THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. Kingston and Vicinity 'Hardwood Flooring = | hh er od Van -- ings, stored in a heated warehouse. PIANO TUNING Plane Tuning and Repairing. Also Organ Work, All work guaranteed. PETER D. BROWN 12 Markland St Phone 2397Tm. S AGENCY FOR ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP Special attention given your family | DAVID SCOTT | |OF friends going to or returning frou Plu i r Itmber ithe Old Country. Passports arranged Plumbing and Gas Work a spect . 3 Ad. For aformation and rates apply to | 1217. All work guaranteed. J. P. HANLEY, C. P. and T.A.G.T. | dress 145 Proptenaé Street. Ry., Kingston, Ont. Phone 1277. corner, i a w |théy are not doing it all early, they sentation is to take place in the mem- lare putting over the larger share of |orial hall in the city buildings. the last few days before In For Third Term. A prisoner was brought down from the west on Saturday to serve a term |it before in the penitentiagy. It was stated |Christmas. that this is his third term in the | Portsmouth prison, Radio Concerts Popular. Quite a number of Kingstonians | {now have radio setts and redio con- | certs in the evening are becoming Clear grades and choice stock. Portsmouth Elections. Election talk in the village of Office: C.N.-G.T. Station, - -- Johnson and Ontario Streets, King- He Went to Jail, ston, Ontario, < Open Day and Night. 'PHONE 99. A AY TO LET JOHNSTON ST. -- Brick, § } rooms, gas. $20.00 per month Possession January 1st CHATHAM ST. -- Frame, 4 rooms and toilet $14.00 per 3 month. Possession at once. VICTORY BONDS bought and } sold. 4 'R. H. Waddell P Phones 326-506. 56 Brock St p QL: Save Your Coal CHOICE HARDWOOD Cut 12" long and splitiready for ranges $4.50 per load : 16" long for Furnaces $4.25 per load Try a load this mild weather, W. A. Mitchell & Co. 15 Ontario Street Telephone 67. | A citizen who was fined 'heavily in {the police court a few days ago, for la breach of the Ontario Temperance | Act, went to jail for three months in default of the payment of the fine. TTT Returned to Robertsville. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Riddell and sons, Kenneth and Harry, who 'have been the guests of thelr daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs, Christopher Armstrong, Montreal street, have re- {turned to thelr home in Robertsville. Letters to Santa Claus, : The letters to Santa Claus, wri'ten | by Kingston. boys and girls, which | appeared in the Whig on Saturday, Some of the letters had a splendid | tone. . DR. A.W. WINNEIT . DENTAL SURGEON, Corner of Johnson and Wellington Streets Phone 368 om ¥ moving of FED FREIGHT, FURNIVURE, SAFES, PIANOS, CAHTAGE and STORAGE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION Kingston Transter Co. aA ah hr VE 1883 WELLINGTON STHRERL -- Dr. Waugh | Dentist 106 Wgllingwon St. "hone 250 a "1nUMAS COPLEY 1elephone Y87. When wanting anything done in the earpentery line. Estimates given on all kinds of repairs and new work, also hardwood floors of all kinds. All orders will receive prompt attention. Shop: 28 Queen Street. 1 Opp. Y.M.C.A. A AAP PAA AA a. EE Dominion Meat Store Phone 1268J. WANTED! TURKEYS GEESE CHICKENS DUCKS, Etc. Must be choicest quality: Idleness is full of envy. Closing of Schools. The Collegiate Institute and the | public schools will close for the | Christmas holidays on Friday In ithe majority of the class rooms &pec- ial exercises will be held to mark Christmas, Will Be a Candidate. R. CC. Hawkey, Glenburnie, has consented to be a candidate for the reeveship of the WwuhivrX King- ston, He is expecting to' have the | stakwart support of his numerous friends. Had a Big Day. | Sasurday was a big day at the | Kingston post office. Tons of parcels | for points all over the world were | posted and sent on their way to bring | joy to people at this happy Christmas | time. All roads will lead to the post l-office this week when the final rush iz on, Christmas shopping in the King- ston stores was quite brisk on Satur- 'day, Citizens are certainly doing | Brisk Christmas Shopping. i ): their shopping early, or at least if Stemi J were much enjoyed by the readers. | Portsmouth is very quiet. Nomina- tions will take place on Friday, and then it will be known who is in tha running, -------- Sale of Suits and Overcoats, For the balance of this month we, have decided to put on sale every {Suit and Overcoat that we have In stock at great reduction in price. {A call will convince you. All our | Christmas goods have arrived. Pre- vost, Brock street. Presentation of Rugby Trophies. Before the city council meets this evening, Mayor Corbett .is to present to the members of the champion Queen's rugby team little trophies in 18 form of footballs. These are the 'gifts of the city council to commemor- ate i 1 {ohampionship by Queen's, 1 LIVER TROUBLE The pre- | | | Pains in Stomach | | Most of the misery and ill-health {that -humanity is burdened with | arise from disorders of the liver, | stomach or bowels. If you are feeling out of sorts, have pains ii the stomach, especially after eating, sour stomach, bilious spells, sick or Dbilious headaches, heartburn, water brash, etc, you should take a few doses of Milburn's Laxa-Livex Pills. They will liven up the liver, regulate the bowels, and tone up the stomach, Mr. T. €. Hallman, Highgate, Ont., writes: --"I have had liver trouble and pains in the stomach for a long time. I started to use your Mil- burn's Laxa-Liver Pills, and in-a short time I noticed they were help- ing me. Now I would not be with- out them and cannot recommend them too highly." Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills are 25c¢. a vial at all dealers, or mailed direct on receipt of price by The T. Mil- burn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. No matter how little or how much - you wish to spend, - 75¢ - $1.50 - $1.65 ~ $2.00 - $4.00 or more, -- you know 'You are giving the Best when you give "His Master's Voice" -- Victor Records. Any 'His Master's Voice". dealer will supply you with Records of your choice, packed in attractive boxes for ~ Christmas giving. BERLINER GRAM-O-PHONE MONTREAL, CO.; LIMITED Will there be a Victrola in youn home thio Ghristmas? is Master's Voice" the winning of the Canadian | very popular. Some of the finest crchestras on the other side of the {line have been providing excellent | | programmes. | The Late Mrs, McNeil. i In Chalmers church at the Sunday {morning service, Rev. Di. R. J. Wil- {son made feeling referemce to the' passing of Mrs, Margaret McNeil, in the ninety-first year of her age. Mrs. McNeil was the last survivor of the first members of Chalmers church, which was established in 1846, Snow for Christmas, { The weather man is doing his bes: to provide snow in Kingston for Christmas. On Sunday there was quite a snowfall Before the automo- biles came into use there was always a great demand for sleighing at the { Yuletide season, but now one does {not hear eo much about snow for the | Christmas trade. ------ The Self Made Man. There isn't any such thing, The successful business man who grew up through persistent effort is the man who "talked about himself." That's |advertising and the best kind of ad- |vertising is "talking about yourself' {in the n2wapaper; the newspaper that | will reach the people who are inter- {osted. | ------------ Still Bobbing Hair, Bobbed hair among the girls is still very popular in the city, Judging by the brisk business some of the local barbers had on Saturday among the "fair sex." The barbers say that that bobbed hair is still in style. It is certainly an ill wind that blows no person good. And the young girls are not the only ones who are having their hair bobbed at that, A Possible Retircment. Sincere regret has been expressed at the probable retirement from the Board of Education of Police Magis- trate Farrell. He has been long as- sociated with the board, his advice and interest in educational matters being invaluable, He Is an ex-chair- man, The members would be high- ly delighted if he decided to con- tinue on the board. : ------------ A Balance of $3 000, The Board of Education is likely to close the year with a balance of $3,000. Good financing was done. The board has been notified that the county council of Leeds and Gren- ville had authorized the payment of §648 for the education of pupils in the Collegiate Instituté from thar county. About $1,600 was saved in repairs and the balance in other ways, ------------ Died at Bishop's Mills. One of the oldest residents of Bishop's Mills passed away on Dec. 6th in the person of Joseph Crozier. The deceased had been in falling health for some time, but death came suddenly at the last from heart failure. The late Mr, Crozier was born in Elizabethtgwn, and was aged eighty-two years. When a young man he settled on a farm just outside of Bishop's Mills, and there he continued to reside. To Have a Bale, At a meeting of the Kingston and District Holstein Breeders' Society, held on Saturday, it was decided to hold an annual sale of pure bred atock, Members appointed to tain the number of pure bred aninials available for sale reported partial re- sults. W. 8. Reed, M.P., reported for his dfstrict, and other speakers were J. J. Wilmot, James Henderson, Mr. Benn, Moscow, and James Baxter. G. F. Murton, president, occupied the chair. He expressed appreciation of the interest shown by the numbers. Spoke at Ottawa, Professor MacArthur, of Queen's University, delivered am interesting lecture on "he "British Turkish Pol- icy," in the Ottawa Collegiate Insti- tute, under the auspices of the Ot- fawa Teachers' Institute, Friday night. He declared that the British campaign in the Dardanelles during the Great War had been a success in spite of all the adverse criticism that had been hurled against it. It had taught the Turks the might of Great Britain and following that campaign the prestige of England had never stood higher in Constantinople. At the end of the war Britain was in the position of diciating terms to the Turks, but the opportunity to do so had not been taken advantage of. Did Excellently, At the inspection on Friday night the gunners were inspected by Col. W. K. Walker, commandant of the Canadian Small Arms' school, Ofta- wa, the local unit being under the command of Major J. Harris. The men were drawn up for inspection, and were then asked to give a demon- stration of thelr efficiency in their various drills and exercises. The Field Ambulance was under the com- mand of Oapt. J. B. Kane, there being about thirty S. ANGLIN & CO. Woodworking Factory and Lumber Yards, Bay and Wellington Streets, KINGSTON, Ont. Phone 66. Factory Phone 1418. dr [¢ MILLERS. © BELIEVE THE RESTLESS CONDITION BROUGHT ON BY THE PRESENCE OF WORMS AND RESTORE THE CHILD TO NORMAL HEALTH, NO NARCOTICS --PLEASANT AS SUGAR STOP IN AT THE NEW ENG- LAND CAFE and enjoy a noon- day lunch. Cheerful surroundings and real home cooking make din- ing here truly a delight. Mir Conplanet Caf 881 'KING STREET Raw Furs Wanted Gourdier's BROCK STREET, OVERCOATS *15.00t0°30.00 WARM, FANCY BACK WEAVE ULSTERS ° $25.0010°40.00 $15.00t0°35.00 TWEDDELL'S 131 Princess St. (One door below Randolph Hotel) Here are Some Useful Gifts SWEATERS for Men, Women and Children -- a big assortment of new styles and colors -- attractively pri SILK SCARFS--beautiful colors in plain and fancy knit at $1.75 and $3.00 each. / : A Pair of WOOL BLANKETS makes a splendid gift, in White, Grey and colors, from $4.75 a pair up. SILK STOCKINGS--the always seceptable gift -- Blacl White, and st From .... ..+ a pair up. UMBRELIAS with fan handles and every cover rant for Men, Women. From $1.50 up. See our Christmas Handkerchiefs. W. N. Linton & Co.