Daily British Whig (1850), 15 Jan 1923, p. 13

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MUSDAY, JANUARY 15, 1923, THE DAILY BR ITISH WHIG. | | Somebody Has F und What You've Lost. 2 -- | _Employment _ | Rooms For Rent | Che British Whig | eS | Te = Ss SP ORTING NEWS ah Britis ONT. 8 FIRE AT romobile tat aera Toa RPT roar Ca | Fame For Housckeoping 40 ' E--Automobile and Casualty Tnsur~! TEACHER--Prolesiant, normal train-| FLATS Two, sultable for ight houses d. Sie | CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING. Mis BE Srumiey, 420 Earl| "oq for 8. S. No. 5. Wolfe Jsland De Keeping: furnished or unfurnished, potiies Detcgs Circle Six. . | interes, yibzinrsizct 3u8 povsiar Why Do You Turn T yy nT RNR IR RR ERT pk The Granites defeated Circle Six : ring tv y 0 ou urn 0 nt ©¥ is what you need. Fire) to William Cooper, Route 2, Wolfe fs-| streets. by 5 to 0 in the opening game of THE BAST, J. SMITH System | . 3 ap > Williams, Coupes Br | | ROOMS wa of Tires. 15s, Nght Houde: c., 1 .» Pa. g i Your Phone Book ' 1 AT Situations Wanted--Female 88 and gas Ad 368 Barrie street oF | Group "B," Senior City League, at i i the Palace rink on Saturday after. All ads. are restricted to their ; companies esented. Strange & NURSE--Tralned, open for e EaBe-| phone 117 ¥ - {| broper classification, and to the Strange, e ed in 1860. Office: 95 ° J | RO Two, furnished Boon. The play was fast and furl-| regular Lally Whig style of type. Because you want to find out how to each some- | Clare: pposite Post Office. | apecia 2 gases taken Chatsiion u| ROH Tw Suraished, for ~WHght ous for the entire gixty minutes, bu! | "LASSIFIED RATES one with whom you want to get in immediatetoucj. | 1 NCE--Flre, life, accident and K _2428w. _____- | for cooking and all other convenis the heavy Granites soon proved their | It's easy to find the right number--bemuse every ess insurance. In reliable come | | ences. Apply 438 Princess street, panies. J. HB. Cooke, District Manager a ------ Phones: ites. s42w. Office 508W, ___ Financial Wanted--Rooms or Board 78 iority Daiiy rate per consecutive y y ! superiority. The losers are a light- y ves lide of name in the book is listed in alphabetical oder. er and less experienced team, but | Minimum charge, 25 cents. Did you ever think of the A-B-C Classifiel Section in { | INSURANCE--ALl branches, Rxesisior ~~ Money to Loan 30 | ROOMS--For light housekeeping 18 many of their followers assert that | Charge. Casa the same connection? | Life Doral, Exchange Sia ry FRONTENAC--Loan and Tavestment| bs Pe eo Whig Off Hunter Oglivie, 107 Gore street. Society, Incorporated 1861. Erssidwn, "aE 3 8 i ; ckle, 1 they will yet win out in the series y4 4 'hen there' mething v ran Ww ; CS "a 4 When there's something you want to bus, when you W. F. Nickle, K.C.; vice-president, A. Real ate | or Re t Smid SE aa cman. B. Cunningham. Money issued on city mae a en of five games that are being played | 3 crracanseres 8 $ want to find a place to live, whenever you hase some need a 8 ten for the championship of the group. ; One dusertion, Shasged, to be filled--you can find the person you want to reach Moving, Trucking, Storage 35| nd farm yhiopertisn; municipal and Business Piaces For Rent 18 The winners of the series will | yi cash, 3100 : : through these little ads SHES --Cleaned oul uf cellars and] apon: Het Bret wi le LODGE ROOMS --Hooma on King st - » , . . J u . , i. play off with the winners of Group | «ard of Thanks sad Memoriam And it's just as simple as looking up 1 number in rds, clean Job dune. | A, MacGregor, | sits received and interest allowed.