> MONDAY, JANUARY 20. yo. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG 11 | Have You Noticed These Ads. Constantly Changing? That Means Results. | rushes, Automobiles .___ Business Service | Merchandise 1 cock made many lone { : , . me dete Tri ou o = = Tm SPORTING NE WS ro ed by the be a Auto Accessories--Tires--Parts 13| Tailoring and Fressing 30 | Articles For Sale 51. Here Sydenham was at a AUTOMOBILE TOPS --CUS AIONS AND | REPAIRING And Alterations. Mr. PIANO-One Bagiat Pair Ge 3 | One Blacklock had to be replaced Radiator Covers. Twenty years at the| John Thonipson gudranices first class] "nije: Broadwood, Londen Eng. a oring, pressing and cleaning. Mod- three-piece French Clock set, : . u ; y ( sn skate. » | ss. Judson's Auto Tops, Brock- 8 Saturday Hockey Scores, Madore, Siig 0. 2 Yiokw or ria : | 21218 PIIce Street. Diners, sets of four, Walnut Parlor 8t. Pats 4, Canadiens 2. Neat thie centre of tiie period FoXion ye . FIRES AND PUBES--We have motor | Chairs. Antique Beds, Cheats of Draw= ae & min 5 broke through the visitors' defence | e tires and tules the best in the ayn. . ; ors Srandfathers clocks, ete. Losses Naiv ¢ 1 and a gbal seemed sure, but it was You've learned that it doesn't pay to walk around market. Neal's, coMier Queen and On-| © \ « Antiqhe Shop, 507 Princess Street. Varsity 7, University of Montreal 5 | 4nd & tario streets. % . os oo =|. Phone 104bw, : turned off by Babcock. Finally; he streets of town without keeping an eye out for PREST-O-LITE_DISTRIBUTORS--CIty| Welling: mites repences. Pana s| SCAL -- Canadian Toledo, honest O'Rielly found the goal and the score traffic . Battery Serv . 39 Montreal Street. e Ea fe i { er i a, alse number, of i ; | I . : . Armature winding and magnetos re-| i SHE ao Foe.' Bocyid-hald \ LIaylen an ram. In a fast and exciting game of | raised to three for Sydenham. W hit- | And you've found it's poor business to invest your charged and repaired. Electrical and "0 Yenuel, tor family ot Sant fais. hi Sterling, 208 Princess St. i " y i . : on 8 i y Ly in, at ' - "hone 1338. hockey played at the Harty Arena (ty nd the two Babcock wings played | money, without casting an eye over all the possibilities Shi Motor pode Bow and roumonties| lotta Nireek. oF © 10 bat | WOOD-- Harwood, Wholesale and See on Saturday afternoon, Inverary hard for the visitors, but were uh of the proposition. teries always on hand. Special atten-| HOME-WORK--Guod wages. W ed| tail; full cord, 3 cut, hardwood, $13.00, ¢ the boys from |8ble to score until O'Rielly lodged | itis. 4 . tion to winter storage. Repairs to| You to make socks on the (ast. easily-| delivered: $10.00 gf car = Dos mized took the measure 0 ¥y th . petiing the rebound | And when it comes to opportunities, can you afford anything electrical. Bring us your| learned Auto Knitter; experience un-' wood, full cord, § cut, $12.00, deliver- Elginburg by 10 to 1. The game, | @nother one, ge *E 2 | not to keep your eye open for them all the time? household appliances. We can repair| Recessary; distance hmmaterial; pusi-| od. $9.00 at car. Richardson which was a regular scheduled |from one of Barclay's shots. In a | : them est prices | tively no canvassing; yarn supplied.| Wilder corner Barrack and Weilingy . hn ma \ , a AR oe oad- == re er ? match in the senior county series, | Skirmish in front of Sydenham's If you can't afford that, you can't afford to miss read Garages--Autos for Hire--Taxi Auto Knitter Co. Toronto mr ee mx Particulars, ic. stamp. Dept. 78-G | ton streets. Phone 2211M. was very Interesting to watch in| goal, Gordon Babcock scored for the cote or ep Se } WY --~Just unloaded, two carloads of | visitors seemed impassable. The | The only plac ability of the Paginburg goalkeeper | Visitors see pez =e | ing her where she will be rewarded! to conditions of ice, ete., and