MONDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1022. san a -------- a -------------- THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. In the Realm of Women---Some Interesting Features You Won't Cough After Taking Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup On the first appearance of a cough or cold do not neglect it; get rid 'of it at'once before it has a chance to 8row worse and gets settled on the lungs, causing bronchitis, pneumonia, or<other serious lung troubles. In Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup you wiil find a remedy that will re- Heve the cough or cold on its first in- ception by soothing the irritation; and healing the diseased lining of.the lungs and bronchial tubes. Mrs. Percy McRae, Little Shemo- gue, N. B,, writes:-- "Three years ago I had the "Flu" which left me with a very bad cough. I tried different medicines which did me no good, so 1 took Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. It relieved me of that awful cough in a short time." "Dr. Wood's" 1s 36c. and 60c. a bottle at all dealers; put up in a yel- low wrapper; three pine trees the trade mark; manufactured only by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toro to, Ont. : ri Compoand, Cook's Cotton Za = adi veuidiing e, el Eee » 5 i rie] ut -- Give a Clock for Christus Priced from ~~ $2.00--%15.00 L. C. HEMSLEY Watchmaker from R. J. Rodger 149 8ydenham St. Just off Princess on receipt pampbhiet. 286 t THE COOK MEDICINE CO, TORONTO, ONT, (Formerly Wisdess,), CHARM AND ART IN PARIS GOWNS Newer Frocks Have Strong Ap- peal for Every Woman Who Has Love for Dress. FABRICS ARE MORE GORGEOUS Colors Rich and Prettily Combined; Brighter and More Iliusive Shades Have Been Chosen for the Season's Outfits. This %' the most interesting fashion season that Paris has known for some time, writes a correspondent in the New York Times, The silhouette is & changed affuir and for that reason there Is no suggestion of monotony or sameness about any of the new clothes or the details of trimming and decoration. Not only have the general lines been changed, but none of the accessories have been per mitted to keep their character of a year ago, We have entered a new era, led by the hand of the Parisienne experienced EVERSHARP PENCILS REPAIRED We are equipped to make any 1 aire to above pencils. We carry a supply of parts. Prompt service, : J. R. C. Dobbs & Co. 41 Clarence Street, King 'on, a a Sterling Toilet What would look more beautiful on her Boudoir Table than a pretty Three- Plece Tollet Set, Mirror, Brush and Comb in sterling Silver with engraved and engine turned designs, and since they are open stock patterns, other pieces may be added to them at any time. These sets are heavy aud made for service. Priced from $85.00 to $150.00. Kinnear & d'Esterre The only standing some men hava fi the community Is in the street car, x Eu in the art of dress, and peluctant as | we may be to join the procession our presence there seems inevitable. At any rate, there are few who will be able to resist the lure when they be- hold the new frocks with their grace ful charm and artistic appearance. Paris offers us every excuse to abandon our free, short clothes and to | step into the more sweeping feminine {lines and flounces. The art of the | newer frocks is something to make us { wonder. They have an appeal for | every woman with a love for dress In | the bottom of her heart. The fabrics are more gorgeous than | they ever have been before, They are | woven as though magicians had had | thelr hands In the making. Thelr colors are rich and prettily combined {under a standard of luxury which is 80 much a part of the season's styles. | Speaking of colors, they have been used with rare perfection. It is not only that the brighter and the more | 1lusive colors nave been chosen for | the season's frocks, but they have | been put together In such a way that | they bfing out each other and create {a picture not approached for many (8 long day. Long and Wide Sleeves, Sleeves are long and wide, although some of them are tightly fitted with portions that branch out and break the straightness of the silhouette. Skirts continue to be long, with many floating paneis and as much draping as the figure can possibly carry. There Is a great deal of fur trim- ming, always in an original manner, not only for coats and sults and street dresses, but for the filmiest and sheer- est of frocks as well. There are rib bons and flowers and much silver and gold. There is any amount of em broidery done by hand in the most fascinating designs and intricate stitches. In fact, embroidery has been developed until at times it is used 'to cover the whole surface of a dress or Example of Short Coat, Fur-Trimmed and Worn With Draped Dress. n a wrap. And this general mode bas led to the materials which are em- jE i EE § I : ticularly simple and young. The waist 'houges, Chanel makes the decollette {| square. | tendency | skirt of white. lines are never Indicated by beits but only by folds of the materials. Con trary to the rule of mpst of the other One remarks, as elsewhere, a to the fondness for the straight lines. The skirts are some times plalted with walstlines remain- ing plain and untrimmed so that the skirt of the frock is apparently the most Interesting feature. At Paul Caret's the panels have their places on each side of the gown, giving a fuller and more ample line to the skirt. At times'they are placed near the back of the skirt, resuiting In a long and decidedly graceful silhouette. Jean Paton shows a number of dresses of olive green velours or of plain brule trimmed with dyed lamb's difficult art of a gift that is a Black Velvet Evening Gown Embroid- | ered, for Trimming, in. Many Colors. - | wool. The skiris are straight, adorn- | ed with tlc floating panels, two or | more attuched at the waist according | to taste, One is surprised to find that most »t Poiret's skirts are straight of line and narrow of width, contrasting with