Daily British Whig (1850), 15 Jan 1923, p. 3

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WHE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. : : | | HOME: MAKING HELPS "Everything About the House MONDAY, JANUARY 15, : s fair, moderately cold. FOR-- : Helps to Make the Home." | COUGHS, Blanche Sit | By WANDA BARTON EE 0 [3 COLDS HAVE YOU ANY THe FOOLISH LITTLE BEFTLE Do You Know the Big Secrets of Suc- and | MOTHER cessful Mending? > | My goodness, but wasn't Mama | iy, og saying that a hole is an ASTHMA Beetle proud of her little eggs! She |, .ii.nt of a day, but a pa'ch is pre- We Sell and Recommend OR SILVER placed them in the trunk of the dead {medi itated poverty, loses its signific- mape tree because she felt she coul |ance in the present age of thrift and DR. HICKEY'S SPEEDY that is serving no use- watch them better. For Mama |i. revival of numerous old-fashion- | Beetle was very young, and hadn't |.g poaqia arts. Patching and dérae i {learned that most beetle mamas lay | me are now taught as a branch of {thelr eggs and leave them to batch fy,,sen00d art in women's schools. | themselves. | Mending in its highes® develop- | This little Mama Beetle was 100 inant has long been taught and prac- | REMEDY. 'proud of"ber eggs to run about the |yii0q hy the women of France, who { . | meadows gossiping while her ess ro expert menders. They frequent- | batched. She went every day to the |)y 450 4 strand of human hair in the | old maple tree to see just how they | work when they fail to find thread or Steacy's January ful purpose 2? ' i , | rin anuary we a L Best : Da g J y | were getting along. {foes fine enough and they excel in ® ® ' . | One day when Mama Beetle went | 1,00 mending. wish to purchase for DRUGGIST remelting all of these ito the old maple tree she had the |shock of her life. Instead of her lovely little eggs wrapped so snugly {in their cradle cases, she found the There is an instance on record of a French needlewoman who found a | 1083 in the pattern of a fine damask | table cloth worn thin, and breaking i y {ugliest white crawling worms ORE |,w,y go she Inserted a petal from an metals you can lo {could : imdgine. My, .but Mama og pit of damask, then embroidered . . | Beetle flew into a passion. the flower, repeating the work in the Dominion | cate. j 'You horrid little creatures," She [other three corners, thus making a | - ! |cried, wringing her feelers. "YOU |jovely cloth and strengthening the | M t St {have broken into my nursery and !worp spot so that it was quite as good | Why not look these |]|eaten all my lovely eges: And here | 46 naw This is real thrift, * I've been watching and waiting for| 1, mending table linen, threads | Opp. Y.M.C.A. Phone 1268J. up NOW and turn }}|t2em to hatch so I could show them | gran from old linen are best to use i | What shall I do?" ito the meadow folk Ob, dear! rt the preaks are too small for a : and she beat | rateh, strengthen the place with a TOMORROW'S: SPECIALS: them into useful her foolish head with her Jays, {darning stitch, running the threads J "What!" cried the largest. "Broth. |g, Gunding the break to a distance | jer mine, have you eaten anything ,mcient to protect fife weak spot as |--any eggs. I mean--since you began | well as possible. er selling prices. {to breathe?" If a patch is inevitable, lay the | "Indeed, I have not," answered the piece to be inserted under the hole {brother. And the largest worm went |, yin. cure that the threads run the | Black | {from one to another, asking the same [same way, and baste it neatly in posi- . iquestion When he reached the last | F F brie i - * da : ""|tion, then turn in.the lips of the | |one, he turned to the Sobbing Mama |... neatly and sew down the edges o Beckie am] shook his funny While wy a5 fine and careful stitches as | ead. Tuesday $10. 00 ea., Pidre Lard ... RY : wsib Next, t th loth én th Lard (8 Ib. pail) -. Jewelers, . Limited. ] . *No, madam, we have never tasted i de . at pts a | Peas .............. 