Daily British Whig (1850), 16 Jan 1923, p. 13

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d 1023, 2 TUESDAY, JANUARY 186, | ~ SPORTING NEWS CURLING GAMES The First Scheduled Matches Played on Monday. The first games in the club series at the Kingston curlimg rink wore played on Monday evening. The ice was in excellent condition and the games were very exciting at times. The winners in each case attained victory by a large score. The rinas and scores were: W. H. CarnovskyJ. J. Taughen W. J. B. White C. A. Bunt J. 8, Asselstine W. Chapman H. Angrove T. Caysley Skip 12 Skip 8 Tw A. Patterson R. H, Fair W. Frizzel J. A. Boeott W. J. Drysdale Skip 17 D. A, Shaw J. Macdonald J. M. Eliott Skip 7 W. M, Nickle T. M. Asselstine J. F, MeMilian Geo, Hanson Skip 7 Frank Harold ( 'F. Walsh S I. ¥. Rowland John Gibson Skip 13 D. W. Taylor R. O. Patterson W. H. Dyde G. Masoud J. Rigney J. J. Baker H. Douglas 8. W. Dyde s Skip 15 Skip 6 A. B, Cunningham defaulted J. B. Cooke. WHO THREW Tar ON THE ICE? at Tankard Games on Wednesday Two rinks from the Kingston cur- ing club will go to Napanee wu Wednesday to compete in the Tan- kard competition which takes place in that town. The Kingston skips | will be M. P. Reid and J. F. Mac- | donald, Games Postponed It had been the intention to play ! some games in the ladies curling rink on Monday but on account of the weather not being very coid, tno games were postponed for one day. The ladies are making arrange- "| Reglepolis THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. | Perhaps The Reason Y defence; | Spencer and Huff- | Maclaugh- | Loucks and = Schermehon, | Smith, cewutre; { man, wings; Johnston, lin and Babeock, subs. Referee--G. T. Walters. St. Mary's 8, Regiopolis 6. Mary's defeated Regiopolis in a senior juvenile game at St. Mary's rink last night in an overtime game by the score of three to ten minutes of overtime was fast throughout 1 of boys played v This game puts St the Juvenile League, have been champions {four years clean for --goal, Lawrence; McGrath and Cavanaugh; { centre, Amodeo; wings, {Carey; subs., | St. Mary's--goal, Gibson; deferice, | | Englant and Vokes; centre, Stroud; { wings, Muchmore and Cudden: subs. {Lawless and Carey. Referee--L. Guirey. | fence, City Juvenile Hockey League. The schedule for the senfor and junior divisions of the City Juvenils Hockey League has been drawn .up, as féllows: Juniors, Regilopolis University vs. Beavers. Six vs. Boo- 20 Jeavers vs. University 1. 23---Boo-Hoos vs --Beavers vs Regiopol Regiopolis Boo-Hoos, is x8. University Seniors. 18--Regiopolis vs. 20-~--Arrows vs. St. Arrows Mary's. Jan Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Any 27--Arrows vs. Regtopolis. 31--S8t, Mary's vs. Arrows. necessary changes will be made by the secretary of the league. | LOCAL NEWS. | Brief Items of Interest Picked Up by the Whig Re- | porters. The woman whose. family is the | best dressed is a store-ad reader. Mr. Swaine, piano tuner. Orders | recuived at 100 Clergy street west. | | 'Phone 564w, i Every merchant who has some- {thing worth while is telling it in our | ads. | Dr. K. Suddaby, Sharbot Lake, | brought a patient to the Kingston | | General Hospital on Tuesday nothing, rattling \in the three counters in the The game and both sets] hockey. Mary's leading of which they the last | de-| James and Teiro and Stanton. _ 23--Regiopolis vs. St.Mary's. | ou Haven't Sold It, 3 more money-saving, But if you're 'not i i tions you right one- come Business Service, ¥ If you w= Index to Classifications The following classification headings | appear In this newspaper in the numer- | teal order here given, closely allied | classifications being grouped together. The individual advertisements are | arranged under thesé headings Ia | al phabetical order for Quick reference, BUSINESS SERV ICE, | | | | | Engagements. Marriages. Deaths. 