| --formarly ecoupied by the LO. i A," who are now in the midst of a | ZIotices--Charged, 31.50; cash, 31.00, your 'phone book--because every offer is Isted in "'A- Rufscll Street. Phone 2385. | RC Cartwright, manager, 31 Clarence| A RE Rad De tae fm. struggle of supremacy which has | Advertising ordersd for irre B-C*' order under one of the numerically armnged classi | 2Ausal De RusieTieey £5ca| Jost Kies = SAPDIY uh Ww Fock alien 2% ange ir. | insertions takes the une-time in fications - ae! aL Sheeapress and mov. | at 1 Pine street. never been equalled in the city tion rate; no ad. taken for less than . : DE rT AOA ly DICRs, 10d MOTO ne dE league. bens of Loar fis You can save time--and worry--and money--by fol- Siitfeel, Next to Armouries. Phone ) H For Rent Granites--Holman, goal: Beckett Count six average words to the lowing this-satisfaction-service regularly. | STORAGE --F or Trice, clean, dry, PRURESTRA Yuil dines or re HOUSES---Ros, hp 85 47 Sondesglon * . ha airy rooms and spaces; your own | e g8er success you e ch. 2 deau m fd Gast, defence; Purdy, gentees aarp Mi Ye acta THE A-B-C CLASSIFIED ADS and key. Irust's City Storage, Den Siaheera Botlety Qrehesira. ed venta aS oe os, » ow » wings; ! CA hi 9 g St. P 836. i . or *. Te [reneer, 2 ng - e reason eo. AP- 8 g ish Whig office within 6 days from ALWAYS THE SAME--IN SERVICE BL Fhe ais. Res $83 Btrogt \ ply M. Susman, Phone 938w. Fowler and Rice, subs. the 27st day of laertion, can Ale ALWAYS DIFFERENT--IN OPPORTUNITY. inting, Faperiog, Decorating $6 | SRCHESTRA -- Harmony Six, for| 83 RIDEAU STREET Ware sisi Phone 1087. | al will be allowed. i Circle Six-----Matheson, goal; E.| Ads. ordered Tor more than one 8a : care dances, soglal evenings, banquets or| house, 5 rooms, 3-piece ruace, Morris and McKelvey, defence; Mc-| and stopped before expiration wiil PAINTING--J, S. Robinson, rear 275) concerts. For engagements Appl Art a9 electricity, rent moderate, Apply Pherson, centre; Reid and Leggett only be charged for the nuraber of ; Bagot Street. Christmas, 363 Queen St. Tel 102im.| 47 Rideau street. Suite; geet, | aly be charged for the nutaber of ou OHCHEWTRA--Clars Bin th and bl or- Bums Props 5 wings; Orwell, sub. | ment made at the rate earned. ,. | PAINTING --Paperiz Decorating "--.| chestra for all sotial functions. Perc a ¥ . Referee--*Jack'" Powell Raie per line for white space is ee --,--€,S,---------- first class work and work guaranteed.| Otten, corner Clergy W. and Division. | BAJUS BREWERY For sale or to 18h the same as a ling of type. = ; | €ail or phone A. Anderson, 156 Bagot | Iw ngagement Apply G. M. Macdonell, X.C, 38 Clar- ---- Special rate for yearly advertising 1 d to Classifications Announcements | Sire . Phone 1986. == me fr Toe ence Street. Gibson Starrod { upon request. ndex : ost anda ------7p | PAINTING--And Faperhunging: Work: Merchandise -- rt : Publishers reserve the right to edit The following classification headings Lost and Found | mauship guaranteed: os nr o| Bem Real Estate Fi Sal As in the Varsity-University of or reject all ciassified advertising appear in this newspaper in the numer-| -- | our choice selection oF Wail Py Ll - Articles For Sale B81 | moe Te EY or Sale Montreal game on the same day, | SOPY. foal order here given, closely allied | R. Lyons, 3i4 Barrie Street, Phone ALARM CLOCKS--~We have a good Houses For Sale overtime was necessary to settle the | cakes, o> 0% for & want ad. | aiassifieations being grouped together | Ord please | _358w. oh] "Variety of latin clocks at $1.35 and se 08 | 'taker, The Individual advertisements 2 harm opr | PAINTING Pane ee 00. 