kis usual inclinations. Favors Gray Models. Lucien Lelong shows a aecided feel- Ing for gray models and for the lighter shades of tan. A frogk of black vel- vet is gorgeously enriched by sleeves of silver cloth. A dress of cream mus- lin has for a girdle three bourrelets of graded velvet, from maroon to champagne color in lovely modula- tions, Jenny persists In the bateau line of neck for her afternoon frocks. Serge dresses of navy blue are straight and simple. Some are trimmed with a con: servative band of narrow black brald. One gown of blue serge remalns stralght and simple with sleeves tight: ly fitting, the left sleeve surprising one with a wide cuff of white serge On the right side of this skirt is a panel hanging from the walst an¢ lined with white serge, At Premet's all of the serge frocks ape" straight and narrow. One model of black serge is lightened by a collar and wristbands of white crepe, braidec and rcbralded with crepe of orange and brilliant green. The majority or the afternoon gowns have round neck with large collars which reach ove the shoulders like a bertha. One exquisite frock of myrtle gree relles for its trimmings upon an™"en: broidered pattern of tiny beads of po: celain In marigold yellow. This is, it effect, most unusual and charming. At Madeleine et Madeleine there is an attractive gown for the jeune fille of beige kasha with an adjustable cor sage which fastens in the back with buge buttons. This frock has an am- ple skirt which reaches well below the ankles. A serge dress has a skirt full and long with a short waist and sleeves tied at the elbow and falling bouffants, At Martial et Armand's one sees as always a number of the transforma: tion dresses. There Is one of white crepe with panels- of black crepe which fall from the shoulders and may be removed to show a tightly fitting Another has a re movable skirt of black marocaln which is made over green jersey. This can be detached and used asa cape. Many gowns have girdles which form large geisha bows at the back. With Scarf of Crepe. At Drecoil's there is a dress } i § sebt ii f i 13 | i Li ; sd gs it : g 1 H £5 Holmes & Edwards comes in two qualities. Hating make Y a new art embellishes the tab Canadian women who love nd now the perfection of the it possible for you to obtain eritable masterpiece of silverplated ware. SILVER IN- LAID wards off wear with solid -blocks of sterling silver, fused in at the rest points before plating, and SUPER- PLATE, with extra sterling silver at the exposed parts. In either form Holmes & Edwards Silver Plate is a welcome guest at any board. » See the dignified Jamestown pattern, reminiscent of that creatifle period from which it derived its name. --The Hostess. Or the charming and distinctive pattern Ask your jeweller to show you, also, his display of flower baskets, cake Limited U GIFTS THAT LAST J THAT LAST comports, baking dishes, casseroles--designed and burnished to a per- fection that has made Holmes & Edwards deservedly famed. ' Manufactured exclusively in Canada by THE STANDARD SILVER COMPANY, of Toronto, + HOLMES ¢ EDWARDS "Protected Where the Wear Comes" "Mahood Bros. HOLMES & EDWARDS SILVERWARE FOR SALE 'BY GREEK REFUGEES TRYING Thousands of Greeks from Asia Minor are waiting at Galli- poli for some means of transportation to Greece. ores for Greek steamers, TO ESCAPE FROM TURKEY. e picture shows them waiting by the s . Not So Delightful. A tourist in Scotland came upon a farm In a remote Highland glen. "How delightful to live in this soli- tary spot," he remarked to the farme er. "I'm na sae sure about that, sir," replied the farmer. "Hoe wad ye like to hae to ga fifteen miles for. a glass of whisky?" "Oh," said the touris, "but you could keep 2 bottle." The farmer shook his head mournfully. "AR, mon," he sa!d seri- ously, "whisky'll na keep." ' Golden Wedding Held. fg & Mr. and Mrs. George Rae, Harper, Bathursg, township, celebrated their golden wedding at the home of Mr. Mrs. D. A. Fisher, when forty guests, the immediate relatives of both parties, were entertained to a repast, after which appropriate toass were proposed. \ ------e eee At Creil, near Parts, France, thers is a society of archers, with an an- nual petiion for the original t given at the first meet of the , more than 1,000 years ago CASTORIA For Infants and Children | | In Use For Over 30 Years 'Had He Heard Anything? The old farmer had been to mar- ket, had got good prices for his cat- tle, and feeling flush, bought sev-| earl yards of cloth, intending to| '| have the wife make him a suit of | Unfortunately, on the way home he lost his purehase. Much annoyed at his expensive careless- ness, his helpmeot told the vicar. A week or so later the vicar met the good man and hailed him with tha query, "By the ay, Mr. Green, have you heard anything about your clot: ?" "Morning, noon, and night," 8 id Farmer Green. clothes. The Late Mrs. Ann Hart, Mrs. Ann Hart, widow of John Hart, a well known citizen of New- boro, died on Tuesday at the resi- dence of her daughter, Mms. J. J. Nolan, Brockville, with whom she had been visiting during the past three months: Mrs, Hart resided at Newboro for the past forty-five years, Surviving are three sons and three daughters, namely, Messrs. A. J. Hart, Prescott; W. J. and E. J. Hart, Edmonton, Alta; Mrs, M. J. Burps, Cleveland, O.; Mrs, F. E. McNally, A RAW, SUE THROAT Eases Quickly When You Apply a Little Musterole And Musterole won't blister like old-fashioned mustard plaster. spread it on with your fingers. It penetrates to the sore spot with a gentle tingle, loosens the congestion and draws out the soreness and pain. Musterole is a clean, white ointment made with oil of mustard. It is fine for quick relief from sore throat, tonsilitis, Newboro, and Mrs. Nolan, Brockville. -- ---- It is the tendency of human necure to run from one extreme to another, ---- CHRISTMAS CAKES and PUDDINGS Now is the time to order Pu Cake and our Christmas WE USE NO SUBSTITUTES F. C. HAMBROOK 1153 BROCK STREET. 0