these | 21d Henry Babcock layed well for THE A-B-C CLASSIFIED ADS ing a specialty. Also Piano and ¥ure the regular : PRR 7 { y ; out interference with 9Suiar| Sydenhamites. The game all ALWAYS DIFFERENT--IN OPPORTUNITY. : CHAIRS See our sveclal display "dl ols A priy ros a Par Senion OF OGM lor ihr fo aie "WIth gt games it has veen decided thet a . | =a : ======e | ners§150-3260 monthly, (which posi- | ROOM--Comfortabige furnished. With Or their juniors will take on Elginburg $43 bi i] 1 | Classifi i CARPENTER con-| money at i 1 1 -| ROOMS AND BOARD -- at Cpa | Sydenham Harrowsmith. The British hig Index to cations | INU--James BeiLy, con oney home, $15 to $60 pald week any BA a ad "has NG N | ---------- a ' KINGSTON, ONT. appear In this newspaper ae numer CARPENTERING And cement work| Struct and supply y with work. |_ences 8 Univers) G. Blacklock R. Defence G. Babeodck ! The individual advertisements are| St reasonable prices W. Smith, | Colborne Bid, Toronto. in the return matches of the sen-|J. O'Rieily..R. Wing ..H. Babcock SMITH SYSTEM copy, Form Letters, etc. Prompt, effi-| Man Who is clean in every way, who| ments; centrally 1 of age, wno can Impress me as gen-| Inverary Defeats Elginburg. Get this service every day! Ta Sse ea ree | Offic | J ing the A-B-C Classified Ads every day! GARAGE Grease your Gar the Alemite| BALBSLADY--The L. R. Steel Service| dry hardwood, stovewood lengths, . Gran rushes were made Son 5 > vianitv 3 x WAY. Stop the squeaks; save expen-| Corporation can use an honest sales-| fering at i. c r spite of the one-sided score, and in Hauors, x a d : ay Tage There's a bigger variety of opportunity in these col- | #ive parts. Satisfaction guaranteed, IMdy, who ig clean in every way, who! phos oF dey hs Prices. Also ie se fact the main difference in the (Py Foxton, Knapp, umans of little ads than anywhere you could turn. And | by Powell. Powell's Repair Shop, 85% | wants a better Job than she has now.| wood. Apply J. W. Smith, 231 Div} ¢ 1 | O'Rielly, but the goalkeeper for the | 2 Johnson street. Phone 1499. | To a woman who is over 28 years of Street. hone 1694 w 5 teams appeared to be in the In- | every offer is carefully indexed, classified and alphaleti- TAXI--The only piace which furnishes $ae, whe Can impress me as genuine. | LTT ' ; 2 z reniance. a proper 24 hours tax v i w spend time and money, take & A as 3 Ya Bory § > 2 Y@ame ended in a score of 4-3 tor cally listed for your greatest convenience phe ours taxi service. 549J. personal interest in training and plac- | oko Green. Apply B Sam iy ; or we wok, . 1rd » Sydenham. : = I. } Mineivies . . ty of the eount: ames | - { I ri |" for honest principles and real hard | The majority Shey & tme| Whitty, Deline, "Suse" Babcock | PORE... ng---Service Stnlous 10), 7 Dongst principles and Mitchell, | were postponed on Saturday, owing! AUTOMOBILE PAINTING--And finish-| top fivor, Royal Bank building. { a Soul. oye) nc ets of : the visitors, while Knapp, Barclay, ; STE AEE niture Polishing. Gordon Young, sho, anted--- | a Will all have td bu played off with. 1% visitors, vale Caapp. HaReiay ALWAYS THE SAME--IN SERVICE Quen surest rear of Abernechy's Shos HET ED le 33 TT a 1 > | tore, or phone 1875w. 2 ory Thy Shas for For | "313 King Street oF i Joos, OF Phone 1 - Phone 2257. : schedule. i ; Dreadnaught Chai : | 1823. Apply to J. M. Purdy, Sec.Treas., * | thr ras {nteresting and fast and | naug' alns. = Bizes for WM! py ioeamith Oi: without board. Apply 2i5 Uni f ber of postponed | through was makes of cars. S by B sorner| -Harrowsmith, Ont. ~~ ! card. Apply 2i3 University OWE to the Xin Joutp | just as fast a game is expected on | Baas an "Wel Fike fro ones FIREMEN AND BRAKEMBN_--Begin-| -Svououé. phone 1218J. a ay Mo 3 y fi ss double-header will be played at Sardar. Fs b 3va, when Verona tion?) Write