THE MONDAY, JANUARY 15, 1923, a "reat al" Say The Lily-Handed, On First Meeting "Old Man Work" The Liver Is the Road to As happy as seems Evelyn Greely, I think I can go her one better. For when I smoke STROLLERS quite freely [feel that the world is my debtor." x = Princess; caval A Limerick Contest T= Tobacco Products Corporation of Canada, Limited, offer $500 in cash for the best Limericks sent them before Feb. 15. 395 other prizes are also offered. Select as many movie stars as you like and make up Limericks Shout them and STROLLERS, "the cigarette with the original vor." : Write your Limerick plainly on a sheet of paper, and at the bot- tom of the sheet write your name and address. Attach to your entry a picture of the The Tobacco Products Corporation of movie star you have written about. Canada, Limited. This picture must be taken from a The judges will consider every Limer- packet of STROLLERS Cigarettes, ick sent in and the best Limerick will be each packet of which contains a picture awarded the first prize, the next best the of some famous movie star. Any con- second prize, and soon. testant may submit as many Limericks Prize winners will be announced inthe 'as he wishes if each Limerick is accom- daily newspapers, Saturday, March 3. panied by a picture of the star written First Prizes" _......... $300 Cash about. . rs pn) Mail your entry to the Movie Con- i i : " a - . test Dept., Tobacco Products Corp., a We Genaral resforiond a dirty shiré_to Hs. oridinal integrity 10 for 15¢ ; 38 Cathcart Street, Montreal, Que., i i 33 INEW YORK Honest toil,"a3" sich," is" not "half bad" in +06 not later than Thursday, February 15th, One hundred prizes of packages of Sxpretsed estimation of several to cr it is absolutely new, but who 25 for 35¢ No entry will be accepted postmarked 25 S7ROLLERS. : : ve been forced to look Old Man Work squarely in the face as the after that date. All Limericks sub- Two hundred and ninety-five prizes result of upset world conditions. mitted will become the property of of packages of 10 STROLLERS. News that Princess Michael Murat, of Paris, has just opened a Get a of S # today and get into the pack troller Ly tT gam _ tam in July th & quartette of neatly capped and aproned Whitresses 0 % gz " em baronesses--and found it "just lovely." has insnired TOBACCO PRODUCTS CORPORATION OF CANADA, LIMITED 38 CATHCART sT. MONTREAL, CANADA another lowly toiler to express similar sentiments. Major Gereral Sergei Yenenco, late of the Imperial Russian (they have generals in the Russian navy), a Kingston Taxi Service PHONE 960 Have moved from King Street to thelr new Livery CORNER OF BAGOT AND BROCK STREET fehend of hshiment. { ate r and a former land owner in R Le- = "3 forced to flee from the Bolsheviks and is now making a living runnine : Wr *.amsll hand Javdry Su Sper Fifth Avenue. Ju st say _ I'he General, registering contentment, was sna b; 0 ©grapher while restoring e dirty shirt to its ol tnetiy é A 4 ' en W. J. GALLAGHER, R. ORWELL Proprietors. Scottish Maid To Be England's Queen - Or Just A Plain Duchess? testes sen Hard and Soft Wood and Slabs cut to any length. KENNY & FALLON 187-141 ySKERGY STREST ed on his heel and left the bungalow, ' chance?" and from that tinge he most carefully "Yes, Teddy, they fly away some- avoided the Australian. The Austra- | times, but even then they come back lian left for a trip and his cockatoo | occasionally. They are easily- tamed, | other things that bird, but he never WHITE COOKATOO0S. , said them except once. I must tell you "His words mean nothing, it Is true,' about that. Though full often it would seem Sy They say the things he wants them to, ------ EVERSHARP PENCILS REPAIRED We' are equipped to make ny MJairs to above pencils, We carry a supply of parts, hen he can't explain by scream." . . "There are plenty of white cocka. | The Disgusted Missionary toos around Port Moresby, Teddy,| "There was an Australian living on and I am sure," said Uncle Frank, the beach, who had some sort of a "that you would not be long there| government job. He owned the bird without getting one as a pet. If they| in question and had evidently abused are as common as they were when I| the bird for its destructive habits. In lived there, it is probable that you! course of time a missionary came to would get one without the trouble of | live on the beach, and he went one af. going to look for it. I have told you| ternoon to call on the Australian. He already that we sed to make soup of | Was a sandy haired man, and you can them when there was nothing else to imagine his disgust when he was greet. be had. I expect thet you have seen| ed with: "Get out, you red-headed » dng a white cockatoo with its wonderful| scamp--get out." The missionary turn brimstone-colored crest. used to visit everyone. It was at my but they can make a mess of od bungalow that he again encountered | furniture with their sharp beaks. They the missionary. The good man was | are best kept on the verandah." coming up the steps as usual, when | To-morrow Uncle Frank tells about suddenly the cockatoo, who was sitt- some curious modes of burial. ing on the verandah rail, put up his | Sen N oinin crest. "Get out, you red-headed scamp --get out," he growled. You should Best for all liver lla, Ty A i ae have seen the missionary's face, Ted- ry. It was too funny for words." "And people let their cockatoos fly around loose, do they, Uncle? Don't they fly away when they have the NNN PNAS i It raises ay sisi ~ Special Sale of Dining Room Fu Prompt service, J. R. C. Dobbs & Co. 41 Clarence Street, Kingston, crest when it is annoyed or alarmed, | and they are really handsome birds. They live in captivity and become very tame, which is more than can be said for the black cockatoo, which is very fierce, and dies in captivity. I have seen a black cockatoo in the distance| once or twice, but they are rare birds; in comparison with their white cou- sins. There were a number of tame birds around the bungalows on the beach, and one or two of them could talk rather well. People will tell you, Teddy, that birds do not know what they are saying, and that may be so, but I think differently myself. All birds and animals talk to one another as I have told you more than once, and I am not so sure that birds do not get to understand the meaning of the words they are taught to say in 3 : i PE ny | course of time. It is certain that they ARE and : B10 aki IE. ] use the words in the right places very ii BP PRETE il Be I TT I 1% frequently. . " " Hi "Did you ever have one that talked, : IME WIRY Uncle?, asked Teddy. Some parrots R : A TN SS MIN i swear like troopers I have been told, N i = ol and I should Mate to think that they knew what they were saying. . "You can score that point, Teddy, but do you think the men, who taught them, knew what they were saying? The men were probably human par- 'rots so that will not stand as an &r. Jgument against parrots understanding at times. I did not own one, but th was an old bird that ied to Jy ime my bungalow now and then. He to put his head on one side and say: "Cocki want kalkai" He certainly ed, and he also pbs ' 1 'Suites in Oak, Golden Finish. 6 Chairs, including | arm, geuine leather. Buffett, large case, best quality of Mirrors. Extension Tables for $100. Oak F. Suites, $75 up. Solid Walnut Suites, worth $350, for $300. Solid Walnut Suites, 8 pieces, worth $275, for $225. ina Cabinets, Extension Tables, Chairs. 1 ROBT. J. REID 22 Years of Good Furniture. Directors of Funeral Service