Daily British Whig (1850), 18 Dec 1922, p. 13

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ry A mam, MONDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1922, F | ¥ THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. Put a Christmas Present In The Home. Rea 4 d "Christmas Gift Suggestions" J. B. ABRAMSON INJUAED WHEN GAR TURNED TURTLE Near Finger Board Sunday Morning--Was Returning to City. J. B- Abramson, Princess street, was the victim of a very serious ac- cident on Sunday morning when Lo was driving in his Chevrolet Sedan car toward the city after visiting a friend on the Gananoque road When near the J#inger Board, hi car turned turtle and was wrecked Mr. Abramson was driving and beyond a bad shaking up, He caped serious injury. When Inter-| viewqd he stated that he was driv- ing between twenty-five and miles an hour, when suddenly car swerved and turned' over. th H thought this was due to the car be-| fug light. It was brought to the 'eity for repairs. EVANS STILL FREE MAN; | NO PERSON WORRYING | It Is Now Fully Believed That He Has Left the City. J. Gwallla Evans is still a fre man, and it looks as If the authori ties are not worrying over him. As far as can be learned, no effort Is being made to locate him. His bail has been estreated, and there the matter has been allowed to rest. | It is now believed that Evans has left the city but his whereabouts re- main a mystery. It 18 genefally believed that Evans | made a big mistake in fleeing from | justice, for legal men say he hal! more than a fifty-fifty chance of be-| ing acquitted of the charge as it] stood, while it is thought that at the | worst he would have been 'merely fined and made to pay small dam ages If found guilty. | i | JOHNSTON & WARD. | Members of Montreal and Toronto | Exchanges, 86 Princess, | MONTREAL STOCKS. i Dec, 18th, 2 Pp p.m 69 90 | Abitibi Power i Ames Holden Atlantic Sugar _ Bell Telephone Bell Telephone, Brazil Brompton . British Empire, Eritish Empire, Can. Cement . .. Can. Steamship, Can, Steamship, Can, Car, pfd. fan, Car, com. ... ... | Dominion Textile, X.R. ! Detroit United ... .. 8% | Dom. Bridge Gen. Electric Laurentide Montreal Cotton Mackay National Brewerie: Ogllvie . .. Quebec Rails ... Spanish River ... ... Spanish River, pfd. Bmeilters . . se Shawingan fSieel of Canada Toronto Ralls . .. Twin City ... 'Wabaseo 23 | 1137 230 43% 37% 9 78 bs bb com. . 2nd pid. pid 14 COM, ..% 19 } | { | L | | NEW YORK STOCKS, Amer. loco. .. .. .. . Baldwin Loco, .., .. B.&O .. Cosden Of! C.P.R. Crucible Steel Gen. Asphalt a8. T. Marine, pfd. Marine. com. ... ... ... New York Central ... .. New Haven Ses enn Northern Pacific ... ... Southern Pacific "va Southern Railway .., ... Studebaker U.S. Steel Union Pacific Wabash 124% 128 41% 51% 142 72% 45% 0% 49 11% 94% 21% 75 86% « HN . 133% 107% 138% 8% MINES. . 12.10 43 2.85 Hollinger ... Dome Lake Shore ..: Ses ASE seniaen vwa Deserves Capacity Attendance: George F. Driscoll, vice-president of the Trans-Canada Theatres, 1&d., telegraphs the Whig from Montreal: "The concensus of opinion here is that the DeWolf Hopper Company, including DeWoit Hopper himself, is the equal of, if no! euperior, to th famous D'Oyly Carte Company. The DeWolf Hopper Company's presenta- tions of the various Gilbert and Sul- Iivan operas are, from the standpoint of production, principals and en- semble, far ahead of anything Can- ada has had in many, many years. The company deserves absolute capa- city attendance during their angage- L ment in your city." ---------------- He Had a Collection. "Sir, I am a bill ébllector." "Then I can furnish you with ona of the most choice collections in the world, all authentic. I thought you were after momey."