: THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. ET Te -- BIBLE THOUGHT FOR TO-DAY 2:8 et -------- enn - femme THE H WHIG| THE FULFILLMENT, S9TH YEAR Nineteen centuries ago there wera | shepherds in Judea keeping watel | | over their flocks by night. Angels | appeared in the sky and proclaimed peace on earth and good will to men. | | a place which gets coal when other | | towns and cfties feel a fuel pinch: { a place which boasts of the cham | THE Fase OF aR . | MONY:---Better is a dry pion Canadian rugby team; a place | , fn which are situated Canada's mili- |™0Tsel, and quietness therewith, than |a house full of sacrifices with strife. tary college and a big university; a I Proverbs 17:1. EE .- BIBBY"S - | J | | | But ages have come and gone andl i there have not been peace and good will among men. Nations have risen | against natfons, and millions of men | have died in the belief that it meant everlasting renown to be killed on the fleld of battle. By a perverse | logle, yar was glorified into a high { | and creditable human endeavor, a p Ehblisued Dally and Semi-Weekiy by BRITISH WHIG PUBL SHING CO, LIMITED : TELEPHONE vate Exchange, connecting all ate test of courage, of maphood. Instead | of the blessings to flow from peace | and good will, there have been dark- | ness and woe and tribulations ani | burdens too great\ for mortals to | bear. N r Yet that first Christmastide of the | long ago was the shining herald of the Christmas we are about to cele- brate. It will dawn, glow and wane amid conditions and hopes more har- monious with the prophecy of the angelic host than those of any prev- lous Christmas. For a new star has | appeared, and wise men of the earth ¥8.20| shrine of human weal and liberty. ~OF- TOWN REPRESENTATIVES, Onider, 22 St, John St. Montreu: W. Thompson ....100 King st. W. 'Toronto. f tern to the kalitor are yp Uver she Scisst Bume of tached is one of the best ing oftices in Canads. the Jon Tho circuindon, of THE BRATISH /WHIG is suthenticated by the i ABC Audit Bareau of Circulations : Tan : If winter comes, can the bills be far behind? After the Christmas cooing comes the January billing. - : © ¥ou can say almost anything with flowers except "Please remit." Funny about women. They always it a lot of clothes but wear so have come to worship at a new | Since the great world war savage and bloody fighting on European fields has shown that the horrors, suffering and privations of that ap- palling conflict have not frightened 'men from the battlefield; that fear alone cannot explain the turning of men from the glories and terrors of arms. It is something more: the song of the shepherds resounding in human hearts. Out of the polson gas and smoke and fire has come a new revelation, a new vision. Military heresies are fading like mists before a rising sun; the vigor of moral en mity is leaving the thews and sin- ews of warriors; and a love of peace for the sake of peace 4 thrilling tha heart of the world. THE FIELD OF HONOR. .. Dr. Baltazar Brum, dashing presi- dent of the republic of Uruguay, failing to obtain permission to fight a duel with a political opponent he. cause of his office, resigned. The two met, two shots were fired, and . 'Every time France rattles the 1 Spore Germany rattles the printing Well, a super-government would fo as well as a number of lesser say ments in the soup. Two more days to go, and already little Bobby is showing the strain of Hnaccustomed virtue, "What we can't understand is why economists haven't gained con- of the world's wealth, y Correct this sentence: "Ask your d bout it, son," sald the mother; 8 the boss around here." ou shouldn't have waited this 'to shop. The Christmas post- Is have been picked 'over badly. |- iri 'And yet the dogs of war who start re little more annoying than who are made big dogs by it. * ---- ee ---------- Drat it, "This every-day-andn- iry-way -busindis catches us with | full box of yeast tablets on hana. Blectric warming' pads for the * Respectfully called to 'the a'- | of those infimidated by the e two kinds of men: Reg- ys. and those who don't fael an ass 'when somebody brags t them. , ? A .