Daily British Whig (1850), 15 Jan 1923, p. 14

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-------- + Founded 1847 DON'T DELAY LIVINGSTON'S 20% Discount Sale IS FOR A LIMITED TIME 'ONLY. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF IT. ALL READY-TO-WEAR CLOTHING AND MEN'S FURNISHINGS IN THIS SALE SALES FOR CASH. NO APPROVAL. NO EXCHANGES. Livingston's 75-79 BROCK STREET "IF OFF YOUR ROUTE IT PAYS TO WALK" LARGER PRIVATE 360. PUBLIC 458-459. MARKET WHOLESALE 1767. Prices have nearly all advanced. The scarcity of this article is very real and prices will no doubt be much higher. The bal- ance of our stock we offer at the regular prices. Hersley .. 45c. Ib. Blue Bonnet 60c. 1b. A cup of our COFFEE surely brings the smile of satisfaction. Ground daily. Fresh always. Perfection . . 50c. 1b. Honey, 5 1b. pail, pure and Flour, Superior, per 24 Ib. sack sasensee $1.30 Prunes, large ..2 lbs, for 38c. Jelly Powders, all flavors, «issues 8 pkgs for 2c. Quality 40c. Ib, lux .....v.4... 10c, Pkg. Babbits .......8 pks. 25¢c. Handy Ammonia 3 pkgs 25c. Rice ......... 4.1bs. for B5c. Celery, large, clean bunches . 13%ec. Ib. sun nie 280. Leat ........, ....1%8%c THESE most luscious Apple of them all, . SPIES X No.1's .....vivvv + TOC peck No. ®s ...... cus 80c. peck Porterhouse Roasts, Ib. 5... vi 28. APPLES The Spanish Onions . ...3 Ibs. 25c, Cooking Onions .., 8 lbs, 25¢. Sweot Potatoes . ...2 Ibs. 25¢. ARE GREENINGS One of the best cooking apples. Finely flavored and good keep- PORK SPECIALS Pickled Hocks ! va anvs i 12fe db. Roast of Pork He tLeg ..60c. Ib. Cook Ham . 50c. Ib. Special Pure Pork Sausage .. 30c. Ib. THE DA PULPIT HITS OUT AT VICE. Montreal Methodist Clergy- men Demand Drastic Reiorms SHALL CHMCE OF PROBE As the French Thisk'It Is An English Attack Upon Them. Montreal, Jan. 15.---General dorsation of Dr. Haywood s-gharges, coupled with strong crificiam of tae {guvernment's liquor policy, was pro {nounced from reverk pulps in local | | Methodist churches last night. Every | | phase of vice was dealt with and de-| en- | | form were voiced. gpeaking of "Montreal's Vice {Problem," Rev. Dr. BE. 1. H {preaching in Sherbrooke stree: M {thodist church, warmed to his sub-| |Ject and suggested eight | which he considered essentiil to a { genuine cleanup of vice. { Rov. A. E. Rannell, who spuk> i: {Pairmegnt Methodist chureh {a congregation which completaly fil: fed the church, denounced the provia-| {vial gcvernment, declaring tha! "as long ar the government sees fi. tr reap iis revenue from such sowing, [we must expect this kind of d:g.ad Ing conditions in Montreal." Rev. H. Burnette,» of Mouaitatn street Methodist church, also wa-u« emphatic over his subject, "The Re- cent Vice Exposure in Montreal.' Among the suggestions which Mr. Burncite put forward was that not a single public dance hall ia Mon:t-| real should be allawed to operate | witout the presente of a police ma- trox. He also firmly denounced the "low theatres of the burlesque char- 2. which undoubtsdiy have a very Ladd ¢flect on the morals of young mea.' die Small Chances of Probe. Montreal, Jan. 15.--The vice situ- ation Is due for an airing in the city council meeting this afternoon, but it is an open question as to how much the curtain will be drawn aside. Two of the aldermen have stated they will ask for an investiga- tion of the charges of protection made a week ago by Dr. A. K. Hay- wood, superintendent of 'the'General Hospital, which by the way, despite the fact that it is one of the largest institutions of its kind in Canada, is situgted right in the heart of the red lignt district, Whether these two will get a sufficient following to start an investigation Is doubtful, {88 most of the aldermen have so far {shown no disposition to take off the lid. Undoubtedly they are being in- fluenced by the fact that so far none of the French papers and none of the Catholic clergy have shown any in- terest in the mattér.