Daily British Whig (1850), 18 Dec 1922, p. 10

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CRICKET A NEW QUEENS | HOCKEY COACH? George Awrey Not Sufficiently and they wil Recovered to Carry on known quanti Actively. re » Stewart ee injured a good | not be hard 'o loss of Rey- Nickle Johnston ar 11 be back on ti iependable and start buik It is expected that Queen's Athletic Board will shortly announce the en- gagement of a new hockey coach to take over tho active work of dircct- |} ing the teams for "he"gredt wintes sport, 'George Awrey hag Hot recov- yo ered from his fliness to do any more able, and they have t! than office work and it is necessary | next s'ep is to secure a co ing end and to secure him quickly. [the Tri-Color this season: No announcement has been made yet at the University but the mater is under consideration and a successor should be named before Christmas. | The nearest man to Kingston in MUST PLAY CLEAN pri ution IN OHA. GAMES and was one of the poms Sgurng Rules For' Playing--Size of prominently in hockey circles. € t s - has been appointed coach of the Na- . Rink and Marking of Ice panee hockey team "his year, but it | a Surface. is not expected that it wipuld be dif- | 4 ficult a his rélease should The Queen's Offer him a position. There past issuing instructions are many 'othar good coaches within | referees, and as a guide easy reach also, Queen's authorities {in charge of O.H.A. games suggests have not yet indicated in what direc- | penalties as follows: tion *hey will seek for a man. | Although several of Queen's hoc- key players have graduated or left college and the lateness of the rugby eeason has placed many more in a y " position where hockey is mext to im- liberately or shoving it along the ice possible for some time, there will | With his or arm. : pot be any shortage of material.| Any player holding the puck with in t for O.H.A. this season, as y to One-Minute Penalty. Goal-keeper or any throwing the puck. Quinn, Mundell and Brown are avail- | his hand, body or foot against "he | eble for the' net positions, with [boards or any piace on the ice. Arthur Quinn to fill in the gap in| Goalkeeper sl junior ranks. Carl Quinn played last With stick, or tripping opponent year's juniors and intermediates, | Off- interference, Mundell with R.M.C. intermediates, | Hooking with stick, first offence. and Brown and Arthur Quinn were | carried as substitute goal keepers. Harry McNeill has left college and | may be out with some city team. : For the defence there are McKe!- layer 'throwing opponent's stick. wey, Reynolds, Ritchie, Smith, Harry Oft-side interference, Batstone and McDonald. McKelvey | fence, : and Reynolds look like a great com-| OCharginga bination. Ritchie and Smith as inter- | Carrying stick above shoulder. mediate defence men also look good, | Arguing with referee. While McDonald can be used on | either team. The juniors will develop a defence with little "rouble. | Violation of substitution rule. For the forward lines Gibson,| Any defending player but the goal- Nickle, Jack Bond, Boucher, John- |er lying down, eitiing down, kneel- ston, Swartman and George Stewart. (Ig or sliding along the ice in the Bond may fill in at centre. Nickle |goal-keeper"s crease. 'is valuable although rather slow at Helps a Weak Throat, | Strengthens the Voice, Relieves Bronchitis. By Breathing the Healing Balsams of Catarrhozone, You Are Made Well Without Using Drugs. You breathe through the Catar-| Thozone inhaler medicated air that | : -h sb is full of healing, soothing balsams: | Kicking at opponent with skate. full of piney antiseptic essences that| Hitting of opponent on head or resemble the afr of the piue woods | face with stig). in the Adirondacks. This piney va-| * por has a truly marvelous action on + weak throats. It brings strength and health to the bronchitic, stops that hacking cough and difficult breath- ing. You can't find anything for weak-throated people more beneficial | than Catarrhozone. It means heaven | on earth to the man that has had | bronchitis, catarrh or throat irrita- tion. You will realize this the first time you use Catarrhozone, which is a scientific préparation specially de- signed for diseases of the nose, throat and bronchial tubes. Get the de Two-Minute Penalty, idemtal "rip. Player throwing own stick Arguing with spectators. | Three-Minute Penalty, Cross-checking an opponent. Deliberate tripping of opponent. Throwing stick to prevent a goal being scored. Abusive language to cfficials, Use of foul language. Five-Minute Penalty, Ten-Minute Penalty. Deliberate maiming of opponent. Assault of officials, Jabbing opponent with bu't-end of stick. Special Penalties, Teams not ready to play promptly after the 10-minute