' MONDAY, JANUARY 20. 1028, CRAPS 70 CRICKET LINE WIRES AND IRISHMEN DRAW Rare Contests at Arena Satur- day Night--R.C.A. Defeated A.O.H. by Odd Goal. Well, well--if the old senior city feague teams didn't go right at it again on Saturday night and dish up two more close and exciting games, That was expected and that was just what happened, bearing out the old cope that the city loop is the strong- est and most evenly matched in years, Here is what happened. In frst game, the Hibernians and Artil- lerymen fought rings around each other resulting in a the soldiers; while in the second con test--and golly what a battle it was ---4he Young Irishmen and ILdve Wires struggled for thirty minutes' overtime, ending in a, 4 all draw. Such a wonderful night of hockey has never been equalled in this old town, though the two games of Saturday night, January 13th, must be rated a close second. At this earlier date the Irishmen beat the A.O.H, by the odd goal after thirty minutes of o time, and Live Wires defeated. the K.C.A., also by the odd goal, in ar sxeceptionally fast game, which mer ty escaped from going into extra ses sions by the width of a hair. If the games are not worthy of the of real hockey as played by th will somebody please let's know what the Sam Hill Say, if you weren't at big double-header ' on Saturday night, you more than missed a real treat The fans were on their hind legs all the time, while the players were put- ting every ounce of energy they bad into the game, not just in periodic flashes, but all the time, from "gong to gong, This keen and fast play re- sulted in a number of casualties, and the oM doctor had to be on the job most of the night. The injuries re- ceived included a badly Jacerated mouth and a knock-out, in the latter | case, the player was taken to the hospital. These casualties were all unfortunate, but were not caused by step intentional vough play, the reason ly- | ing in the eagerness and general ail- round excitement of the players Before going any farther, special | roention must be made of the very satisfactory increase in attendance, and with the memory of these close | games fresh in their minds, every fan and fanette will surely be a walk- ing advertisement for the games bill- ed on Saturday night next sre still hundreds of fans who are passing up these offerings of the city feague, and they 'would do well to got wise to themselves right now be- fore the 1923 season 1s history. The games mre fast, clean and close, the | prices are right, and no fan will go wrong who invests two bilg in the rext-double-header. The bill for Rext Saturday night Is as follows R.C.A. va, Live Wires and Irishmen », A.O.H. -- Fast and Furious. In the eurtain-raiser, the men of the R.C.A. nosed out a hard-earned | victory over the Hibernians by 6 to 4, The A.O.H. puck-chasers, although trailing in the first two periods, came back with a great rush in the final session and almost pulled out a win. stall off their opponents in the dy- ing moments of the game, without playing for time, a disagreeable fea- | ture of many supposedly "superior" games witnessed during the past few years, and by carrying the old rub- ber disc right into the enemy terri- tory. Barly in the ggme, Williams, the clever A.O.H. defence man, was badly Entirely New Treatment for Bronchitis, Catarrh, No Internal Medi- the | 5 to 4 win for | Thera | The Artillerymen rose to the! occasion, however, and were able to | SPORTING i | NEWS ba carried off the This weakened the Hibernians a I although Whytack, wh placed him, played a soldiers pressed from off and were rewarded early urt, and had to ice the first face in the session, wien in a scramble in front | glanced off a! of the nets, the puck skate and fooled Taugher for first tally This encouraged the ar- tillerymen greatly, and they were never headed from then on. Taugher {had an off-night in the nets, J. Law- less, Lanos and Emery starred for {A.O.H.,, while Brownfield, Panet { Dougall and Pugh carried tb {of the work for the winners | The teams: R.C.A.