4 THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG FARMER AND DAUGHTER | ARE BURNED TO" DEATH A Christmas | Evening Tragedy Near Brighton--Rescue Atlompt Fails. Brighton, Dee. 26, Ch as fos- tivites In thé home of W Fir- man, two miles from this vill 258, | terminated in tragedy last Mr. Firman and his ter were burned to death which destroyed Mrs. Firman 1d a 12-yea escaped, but their herolec efforts to rescus the other two members of the family were unsuccessful st infar the . Mr. Firman early in tho evening] t fell asleep on a lounge, his ttle daughter sleeping beside him. house caught fire from an overheat ed or defective furnace connection. It is thought that Firman, when he awoke, was immediately overcome | by smoke and unable to make his | escape. Meantime the wife and son, | after unsuccesaful attempts to save | 'him and the child, made a difficult escape from the blazing house. Mr. Firman was about 65 years of age, and, in addNion to bel: 1% & pros- perous farmer, was the driver of a | rural mail route. He had lived in this section all his life and for some years taught school. Start the Whig's new story "If Win- ter Comes," with the beginning of the New Year. Hutcheson's famous nove! will begin in the Whig on January sec ond- Fire on James section of Sault Ste. ) age of twenty thousand ar a quarter of a business block. The Pulford block valued at a sqquarter of a million was burned at Winnipeg. Christmas telephone messages have been sent from Cuba to Can- ada. the Italian farie, caused dam 1d wiped out street in HEADACHE, BILIOUSNESS Jill BTR INDIGESTION, KIDNEYS, LIVER, EILTIC | | 15 Give a Clock for Christmas Priced from $2.00--$15.00 L. C. HEMSLEY Watchmaker from R. J. Rodger 149 Sydenham St. Just off Princess EVERSHARP PENCILS REPAIRED We are equipped to make ] any r Hairs to above pencils. We carry a supply of parts. Prompt service. J. R. C. Dobbs & Co. 41 Clarence Street, Kingston, | partment. | end of November totalled $544,446, | 720 as compared with $531,491,42% | THE ARBUCKLE FILMS BANNED IN ONTARIO They Cannot Be Produced in This Province, 80 the Censors Say. Dec. Toronto The ban on 26 | the presentation in Ontario of Fat- y Arbuckle films remains exactly as It was when put into effact following the arrest of Arbuckle in the Holly- wood case. Action looking to tho of the prohibitory order has WAS » office of the ensors, today, in ¥ to an inquiry as to whether Ar- buckle pictures would be shown | in Ontario In consequence of ion of Will H. Hayes, head e influstry, to give the fat comedian a chance to come back. It | improbable that the Ontario board | will be In any way influenced by any be taken by t a | action which may censors across the line, C ANADA HAS A DRUG PROBLEM Dr Amyot, Deputy Minister of 5 a speech in Ottawa last leclared that Canada has be- tween 12,000 and 15.000 drug addicts who constitute a ser{pus menace thee Dominton His department ig at work combating the oF - week Increase In Canada's Saving Bank Accounts Ottawa, Dec. 26.--An increase of over eleven million dollars in the | total amount' of savings deposits in Canadian banks in"Noveriber and of | nearly thirteen millions in deman. deposits is shown by the statemen* issued today through the finance de- Demand deposits at the at the close of the previous month. Notice deposits totalzed $1,167,609,- 065 as against 131, 156,442,453 on { October 31st. Mrs . Connaughton's Hearing Postponed Till Thursday Sudbury, Dec. 26.--Mrs. Sail Connaughton, Chapleau, accused ot the murder of John McKee, did not appear for preliminary hearing at the police court this morning. A re- quest for adjournment to Thursday morning was granted as witnesses would have had to leave their homes In Chapleau on Christmas day if the hearing had proceeded today. The local court . house was crowded, mostly with women. A plea of not guilty has been entered by G. M. Miller, defendant's counsel. "If Winter Comes--can spring be far behind?" No, not very, and while you are waiting for it read "If Winter Comes," starting in the Whig on Jan- lary second. A. E. M. Hutchinson wrote "If Win- ¢: Comes" and hecarae famous, Read it in the Daily British Whig, starting on January second. the in- |, rr ------ BERNHARDT IMPROVED AND IS ABLE TO RISE Great French Actress Uses Mysterious Will Power to Fight Off Death. Paria, Dec. 26.