3 8 . ju g Nene denham street | PAINTING--Papern Decorating up to $2.00. G. W. Lyons, jeweller, ree 8 An g A Queéns's-McGill mateh in Montreal A ee ich reference. JL WRIST WATE La fed. | Glasing, Hardwood 1'leor Finishing Wo stores, 244 and 267 Princess St. on Saturday. At full time the core | yy rauehiont Cgnada and the United i nesday evening. Nime on ba ind-| ete, Hrst class work, reasonable ANTIQUES --One complete walnut din- da tood two all and in the ten min- |g BUSINESS SERVICE. er please return fo 243 Sydenham | Prices. Wallpaper samples. Estimates| Ing-room set, $88; 8 grandfather's| BATEMANS REAL ESTATIA 3 ¢ i Git : 1 States, x Street and receive A reward. tted. A. Mounteer, 208 Alfred Sioulst one solonial mahogany dress- 0 vertime itbson scored | 5 3 1 2 Engagements. oF 3 HET RE Ha SSE ZR er; roifzes. ses ' Anti Shop. a N yo . Sth OD ih Bend There seems to Le a shortage of gazome GOLD IND: NT host, With. White ___ Professional Bervices 28 phone 1045w, OLE inces, lau °F! $1000--4 roomed frame house, north ' ce oO ow _|materfal in the broad and high- Deaths. ribbon. Reward if returned to Miss ARCHITECTS--Power, Son and Drever BE Nice yearling, By the QuAFier. end, large lot. i @nd once alone. The previous tWo|y,mping events, and Mr. Blake 'feels 3-18 Memsilam. Mary Dickson at.Sleacy's Limited. rock men Weinacnambers, corner o nteed lender. Hinds Sc. "Fronts 3; 900--Frame house. 7 rooms 'and Sodis had Bees Hxvked uy hy Suit {that if he is able to entice some of 4--Funeral Directors. : KEY--Found, for Yale lock, and street | Ohler === | days. Phere ass "7248s and Satur-| "siable, for quick sale. an eynolds. oucher, 0! = 141 n ¥ 5 f--Funeral IPlowers. car check. Owner may have same at| ___ actd 28c, | -0 One : eer e nib Flo on Friday was weak, jihe younger members into this Sec 6--Cemetery Lots, Monuments Gilbert's Grocery, 194 Barrie Street. i MARCELIS--Wm., A, D.C, Ph.C., cor- BOBSLEIGHS--McNaimee's patent, sai. | 33,800--8tone, 12 rooms, good location, tion : ing vevetssl o {tion that his"~worries will be very 7--Lodg® Notices. MUFF --Found Fs bikck néar Cat.| her Princess ang Barrle Stee Oa Biaction gusraniced, prices right 845| Rents $45 a month, showed a surprising revers ! much lessened. During the compe §---Coming Events. araqui crossing. Dwner 'may have for, Barrie Bt entrance, Kingston, Be e before buyi: Bas gt¥eat. 00-- ; form and starred throughout. The |. i ; . 9--Personals. same at 64 Rideau Street | Ont Consultation free.' Telephone! ie mc 2ciors buying. Phone 2293w.| §1.500--Grocery business, good running p titions last year the Kingstonians 10--Lost and Found. PAIR OF RUBS i Ad ToT Hours 9 to 12 am. 1 to 6 p.m. BRICK---quantity of hard and soft. Ap-| Pusiness. Rent $25 monthly, teams were: made a first-rate showing when the ; i ALR of it oftice Rouly Bone | CUCY=DF. George Fa Di Jonnie XK | BY B. KE. Wathen. 143 Nelgon street 5 Goil. Quinn: defence, : r 0 AUTOMOBILES lobby 2% the nost bifice. Apply Post-| Lt = re J uparafieinis A!" Bilong 613 or Phohe 1001) Queen's-- oa, Rios = n riemberships of the organizations in A --Automobile Agencles _master James Stewart. aL ache Bat inte be-| BICYCLES--Cleveland and Columbla| HOUSE~To rent, $10, and 4 rooms, §1a. Reynolds and Smith; centre, Bouch- |1, gor citios are taken into consider- 1i--Automobiles For Sate ROLL oF PAPERS Lost, containing | twecn Prin and Brock. °Telephone| Bicycles stored for winter; Baby Car- : er; wings, Brown and Gibson; subs., | 4:00 13--AutoTruhs For Sale. = musts: Jrohabiy lett in one of 943w. Hours 9 to 12 a.m. 1 to 6, and| riage repair work done; Skates sharp- i 13--Auto Accessories -- h tores on Princess Street, found.