--Kansas City Journal. > Relation Christmas Cards. Christmas cards for father, moth- ' er, brother, sister and all other fam ily relations ct the College Book Store. | alons, thirty { insville, | stairs. evening the jar was opened and the British Whig KINGSTON, ONT. CLAS "IED ADVEKTISING. The i 1 } standardized and popular. ized according to THE BASIL L. SMITH SYSTEM Inc, Pnliadelphia, Pa, ndexed, are resiricted to thelr classification, and tg the Whig style of type. All ads proper fegular Daily CLASSIFIED RATES Dally rate per line or consecutive insertions: Minimum charge, 25 cents Dally rates per ine. Charge Cash 6 days i 8 4 days 4 1 day Degilhs--Une Jdusertion, birias, Lugagements, $1.5y, cash, $1.00, Card of dhanxs and Memoriam Notices--_na: ged, $1.80; casn, $1.00, eacn insertion Aaveriising vrdered for |rregular iisertions takes ihe vne-ilme inser- tun rate, NU ad. LeKen Iur less than basis of four lines Count s'x average words ine haiged ads. will be received by teiepnone and if paid at The Brit- ish Whig oftice within 6 days from the first day of insertion, cash rate will be mliowed. A Ads. urdered for more than one day and stopped before expiration will be charged fur jhe nuriber of $s the ad. appeared and adjust- made at the tate earned te space ls 5 ¥ $ charged, Marraiges, to the ype ; advertising reserve the right to edit reject all classified advertising cop. TFe.ephone 243, ask for a want ad. er STORE BURNED AT ERINSVILLE Leonard Hopkins, the Owner, Was Rescued by His Aunt. With globe, they could foretell future. opportur tion. in the four score ---carefully indexed and You can't into the present." Crystal Gazing-- People used to believe that by lookin drawback was that they couldn't. In these days most everyone finds it more to look into the present than to Particularly when it comes to money And there isn't any better way to k ities of every kind- than to"watch the little ads in the A-B-C Classified Sec- Here you have the offers and wants of the city-- and more interesting your immediate information. miss this dally opportunity THE A-B-C CLASSIFIED ADS ALWAYS THE SAME--IN SERVICE . ALWAYS DIFFERENT--IN OPPORTUNITY." Profit! 8 coming events, into a crystal The only profitable the y try to penetrate matters. :p in touch with buying, selling or renting-- clas Alphabetically "looking Index to Classifications The following cl'assificatiqn headings appear In this newspaper in he numer. teal order nere given, closely allled classifications being grouped together Thre individual! advertisements are arranged .under these headings In alphabetical order for quick reference BUSINESS SERVICE. Engagements. Marriages. Deaths. 2--In Memoriam. 3--Card of Thanks. 4---~Funeral Directors. Flowers. 9--Personals 10--Lost and Found AUTOMOBILES A fire which broke out in the gen- eral store of Leonard Hopkins, Er-| on Monday morning, about o'clock, d damage to ex- of ,000. Mr. Hopkins | awaken from his sleep by the| ke and when he went to] the stairs leading down ( he was met by flames. | He was overcome, and fell down the An aunt of Mr. Hopkins, who lived with him, came to his res-| cue and succeeded in rescuing him. Although the people from nearby villages responded the fire alarm call, the building wap burned to the ground. The shed in the rear of the store was also burned. Sparks fell on somg of the nearby structures but no serious damage was done, This is the third fire which has occurred in that section of the coun- ty of Lennox and Addington. The grist mill and electric light plant owned by A. B. Carscallen, Tam- wonsth, were burned to the ground about ten days ago, dnd the follow- ing day the'store owned by J. T. Malin, Yarker was totally destroyed. two the tent was smell of the head of into the st Winner of Doll Contes. Mrs. James Wilson, 6 Garrett street, was the winner of the Nyal doll contest -which ended on Satur- day evening. This contest was in connection with a sale of Nyal fam. fly remedies carried on at MeColl's drug store, corner