WrEATIAY. TA%GARY 16, 199, i 7 - JUST PUBLISHED BY ZANE GREY WANDERER OF THE WASTELAND An adventurous and vivid romance of the habititation of an heroic outlaw of the wasteland, by the love of a young girl. The strong clean breath of the great American desert sweeps through these pages, the heat of glaring noons, the tang of burning sage- brush, and the crisp clearness of starlit night. For sale at: -- R. Uglow & Co. ---------- THE WATKINS - MFG. Co. OF CANADA, LIMITED, 231 WELLINGTON STREET are rebabbitters of all kinds of Babbitt and Bronze Bearings for all makes of Automobiles, Trucks, Tractors, Marine Motors. We are also prepared to make Bronze Bearings for Electric Mo- tors and Generators. - Nothing too small or too large. All work guaranteed. D. M. L. CRAIG, SUPT. Office Phone 828. Res. 1205F, It Has Been Found That There Are 5,000,000 Schoc! Children in the United States | who are being retarded. in their school work through defective vi- sion and as we live under practically | the same conditions, it is only rea- | sonable that there are many children | in our schools being held back for the same. reason, Have your children's eyes examin- ed and make sure they are correct. JJ. THE DAI LAURA SECORD CANDY SHOP SHARES PROFITS Frank P. O'Connor Announces First Plan of This Kind in Candy Industry--Tenth Anniversary. i ingston is the home of the first can concern in the world to inaug- urate a profit-sharing plan for em-/ ployees. Frank P. O'Connor, the owner of the Laura Secord {Shop at 138 Princess street, first put his ideas for creating and supplying {the public with these famous can- dies in actual operation In 1913. This year marks the tenth anniver- sary of the shops thousands of friends and Mr. O'Cen- 'nor feels that nothing could be a {more suitable commemoration of the janniversary than sharing the profits | with those people who have helped to Dr. Nash's {build the business. { F. P. OCONNOR { When interviewed in his shop op- | posite the Randolph Hotel, Mr. O'- | Connor shid: '"The first Laura Secord | Candy Shop was opened on October Candy They have won! i | milk for children in need. | WHY STAY PAT? YOU CAN The answer nf most fat ft 18 te iangeraus to force the Marmola Prescription me these difficulties. miess, entail no dieting nd have the added advan- apness. Tablets absol r exer tige « ce12 'Now thuugh lug sicges of tire- crcire and starvat on diet or tad effets. { out gn gone €x Yaar of the city's covered wagons were utiliz- ea Ald. Boyd stated that the people | gugstioned very much having to carry | their garbage cans to the front street. | It was unsightly to leave them on the | glreets for hours after the collection | had been made i Ald. Peters did not think the peo- | ple should be asked to put their cans | on the front walks if they had vards | (handy. | Ald. Drisgoll replied that all that | {was asked was to put the cans at, some convenient place on the pre- | mises so that the collectors would | not have to lose time hunting for | them, ---- Some Resolutions. On motion of Alds. Sargent aud | Laturney, the council expressed it- | self in favor of the causeway con-t | struction at Collin's Bay under the | Jaisaction of the suburban road com- mission according to the plans sub- { mitted, providing the cost to the city {for this and other suburban road | {work during 1923 did not exceed the | {usual half mill that the city paid. | The council, on motion of Alds.| {Nash and O'Connor, directed that | |¥25 out of every thousand dollars {voted by the council to the unemploy- | {ment fund be paid to the Victorian {Order of Nurses for the purchase of | Ald. Chown moved, seconded by | | Ald. Anglin, that the property com- | {mitted be authorized to alter the bal- jot boxes by making the present hole {into a large narrow slit like a penny | | bank. | | Ald. Johnston rose to say that the LY BRITISH WHIG REDUCE | 8 people.is that | hard, too troublesome and too| weight down. | over- | They are; A case is sold at| v all druggists the world; nd the prige direct to the Woudsward Ave, De-| that you Know this, | 0 excuse for being fat but! sleadiuy 8nd easily "re: | | | | struments g | teacher of Elocution and Delsarte sys- | tem | of Physical Culture. to $6. Evening and Party Shoes Ladies' Black and Grey Suede Strap Shoes -- Patents with fawn and grey trimmings in fancy straps--Brown kid with fawn straps--Black satin and plain patent pumps--in fact everything that is dainty in footwear. Prices ran ge from $10 We also show pretty shoe ornaments at $2 to $3 pair. The most popular Tea In Ci DALY'S GOOD TEA Ask the people who use it, then buy | m pound and try it. Sales twice as great' as the next best acller. Order from 'MAHOOD'S DRUG STORE The Telgmanx School of Music Piano, violin and other stringed In- Alida V. Telgmann, Pupils may B.E.,| | begin at any date, Terms on applica- tion, i 484 BROCK ST. Phone 2217J. EVERY DAY IN EVERY WAY WE AIM TO SERVE YOU