Daily British Whig (1850), 15 Jan 1923, p. 2

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"T HE DA ILY BRIT ISH WHIG. : MONDAY, JANARY 15, 1928, EE -------------- - » -- -- rr ---- MUTARY HEADQUARTERS LOCAL NEWS. [= Pa 1 | manga" TEEN] Self Mastery Thr ough Auto Suggestion | The headquarters of military dis- Mr. Swaine, piano tuner. Orders | F {trict No. 3 may shortly be moved | recaived at 100 Clergy street west. | ij trom the old collegiate building to |'Phone 564w. | ~~ ik We are paying Cash w = if | the Bydenham hospital if the present The Utilities Commission will not BY EMILE CGUE. y neers vince ) | plangnow being discussed gre carried | meet until late in the week for its | dons | odo, . N es pa : Prices quoted below: . If | OUTT, The property belvags to the 'naugural { [Canadian Militia and on Suuday was| The weather turned quite mitd on| For attaining Health, Success and Happiness. A choice gift witha message of Good Cheer. y | visited by members of tha headqugri- {Sunday night and with th: change! Ginseng, wilg by ah §lers tan and the engineer, They [came uncther snow flurry, i . : > j were conducted about tha premises! Miss Gladys Baker, Kingston ~ . "Red Fox, No. 1 ...$11.00 Bland buildings, and according to re-| Junction, was removed to the Gen- | The most talked of book ina decade Raccoon, No. 1 upto 8 7 '} ports were very favourably impres | eral Hospital, suffering with bron- | Cl : No.1... [| [sed. Indeed the Sydenham hosp:ua)| chial pneumonia. i . Skunk, No. £ ..up to 82 | |i pronounced ideal in erery weg fof | Tue monmonit- toot] oth cover $1.10. Paper cover 60c. Postage 5c. per copy Mink, No. 1 ....upto 88 gif tie purpose of the Gistrict headquere {of a: least six vessels in operation on | . Wolf, No. 1 ..up to 815 §1€rs. The ouly prohiem 1s what io {the Ogdensburg-Chleago route next Fisher, No, 1 . .up to $75 {Jj dc with the spacious grounds, The [spring when navigation opens, 2» q : site is a valuable on>, being located! The younger people in the city Jf . THE COLLEGE BOOK STOR : Crass Fox . ...up to $85 [on the water front, but it is not key have been looking forward to the i ' real January thaw when the harbor; PHONE 91e, OPEN NIGHTS Silver Fox... .up to $250 [that it win be required for an in- Beeswax, No. 1 ..80c Ib, i [dustry being too fa: away from the (will be made into a large skating . #Y raflway, and the sonti cnt of the rink, ® For Cultivated Ginseng § [pecple would prevent jas establish | The police had a very quiet time EE C---- and all other Raw Furs gf cnt of a factory there, over the week-end. There were no | m= we pay the highest cash A! All that is necessary to put the |arrests made, and as a result there | prices--~We pay express '#p'ace In the very bes* condition for | was no session of the police court on charges, ] | the staff officers is the repair of the | Monday morning, - | boilers of the heating plant and the| Mrs, J. F. Houston, Hamilton, ar- Ship Ginseng and Furs by | ' iif | erection of a shelter. The buildings | rived in Kingston on Saturday, to k registered mail or ex- | lin whieh the offices will be located [attend the funeral of her grandm~th- lare in first class condition and there (er, the late Mrs. Benjamin Dari, : Press. ; jis ample space for the records and all} Who died af Wilton. | #1) of the help necessary. It Is reportea - F. Sowards and J. p. Hanley ~ ~g p= ~ ~ . . | that if the burned buildings were re- | left Monday for New York where COMBINING ELEGANCE, COMF ORT AND if | paired, it would not be necessary ro: | they will take passage on Satur. DURABILITY i {the government continuing to pay | day for Europe. They purpose Manufacturers §] high rents and storage and office | spending three months touring the Importers i] | space, and as the government Is en-| continent. : Fine Fars | deavoring in every way to economize | The mild weather of Sunday at- /§ [this course. is commanding serious |tracted a large number of people on i} | consideration, Ito he streets, and many a long con- - Po 1 | stitutlonal was taken during the af- John McKay Limited | { ternoon. Some few more adventur- KINGSTON, CANADA I | DOG CATCHER'S Tne NOW ous people walked to Wolfe Island ; y ; ! 