--S8arah Bernhardt | s greatly improved to-day, and was | able to rise, The famous actress, who | has been critically {11 for a woplk, brought rejoic ing 0 r fMends and prominent ial and theatrical = per had gath d at her Moute upon re- | | ports that ibe was dying, by recover- | {Ing from a severe relapse and getting | up out of bed, Mme. Bernhardt was. | stricken with a fait'ng spell Decem- | ber 17h during final rehearsal of | {Sacha Guilry"s new play. Despite the | 1] eritcal nature of her illness, the | |tragedienne used the mysterious will | power to fight off sinking spells, de- clared that if she must dle she would do so while actually on the stage. PEDDLERS TO FIGHT RETAIL MERCHANTS Quebec, one of the oldest and { will exceed a million dollars. {the work of an incendiary was -- | rain, of Quebec. Quebec, Dec.26.--Fér that they | ®----------r will be liable to a very heavy license | i CATARAQUI'S ELECTRIC LIGHTS. to operate an this province if the re- ---- commendations of the Retail Meo 'reh- | Public School Christmas Closing-- ants Association are accepted, has | Water Shortage' Continues. prompted the peddlers in this prov- Cataraqui, Dec. 23.--The electric ince to start organizing and forming | | lights have arrived. The rectory an association to protect their rights. { and the two stores were brilliantly This will likely be the first "peddlers" | illuminated last evening. Other association in Canada and is to Tesi | people are now expecting the power some of the demands made by the re- { very shorth "The transform re tail merchants by which they would be | ¥ Eh0rLiy, 8 ire ofs ars ficensed at a ra'. of $1,000 in each dis. | Bt In place, as yet. trict where they operate. | The puplis of the public school on { Thursday evening put on a very fine | concert, under the able manage- Beck Terms Story As | ment of their teacher, Miss M. Sigs- Bordering on Insanity i worth. Dialogues, recitations, solos, duets, choruses and ete., were well Pec 26 Sir Adam Beck rendered, showing careful training, today characterized as absurd ang bor. | 30d an enjoyable evening was spent | a ring on insauity the story that he| DY Doth entertainers and the enter- | «as an option ficin the Pennysivinia | tained. Santa Claus distributed | ratinay to get two cf the six tracks on | Bifts from a well-laden. tree. the water front ana intends to sell the Mrsp James Gordon Is recovering rights for $40,000, 000. The Hydro chair | from a very serious and tedious at- map said: "This story should net al | tack of pleuro-pneumonia. Miss AR* armi anybody. There is no authority | freda Morley has been out of schoc! whatever vested 'in the Hydro com- | on account of iliness. . rasston to dispose of any properties | Many of the people here are short whatever. Under the radial 1a} lway | of water and those with much stock act, the Hydro may administer on be- | are drawing water from the creek half of the munic'palities." { Mrs. C. L. Edwards and daughter | Bess, . have arrived from British | Columbia to spend Christmas. with { her parents, Dr. and Mrs. Edwards. Mrs. Wise is improving after under- going an operation in the Kingston General hospital. ization in the Proyince of Quebec. Toronto, Thunder Bay Released. Port Colborne, Dec, 26. -- The steamer 'Thunder Bay, which has ! = been ashore on Morgan's Point since { a > December 14th, was released last ) ; night, and is now in Port Colborue harbor with about half of her carga of grain dry, and the other half wet, The steamer will be taken to Buffalo in a day or two if the weather con- ditions permit. No Election in Pembroke. Pembroke, Dec. 26 --There will be no municipal elections here January 1st. Three were nominated for both mayor and Reeve, but owing to the | fect that none cf the new nominees | qualified by the specified time Mayor W. L. Smyth and Reeve A. M. Thompscn WHI carry on for another year, DRAWS FIRE OF DEPARTMENT. Dr. W. J. Roche, chairman .of the] Civil Service Commission, has been tak-| -- en to task for his address before the Ottawa Rotary Club this week, on the| Henry R. Williams, held by the po- subject of civil Service reform. {lice of London, Ont. charged with | negligently driving his auto into the | parading Salvation