Daily British Whig (1850), 16 Dec 1922, p. 8

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| ~ Lite's Social Side Editor of Women's Page, Tele phone 243. Private phone 857w. i » - " i Mrs. W. T. MacClement, Queen's University gave an enjoyable party on | Friday evening for her son, Donala, when her rooms were filled with merry guests who danced gaily, and | enjoyed the delicious supper prepar- | ed for them by their hostess. Among those present were, Miss Dorothy | Dyde, Miss Virginia Fair, Miss Mar-| Jorie Richmond, Miss Jcan McFay- den, Miss Florence Newman, Miss Dorothy Rowland, Miss Betty Murray | Miss Nora Williamson, Miss Margaret | Light, Miss Evelyn Ford, Miss Isabel | Wilson, Miss Margaret Davis, Miss | Evely Moreland, Innes Fraser, Norm- | an McLeod, W. Baker, Aubrey, and | Grant Johnston, Peter Fair, Arthur Williamson, Jack Wilson. - . Prof. and Mrs. Seccombe, Queen's Undversity, gave a pleasant dance on | Friday evening, when their guests focluded, Mr. and Mrs. Halloway Waddell, Mrs. James Miller, Mrs. Norman Symons. Capt. and Mrs. J. | F. Preston, Prof. and Mrs. "Doug- las Jemmett, Miss Martinefu, Miss Miss Mi eslie and Miss Lois Tayto:, ouise Hill, Miss Barbara Bi lI, Miss Esselmont, Mise Phyl Spencer, M. Marion, Prof. watts Major Wotherspoon, Prof. Prince, Capt. Morton and Bruce Taylor. . . * Mrs. Charles Abbott, Dunnville, ar- rived on Friday to spend the holi- | cays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Minnes, "Hilleroft." Dr. Ab. bott will join her next eek, and Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Macka will dome from Brockville with their' baby, to complete the house party at "Hill- croft." * Francesca sreet, who is among the guests at dance held at the Winter Club, Wednesday evening. * * Mrs. Philip DuMoulin, Sydenham Sireet, will entertain on Wednesday afternoon for her neice, Miss Luzton, Victoria, B.C. » Brock was Foulkes, in Montreal, Miss » Miss L., Martin, Camden East, is to spend the Christmas holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Jas, Hayden, 'Johnson street, an Informal | on | Mildred Jones, Miss Mamie Anglin, Miss Olive Allen, Goderich, "Miss = Mary Mann and Mies Katherine { Deane, Toronto, will arrive on Tpes- day with Miss Elinor Mundell," and | will be with Mrs. D. E. Mundell, | Barrie street, for the Christmas dance at the Royal Military College. Mrs. James Mounsey, Toronto, will arrive on Monday to visit her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Lemmon, Earl street. Mr, Mounsey will join her later in the week. ® | Mrs. Frank Smythe, Wes | will leave for Ottawa to | Christmas with her parents, Coffee t street, spend Mr. and | Mrs. Gorman. Mr. Smythe will leave | for Ottawa later, . Douglas Anglin | Montreal, will spend Christmas with Mrs. Anglin's parents, Col. and Mrs. R. E. Kent, "SBomersby House." John Murray Gibbon, Montreal, will apend the week-end, the guest of Dr. and Mrs. Bruce Taylor, Queen's University, Alan| Brooks, Welland will spend Christmas with his mother, Mrs. [| -. ay | Brooks, Barriefield . Sold in Tins Only Miss Christina Mac (GORMAN, ECKERT & CO. Led. Mr. and Mrs. donald, Queen's | University, left for her home near | Regina, to spend the holidays, ~ | * & Miss Margaret Wilton, 'who has | been attending the College of Educa- {tion in. Toronto, returned home on | Friday to visit her parents, Mr. and |Mrs. H. A. Wilton, Arch street. 