18 ALMOST U |and back. : . C orsets Many men were employed on Sat- =1! Unles City Council Decides to urday cleaning the snow of store. : i Unless y {roofs on Princess street, and some = ; Weare showing o particularly attractive line of { Let Him Continue His | pedestrians were given minor shocks Good Work. when' a sudden deluge of snow fel] \ / ) Ladies READY.TO.WEAR a few feet from them. | dog catcher, who was appointed in|out in the country hae blocked trafic, / | December, one hundrel and Jfifty|j2nd Lut for the good work of men |dogs, which were wanderin; thelengagec in breaking th: 10ads, it ii , | Streets, bave been giihered in and! would be impossible for farmers (o ore NY ale 2 { placed in the pound aly the fair { "each the main highways. I Lido { grounds. All the dogs with the ex-| 'WLe funeral of the late Mrs, Mary 1 Comets | ception of about twent; were 1c-'Wigbam was held on Monday morn- I 3) | which we Jeo ~~ jclaimed. The twenty dogs were dis-|ing to St. Mary's cathedral, under yi because am Sy ry 9 [posed of by Dr. Willia'r Nichols, | the direction of M. pb. Keyes. A sor. LL A prety and dumb matarln pd -- | veterinary of the city 'humane so-|emn 'tquiem mass was sung by Rev. { unexcel ease and comfort in fii M { was made, it was stated that the dog) Novia Collins and Francis Wafer, 1 = Q | | Tha -- | §|catcher would only wairs for one | The remains were Jater taken to - WITH A SMILE AND A DIME {month On Monday wo, ning the| Wolfe Island for interment. We show C.C. a la Grace, D. & A. and P. C. Cor- . | catcher stated that he hail a couple| * The Canadian Steamship Lines a) . : { more days of work mi then te| Will restore a passenger service to sets all made mn Canada by Canadians, for Cana- ' [l || would be through, unisss the eity ihe Bay of Quinte. The Cape Trin- dians. Long years of experience have shown that N [{ || council saw fit to re-apy iat him ter! ity, which had hitherto been on the - ¢ SROTFIERS bli had a GSTON { || another month. 5 | Quebec-Saguenay trip, will go di- these are the best, Priced from $1.00 to $6 a pair. tablis : During the month that he bas| rect from Téronto. to Prescott | y : = ty : Be ne, ob. te hae Had many | Lake Ontario: ead 'the. americpy PICTORIAL QUARTERLY for Spring... 25¢. . €.C ticg experiences, but neverthelcr: | channel through the Thousand Is- : ; i . he is still keen to capture the stray | lands. The return trip will be by : PICTORIAL MAGAZINE for February . a 15¢. ya - | oN . ASK FOR { JI As a result of the aetivity of tha| The snow on some of the sideroads ips: In the Lingerie department there is a . special di ay of | ciety. | Dean MacDonald. 1ie pall-bearers | I At tte time when th: appointment | Were Dr. Davis, Leonard MacDonald, RT ------ doi. the Bay of Quinte and there will be Un Monday morning there were a tri-weekly service, | : Pm mrnmnnrrrrnnnrrre 0153 seven dogs in tue ; "und, and] ------ a i : 2 the catcher stated tha: five nf that . ; P t t 3 | nuntber would be cla.m>i by tre OBJECT TO MOVIE BILLS | ewhnan G00 CAN rotatoes jo | BEING GIVEN CHILDREN : AT JL is necessary for oy owners o: | i : tay cegs to pay $1 bef)rrs the anil epe Home and School Clubs' THE ALFA ION STORE. WA ------ MIS. | of -- We are offering something very J | fine ip White Rose Potatoes, mals are released. Ses:'ul nenple. | Per hag 90c. 3 vio were anxious to get a dog, have| Council Is Seeking Legis- | | SPECIAL PRICES . STRICTLY FRESH EGGS waited upon the catcher 4nd paid £2] lation, ! : ; [ Now laid, Jor Jou. ba 30e: {and got their pick of th: animals in| --- ASSORTED CHOCOLATES » pastry, 7 1b. bag . * the pound. Recently, 1 do: wen: of The Central Council of the Home 'ith Nut Centres MacLean's Pork Sansages-- : ; fe | i . he b ( lL (every dmy)...... ng . 232¢, Ravanes, while one 471s taken 10} and School Club.of Kingston met in By Mdlutions; Terentia. of the 5) 9¢ a at Ulin Tree, { Central school on Friday atternoo 2 Dodie . . b Eresh New Fillet Haddie-- oo ------ |G. B. Scott. presiding. Ts on provincial organization. The officers REAI EST A I FE Z0c, { of the local council are as follows: r 1b. - ' l ASSORTED C OCOLATES oS Vow p 3 T™ v Hard and os Centres F HN Haudics, per Ib. 18c. § | ENTY-FIVE MEN ARE | aotmeil fs endeavoring to do away Hon. President, J. Russell Stewart; | FOR SALE Cooked Hams, sliced, Ib. 350¢. CLEARING THE ROADS | "1s the distribution of moving pic- resident, G, E. Scott; vice-president, | . ' Y > es , GO, . ' ' 35¢. a 1b. Cooked Corn Beef, sliced, | ture hand-bills to the children A G. Johnson; secretary, Mrs. G. | | } 1b 85¢c. around the school grounds and has MARASCHINO CHERRIES be ide | Board of Works Having 8now | the promise of a member of the| Prager; treasurer, W. Lowry. ilies baits sa . 