| 7 to 9 p.m. Spinal analysis and con-| ened and hollow ground at Muller's Bi- BATEMAN'S REAL ESTATE McDonald and Bond. 14--Carages--Autos for Hire--Taxi kindly advise Capj. Alfred Light, R. C. itatt le W - 3 > 1 Payclos and Bicycles. HOA uitanion Sree Residential calls by ile Works, 371-3 King Street. Phone McGill--Goal, Morris; = defence, | Serv IT) oat five Teale olen RE EE irae 159 Wellingto Dempsey and McGerrigle; centre, FIRE IN ATHED lL 16--Repairing--Service Stations ¥iT3 oat Ave JoarTE betwee St. 3 rr ellington Strest. 2 3 17--Wanted--aA uto Lawrence and Alwington, on King Dental 28d. | COAT---Man's Coon, in good condition Morrison; wings, Flamagen aud! BUSINESS SERVICE return to 137 Klug West Der Please| SEXRKS §& SPARKS -- Dentists. 168] APPIY Box M-13, Whig Office. Proulx. WAS TAKEN IN I 18--Business' Servieds Oftered. ------ -- Ne iinglon street, corner of Broek -- ™ 4 { 19--Bullding--Oontraciing. i RUBBER--Found, on Kihg S Own PPD Deer SHis5 | © y' | | 0--Cleaning--IDiyeing--Renovating. A "ound, on ng Street. Qwn- KNAPP--DT. A.B. " - COAT---Lady's persian lamb, medium | Some Traveling f ------ % EE Nine aalinery er may have same at Whig Office. ENarp- iA Ee Dentist Pifice, Ss size. A bargain. Apply phone 1278J.) _ iE i 3 George Shepherd, the popular man- | | 23--Heating, Plumbing, Roofing DR fesse prea ---- | t ak | HOUSES--For sale and to let In &il Rzer of the Elginbur Nockey team | Originated in Altar of Hamil- 23---Insurance. CARF--Found, brown, on W mf me ih Aig FULL DRESS SUIT--In perfect condi-| Parts of the city, Apply to H. B. Wils ger } Bg | ton Edifice and Consider= 24--Laundering. - Street, between Clergy and Syden-1 = tion; size, large A bargain, Ap-| ¥00. Real Estate, Uptown Post Offies, travelled no less than fifty-six miles | 28--Moving. I rating ham. Owner may have same at Whig | CUNNINGHAM & SMITH -- Box L-11, Whig. Phone 1098. wit] rse and cutter on Saturday 36---Painting, lapering, Decoraling. ee rm---- on | um€ Solicitors, t,| FURNITURE -- Wea have _. T bid th 4 Uivfde with matters pertainins | able Damage Done. 37~Printink-- Engraving. F-- Found, woolen," near Albion| Kingston. A. B. Cunningham, K.C.i| kinds of §60d, secorg ras Plots Bond, E. W, MULLIN & SON bhi team, Ho Lado Jour tion b " i re 3 > a. otel, or c id Sune: nay Rave) sis Mo Smith. n a and ob Any person having stoves] Real Estate and lusurance Brokers * 3 | amiton, nt,, an. ~The 28b--Architects. 3 od 3 ir. ' 201-1 iA--Amirese, BA, Barrister an n urniture to spose of, we will "hone fw. : u denham and |, ~ ti dan, Odessa. ~~ ; L Solicitor. jaw office, corner of King| pay highest prices. J. Thompson, 333 See Display Advi, on Page Two. the city, went i to Brde ai the {early discovery of a threatening blaze I huoprac . WRIST WATCH---Fourd, small sve] and Brock, over Royal Bank. Money| Pri Street. Phone 1600w GR CE pack, and grave | rom i RE a {saved 3t. Mary's Cathedral from de- | 330 Legal. ¥, a Saiorday afternoon) Owner please to loan. Phone 1999 HA , mixed feed; between 60] HOUSES -- village 0 ginburg, which made al- g¢puasi nday | 28f--Medical. * bau a be So Si i and 60 tons. Apply W. E. Caverly, R other six miles. The members of the | tr on by 87e Su - The flames 28g--Osteopathy. . WATCH---Wrist, lost, lady's, gold, Sun- --2ledical Ee No. 3, Odessa. STUART ETREET Brick, 7 rom | Which originated in the altar did 28h--Osteopathic Physicians. day night, between Genera! Hospital| BENNETT, ¢. W.--M.D,, 1 ergy BL HAY Four loads, and 30 Joads of] Pedrooms, clectrieiligins, 3- pi: bath, furnace, good cellar, hard 3 Elginburg team are all very enthus- | ' a 1 ; and Pi treet, | Office Phone 851. Res. 1846m. Office g several hundred dollars damage, 29- Raps ring. n ne street, on Barrie, Return to Dols. 10018 Sah. deb 1-000 im i straw, double working harness and floors throughout, fire-place, ing and Pressing. 