----------. hen the advt. refers to her latest , you don't know whether it seven-reel feature or a dis- Bgs you must do alone, in putting oyer a compliment sted by the other | as the smoke cleared away it was found that neither was injured. The cause of the dispute was the charge that Brum was elected largely through fraud and the corruption of the poMee; but now that he has de fended his honor in personal combat if is. said bis resignation will not be accepted. ' Political candidates in this coun- try, successful and otherwise, no doubt would like fo express their contempt for their opponemts and critics in a similar fashion, but duel. ing is prohibited under the British flag. Here the only recourse of tie offended is to express his opinion of the other fellow in office, press, pul. pit. on the platform or in private, and he must be content that he can call his enemy names a hundred times worse than were applied to him. 5 An honest man here must have a liberal share of good citizenship and be a "glutton fof punishment' if Lg seeks public office. He is subjecied to mudslinging and mistrust, large. Iy because others in office have merited it, He cannot resch all his critics, for many of them work against him In whispers. Even ita slander reaches him, the best he can do to stop it Is to issue a denial, and that is exactly what the professional crook would do. Still, if duelling were permitted and the candidate wished to defend his homor in that manner, it would take him, perhaps, | ten years or longer to purge Kis dis. trict of mallelous gossipers. Sometimes irate candidates; on the theory that this isa government of laws, resort to the courts to de. fend thelr characters, but this is not always a wise expedient. We recall the story that a noted politician once refused to sue a newspaper, which Was dancing on the border line of libel in an effort fo defeat him for office, on the ground that the news. paper might prove the charges whielt 'It had made! - A MISNOMER. Every few days one reads in Tor ronto newspapers that a prisoner was found guilty of a violation of + | the law and "sent to Kingston" for a | term of years. This freely recurring What those unlearned and cares | 198 Toronto and ether wes\| Ontario seribblers; who phrase, man Say that a man has béen sent Kingston is like saying that wed place which has beautiful parks; a | place wheres unemployment was felt | the ieast in times of stress; a place whose flnancial position stands as high in the bond market as that of the bigger citles of Canada--ani altogether a small city in which life is worth living, Thousands of peo- ple living elsewhere would greatly enjoy being "sent to Kingston." + ALONG LIFE'S DETOUR BY SAM HILL Worn Te A Frassle. Oh, every day, in every way, You'll find, in prose and verse The parodies on Coue's stuff Are growing worse and worse. Observations of Oldest Inhabitant. 1 kin remember when they used to print a lady's picture to show what a pretty face she had, but the once over of the retogravure sections show they now priut it to show what pretty sllk-clad understanding she has. Times Have Changed. Blinks--"Well, since the dry have iorde the stuff cost so much can't afford tc drink enough to get Leadache any more." Jinks--*"If you drink the stuff they sell now you don't get a headache, but a neadstone. --r She Must Have Loved Him in Spite of His Name. (Marriage License in Pittsburg zette-Times) Spiredom P. Bubusis, Pittsburg, and Marie P. Wymer, Pittsburg. laws 1 a Ga- . Are They All Insured In Its Favor? ' (Clay County (Neb.) Sun) University will be glad to hear of the death of any of its alumni, ' Ho, Hum! We like the ladies, but They are so strange; Thoy always like a gift They can exchange. Kings Ain't What They Used To De. "King George's crown is sald to weigh 39 ounces," remarked Brown. '"hat"s probably 89 ounces more than his opinions we'gh," replied Black. -- Fool Questions, F. T. U. asks: "Does a cook eat all the bread she kneads?' We have heard this before, only the original merilontd the baker Instead of the cook; Lut, anyway, we refuse to an- sewer iL * Sears Least We Forget. To-morrow is positively the last day to start that early shopping. None of the stores will be open Bun- day, ® Afterward It Is Different, Ea? The bachelor has a bully time; His life is simply Sreat; The women always treat him fine While trying to change his state, ---R, B. H, . -------- Gems From Guide Book to Suceens, If you think you are more adapted to something different than your present employment, then--do some- thing different. By remaining dissat- fsfled you are injuring both your em- ployer and yourself--J. B. ¥. What She Would De. The two children of a Westwood man were discussing Christmas. The boy, the older, was trying to tease his fve-year-old sister, who has become quite a little lady since starting into kindergarten. "Well," gald the boy, "what would you do if Santa Claus brought yoy a buridie of switches as a Christmas glee" "I'd simply ignore it," little lady, with dignity. She Only Knocks, A. Gossip ltkes to use A bammer, but--Oh, fie! I never have seen one Who'll