3 | Miss Florence Stewart, Toronts, {who has been with Mr. and Mrs, {James Cralg, Johnso n street, for a On Child. Broke Out In Pimples. " fs Sealy, Used To ich, | week, | Capt. and Mrs. MeBrayne, Win- inipeg, have taken rooms at 215 Uni- | versity avenue, - | Miss Lucy Waddell, {leave for England |vi'sit her sister, M {gill. : Miss Helen Campbell, Guelph, {will be in town for the Christmas dance at the Reral Military College and will be with Mrs. W. A. Saw- | yer, University avenue. Mrs. Hart, Alberta, 1s visiting her | sister, Mrs. Pelow, John street. Earl street. next week, to ms. Dudley Car- . Science '24 gave the last social evening before Christmas in Grant Hall, on Friday, when Mrs, i. D. Rouledge and Mrs. Douglas * Jem- mett received the guests, and the science orchestra did valiant sérvice as usual. . * . { Miss Finn and Miss Hunter, Mont- | real, will be in town for the Christ- {mas dance at the Royal Military College. : Miss Amy Wilkinson, Brockville, [win bc among the "not-outs" at the | Royal Military College danée, and will, be the guest of Mrs? T. C. D. pede, King Street. - For Women's Ailments 25 years standard for Delayed and Painful Menstruat on, Headache, Backache, Dizziness, Nervousness Sealed Tin Box only, all druggists or difec. by mail. Price $2 00. Knicker. bocker Remedy Co., 71 E. Front St. Toronto. Do not accept substitutes. A A eee, Removal Notice WH. FRANCIS, PAINTER Has moved to 43s DIVISION ST Drop a card or phone 1885J and You will receive prompt atiention. Workmanship guaranteed and prices right. Dr. Conway Cartwright, Vancou- ver, B.C., who has been in Ottawa, { will arrive in town on Monday to vis- {it Dr .and Mrs. R. C. Cartwright, | University avenue, » Miss Kellogg, who was with Rav. i. O. Crisp and Mrs. Crisp, Alber: street, has returned to Toronto Edward Birkett, Toronto, and Leonard Birkett, Montreal, will ba with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Birkett, Bagot street, for the holiday season, Mrs. Philip Du Moulin, Sydenham Street, returned from Port Hope to- day. - . . ¢ Alexander Cartwright, who has Dr, and Mrs. R. C. Cartwright, Unis versity avenue. returned to Ottawa today. : Miss Gwendolen Dawson will come from Bishop Strachan School, Tar- wo. LAMPS ; AND STUDENTS' LAMPS FROM $3.50 AND UP. ELECTRIC HEATERS . - . Mrs, George F. Birch and her chile dren will arrive from Fort William on Monday to spend "ith her mother, Mrs Robert Meek, Unive¥sity avenue. © .- "Miss Watson, Miss Tiley and Miss Yon Ifahd, Montreal, will town for the Royal Milit 4 Mrs. Be n Bate, Ottawa, is Spending the winter in Scotland with $7.30 UP 70 $13.00 Burke Electric Co. 72 Princess Street. Phone 423. left to-day for Kemptville, = béen in town for a few days with th "| #ang a sweet a month or so | 7 n =r Safe Fat Reduction Reduce, reduce, reduce, is tha slog of all fat people. Get thi be ? the cry of fashion and so | overfat wring thefr hands ir tion and helplessness; revolt seating drugs, afraid of v dreading the upwelecc g diet, until the Marmola Te rough it th reduce steadily ar c in thelr mode « e ly, and 'c f figy an is he a- g t exer=- i ne ly 1 quickly | wit a smoother a ealth than n s from the rula ag the harmless escription. It learn th satisfactory, b i fects of this great, safe, fat reducer b | BI¥Ing to your druggist one dollar fo | a case, or.sending a like amount to the | Marmola Company, 4612 Woodward | Avenue, Detroft, Mich, with a request that they mall to you a case of Marmola | Prescription' Tablets | her father, Admiral Anstey, and Mr. {bate will come from Oitawa next week to spend Christmas with Mrs. ' Marmola pr t a] ef- | Guy .Gamsby and Mrs. Charles Bate, | | King street, west. Mr. Tyrrell, an ex-cadet of the Royal Military Coilege, has come | from Toronto to visit his sister, Mrs. {Arthur 'Dalton, 'Earl street. Miss Helen Subers, Queen's Uni- versity, will leave next week for Philadelphia, to spend the holidays, | Miss Marjorie Gamsby, Toronto, will arrive in town in time for tha |Ohristmas dance at the Royal Mili- tary College, and will spend the holi- |days with Mrs, Guy Gamsby, King |slreet, west. } . The marriage took place on Thurs- day, Dec. 14th, 1922 Presbyterian church, Olean, N.Y., of Rhoda Marjorie, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. James Ross Allen, to John Sart- well Worden, A reception was held immediately after the ceremony at Hamilton Country Club, at which Miss Bertha White, nurse-in-training |at Olean General Hospital, was pre- isent. Dr. Allen is a graduate of Queen's Medical school and Mrs. Al- len