Rallway, Dept. 2, Whig Without board; & bla for two. "Ap- Wednesday, when | Play at Sydenham. == : ro _Oftice nk _ | Pv Mrs. Guess, "15 Rideau Street. Wolfe Island on Jy The teams were: Services Offered 18) EHOW CARD WRITING --T or us. Make| --10ne 1667w. , al the Island senior out- | tractor, 83 Livingston Avenue. Phene| ly for your spare tims writing show juniors nd Tah C. Sedgwick .. Goal .. H. Baboock | The following classification headings 11300 cards for us. No canvassing. Fon in| nlshed, hot water heating, all convents fit will clash with Barriefield. ja Ro Lhe re | . 8 ; eal A. 2 . eae efeqice. , . ay | rw MKING rder ner 3 3 y PD 2 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING. ORR ole rou together.| by contract or day. First-class work| West-Angus snow Card Servies, 17 wr = = . {iy ms " 3 i jardl 1d populars 3 ¢ > BALES Re R. Steel Service! CNIVERR : -- CO: 0, 0. L. Matches {G. Foxton ....Centre....L. Whitty| Indexed, standardized an arranged umder these headings in| 37 York Street. BALESMAN--The L. R. Steel Service| CNIVERSITY AV E, 243 -- First . ized according tv alphabetical order for quick reference. | PUBLIC STENOGRAPIH --Adveriising| Oorvoration can use an honest sales-{ class rooms and board; all pra for series of the Central Ontario Cur- GG, Bardlay ...L. Wing... G. Deline A AN 5: Sum Pa. BUSINESS SERVICE. $iont service. Business service Bureau,| Wants to get a better job than he his| smo Sm ling. League played at the Rock-| Subs Sydenham, H. Stafford: C4 JInlinge : Engagements. 14 Market Street. Phone 891J. { Dow. To a man who is over 15 years Rooms For Housekeeping 09 5 urds afte nga a A ads. are restricted to Marriages. --_ { ROOMS --I dubia " ha wood rink on Saturday afte rRoan, Harrowsmith, R. Shamnon, E. Bab- | Al 3¢ 5 een fcation, aad Deaths. ____ Dressmaking--Millinery | Sine, Iwill spend [ny time and money, | ROOMS 1 uble _ variors, furnished, Riugetop (Wriers won by © ssofe cock. Fessler Daily WHiE style of typ i--Uara of Thanks. DRESSMAKING -- Whi And placing him where hie will be tol | for COOKING, oles ne Par 88 he rinks al OT'6s | --Ca o --_ . . 4, h iacin ~ ¢ . « x of B4 to 61. The rinks ani xooren . cLAsstriED RATES inet Bind, fitfaniesd y, dual SE piplon, 75] Bar0 "00% MRE RHRSAISY ang rid | SVepRIATRET Grteut" BR Wore: vO ibis a §--Funeral Flowers. , Av ch s rv Poe] cay. ad Baa . one : Rockwood Hockey inte Receipts. . Daily rate per line or consecutive §--Cemetery Lots, Monuments. U iversity Avenue. -- | Mitchell, Top Floor, 'Hoyal Bank TT, re Kingston Lo! . land | The gate receipts for the Queen insertions: 7--Lodge Notices. | HEA STITCHING Plcot edging, pleat:| Bullding. Wanted----Rooms or Bo. [7 ove Dr. Cumberlan | McGill "za *ridavy even- :harge, 25 cents. §--Coming Events. . { NE; wor guaranteed. Mrs. E. A= he o% ¢ N LT -- With Prix H, Watts Too SI EO a rroy Sven. | Misimum Shbrn. 5 Casn| S--Persomain' | De care Ta books Help--Male or Female 34 | ainily By swe somsietabiy, i, ht wits . ay | L > Ha ere abou Daily rates per line. Charge. Cas 10--Lost and Foun rom ncess Street. BY are van os Re ge A ; B y Off . : a flow . Torre Sees at a --Ar FW pply Box A-10, Whi, Yi T.'R. Carnovsky H. Flowers {$900 the largest amount collected at 6 ABYS seerenes . : 3 AUTOMOBILES | Insurance 28] pay you pet aking feough Tr! AS ice, a T. M. Asselstine F. Burns [ay game 80 far this season, The re- | 3 d&F8 .-».n.---.-00n $ A --Automoblie Agencies. FIRE--Automobile and Casualty Tnsur-| rally wpens fu your own town. For se Real Estate For Rent skip 9 skip 19 |ceipts for the Frontenac-Belleville | Deaths--One Insertion, charged, Auiomeniles Por ale. ance. Min H. 8 Crumley, 420 Ear ford, Ont, Lradiey Limite, Bras] i 1 Places Bor Rent 78 - Cledgelt {game were about $500. | Eirths, acsnBuEUfients, Marraiges, AULD a a Parts. | INSURANCE Or SI Fess Saas: Sm Fi Er === | LODGE RO IME ~Hooms on King oa J. Harris 1. Cledge ' 3 af i. 31.50; cash, §l.ud. Garages--Autos for Hire--Taxi | " policy = » Lanvassers, Agents 33| --formerly o W 7. A. Hooper H, McCammon | Although nothing official is given ard of 'thanks and Memoriam Parag eaTAuios for Ite dent Policy is what you need. Fire s, Can y occupied by the | Sree: $ lusurance at low rates. Don't delay.