2--1In Memoriam. 3--Card of Thanks 4--Funeral Directors. p--Funeral Flowers. 6 --Cemetery Lots, Monumen!s 7--Lodge Notices. §--Coming Events. 9--Fersonals. 10--Lost and Found. AUTOMOBILES A --Automobile Agenciés 1i---Automobiles For Sale j2--Auto Trucks For Sale. 13--Auto Accessories--Tires--Parts. 14--Garages--Autos for Hire--Tax: 15--Motorcycles and Bicycles. ' i1¢--Repairing--Service Stations 17--Wanted--Automobiles. BUSINESS SERVICE 18--Business Services Offered. 19--Butliding--Contraciing. 30-----Cleaning-- Dyeing. ~Henovating. 21--Dressmaking--Millinery 22---Heating, Plumbing, Roofing. 23---Insurance. 24--Laundering. 25----Moving, Trucking, Storege. 26--~Palnting, Papering, Decorating. 27--Printing--Engraving. 28---Professional Services 28a--Accourtants. 28b--Architects. 28p0~-Chiropractle 28d--Dental 28e--Legal 28f---Medloal. 28g--Osteopathy. 28h--Osteopathic Physicians 29---Repalring. 30--Taliloring and Pressing. 31--Wanted--Business Service, EMPLOYMENT 32--Help Wanted--i'emale. Which Is Your Classification? If you're a wide-awake, up and-coming sort of per- son, you welcome the A-B-C ( You read and use it regularly common sense square inch than anything you can find in this city. interested won't care much about this section of the Whig. And after you've decided under--and the next thing to do is to decide which Classi- fication of the A-B-C Ads Interests you most to-day. All the way from Automobiles to Real Estate, through Employment, Merchandise--you'll find all sorts of opportunities and all sorts of satisfaction. want what you want when you you'll want these columns every day! THE A-B-C CLASSIFIED ADS ALWAYS THE SAME--IN SERVICE ALWAYS DIFFERENT--IN OPPORTUNITY. 'lassified Section every day. because it contains opportunities per. in these things, you which of these classifica- we believe you're in the want it-- The British Whi Sritish 1 b 8 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING. Indexed, standardized and populare ized according tu THE BASIL L. SMITH SYSTEM Inc, Philadelphia, Pa. All ads. are restricted to thelr proper classification, and to the regular Daily Whig style of type. CLASSIFIED RATES Daily rate per line or consecutive insertions: Minimum charge, 25 cents. Daily rates per line. ddys b 4 $ charged, Deaths--One insertion, Marraiges, Birins, Engagements, $1.50; cash, $1.00, Card of Thanks and Memoriam Notices--Charged, $1.60; cash, $1.00, each insertion. Aavertising ordered for Irregular insertions takes the uvne-time inser- tion rate; no ad. taken for less than basis of four lines. * Count 8'x average words to line. Charged ads. will be received by telephone and if paid at The Brit- ish Whig office within £ days trom the first day of Insertion, cish rate will be allowed. Ads. ordered for more than one day and stopped before expiration will only be charged for the nuraber of times the ad. appeared and adjust- ment made at the iate earned. Rate per line for white space is the same as a line of type. Special rate for yuarly advertising upon request. Publishers reserv he right to edit or reject all classified advertising the opy. Torsphone 243, ask for a want ad. taker. ~ Announcements Personals 9 Charge. Cash | Fi 4 3 os iness Service Business Bervices Offered CARPENTERING--James Selby, tractor, 3 Livingston Avenue, L130). CAKPENTERING--And cement work | by contract or day. First-class k at reasonable prices. ¥. Ww. 8 _87 York Street. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHY--AGJ copy, Form Letters, ete. Prompt, effi- cient service. Business service Burea: 8 t. Phy 1J 18! con- | Phene | ressmaking: DPRESSMAKING -- i Whitework. Child- ren's clothes a 'specialty; all work| uaranteed. Miss S. E. 