2 for 25¢, Established 1848, 3I efE, he sald. Then he laughed | 4), 4p ravel the edge a little before Tomatoes . . . g 23c. jmerrily. "Why, madam, we couldn't {turning it under. The raveling makes Hamburg King St. the turn-under softer. Now, sew down ! the patch with a little stitch on the | 18 only, smart, Black, Matalam Fur-Fabric Coats, with convertible collars, pockets and helts. Trimmed with Seal Plush Buttons. Splendid values at their regular price of $25.00 each. A wonderful opportunity to secure a warm winter coat at a' give-away "The sizes range from 18 to 42. right side and a longer one under- | TUESDAY, $10.00. Sales! are now at their height. With stock-taking but two short weeks away, stocks must be cleared regardless of cost or form- Stewing Cuts Bolling Cute ............ Sc Pot Roast money ? Lamb Chops Veal Chops Roast Pork Side Pork (neath, This is the best that can be dcne, and afier laundering, it does | not look badly for common wear | Oftentimes, a doilie or dish may be { used to cover the spot. When the { cloth gives out on the edge of the | DR. H. C. MABEE : NE: tA { table, it is cheaper to make a centre- Player Piano Adjusting. Norma tH | -- > 4) {piece of the top and napkins of*the | i Butcher 27 Pine rob "9 WILLIAM STREEJ irest, for it is impossible to mend a | * . ne 286 4 A nl h| | long, thin place so that it will not | PHONE 1819w. Phe i}. . ANS li ? y : | If crash towéls wear out in the | 1 | middle, use the ends for wash-cloths | price { finishing the edges with a bu'tonhole | | stitching or narrow, crocheted scal- | lops. Ravages of moths : on men's | | dothing, today, are corrected by | shops that take matching pieces of the material, ravel them and weav~ see to eat eggs, because we have no |in the spoils so that ¢ PIANO TUNING Plano Tuning, Repairing ang "What Shall I Do?" || Make Your Money Buy The Best People for the last fifty years who have thought about getting the best value for their money have bought Happy Thought Ranges when in the market for a Cook Stove. a ] "My goodness!" exclaimed Mama discarded. Home meyding, even the «eetle, horrified, "You have no eyes? | finest, can hardly pete with this | «nen how did you know that you is mot unduly ex {| ««dn't eat my eggs?" ng the work. | | The largest worm . shrugged his g baby things or shirt | vody and shook his funny little head. | waists, a fine piece of footing may be | "I can't say for sure," lie sighed, set under +he thin place, or small | 'but I mean, I hope we've Jone no |tear, and then the darning may be narm. You see, we just hatvhed |done with a very fine thread, using ourselves this very day and I'd hate | the net as a foundation. If carefully to think we had started life stealing. done, the work will not show badly if we ate your eggs, it certainly was andl the net is very strong. Men's ,y mistake." shirts are so reasonable in price now- "Then wou did!" cried Mama |adays that it hardly pays to do much new Ginghams. They are Beetle. "You ugly little things!" {mending on them, though scme wo- . ! . 2 She was about to pounce on. the {men, who have plenty of time and harbingers of Spring--one of fash | argest worm when Mrs. Tree-Toua, fpatience, insist on putting on new | ion's first edicts concerning new Jearing the commotion, came wvunc | neckbands and reversing the French | . tubables for the new season. | .ag into the doorway. [ cufts. | They conjure up visions of crisp, "Happy Thought Range." 2 | "Well, well," she laughed. "Nu | Almost everybody has her own par- | | See these Ranges in our Show Room and make your {wonder you're shouting. I'd shout, |ticular way of mending stockings, little frocks for children--practical and charming--as well as frocks selection. myself. What a lovely family you but in families where the men and | . y | have, Mrs. Beetle." And she went (boys wear the guaranteed kind, We do all kinds of Electric Wiring. Let us give for yourself, as freshly attractive as a shining May morning. ' New Ginghams Refreshing as the First Pert Robin. A refreshing spectacle these To-day people who want the best value for their money are buying McClary's Electric Range. It has the enclosed element and is in the same high class as the | rom one white worm to another, which wear an unbelievable length of | you a price for wiring your home. | stroking their heads. "Indeed, | time without repairs, the work is ma- | they're fine." terially lessened. Silk stockings can Mrs. Beetle's face broke into abe mended only with fine, soft silk ° ¢mile. She realized where her eggs |floss, and even this shows if not Kie- had disappeared to, and she gathered | den by skirt or shoe. Vey the ugly little worms as close as she In darning the ordinary stocking jcould get them and looked up at or