good cellar. asy terms if desired. Fire Insurance at Lowest Rates Money to Loan Short Weight Butter. { And green fields see after rain; | On Saturday morning a lady com- When I hear the songs that birds, {plained to tee market clerk thai she i i siDg | {had purchased some short weight A | In the branches of the trees, ! | | i $10.00--27 Patrick rooms and toilet. $14.00--131 Queen Street, 8 rooms and toilet. $22.00--125 "Montreal Street, 7 rooms, electric light, EW Mulino Johnson and Division Streets ER ----------] tnt DAINTY BOUDOIR SLIPPERS AN ACCEPTABLE CHRISTMAS GIFT What woman or miss who would not appreciate a dainty pair of Boudoir Slippers for a Christmas gift. We have these in a wide variety of styles and colors, and all at lowest prices. Our wonderful $1.25 value--Lailles' Pink, Blue, Old Rose, Grey, White Kid, Cerise and Brown Boudoir Slippers, in both Suede and Kid Leathers, with Elkskin Leather Soles. All Sizes. AM COlOPBYME ......ovoi'iiinnnes ssssssanness 1B ld Rose, Pink, Blue, Black Kid, Brown Suede, Grey Bora er Dougie Supers, Wi 3k sdles snd Rubber A, Bonduires with Wik Soles ant Hubber Hecty Sven an a's an srrrrencs sesansavasTesiess PL \ real classy"--Ladies' Patent Leather Boudolr INDIAN SLIPPERS--FELT SLIPPERS, etc., ete., is a wide variety of styles, at lowest prices. S. J. MARTIN "SHOES OF MERIT AND DISTINCTION" Street -- § Christmas Trees, New Nuts, § butter. When the butter was placed Or inhale the fragrant perfume | Cherries, . jon the scales it was found about one Which is borne upon the breeze-- | Haddie, Fillet, Pork Sausage. 3 | ait ounce short. The market clerk I forget the noise and bustle, S { | f FOR SALE BY W.H. Cockburn Co. © .Cor, Princess and Wellington ® Btrects Phone 216. Order garly and save the differ { wanted the lady to tell where she RN XN 2 | And the turmoil and the strife, ounce, had purchased the butter, but she Meds | frotasea, and for that reason he was S 0 ' Cullen's [aie to confiscate the rest of the $i butter and prosecute the farmer. | From its shackles to be free, CANN AND CARR) | Rex Company's Fine Play { And thank God for the kind grant- ALFRED and PRINCESS STA. . l ing ' : on Friday evesiug at the Grand § FURS FOR LADIES Of this day of liberty. there was a big audience present to . ~-3. H. | witness the Rex Stock" ®ympany pro- »Porsian of ng - - $275 up ll [duce the comedy ""Come Out of the Hudson is oats... $208 = | Kitchen," which was greatly enjoy- French Seal Coats ..$1C0 up ed. This comedy is one of the best Wide Fur Scarfs $25 to $112.50 : - tations' the company has yet put on. It will Fur Chokers In Connection With Amputatio be seen again this after.-~on and Fur Muffs Sssvcition of So War. a evening. | At a very enthusiastic meeting ! - f } ! the G.A.U.V. rooms on Friday even- Little Dog Qured For, "ing, a local branch of the Amputa- { . Several students picked up a little | tons' A mosiation the Seat ¥ ar white poodle dog... that had been | was organized. . C. McKay an - knocked Bows and injured by an {Eamon pers elected Presiden sud auto on Princess street Friday after- | secretary, pro . v noon, and carried it to Dr. William JLYelks Membecy Bdiniied to the > Nicholls, veterinary, whé tended and gan on, the meeting ng ad- fed it. The little fellow is waiting dressed by the provincial president, for its owner to claim it at the vetei- | Mr. Dobbs, and G. C" Millar, provin- ipary hoapital. | jel business manager, both of Tor- 3 { onto. \ ' Greek Leads in Winnings. ! N. E. Ambatielos, Greek horse owner, leads the French turf in the se ate Me Banal, ot his h iy : LY oD tava for ie 'some nine weeks, Mrs. Maria Hube). 1,418,000 francs. widow of the late Charles M. Hubel, "a 4 Sth concession, Tyendinaga, passea A. K. Macomber, the largest Am- erican winner, is thirteenth on the | away at the mature age of eighty: ' Some two years age, . . ! two, years. fat, With 353,343 franen : | Mrs. Hubel fell and sprained her hip, St. Mary's School Club, lL from which she never fully recover- " The monthly meeting of the Home | @d. With characteristic energy she and School Club of St. Mary's school | kept on her feet attending to all the' | Was held on Friday afternoon. It was | duties of the home which had Jeen _---- ; : {A ae Po eit : a ag Tears. Hi the = MAYNOOTH RESIDENT FINED. before Magistrate O'Rourke, two confined to her bed through falling Yathor sotons eon Tges confronted 1 saucer shower and also to | strength. She was burled in the fam- . ' av ee or th her cov | Padroni he aie Sawa Ne a hn gma maven 8 mas time. } ja TW, Beside her late bushind, Te public place, both of which are con- t A -------------- Cont of dr dL lila | osx Buisty whose Dome # Ju trary to law. Blakely pleaded gufity The court of revision held its fina! vive her, Peter, Plainfield, David, {the northern part of Hastings Soussty and a Bre of $200 me Sunes $1 Sach sessto the year A homes ! Maynooth, no doubf realizes case was imposed, or in ult six ternoon php decisions > ~ ig Beau, wad Murner To. | May the making of moonshine whis- months in jall. Up to the present It an re - ---- ap ig : ykey is not aMcgether a profitable ad- {time the fines have not been paid by "vas th orn ial that iventure, especially when detected, He [the accused and for the time being rite sutge a for was apprehended for operating a still [Ctmy is an inmate of the eoumty the were so few this year. And the worries and vexations Which we meet in daily life---- | And, instead, my soul rejoices FORMED LOCAL BRANCH. THE KIND OF GLASSES TO BE WORN \ There are many and various kinds, all of which we are in a position to furnish. We advise in each case that which our long ex- perience has found will give the best sible results, or in other words, IF IT POS. SESSES MERIT WE HAVE IT. "esr sraserere Sessa enenn . Consult tom J. S. Asselstine, DOS. HAN sod at Trenton. when he appeared ljail