'Pigion, 2184 University Avenue. 3 HEMSTITCHING--Picot edging, pleat- ing; work guaranteed. Mrs. E Card, 366 Barrie Street. 11g blocks FIRE--AuUtomobile and Casualty insur- ance. Mrs H. 8B. Crumiey, 420 Earl Street. Phone 1782M. INSURANCE--Our Sickness and Acci- dent Policy 1s what you need. Fire Insurance at low rates. Don't delay. Call or phone Ii. Williams, 3 Couper St, INSURANCE--O nly the mcst reliable companies represented Strange & Strange, established in 1860. Office: 95 Tlarence Street, opposite Post Office. INSURANCE--Fire, life, accident and sickness insurance. In reliable com- panies, J. B. Cooke, District Manager Phones: Res. 842w. Office 503 INSURANCE --ai sbrancna "Excelsior Life, Royal Exchange Fire, Casualty and 'Automobile, Plate Glass, Burglary. (. Hunter Ogiivie, 107 Gore street. Phone 1087. Moving, Trucking, Storage 235 ASHES--Cleaned out of cellars and ds, clean job done. A. MacGregor, ell Street, Phone 2255. rantees "good service in Baggage, 8s and mov- ing; reasonable prices. 104 Montreal Street. Next tg Armouries. Phone 1464 STORAGE--For furniture, clean, "dry, airy rooms and spaces; your own lock and key. Frost's C Storage, 299- _306 Queen Bt. Pho . 98 ng, Papering, be SIGN PAINTING--J. 8. rear 5 Bagot street. Robinson, 2 Decorating -- first class WOrK and work guaranteed. Call or phone A. Anderson, 166 Bagot street. Phone 1966. PAINTING--ADnd Paperhanging: work- | manship guaranteed; prices right. See | our choice selection of Wall Paper, 8.| It. Lyons, 514 Barrie Street, Prone; G--Papering, NU--Papernanging, L Decorating | | Glazing, Hardwood JVloor Finishing etc, nrst class work, reasonable! prices. W. Blipaper samples. gosta Les} br ed Mounteer, Alfre v ARCHITECTS--Power, Son and Drever, | | Merchants Bank Chambers, corner of | _Brock and Ww = C Chiroprac the gE MARCELIS-- Wm., A, DC. Ph.Cy cor- | ner Princess and Barrie Streets, 2nd | floor, Barrie St. entrance, Kingston, | Ont Consultation free. Telephone! 822). H urs 9 to 12 am. A i LUCY=Dr. George F., Jennie A.| Lucy, Chiropractic PRI LS and | Graduate Nurse, 239 Bagot Street, be-| tween Princess and Brock. Telephone | 943w. Hours 9 to 12 a.m, 1 to 6, and | 7 to 9 pom. Spinal analysis and con- sultation free. Residential calls by] _Sppointment. 28d. | 159 Dental SPARKS & SPARKS -- Dentists, Wellin of Brock. | Employment "Help Wanted--Male 33 SHOW CARD WRITING--I ur us. Make money at home, $15 to $60 pald week- ly for your spare time writing show cards for us. No canvassing. €e il- struct and supply You . with work gus Show Card Servics, 17 I igratl on expect a large r of first class men from the Old during the latter part of h and succeeding months, some experienced, sume partly and some in- experienced young men, and experi- enced and partly experienced married men with and without families. Farm- erg with vacancies will kindiy write H. A. Macdgnell, Director of Coloni- zation, Parliament Bulidings, Toron- to, or to the undersigned for intorma. tion and application forms. Applica- tions will be dealt with as 1ap as possible in the order in which 'they arc r.oveived, preference being given yearly en ements. A. W. Sirett, As Repre en\ati e. NURSERY STOCK---AR agency for a reliable nursery firm Is profitable. You can sel in country, town or caty. We grow and sell the best only, and want reliable, energetic agents for unrepre- sented terr'tories. Write now. Pel- ham Nursery Co. Taronto. TEACHER--Protestant, ed, for 8. 8. No. 6, Wolfe Islandy. Put les to commence February 1st, 23 Apply, stating salary and Sli to William Cooper, Route 2, Wolfe 1s- Is Because It's Not Advertised Here Rooms For Rent ___Rooms For Housekeeping 60 69 FLATS Two, suitable 'Two, suitable for light house keeping; furnished or unfurnished. Possession at once. Apply H. A Wood, corner King and Johnson streets. TWO SUITES--Furnished, for Hght housekeeping, on bathroom flat; for cooking and all other conveni- No objection to one amall .