10 Pine Street. 3 ; I 2 astic, ¥hich 18 shawn in the fact tHAL (1nd. were eating their way through | 33--Teliorioe ang Pressing. Sines Rela, === | KOBINSON__T=_ K. M.D, To BE Phone 108m. Co Lo ormty Avenue. 1578 os. they prac +8l the, arty {to the main body of the church when EMPLOYMENT 'Hours 10.30-12 am; 3-4 pm. 7-3.38) TOARNERE-- Light double sot Tivins a one night last week from twelve to {the emoke and reflection attracted | 33 Help Wanted--Wemale. el |. Thone 1648. also New York City style double plea-| SYDENHAM "STREET -- Brick, i0 sne o'clock. {the attention of neighbors. The es- 3d--Help Wanted---Male. eee eee em | URIF ITH. Ma MDL FL cian re living set of Bob Sleighs, rooms, § bedrooms, electric lights, # * {timated loss could not be given. ji--Heip- Ma Canvassers. Agents, USED CARS, Gynaecology Office hours 11-13, 2-4,| ston Ont. 291 Hire Sue, 3 Daete Math, furnace, Food far, a A Brockville Viewpoint. | Officials of the firo department and | 35a--Teachers Wanted. USED TRUCKS Lidar 2% iar] Street, and by appolfit-| INLLINERY GOODE -- Comilsiine ot a ota Situations Wanted--Female. _--_ FROM $76.00 UP. nent. Phone 23299m. :| Trimming, Velvets, Plush and Veiling, M. B. TRUMPOUR The sports writer of the Brock-| hare 36 A {church were unable to offer any ex- 37--Sieuations Wanted--Male. ~~ ode r Apna Us also some smart sample Hat S¢D AUTOMOBILE PARTS teopathy Pp % 13 prone 704'0r 3485. © 237 Bagot Street. v ile Recorder and Times gives full] : o planation as to the cause. FINANCIAL ERT eee = | Lower William "Street, rinnini | X 2 o NAY . ASHCROFT-- Drs. Robert | HARDWOOD Bi i at aye credit to the Frontenacs for winning |b oo 50 way Toreived at mili-] see Businmeay ANCIAL ou G. A. PALMER, S 8 Robert and Bdns.| fi RGWOOD--FT1.00 cord; 7 204 King Stre Carl 50 quarter) === pte 204 King Street, near Earl. Phone 447, cord; cut any length; sla Wood 32.76 Would you like to get rid of your There Peo there by 9 to 1 on Friday night, and | 3y--Investments, Stocks, Bonds. USED CAR & SALVAGE co, LTD Hours: ¥-12 a.m. 2-8 p.m. and by ap- praites the good combination and |PISMt and wie department made fast | 34--investments, Tb COR. BAGOT AND QUEEN na Y %P°| quarter cord: kindling $2.80 quarter. this fall? are many he visitors {time through the deep snow, made {1--Wanted--To Borrow. 4 § me a cord, sawed and delivered. W. H. Tal-j Wa:ching the used oar opportuni general all-round play ot the visitors. dangerous for travel by a drizzlin Ee sms rete ey | 29) bot, Bt. Catherine Street; yard on] every day fh UNE Dmily- Whig want. He writes as follows: "The game A ug INSTRUCTION Auto Accessories--Tives--Parts 13 | FT ANITURE FINISHI Tall Kinde, | concession Street, near Divis} ' Do mot send original testimonialy in i {tain which added an ice coat. The 42 Correspondence Courses. TT ROMORITE a a all 5 Ug all kin MATTRESSES _For sais. or replying for a position. A co it do wes, won through combination play-| | blazl ew > 43--Local instruction Classes. AUTOMOBILE TOPS--CUSHIONS "ND 11 and see W. Driscoll, 23 John bimbo pel, sa . or e to a A PY W ing, fast-skating and superior stick-|2 tar Was blazing flercely when the | NW lilica) Dancing, Dramatic. Radiator Covers. Twenty years at the et. Phone 208F. i Toa factory prices. also quanthy, rr te ai handling. The Frontemacs are a}line® of hose were laid, and for a si--brivaie' lastruetion. business. Judson's Auto Tops, Brock- | 5 REPAIRING = Good service, ing. Frontenac Mattress Company. 317 Classified-Display : 4 . ! §--Want nstruction. Nill SANE shoes, we one; skates holloW| King street. " a ee ¥_ kod teams, Just about the best fu the |e the total destruction of the| ¥ PRESTOILITE DISTRIBUTORS round: satisfaction assured. F. A.