was formerly Mies Bertha Green- wood, Kingston. {wm . - Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Wright, Gan- anoque announce the engagement of their daughter, Marie Elizabeth (Bessie), to.Bdward Arthur Rack- {ham, eldest son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Edward Rackham, The marriage will take place quietly early in the New Year. . * - | The engagement of Mrs. imma Louisa Bruce to Alfred Ernest Day |1s announced, the marriage to take | place on December 27th. Sule of hand painted chine and [picture 8, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thurs- | day and Friday, Studio, 163 Alfred street, Compton MARGARET LEAHY Chosen from among 80,000 girls in an EngHsh beauty contest, has come to America With the Talmadge sisters, movie stars, and will appear in Nor- ma's latest picture. SANTA CLALS VISITS ST. GEORGE'S MISS0N Children and Their Parents Had Jolly T¥me Friday Night. Standing room only, and. very lit- tle of that, was the accommodation provided for date arrivals at st. | George's missip. hall on Montreal | street on Friday evening, -when the | annual Sunday school Christmas tree . and concert was held. The one | hundred and twenty-five scholars, | their parents and big brothers ang | Sisters, composed the happy party, i W. E. Kidd, who was chair man, began quite early in the even- ing to throw out hints that Santa Claus would visit the mistion houss that evening, so everyone was on f expectation. An ex- céllenl programme was propared by pupils and teachers, a notiveable fea. ture being the sweetness of the sing. ing and the finish and precision with Which the drlils were executed. Tae 'Junlor Class led off with a chorus. "Santa Claus." Twelve little girls "Lullaby Sorg," eight aman boys sang' "The Cock Spar- most sweetly, the junior ' gave another chorus, and six- teen. larger girls } put on by sixte Miss Laura Ryder, | dent, spoke « fow wor tion of the nau-| ut one but harm- . reaching | from the parents. The senior class Ww comes; an oves you } | + silver and lights, and bear! at the First! England. | NEWS VIEWS FOR WOMEN READER. a -------- es] NN. mission school teachers and the shp- port the school received from the women of the mission sion Sewing Circle. The school re- j ceives no assistance from outside, t | collections on Sunday and the aid | | from the women, enabling the work to ba carried on successfully. Rev. W. E, Kidd congratulated ths | teachers on their good work and | hoped for still further co-operation | sang 'On This Happy Birthday." d then, with jingling bells, Santa Claus arrived, clad in scarlet t) match the gay decorations of the hall and the big tree decked with a pre- sent for every scholar as Il as a | bag of candy and an orange. Miss Marjorie Thompson, who played the accompaniments, played the Nation- | al Anthem and another happy even- ing came to an end. | What the Editor Hears fs | | : | That the Victorian nurses will en- jtertain five hundred mothers at 'he Y.W.C.A. on Saturday next, | That the perfect wife tempers jus- {tice with mercy, even when her hus- band comes home late for dinner. | | -- That the pupils of *"Batescour:" a¥e making gifts for the children of [tho Orphan's Home. That this is the time to get tha true Christmas spirit. Don't give {more expensive 'presents than you cen afford, and don't turn a pleasure nto a pain by leaving every thing to the last minute. Think of some one cutside your immediate circle of friends and help them to have a happy Ohristmas and you will find you will have a happy one yourself. | p-- | That many Kingston householders {drive out Inte the country to get pura | | drinking water from tested wells. It seems hard Tuck to pay twice for | water, by e while for some one to deliver it at their door, Died At Vancouver. Edith Lyon, wife of Alexander M. Stewart, Claims Agent, Dominion Ex- press Co., Vancouver, died on Dec. 14th after De- ceased was M. { Appleby, {George S. « M, Clarendon, and Lyon, Canadian | champion, Toronto. The remains be taken to Calgary for burial. He Might Go It Blind. A dandy entered golf will eye-glasses. He was given a pair, but ed: "These don't suit." pair." "Well--er--er--and if they don": suit?" r "Then I'll give you a stron still." "And Bertie, * to do?" "Oh!" snapped the {rate sales- man, "get an intelligent dog and | yard of string."