€ Fe 2 Grand To-night MATINEE WEDNESDAY AT 2.30. CHECK YOUR BRAINS AND SEE BOB "MY DAD" ALL ABOUT MONKEY GLANDS. YOU JUST LAUGH. a PRICES--EVENING, 20c., 30c., 30c. Tuesday & AMUSEMENTS Wednesday EVENINGS AT 8.15. What the Press Agents Say Abou Coming Attractions A: The Grand For tonight and Tuesday and Wed- nesday, Bob will give us something new, somathing about am old man insta'ling monkey glands, and what happens later on, Bob plays ahe cid man, better known as "Dad" . Rosie O'Grady was high-brow style of show, while "My Dad" is more of the comedy type. This jccmpany differs from others; as 'it is not a musical revue, but presents real farce comedy, with taking musical number introduced, and this appeals to those who like a clean show, presented in the most attrac- OTT YOU DON'T HAVE TO THINK, MATINEE, 10c., 20c., 30c. A, 9 -------- | S-- To-Day A-L-L-E-N To-Day Marshall Nellans Trium Zed: AY) ) with the cast assembled tor distributed [9 "Ink a ot playe tive manner, The principals are not only excellent, but there is a chorus of eight girls, who sing well and look attractive in pretty cost- ! umes, with groupings equa! to those the Japanese stage settings are re- markably pretty The company under the man- agement of Matt Ott, a well-xnown 15 reatest Ss evel ; one film tamous Goldwyn stars TY CHAP." "%gg 2 G a real story, and whicn 1s preseutea ent. Bob Ott is a capital comedian {but de.ivering his line 1n a mos. ar- tist'c manner. Miss Ann Ott fairly tes Bo those th "ary, 1923. For Sale Matched Pine Lumber K &D. Manufacturing Coy. 680 MONTREAL STREET PHONE 1681J. ---- Im the Matier of the Estate of Justina MeAuley, late of the City of Kingston, in the County of Fromtenae, Widow, Deceased. NOT! 18 HEREBY GIVEN, pur- suant Ro. Cap. 121, Sec. 56, that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of said Justina Mc- Auley, who died on or about the first of January, 1923, are required on or before the 2ist day of February, 1928, to deliver to T. J. Rigney. 83 Cl ence Street, Kingston, Solicitor for t Administrator of sald estate, their names and addresses and full particu- Jarg of their claims and of the securi- if any, held by them, and that after said last mentioned date said Ad- inistrator will proceed to distribute @ assets of the deceased among the entitled thereto, having regard claims only of which he shall have had notice, and that he will 'mot be Mable for any part of said as- to an erson of whose claim he mah not are had notice at the time h distribution. Bt sue at T. JI. RIGNEY, > Administrator's Solicitor. Dated at Kingston, 27th day of Janu- Si & 311) i seen in high class productions, while | producer, who is also the author of | i My Dad, a well written playlet, with | by a company possessing much cal-| not appeal mg with hokum for laughs, | divides the honors with him as the| mother-in-law; she gives a character portrayal that & equal vo those seen in New York product'ons, and she does an eccentric dance that shows her a real artist in her line. Miss Mildred Vaughan is a clever actress, PRICES: MATS. 16¢c.-25¢. EVGS. ..... 25¢.-85¢, (Tax included) Las a sweet voice, and is good roux- | ing besides, and also excellent. Fred Wright, with his fine voice and tuxing way ot singing; Raymond Marr, who is the Louse Adams, who sings pleasing- ji and is dainty in appearance, has jone of the best musical numbers, in which the ladies of the show ap- | pear appropriately costumed and in- !| troduce dances of various periods || Miss Marr also has a delightful sing- {ing number. {add to the sucess. Matinee Wednesday. --e the company. Popular prices. "Strangers' Banquet at Allen, Another Marshall Neilan produc- tion, his first made since hjs recent affiliation with Goldwyn Pictures Corporation, is coming to the Allen Theatre today for three It is a screen versgpn of Donn | Byrne's novel, "The Strangers' Ban- | quet,"" and is said by Neilan himself Miss Marfe Ott 1» best comedian seen here in his line, | and John Gilbert, with his acting and | singing, are atl valuable members of | The Breen Sistcrs also | days. | claimed, "Marquis! I Gootta!" transiated to English means, '"Mar- is! The Cat!" Marquis, under- standing that there was a cat some- where in the vicinity; pricked up his | ears and quivered with excitement. | There is a decided jealousy be-| tween Marquis and Sheik, the latter being the star's other dog the same breed, one year old, and so named in honor of Paramount picture, "The Sheik, which Val- ¢ntino was playing w he acquir- ed the dog. Sheik is ned to re- nt the usurpation by the new- comer of a share of his master's af- fections and attentions, and