\ Father Gau- thier, pastor of a church in the "dis- trict" 1s on the committee of six- teen, but he reported directly to Bishop Gauthier, and so far every ef- fort to get a statement from his grace has failed.* Some of the ald- ermen are +al30 making capital out of the fact that Dr, Haywood is from Toronto only four years ago and, they are disposed to take the attitude | that this is another attack on the French being made by the English and Protestant section of the city, Accordingly the chances of a probe do not look any too serene. The Late Miss Annie E. Thompson. Miss Annie Eliza Thompson. aged tixty-three yéars, passed away at her late home, in Inverary, on Saturday afternoon, January 13th. after a long illnege. Deceased was born in Inver- ary and has resided there all her life. She will be missed by a large circle of friends as her charitable Slsphat tion was well-known throughout the community. She was a Methodist in religion and an ardent church- worker. - Late Charles H. Clark. Charles Henry Clark, eldest son' of died at his residence, 86 Pine street, on Saturday night about 9.30 o'clock after an extended illness. He was born in Ernesttown in 1845. His wife, Sarah Bateson, pred d alm about four years ago. The late Mr. Clark is survived by four child- ren: Mrs. A. G. Godwin, Long Beach, California; R. J. Clark, Kingston: Matthew Clark, Vancouver, B.C., and Miss Jessie, at home. The deceased was a Methodist in religion, being one of the older members of Brock street church, and latterly of Queen street church. ----t-------- a Barn, At 11.50 0" Saturday morning, the firemen called to extinguish a fire in a barn at 10 Ellice street used by Frank Barnes. Only slight i iamage was done, | About 10.30 o'clock Monday morn- { bg, the firemen were given a call to | he locomotive works, to extinguish ,* fire In a coal hopper. No damage. A staff sergeant and eight troop- irs left Brantford wt st Ohsweken, on the Six Na. ons Reserve. a { Spanish River, com. ... | manus for immediate and drastiz re- | Twin City ... «; | 1 | | i remedies | the late Mr. and Mrs. Perrigan Clark, |, to establish a| ILY BRI JOHNSTON & WARD. | Members of ¥ontral and Toronto | Exchanges, S( Princess, MONTREAL STOUKS. Power Sugar i . Steamship, pid . Car, ¢om. . Car, ptd. Textile Detroit United Dom. Bridge ... Gen. Electric ... . Laurentide ... ".. . Montreal Cotton .. ... { Mackay ... .. "ie aes National Breweries .. .... Quebec RAE ... nav sos ° D & to Spanish River, pfd. ... Smelters ... ... ,e Shawinigan ... ... .. Steel of Canada ... Toronto Rails "2 at OO wa [oN O10 Ot NEW YORK STOCKS. Amer. loco. ... 1.. Baldwin Loco. ... B.&0O. .. B.R.T. | Cosden Of} .. tC P.R. on| | "Vice and Gambling in Montrzal," to] Gen. G.S.T. hve § Marine, pfd .. N.Y.C. A. New Haven ... }.. Northern Pacific... Southern Pacific... Southern Railway . Studbaker ... U.S. Steel Wabash ... Asphalt a J. G. RAMSDEN Appointed by Premier Drury of On- tario to the board of the Provincial Hfdro-electric Commission. Only Three Days. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons at three, evenings at eight o'clock, Miss Christabel Pank- hurst will speak in the First Bap- tist church on Bible themes. Silver collection. DAILY MEMORANDUM. Euchre this evening at House of Pro- vidence at 8 pm. A. O. H. Efdchre and Dance, 8.15 on Tuesday night. Admission 35c Euchre at House of Providence, Mon- day, Jan. 15th, at 8 p.m. PRINTERS dANSON CROZIER & EDGAR MARKET SQUARE - KINGTON TISH WH 1G MONDAY, JANUARY 13, 1923. ---- - Ee re ee ee ee---- = JLAIDLAV & SON LIMITED KINGSTON'S FAVORITE SHOPPING PLACE Phones 754-755. Store Hours: 9 to 5.30 Crise to your attention for Tuesday Morn- ing these Two Special Sales which start at 10 o"- clock and continue throughout the day. A GROUP OF ABOUT 20 Dresses for Women Developed from beautiful soft qualities of All- Wool Serge and Tricotine, are attractively styled and are shown in Navy Blue 2nd Black. 12.50 Former values of $20 to $27.50 ON SALE AT / 'FOR TUESDAY ONLY There's a positive treat in store for those who select from this group of Dresses to-morrow Models that will prove serviceable for bysiness, street and general wear. Styles are thoroughly in keeping with the season's modes--attractive and desirable. And as for quality, every gar- --~ BORN, HARNS---At Alllsonville, Dec. 28th, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Harns, a son. to KRAPP--At Windsor, Ont., on Satur-/| day, Jan. 13th, 1923, to Mr. and Mrs Frederick D. Knapp. a son. SHANNON--In Picton, Jan. 4th, to Mr and Mrs. Edward Shannon, twins. MARRIED. GEOGHEGAN--COYLE-- At Kingston, on Monday, January Sth, 1923, in St. Mary's Cathedral, by the Rev. Father Hanley, Frederick Joseph, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Geog- hegan, to Kathleen Caramel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Coyle, both of this city. STORMS--WRIGHT---At Picton, 2nd, Eunice Adelia Wright to Dan- fel Ray Storms, both of Cressy. VANDUSEN--FARRINGTON--At South Marysburgh, on Dec. 28th, Eldon M. Vandusen, Far Rockaway, Long Island, N. Y.. to Eva Farrington, South Marysburgh. DIED. CLARK---In Kingston, on Jan. 13th, 1823, "Charles Henry. Clark, aged Jan. 77 years, Funeral will take place from his late residence, 86 Pine street, Tuesday afternoon, at 3 o'clock, to Catara- qui-cemetery. Friends and acquaintances respectfully invited to attend. KANE--At Brewer's Mills, on Sunday, January 14th, 1923, John S. Kane, aged 81 years. Funeral on Wednesday aftern. at 1 o'clock from his late residénce to Gananoque. THOMPSON--At Inverary, on Jan. 13th, 1923, Annie Eliza Shephard, widow of the late Thomas Thompson, aged $3 years. Funeral will take place from her late residence, Inverary, Tuesday morn- ing, at 10 o'clock to: Sand Hill cemetery. Friende and uaintances acq respectfull invited to attend. f y JAMES REID The Old Firm of Undectagers «4 and 256 PRINCES: STREE: "Phone 147 for Ambulwuce A eee Sirnand ROBERT J. REID The Leading Underiaker Phone 577. 280 Princess Street N= ey, a ----. M. P. KEYES Undertaker and Kmdal aer. ment is of very superior type. Former values from $20 to $27.50. NOW SIZES 16 TO 20. 50 Blouses Made of Georgette Crepe, Crepe de Chene and Tricolette Arg to Clear To-morrow at the Exceptional Low Price-- 3.75 = An unusual offering of Women's fine Blouses. Assembled at this price are Blouses that embody the ewer style temdencies--each one showing in: desigh some distinctive feature certain to be of defi- nite appeal to those who will select Blouses to-mor« row. Georgette, Crepe de Chene and Tricolette Blouses in colors Flesh, White, Black, Navy, Sand, Grotto Blue, Jade. * Former values of $7.50 to $11.00: Wades Phone, Sydeakem 3% sud and Yarker Yorker 2 vr 4 SOME GOOD SHOES | AT 4% PRICE Clearing out about 500 pairs ies' Oxfords and Strap Shoes ] Foose mms -. u

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