BETTER and BETTER J pL - LUT [TEC Orphans' Home for the benefit of the | | | Registered Optometrist | | 20 ata day | ©Ity's" ballot boxes belonged to thc | st. Opp. Post {20th, 1913, so that on the same day | 140 Wellington Pp | DENTAL | this year we will be ten years old, I Ontario government. Ald, Kent said "& | tion, feel that the success we have enjoyed |! Was ot so, and thought that it | CPildTen at thet fusiity fou Sy PARLORS would not have been possible had it | Would be better to go slow. City Property and Markets. | 183 PRINCESS ST, KINGSTON [not been for the steadfast loyalty of | 41d. Peters could soe no benefit of | That whereas a communication has | LE | we specialize on Painless Extraction, | my employees, many of whom have |!B¢ proposed change, as the baliots } veon received from John Ballantyne, | . FOR SA | Latest Pyorrhea Treatment and been with me for the full ten years. red to be folded anyway. | caretaker, warning this cemmittee . 8 roomed cement block || poy Lon [They have made not only our King-| AM. Foyd said that the small hole {that on account of the prevalent prac- house, good lot, electric light {| ~~ ~~ |8ton friends welcome in our shop, |W¥as a protection against fraud. {tice of smoking and throwing down and three-plece bath. Terms but they have made people from oth-| The motion was lost and the ballut }1tve minténes and cigarettes there is | can be arranged. Price $8,750. « Jor places and other countries go |Pox holes remain as they are. t dam or from fire in the city Also double ' cement block {home and tell about Kingston's| The following reports of commit- iy --. g Jation be made and | house with all improvements. I have adopted | tees were adopted: wall, that a regu Very easy terms. $5,500. Several Houses To Rent --- po THIS 9-PIECE WALNUT4SUITE 1S $245.00, In dark, rich, satin polished walnut---exactly as illustrated--oblong ex- tension Table, large China Cabinet, English Style Buffet, and 5 Side Chairs and One Arm Chair, with beautiful cane-filled Backs and gene uine Leather Slip Seats--delicately decorated. z JAMES REID PHONE 147 YOR SERVICE. ri ---- me | A SIGNIFICANT FACT i > room and corridors tenth birthday and as a mark of ap- Finance and Accounts. | The first Company to attain Three Hundred Millions of Life Tusurance in force in Canada The Great West Life 41 BROCK ST. {Laura Secord Shop. | notices posted that no smoking will | If this plan for the sharimg of profits | | be allowed in Ontanio and Memoria; | Kingston Jement Products OFFICE: 69 Patrick Street for the entire year to celebrate our | halls, dressing | Phone 780w. Three men were executed In Dun- dalk, Ireland, on Saturday, it was of- |] ficlally announced by Free States If oF i authorities. : F OR 80c That is what our 20% Discount Sale (Cash Sales Only) means to you. Only a few days more. Don't delay and miss this chance to save 20 cents on every $1.00 you spend. ROBERTSON'S Limited 73 Princess St. - GOLOSHES We are broadcasting the news that we have OVERSHOES to fit any shape or style of Women's Shoes. 50 a complete stock of Overshoes for Men and Children. Allan M. Reid preciation. As far as I know, we li are the first candy concern in the { world to put such a plan into opera- | tion." WONEN REBOKE COUNCL FOR ICNORNG THEN By Not Appointing One of Their Number to Board of Health. The local Council cf Women ad- ministered a rebuke to the city coun- cil Monday evening for failing to ap- point @ woman on the Board of Health as had been done for the past three years. The following letter from Miss E. L. Mowat, president ot the local council, was read: "On behalf of the local Council of | Women, I desire to express the great | 1ogret that the members feel at the ection of the city council at its in- cugural meeting in leaving off the Foard of Health the lo¢adl Council of Women representative. The members feel that this was a retrograde step and that there is need of a woman on this committee. The local epincil re- presentatives have been faithful in attendance and always ready to bear their shars in any work to be done, and the members are at a loss to understand why the backward step of leaving out a woman representative {should have been taken. We would | therefore respectfully urge that should a vacancy occur, through the resignation of any member already appointed to the Board of Health, a woman, preferably a member of tha local council, be appointed." A delegation consisting of Mrs. John Macgillivray, Mrs. W. F. Nickle and Mrs. Kennedy waited upon the council to further press the claims of the Council of Women, Mrs. Macgil- livray suggested that perhaps there might be a resignation from the pre- sent membership in favor of a woman representative. It was the desire of the women to co-operate with the men regarding matters of health, and ehe thought that a woman on the board would be most valuable. Mayor Angrove said that he ro- i gretted the aldermen had overlooked | appointing a woman to the board, but it was too late now to rectify the mistake, ; : On motion of Alds. Laturney and | Kidd, the communication of Miss | Mowat was referred to the Board of Health, it being. suggested that one of the appointed members might give way to the ladies. It was stated that have the time to devote to the duties I" a member of the Board of Health. ss | AM 3 Holder brought to the at- | tention of the council the question of !carting garbage through the streets !in open wagons and piling dead dogs cn top of them. Ho objested to this procedure. & Ald. Driscoll said he would take 'up the matter with the inspector of "he collection. He thought that all \ That the following temporary ap- {propriations be made, Board of {works, $3,000; fire and light, $1.- 500; oity property and markets, $500; city health, $1,600; contingen- cles and printing, $1,000; unemploy- ment, $1,500; police, $200; indus- tries, $300. That the mayor and city treasurer be authorized to arrange for the city's fire insurance and pay the premiums. « That the refunds as approved of and recommended by the Court of Revision be paid. That the mayor, Ald. O'Connor and the city" treasurer be a committee with authority to purchase deben- tures with the moneys in the sinking fund and to sel the city debentures to be issued this year on the best terms available, subject to the ap- proval of finance committee. That the application of the King- ston General Hospital Alumnae As- sociation to hold a tag day on Easter Saturday, March 31st, be granted. That no action be takem on the application of the Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, for a grant, That the application of the Union of Canadian Municipalities for mem- bership fee be not granted. That the sum of $100 be granted upstairs. man to make purchases up to but not exceeding $50. > City Health. That the part of the by-law regard- ing collection and disposal of garb- age, relating to the placing of the which is to be collected, be published in the city papers for the information of the octupants of premises, and this regulation. That the chairman be authorized to ceeding $50. That one uniform sult firemen's tenders for uniforms. Fire and Light. That the chairman be authorized to make purchases up to but not ex- ceeding $75. That tenders be called for summer uniform. Industries Report, That this committee co-operate and meet with the committee from the Board of Trade, that the chair- man of the city council committee, to the Kingston Curling Club for en- tertainment of the Scotch curlers. Board of Works. That Clouse 6, Report No. 50, Minutes of Council, 1922, be rescind- ed, reading as follows: "That a charge of three per cent. inspection against all local improvement work and a charge of fifteen cents per square yard on all permanent pave- ments be used as a maintenance fund for repair of permanent pavement." That commencing this date and ending April 15th, 1923, the labor pay lists shall be paid weekly, said list to close on each saturday night, and to be payable the following Wed- nesday. That the chairman be authorized to make purchases up to but not ex- ceeding $100. the chairman of the committee from | the Board of Trade and the industrial 'commisstoner form an executive, this executivg to receive and investigate all propositions, and when, in their opindon, sald propositions should be recommended, to lay them before the joint committee for approval or re- Jeotion. That Dr. W. W, Sands be appoint- ed industrial commissioner at a sal- ary of $500 per year, and expenses in connection therewith, payable month- ly. In attendance were Mayor An- grove and Alds. Anglin, Boyd, Ohown, Driscoll, Godwin, J. Holder, W. Holder, Johnston, Kent, Kidd, Kelly, Laturney, Milne, McCartney, Nash, O'Connor, Peters, Price, Rob- ertson, Richardson and Sargent. -------- That the city engineer arrange for making and flooding a riftk at the Five men were executed in Dublin for carrying arms. ' re that notice be given that all occu- | rants will be required to conform to | make purchases up to but not ex- | That authority be given the chair- # | i receptacles containing the garbage i i | | | for the | sanitary, inspector be included in tha | | PRIN CAREFUL, QUICK, COMPLETE DRUG SERVICE. "Where Princess and Division Cross" Hardwood Floors Cleaned! Why have your Hardwood Floors dirty and old looking when you can have them made like new ? : We have'bought a new Floor Cleaning Machine and guarantee to make your floors look like new. Estimates given on new floors laid, and Carpentry Repairs of all kinds. Thos. Copley Write 68 Queen Street or "phéiie 987, January 15th to - January 31st : OUR PRE-INVENTORY DISCOUNT SALE 25% OFF Everything in stock with the exception of resale priced articles -- Waterman Pens, Eversharp Pencils, etc. All goods marked in plain figures at the regular prices. Kinnear & d'Esterre JEWELLERS. : 100 PRINCESS STREET. .