THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1wma Double Value i in Neckwear TO CLEAR OUT ALL NECKWEAR BEFORE CHRISTMAS WE OFFER, COMMENCING TO-NIGHT* ALL NECKWEAR at 4 PRICE Excepting only English Neckwear over $2.50. ODD LINES. SIZES 26 to 35. 7 PRICE SHIRTS EVERY SHIRT IN STOCK IN THIS SALE 20% DISCOUNT MEN'S AND BOYS' WINTER OVERCOATS 209; DISCOUNT SILK MUEFLERS ; VALUES $3.75 to $5.50. SPECIAL $2.95 _ Christmas presents put in Fancy Boxes. OPEN TO-NIGHT 7 TO 9.30. LIVINGSTON' S (Founded 1847). + 75.79 BROCK STREET "If Off Your Route It-Pays To Walk" Big Out-door Display CHRISTMAS TURKEYS All desirable weights. MILK-FED CHICKENS--GEESE, DUCKS, FOWL. NOTE.--For the convenience of cur patrons, all birds are weighed and priced, thus a saving in time to seller and buyer. SPECIAL EXHIBIT AND SALE of PRIME EXPORT QUALITY CHRISTM AS BEEF conor toot som ma vance from this special quality. el Seleged 3 Yolne Pork Special } Loa ol Lamb Selection. ) MLE fed Veal Priced. Specially ONE. DAYS SELLING OF HOLIDAY TABLE NEEDS ! FRUITS--Oran California Navels, 2000 doz. 38c¢, 48c¢., 58¢. doz. 'Apples clntosh Reds (fancy desert), peck 75c¢. 2 ) pecks Rhode Island Greenings, standard Jack Peck 50¢. Aalaga Grapes, Florida Grapefruit, West In Grapefruit, anas, Cranberries, Porto Rico Oranges. Per doz. . J LAIDLAV & SON LIMITED 170 PRINCESS STREET KINGSTON'S FAVORITE. SHOPPING PLACE PHONES 754.755. OPEN TO-NIGHT LAST MINUTE. SUGGESTIONS | FOR LADIES | HOSIERY. Ladies' Silk and Wool Hose NECKWEAR. HANDKERCHIEFS. $9 SILK SCARFS. GLOVES. Fs ? Liacies Silk and Wool Stockings SWEATERS. --made from fine, all-wool yarns I.INENS. and silk threads, they are ¢losely BLOUSES. woven, reinforced, and in colors. KIMONAS. Clerical, Brown, Black, Fawn and BOUDOIR CAPS. Camel. NIGHT GOWNS. . DRESSES. APRONS. ON SALE TO-NIGHT BOYS' LINED MOCHA GLOVES, 95c. FOR MEN | a Boys Tan Mocha Gloves -- exceptional good uality, well sewn, strong fasteners and nicely lined. SHIRTS. Jey 7 5 ado. SOCKS. : Regular value $1.25. SCAREFS. PYJAMAS. MEN'S LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS C quali, with wid Jandicerchiats on sale to-night. 6 for $1.50. COLLARS. ors | COLLAR BAGS. > SWEATERS. GLOVES. . MEN'S SHIRTS, FOR GIRLS | $1.50 H ANDKERCHIEFS. Men's Fine Negligee Shirts--made GLOVES. A Wis from an English Percale. They come WOOL SCARFS. : SILK SCARFS. HOSIERY. SWEATERS. DRESSES. KIMONAS. MIDDIES. MIDDY SKIRTS. KNITTED TIES Sizes 144 to 17. ! BOXED TIES 49. $1.00, Men's Knitted Ties in a wide as- i sortment of pretty patterns and Four in Hand Ties in many new colorings. patterns--in fancy Christmas boxes. | FOR BOYS | BLOUSES. TIES. : la : SCARFS. : . LADIES' CHAMOISETTE GLOVES GLOVES. : * yatior Chumiactt, Glovos~s sama yihhowel SWEATERS. ~ PYJAMAS. | C sewn and: have strong fasteners. In colors: Mastic, Grey, Beaver, Covert, Black, SUSPENDERS. | Brown and White. STOCKINGS. EP 5 KINDS, aa Ee ee Almonds, Bra- : pen - zils, Pecans, Fil- seri) lf arin an | J -- berts, Walnuts. BR ng hn Jckaon "BORN, _ HOTHOUSE Lettuce. Rhubarb, Parsley, Radishes, Gros Onions. ANDERSON__On Dec. Tigt. 1911. to Mr. Jatherg Latiues, Celery, Bly Holly ve Xmas. Tress. Gla tar Fradariony & Son" pecial ene nor? ~~ | €7% oT = § Jaeger Wool Hose-- r : the very best, $1.50 - SLI - $1.00 buys » pair of Slippers 3 for either Mother or Father, Blister or Brother. : "SPATS $2.00 for 14 Button, and then OR BLUE BONNET TEAreguine $ Slvlue: for r friends to a cup of yea} bo re