Army, injuring six members: MURDER FOLLOWS FEUD. . HISTORIC QUEBEC BASILICA DESTROYED BY FIRE. Dating back several centuries, They Are Starting an Organ- in ruins, together with its numerous art treasures. The loss _ Dressed Spruce New stocks of select grades from the best mills in Quebec and New Brunswick. ALLAN LUMBER (0. VICTORIA STREET. "Phone 1042. | a a ge He's Not A Safe-Cracker although he may look Ifke one from the ploture, He's only one of our welders melting and mend- ing & metal part. By our welding process we can save all of your costly juvestment in machinery which would be lost if you had to replace vital parts. We ca n.end those parts and restore their cfficiency. ? Machine KING AND QUEEN STREETS DAINTY CAFE The place where dining out is truly a delight 4 the . French basilica at finest churches in Canada, is Definite word that the fire was given by Chief Detective Lor- ty In view of rumors that outrages were contemplated during the celebra- tion of midnight mass, special police squads guarded Roman Catholic chur- ches, Montreal, Sunday night. Over 150,000 people attended midnight mass in Montreal. CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears Z g 2 the Special Sale of Dining Room Furniture PRINCESS ST. OPPOSITE BIBEY'S Suites in Oak, Golden Finish. 6 Chairs, including | arm, geuine leather: Buffett, large case, best quality of Mirrors. Extension Tables for $100. Oak Finished Suites, $75 up. - Solid Walnut Suites, worth $350, for $300. Solid Walnut Suites, 8 pieces, worth $275, for $225. Place Your Order Now for Our Scotch Shortbread, Made With Best Creamery Butter. "WE USE NO SUBSTITUTES." F. C. HAMBROOK 115 BROCK STR! PHONE 1025w. NIN RADIO "rE We are offering a number of Connecticut Phone Head Sets, 8000 ohm at $6.00. These are high-grade and worth $8.00. Radio and Electric supplies of all kinds. ay sets in. Halliday Electric Co. CORNER KING AND PRINCESS STS. 1923 IS RADIO YEAR Girl to Wear Bridal Gown to Christ. | mas Funeral. | Weirton, W. Va, Dec. 26.--Miss Mary Tingley, wore her bridal gown to the funeral of Roy Ledson, her fi- ance, Christmas morning. A family | feud brought an abrupt ending to the! wedding plans when Ledson was kill- ed at sunrise Friday. The couple re! to have been married Saturday. James | Pearson, formally accused of the slay- ing, is still at large in the hills, hunted | by Ohio deputies and West Virginia state police. Both the Ledsons and the Pearsons are prominent families in this section: The cause of the feud between them has not been divulged. Skate, Curl and Play Golf In Calgary on Christmas Ca algary, Dec. 26.--A unique fea- ture of Christmas Day was the co- incidence of skating, curling and golfing all at the same time. Goll- ers enjoyed themselves on all city links, the chinook winds of the past days having completely cleanad the fairways of snow. More than 100 enthusiasts playad at the Municipal Club over the week-end. The death ocourred of Miss Julia Tighe, a respected resident of Broeck- ville, at St. Vincent de Paul Hos- pial after a brief fllness 'The late Invest in many years of real pleasure by in- stalling a good Radio Set. f you wish, we'll put one in your 'home on trial or will show you how you can a s- semble your own. Drop in and talk it over. Open Every Evening. New Style Vernier Rheostats Just Arrived. CANADA RADIO STORES 36934 Princess Street Phone 12073, So eu Jf Miss Tighe was born in Brockville, sixty-four years ago, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs, John Tighe. To-day's Radio Programme. } 'Wednesday, December 27. WGY (Schenectady, N.Y.) 400 meters, General Electric Co. 12.30 pm.~--~Noon stock merket quotations. 12.45 p.m. -- Weather 485 meters. 2 p.m.--Music, report on 6 p.m.--Produce and stock market quotations; news bulletins, Otto H. Kahn, New York banker, announced a plan for easy payment by Europe of debts to the United States rs ci prt lood's Pills painless, purely vegetable ho cure billousness, con- stipation, all liver ills. Pleasant to take. 'Work every time. 25c. China Cabinets, Extension Tables, ROBT. J. REID 22 Years of Good Furniture. Directors of Funeral Service Ambulance 577. airs. VION) Dy D2 DIS) The best Fine Cut Tobacco for Rolling Your Own. 15¢ per packet ~ %Ib. tin 80% OGDEN'S LIVERPOOL