WOOD Hard and Soft Wood and Slabs cut to any length. KENNY & FALLON 137-141 CLERGY STREET _ PHONE 637. ? PE NT ---- a E== To -- a---- ------ The Telgmanr. School of . Music Plano, violin and other stringed in- struments Alida V. Telgmann, BE, teacher of Elocution and Delsarte sys- tem of Physical Culture Pupils may begin at any date. Terms on applica- tion, 484 BROCK ST. Phone 2217). 4 EEE Nn Bell's Vanilla HIGH GRADE 236c. A BOTTLE Cheapest in the long run. Made In Kingston by-- DR. BELL WONDER MEDICINE CO Pg WATTS Peopie's Florist 177 Welungton street, Fresh flowers and plants daily Funeral designs, and wedding bouquets to order. Fhone 176%. Res, 1187, - W.R McRae & Co GOLDEN LION BLOOK. 'of peeing me again. BUILDING A HOUSE IN NEW QUINEA then the leaves together, poles and sticks in place, e that any weather shelter, ye may face." u had no saw, no hammer and no n Teddy," asked Frank, "do you think that you i build a bungalow that would be fit to live in? I am afrald that you vould give it up as a bad job, You might make some sort of 2 rough ify where some prowling crocodile would get you, but I should hate to have to tive In the hut you put up." 'You're dead right, Uncle, I sure would make a mess of it. Those Pa- puans can put up a dandy house al- I have been looking at your photo- graphs, and I would like to hear how it is done. Does it take them long?" "I wil] tell you about an experience up the Bauboguina River, miles from anywhere, where I was sent to' open a rubber plantation. The Merrie Eng- 'and, the government steamer, drop- ped me and my boys to Cloudy Bay, with all good wishes for the future. and I fancy, with little expectation I had a white as- vistant with me and a gang of boys. | Well--wé rowed up the river until we pagsed all the mangrove swamps end tRen camped on the bank. I soon had a fly up, which as you know Is | just a piece of canvas stretched tent- !'ke over a pole. I had a second fly .rut over the first as the rain in the ropics comes right through one 'hickness of canvass. About a foot or eighteen inches is left between the |files, The boys made a rough shelter jot leaves. That night it started to rain, and it poured for a solid week {We were Just making plans for a camp in a big tree when it stopped und the sun came out once more | Everytling we had with us was soak- ing and for some days we had a fight te keep the fire alight although it was a hig camp fire which is not eas- ily put dui. Then we started to clear land for a house and had soon enough open space ready to build. How a House is Built, | "I told the boys that they must {build a house. They took axes and | knives, and with a wild yell, disap- peared in the bush. After a shor: !time they came back with small trees, innumerable straight s'icks, [ond large quantities of palgy leaves. {Some of them sat down and began to open up the leaves and sew them to- gether. They used thorns for needles and long pieces of fibre as thread. Cibers cut trees so as % have forks at the ends, and they cut them to the sizes they required. Holes were dug and those poles put 'into position Foles ware then laid across the forke and tied in place with fibre. The boys then tied on the sticks everywhere, and wher. this was done th ed on the palm leaves. The floor was made of small palm trees spit in two/ and laid side by side. You would gée the Louse growing, Teddy, a it was finished by the afternoon, There was a dining room, two bedrooms, and a big back and front verandah. The doors were made of pal. leaves and tied on,, but the end of the door was a stick, which was stood in a hole in a cocoanut shell to make a pivot for it to turn on. No rain ever came into that house, and it was very comfort- able as soon as the leaves dried out and became brown,' The floor was over six foot from the ground, and | the basement was fixed with bam- boos 80 as to be either a chicken run or a store room." "Say," Undle, Mother would have fifteen different kinds of fits if she had to live In a house Ifke that. Dv ladles ever lve in them? "You bet you, Teddy, that is the first house in Papua always." . Tomorrow's story is about how Na- Foe ture makes new lands, "PEA COAL and COKE HARD AND SOFT WOOD Cut in stove lengths. BOOTH & CO. '4 Grove lan Yard Phone 183 1 | GUNNS MAPLE LEAF COOKED HAM Made from Pork Sausage. Put up in one pound net tins. Cooked fr «=~ the favor is surprisingly different to what one expecta Just the thing and hurry-up m BON Manure GROUVERY Cerner King a burt Streets. Phone 18544. for holiday trips ty y trips ---- FOR SALE mands of bultding material. I. Cohen & Co. } Untane Bi. Fuva2s 856, 837 | | ---------------------- Centreville Tidings. Centreville, Dec. 11.