--Lefage, goal; Brownfield and Panet, defence; Dougall, centre; Southwell and Pugh, wings; McGrath and Daybell, subs A.OH Taugher, goal defence; the Emery cen- Why- Lanos, 8 and Jame Moore, subs ith , wings; Another Hot Battle, Slaging a regular garrison finish on two occasions, the Irishmen were forced overtime Wires after hing pointed odd-goal lead This litile afialr of ening up the score happened in the two minutes of the regular third »d, Dunlop being the hero of the ur from the standpoint of the Live Wires and the spectators. Nothing was more desirable from a railbird's point of vi and almost everybody pt the green and white players, who have been most unlucky this {year in regard to the number of |oventime games they have played ere tickled to death to see the bat- tle roll merrily on, } _In the first extra session, Fred Brown raced down to tally for Irish- men in the first minute, and the teams then ' fought doggedly until | Bellringer evened the count just be- fore the gong was to end the game. {Two more fast and furious periods | Wwere staged, but neither team could | | obt ain an*advantage over the other. Eoth teams were satisfied with the joutcome, as a loss would have been {Leart-breaking to either, while tha | fans--well, there couldn't have been ! more noise at thes Arena if the cham- {@lonsitip of Canada, and the world, {Lad been at stake McCarthy, T. Angrove, Terry Mil- {an and 'Brown stood ott tor the | Trishmen, while Benny Morris, Watts, ever jast excr It was a grand man on the ice {0a the other side, | eld game, and every | was a shining star. The teams: | Live Wires--Morris, goal: Dunlop {and ' Beliringer, defence; Bullock, | centre; Watts and Sugel, wings; Bar- jrett, Lawler and Brooks (goal), subs. | Young Irlshmen--MoCarthy, goal; Angrove and Dungan, defence: F. Erown, centre; N, Millan and Devlin, vings: J. Millan, sub, { rm -- SENIOR LEAGUE STANDING. Group "A. | I 'ishmen Ldve Wires | IR. | Granites Circle Six + venue. {| THINK TREMAINE | CAN WHIP LYNCH Cari Tremaine, the Cleveland ban- tam weight, will be the favorite it he contrives a match with Jos | Lyne, bamamwelight champion, as {ve is now trying to do. Every 1ing- [st der who saw Tremaine stop Mike | Ballerina in two rounds at the Gar jden last Friday night decided that {the Cleveland boy could whip «nd | might knock out the champion, Lynch has taken slovenly care of pirveionl condition since he stop- ped Johany Buff and ained the cine To Take TOF; Yeats 550 the profession tough | £710 last spring. He recently had to Catarrh by Internal dosing. This up- set the stomach and didn't remove the trouble. The modern treatment consists of breathing the healing, soothing esseace of Catarrhozons, which goes instantly to the source and the treablc." Catarriozone is successful, becuase It penetrates where liquid medicines can't go. The balsamic vapor of Catarrhozone drives out the germs, scothes the ir- ritation, celieves the cough, makes Catarrbal troubles disappear quickly: For bad throat, coughs, bronchitis, Catarrhosoue if < woader. Two Foaitis' trostment ore dollar. Small size, 50¢. Sold evwywhere or The Catarrhozone Co., Montreal. ina rath. to Hot Springs, Ark., to boil out a the best bantems have shown in the Garden or (an nearby Jersey rings recently, and the ringside jury has bad a chance to make compari- sons, which place Tremaine at the topes ---------- -Johr Wilmans, of San Francisco, holds the United States amateur heavyweight title. There are some men who pussess every gift except the gift of the Dom er to use them. by the Live | second game of the bill, | to a safe | Beliringer and Bullock were the best | THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. «LONGEST SINGLE WAS A BONE PLAY Harry Niles Kept His Head So High That He Couldn't 8ee Who He Passed. Keep your head up has long been a pet slogan in baseball In most cases, it j& a mighty fine hunch to play You seidemn po wrong working along that theory However, I well recall 4 game In which keeping the head up proved very costly. In making that slate iment, I am taking the "heads up' slogan literally. A great many fast they get *uto their stride, run with head : tilted slightly upward. | Harry Niles, one of the fastest men i have ever seen in the majors, was | that type of runner Niles, because of runners, once his "heads up" gtyle >f running produced one of the | most unusual situations ! have cver seen on the ball fleld. | He made a home run that in real- ily proved to be nothing more than one of the longest singles ever re- corded in the history of the game Niles was with the Boston club and the game was played in Washington On the Boston club, |at tke time, a recruit first sack- | er by the name of Danzig, who also