| NUKSERY STOCK --An agency for al APPLY to Cunningham and Smith. C. Jenkins : € ng Ca 10n ran Re SRC Smith M. P. Reld tendance at the games this winfer Js | Aavertising orderpd for Irregular --Wanted--Automoblles. NCE--CHly Tif Mest Iunaoh.| Can sell In country town ohtable. You | - LE ! i B » at-| N s--Charged, $1.60; casn, $1.00, ; out, it is understood that the at utice 8 --Repairing--Service Stations 1 or phone E. Williams, 2 Couper St] fellabie nursery firm is profitable. Hones Por Test each insertion. G. Hanson M. Lazenby lower than last. Whether the reason | Iusertivns takes the une-lime inser- USINESS VICE gompanies represented. Strange & | 'E'0W 8nd sell the best only, apd want | WED STREBT Brick, nine rooms i I TO | nate: bo na IARen for lest tnan | en sn SERVICE Strange, established In 1860. Office: 35 iellable, energetic agents. tor unrepre-| All improvemen Apply R. Lesses, | Clarenca Stree o : Senied terr tories. Write now. tes _ Phone 1045w, Pp for the falling o $s that the teg skip 13 1s h 1 g off h ams yasis of fuur lines. 19--Building--Contracting. Toronto. ST. N--Brick house skip 1 1 N use. -- ) are not playing as good hockey, no | Count six average words to 30---Cleaning--Dyeing--Renovating. | INSURANCE accident and ---------- 0" hd 1. Friszel R. Ralph pe : . + line. =D aking--Millinery. | sickness ins -- EE od furnace, all convenier erson is in a position to say. iH y ived b 21--Dressmaking ¥ | Sickness insurance. In reliable com- an : ices, hard J.T. Hewkey A. Metver Positvatto at ielogiine ana pu of Roe'pell | Benne Plimotng Rovnns. | piel fF Ge Sitters | _Finanolal | funy oe Tmt hoiectin. V R. 8. Graham i - As tr in I nin 6 days from 23-- ' | 8. 842w. Office 503w, i oney oun 40! IEE RT 3 om meant R. N. F. MoFarlant a i SOCIAL SERVICE COUNCIL, {laa Wing Site dir cash rate 24--Laundering. | INSURANCE--AII branches, Esceisior| i NTENAC--Loan --and Thvestinent| 58. RIDEAU STREET--Warm stone H. 'Angrove B, Sears wii be atlowsd. : 35--Moving, Tieking, Btorale. | Life. Royal Exchange Bre. voions a Tamoan a" 1561. President | Louse rooms, 3-piece bath, furnkes S-------- tw e 3¢---Painting, Papering, Decorating. d Automobile, Pl 3 » 0 /, Incorporate 61. President! gas, electricity, rent a ' ; 16 skip 7 p N o To for more than one day 5 . { and Automobile, Plate Glass, Burglary. W. F. Nicki oC; . ¥. moderate. Apply skly Officers Elected--To Take Initiative Aus. Fhe before expiration will 3i--Prinun Tagiavine Si Hunter Ogilvie, 107 Gore street.| »B Capit Bone deny, Al SLE Jidsay Blreet y r 38--Professional Services. { 3 { in Welfare Work. | only be charged for the nuraber of Pri oNs | Phone 1087. Bo arip fgdoney issued on sity] J. J, Baker M, Tutton Fd eoti s Kit oh | times the ad. appeared and adjust 28b--Architects. "Moving. Trucklns. Kio --===| county debentures; mcrigages purs| rid FB Cre ¥ Lambert , meeting of the Kingston bragch | mes ihe aa aPpeated Roy b : ABA. Mow rucking, Storage 23 chased; investment bonds for sale. de- | FoF sale or to lat i. B 1 Thompson of the Social Service Couneil of On- | Rate per line for white space 18 sd--Dontar | ASHES--Cleaned out of cellars and| DOSIts received and\inierest allowed.