Marquis selfishly wants to be the only pebble on the beach. So far as these two Heinfes" are concerned, Germany Is continually at war with herself. Valentino is obliged to keep them leashed and put them in different parts of the house to avoid a rumpus. Marquis will make his screen de- but in "The Young Rajah," his mas- | ter's new Paramount starring vehicle, which opens a three-day engagement at the Strand today. Wanda Haw- "» & Paramount favorite, has the leading woman's role. which of WARREN Y. SOPER A new director of the National Art Gallery. To him and his assoclation is due thé introduction of electric railway systems in Canada and of solving the problem of operating them in winter. KINGSTONIANS WILL SHARE IN BIG ESTATE Fifty Persons May Some Day Be in Possession of Wall Street. According to information receivezd in ihe city there are a number of families /in end around Kingsion | wii0 are heirs to an estate valued at THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. OLD LANDMARK REMOVED In Destruction by Fire of Union School House Near Syd- enham. Sydenham, Jan. 29.--One of the. old 'landmarks has recently been re- moved, in the destruction by fire of the Union school house, about two miles north west of here. This school was on the line between the town- iships of Loughboro and Portland and had been in use for many years. Temporary arrangements have been made for the scholars to continues their work at the home of Elmer McRory, The circumstances at pre- sent make it most favorable for the | establishing of a Consolidated school ! at Sydenham, if this is ever to be done. With a new school house to be built at Rosedale, and one now re- | quired af Union, the expense involy- ed might be equalized. In these days of advancement in educational matters, consideration might well be given this important matter. The welfare of the next generation would be advanced if this desired end wera accomplished. Rumors have been current for some weeks that a change of man- agement was likely to take place at the Condensory. Announcement has been made that the Farmers' Pro- ducts, Limited, of Toronto, have sec- ured possession and take control on Feb, 1st. date, and the building in first class shape. At present the condensory is running three days a week, and a good supply of milk for this season of the year is coming in. Shipments of milk from outside places are re- ceived regularly, and the prospects for extended business appear prom- | ising. It is not yet known definitely | what changes, if any, will be made | It is hoped that mutual satisfaction may result from | whatever policy may be adopted in | in the local staff. the future handling of milk, With plenty of cold weather there has been abundant opportunity for skating and hockey this winter. And | with two rinks in the village, the | desires of all skating enthusiasts may be gratified. Both rinks are provided with electric lighting, and good use is made of uhis splendid winter's pastime in the afternoons and even- ings. The fall of snow during January bas been very heavy and the roads have been good for driving and team- ing. good quantities and prices. While the supply of coal has been much below the usual quantity, no particular fuel scarcity has been felt because of a good wood supply. Rev Principal Smythe, of Mont- | y f | peal, gave a most interesting sermon land by many famous directors, stars ($3,600,000,000. Itis stated that the | + the Methodist church on Sunday {and writers who have seen it at pri- || vate srceenings to be the finest pro- {duction he has yet made. Neilan {produced "The River's End," iand Get It," *"Dinty," "Penrod," | "Fools First," and many other pic- tures which have been striking suc- | cesses from both a financial and ar- | tistic point of view. Every one who {has every seen a Marshall Neilan production will want to see | Strangers' Banquet." It is made on |a bigger scale, and with greater re- | sources to call upon, than any other picture he has made. The cast is one of the longest and most brilliant seen in any motion {picture in years. Claire Windsor, {Hobart Bosworth, Rockliffe {lowes, Nigel Barrie, Stuart Holmes, a {Claude Gillingwater, Eleanor Board- { man, Lucille Ricksen, Lillian Lang- { don, Virginia Ruggles, Margaret |Loofnis, Dagmar Godowsky, 'Hersholt, Cyril . Chadwick, Hoyt, Brinsley Shaw, Jack Curtis, Edward McWade, and many others. Jean Jackie Coogan in "Oliver Twist." There is coming Thursday to the | * [Allen theatre a picture that is more than a mere picture. It is an epoch- | marking event in the motion picture [art; at least it is thus that Sol Les- iser's prescntation