of Princess ana Clergy. streets, and advertised ea- clustvely in the British/ Whig. The sale was an unqualified success. Great Interest was aroused because of the Eeautiful prize at stake. Every purchaser of a Nyal family remedy was entitled to guess the number of beans in a jar, and on Saturday beans counted. There were exactly 6.380, and Mrs. Wilson guessed 5,425, the nearest number, which entitled her to the beautiful doll, (Generous, The curate was. admonishing the village lively one. "You ought no: to spend all your wages, George." George retorted that he did not. "No?" queried the curate suspi- clously. "No, sir," said George. "I make it a rule never to spend more'n two- thirds of my wages on no account whatever." "Well, well," sald the curate pleasantly, "you put the rest in.the bank, I suppose?" . "No," :satd George; "I put it to a better use than that, sir. I give it to the wife to keep house on."--Ladjes' Home Journal. Eels Are a Luxury. Canadian eels for Christmas have arrived safe and wriggling in New York after a long and weary journ. ey. They made the long trip in a curious craft that's a sort of floating tub, and they moved through a slow and roundabout water route up the St. Lawrence, through the Erie Can- a) and down through the Hudson to market. The Italians love them. Eels by the thousands are caught in the St. Lawrence. The Booth Fish- erfes, Cape Vincent, N.Y., ship many hundred pounds yearl » Redeemed, _ Mother had to reprove Betty for some rudeness tc grandmother, and said gravely: "Betty, I want you to understand that your gran-ma is my mother; so you must obey her Yust as you would me." But Betty did not mend her ways. Wills clashed, and gran-ma wielded a firm, old-fashioned hand. Betty fled sobbing to Ler mother. "Oh, mother, mother! I ain't a- going to fool with your mother ne more." --Everybody'a. ~ There was no session of the police court on Monday morning. --Automobile Agencies. 1--Automobiles For Sale. i2--Auto Trucks For Sale 3--Autn Accessories--Tires--Parts 4--Garages--Autos for Hire--Taxi torcycles and Bicycles. 16--Repairing--8ervice Stations. 17--Wanted--Automoblles. BUSINESS SERVICE 18--RBusiness Services Offered. 19--DBuildi ntraci'ng Cleaning yeing--henovating 21--Dressmaking--Millinery 23 Heating, Plumbing, Roofing 33---Insurnce. 1 --~~Laundering. 2--1aunds Trucking, Storage. 26--Painting, Papering, Dacorating 27--Printing--Engraving. 28--Professional Services. 28a--Accour tants, 28b--Architects. 28c--Chiropractie. 384--Dental 28e--Legal 28f--Medical 28g--Osteopath 32h ute thie 29---Repairing 30_Taloring and Pressing. 31--Wanted--Business Service. EMPLOYMENT --Help Wanted--Female. fie wanted--Male. Help--Male or Female. Canvassers, Teachers Wanted, 36--Situations Wanted--Female. 37---Situations Wanted--Male FINANCIAL . Business Opportunities. 3 Investments, Stocks, Bonds. 40--Money to Loan. 41--Wanted--To Borrow. INSTRUCTION 42--Correspondence Courses. 43--Local instruction Classes. 44--AMusical, Dancing, Dramatic 45---Private lnstrucuon. 46--Wanied---Iinstruction. LIVE STOCK 7--Dogs, Cals, Pets. hws Cattle, Implements, 49--Poultry and Supplies. 50--Wanted-- Live Stock. MERCHANDISE p1--Articles ror Sale. pla--Barter and Exchange. b2--Business ana Qice Kquipment --poats and Accessories. Si_Butldings and Building Materials pb--Farm and Dalry Products b6--Fuel, Peed. Fertilisers. §7--Good Things to Eat. ps--Homemade Things. §9--Household Goods. 60--Jewelry and Watches, 61--Machinery and Tools. 62---Musical Instruments. $2a--HRadio Equipment, 83--Seeds, Plants and Flowers. 64--sSpecials at the Stores. 656--Wearing Apnarel 66--~Wanted--To Buy ROOMS FOR RENT 67--Roums With Board. 68--Rooms Without Board. 69--Roomg For Housekeeping. 70--Vacation Places. 71--Where To Eat '73--Where To 8hop In Town. 73--Warted--Rooms or Board. ~ REAL ESTATE FOR RENT 74--Apariments and Flats. 