sock, slip it onto the hand, Gemeral Contractors, Jie fae Speciatteen, Mrs. Tree-Toad sadly. straighten the edges of the hole and "But they have no eyes," she sob- draw ft together, trim off the drregu- bed, and Mrs. Tree-Toad laughed 50 |lar Mts, run a darning thread around loudly that Mama Beetle had to hold [the hole, then vlaid it neatly and 1er ears. evenly, This mwihod makes a thin "There, there, little mother," she {and smooth darn that holds well and croaked. "Anyone can gee this fs | {does mot hurt the foot. It catches | your first family. I heard you ac- | every side of the hole evenly, stops cusing them of eating yOur eggs. (the course of running threads and | Why, my dear, most beetles are makes the place firm. i hatched blind, Buttonholes that have mot been "There! there! Dry your eyes. | worked deeply enough may have the These little white worms will soon | edges neatly trimmed off and after | go to sleep again in thelr cradles, {running a firm thread around the en- | which they will spin for themselves. {tire hole to keep the material from | Then when they come out again they | |elipping, the edge may be buttonhol- | will look just like you, my dear. For |eq again, taking a deeper hold in the | when you were their size you looked | material. This work should be done i like them." 2s 500n as the trouble is discovered, | Croaking--to herself, Mrs. Tree- | before the goods have commenced | Toad tripped out of the door, leaving | pull away badly, especially if the ma- Mama Beetle with her Jables Sha was | terial is likely to ravel. so happy that she soon forgot their Torn or broken embroidery ugly faces as-she watched them scur- | mended by putting a bit of a he ry here and there after food, for neath and darning it down neatly beetle children mever think Of any-|with email siitches on the heavy thing else but food. edges. Mama Beetle was 80 happy when Ginghams for the home Homes without their Gingham Draperies -- their clever little runners are quite out of style. It is an inexpensive way to transform a room. . Our Ginghams will give real inspiration to home decorators. Priced from.......... 30c. a yard up OUR PATTERN COUNTER Offers First Aid to Thrift and Fashion ! McCALL'S MAGAZINE FOR FEBRUARY, 10c. Brilliant short stories, special articles, serial stories, and the most fascinating of new styles for Spring. Stock Taking Time We a re clearing out a number of odd pieces in Living-room Chairs, Chester- Relds, Den Tables, Odd Parlor Chairs and Parlor Tables. she crawled Into bed that night that It will pay you to avail yourself of this she had to laugh at her foolishness. opportunity and Hake your home attrac- --_-- ta speciall cost. Just About. Even Dozen Now. tive a y low A Philadeiphia clergyman fs the Eleven members of the fair sex father of a son whcoe habits of un- | Were "called to the bar" in London punctuality are a sore trial. Never- | making a yal Lot twelve English ; theless, the youth's ready tongue is a | Women now authorized to practice | N Phonogranks, Hoover, Vacuums, source of secret delight to the par- law on equal terme with men. The ' only woman heretofore privileged to Victor Records, os, . Once the young man appeared at practice law in England was Dr. Ivy Player Pianos and Rolls. Sunday breakfast' twenty minutes Williams, who donned the legal J i after the appointed time. Tobes and wig several months ago. | \ i "Son," said the minister, reproach-{ All the women who were admitt- el x \ fully, as he held his watch so that |od to practice passed the legal ex. % : 3 'he youth might see its accusing face, | @Minations some time ago, but have 4 been completing their preMminar work by studying in the law courts - 2 One intends to practice in the divore. 'oung man, regrotiully, "I wish ft |courts. SOLE AGENTS FOR THE McCALL PATTERN were about twenly minutes fast, but McCALL'S SPRING QUARTERLY, 25c. New fashions that tell you what will be worn for Spring-- styles that are new, gay and Parisian. THE McCALL EMBROIDERY BOOK, 25c. , There are hundreds of clever suggestions to help you with Frocks, Hats and accessories in this new number. 11 WOMEN LAWYERS, rs. Lately Called to the English Bar-- -------------- The noblest spur unto the sons ¢ fame is thrist for honu.. as you ask me to say honestly, I am Nj afraid it's just about right." : k

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