Daily British Whig (1850), 15 Jan 1923, p. 5

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MONDAY, JANUARY 15, 1928, THE DAI!1LY BRITISH WH 1G. YT AGENCY FOR ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES Speci! atteunvu s:veu your family Or frie' 'wi gowug to or returning from the Ui Country, Yassporis arranged tor. Fo nformation and rates apply to J. P MANLEY, C. P. and T.A.G.T. Ry., fingéton, Ont. Office: . C.N.-G.T. Station, cormer Johusou and Ontario Streets, King- ston, Vatario. Upeu Day and Night. 'PHONE 99. For Sale $6,000-->emi-detuched brick, § rooms, 3 piece buth, electric light, hot water furnace. . Facing City Park. $1,350 -- Stone House, Ports- mouth, 6 rooms, good cellar, well on the premises. General Insurance. p Victory Boads bought and sold. R. H. Waddell | 1 munes 3.u-506. 6 Brock St. y a Bell's Vanilla HIGH GRADE 6c. A BOTTLE Cheapest in the long run. Made in Kingston by----- DR. BELL WONDER MEDICINE CO. Pa" ee ---------- Dr. Waugh DENTIST 106 Wellington St. ; Phone 256 L . Removal Notice W. H. FRANCIS, PAINTER Has moved to 438 DIVISION ST. Drop a card or phone 1885) and you will receive prompt attention. Workmanship guaranteed and prices right he DR. A. W.WINNETT DENTAL SURGEON, Corner of Johnson and Wellington Streefs Phone 363 For Moving of FREIGHT, FURNITURE, SAFES, PIANOS, CARTAGE and STORAGE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION ingston Transfer Co. 'hone 183 WELLINGTON STREET. Nr ---------- sts WATTS People's Florist 177 Wellington Street. Fresh Flowers and Plants daily. Funeral designs, and wedding bouquets to order. Phome 1763. Residence, 1137. | ALL THE FAMILY | | HAD BAD COLDS -- "Did 'you ever notice that if one of the family contracts a cold it general- ly runs to all the other members?" } Many people when 'they contract 3 jcold do not pay any attention to it, | thinking perhaps it will pass away of {itself in a day or two. This is a {great mistake for before they know ft, it has become se'tled on the lungs. Never neglect the first symptoms; | get a bottle of Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup | i land see how quickly your cold will { disappear. | Mrs. A. Coghlan, Magnolia, Alta., !writes: --*'Last Winter we all had bad cols in our family, and I didn't know . what to do. Some folks told me to try Dr. Wood's Norway Pine, Syrup, | 80 I went and got a couple of bottles, and in a short while our colds were all gone. Now we always keep a bottle on hand in case one of us might catch a cold." "Dr. Wood's" is 35¢c,_and 60e¢. a bottle; put up only by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. Dental Surgeon DR. J. C. W. BROOM L.D.S., D.D.S, Wellington and Hrock Streets. Entrance, 130 Wellington St. Evening by appointment. PHONE 679. 'e, reliable reguillling de- rees of strength----No. 1, $1; $3; No. 8, $8 per box. 1 druguists, or sent recel , amp'. Addr; THE COOK MEDICINE CO. TORONTO, ONT. (Formerly Windesr.), Have You Seen the Latest COLORED ENAMELLED ALARM CLOCKS ~ Plain Alarm tressananes $3.00 Repeating Alarm .....:%.. $4.50 L. C. HEMSLEY 149 Sydenham St. Kingston and Vicinity Came for Protection. | "hreo men were given protaction fr the police station during last week. Thus far this winter but fow applica- tions have been made for shelter. The Sun Was Warm Although the weather was snappy stated that they did mot mind the d as the sun shining kept them | warm. ------------------ Welcome Nows. uite OED It was welcome news to Kingstoa- | fans, who have been in the habit of eating butter made at the dairy |sechool, to learn that the new build- jing would be opened on January i i- i Getting Things Ready. J. W. Bradshaw, county clerk, has been very busy during the past weeit |€r ten days getting things ready for the session . of the county council {which will opén at the court house on | Tuesday, January 23rd. | Highway in Good Shape. @ Farmers who were in the city on iBaturday raported that the provincial highway east and west of Kingston was in good condition. The highway department is keeping the road open | for motor traffic. Our Annual Sale, All this month we will put on sale jour entire stock of Gents' Furnish- ings, Ready-to-Wear clothing and | made-to-measure suits at a great re- : duction in price. A call will convince you. Prevost, Brock street. Lansdowne Oddfellows Event. The Lansdowne lodge No. 270, [.LO.O.F., held a supper and, dance in their spacious hall on Friftay even- {ing and there were over 250 guests present. Music for the dance was | supplied by the Allen orchestra, King- ston, Burned by Explosion, S. M. Mallery was burned about tha head and face and Fred Nowlon Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills The Great Liver Regulators | The duty of the liver is to prepare , and secrete bile and serve as a filter Chestnut Coke For a quick, clean fire in your kitchen range try our Chestnut Coke, $17.00 per ton. CANNEL COAL for grates and fireplaces ... $18.00 per ton. WOOD, all kinds--cut 12" long. Slabs, $3.75 per load. HARDWOOD for furnaces, W. R McRae & Cu --- ra $4.25 per load. W. A. Mitchell & Co. 15 Ontario Street Telephone 67. West End Fruit and Confectionery Store Highest grade Chocolates and Fruit only. Neilson's Ice Cream Bricks and Eskimo Ple a specialty. Everybody should try a 3 PEA COAL and COKE HARD AND 'WOOoD Cut in stove lengths. BOOTH & 00. Grove Inn Yard Phone 1383 Saladice brick full of fruit and nuts, STORE OPEN NIGHTS. J. H. JARVIS Cor. Princess and Albert Streets. - Phone 2373m, ¥ OPEN NIGHTS. to the blood, cleansing it of all im- purities «nd poisons. Therefore when the liver .. inac- tive and failing to secrete bile in suf- ficient quantity canistipatiog and other liver troubles soon follow. Mrs. H. D. Hutchinson, Peterbor- ough, Ont., writes:--*'I Lave been us- ing your Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills and they have done me a lot of good. My liver bothered me a great deal; [ was drowsy and tired all the time and didn't feel like doing anything, let alone my housework. I tried everything, but your Pills seemed to do the work far better than anything I had ever taken." Price 25¢. a vial at all dealers or mailed direct on receipt of price by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. Is Masculine on Saturday, farmers on ths market | about the hands when gasoline whicn | the former was removing from a | {in every state of. the United States; |lighting plant in his store at Mallory- |and Ontario is the last province in {town expleded through proximity to | the dominion to pass such legislation a stpve ---- i Failure Predicted. | Carting Away Snow. Referring to the agitation for the | Great loads of snow are being |formation of another co-operative { dumped on the Cricket Field, it being [company for the sale of cheese, an | brought thers from Princess street, cid buyer stated there will be little | he main drag being made passable |rrogress made this year because of | {for the constant flow of traffic. It [the reluctance of the patrons to en- | is years since Kingston has experienc- iter into new agreements after "the | ied such a quantity of snow. {failure of the first company. The | -- {annual meetings of the factories will' {be held this month and the co-opera- i Death of a Graduate, Rev. J. G. Stuart, for more than twenty years pastor of Knox Preshy- ments upen which operations can be | terian church, South London, and [carried out during the coming sea- | v»ho retired a few years ago died oa (son. | Friday, aged seventy-three years, Ho | rmm---------------- graduated in arts and theology from | Delayed Opening Service. i Queen's University, Kingston, | The American channel has not | . {been frozen as quickly as the King- | Teachers' Courses Open. ston harbor and therefore the King- Beginning this week, the teachers' |ton-Cape Vincent stage has delayed training courses will open at Ren- [Opening the winter service. W. {frew under the High School Cadet Forne, the stage driver, is awaiting | physical training system as arranged the receipt of word from Cape Vin- by Lieut-Col. G. H. Gillespie, Sergt.- (tent as soon as the iee is reported !\fajor Gilbert will be in charge of in- Strong enough for crossing with struction and there are twenty teach- teams. He will carry passengers and | 'ers soeking certificates of qualifica- | 'UZEage, bat the mail will continue "A" and "B." to come to Kingston via. Prescott un- {'ess an unexpeoted change is made by the postal authorities. Tne Wolfe [sland people are running their own | stage and carrying their mail tion Death at Pembroke. The death occurred at Pembroke, ion Wednesday, of Leonard M. Chap- man, one of the leading business men of that He had been quite ill for over a month, and recently weut to Montreal to undergo treatment He was forty-three years of age, and I'ad resided in Pembroke since 1907 He was born at Lachute Quebec, A Successful Even, { The Crystal - Springs U.F Y.P.O. wid a most successfu! event in the | Springs hall on Friday even- There was a large attendance of young people and great praise is expressed over the manner in which | committee in charge handled | overything pertaining to the enjoy- | ment of the evening. It was the first | undertaking of the Young People's | Stock Company closed a very success- | Olyl, and gives promise of itz greater | fui engagement in Kingston. At the (zyccess. The committee was com- evening