76--Business Places For Rent 76--Farms For Rent 7--Hou For Rent. 78--Office and Desk Room. 79--Suburban For Rent. $0--Summer Places For Rent. $1--Wanted--To Rent. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE R --Brokers in Real Estate. 8 ss Property. $§3--Farms and Land For Sale. $4--Houses For Sale, 85---Lots For Sale. Physicians. Agents. - Real Estate For Exchange. Wanted--Real Hstate Announcements s " 9° SKIN BLEMISHES--Halr, Moles, Warts Birthmarks, Skin Cancers. Scars, Pits, ete, removed permanently. Satisfae- tory Glasses fit and furnished after others have fail Goltre cured with out © A ration. we youre Sxpuricace i mer J. e, e, ; 3 on 3 got Street. Phone Throat, Skin. 258 Ba 301w. House 11357 ad Found 10 BUNCH OF KEYS--Lost, on Tuesday or Finder please return to 212? King street after § p.m. and re- ceive a reward. oy BROWN OCKINGS--Found, chi a's, or, Chalmets church, after the ladles' sale. The party who lost them may have them at 151 Earl Street. GOLD CIL -- Found, on Brg Street, Friday morning. Owner apply at the Armouries. Mr. McCullough, or phone 1883w. > GOLD BROOC the person who found same with . & E" on please return to 163 Earl Street, an iy e reward. a TORBE CLIPPERS--Found, picked up in post cftice lobby. Apply Postmast- er Stewart. oe KEY Picked up on Princess Street. Owner apply at the Whig Office. PAPER BOX--Found. on Brock Street, Monday night, Owner may have b> Announcements Lost and Found BE F Cassidy's MEDAL e. E. L. Farre No. 1 14 1 78 5 e's Cat ~Fou on nd i t Owner Mrs treet lay might 1e of th to Whig Princess stree Finder please Reward. return SL -- Tost »ase return to 16 &t after this a will be prosecuted __ Automobiles "Aufomohiles For 8-le USED CARS, USED TRUCKS FROM $75.00 UP. SED AUTOMOBILE PARTS G. A. PALMER, USED CAR & SALVAGE CO. LTD COR. BAGOT AND QUEEN CHRISTMAS WEEK ONLY-- FORD HOOD COVERS, LAR $7.00. ERS FOR FORD CARS, INSTAL- $3.00. ANTI-FREEZE, GUARANTEED TO 25 BBLOW ZERO. WILL FILL FORD RA- DIATOR, $3.00. VAN LUVAN BROS., 34 PRINCESS STREET REGU- SALE $5.00. HEAT- LED, Bg AUTOMOBILE PAINTING--And finish ing a specialty. Also Fiano and Aur. niture Polishing. Gordon Young, shop Queen street, rear of Abernethy's Shoe Store, or phone 1875w.. ° Dreadnaught Chalns. Sizes for all makes of cars. Sudaaby Bros. corner Wueen a Welllng'on Streets. usiness Service - BARBBERING---Men and boys wanted to take notice that J. W. Curzon has moved from 23 Brock Stree: to 384 Princess street, between Barrie and Division Streets. Men's Hair Cut, 20c. Boys' Hair Cut, 15¢. Shave, 10 cents. eee. et tego, vitae CARPENTERINU--Jumes Selby, con- tractor, §3 Livingston Avenue. Phene 1130J CARPENTERING--And cement Work by contract or day First-class work al reasonable prices. F. W. Smith, PUBLIC STENOGRAPHY --Advertising copy, Form Letters, etc. Prompt, effi- clent service. Business service Bureau, 14 Market Street. Phone §91J. Dressmaking--Millinery 21 DRESSMAKING -- Repairing, Turning Overcoats & specialty, Price $8.00. Children's work done. Miss J. Finkle, 93 Wellington Street, HEMSTITCHING--Plcot Edging Pleat ing. Mrs. E. A Card, 366 Barrie St. Insurance 23 FIRE--Automoblle and Casuaity Insuf- ance, Mra. . 8. Crumley, 420 Earl Street. Phone 1782M. INSURANCE--Our Sickness and Acei- dent Policy is what you need. Fire Insurance at low rates. Don't delay. C or phone E. Willlams, 2 Couper St SURANCE--Only the mcat reliable companies represented. Strange & Strange, established in 1860. Office: 95 Clarence Street, opposite Post Office. INSURANCE--Fire, life, accident and sickness insurance. In reliable com- panies. J. B, Cocke, District Manager Phones: Res. 8$42w. Office 503w.. INSURANCE--AIl branches, celsior Life, Royal Exchange Fire, Casualty and Automobile, Plate Glass, Burglary. 