__Apply 436 Princess Street Wanted--Rooms or Board 73 ROOMS---For light housekeepin in comfortable home, all conveniences ired. App 4 al Estate For Rent iness Places For Rent 78 ences. child, LODGE ROOMS---Rooms on King streeg ~formerly oce fed y, the § 0.0% th. HOUSES--Nex. ¢ 41, 45, 471 Concession St, 5 room each. 257 Rideau St, EO improvements. Single Eariges, 6 Queen street. All rent reasonable. Ap~ M. Susman, Phone 988w. 88 RIDEAU. STREBT--Warm 8 stone house, 8 rooms, 3-plece bath, furnace, gas, electricity, rent moderate. Apply 47 Rideau stre Ee ee eS Business Property wa BAJUS BREWERY--F or sale or to ek Apply G. M, Macdonell, K.C, 88 Clars ence » Street. . Real "Estate For Sal Houses For Sale land ole or Financlal "Money to Loan FRONTENAC--Loan and Investment Society, incorporated 1861. President, W. PF. Nickle, K.C; vice-president, A B. Cu nningham. Money issued on city and farm properties; municipal and county debentures; mortgages pur- chased; Investment bonds for sale; de- posits received and Interest allowed R. C, Cartwright, manager, $7 Clarence 3 Kingston. __ Instruction _ Y will be a bigger success if you engage Treneer's Society Orchestra, Phone $79w. or 1164F. Ted Treneer, 261 King Harmony Six, soatid evenings, banquets or s. For engagements apply Art Christmas. § Queen St. Tel. 102im. ORCHESTRA---Clare Smith and his chestra for all social functions y Otten, corner Clergy W. and Division Phone 973w for engagement Merchandise "Articles For Sale 51 ALARM CLOCKS--We have a good variety of alarm clocks. at $1.35 and up to $2.00. G. W. yous, two stores, 244 and Princess St. ANTIQU ES--One ORT walnut din-| ing-roodn "set $58; 3 clocks; one 'colonial mahogany dress-| bronze Losses ' Antique Shop. 507 507 Princess s street. 2 carling, by "the "quarter, nder Hinds 9¢. Fronts Thursdays and Satur- 5. BEE Guaranteed 6c. De livered days Phon BOBSLEIGHS--McNamees pac.nl, sai-| isfaction guaranteed, ty PH ght, 346 Alfred, next to cor. Princess street. Bee me before buying. Phone 2292w. BRICK suantity of hard and soft. Ap- 3 Wathen, 143 Nejson street 618 or phone 1381). BICYCLES--Cleveiand and Columbia Bicycles stored for winter; Baby Car. riage repair work done; Skates sharp- ened. and hollow ground at Muller's Lij- jeweller, | grandfather's| -- BATEMAN'S REAL _ESTATA $1000--4 roomed frame house, end, large lot. $1,900--Frame house, stable, for quick sale. $3,500--8tone, 12 rooms, good location. Rents $45 a month. 7 rooms and $1.500--Grocery business, Soed running business. Rent $25 monthly. HOUSE~To rent, §10, and 4 rooms, $18. BATEMAN'S REAL ESTATE 162 Wellington Street. HOUSES For sale and to let _in af) parts of the city. Apply to H. B. Wile son, Real Estate, Uptown Post Office. Phone 1098. E. W. MULLIN & SON Estate and Insurance Brokers Phone 63%w. _See Display Advi, on Page Two. Real HOUSES STUART STREET---Brick, 7 roms, 4 bedrooms, electric lights, gas, 3-plece bath, furnace, good cellar, hardwood floors' throughout, fire-place. lot--$4,600. SYDENHAM STREET -- Brick, 19 rooms, 5 bedrooms, electric lights, gas, 3 piece bath' furnace, idk cellar, gar. age, hen house--§4,600 M. B. TRUMPOUR Phone 704 or 848J. 237 Bago! Street north | "Teddy" Green, of the eich of- ments for entertaining the Scotch |pse at the market, is laid up at his | surlers who visit the city on Friday. {nome suffering from lumbago. ton street, corner cycle Works, 871-3 King Street. Phone Suaew. 32--Help Wanted-->Male. 34--Help--Male or Female. 