performance there were $0 | nosed of Misses Lilas Henderson, many people in attendance that the |\Woodhouse, Trudell, Elsie Day, OMve | {top gallery was used by ladies. King- | Bridgeland, Gone Abbott. Mrs. J. D. ston showed its appreciation, of the {Morris and Mr, O'Neil assisted. Rex Company, which left Monday for | Peterboro, | place. ing Crowded To thy Doors. The Grand Opera House crowded to the doors at both per- formances on Saturday when the Rex the was ---------------- Home and School Club. Need Snow Plow. Louis Home and School Club held A prominent citizen stated to the |its regular meeting on Thursday, Jan. Whig on Saturday that he would lke | 11th, at 8 p.m. The attendance was {to see the city inaugurate a system |#00d. 'The president, Mrs. Richard- whereby 'tha sidewalks would be [S0n, conducted the short business | cleaned by a snow plow. He said that (eeting. The matter of & lautern some system could be put into opera- | Was discussed and an invitation ac- | tion whereby the main thoroughfares Cébted frem Macdonald school to at- | at least could be gone over with a fend a demonstration of a lantern {low early in the morning. The sys- (and slides in the school on Jan. 16th, {tem of having each cttizen shovel off |Eiven by Mr. Pye. A short pro- this own walk he did mot think was |&amme followed: An address by {filling the bill. His idea is to have | Miss Lovick on "Work of Home and the work carried out well and paid | School Clubs." The Ruggle's Dinner for out of the general taxes, Party: Mrs. Ruggles, Eva Manahan; Sara Maud, Helen Tweddel; children. Nurses 2 Gerald Walker, Arthur Scott, Dor- The legislation of last ' session othy Publow, Jean Hunt, Doris Allen, which provided for the registration | Bessie Stein, Doris Bruce and Letty {of murses in Ontario became opera- | Sannders. Dances of Fairies, 'Mae tive today. This simply means that { Milner, Beatrice King, Myra Webber. each graduate nurse fills in an aps | Refreshments oe Selva) ud the - _ | meeting was broug] a close by plication form, signed by the super the National Anthem, intendent of her school, pays a sma' a fee, and when her claims are inves- |' tigated and verified, she may hold | CAS Y oO = 1A For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years made liable to a fine of $100. This Yi form of registration is the one used | the distinctive title "Registered | Always bears " the Signature of Ae - Nurse." Any persons posing as such | -------- without having properly qualified are Worm Turning? Men . Sue Deserting Wives for Alimony! A A n-- GUNNS MAPLE LEAF COOKED HA Put up in one pound net tins. Cooked vor is t to w one a AL, s ting for holiday tripe BON MARCHE GROCERY a EE en af E n it ll iit E : . "FOR SALE Quebec Heaters, Fire Kmgs, Radiation and Piping. Also all kinds of building material. L Cohen & Co. £79 Ontario St. Phones 836, 837 i Ma ig --T AN | a SoA promise suits tive board is too late to obtain agree- | _ FEL Coke and Pea Coal make a good com- bination for furnace use. We have it. S. ANGLIN & CO. Woodworking Factory and Lumber Yards, Bay and Wellington Streets, KINGSTON, Out. Office Phone 66. Factory Phone 14103 PHONE 053¢ 5s aves see. FROSTS MOTOR CAR REPAINTING the Same Superfine Lasting Finish The Best is the Cheapest--The Lustre Lasts Come STOP WONDERING What you are going to get for dinner. You have puzzled too long in thinking of a change. Bring the family here for a pleasing, well-cooked meal. He'll enjoy the change--and you'll be glad to rest. NEW ENGLAND CAFE' 331 King Street. Kingston, Ont, Phone 655 FOR CHOICE FURS SEE US. Gourdier's 78 Brock Street. / vor Overcoat SALE Greatest Reduction Sale of High- Class Overcoats Ever Held in Kingston Men's and Young Men's 3-piece Silk- lined and Silk-faced Tuxedo Suits *45.00 TWEDDELL'S Clothing House Bea Fog and Son Carte ill yo longer be permted 1 sos for breach of promise fo Massahinefi i I oly ye' and plain 'lackmail,® Mr. : redress for a broken heart than a man and what recourse Hays. "A woman is a man if a Te more inconstant ND Now is the time to add to your stock of Bed Sheets and here is the opportunity to purchase high-class qualities at a great sav- : ing in price. Best Canadian makes, Bleached Sheet- ing in 13, 2 and 2} yards wide at 50c., 60c. and 75c¢. a yard. English Sheeting, including Horockses, 2 and 2} yards wide, at 90c., $1.00 and $1.25 a yard. J Unbleached Sheeting will bleach white in a few washings and wear like iron--14, 11, 2 and 2} yards wide at 40c., 45c., 50c.. and 60c. a yard. | ie Sheets made up, hemmed and hemstitch- ed in all sizes, from ...... $1.50 each up. b W. N. Linton & Co. hone 191.

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