| APPIY G. M. Macdenell, K.C, 38 Cla BE. > Seaer y ped !tario was held In the Board of Trade | the same #s a line of type 38e--Legal. | yards, clean job done. A. MacGregor,| 'b C. Cartwright, mauager, 47 Clarence| ©0C® Street. J. M. 0 . service in Baggage, Express and mov- { | | ate for yearly advertising 3 : street, Ki . ry cb 16 skip 13 rooms on Friday and an instructive | Special rate for vy hs 24 Russell Street. Phone 2258, . lags tOn, an : . Re i SKip 3 o |address was given by . Rev. Gilbert | ' Total 51 | sl : : or reject all classified advertising , v I = | Total 54 {Asar, general secretary, Toronto, on | ups: ! $--hepaising Sill Breasts. | S18: reasonable prices. 104 Montreal x Penang, Dromate--11 tractor and. full, equipment of ma- T h 243, ask for a want ad. hg Next to Armouries. Phone! = = tt eee sm y of wood. water and & Kingston vs Brockville jthe relationship of the local com- Reitp one eld, 31-~Wanted--Business Sec-viea 1464. ORCHESTRA --Your dance or banguet| large sugar hush. On Watertown « | mittee with the provincial amd fed- 2 EMPLOYMENT STORAGE--For furniture el Will be a bigger success if you engage| road, nine rm mouth of Watertown. Four rinks representing the King --Foma ity clean. dry,| Treneers bocisty Urchesira. Pnone| For full par jars & A ima ston curling club loft for Brockville feral counajls. The local council will Hho Wantea--tare ong jooms And Spaces. your own 106K] sTgw. or 11647. rod Tremor 201 Eon Street, Kingswn, Ont.» © 2% & 32--Hel a ale. and key. Frost's City 8 «| 8 an én Monday aftrnoon to play the re-| take the initiative in all welfare work To-Day's Blunder Si Helo--3eale or Fomale. 305 Queen St. "Phone 526. Res son |etreet onl Boints Bo === turn games of senor series of the (and will have the assistance of all Co t d 3580 olicitors, Ganvasers, Agents. Painting, Papering, Decc Papering, "Decorating \ Sa-- a IRS Central Curling League there this charitable and other bodies that are rrecie 36--Situations Wanted--Female. AUTOMOBILE PAINTING APPLY J. Ein teen cr id Jenkins, corner York and Raglan Horses, Cattle, Implenients. 48 | | | {now at work. The election of officers 10 37--Simations Wanted--Male. {J A HOUSES | resulted .as follows: President, Rev. (See Illustration on Page -) Xk FINANCIAL | JBeea. J Phone 15530. tt ok TS m= CUSEE. {Dr. R. J. Wilson; vice-president, | A pencil used in a book as a mark-T go pusiness Opportunities. | 8 { | [ upon request. ; thy. | T FE TT TR Td a RE -- Publishers reserve the right to edit This Physicians. | BAGGAGE--T. Taite guarantees good instruction i 375 ACRES --1 horses. 10 head of catlle, evgning. v COW--A new milch cow, part Jersey. > ; GN PAINTING--J. 8. Robinson, rear| Apply William Britt, Collis Bay. Aortes Baan, Houses on Queen Street. 51 3y--Investments, Stocks, Bonds. 275 Bagot street. | Rev. Father A. J. Hanley; secretary |er means that while the book is not A During the past few weRks, hockey | oagurer, Rov. William Black; H. |being read there is a constant strain| (P=--geRel 10 20000 ow. has been so popular with spme of the 0. Nickle who has been provisional [On the ig Math yous books INSTRUCTION _Morchar hat they a ractis- | i . i / this fashion and it will not be 42--Correspondence Courses Call or phone A. Anderson, 1 . ¥ 2,600. gounger boys that p> ht, | President will act during the abe Yibrary rebound. SI--Lacal Inatiustion Glasser. feet. Pane A 8 55 Bagot mn es For ale oa] I ; ing at all hours of the day and nig : [sence of Dr. Wilson. Those present |until you need your library reboun: 44--Musical, Dancing, Dramatie, PAINTING--ANG -- AWNINGS--Orders taken for Awnings, | SOLID BRICK HOUSE-.10 rooms A bunch of boys who have organized | Elmer Davis 5 Rev. | 'Half our books have to be rebound | ("Private Instruction, naneti = a Aglog: Work: "and Tents; best service. Hepair work, | bedrooms, electric light, gas g team and have taken the name of 7° ne w 111 Stroud. os because of this common practice 46--Wapted--Instruction. our choles selection 'of Wail Lik, Ses Be Bape: Al Rin Covke,) bath Mentzeal gifeer, Price' ? m | T. W. Savary, Willlam Minnes, Miss . : R Li . _219 Bagot Street. Phone 436. : "The Harty Boo Hoos," are so keen | Ronan, Mrs. John Wright, Mrs | reports the Chicago Mibrary Binding s AVE Hiayona, 314 Barrie Street. Fpone ALARM CLOCKSE--We have a good M. B. TRUMPOUR * ' ' . 