15----Holicitors, SKIN BLEMISHES --Hair, Moles, Warts Birthmarks, Skin Cancers. Scats, Pits, | -hone 346 KNAPP--L'r. A. B, Dentist. Office: 258| To-Day"s Blunder Satisfac- Young A NIPPY NIGHT Making Final Ar-angements The committee, working out the detalls, in connection with the visit of the Stotch curlers, held a meeting on Monday. The curlers will arrive ! in the city on Friday morning by C'P.R. from Ottawa and will put up| at she Frontenac hotel. The noon lunch will be held at the Frontenac hotel. Mund Purse of Money The caretaker at the Kingston curling club on Monday evening pick- | ed up a purse containing a large sum of money, : Hockey Scores, Argos 6, Hamilton 6B. Kitchener 3, Aura Lee 2. Soo Greyhounds 8, Wolves a " Nanapee 5, Young Irismen 4, The Young Irishmen of Kingston lost to the Napanee aggregation by 6 to 4, after twenty minutes over- time, in a Bay of Quinte League fix- ture in the later town on Monday night. The game was certainly the best in the Quinte league this year. The game was extremely exciting in that the score was tied 1-1 in the opening petinds 2 all in the sec- ond period; 3 all in the third; and 4 to 4 in the first ten minutes over- time session. Refore the second ex- tra session bad gone half way, Naps- nee slammed In rather a flukey goal t6 win the game. The Irishmen 'to tie the score again, intervened and the J * * sign was hung out. . had only one sub. and pron vir ed broke his skate in the third regular period, the six men had to go the entire -. stretch 'untelieved. There were a vusther "of minor injuries suffered the contest. It 1s regrettab tami be on the other foo. The Seams: Irishmen--Taughes, Angrove and Finkle. 'defence; Dev. iin, centre; A. Angrove and N. Mil- an, wings: J. Millan, sub. Napanee ----- Vanalstine, ! Grading regulations are to go into | effect on April first as far as export | cheese and butter are concerned, Buchre in aid of Hotel Dien Hos- { pital, tomorrow evening in nurses tecreation hall, Refreshments. {~ The firemen were called to the | home of George Pollitt, 8 Chestnut] street, for a chimney fire at 5.32 p.| m., Monday. Prof. Roy, Queen's University, de- {livered an address on Germany be- fore the Rotary Club, Belleville, on Monday at noon. Lieut.-Col. Hodgins, { officer, M.D. No. 3, is in {where he is conducting course for militia officers, | The vestry meeting of St. George's | cathedral, which was to have been | held on Monday evéning, was post- poned until Jan, 30th. Seven arrests were made at Point | Anne and two at Trenton for offenses {against the Ontario Temperancee Act. { The cases will be heard on Friday. | A meeting of the Canadian Club fits be held on Wednesday at 6.00 p.m. at the Frontenac Hotel. Rev. | Dr. Renison, Hamilton is to be the {speaker. John = Guirey, general staff Ottawa, the rallway engineer, who has been employed by the | Kingston and Pemfibroke and th | Canadian Pacific railways for over forty years, has been notified that he was placed on the superannua- tion list on January 12th. THE DRY. SPELL BROKEN Belleville Fan Fine Fined For Being Intoxicated at Hockey ' Match. There was one hockey fan who came from Belleville on Monday night, who did not return with the team. And thereby hangs a tale: Provincial Constable Roy Clark and John H. Stoness and Inspector Plumb were at the hockey match be- tween Belleville and Queen's and just before the first period was over they heard some person kicking up a great fuss. - It happened to be a Belleville fdn. The latter was warned to be good, but the evidence of the officers showed that be aid not take the warning given him. ' Later on he was taken to the pobice station in a taxi, and after all the evidence had been given In the police court on Tuesday morning the magistrate imposed fu fine of $10 and costs. The accused stoutly dented the charge dodged against bim--in fact ho went so far as to declare that he had no Hquor this year, . The witnesses called stafed that the fan was .intoxicated and that he persisted in making speeches and us- ing bad language. This marked the first session of the police court this year, and it re- | 50--Way staff | { b1--Business and Office Equipment. Canvassers, Agents. Wanted. Wanted--Female. Wanted--Male. -- Teachers 36--=8ituations 37-~Swmeaations FINANCJAL 38---~Business Opportunities. ju--Investments, Stocks, Bonds. 