iplayed a part in the-episode. With Boston two runs behind, late tin the game, Danzig reached first base with Niles up. Niles hit a hard liner to right field. Danzig, on first, | belleved there was a chance that the | Ball would be caught. He played it safe by going half way between first and second, Niles, who hit 'he up bis mind that the ball' was not |gcing to be caught. When he round ed first base he was going to full speed, carrying his head high in the air. He passed Danzig, like an ex- press glips by a freight on a side track, The ball was plaved to the plate and Niles, with a nice 8lide beat the relay by a comfortable margin. It was not until he reached the bench {that he was aware that he had pass- led Danzig between first and second, land, of course, was automatically Joue the moment he went by a pre- ceding runner. | Danzig, in the meantime up in alr because of the action of Niles in passing him, went on to second and | {stayed there until the cleared. Unquestionably the near home run jot Niles was the longest single 1 jv ever seen in baseball, ball. ea made i TO BE SOME RACE. { 4 3 It Is just as well for the Yankees that the operation on Babe Ruth's finger wasn't serious. They are go- ing to need the Babe in the best peos- sible condition, Add they are going to need all their other plavers. It Tooks as if the race in the American Teague would be a hot one from the jump The Yanks didn't have any more margin than they needed over Si. Louis last season. If Sisler hed been in every game the Browns might the | confusion | even a better showing ¥ rave to be considered ai year Ty Cobb appears to have infused fighting spigit into The Tigers will be strong- er and more formidable anc hey always have been terrific hitters. | The players themselves expect to | finish high toward the top this sea- son, and it is very likely that they will | The White Sox have straugthenaed and Gleason has a smart ;*. bh. With any sort of luck in the breaks the Sox will win a Jot of games some of his { Detroit, Cleveland always will be a mora sor or less dangerous club so long as Tris Speaker retains his batting eye end his baseball knowledge Tris {thinks that bis club will be better {than it was last year. Washington and the Athletics both hope to make a better showing and Frank Chance wili get all there is out of the. material he is given. Alto gether the American League race promises to be a warm affair, Willard Has New Alibi. "Jack Dempsey won the title from | me on a sneak punch." That is the latest alibi offered by Jess Willard, former heavyweight |¢ hampion Sounds rather reasonable. The surprising 'thing is that Jess didn't figure it out sooner, "Dempec v slammed me on the chin {a8 we were coming out of a clinch, {after we had been ordered to break | clean. His act was contrary to the rules of the Toledo commission. "After that senéak punch I was through. 1didn't know a th'ng from [then on I was practically helpless I had dropped my arms to step back clean, when Dempsey put over the Illegal punch that decided the cham- pionship in his favor." -------- National Hunt Jockeys. J. R. Anthony heads the British winning jockeys for the year under National Hunt rules with 78 wi But for being kept out of the saddle for a time, te would probably have beaten the record of his bro- ther Ivor, 'who scored 78 wins in 1912. There was a big gap between firm and second, the next group be- {ing F. Ross, 47; L. Reecs, 46: @Q {Duller, 45; and P, Wootton, 42 The honor of heading the list | among amateur riders belongs to H A. Brown, who rode 20 winners, |Capt. G. N. Bennett coming next | with 23. | A gloom in steeplechase circles has | | been created by the fatal accident to [{G. Aylin, who was killed in Leop- ardstown. This, so quickly following | the fatality to Hawkins in France, | would suggest the game very danger- { ous, though actually fatal ccldents are rare, -------------- Made a World's Record. i Willie Ritola, a Finn, the speed- | lest runner to invade America since {the record<breaking tour of Hannes Kolehmainen, erased from the rec- ord book a mark which has been standing since 1910 and held by George Bonham when he covered four miles in New York in the sen- sational time of 19:27 4-5, i(weive| seconds faster than the oid record. | list of nie: Wheza you kaow enough asout the other man's condition wv pity him '8 time to get somo oid mixed with