try to nall a le, ---- Daily Sentence Sermon. Dreams never dome true unless you wake up and hustle. ---- News of the Names Club, K. L.A sends word from Ha is burg that O, Gloom, of that pings, is one of the most cheerful men he knows, S Will Falter, of Oklahoma City, aid not for ome minute when he marched bravely up to the altar last week ang was married. replied the # Shite 1s meaniaties ss it stanam BF ¢ | vieve Ledger's reading of the school! paper was very much enjoyed. | In the course of the evening Miss | {Chown was presented with an onyx | |ring and Miss Leggett with a string | {ot pearls, the address being read by | | Miss Gretta Beresford and presenta- | {tions made by Miss Mildred Jackson, Both these ladies are severing their { connections with the staff at Christ mas, much to the regret of parents and pupils. Miss Fox was also pre- sented with a lovely box of choco- lates. _After refreshments were ser- ved, dancing was indulged in for a couple of hours. The Dixie Five provided the music. Mrs. Merrill Belfie and little daughter, of Finch, are here for the Christmas holidays with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Cooper. Mr. Belfie will join them on Saturday, Mrs. John Phillips and Miss Ella Phillips were in Kingston Yesterday. Mrs. William Baker and children are the guests of Mr, ang Mrs. Thom- as Baker. i Miss Ella Richardson, Royal Vie-| toria Hospital, is the guest of Mr. | and Mrs. David Mitchell. Miss Margaret Taylor, Kingston, was in town for the 'At Home" last night. Mrs. A. W. White left for Kitch- ener today. t Miss Rhea Haynes, who has been | quite iI; is reported as being con- siderably better the past couple of days, Mrs. W, B. Rees and Miss Audrey Rees returned from Toronto last night. Mrs. Walker, Buffalo, is visiting her sister, Mrs. W. Balfour Mudie. Mrs. Harry Barnes, Ottawa, is vis- iting her mother, Mrs. W. H. Brit- ton. Mrs. W. B. Mudie and Miss Agnes Johnston were in Kingston yester- day. Dr. BE. P. Doolittle, who addressed the local branch of the Motor Lea- gue in the town hall last evening, Was greeted by a capacity = attend ance of representativa citizens. BUY A MAN'S GIFT IN A MAN'S STORE. #7 -- SEE OUR NOBRBY $30.00 YOUNG MEN'S ULSTERS "THE RIPLEY" Something extra special. Pure wool, checked back Tweed, in new color- ing. SEE OUR NEW SUIT Just arrived this week "THE LLYOD" Neat hair line English Wor'd--new two-button, double breasted style. Hand-tailored for . . . . cen. $35.00 SEE OUR $7.50 HOUSE SLIPPERS and SMOKING JACKETS $9.50 to $22.50, Our di lay of SILK MUFFLERS and SCARFS is a real beauty show. See our MEN'S UMBRELLAS : at $2.50, $2.75 and $3.00 ~ . BIBBY'S Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Sampson in- vited a few friends for dinner last evening to meet Dr, BE. P. Doolittle. | ep eee-- BLUNDERS 4Granting that he couldn't avoid breaking the ink bottle, is everything else all right? The answer will be to-day's want ads. Copyright, 1922, Associated Editors, a ---------------- ets tttmtants Our Canadian Question And Answer. Corner tind Q.--What is the extent aml value of Canada's sheep industry? A.--Canada's sheep industry num- ber 3,675,860 sheep, valued at $28, 000,000 a falling off of an equal Sum since 1919. 3 Q-~--What is Canada's wheat pro- duction jn comparison with other sountries? } A.--In 1921 the United States was the world's first wheat producer, while Canada rose from the third place she held the year before to that of second among the wheat pro rducing countries of the world, Sena- tor Calder, of New York, predicted in 1922 that "the United States wil soon fall behind Canada in the pro- duction of wheat. The Dominion will develop several times the wheat acregare of the United States." rr found among ------ _--- 5 MOORE'S TOYLAND 'THE TOY STORE OF KINGSTON OPEN EVERY EVENING. It is worth while shop- ping in the morning. No na "Jt will pay you to, Shop Early, 2 We might suggest a few of the thousands of Toys in our store; --s Plush Animals. Games of all kinds. «» Tricycles. Hockey Skates and Electric Trains. Sticks. Sleighs. Drums. Paints. Automobiles. Picture and Building Kiddie Kars. Blocks. Mouth Organs, Meccano and Erector © Mechanical Toys Sets. the thousand. 'Dolls, full jointed. Ma-Ma Dolls. Dolls Carriages. Dolls Dresses. Dolls Furniture. Story Books, Tree Decorations. Dishes and Tea Sets. Kindergarten Sets. Teddy , by [ors HARDWARE King St. | McCLARY'S : "TECUMSEH RANGE" The Finest Range McClary's Ever Made, he Come and see it. You can wave tine snd be sure of finding something ap- propriate if you shop here. French Ivory--beautiful sets or in separate pieces. Rolls. :