of Jackie Coogan | In Charles Dickens' "Oliver Twist" has been described. pf youngsters in any theatre where the gifted boy appears; the unpar- alled supporting cast headed by Lon Chaney as Fagin, Gladys Brockwell ag Nancy Sikes, George Siegmann as BIll Sikes, and Lionel Belmore as Mr. of success, while the world-wide cel- ebrity of Charles Dickens, whose hooks are read in every language and in nearly every home and the particularly general appeal of "0Ol- iver Twist" as Dickens' masterpiece all assure a success unprecedented in the film art and industry. In short, it is claimed that nobody can res: the appeal of "Oliver Twist," as pictured on the screen' with Jackie as the star and with the ad- vance interest that must be aroused in any civilized land by mention of the words, "Charles Dickens' "Ol- iver Twist." We are pleased to an- nounce that this superb production will be shown at usual prices. --~-- At The Strand. A champion will be remembered among the cast of Rodolph Valen- tino's new picture. This champion is none, other than "Marquis" o! JUNIOR O.ML.A. (Queens vs. Frontenacs Monday, January 29th, 1923 8.15 pam. JOCK HARTY ARENA ADMISSION ,..... ee 0c. and 25¢. War tax included. ine, "Marquis" has a long string of medals and first prizes and Is reputed to be the champion dog of his kind I ite years old and was trained in Italiaf, 80 that he does not understand an English command, Recently when he posed for a pie- ture, Valentino, to attract his atten- tion and make him take an 'alert posé, snapped his fingers and exe } Good-nature is the beauty of the mind, and like personal beauty, wins almost without anything else. Fel- Arthur "Go | The presence | Scandinavian countries to put the of Jackie Coogan in any picture as- | Ruhr situation before the League of sures the presence of a multitade | Nations council, Brownlow is still another guarantee | Signs of impending clash of arms little on the Pacific Coast. He is four Secretary-treasurer, announced that Jackson and Brewer families are in-| terested. A. R. Jackson, formerly of | Elginburg, has sent the following fiom Jackson, Mich.: "Fifty Michigan residents, most of | them poor, met here to discuss the! future of Wall street and other busi- | ness districts in New York, which, | they believe, will pass to their own-| | ership in a few months. They are! | estate who have filed a claim to pro-| perty valued at $3,600,000,000 in the| heart of New York. The claim is| based on an old lease which expired | recently. | It the claim is upheld in the courts, the Michigan heirs will take over property worth about $550,- 000,000, it is estimated. All of those present expressed confidence that the fight would eventually be won. The Michigan group decided to join other heirs in Wilkes-Barre, Pa., to press the court fight. L. C. Tefft, of Leslie, was elected chairman of the Michi- gan group." OF THE WORLD [rove CENTRES There is a move on foot among i Ramsay MacDon- | ald called a meeting of British labor | parliamentarians to consider the situation. Attention of Europe is diverted | from the Ruhr to the Near East by | between Britain and Turkey if the | Lausanne conference ends in dis- agreement Wednesday. The British cabinet and the War Office are considering means to off- set Turkish aggression at Mosul, while the Angora government hasti- ly summoned Mustapha Kemal from Smyrna for military conferences. Opinion prevails that if the Lau- sanne parley fails, and the latest word is that there is apparently no chance of Ismet Pasha agreeing to the Allied terms, the Turks will ad- vance in Thrace and also will at. morning last. Rev, Mr. Keough, of Elgin, is to have charge of the ser- vices on Sunday next. Rev. Mr. Stafford is to take anniversary ser- vices at Elgin circuit. George Kavaner and Mrs. Anson Guess are quite poorly. William Walker is all smiles. "Its a girl." #lockey games are creating much in- LOCAL NEWS. Brief Items of Interest Picked Up by the Whig Re- porters. There was no session of the po- lice court on Monday morning. Mr. Swaine, piano 'uner. Orders received at 100 Clergy street west. 'Phone 564w Special fare for tenac game, Tuesday, $2.60 return. Ross Peters, ron of Hardy Peters, Wilton, is in the Hotel Dieu, where he underwent an operation for ap- pendiecitis. The ten-months-old son of Mr. and Mrs. James Kelly, 36 Ellis street, passed away on Sunday night after an illness of two weeks. Miss E. Lands, Miss H, Thompson, Miss Murphy, graduate nurses, of this city, left for Marion, Ind., where they have secured positions in the Military Hospital there. Lieut.