MONDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1022. &~ Chri tmas Suggestions FOR MEN'S GIFTS --Neck: Ties. --Suspenders. --Silk Hose. --Gloves. --Pyjamas. --Silk Shirts. Nicely boxed for gifts. George VanHorne's Phone 362w. 213 Princess Street. -- Dressing Gowns. --House Coat. - Sweater Coats. Wool Mufflers. .--Wool Gloves. --Collar Bags. = Motor Accidents 50% of these are caused through the drivers having defective vision. | Do not endanger your life or the lives of others, but have your eyes examined at once. GRUE NM A Wrist Watch tor Christmas eighteen karat white gold Watch fitted with movement--a guaranteed time- with engraved bezel, A A yy Consult: -- seventeen LJ. keeper. Other Watches in unlimited assortment from ..$15.00 up. if Platinum and Diamond set Registered Optometrist Watches from 140 Wellington St. Opp. Post Now Is The Time to decorate your Lawns and Oemetery lots with our Cement 5 Kinnear & d'Esterre JEWELERS 100 Princess Street, Kingston jewel | 3 [to some ot THE DAILY BRITi ers to Sant Le tt } 7 a Claus | J ) me nn EE eet eee dresser, a Fairy Tale Book, a tele- phone that when you pull down the receiver it rings, a bookbag, a pencil box, a pai of bedroom - slippers, | some hair ribbons, some handker- chiefs, some candy and nuts. Please Santa, do not think I am asking too | much. I am eight years old and I am 4n junior second, and am trying, for senior, and my teacher said if I kept on' as am I would pass at | Christmas My street address is 27 | Empress ave. MILDRED WEIR. 328 Queen street, Kingston, Dec. 9. Dear Santa Clause,--[ have wished you at Moc Torland for a ne and a you got there. L wi uci from ycu this ristmas th » are many other en. My mother Is a customer f the Whig and I was looking in the er and saw that the bes: letter a prize so I started to write one. 1ly want some books and a game and some candy, That's all for I don't want to take up much room if this is published, "which I know it won't, Yours truly, ) GERALD CALDBACK Editor's Note: Fooled you this time, Gerald, for 155 Sydenham ' Street, Kingston, ! | Dec. 4th, 1922 { Dear Santa Claus: First I must {n-| | troduce myself: Gwendolyn Chatwyn | | Kidd, and I am ten years old, Now, {in answer to your message I send | | the following list, a pair of calf-| | skin gauntlets, three hair ribbons. | Many thanks for your kindness. | Yours, G. C. KIDD. 314 Brock street, 2 Kingston, Dec. 9, 1922. Dear Santa Claus,--I am very glad to write to you again. I Just love {Christmas with its toys and lots of | nice things. Please bring me a walk- | 210 Queen street, Kingston, Our. Dear Santa: I was glad to see you SH WHIG. EVENING SHOES Every young lady admires dainty Footwear. We are showing a large range of Black and Grey Suede Straps, Patent Straps, trimmed with Grey Suede, Fawn Suede and pretty Kid Straps-- the best grades are ves rsmunsns sss 310.007 DAINTY BEDROOM SLIPPERS Soft, warm Felt, soft soles-- just as cosy as can be--in Blue, Pink, Green, Brown, Grey, Purple, Black and Grey--8$2.25, $2.00, £1.75 and $1.50, See. our new line of Cosy Toes, imported from {ing and talking doll like the ome in | Moooll's Drug Store. I took a few guesses on it and _if I win it, give it her little girl. 1 would J {like a Bible, one to take to school, 1 iam nine, years old and go to Victoria {school. Thank you Santa, for the nice things you brought me last year. Your loving friend, WILMELMINA JONES. 