40--Money to Loan {1--Wanted--To Borrow. INSTRUCTION 43--Correspundence Courses 43--Local instruction Classes. 44+-Musical, Dancing, Dramatie. 45--Private lostruction. 46--Wanted--instructicn. LIVE STOCK 47--Dogs, Cats, Pets. 48--Horses, Cattle, Implements, 49--Poultry and Bupplies. . Live Stock. | Noe "MERCHANDISE s1--Articles kor le. pla--Barter and Exchange. pi--Boats and Accessories. p4--Buildings and Buliding Materials. po--Farm and Dairy Products b6--Fuel, Feed. Fertilizers. 51--Guod Things to Eat. p8-----Homemade Things. §9--Housenold Goods. 60---Jewelry and Watches. ¢1---Machinery and Tools. S2_--Musical instruments. 62a---Radio Equipment, 63--Sedds, Plants and Flowers. 64--Specials at the Stores. 85-- Wearing Apnarel. $6--Wanted--Te Buy. ROOMS FOR RENT 67--Rooms With Board. 68--Rooms Without Board. 69--Roomg Kor Housekeeping. 70--Vacation Places. 11--Where To Kat. 72--Where To Shop In Town 78--Wacted--Rooms or Board. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT 74--Apariments and Flats. 76--Business Places For Rent. 7¢--Farms For Reni, 77--Houses For Rent. 78--Office and Desk Room. 79--Suburban For Rent. $0--Summer Places For Rent. $1--Wanted--To Rent. REAL ESTATE FOR SALR R --Brokers in Real Es A $§2--Business Property. S3_warms and Land For Sale. $4--Houses For Sa 85---Lots For Sale. st --~Resort Property ar Sale. §3i--Suburban For so--Real Estate For £ Biohange. sy--Wanted--Real Emm TTT mained for a Belleville man to break the spell. Officers Installed The annual installation cermonies of Louise Lodge No, 10 of the Rebek- ah, took place in the Oddfellows Hall on Monday' evening and were largely attended. The officers were installed by Mrs. Webster, Gananoque, Sisto deputy grand master, assisted by Gwatkin, Kingston, past grok Mise puty grand master, and a delegation from Gananoque, including Miss Glover, Miss Pickett and Mrs. Meggs. The work was done in a most impres- sive and efficient maaner. After the Jormal work a social evening was en- joyed and refreshments were served. A vote of thanks was tendered to the installing officers. The new officers are: N.G., B. Hill; V.G., Ethel Burnes; den An Mamie Stover; n Murray; inside guard, A. outside guard, James Hamilton; J. P. ete, removed permanently. 38 years' experience. out operation. Lake, Eye, Ear, Dr. Elmer J. | KEY-- | | i | Throat, Skin. 301w. House 1135J. am Lost and Found Found, for Yale lock, and street Owner may have same at car check. Gilbert's Grocery, 194 Barrie Street. KEYS--Found, near Hotel Dieu. er may have same at Whig Office. , beiween St on Eo "five pearls, lawrence and Alwington, West, on January 14th. return to 127 King West. ene RUBBER---Found, on King Street. Own- ér may have same at Whig Office. "gold, with small on RING--Lost, 3 square design, street or downtown, for its return to ig Office, as _was valued highly 4 keepsake, BCARF--Found, brown, on Street, between Clergy and Syden- ham. Office. oR SCAR¥-- Found, woolen, near hotel, on Dec. 28rd. same by applying to Mr. Willlam Ger- yellow possibly + Albion And Pine street, on Barrie. 