Intermission to lose player's services on the ice for every minute's delay. " These penalties are at the discre- rendable ice | lads will be on | 1» and on | to secure someone else for the work- {him will Gepend the hockey record of : other player | Any player kicking the puck de- | shing at opponent | first offence, | second of- | Hooking with stick, second offence. Any player charging a goal-keeper, | THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG.. TING RUMM 70 RUGBY "THEM DAYS IS GONE FOREVER" You not only read it, you sing it. Try it on your piano. Watch nightly for this big gomic hit. "DARLING, | AM GROWING BOLDER." UNE GIVEN JIM A BOOK TO READ -- THE TITLE § "THE the officials } TO STIMULATE RIS COURAGE, EH? -- YOUR PLAN IS QUITE UNIQUE --~ THEM GONE HE'S ALWAYS BEEN SO BASHFUL; SO RETIRING, SHY, AND MEEK 'DAYS IS FOREVER ! 88 PRINCESS ST. EE ------------------ {bright for a successful season for the Elf club wielders, { { ---- Jim Tracey, the Australian heavy- be matched for a bout with Joe Beck- lett to be held in London at an early date. . | tling Siki can hop into the ring and {settle all arguments about frame-up {and such. i | The Giants may be expected [pray their very best next season with a view to breaking records by win- ining their third world's, series in a properly marked as per | sport as a trade or profession are and no game is to be play- { not of the highest. A financial prem- | lum is placed upon winning, which { immediately takes the element 4'sport out of the game. Recently ¥ 8 tunity of WORTH-WHILE SPORT. | Winnipeg has had the opportunity : witnessing several professional hoc- Lok + | Key teams in action.' As demonstra- A 3 y aa tions of skill" in close competition | On As waitagial Page the Winnie | they were excellent, but the element {Tribune pubis es Ys I "of | Of sport was not there. jicle dealing with ae . re The | manship was lacking except in rare sport on the ela i. of ro instances, and the occasional exhi- [rabuse deplores Jie = iB Dye bitions of it were all too infrequent essionalism and I - y- Hh Sl deer the performances as @ jcost' spirit, which is regarded in too 1) redeem p a I many quarters as a standard up to whole. : -- : Championship cups in the hockey whic BE 10 Jive, --~ ur leagues in which young boys are play- Speaking, pay. Rg el ' ing should be awarded, not to the part, as follows: | Hundreds of hockey teams made team successful in winnMg | ia | games, but to the team that in victory up of youngsters of the "teen age are | taking the ice these days for the win- {or defeat showed the best sportsman- ter's sport. How many of them will [ ship. Trying hard to win fairly, but | winning or losing with equally i play for the sake of the sport, and | y g ¥ 9 ¥ gooc will resolutely put away the idea of grace, is decidedly more admirable | winning at any cost, by fair means or {than winning by tactics savoring in foul? any degree of the unfair. England Yds f orld" i - *The idea of playing always to win, Blew w 8 Sporting champion and that anything is justified that helps to win, has gripped the mind the ice |diagran led unless the ice is so marked, of of all--the championship in good Good sports- | most | ships, but she has the fairest crown. row, \ Another Al Delmont is now per- | forming in the squared circle. The | newcomer is a son of Al Delmont, {the former well-known bantam | fghter of Boston, General Sport Lynch showed marked im- -- ' It New York scribes succeed in {erasing Ty Cobb's disputed base hit, {the Detroit boss will drop below a 400 batting mark. | Joe | provement in his boxing when he de- | feated Joey Sanger in Milwaukee the ; | |cther night. soccer team, of Paw- | |tucket, R.I., sprung a surprise when | {i defeatéd the star Bethlehem out- fit 2 to 1. {| The Coats George Owen, Harvard football | star and captain of the Crimson hoe- ---- | key team, is as great a performer on Jock Soutar, of Philadephia, ithe ice as he is on the gridiron. 'world"s professional racquets cham- pion, looks to be a perpetual title holder, | Whisk Broom II. holds the world's record for the mile and a quarter-- -- 2 minutes flat, | The Yale hockey team got away to 2 good start and the prospects are Having won 11 six-day bicyele | weight mow in America, expeots to | Now Georges Carpentier and Ba'- | to | MONDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1922. BADMINTO BOB SKATES for THE KIDDIES A cure for weak ankles. Everything for Hockey and Skating pleasures. Treadgold Sporting Goods Co PHONE 529. j races during his career as a long- | distance rider, Al Goulet may lay | claim to. being the world's champion | merry-go-rounder, . 