112 Patrick street, Dear Santa Claus,--I' am so glad it is nearly time for you to come, 1 do hope you will be able to bring me a nice big doll and some Bob skates and a leather pencil box. My little sister will be one year old the day something nice. both, Lots of love from us Your little friend, EILEEN KNIGHT. Age eight years, Cor. Victoria and Princess Kingston, Dec. 9, 1922 | Dear Santa,--Once again it is time twe look forward to see your sweet smile and open hand. As usual we coming | First I must say that you are the dearest old fellow {As for me, my wish is books. very fond of reading. I have three little brothers and a baby sister who Flower Vases. Three varieties to chioose from. ! Dr. Nash' DENTAL PARLORS 188 PRINCESS BT, KINGSTON Kingston Jement Products H. F. NORMAN, Manager OFFICE: 09 Patrick Street Phone 7380w. ---- Bert Sparge, Australian feather- I | look forward with the greatest joy ' jand eagerness to your coming. You will know best what to bring, Dear Santa remember those whose {mothers and fathers are not here and jalso those who cannot afford to have | You call. Please call and surprise {them. I have my mother and father {and love both and could not bear to | part with them. Santa, I have two {cousins out in Tilly, Saskatchewan, weight, defeated Freddie Jackson, | we specialize on Painless Extraction, | Who wish you to visit them, so you England, on points in a twenty-round | patest Pyorrhea Treatment bout at Melbourne. i X-Ray work. and [See you have a long journey ahead; { wishing you the best of luck, I re- 8 | CHRISTMAS SHOPPERS Don't forget to come and look over our specially. arranged ONE PRICE TABLES. We have a: $2.00 Table | $1.50 Table ; $1.00 Table 75¢c. Table 25c. Table Each has many attractive and use- ful gifts on it, and this plan makes SHOPPING EASY. OUR PRICES ARE LOWER and OUR STOCK IS LARGER THAN EVER. { , FANCY CHINA--SILVERWARE-- "GLASSWARE. | ROBERTSON'S Limited 73 Princess St. ChristmasOfferings BUY USEFUL GIFTS Why not give good, sensible gifts of Footwear this Christmas ? Lasting gifts will be appreciated. Make your selection from the following offerings, all reasonably priced: fos Felt House Shoes. = Hockey Boots Moccasins Overgaiters Evening Shoes Overshoes Rubber Boots Dress Footwear Cavalier Boots Skating Boots Allan M. Reid SHOE STORE N\ {main, your loving friend, | ELSIE HOLLAND, | Age, 12 years. 274 Ontario Dec. 6, 1922. - | Dear Santa Claus: I am writing | You a letter to tell you that I just managed to gee you on Princess | street Saturday morning. Your toys look just lovely and you look just fine in your red coat. I am going to | See you on Saturday. I hope you will | bring my little sister and me some nice toys on Christmas. Good-bye | with love, ALBERT RALPH. street, 274 Ontario street, Dec. 6, 1922. { Dear Santa Claus: I am very glad { Christmas is near. I should think | everybody is too. Even the gloomy person is eure to be in high spirits. | A year seems very long to me. I al- ways look forward to seeing you as it reminds me always of past timas, being now too old for a Christmas | stocking from you. I am nearly four- teen years of age. I have a little sister and brother who would not miss seeing youn at | Steacy's for anything. My, but they | look forward to it as the day draws near. I have forgotten to mention their names. Well, they are Irene and Albert. ' : In my letter Albert and Irene ask- ed me to write and tell you what they want in their stockings. Albert would like an engine which runs by | itself, and a gun wtih a target. Irene | would like a doll that says 'Mama' | and doll"s carriage with a hood | on it. Thanking you for all the fine { things you sent me in by-gone | Christmases and with love from Al- | | a bert and Ireme, yours sincerely, AMELIA RALPH. 