47---~Dogs, Cats, Pets. o ==. | variety ®f alarm clocks at $1.35 and] ing, Decorating Phone 704 or 848). ww, that the: t up out of their beds + Departmeat. , PAINTING --Papernang) . 3 W rele y ge Robinson, and Mrs, Clarke. 48--Horses, Cattle, Implements. Siazing Hardwoos Flos. orat! up to $2.00. G. W. Lyons, jeweller, ST 37 a re FRAME HOUBE--8outh of Prince PAINTING--Papeéring, Decorating -- rooms, 4 bedroums, slectric Hebe sar first class work and work guaranteed, | = z ERE 2 plece bath, Division street. Price 237 Bagot I at six o'clock in the morning and | -------- EE 49--Poultry and Supplies. " 244 Princess Street. Lk BOT Street. t he Jock Arena where they 50---~Wanted--Live Stock. etc, first class work, r ble | += F 3 Sweet 'oomy, in| HOUSE--Frame, ¢ rooms, cellar with hike for the Joc ] , [TRAVELLER Is WANTED: prices, Yallpaper Samples. Estimate ABY 5 SLIEIGH--Sthong, Yoo ye In cistern; In good oars, Sel ir w commence practice at seven o'clock. 3 OUT MERCHANDISE submitted. A. Mount 208 Alf Sond Condition; oh. Bold two SMAI] rt A a ality Cronkhite, 3 o c ren comfortably. *hone 722w or Stella. A Maas a4 y SOLD HIS SAMPLES 3--Atticies a ae. Professional Services "58 _call at 64 Livingston Avenue. Stella, Amnerat island, Ont. ~ HAM §i--Business and Oftice Equipment |ARCHITECTS--Power, Son and r,| BOBSLETGHS--McNambe's patent, sat- HULSES wor. sale and to let in ail GAME AT SYDEN . {Polico Recover Quantit of p4--Boats and Accessories. Merchants Bank Chambers, corner of| isfaction guaranteed, prices right. 345] Pals of the city. Apply to H. B. Wil - - { y pé--Buildings aad Buliding Materials | Brock and Wsllington. Alfred, next to OOF. rrincess street. Pen) Saat, Uptown Post Offies. | » d r, roducts, TA Le FE mm iene be buying. Phe 9 -------- a Harrowsmith Defeated by Score of Goods Sold In King- - Se--Fuei Peed. Fertilisers Chiro oo paying. Phone 22 et 4 to 8 on Saturday ston 31--Good Things to Eat. MARCELIS--Wm DE, PEE, oor ar ooDDry or Green, oti Fiw E. W. MULLIN & SON . 4 A, D.C, PRC, cor! and Wood Agency, 236 Ontarlo Street. EB. W, > Sydenham, Jan. 29.--One of the | A Toronto firm # lookiig for one Under Sentence of Death, She Bm Finds, | Roo a and Batis Suis Jud Phone T36F" or 32637. Rest Eatate, and lasurance Brokers A . SLO! ERI EIT ol TEE tint toast » r. fastest and most exolting hockey |. ., ... \ veVers who is wanted Makes Statements at Ed=- S0--jewsiry and Watches. ont" Consultation tree. Telephone BRICK --Quantivy ot Bard and soft Ab-| ges Display Ager in Page Two dg ~~Machine 852d. ours 9 to 12 am. 1 im. T b v " 2 ---------- - games of the season took place or {on a charge of selling off his samples monton, Alta. §2--Musical instruments, LOY DF Gores Toor Jem § or phone 1391J. : Sydenham on Saturday, when 3 ® in Kingston. { Sia Radio Equipment. Flowers Luey, _Clilropractic ~ Specialists and BICYCLES--Cieveidng a PCa BATEMANS REAL ESTATE. Sydenham and Harrowsmith juniors| yi gpp0ar8 that the man was fa| Hamilton. Jan. 29. -- While con-| g4--Specidls at the Stores. graduate Nuise 239 Bugs Biroet, be. oe repair work done: SKates sharp. : : battled to their utmost. The teams |..." 0 oc chi ve fot $5--Wearing Apnarel w. H § and| c0ed and hollow ground at Mulier's bi. | $900--1 roumed frame house; north end. this c'ty selling ladie's and children's [siderable interest has been aroused 943w. ours 9 to 12 a.m, 1 to §, and ' 112d | . ed and the game was | 5 t i $6--~Wanted--To Muy. 7to 9 pm. Spinal analysis and -| cycle Works, 371-4 King Street. Phone! ¢, 000 so. » Ware well matched an start to dresses. It is alleged that while [py the story alleged to have been ROOMS VOR RENT sultation free. Residential-calls by| 1981w. | Sige, Frame hovse: 7 rocms and: ghle very closely contested from start to... disposed of all his samples. | to14 by Mrs. Irene Christensen at 67--Rovms With Board, _sppolntment. FURNITURE -- We have fc: sale ail i waa 4 to 3! 