2 | Duffy Lewis, Pacific Coast Leaguo | manager and player, was a recent | visitor to New sYork and Boston, in [Loth of which cities he performed as | a big leaguer for many year. | In baseball, when the ball is tap- {| ped in the centre or elsewhere, either { player can catch it before it is touch- | od by a third played. Before coming to the' Phillies, Alexander pitched for the Cemtral City, Neb., Calesburg, Ill, Indiana- polis and Syracuse teams. {THROWING BOTTLES INJURES GAME to Curb Propensis Bf Fans. The America® League; at #ts an- inual meeting topk action to check | what it regardedfas two detriments ito the national, \e--home run hit- ting, and pop'bofgle throwing. | The club owner§ recommended to ithe Joint Rules Committee, repre- {senting both the American and the {National Leagues, that home run zones be established In athbig leagua parks to curb the abnormal growth of circuit hiiting, and urged that {steps be taken to regulate the sale - of soft drinks so that fans no longer | woud be tempted to use the bottles | American Lea as missiles. large size, it lasts two months, costs $1.00. Medium size, 60c.; sample! . size, 25c. All storekeepers or the ' Catarrhdgone Co., Montreal. The Gift Supreme "To Her A DIAMOND RING--whe- ther it be one at a price of $350 or the leas expensive at $100, $75, $60 or $25, you can feel assured that the quality of Diamond is the very finest and the mounting the very latest. Bvery Ring carries our guarantees of satisfaction == money refunded. All mail orders receive our personal attention. "fon of the referee, who may use his own judgment as to increasing or de- creasing same, according to circum- stances, The following are the ice require- ments under the O.H.A. rulings: Minimum ice area, 160 x 60 Suggested ice area Ideal ice area 185 x 85 Goal nets must be set out at least five feet and not more than fif'een feet from end of rink, that is, to the goal posts. Goal width six feet, height four feet Rinks must install regulation goal nets. The official goal net has a cov- ered "op extending 17 inches from the goal posts to the back bar on a line fand extending at the base along the ice 22 inches from the goal posts, Goalkeeper's territory--A semi- circle in front of net, extending one foot on each side, with a radius of four feet from middle point of she goal line, Defending side's area, where there Is no offiside, 20 feet out from goal line--draw dark distinguishing line on the ice. Referees are instructed to see that 175 x 75] |of young Canada. Little as we .may {like it, the fact is that the ideagdomi- | | nating Sport in Canada today are the product of professionalism, and they | go to destroy at least half the value (of the sport to the boys engaging in [it | The standards of men engaged in Hot Water Corn Remov- 'er, Hygienic and Effec- . . 'tive, Painless-- Acts | . Rapidly. | Here'is a really rational and hy- gienic method of removing corns or | callous. Hot water is the most im- { portant factor in the treatment; but {this in itself is not the only ad- kvantage, because the inflamed surface is rendered antiseptic, as soon as) | Putnam's Painless Corn Extractor is applied. You cover the surface with | this 'antiseptic preparation, which at jonce stops the pain and quickly sub- dues the soreness. Later you fol- low by & hot foot bath and the corn or callous separates, and leaves the | foot smooth as a baby's skin. Pat- nam's Painless orn Extractor {i sold by druggists everywhere. sportemanship. It is a matter for school principals and teachers, for all officials of boys' leagues, for all who in any way have leadership of boys in sport, and for parents. The change in the ideals of our sport cannot be accomplished in a day, but by persistent sporteman- ship, not winning, can be put first in #1 'ir sport 'and athleties--and through these, in our Canadian life ---------- A Shatzered Idol, Time was when Morvich, winner of the Kentucky Derby, would be sur- rounded by thousands who - would crowd around even before daylight to see the three-year-old take his morn- ing running. Yet the other day he departed: for his permanent home in Kentucky with no one abeut but a few sablemen. Perhapsa horse, like men, can feel the bitter turn of the tide of fortune, but let us hope. not. ---- ew It looks as if the Phillies picked the right party when they engaged Art Fletcher to manage the team. The record for the high. jump on ice skates is four feet three inches, © Iheld by William H. Quinn, W | 4 a a tO tat tt at ii ACDONAL 5 % | Soa) SLL 0 TOBACCO \ Js for those Smokers + like their tobacco t Fine or who roll their own MACDONALD'S Eine Cut AS hae ACO Sat PACKAGES 15% & 25¢ By GEORGE McMANUS | ACCIDENTLY, WOULD, You ce TOO nN? TH H Sy BTS { ie An / Ld ~~ CTHAT'S A CHINE INSANE ASYLUM? T

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