--Winter weather has just set in with a slight snowfall. Clover dressing is the chief occupation around here. Some of it is turning out well. Roy Mc- Gill has moved on his father's place. A number of the farmers took al- vantage of poultry day to sell their fowl, Miss Lola Shaw and Okel Drew were married at the rectory, Camden Eest the last of November. There was a kitchen shower for them by their many friends last Friday aight at Mr. Drew's. Meacham Breault hag returned home from the West. A baby boy has applied for board at Vincent Kennedy's Miss Maggis Finnegan is the guest of Miss Eva Cassidy. The kitchen shower for Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hanna last week was largely attend- ed. Miss Annie Breault has been con- fined to the house with scarlet fever. Mrs. Edward Canarie is visiting her brother, John Cavanaugh. The re- mains of the late Annie Harvey, Tamworth, were buried here in the Roman Catholic cemetery beside her parents. Fire, followed oy an explosion, swept the steamship Vaba in Brook- lyn, N.Y, drydock Saturday after- i _ oR HAMILTON ) shelter of branches on the ground. ! though they are only stone-age men I " DR. BURCHARDI, VIENNA Who has gone to London for purs pose uf restoring youth to the aged by means of operations. He claims to have achieved successful results. THE KINGSTON FAR NEEDS PRESET GROOS The Matter Was Discussed at a Meeting on Sat=- urday. A committee from the Kingston Agricultural Fair Association, con- sisting of R J. Bushell, J. J. Wil- mot, A. E. Weller, J. 8. Sibbit, J. L. F. Sproule and D. C. Rogers, met a committee rom the Kingston Board of Trade on Saturday after- ncon at the Agricultural Hall to dis- cuss the improvement of the accom- wodation at the fair grounds. Those representing the board of trade were H. C, Nickle, J. M. Campbell, W, Y. Mills, Elmer Davis, The directors of the association are strongly of the opinion that no other site, named so far, would suit the purpoges of the fair. Some improve ments in the present grounds are needed and the most important among them is the removal of the city's road making plant which en- cumbers much valuable spate, and causes the loss of revénue Referring to proposals 'to sell the grounds, one of the directors said: "If that takes place, I will withdraw 'rom the board as I cannot see how we can contikue to carry on The Division street farm, gpoken of, would not serve our purpose being too far from the city for one thing and calling for a very heavy expendi- ture to put it in shape that would be ruinous." ------ SANTA ON THE WAY. I can hear him singing faintly, As he urges on his deer, And his song is mellowed quaintly As the measures strike the ear. The Mit of it is jolly And the words of it are gay, "Get the mistletoe and holly, I have started on the way!" I'can head the hoof beats thudding As the snow ic flung behind, While the laden sleigh is scudding With the swiftness of the wind; And the echoes now are flinging; Broken murmurs of the song, That old Santa Claus is singing As the reindeer speed along. "LAttle fellow, little fellow! While you sit and dream of me, And the marvel of the morning That shall show the wondrous tree, For your trust in all the fancies Of the shadow and the gleam, I am starting on my journey Down the highway of your dream." --W. D. NESBITT. The Rotarlans Organize Club at Rio de J Rio De Janiero, Dec. 18.--The first Rotary Olub in Brasil has just been organized here with twenty-five charter members. It was institu by Mr. Herbert Coates bearing spec- lal credentials from the interna'ional board in the United States, The rules provide that the membership shall consist of two-thirds Brazillans and one-third foreigners. An effort will be made to. build up & big member- ship in Rio de Janeiro. iro Noted Live Stock Dealer Dies. Perth, Dec. 18.