<Col. J. A. Hesketh, C.M.G., D.8.0,, of the engimeering staff of the Canadian Pacific Railway, who went overseas with the Lord Strath- cona Horse and rendered conspicuous service with that regiment, died at Winnipeg on Friday, aged fifty-sev- en years. A sister, Mrs, Putticonde, lives in Kingston. Demand For Bibles, New York Times. Since the war there has been an unprecedented demand for the Bible in all parts of the world, not only in the belligerent countries, but also among peaceful peoples who were considered somewhat low- er in the scale of civilization than those fighting in the war. And this great interest, measured by the num- ber of volumes, has come in a worid "The |some of the heirs of the Anneke Jans | terest. Belleville-Fron- Jan. 30th tempt to seize Mosul. The troubled centres of the old world included Ireland, where in. surgents are active, wrecking trains, and Vienna, where .mobs. clashed with police, wounding eleven of the latter with stones. with millions fewer population than before the war, because of the rav- ages of war and attendant disease, misery, famine and disaster. So great has been this demand for the Word that about 30,000,000 vol- umes were printed and distributed in the last year, and the indications this vear qre that this figure will Holstein Breeders Club. At a meeting of the Holstein Breeders Club on Saturday, progress in the proposal to hold a pure bred stock sale was reported. J. Henderson there would be about sixty head of- fered for sale and all would be in- spected by an official of the depart- ment of agriculture. L. E. Franklin, Toronto, has been engaged as auct- | soar to new heights, What that fig- ure may be no one can tell, but those who know say that, whatever it fs, it will not reach the full de- mand of the world's people who seek the Truth. There were no developments Mon- day morning to show that the Turks were more favorably disposed toward signisg the Allies' treaty. We carry our greatest enemies loneer and Duncan Foster, Bloom- fleld, 'will read pedigrees. within us. 4 The equipment is up-to- | Wood has been delivered in | at reasonable | | | TTI | Late Miss Ellen Carroll, ! On Sunday, January 28th, death occurred- in Vancouver, at the home of her sister, B.C {formerly of Kingston. The deceased was a sister of J. K. Carroll and the {late William Carroll, of this {Interment will take place | couver, city. in Van- | Three Minute Journeys Where Only Kings May Eat One Kind of Fish, | A roval dinner in the Fiji islands |is an affair of state indeed. No potentate of the civilized worid joould be treated with greater defer lence or formerly than the native king {of one of these beautiful isles of the Pacific. | To the traveler nothing could be ' more interesting or delightful than to be invited to dine with a king of one | of these islands. ¥T'he first cermony is the laying of ;olean mats in a circle on the floor Then the king enters in all his dig- | I nity and sits down on the mat, facing the door. After the king is seated, mo native enters without first prostrating him- |selt on his hands and knees on the floor before the king and each of his { guests, A Royal Fiji Feast, Then dinner starts. One chosen inl is handed all of the food, and she jalone serves | The menu is long and varied, but {fish seems to hold the first place in {the taste of the Fijians. | Although far from civilization, {their first course is like that of an |Buropean dinner. It is clear, fish Foup, served in polished cocoanut shells, Then follows a fish course, it con- sists of little black fish, which are eaten only by the king and his guests, They are usually served in three forms, roasted, boiled and grilled. After that some chicken, yams and turtle meat, all cooked in cocoanut: milk. With 'this delicious native dinner coffee is served. It 1s a great honor to be invited to such an affair, but the greatest honor 1s to be invited to eat the tasty little black fish, which may be eaten by no one except the king or his ee- pecially honored guest, ------------ Matinee For Queen's Students. The annual banquet of Queen's Medical college takes place this evening, and the Bob Ott Company Put on a special matinee this after- noon at the Grand Opera House for the college and several hundred students attended. The Bob Ott Company is exceedingly popular with the patrons of the Grand Opera House and the matinee to-day was given by special request of Queen's Medical College. BLUNDERS } Why is this injurious to a book? The answer will be found among to-day's want ads, Public Meetings In the Interest , I Griffin, whe sre consected with &re prepared to thoroughly discuss Pro. as b d In the Cooperative Marketing of Dairy be well attended. s A ---------- the Mrs. Thom- {as B. Lauder, of Miss Ellen Carroll, | be young at 757 MONDAY, JANUARY 29. 