--Philadelphia Bul- letin. ger pair it they fail," inquired 'what would you advise me a Recipes From Readers. Mrs. D. L.F.: "I am glad to donato the two following recipes, for other women to use: Sour Cream Cake-- One cup granulated sugar, two eggs, One' cup sour cream, one teaspoon soda, two tea:poons baking powder, any flavoring desired (I use nu:- meg.) Mix together in ordinary way, adding enough flour to make a regu- lar cake batter. Bake in a loaf, or in two layers. This is fine and keeps moist. Sugar Cookies: One and one-half cups of granulated sugar, two eggs, one-half cup melted butter, one cup sour cream (thick), one small tea- spoon of soda, one small teaspoon of baking powder, one-hajf teaspoon of salt, one teaspoon of vanilla extract, and just enough flour to roll on \board. It must be a very soft bat- ter: I roll them meodium-thin, and they make a nice, large, thick and rich cookie. If you roll them thin. ner you get a smaller covk.e. 1. @=, stir butter and sugar together, then 44d egg, cream, and the other ingre- dients." M. E.: "Sponge Cake:--Put three eggs into the mixing bowl and beat them for ome minute: add one and one-half cups of granulated sugar and beat the mixture for five min- utes; then add one cup of flour and beat for one minute: next add one- halt cup of water, a piach of salt and another cup of flour which has been mixed and sifted with two teaspooys of baking powder, and also add one of extract, and beat (ihe batter hard for one minute. Tarn it in'; a buttered pan and bake in a slow' oven for almost an hour, Golden Pumpkin Chips: Six pounds of pumpkin chipped, four and one-half pounds of light brown sugar, six lemons grated (using both and the Mis- it many people who have not | ars, would be glad to pay enough for | a jar of pure water to make it worth | also of | an opticlan's | shop and asked to be shown some | finding them unsuitable, he remark- | "Well, I'll give you a Stronger | Efficient SATURDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1923, * S Christmas For $1. | Buy a whole carton--24 five ! cent packages of Little Sun-Maid Raisins--all for a dollar at Christmas time. ' For the Shildrews wociings, nq for them to give to their litt'e friends on Chris Day--THLIR OWN, little 0 pass arcund, Luscious, healthful, na.u-s! eweet meats, both good and GOOD FOR THEM. Get the carton mow at Blackie ft fu 3 Little Sun-Maids "Christmas Raisins" Sc Everywhere Had Your Iron Today? ' any store. 1 -- Special To-morrow's HOROSCOPE , By Genevieve Kemble SUNDAY AND MONDAY, DEC. 17TH-18TH, } Sunday's astrological map is pro- mising for spiritual, mystical and so- cial or romantic activities, but holds little of encouragement in other di- rections. It would be 'inadvisable to { undertake important journeys or ! changes. | Those whose birthday it is should shun travel and change and give close attention to business during | the year. A child born on this day | Will be sensitive, impressionable and | trustworthy, although it may require careful carly training in eeli-contro), Monday's horoscope urges the ne- | cessity. for attending carefully to business, and points out a certain hazard attending the use of money in speculation or outside the custom- ary avenues of expenditure. Domes- | tic affairs are well aspected for hap- py conditions. Those whose birthday it is may have a satisfactory year if they use their money wisely and attend strict- ly to business. Home affairs should bring happiness. A child born on this day is likely to have a rather quiet. éareer and possess unusual mental endowments. ------------ Blundering Gallantry, At a reception a woman chatted for some time with a distinguished man of learning and displayed such intelligence that one of the ilsteners complimented her, ~ ! "Oh, really," she said with a smile, "I've merely been concealing my ig- , norance." | The celebrity spoke gallantly. | "Not at all, not all, madam! Quite the contrary, I assure you."