--For yearsw fam- far figure on the live stock markets of Toronto and Montreal, and a man widely known and eeteemed through. out the Ottawa Valley, was James D. Noonan, who died at fis home in Perth on Friday afternoon after an filness of one year's duration, Deceased was a drover during the period of his business career, and was #l#o in the butcher business nere in partnership with his brother John. The two brothers sold the business cut to two sons of 'he deceased, the firm remaining to be known dy the name of Noonan Brothers. The late James D. Noonan was sixty-one years of age, and born in Eathurst township, near Perth, a son of the late James Noonan, a promin- ent farmer, and also a drover and former Bathurst reeve and den of Lanark county. His wife andl: THE DAIL sons and two daughters sumy Burial wes made in the Roman} | vie cemetery here on Monday Fishermen Lose The Deseronto Pg to the recent cold _ Ome thing regre ~ den formation TT RL T-- London Life Y BRITISH WHIG. \ Three Generous Gifts - To Weekly Premium Policyholders OF THE Insurance Company e MONDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1088 ee ------ -- -- : : THE LONDON LIFE Insurance Company has completed its plan for equalization of benefits and additional amounts are * now guaranteed on many old policies. THE LONDON LIFE Insurance Company will convert all = Paid-Up Ternrpolicies in force on January 1st, 1923 into Paid- Up Whole Life Policies of the same amount. THE LONDON LIFE Insurance Company will add from 4% to 23% to the amount of Insurance on all premium-paying policies in force eight years or more, which become claims or matured endowments during 1923. (The amount of the increase will be governed by the plan of the policy and its duration.) These increased benefits are guaranteed: voluntarily and apply to policies that--in their nature--are not entitled to profits. . N.B.--If your London Life weekly premium policy has been in force for eight years or more, or if you hold a Paid-Up Term Policy with this Company, see the local agent for information as to your increased benefits under this new plan, The London Life Insurance Company Policies * Good as Gold" HEAD OFFICE LONDON. CANADA 0 W. Walters, City Manager, Bank of Toronto Bldg, King & Brock Sts. - * To-day's Radio Programme} MONDAY, DECEMBER 18, | WGY (Schenectady, N.Y.) Mev.rs General Electric Co. 12:30 p.m.--Noon stock market quotations. 12:45 p.m.--Weather 485 meters. 2:00 p.m.--Musie. 6:00 p.m.--Produce market ana stock market reports and quotations; i and news bylletins. | 6:30 p.m.--Talk by Santa Claus. 7:45 p.m.--Musical programme: twelve numbers, ( 400 report on v To Out Klux Klan. White Sulphur, W. Va,, Dec, 18.-- Kansas will not drive the Ku Klux Klan from state by force, but will ex- rel it by refusing to permit it to do business within the state's bound- arias, Governor Henry Jallen declar- ed in an address Saturday before the governor's conference, A writ being sought in the Kansas supreme court, he said, would have the effect of oust- ing the Klan from the state, Candidate for Mayoralty. Cobourg, Dec. 18.--Lieut.-Col. F. D. Boggs has announced himself as a candidate for the mayoralty of Co- bourg {n the coming municipal elec- "lon, Mayor W. J. Maher will also be in the field. The latter, who is a " [former councillor and ex-mayor, has HON. PET SMITH Christmas gift to the province is an assurance that the province will show a surplus In its accounts for 1923. Smith's Falls Regrets. J. M. Root, for a number of years past supervising principal of the Smith's Falls public schools, has re- ceived appointment ag principal of the Kington Model school, says a de- spatch from that town. He leaves a of $2,200 here for one of $2, 00 in Kingston. Mr. Root is sue- ceeded by W. T. Ferguson, who has been, principal of one of the ward filled the position for the year just closing. The dfligent says "Today," the dluggard eays "Tomorrow." En Must Show Cause. New York, N.Y., Dec. 18.--The Irish Free State has been ordered by Justice Mullan to show cause on Tuesday why the place of imprison- ment of Stephen O'Mara, Irish re- publican, should not be revealed to the attdrneys for O'Mara and de Valera. An effort is being made to have the commission take O"Mara's testimony an the two milion five hun. dred thousand dollar Irish reptblicar bond unit. Nine of the crew of the Spanish River Paper Company's tug, Reliance, aground near Lizard Islands, reach- ed Agawe, on the Algoma Central Railway. "rnd A BUSINESS MAN'S LUNCH We have made a specialty of the business men's lunch. Ag the moon hour, drop in at The Victoria .Cafe. Our quick, courteous service and a menu for those of the most discrimi. nating taste will assure you of | a pleasant noon-day lunch. THE VICTORIA CAFE JEWLY LEE, Manager. 854 KING STRERT TELEPHONE 762. schopls. Mr. Root has done excel- lend work in Smith's Falls, and the of Education accepted his Te- Rick Proves Fatal. 1 "Brockville, Dec. 18.--As a result | blood-poisoning following » kick 'he head received from a colt, Whiting, aged thiry-two, of , died on Thureday in Smith's, @ | The injury was not consider © us until the day preceding his he was removed to the . His wife and one small son ------------ ntest wealth is contentment A