10 Pine Street GOOD USED CARS: GREY DORT SPECIAL BABY GRAND CHEVROLET FORD TON TRUCK McLAUGHLIN TOURING PALMER'S COR. BAGOT AND QUREN Auto Accessories--Tires--Parts 13 OPS--CUSHIONS AND Radiator Covers, business, Judson's Auto Tops, Brock- ville. PREST-OILITE DISTRIBUTORS--City Battery Service, 39 Montreal Street. Harged winding and magnétos re- ed and repaired. Electrieal and n Specialists on _- Eos boats. New and rental bat- teries Always on hand. Bpecial atten- tion to winter storage. Repairs to anything electrical. Bring us them at lowest prices. TIRES--Royal Oaks, { service per dollars. Tires, guaranteed ing wp to Ht. We have corner of Queen and O nvested Fabri them ndario tory Glasses fitted and furnished after others have falled. Goitre cured with Nose, | 258 Bagot Street. Phone | 10 | Own- King | ----= Finder please Clergy | == Generous reward | it] gore Owner may have same at Whig Owner may have gold, Sun- day night, between General Hospital Return to Twenty years At the Automobijles your househoid appliances. We can repair t give the best eed 6.000 miles and Tye -=at the Princess Street. Phone 652w. Open| olin tment. | NINGHAM & SMITH -- Barrist Bo 79 Clarence Street, Kingston. A. B. Cunningham, K.C.; be | Cyril M. Smith. | SHEA Ambrose, BA, Barrister Ane Solicitor. Law office, corner of King and Brock, over Royal Bank, Money | to loan. Phone 1999 and BENNETT. C. Oftice Phone 851. _hourg 1 22 ROBINS Hours_ 10. 30- 12 p.m Phone 1646. W.--M.D., 13 Clergy St Res. 18 Sm ce | 2 GRIFFITH, M.A. and Surgeon. Gynaecology. 7-8. 300 Earl Street, Phone 2299m. ment Osteopathy 28g. | Drs. Robert and idna, , near Earl. Phone 447. 2-6 p.m. and by ap- . 'M, Ph ician | Obstetrics, Ped strics, Office "hours 11-12, 2-4 and by appoint- | FURNITURE FINISHING--Of all k all kinda, Call and see W. Driscoll, 23 John street. Phone 296F. REPAIRING -- Good service, well done; skates hollow satisfaction assured. F. A. Jarvis, 621 I'rincess Street. SHOE REPAIRING--AM Work neatly done. Rubber heels a speciality. Skates put ¢n. W. H, Purvis, corner Bagot and Uarrack Streets. SHOE REPAIRIN "Fine work ¢ done, reasonable prices; repairing of ail kinds; satisfaction guaranteed. KE. Elliots, 315 Barrle Street, near I Ear. SHOE REPAIRING--AIL hand work. Rubber heels a specialty; efficient ser- vice. Adolf Kaminski, corner Mont- real and Queen streets. UPHOLSTRRING--New or used furhi- ture, work guaranteed. Call or drop a card. W. J Gavine, 218 Bagot street. UPHOLSTERING--And. Sensral repair- ing. i.eave orders at or drop a car to F. W. Harold, 174 Clergy Street. Batt UPHOLSTERING -- Covering | COAT COAT----Man's Coon, in godd condition Apply Box M-13, Whig Office. ~-Lady"s persian lamb, medium size. A bargain. Apply phone 1273J. FURNITURE -- We nave for sale ail kinds of good, second-hand furniture and stovis. Any person having stoves and furniture to dispuse of, we will pay highest prices. J. Thorupson, 333 Princess Street Phone 1600w HAY---Good, nixed feed; between 60 and 60 tons. B.C 'averly, R. N Light "double set driving, Han New York City style double plea- sure driving set of Bob Sleighs. J. Theobald, 297 King Street, King ston ( { MILL Id GOO rd Trimming, Velvets, Plush and Yelling. also some smart sample Hats. 112 Lower Willlam Street, HARDWOOD--3$34.00 cord; $3.60 quarier cord; cut any length; slab¥wood $2.75 quarter cord; kindling $1.50 quarter cord, sawed and delivered. W. H. Tal- bot, St. Catherine Street; yard on Concession Street, near Division, MATTRESSES --For sale, or made to your order, &ny size, an quantity, lowest factofy prices. Also renvoat- ing. Frontenac Matiress Company, 377 _King h 9613 ORG on amiin beautiful two manuel organ; in perfect condi- tion. Price $65. Terme: $8.00 cash and $5.00 monthly. C. W. Lindsay, Ltd. 121 Princess Street. PIANO--R. 8. Willlams Cabinet Grand dn good condition. Cheap to quick buyer. A) Apply 182 Bagot Street. SAWING MACHINE International, six | h. p. gasoline engine, two saws, every- | thing complete on trucks. Write or| phone J. A. McFarlane, R. M. D. No. 2, apanee, or phone 183 ring 3. 