9, Buns Ogilvie, i161 Wellington St. ones T8%w and 1087. | 3 Moying, Trucking, Storage a5 ABHES--Cleaned out of cellars and yards, clean job done. A. MacGregor, 34 Russell Street. Phone 2385. BTORAGE--For furniture. clean. dry, airy rooms and spaces; your own lock and key. Frost's Sr 299- 306 Queen Bt. Phone Res. 989w. 'Painting, ng, 26 INTING--And Paperhanging, work- manehip GuATAnteed: rices Tht See our choice selection of Wall Paper. 8, R. Lyons, 3i4 Barrie Sireet. Phone PAINE perhanging, coratin; Glazing, Nardwood Ee Finishing etc, t class wor reasonable prices. Wallpaper samples. Estimates submitted. A Mounteer 208 Alfred PAINTING --Papering an Decorating-- now is the right time to get the right man &nd obiain the right prices. Or- ders promptly attend to. Work guaranteed. Call or phone A. Ander- son, 185 Bagot Street. Phone 1968. EIT rae Sm ------ SA cn Professional Services 23 ARCHITECTS Power Sonjand Dy same by describing contents at Bowe en's Bakery, King Street » v Merchants Bank Chambers, corner asd Welllngion, lick Constable Clark, 41 York having tag Law.- Any one harboring him CHAINS--See our special display of ~ Business Services Offered 18 [ | MARCELIS--Wm,, A, D.C, PAC, cor- ' KNAPP ply Bo __Business Service | Chiropr: i | ner Princess and Barrie Streets. 2nd] floor. Barrie St. enirance, Kingston, DO Consultation free. Telephone] Hours $tol2am 1 to § p.m. Geurge F., Dr. Jennie A ropractic Specialists and Princess and Brock. Telephone Hours $°to 12 a.m, 1 to 6, and p.m. B8pinal analysis and con- ion free. Residential calls by ne - Dentists, 1 ton sireet, corner of Brock. 46 Dr. A" E, Dentist. i Phone 6 Soll hy Kingston A Cyril M. Smith Ambrose, BA, Barrister and] itor. Law office, corner of King] over Royal Bank Money| Pnone 1999 ! Cunningham, XK.C : Office Phone 851 Res 10-12-a m 7;830 pm. 365 Darrle Bt 8.30 2 2-8. 29 rood ring is fully 8s arp mode- a card Montreal Street SHING--Of all kinds FURNITL } Wi. Driscoll, 23 John n Call and s street. Phone 296 NOW---Ig your c sure, genuine bargains Look! Serge Suits with extra pants, $37, while they last Frank Owles, 1 6 Colborne St. SHOE REPAIRING--:Quick service, ex- pert work and reasonable prices and best of material. Look for The Veteran Shoe Repair, 216 Wellington Street, corner Queen Street Eee SCALES---Of all kinds repaired by ex- mechanics L.A Stagling. 209 icess Street Phone 1228% 2 A e work done at E Earl Suits to mea- hance r service Barrie reet, near service, hollow F. A. near Al- REPAIRING -- Good one; skates tion assured P'rincess Street, SHOE done. R 8 put cn Purvis, and larrack Streets. {OE REPAIRIN -Fine work done, asonable pric repairing of all ; satisfaction guaranteed. E. Barrie Street, near Earl. Why walk around fin s Suits cleaned and pressed k service. -Overcoats turned. Thomps 94 William Street. UPHOLST ING -- Covering button made to order In all popular shapes and sizes. Upholstering and repairing done i J. Goodridge, 244 University Avenue. Phone 1833] UPHOLSTERING--New or used furni- ture; work guaranteed Call or drop a card. W. J Gavine, 216 Bagot street. PHOLSTERING--And general repalr- ing Leave orders at or drop a card| to F.'W. Harold, 104 Clergy Street | NG--All work neatly Is a speclaity. Skates corner Bagot Employment 2 HOME-WORK--Go0d wages, Wao nee yuu to make socks on the fast, essily learned Auto Knitter; experience un necessary; distance immaterial; posi tively no canvassing; yarn suppile ars, stamp. Dept. 78-C r Co. Toronto. 3 SE --- Jixperienced, old laundress, to take work at Apply Box No. X-18, Whig Of- | | | a i .} ac ac country ¥ WOMAN-- OR GIRL TO ASSIST WITH" GENERAL HOUSEWORK. AP- PLY BOX V-15, WHIG OFFICE. Help Wanted FIREMEN AND BRAKEMBDN--Begin- ners $150, later $250 monthly (which position?) Railway, D-2, Whig Office SHOW CARD WRITING or us. Make money at home, $15 to $60 paid week- | ly for your spare time writing show cards for us. No canvassing. We in- struct and supply you with work West-Angus Show Card Service, 17 Colborne Bid. Toronto. $6 TO $10--Per day; men wanted at| once, city and prairies; demand in| autamoblle mechanics and driving.