| puosacrect Phone 1961) 1 HELP WANTED--VEMALE scticn d v followers of the kandsome edifice was threatened. LIVE STOOK . Battery Service, 39 Montreal Street. i'rincess Street. IRG, N Mason & Hamlin beautiful ---- ET 5 Silom, and many y The firefighters succceded aftet fit-| 41 --DoEmCatsgFots. ¢ Armature winding and magnetos re- SHOE ATRING--AI work Beatly | tion. = Price $65. Terme: ve go ac nd] | STUDY NURSING [ same would ltke to be able to see : Ts LE s4--Horses, Cattle, Implements. TEnito And repaired. Biectrical and|" dong. Rubber heels a speciaity. Skates! 3°06 montnle 10 me $5.00 cash and | STUDY NURSING them when they hook up against|t®D minutes Work in extinguishing | 49--Poultry and Supplies. Ignition Specialists on automobiies| put on. W. H. Purvis, corner Bagot 131 Princess Street. hdsay, lad] | at the Cornwall, They have a sterling dé fthe base of the blae, and the tongues 50--Wanted--LIve Stock. and motor boats, ew and rental bat- | larrsck Streets. PIANO--R, § Willams Cabin Or | BUFFALO ciTY HOSPITAL a © L - ' > erie ways on hand. Spe i AEE BEATS ot Tarn Ce -------- AL vB 'am adbin . ring MERCHANDISE es re mn pecial atten | <1 OE REPAIRING--Fing Work done.| i good condition. Cheap. to rand, 462 GRIDER STREET Y. { ; ji f.ames werns beaten back from the , thon to winter storage. Repairs t i fence and their forward line Players in Pat of L394 structure | §1--Articles . 1dr sale. anything electrical. Bring jo your | reasonable prices; repairing of all] buyer. Apply 192 Bagot Street. BUFFALO, N. tkate like greased lightning, back- pla--Barter and xchange. : househoid appliances. We can repair| Ki0da; satistaction guaranteed. PLAYER $375.00, one that attaches to $63 beds for the reception check with determination, and' sel- | ee Sh { bi--Business ahd Ouice Equipment. | them at lowest prices pEillots, 313 Barrie Street, near iarl. ay biano. in first class condition, and] | , CENTRAL AND Br pease: D18- i £ o 121 Cr] TIRES--A few 30x3%, to clear. Must| SHOE 'REPAIRING--AIll hand work. rolls high class music; all for $75.| | 2 CENTRAL AND 7 BRANC dom shoot from less than 10 to 12] 4--Bulldings in Duliding Materials get them out of the way of the Boa Hubber heels a specialty; efficient ser-| Inquire at' 301 University Avenue. PENSARIES IN CONNECTION. : d Dalr, roducts, et from the nets. Then again they farm A an ilaenaet stock. Come in before they are ail| vice. Adolf Kaminski, 'corner Mont-| Phone 12207. Aftiliated with University of Buftaly work a fake pass to perfection ani| 7--4300d Things to Bat. gone Remember, jhe-new stock wijl| real and Queen streuts. BAWING MACHINE--International, six| | 3 year veil gig ue 0 up or down the ice three men |@yiied From the Whig's Many | . Si --Homemade things. Ontatio Streets. © | Sueen and ure, ork Saheim eed: Cano drone thing' Comite on iruehrs wre: pila for L h Bedside dod Fubile abreast practically every play. They | 9 BE veiry and Watches. = = | card. W.J, Gavine, 216 Bagot street. hone J. A. McFarlane, R. M. D. No, 2, To Sime asi on a levatad englueer some claksy formation plays| Bright Exchanges--Brief inery and Tools. Uarages--Autos for Hire--Taxi 14 | [PHOL®TEKING--ARd Fenstal repair: papanes. or phone 183 ring 3. tions and laboratory work tn Digs and crery man sticks to his position | tems Full of Interest. - i Hedigmons apreper 14 Bubs Ea Servite, Cvs took. Lire uk Clorey reste | WERE po sotinertrats Sher bones | teicn Home eonoiion Busteriol 3 ' aii 2 - k s : vid, 1,4 C AL y Vr, "hem . like glue." 3 ds Tans ng Fliwers |_Corkey. | GPHOLSTERING -- Covering buttons i hind Dayton and ~ Bramford | { General Nursing pI 187 ad x -- It has been decided to hold the Old| gs Wearing Apparel. Repairing Service Stations 34| Made to order in all populsr shapes 1gig D'eTIINE. 