2 . house to introduce a private bf Gh furnace, fire. 49c. a Ib. : Cranberries, per qt. 23 | Removed on the Downtown | privale il tor The Iresbytery of Montrea: i Ta | FOR RENT $20.00--380 Earl Street, § rooms, $5,100 00--Livingston Ave., de~ bath, gas, electric light and e. $30.00----460 Brock Street, 8 rooms, | bath, gas, electric light. | $15.00 -- 54 Chatham Street, § rooms and toilet. . Fi I . Phone B80w. . pa Rates E. W.Mullin & Son Money to Loan mrt tached brick dwelling, ¢ rooms, 3 plece bath, hardwood floors, Large Grape Fruit . .3 for 25c. S | that purpose. : v : a Te treets. | A committee was selected to ar-|sustained a call extended ta Hoy, J. Save the Difference, |range for a concert in the mear fu-| . hr: kenshire, B.D. at preset min- be 2 : I Vew York ' / 95 On Monday mornng, twenty-five |ture to raise funds, each school is to istering In that presbytery, to ; Cull uen wera put to work removing the |be asked to take part in the pro-|come minister of the congregation at | : Candy Store : n a 4 |8uow from some of the &lty streets. gramme. - Apple HL | ; : | At a recent meeting of the Board of The council is affiliated with the F, C. Ireland rsturned on Sunday 314 Princess Street ALFRED and PRINCESS STR. J [Ye removed from downtown Stresis| ma ' CASH AND CARRY Works it was decided that the snow | Ontario Federation of Home and from a trip to Midland. BAe ovina, So as to give work to men who are 'lin neéd of employment, The idea is to take the snow from the side of "KINGSTON'S FAMOUS FUR STORE" the streets and throw it into the ' centre and thus make it possible for motor and horse drawn vehicles to ¢ * z drive up close-to the sidewalk. itis the intention of the department to give men work at the rate of 35 cents an hour for a day of nine hours. gs : CB i The gangs will be changed at the end ; ob 5 . of the three days. It is a well known { : WwW . O f Ea omen s Uxior ds / fact that practically air of the meu A {+ " who are out of employment are look- a's: X ; Ing for work and not charity, and for : } ewest 1 that reason # was thought that in- ; E OF BROWN RUSSIAN CALF. SPECIALLY PRICED . _. $4.50 sjead of giving out charity ft would " SENT be better to make the men work for in Furs come to us, : THE REGENT : hat Dey = If by Shauce 3 man % A smart, new Oxford--jast the shoe for mid-winter wear 5 Qr Is In need of food and coal, it yas unters and trappers and with a modelled on the crisp tailored lines the well y - a that the. emplo: : -groomed woman ON HIGH CLASS LADIES F URS been arranged that the. employment splendidly equipped fur factory, we save you all middiemen's prefers for streot wear--of Brown Russian Calf with perforat., agent can secure for him what he j heeds and the cost of it will be taken . ed tp, blucher cut, and low heela really exceptional value, Hudson Seal Coats |Persian Lamb Coats out of his pay. » Furs repaired or made to onder now on short notice. : All sizes 2% to 7. .Racoon Coats Fur Sets Collars Mrs, Haslett. Betualas Toteriod, : : i : Muskrat Cous lnEnE ET Have you attended our Millinery Sale? ff S. J. MARTIN F ch 1 January 11th, was held to Cataraqul ren Sea ( oa cemetery on Monday afternoon at 2 - All Wi : is r . ; o clock, under the direction of 8, §. . AN Wiater Hats, Trimmed and Tat "SHOES OF MERIT AND DISTINCTION" _, Brown Cone Coats Corbett. Rev. Dr. Dyde, princtpall i ') Ored. are mow offered at half price and : y ; of Queen's Theological College, can-|l wf less And included at the Sale Prices Er -------------- durted the service at the home of & PL isa array of mid winter model. i the deceased, Clergy street West! ¢ big new Fair Directors Miss Thelma Bradfield, daughter Every fur article in this store now greatly | Tie pall-bearers were Edward Spen- | p/ in new materials and colors. Negotiations are proceeding be- [of R. H. Bradfield, Brockville, has . otified of her "ppointment - tp ced 1 cer. Andrew Kennedy, William And-! =e $1.75 10 $6.00 been n redu for our big clearing sale. erson, D. A. Shaw, T.H Perguson'l} y : = ., tween a committee of the Boasd of the sessional staff of tne Ontario » . < 2nd Jobn Evans © I= : ro Gi . | Trade at the Kingston Agricultural legislature. fu : -------- il Fair Association with a view to the| Miss Myrile B. Givens, B.A Bea. | The nurses composing tae Syden- é | sopointment of the thres represent-|verton. Ont., has joined the teaching Phau Heal say 83 gia vacat- | stives of the city to fie board|stan of the high school Athens 'ad the bull t sa. vea (hp EY y Hof directors. Nothing nate . Mate rf nurses" home since the hos. has yet been done, but is | signatior oi Miss Shannctie, ; pital was established. Th: narses that an announcement x A Walker of the Bank of Mog . rrinme eivilian life after a lor, por. , g Adar 196.125 1 will' be made next week real, Pigton. has been transferred Ww lod of splendid service ts Canada 5 \ ns : agreement is reached upon a basis the branch at Renfrew. N. : 1d the returned veterins. : : ' --- atisfactory to all concerned. [Chatham, takes Mr. Walker's plage. v i .

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