| tractor operating, tire vulcanizing, oxy | acetylene welding, storage battery, electrical work. We teach these! trades, practical training, only few weeks required; day-night classes. Write or call, free catalogue; big wages, steady employment. H mphlil | BIL # FU HARDWOOD--$11 00 cord; $2 50 quarte | RAD I0--This Christinas. FOX TERRIER--Pup, male, black and Live Stock Horses, Carte, Implements 48 TEIN C Springers. Also TEIN heavy horses, weighing ed; one Seven years rs, perfectly sound ey Percheron cult, fourteen h dred; true. Apply ¥. Con- ay. + one Gr ighing about well broke and Bi 50 HENS--Wanted, alive, 20 cents a pound gEs.-butter and honey wanted. Crates gd egg cases loaned. Albert Lewis, § Dundas West, Toronto. Merchandise 'ticles For 8 ANTIQUE ne solid walnut, four-poster Led, one. solid mahogany grandfather's clock, works guaranteed. lessees Antique Shop, 507 Princess St. Ph ne 1045 BICYCLES--Cleveland and Columbia Bicycles stored for winter; Baby Car- riage repair work done. Skates sharp- ened and hollow ground at Muller's Bi- cycle Works, 371-3 King Street. Phone 196iw. K IT \ ity of hard and soft Ap- Wathen. 143 Nelsun street re 1391J. 2 pe ISTMAS GIFTS--In the Jewelry ~-we Aare certain to at er of our two stores the | iwo-store Jeweler, DESK---Disappearin de r8 satisfy Lyons, 8 typewriter office] cut oak: snap. Also] Apply | reet. 8 horse, Magneto le for gen- Kasy terms. Ap- ydemham, Ont, COAT--Ma large slze, Rg y used; a tred and Prin: 2adw, 'URNITURE----Kitchen range, er oil stove and oven, gas plate, re- frigerator, stair ollcioth, linolsum, baby carriage, dressers, tables, chairs, buffet and other furniture. Phone ly Herr TR=-LIN in A-1 bargair ¢ b NED cour la Ap reets, ne "2 burn- We nave fo: sale all kinds of good, second-hand furniture and stoves. Any person having stoves and furniture to dispose of. we will pay highest prices. J Thompson 333 Princess Street Phone 1600w r slab-wo 5 2.50 Ww cord; cut any length; quarter ; kind cord, sawed and del H. Tal- bot, S Catherine vard on Concession Street, near Division HARD COAL COKE--$10.00 year's price, while it lasts. Dry Cord- wood, hard or soft, dry Slabwood for kindling. Clinkers or cinders for road- ways, walks or fill in's. Dry Sawdust Any quantity All delivered WwW. C Bruton, 248 University Ave Phone 1038 w PLAYER PI say, with 7 1-3 octave and ebony k Reason for id at a sacrific lg Office Merchandise Articles For 'Sale. 51 "$12 ton; good load oat red. Apply Box quarter ton, last nch and 50 roils;. Piano! 8, mahogany case, ivory J In No. 1 condition , sickness, Will be/ Apply Box O-8,| { Y . $12 straw $5, delive Odessa. _-- MILLINER 100DS -- Consisting of Trimming, Velvets, Plush and Velllng. algo some smart sample Hats. 112 Lower William Street. MATTRESSES --For sale, or made to your order,- any size, any quantity, lowest factory prices. Also renvoat- ing. Frontenac Mattress Company, 377 King street Phone 1961J SLEIGH---Baby's, white, almost new, with hood: in good condition. Ap- ply 45 King Street W. SCALES -- Canadian Toledo, honest eight, no springs, also number of second-hand Dayton and Bramford Scales. L A. Sterling, 209 Princess St. Phone 1228 WOOD--Order your supply now f winter months. Any length desired. Write for particulars and price. W. F. Good. Parham. WOOD--Good, mixed, limited quantity at $10.76 per full cord 6 a hal cord, delivered. Apply G. G. Richard- son. Phone 1154J. WOOD--Bést quality hapiwood, dry mixed slabs, hard and soft mixed; 800d measure; reasonable prices. J. W. Smith, corner Division and Ellis. Phone 1594w. Sia RECORDS--We exchange records with anyone anywhere, only 60c. for six or| $1.00 per dozen. Charges ' plaid one! way. Only records