1 | ; { Smith's Falls, Dec. 9, 1922. | Dear Santa Claus: As it is near | time for you to make your annual | visit I thought I would write to tell | you what I think of [you, for you are | so generous and kind _in bringing | everything Well, Santa, I will tell | you what I want, a doll, a doll's " Free! "Free! Christmas Tree Decorations of, all descrip- tions, both for business places and home. .Christmas and New Year's Cards. .Envelopes will be given free to match every A beautiful ELECTRIC LAMP will be given to the per- son giving the nearest guess to the amount of coppers in jar on show, at:-- : 4 J. H. JARVIS vor. Princess and Albert Streets Phone 3373m. Kingston, Ont, | after Christmas so please bring her | |are all happy and all eager for your | and a* [friend to those who make you such. | Tam | Kingston, | OPEN NIGHTS. oo { on Saturday and Monday and I hope | you find me this year along with my brothers and sisters. 1 would like { you to bring me a new dress and pair of slippers and Christmas stock- | ing and nuts and candy and small doll and hair ribbon, and Santa my baby brother wants a doll and pair | of rubbers. Please don't forget | | your friend, | ALBERTA RICHARD: Déar Santa: I am a little boy, 6 | years old. I try to be good. Will | you bring me single runner skates and a switch for a train? 157 Alfred st. GORDON HALL. Kingston. Dec. Dear Santa: Just a few ljnes to tel! | you know I was glad you got hero | safe again, this year.- See you had a | good pack with you. Well, all I | want this year fs a new dress anc | pair of slippers and hair ribbon and | | small doll with some nuts and candy | and don't forget the little children that lost their home by fire. Gooa-| bye, Santa, your little friend, | MARTHA RICHARDS. 5. EHS er a DE RS | . Euchre and Dance. | On Thursday evening in the Or-| ange Hall, under the auspices of the | Woodmen of the World, a very suc- | | cessful euchre and dance was held. | | The wipners were 1st, lady's prize. | | Mrs. Huffman; 1st gentleman's | | prize, J. Scanlon; lady's second prize, C. Vanduzen; gentleman's sec- ond prize, Mr. Revelle: Dancing was | enjoyed from 10 p.m. till 1 a.m, Sals- bury's orchestra was in attendance. A BIRTHDAY PARTY. Held By Order Eastern Star In Aid | of General Hospital. | On Friday evening, Dec. 15th | Frontenac Chapter, No. 90, Order Eastern Star, celebrated its first an- niversary in the form of a birthday | party. The first part of the even- ing was most enjoyably spent with a ; musical programme. Brother Roth- | | well, worthy patron, acted as chair- | man and gave a short history of the Order of Eastern Star, in which he stated that the order dated back to 1850 and at the present time was one and one @ ter .million strong, | is translated in seven different lan- guages, being the third strongest so- ciety in the world today. The following artists gave a pro- | gramme: Piano solo, Miss Verna Saunders; song, Master Billy Laird, recitation, Mr. Kelly; solo, Miss Olive Derry; monologue, Miss Good- fellow; solo, Mr. Mayer; recitation, Miss Ethel Pringle; Scotoh songs, Jack Elder; quartette, Messrs. May- er, Wood, Moncrieff and Marshall; monologue, Mr. Gates; solo, Mrs. | Treneer; duet, Mrs. Treneer and Mr. Kerr. Mrs. Barlow, D.D.G., Belle- ville, and Brother Ward, past patron | of Winnipeg ebapter, made a few remarks. A delicious buffet luncheon was served by the ladles from a beautiful- ly decorated table, the color scheme being red and green. A hugepirthday eake, with its one candle, was set in tulle and smilax, and was cul by the worthy matron sister, G. Rothwell. Upwards of 200 were present, in- cluding out-of-town visitors, and all expressed themselves as having had a most enjoyable time. Much cred- it for the success of this party is due fo Sister Mabel Kennedy, who acted as convenor. The object was to help finance the furnishing of a room in the Kingston General Hospital. CANADIAN PACIFIC Lingston-Ottawa Train Service Time Table. : GOING LEAVE ARRIVE Kingston $11.45 ani. Ottawa 44.45 pm. Kingston $5.05 p.m. Ottawa $20 bam. Kingston $$11.15 p.m. isws LEAVE : ARRI Ottawa $10.15 am. K ngeton #3. A Ottawa +115 p.m. Kingston 3 mm. Ottawa $711.00 p.m. Kingston $8.20 a.m. + Daily except Sunday. He Daily except Saturday. Office: 180 Wellington Street. Election of Officers. The election of officers for the An- cient Frontenac and Cataraqui Chap- ter No. 1 Royal Arch Masons took place on Friday evening as follows: F. C. Crozier, Z; C. J. Brunke, H; J. BE. Chatterton, J; James A. Minnes, treasurer; R. 8. Graham, scribe E.; George L. Vanhorn, Scribe N.; W. H. Gimlet:, P.S.; R. Bunt, Tyler. Christmas Trees, The city was flooded with Chrisi- mas tress on Saturday, and many citizens took advantage of the rush to get a tree, although many intend to make a trip out in the coun'ry and pick out olle of their own choice, California at $2.50. 25c¢. and 50c. condition, 75c. $1.00 soft soles. They are beautiful Ladies' nr Trees -- keep Shoes in good Odd sizes, etc., Ladies' Bedroom Slippers, Ladies' Black Kid Bedroom Slippers--nice, OPEN EVERY NIGHT TILL CHRISTMAS, Abernethy's Shoe Store TRAVELLING BAGS Black and Brown styles at dll prices from $10,00 to $35.00 See our Special Black Leather Bag--Ileathers lined at ee a A. NOW ON Now --- -- 8 EA SLE rr od 36 HDG (> > 7 if PY Tennessee Cedar Chests-- Copper-bound. Genuine OUR BIG EXPANSION SALE IS THE TIME TO SAVE MONEY ON FURNITURE---UNUSUAL AD. VANTAGE TO CHRISTMAS SHOPPERS Children's Rockers and High Chairs-- Only $3.00 Kiddie Koops and .Children"s Iron Cots with Mattresses--complete, KIDDIE KARS $2.50 and $3.00 THINK OF HOW MANY MORE THINGS YOU CAN BUY AT A BIG SAVING, JAMES REID ~~ This season's teas have arrived. Enjoy DALYS GOOD TEA { at its best. No other tea quite as good, no matter what you may pay for It. Order to-day from MAHOOD'S DRUG STORE ™ Pupils to Get Medals For ' Essays on Fire Prevention Fire Chief James Armstrong has received elecen medals from the On- tario Fire Prevention League, to be WE STORE YOUR PURCHASE TILL REQUIRED, ALSO PAY FREIGHT CHARGES No, Dear Reader, It's Not - The Spanish Inquisition It's only one of our welders doing some up-to-date--steel welding with his little old oxy-acetylene torch that plays with steel the way the Spanish torturers used to play with their vie tims in rhe olden days. Only to-day the torch serves the needs of modern business. Bishop Machine Shop KING AND QUEEN STREETS presented to echool pupils in the prize essary contest held by the League on "Fire Prevention in the Home." Nine of the medals are for pupils in the Kingston schools, and two for Portsmouth, one for the public school and the other for the separate school. The presentations will take place in the course of a few days. Well Digger Confident, David Gowdy, well borer, who has had many years experience boring Prepared Bitinumous Coal for use in Furnaces, Quebec Heaters and Ranges $15.00 PER TON SOWARDS COAL CO -- PHONE 155. OFFICE: MeGALL'S CIGAR STORE PHONE 811. UP-TOWN fof water in Portsmouth and other parts of Ontario is firmly convinced' that excellent springs can be tapped in Kingstcn that would supply the | beet water for a large proportion ¢f | the citizens. After reading the Whig | last week he expressed a desire to! undertake boring for pure water, be- | lHeving that it would be found in| quantities. He was referred to ihe! city clerk, The dauger to such al source of supply is said to lie in the | strong probability of contamination | from city sewage, and it is unlikely that tha city council would grant per- | mission for the enterprise. EE -------------------- Most doy man would rather stand | for his tire blowing out than for «| blowing up from his wife. THE PROPER WAY TO TREAT PILES Valuable advice and information for the treatment of every form of Piles is enclosed with each box of PAZO OINTMENT. The remedy is guaranteed. The price of PAZO OINTMENT is 60c and you can get it at any drug store. The advice and information goes with it. »