that pity. at the Strand Monday, Tuesday BRINGING UP FATHER + Scerfe from "The Young Rajah, " with Rodolph Valentino, and Wednesday. i 3 corner with a i icoking for men in | chance, | wards | What happened?" asked Teddy, | RECRUITING IN PAPUA. i dle all th day thing, Teddy," said "to stand at a street bunch of ribbons in and another thing to go out-of-the-way villages, where a white nan has never been seen before. The life oi a recruiter is not a bed of roses, baf neone has to go and get the boys tc work on the plantations. OI course, Teddy, there are places where | ho would simply be killed and eaten if he were fool enough to take a but there arc lots of places vikere he can take a chance, There are men who do nothing else but re- cruit, and some of the planters re- eruit their own boys. We started those plantations on the Bauboguina River with the boys we recruited. There was more than one adventure fn the game.' "Pleasa=tell me about one of them. anyhow, Unele, It must be exciting when the natives turn naety?" "It is, Teddy, but eti}¥l there is al- § one Uncle Frank, your ¢ap, | ways something in these adventures that makes one laugh about it after- I remember that about the first village 1 visited was a placs called Bomboga. The village was on an island close to that pirate island I told you about. . It wag built on the top of a hill, and the approach to the nil was a marsh which one crossed by climbing along slippery tree trunks. The branches had been cut in such a way to the trunks thet they were so many sharp spikes stick- ing up. If you slipped or fell, the! hances are you would be impaled | on one of them, Teddy, It was slow going for me, but the nimble natives fairly ran across 'hey were used to | that sort of thing "We got up to the villege safely | and all apparently went well Thue boys i Lad with me knew the iangu- | age and explained what we wanted The chief and the sorcerer rotired for n, and I sat down on a T'was still there when | 1dsome native came and sa' me. He took no notice of me, Lut 'he w hispered: "Taubada--get to the end of the | village Go slowly--give that 0.d | hag a cigaretts as you pass, and then, Taubada --Trun for your life to the over boat.' "Uncle, I bet you did you man sprinted, age over the How spikes ? whe | | i | An | { "Wen, saw, away. FOR TIO TR LE I OLR SLE Gut T'DHdE LS KIDNEYS LIVER, SL ureet it, the boys SKATING AND HOCKEY--MEN'S Everything in Sports. Treadgold Sporting Goods Co 88 PRINCESS ST. M. Poincare :~ 'me a receipt in'71." A -------- rt aor, was jumping with excitement. Teddy, wirat happened hit the boat just I picked up my riNe, handsome boy 'No good, -~no goad kil we wail here." "Presently a big from the other dide of the island, and boys clicered os they It was It appeared that the cl going, and so taight escape they deliberately plan- | smiled and said Taubada- --by and by you see--- | BADMINTON 70 BOXING s, LADIES', Boys AND GIRLS SPECIAL SALE We must clear out all our Hockey and Skating Boots to make room for our Spring goods, Special Discount on all outfits of Skates and Boots. SKATES OUNCES LIGHTER & STRONGER We are exclusive agents and have the only guaranteed Automobile Skates in Kingston. HOCKEY JERSEYS, STOUKINGS, HOCKEY STICKS "The right kind only." PHONE 529, 1871-1923. Take this, Master Boche. Your father gave From the News of the World. | out of the village on the far side so { that they could slip away unnoticed. ast arrow I| They ware fine boys, and in about a we pulled | week's time the chief came to see me. but the | 1 gfe him presents of tobacco and { kuives, and' he was very friendly ~all finish now | aster that, 1 gave the sorcerer sev- eral packets of Epsom Salts, but I do not know what deviltry he work- | ed with them." I did not step te sec The canoe pulled out "Gee, Uncle, I should have liked to young men j s08- You rum. ef was azainst | 'Conie here, wud be spanked," that they | Uncle Frank Tomorrow's tale is about some bad pulled to full of sald ned that I shouldidraw the older mea | natives | -------- EA AA AA AAA rer etn A eA - MACDONALDS for those Smokers who like their tobacco Cut Fine or who roll their own MACDONALD'S Fine Cut Sy -- a tH 83 wig 3 Syrm--y Cur LT ; 0 $0 THIS 1S LONDON - AT'S MICE TO SIT YO PLACE E33 THERE 7 YA-AD «I'M NG QUITE SWANKY OLD TP REave- < YES: THAT'S @uiITe ALL RIGHT BLI'ME! YOU JOLLY WELL KNOW \T- CH 10 -CHEERIO!