in good condition accepted. Give us a trial. Standard! ~Recopd Exchan 'anonto, Ont. Radio Equipment 62a | Your boy or { hubby wants it. Let u. show you our wonderful stock of all that's Bood in| radio. Can Radio Stores. Barter and Exchange { Wanted--To Buy | | white, about three'months old. » Apply Box 8-12, Whig Office, stating price, ete. Auto Gag Tractor Schools, 165 King | West, Toronto, Hel WHAT UR REAL ABILITY--You know that there is something*in which you succeed, but you cannot determine just what it is. Why not, get .in with a young, fast-growing organization, where ab'Lty counts. Apply Mr. Mit- chell, top fioor, Royal Bank Chamb- e mre eee ors, Canvassers, Agents 385 NURSERY STOCK--AD* agency for a reliable nursery firm is profitablé® Yo. can gell {n country, town or city. We grow and sel] the best only, and want reliable, energetic agents for unre sented terr'tories. Write now ham Nursery Co. Toronto Situations Wanted--Female 36 WASHING--To do at own home. Ap- W-16, Whig Office. Financial Money to Loan 40 BATH BRACrS--Have Banta Claus give the C 0 COLLARS --Give him a haif doz t Christm wonderful assortment colors, from $1.26 up 336 Princess Street. C for Him For B| men, excellent | Priced at $9.00! Abramson, 336] ROB quality; an ideal gift. and $12.00 at Louls Princess Street | boy his first pair practical and vanity C of Braces Very very gratifying to 25¢., 30c. and 35¢c. E. P his Jen- | | S--The gift that is always use: | ful, nt Krease Collars. Comes in| quarter sizes and made in the smart- | est shapes 30c. each. E. FP denking | new Ductex Semi-Suff, Collars. Comes (n quar! Emm lightly used, Lind-! = P, L. Abramson, | -- Christmas Gift Suggestions _-- - - - " = SEIEESTISR Gifts for the Home D MEN'S JEWELLERY --In fancy gift boxes A pair of Kum-A-Part oT Links to match his shirts are very age ceptable, Tic, and $1.00. E. P. Jea= Mins Co, et IF--Afraid of duplicating, sive wim Handkerchiefs. Pure Irish Linen, 386 each; $2.76 per dosen, boxed. E. P. Jenkins Co. _ NECKTIES --He expeots them, he will appreciate them. Real aristocrats these new knitted Grenadines at Sa E. P. Jenkins Co. SHIRTS--Men's Shirts in Silk,~ eronles, Madras and Zephyrs. A very useful gift for him Priced from $1.00 to $5.00, at louls Abramson, 336 Prine cess Street. --, TIES--He expects them, he needs them. Don't disappoint him this Christmas A large variety In stock from 50c. to $176 at Louls Abramson, 338 Prime cess Street, UMBRELLAS--The Kind he won't fore get, with smart handles on eight ri frames and covered with slik and woo at §3.00. E. P. Jenkins Co. ren rey Gifts For The Home D CHRISTMAS GROCERIES ---- Lemon, Orange and Citron Peel, Nuts, Cranes berries, Oranges, Cakes, etc. Mrs, BK. Brunton rner Wellington and Bare rack Str s. FANS--We have six good used Of= taken in exchange Your choice for only $5.00. C. Wh. Lindsay Limited, 12] Princess Street. PTANO--Ileintzman & Co. upright, agraffe bridge, doublé\repeats » trishord overstrun 3 case, double of payment arranged {f W. Lindsay, Ltd. 121 Prine ROOMS, WITH BOARD -- First class with all conveniences: also ome 1 froht room with firep . Apply 298 University Avenue, near Brock Street. ] Rooms Without Board a8 INIVERSITY AVENUE, £43 class rooms and board: all improve. ments: centrally located 'or Housekeeping 80 AT---Furnish large dining room, itchen and pantry. Also one othe? om for light housekeeping. Phone 17 36 Princess Street. ~ -- | For Rent looms a TF. floors and hot water Immediate possession. Phone JOVINSON STRER flat, hardwood heating 138) mae Rusiness Places For LODGE ROOMS --Rooms on King in --formerly occupied by the 10.0. . HOUSES --Nos 41, _Ar ply to Cunnin . 