4 in ¢3--Rooms Without Beard. kinds of good, second-hand furniture | 00--Bri . 7 y & finish. The final score The local police recovered a num- | pamonton, to the effeat that she Looms For Housekeepiiig. i Dental rr A kitts of go Thing haty tu om | fi Prick 3 ager, oroome. § plese 1 ; ; \ in favor of Sydenham. ber of the dresses the traveller dis- |g, ; i 70--Vacation Places. | a5 uld throw considerable light on 70 acati SPARKS & SPARKS -- Denice 0 and furniture to dispose of, we wil The ood --Where To Eat. 4 -- Denti 168 5 Flic . game opened wits a Ned | Posed of here , the famous Kinrade case, little ere= $i--Whe To Shop in Town: Wellington street, corner of Brock: B87 highest prices, J. Thompaos, 333 | TO RENT--§ rooms, 320. sheet of fast loo nd 3 Te ee | po {dence is placed in the confession | i3--Warted--Rooms or Board RAPP EC Dea --Olies 5h: og TT RTE TTT To RENT recms. of rooters on the bank. -I | An Explanation. {made by & woman who is condemned | ., MEAL ESTATE FOR RENT Princess Street. Phone 853w. Open| HALL STOVE--In good condition. Sale| . " period only one goal was scored by ' f Y i4--Apariments and Flats . P cheap. Apply 67 Livingston Avenue. | INSURANCE -- I'ire, Life, Accident y oF the victors] They tell of a celebrated physician [to be hanged, "and who might bs| 75--Business Places For Rent. § oSYunings by ment. | Holler, Money tu loan. 'Customs the home ont le - e or, Who was fot often a church-goer, seeking some manner of staving off | i8-- Arms For Rent, . -- HARDWOOD -- Diy Hardwood, soft! broker. sacred wie. Jame {but who on one occasion took refuge | the carrying out of her sentence. 78--Office and Desk Room. | CUNNINGHAM & 8 = Barristers) 'Would. slabs, delivered. Ledyeed rises. | BATEMANS REAL ESTATE close for the first ten minutes, when yeh fr Cor in. 19--Suburban For Rent. | and Solicitors, 79 Clarence Street,| $4.90 per load, {In & church from a shower of rain. | The letter from Inspector Piper | (0 Summer Places For Rent. Kin On misy © Cunningham, K.C| Yeraity Ave. Phone _103sw. 189 Wellington Street { i Barclay found a hole and lodged one | mpg germon. was commonplace, but of the Alberta provincial police | §1--Wanted--To Rent. Cyril M. HARDWOOD $14.00 cord; $130 chasis - 78 | | behind Harvowsmith's goaler. Life ne yreacher was emotional and he sent to the police here stated that REAL ESTATE FOR SALE | SHEA --Ambrose, BA. Barrister and gard; wut any lengths; sab ood $278! wil Solicitor. Law office, corner of Kin, S and Brock, over Royal Ben Money * ord, sawed and delivered. W. H. Tal. | BUSINESS SERVICE seemed to grow up between DON |..5: copiously, and, it seemed to the | ure Ohri R Brokers in Real Estate. 1 ' * ¥ stensen had made certain ; teams and the seme boeame faster | gootor, irrelevantly. The medics | siatementa concerning the Kjnrade 1 Property { to loan. Phone 1999. bot, St. Catherine Birect: Jard on | = and rougher. a few minutes |iyrned to the only Bther occupant Houses For Sale = = = Oncession Street, near Division, , | : : case. They statements ot Medical 261 G 5 rt "Gerry" Deline, one of the Harrow- of the pew, a stolid countryman, and {made to Trapector Fo poi a Ho any For Bale. BENNETT CW M513 : : MILLINERY GOODS -- Consttin ma W. Kent Macnee smith stars, put one past Sedgewick, | whispered: third party: who knew the Ob risten. Suburban For Sale. Office Phone 851. Res. 184m. Office] 8iso songs smart sample Hats. 3] Ban Bo mmeres Bullain ho Dieak who defended {he nets for Syden-| "what on earth makes the man sen woman, and who volunteered to al Pale oh axckangs. aii SHAR i TIRES hor aie Sade Fae General insurance Agnecy, ham. Now all players were playing | weep so?" assist In the investigation which has ps and Surgeon." Obatéirics, Pediatrics.