200 Princess St.| | THE OPPORTUNITY AND Hockey Scores. | Boys' Reunion this year at Tfeuton $--Wanted--To Buy. ACTON PAINTING And 1 Sone i 2 hain Ating and repairing BX ni YEAR COLLEGE AY ) . NT one. . J. Goody e, 8 { OE YE St. Patricks 2, Canadiens 2. At Alexandria, on Thursday, ROOMS FOR RENT ing a,specialty. Als Mane Var-| Avenue © 13344 ' woon --Best quality hardwood, ary|| COURSE. a Hamilion 8, Ottawa 1. | Capt. the Rev. 3. A H. McLean, B.A, | $7--Rooms WHS Board aisurd Folishing, 'Garden Young: anos | = "and Pressing BO| good mussure; ressomapie nics X®]: | | Fatjsnce requirements: 1 your Now . Ta Ph ya --Rooms Without Boar ueen street, rear of Abernethy's Shoe ; ob TE ia gh School or ita equis | was inducted into the pastorate of #isoms A rns. Store, of Phos 1875w y Shed EPIIHING Aliapations Mr p Prioamith, corner Division and Ellis.| | valent. Salary $15.00 & month, Sauls Curling This Evening. | the Presbyterian church, In succes-| 70--Vaeation Places, 'CHAINS--Seée cur special display of Jonn Thompson guarantdes first class e . jodging, uniforms, laundry am The members of the Kingston | & 71--Where To Eat. Dreadnaught Chains, Sizes for all] tailoring, pressing and cleaning. Mod-| =---- -- Ea 00Ks furnished free. = Curling Cid aapoct 10 §ob away a [Mon to Rev. Donald Stewart. i3--Where To Shop 'n Town. makes of cars. SLdaaby Bros, corner| erate prices. $4 Willem Street. : IE Straight 5 Doup Juty. No epif : 1 , i osep 73--~Warted--Rooms or Board. and Welli ee h, Une ole Ld a good start this evening when the | eB a 3 - : REAL ESTATE FOR RENT on , SS rena | Rooms With Board 67] | A WELL-cONDUGEY .' cre i , ab Ty : » b ei Ny . A n n , dala D CL Vl first games in the club series compe-~ day: at Belleville, She leaves one i4--dpsiunsnis sha Flat ao bUsSINGss Son | pews rT men ROOM--Comfortably furnished, with or FOR Math ALE Filer RATION tition will be played. On Monday | 35--Business Places For Busin Se Tre si Reiman | Without board. Apply 215 University ATRIMON 3 i son, Harry., residing in the city of| ;§_ Farms For Rent usiness Services Offered 18 | EARN 330--Weekiy, spare tipo, at phone 1216J. Y| | DID OPPORTUNITY FOR CULTI: morning it was yeported that the | winnipeg. : 77--Houses For Rent. CARFENTERING--Jumes Selly, con-| home, addressing, mailing, music, cir- ROOMS AND BOARD -- First oiass | | 1 RING THE HABIT OF RIGHT ice was in fairly good condition, and ( nr "N yucques, formerly principal| I3--Qffice and Desk Room. (lag) ": 88 Livingston Avenue.' Phens| culars. Send 1uc (silver) for music. 'large rooms with oeptacs. en hit | | LIVING. -- . M. Jacques, ¥ Dprincip 79--Subyrban For Rent. 1130J. information. American Music Co.| nighed, hot water heating, all VEL. New. Class Now Forming, it was hoped that the first contests | a Places For Rent. SAE He - of the Pertli Public School, is seri-| $¢--Sum ar nent. AKPENTFRING--And cement work| 1668 Broadway, N.Y y Unt | bi-Wanted=-3p Neat, By contract or day. First-class work | FIREMEN AND BRAKEMBN--Segii- | sos. 188 University, near Brock. mn would take place. FAR 'ously {ll in. Toronto with heart i D x : $ i - t rezsonabl 1 A ! » - BU ne, fio has been ln ll health] WEMLARLIERAME | 3nRHal PW Sire River, Dont s. Wot] pepo Without Bosrd 08 | mn SERS SERVICE 0 { for several weeks, $3--Business Property. NINETY PER C . VALUE -- Or} Office. 