47 Concession 5 5 room each 257 Rigéau St. mode improvements. Single garages, &f Queen street. All rent reasonable. Ap~ ply M Susman, Phone 988 > ~ Business Property wa BAJUS BREWERY --For sale or to Jet Apply GM. Macdonell, K.C, 38 Clars ence Street = EE IL SIT pr eer -- Real Estate For Sale Arms and Land For Sale Houses THE J. K CARROLL AGENCY, 66 BROCK: ST §5,000--40 acres, alll workable, 3 wells and good spring, 4 miles from King: ston. stone house, 8 rooms, with good cellar, barn, drive shed, hen house ete w= plete with implements stock. REAL FARM--In the Township of Erne esttown, 197 acres; 120 acres workable 3 wells and never-failing spring is pasture, also creek, 77 acres good . ture and wood land, containing abos $4,000 worth of lumber, House of. | rooms with H.W. floors; 2 double barns, hog pen, drive house, gar etc. Water in house. Price $10,000.00 Cash payment of $4,000 will handle, Office Phone 68. House Phone after six p.m. 2260J and 2240M. Houses For Sale ° ORNE ST.--Rrame house, § rooms et, gas, in good location. Price $1, This house 1s a real bargain, M B. Trumpour, 237 Bagot Street. Phone _704 or 848J. 217 FRONTENAC STREET -- Brieh house and store, corner Frontenac and Princess streets. Owner leaving city For particula ply on premises. E W. MULLIN & SON Real Estate and Insurance Brokers Phone 539w. See Display Advi, on Page Two. WILLIAM STREET---New brick, hards wood floors, 7 rooms, §,piece bath, hot * air furnace, electric lights, fireplace Price $4300.00. This house can handled on very easy terms. Small des posit and balance in monthly pays ments. Apply H. B. Wilson, to O. Phone 1098. Prawn BUSINESS SERVICE SINS ERY W. Kent Macn Bank of Commerce Bullding, Brock and King Streets. Phone 701 or 36m. General Insurance A necy. Writing: --Automoblle, re, Accel. Sickness, Pldte Glass Burglary t tepresenting only reliable com panies. . Veterinary DR. H. MURPHY, B.V.8a Veterinary Surgeon Phone 2193J. 830 Princess Street, Kingston, :, each S. P. Jenkins Co FRONTENAC---Loan and Investment Society, incorporated 1861. President, W. F. Nickle, K.C; vice-president, A B. Cunningham. Money ued an city and farm properties; municipal and county debentures; mortgages pur- ch ; Investment bondd for sale; de- posits received and interest allowed. R. C. Cartwright, manager; 37 Clarence Street, Kiagston. Correspondence Courses 42 BUILDING TRADES----Need Men. We will train you for success in Archi- tecture, Drafting, Surveying, or what- ever it is that you set your heart on doing. Trained men are in deménd. F DAD--Never HOSE--For brothers "ARMERS--Attention! Army Blankets, Rubbers, etc. Bargains in every line. | A: Shapiro, 45 Princess Street. Phone 14bim. oy ants anything, but these | Sox will please him immensely. All-| wool cashmere in black and assorted ire. ibe. E. P. enkins Co. i BE--In Wool Silk. Always an appreciated gift. Priced from boc. to} i 25. Louis Abramson, 338 Princess | new Brogue Ox- fords, how about a ir hin py! these smart ribbed ail- RCHANDISE Dressing Tables From 50 to 75 per cent. be- low manufacturer's price. Here is a chance! J. Turk PHONE 705 wool He ther! Hose, at 0c. pair. E. P. Jenkins Co. Arrange for interview, Phone 1002w or 863). International Correspun- dence Schools, 130 Clarence Street, Instruction | usical, Dancing, Dramatic 44 | ORCHESTRA Your dance or banquet! will be a bigger success if you engage | Treneer's Bociety Qrchestra. Phone | isw or 1164F. Ted Treneer, 261 King | Stree = ---- eee | ORCHESTRA --- Harmony Bix, for! dances, social evenings, or} banquets conceris. For engagements apply Art| mas. 263 'Quedn St. Tol, 102m. | "HESTRA--Clare Smith and his or-| chestra for all soefal functions. Percy | ten, corner Clergy W. and Division. | Phone 873w for engagements. | or, | Eee -- of | These Want Ads. are arranged alp benedt pha- | i A log your » | Mf pem-- DOMESTIC COKE Especially for Hot Air well as coal. Goes farther than coal. James Swift & Foot of Johnson Street Furnaces--Heats as Co., Limited

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