8CA S -- Canadian Te = Consisting Liss Canadian Toledo, honest weight, no springs, also number of second-hand Dayton and Bramford Scales. L. A. Sterling, 209 Princess St, Phone 1228. Carrected out, it but if it is ubbretisted it begins with a capital. (See Illustration on page 12) It the name "junior" .is spelled is written with a small letter, Densmere House Two comfortable rooms vacant after November 15th. All ednveniences. First class meals. Special attention to iranalents, 12-74 Sydenham Street Telephone 791m. MRS. E, P. DENISON Lakeview House Corner Queen .and Ontario Sts. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT, First-class rooms and meals, Good yards and stables. Special rates to Marine Men. P, M. DRISCOLL, Proprietor. WOOD~--Extra good, soft cordwood; dry; suitable for any purpose. Apply Richardson. Phone ¢211m, corner Barrack and Welling- ton street. mixed, hard and made to order in all popular shapes and sizes. Uphaistesiig and repairing done. E. J. Gi Lage. 244 University Avenue. Phone 183 Tailoring and Pressing 30 REPAIRING -- And Alterations, Mr. John Thompson guarantees first class talloring, pressing and cleaning. Mod- erate prices. William Street, Employment meer Help Wanted--i emale GIRL--To assist with housework. Ap- ply 128 Neilson Street. 14 Lr 24 hours service. §48J. XK Sars. Sud Bros, Queen rh Ri ros. G., Elisabeth Jorden; chaplain, L. C. Childerhouss. A meadow lark is epending tae winter on the farm of Ira Carwan rear {roquois. According to Mr. Carman the bird feeds on frozen bere ries remaining on shrubs and takes shelter in thickets or in an old stone fence. FANE Tha only sacs Fv furaihce ST6w. . hi Sia for yl corner HOME-WORK--Good wages. Wo néea ou to make socks on the fast, easily- warned Auto Knitter; experience un- necessary; distance immaterial; posis tively no canvassing; yarn supplied: particulars, Sc. stamp. Dept. 75-C., Auto-Knitier Co., Toronto. Help Wanted--Malo 33 MAN--Oval white d oval shaper hand, wi can make oval in wood Apply Box N-15, Whig Office. PAT, YOU TOM--A And Jack, and k, and Tarr live wires, full of a I want t Joy to go out and meet real nthe kind that you can Nok only oy OrRIDg | all day and nights. If A, ike a good r, hard, business fight, and feel that you can ¥ backed up to Hmst, then write me, Box 257, Post To Ha oa the full benefit from your the name and telephone a id appear, unless a box aumber is used. Advertise your wants hers. be surprised with the resuils You'll * Rooms For Rent Rooms With Board ROOM--Comfortably furnished, with or without board. Apply 215 University Avenue. phone 1216]. ROOMS. AND BOARD ---- First class large rooms with fireplace; well fur. nished, hot water heating, all conveni- ' ences. - 208 University, near Brock. Rooms Without Beard 68 BEDROOMS--Three beautifully fur- nished, well heated, oonvenjent . to business section. Enquire at 361 Bar- rie street. four, on bathroom ROOMS--Thres or ROC Bas or Pe cooking, all con. Yenienuces, private home, good local- My. Phone 1147F for particplars. ONIVERSITY AVENUE 243 -- First class rooms and boa all improve. [WW Kent Macnee Bank of Commerce Builaing, Brook and King Btre Phone Joi or itm. General Insurance 7S writing: Automobile, Hy oe" s cole] dent, Sickness, Plate Glass, 8 rglary § ete. sSepressnting only rellab : panies, - ments; centrally located. MERCHAN Three Piece he Turk's PHONE 105. in tapestry, | \ James Swift & CUSTOMERS SUPPLIED WITH CAL- ENDERS FOR 1923. ASK FOR ONE AT THE OFFICE., Co., Limited Foot of Johnson Street -

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