1 ully fur Farms and Land For Sale. Stories or Photoplays depends on! HOME-WORK---G0od wages. Wo Reena Business sect: ton Braun siie Sa Ww. Kent Macnee / } ou] A recount has been ordered in con-| 8% . | s4~--Houses For Sale. technique preparations. Authors'! you to make socks on the fast, easily tree Ba: " rook {nection with the municipal election | §5--Lots For manuscripts correctly typed for sub-| learned Auto Knitter; EPC pr Iie ats A ie Bir ancres Bullding ot ask le. {in the Hastings municipal election. | rt Beony For Sale. mission to Editors and Producers by necessary; distance immaterial; posi-| ¢ General Insurdnce Agnecy. i ; joa i e G. Henry Cole, Autho 8 - ay ;| ROOMS--Three or four, on bathroom bias h WM. elected Reeve over | S rban For y Co rs' M8. Special tively no canvassing; yarn supplied; Writing: Automabile, re Acele ist. 203 Hinton Ave. Ottawa, Ont. particulars, 3c. stamp. Dept. i8-C,| 00°F §88 or electric cooking. all con-| | dent, Sickness, Plate Dr. J. H. Hess by a majority of one. | ~W len" at PUBLIC STENOGRAPHY--Advértialag| Auto-Knitter Co, Torente. ay Prine 3 private home, good local-| | vic. Representing onl Teliabls Sar? : Miss Helena Veronica Baker [a nouncentent; copy, B ga ty A romp otf. : A ONIVERRITE AVE 3 St dre panies. ; y : » 1 : 1 es y ce reay,! Ww BE: id : " ureay AITR TT aie. ply to} °U Yooms and rd; all plone youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. | ™= i Personals 9]. 14 Market Street. Phone $91J, Box H-9, Wh ans 1 {Joseph Baker, Brookville and Joht | ooigprn Tue Han} ory Bi an] Ante; centrally Joosted, | MERCHANDISE BLEMISHES--Ha Francis Kilby, on at Mr. an Mrs. nt ka, § Sear DRESSMAKIN = ework. Child- Help Wanted--Mala : 3 r : Charles James J Eganville, were ' ren's eo a specialty; all work| yy iN"Ovai wihiitener and oval sha y : married on Thursdey at Brockville, | Se, ages dried aud carsianca stig] winfanizes™ SulP BNE pha" Band. who can 'make oui is 'wood.(| 10-Day's Blunder ee [1ece Lanor Beithe, who lives at the i nee. ITCHING--Picot edging, pleat: or egted ; er J. Lake, Eye, Ear, Nose, » 8108, pleat- ANT YOU Ir home of Wallace Garratt, Welling-| Prroat Skin. 243 Bagot Street Phone | NE: gy Me © A nick ana Jim--six live Wiren Sortie Sets, 1a (apestey,a, i ot] ton, was ninety-six years of age on! $01w. House 1 Bt. 1 want you to out meet > EER ' ' > : from Princess Teal Competitionthe Kin trae 398] (Ses Iustration on page 12) % y : Jan. 11th, and, although confined Hek by &! 4 ? MAC FOUNDERED {10 hor Bed, one is still oioicing Bi a toad A Sg By Tog A filled sandwich fs eaten with a "1, lurk s the fact that her mental faculties Hatta Mis. W. B. Cure The Messazers's Peigrade corre | pusiess Agni. and fesi thet you can|fork. Only tea sandwiches are faken in the afternoon She i Wolfe Island, Jan. 1 [epondent declares that Jugo-Slavia, is | lick competition out of its shoes, pro~ fn the fingers. . PHONE 708. e club competition will | 2re good. enjoys the visits of |g garg passed away feverishly preparing for war, owing | fide) (hat you wre by ne for one week. It will | her friends and neighbors. . +3 prospects of renewed Turko-Gresk | Omce. 8 : ; : . SHOW CARD 1 bor us. ton Is reparied to be better than a4 pail bearer trom_Clach Siar orang | CUSTOMERS SUPPLIED WITH CAL- | Years. Tho city is providing serie MreP 4 _ ENDERS FOR 1923. ASK FOR | ho wank THES - ONE AT THE OFFICE. Dominion suthorities publish sta- tistics showing Dig year in buliding| The euchr , : : : ; : " M. Grove, prominent Galt oz reday eve : ; myrteting . > G . ; ; . . 5 manataccarer, Tally' siken. whe] loaded a ms torasaze wi a James Swift & Co., Limited Love that has nothing but beauty pL 3s 1 BP i or Ry » Ea ; 0 to Keep it {a good Health is apt 10 be ing waéhines oa THES Bayt Lie Domes metering Booms 20 sstvrs of Foot of Johnson Street

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