--Lon- don Opinion. ------------------ For the Christmas Shoppers, Gifts, beautiful and useful Hand- painted china, tea-sets, salad bowls, nut bowls, odd cups and saucers, small dishes, also a number of smal; pictures in either water odlor or ofl "The Compton Studio" 163 Alfred Street. | | Mix all together and let stand over- night. In the morning boil the mixture for three hours, not covering pot during boiling, turn, while hot, into glass jars which are still warm from having been sterilized (that Is, boiled, empty, for ten minutes In clear water.) Seal the jars airtight at once. Here is another good re- cipe: - To. Pickle Sweet Peppers: Re- move sebds from one dozen large, ripe, sweet peppers. 'Put one cup of galt in one gallon of boiling water, and pour this over the peppers, then cover and let stand ' for one-hal® 'hour. Take the peppers out and pack them in sterilized glass jars, covering them with a plekling vine- gar made of five cups of vinegar and | two and one-half cups of sugar boil- ed together for a few minutes. Pour this sweet vinegar over the peppers while hot, and seal airtight at once * G. A.: "Guest Cocoa: One-fourth cup of sugar, one-fourth cup of co- coa powder, one and one-half table- spoon of dry cornstarch, two cups of sweet milk, two cups of water, ons teaspoon of vanilla and a pinch of salt. Mix cocoa, sugar, cornstarch, and water, and let this mixture boil- ing for ten minutes, stirring con- stantly. Then add the milk and cook one-half hour over hot water. | Add the vanilla and salt and beat hard with an egg beater." All inquiries addressed to Miss Kirk pin, care of the -- diem House | eeping" department wi answ in col in their turn. This re quires considerable time, however, ow- ing to the great number received. So if| a personal or quicker reply is desired, . Simped and selfsaddressed me ul} name, street number, name ol state.--~The Editor, envelop: | , ho thinks your city and No ome Is poor but he wi | , y Dbimselt : . pa BARNUM'S | BAKERY Christmas Fruit Cake --plain or iced--all sizes ~=1} Ibs. to 10 Ibs. Order now. ' Fresh Cream Puffs and Chocolate Eclairs: ~~ in. "HOME-MADE CHRISTMAS CAKES AND PUDDINGS Now is the tim and Puddings. We make the very best home-made quality, "No Chinese Eggs used by us." LACKIE'S BAKERY " Next to Whig Office. Kingston's Quality Baker. AANA At ert te lM fo Aten wee © to place your order for Christmas Cakes DAINTY CAFE The place where dining out is truly a delight PRINCESS ST. OPPOSITE BIBBY'S Christmas Your House For with pretty Electric fixtures and Electric Table Lamps. Give Mother a Vacuum Cleaner and Father a Reading or Desk Lamp. H. W. NEWMAN ELECTRIC (0. 167 Princess Street Phone 441. FRENCH IVORY BEST'S Never before have we had such a variety of useful gifts In FRENCH IVORY at such reason .hle prices. « Ivory Tollet Sets ..8$5.00 to $33.00 | Ivory Manicure mets $4 to £20.00 Ivory Mirrars $3.50 to $10.00 Ivory Brushes .. 82.50 to $10.00 Ivory Shaving sets $4.50 to $10.00 AVory Trays, Pin Cushions, Pe rfume Bottles, 'Scissors, Shoe Horus, Powder Boxes, Jewel Box ew, ete. Make your selection mew! L. T. BEST, Druggist SS 7 -- CHRISTMAS SUGGESTION FOR YOUR FAMILY ~ SONORA "NOCTURNE" MODEL PHONOGRAPH And $15.00 worth of Records $175.00 » This Instrument alone is INSPECT listed at $195.00. OUR DISPLAY oF SONORA PHONOGRAPHS PRICED FROM In desgn, it's graceful lines of simple dignity ap- peal to all. Sold on easy terms, Open evenings, FZ CT. VW. IN OSAY ti MITES Weber Planos KIMuUsTON IT ENE Sole Agents In K'ngston for 121 PRINCESS UN IREBT, Nothing is imposstbis to pains snd 80. tence, :

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