1923. YT ---- TRANSATLANTIC SAILINGS Scason 1923. Lists and Rates now ready. Apply C. S, KIRKPATRICK Steamship Ticket Agent, 38 Clarence St, Kingston, Ont. Tel, 368w, a 3 ---- WANTED 1,500 Males and Females to try Nellson's '"Saladice"' A Real, New, Ice Cream Brick, Full of Fruits and Nuts. Also Neilson's Eskimo Pies-- Neilson's Ice Cream dipped in Milk Chocolate. STORE OPEN NIGHTS, J. H. JARVIS wor. Princess and Albert Streets Phone 2373m, OPEN NIGHTS. L YOUR HEALTH. To Avoid Real Old Age at Forty- | Five. By Royal S. Copeland, M.D., Com- of Health, New York City, from New York missio U.S. Senator-Blect | State. We think of old age as a condition |associated with advanced years. | Seventy-five or eighty is what we have in mind when we discuss this {subject. I once operated on a man for senile cataract who was just past | thirty, In reality this patient was an old man | Tn the presence of medicine we jren onto many old men and women {who have had but forty-five birth- 'days. It isn't tho date set down in je family Bible which determines oid age. It is the condition of the jorgans and tissues of the body. Whether you are old or not de- pends largely on the state of your leart and blood-vessels. If your bump does its work normally and if your blood runs through flexible and | healthy vessels, you are.young. { If your blood-vessels become thick- ened and hard, if your heart over- | works or if it flags in its action, you {are old. If your blood-pressure is {much too high, or much too low, | your body will deteriorate. [ 1t stande to reason that to stay young you must have pure blood, free {from the taint of disease, You can- not carouse, take every chance of in- {faction and be indifferent to physical consequence, without paying the pen- aity. But it is not alone sinful neglect of your welfare that results in con- ditions fatal to the retention 'of Youth. There are other factors a'- most as important and yet we mere- ly warm against them--we .do not Preach against them as we do against the moral hazards. The time will come, believe, wher men and women will be ashamed of their phyaical lapses. Preventable bad health will be a reason for ostrac- jism, just as other things are now. i Over-eating, over-working and {over-worry are the great causes of Hi-health. They are the chief fac- tors in the production of old age Over-eating and over-drinking have teen such factors since the beginning, but over-work and Oover-worry are more recent things so far as univer- sal effects go. The stress and strain of present-day existence are respon- sible for early old age. Wrong eating and neglect of the { body lead to Uver, kidney and intesti- | nal disturbances, These in turn re- sult in the production of poisons which damage the body. Do you think You can cheat na- ture? Do vou think you can live as You lke, do as you please, come and EO at will, sleep when you "feel like it and live to be one hundred? If you believe this you are on the way to the biggest surprise you ever had!' iJature won't be cheated. No matter how smart you are you cannot evade {her watchfulness, Why be old at 45, when you might Keep your arteries 86ft by simple eating, the avoidance of excesees, cheerfulness of mind and the practice of the few rules of hy- glene, The mad rush of modern life must ibe tempered or the benefits of better jlving conditions will be lost. With | reasonable care there will be no old ie at 45. 1 | | | A financial settlement was reach ed at Chatham on Saturday in the case of Mrs. Cordella E. Wilkins vs, Wilson Crockett, M.P.P., Hamil- ton. Mrs. Wilking, a widow of High Bate, entered sult against Crockett, claiming $25,000 damages. J. C. Clark, classical master of the Belleville Collegiate Institute, died on Sunday. Enjoy the present and trust not too much to what tomorrow may produce, The most faulty prone to find fault. are the most Market Your Cheese Co-operative of the Ontario Cooperative Dalry Products, Ltd, will be held at the following places i-- «.. Wed, Jan. 31, 1.830 pm. Wed., Jan. 31, 7.30 p.m. Wed., Jan. 31, 1.30 p.m. + .Thurs., Feb. 1, 1.30 p.m. . . Thurs, Feb. 1, 7.80 p.m. + Thurs, Feb. 1, 1.80 p.m. . Friday, Feb. 2, 1.30 p.m. Friday, Feb. 2, 1.30 p.m. These meetings will be addressed by Mr. R. D. Colquette and Mr. J. the head office of the Company, and the Copperative plan of Marketing C Every factory patron should attend the meeting af the most cone venient place and get first hand knowledge of the advantages of the r Products. it is hoped the Meetings will Xt