| your order, any sige, &ny quantity] | soni ob maul "Plate Glass Burgas hard and some heavy body check-| "Maybe you would yourself," said \ : : i Gynaecology. Office hours 11-12, 3-4! lowest factory prices. A ete. itepresenting ouly reliable come { took place. Sydenham's heavy | the other, "it was up thdre and been carried on since her arrest. ©! 7-8. 300 Earl Street, and by appoint- ing. Frontensc Matir Company. $77 panies. ng Jae Bla * you wi ¢ Mrs. Christensen has not said thet ment. Phone 329m. PRIVATE SALE--Kitchen Cabinet, buf. | defence, made up by Blacklock and | had as little to say. 3 [ne was_a witness of the Kinrade SKIN Elian hair | A Usteopathy 28g.| fet. kitchen stove and go-cart. Apply | Knapp, showed wb Wondeffurly Sues] murder, 'nor that she was present in Jirams moved permanently s ASHCROFT Dra Robert and Tana. 49 Qoncessioy Street. MERCHANDISE Ing the first period, but near 5 "en | Hamilton at the time. Inspector teri G Bary Tallon Duiite Sarbd Sn] Boils. Tire nea righ 5-| PIANOSquare. (n good condition. 265 end of the perfod another "fast ox-| BONS WHA: iPr : Johnson Street. i" . - Th WE | Piper's letter stated that she has] out Re Lar Tis experience. | pdintment, SRE aa h P press" was put by Sedgowick. The, A Bioser ain Baa Pro] Tepairing 89| King street. Phone 19613 I ree 1€ece "Honsa 1138), - | made statements regarding the case, t Street. period ended with a score of 2-1 for | f | FORNITT "all Kinda | PIANO--Fox Square, ebony keys, carve) : described the shooting, told where #t | FORNITURS Ft ne om John! ¢d legs, walnut aan: in beautiful con- | Chesterfield Sets, in tapestry, . { § : ~, i ook piace, and eles wout so fa} as] aud + ound J Sa aoa ut Sxtion. Trice Biou. $10 cash and 35) | 100.00. at : e position e vic ET Fgund, lady's, unday EHOE EPATRING -- Good service, oonthly. C. W. Lindsay, a kin. 1 '| "But it should be borne in mind," "Slant Owner may have same at $70) ots, wei vd oitow| = E = k' Street. o] ; . [ UurK s said the Inspector "that she might assured. F. A These Want Ads. are arranged alpha- | eather cove on Bay, Jarvis. 621 I'rine Street, belulcally for your benefit i . ab have read all this in the news| Street, ween Sydenham and Mont-| §,08 HE GALL work sails nave a Daily Whig Ad-wilter write PHONE 705 und, ning in Hamiton he dime of the ma. | EERE SEE pone oc | i Ef n Hamilton at the time e mar- rices; a A Found, | k % WHI WATCH Poin nds; satisfaction ras uct 8 2 11 2 Fire Losses in Canada ne Yies al Aminski, corner Mont- t Toronto, Jan. 29.--Fire losses in ois Fo Ble 11 | CPROLST or aed Tarai $4.00 A LOAD. Through us the infinite past is WINDSHIBE oE, : or a : UPHO! G ~ Cove buttons FR Foot of Johnson Street vernity papers. Ther is nothing to indicate | 173! =t76e poet] ave Same dn done. Rubber Becis o speciaity. Eaish fous sobs sa » der of Ethel Klarade." vening. Elliot: 8:3 Barrie Sireet, near Bari. Canada during the week ended Jan. : BO FO PARTS | lure; work guaranteed ' Call or dr : 4th are estimated by Monetary ED 4UI0 PA ears "Wg Gavine, 18 Bagot stress. linked to th: infinite future. made to order in It is fedf-not, the worry-mor, and Lay £56 fret aot in oh. : 8 done. BJ. HAT from what she herself, or anyone | 5; " GENUINE DRY HARD BODY WOOD have same by applying to G. W. SHO. TRING te Times at $658,000, compared with BAKE! ih CYL. | on : pele Avenue. Phone Tr, on Put PE rack Streets. eles, has/sald, that she was actually t / Jeweller RibCor tech 8 epoca, Sin ers ; Cut in Stove Lengths: ; OLSTERING--And genera: ros . Lu vial I ne RSA Wife |B Wma bioes nc | James Swift & Co., Limited i