THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. | hy Al RITIS : -- ---- 1 A : FRIDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1922, Er ------ -- m-- -- TT ---- Ee ra IY TT ------ m-- In the Realm of Women---Some Interesting Features THE NEW HOSIERY = dit ER HERO Fa li TL Hi EE 1 ey . bah Stocking of Glove Sik, . C7 (9, : "OMe of the Latest. E $ / : / AVA, / Ss Unprecedented Demand for Woolen & id ? : : and Silk-and-Woolen Article El Is the Prediction, b & / : What will Neppen to the glory of £ : I i Stockings now that they are to be = enveloped by yards of ripping silk is Z . & question whose answer hosiery . Boxed Free! The Store With The Greatest Values in the Chicago Journal CLEARING LINES SPECIALLY PRICED FOR FINAL DAY "GLLOVES" IN ALL STYLES that since they do not show it is fool: ish to invest in chiffon, lace-clocked or FOR FINAL DAY GIFTS PERRIN KAYSER SILK SUEDE GAUNTLET GLOVES sheerest silk stockings? Will she not rather put her stocking money Into | GLOVES Grey only--made with strap wrist, long Wrist Length--All Shades. style Gauntlet, ~ skirts? Some say yes; some say no. $1.00 $1.95 .But, surely, if she cares to buy "fus- 8Y" hosiery she never had better op CHAMIOSETTE GLOVES CAMEL HAIR WOOL 7 5 Cc GAUNTLETS, Saturday $1.25 _ portunity for real worth and daint!- tractive models Is a double stocking « Two-dome wrist length, Perrin make. GLOVES, Saturday Caio 75¢ of glove silk. The outside sheath is black, woven In a stripe pattern, alter nating stripes being transparent, through which the inner stocking of white shimmers faintly. Other stockings have sheer lace In- serts in front, and while the embroid- ered clock on 'any except woolen stockings seems to be waning, lace clocks are found in the new models and are much in demand. Silk that simulates wool is one of | the newest developments in the stock- ing world and one that will be wel- comed by women who like the semi- sport costume for business, yet who also demand the comfort of silk stock- ings, These hose come In lovely colors 'e~brown and tan mixtures with tiny flecks of heliotrppe, mixtures where blue 1s the predominating color, and there are those with green dominat- MIR A RIN ET EE A Blouses for Gifts Crepe de CheneBlouses VALUES TO $10.50 Special Saturday $4.95 Beaded, embroidered. plain tailored and latest fashion, such as Coatee or Jacket Bess. One of the newest and most at. ing. | Dealers predict an unprecedented Shades Brown, Reindeer, Grey and Black. ¢ son's hosiery displays. sale of woolen afd silk-and-woolen stockings for this season. Again the long skirt is the cause--in cold weath- er wool stockings undoubtedly are more comfortable than the trimmer. looking silk. Hidden beneath a long skirt, their bulkiness becomes a neg ligible consideration, and many women who before refused them will welcome 'their warmth. Gunmetal is one of the newest and most popular colors found in the sea- It runs out on the one side into the darkest of taupes and on the other into light SPECIALS IN HOSIERY PURE SILK HOSIERY O8c Pure silk thread heslery, made with garter tops, double heel and toe; shades navy and black. HOLEPROOF HOSIERY HEATHER SPORT HOSE O9S5e¢e All wool hose in heather shades and mixtures, ribbed or plain styles, Boxed it required. ; types, over-Blouses, and tuck-in styles. Be early for your selection. Tricolette Blouses $3.95 REGULAR $5.00 VALUE Over-Blouse style in long, new effect, trimmed with open-worked stitching on band. Collar and cuffs bright shades of Henna, Sand and Tomato. All sizes to 44. Wide Ribbed Wool Hosiery $1.25. The style of hose she wants, wide and narrow ribbed--Fawn, Brown, Paddy shades, grays. Beaver, caramel, otter, beige, tan, rich brown--Iin fact, any of the % varying shades of brown whose nam ing has taxed the Ingenuity of the en- { tire selling worid--are ultra-fashion. able, ". The lighter tan shades are, of course, giving way to the darker as the season advances and the "nude" _ color, so popular last spring, is passe, Of course, for evening there are the lighter colors--blues, pink, coral, peach, orchid--to be worn with the new colored brocade dancing slippers. $1.60 Maker's name, which Is a guarantee in itself of service. All shades of Black, Navy, Brown, Beige and White. Tricolette Blouses $2.69 Only a limited number of this wonderful Blouse left, so be early to avoid di sappoint- ment in the final shopping hours. TWO DRESS SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY Tricotine Dresses '13.50 Fashionable new styles, beaded, with 'novelty sleeves, and skirts with loose panel effect. Values that have sold for almost double the sale price. All sizes to $8 only, Canton Crepe Dresses In all the new styles with effective trim. mings, side drapes and panels--showing new sleeves, new combinations or mew ornaments -- for afternoon or Informal FUR COLLARS and COLLARS and CUFFS REGULAR VALUES $40.00 25.0 All Wool American or English Velours--shades Brown, Fawn and Taupe. Sizes range from 34 to 42. All garments full lined. FUR COLLAR OR ENGLISH TWEED SPECIALLY PRICED FOR SATURDAYS CLEARING THE THREE-PIECE FALL SUIT Eiderdown Kimonas YREGULAR VALUES TO $7.50 Saturday $5.95 GOOD RANGE SHADES AND STYLES Cotton Crepe Kimonas REGULAR TO $5.00 $3.95 occasions, REGULAR VALUES UP TO $87.50 19.75 ON-ME TER METERED, 114 PRINCESS STREET Fill Boxed "> [Bandkerchiels PHONE 1071 Ll @learing Prices University Representation, London, Ont., Dec. 22.--1In an in- 1 terview T. J. Murphy, K.C., of the Board of Governors of Western Uni- hiladelphia, Dec. 23.--Pauline versity, urged that the four univer that [sities of Ontario: Toromio, Queen's, Western and Ottawa, be given repre- sentation in the legislature, ---------------- Tweddell's sale $19.00 suits. "Thers was no misunderstanding," said Miss k, "but just a com- Fléte Jack of nderstandiug- -Incom- "Dr. Rutherforf and I wers mar- ried last February