mA ERR A 0 ji T HE D AILY BR ITISH W HIG. MONDAY, JANUARY 20. 1938, { JOHNSTON & WARD, | Te -------------------------------------------------- WAVES CRUTCH |, =e ExcLanges, 86 Princess, { : Founded 1847 | AT THE KING | MONTREAL STOUKS. | Jan, 29th 2pm. | Abitibl Power.... "el 6 2 Crippled Soldier Causes @ Atlantic Sugar... .. .... In Bell Telephone.... .... .. 116 : densation At St Paucross ora. oC UL la re aw «vv 1Brompton.... ...... ... 38% tation, London. British Empire Com. .. .. 91s : British Empire 2nd Prd... .. 25% {| London, Jang 29.--What is de- Can, Cement. . .. 78 scribed by the Evening News as an Can. Cement Pd. ++ 301 attempt to assault King (George, Can. Steamship Com. . .. .. 18% Was made to-day by a. orippled €X- Can. Steamship Pfd.. .. ... 48 En soldier when King George and Queen Can. Car Com. . ae se oe. 323 Mary arrived at St. Pancross sta-|Oan, sx wuss OBOS {tion from Sandringham this moru-' Dom. Textile 67 {ing. The newspaper says the sol- (Detroit Unfted.... .. :... 70 | dier, who had been hiding, dashed | Dom. Bridge 1 | towards the royal couple waving his | Gen. Electric. , ., 82 J | orutch 'threateningly, and had got |Laurentide. "ns aun ae 980% | within a few yards of the king when | Montreal Cotton..,,. ... 104%; he was stopped by the police. Other | Montreal Power.... ., .. 12 ve 16M | -jMackay,..... .. .. . accounts by news agencies desorib- | ' ; | od the fnoident merely as an attempt |Setions) Breweries., .. ... 1% lof the soldier to attract the king's UBlVIe.. .... .... .. ... 1] Penmans. . ldier himself ts on | attention, and the soldier him Price Brog..,. .... .. ... 44 | > 8 the af- : { placed this construction on {Quebec Falls. ........ uy | fair. {Spanish River Com.... .... 94% @® ® . ! ES ------ a Spanish River Pfd .s 102 in a |SUPREME GRAND MASTER | Shuioh fiver PId..... .. .. 102 | OF KNIGHTS TEMPLAR shawinigan.. .. .... .... 116% | | Steel of Canada.... « ve 62% [Visited Kingston Saturday, Ac- Tolvuly Ralls, . ' 2 | win City Te | companied by Other High { Wayagamack. . .. | Officers of Order. "id | | NEW YORK STOCKS, SCOTCH EEDS AND | Supreme Grand Master, Dr. A. 3 i -- . ! |E 7, Cal 7» Alta., was the guest | Amer Loeo.. .. .. ... . HOMESPUNS | ol Fe ut Payens Preceptory, | Baldwin Loco.... .. .. ... Z ° . - Kingston, on Saturday last and the B, & O..... ... 5. ( y d D l HARRIS I' EEDS | Ringston was marked by a large at-/p. R. . oy Ee pening an Isp ay ? itendance of the local knights. 'THe " , y 5 is ne grand master was accom-! ., i 3% I ANCY WORST EDS jSupren by the Deputy Grand Master, . : of | A. Evans, Quebec, the grand PENCIL STRIPE WORSTEDS Ra ry, Ba Gen, phe" Whitewear | real, and the provincial grand prior, |. Y. BLUE BOTANY WORSTEDS |of the Kingston-Ottawa district, John |New Haven . Gray, Ottawa. The distinguished Nor. Pac isit hed the city by the noon SALTS GREY WORSTEDS TE A as a ware met by i : : Sir Knight W. A. Bearance, local : S-- DRESS SUITINGS ---- MADE TO preceptor, W, Y. Mills, J. 8. Single-!,, : JANUARY 30th TUESDAY ton and V. Bryant. They were | ates ; al ; to . fo 3 [> S : ; hown many places of interest in YOUR MEASURE, PERFECTLY rin hey and in the evening were | ee | FEBRUARY 3rd SA TURDA Y > tendered a dinner at the Frontenac | TAILORED AT RIGHT PRICE. club. While in the city they StODP- | Hollinger ed at the Chateau Belvedere. Tock Hughes Dr. Estey was elected to the office | Dome nr . . : 5 : of Supremo Grand Master at the DOMe.... .... i. All this week has been set aside for the display- : | Lake Shore | meeting of the Sovereign Grand i . . . y in Soa Melntyre. . er ing of Whitewear and Underthings. In our win- : ® ® t 9 : : Priory held in Kingston V nN a) and he is now making official visits ) . i". Li Ings Oo to the principal centres, including ANNIVERSARY SERVICES, Sows 2nd on {ne second Boor the ous, spesisl : - 1splays have been arranged-- isplays that will at- Belleville, Hamilton, Toronto, Lon}- don and Ottawa. Conducted at the Salvation Army f s _. : ------ a Citadel on Sunday. tract every feminine eye and appeal to every Anniversary services were con- * . SEWER IS AGAIN HELD ip dr ay, Sri Tre eon woman and girl who knows and appreciates pretty adel on Sunday ang mere marked by Underwear. a large attendance in spite of bad One Member of Allen Estate weather and a large number of per- WIll Not Give the Oity | oatere es : ng the trath. The occasion Permission. was the fortleth anniversary of the This is a collection to mae every woman who - Kingston corps and the services were sees, determine at once some Linger; need -- The commencement of work on|conducted by Captain and Mrs, Kend- ' gerie 9 the trunk sewer, which it was ex-| all, formerly officers of the local un- Gowns, Chemise, Costume Slips, Boudoir Caps, pected would give employment to|it. Mrs. Kendall was Ensign Ward, . . : about fifty men, got another setvack [and she and the captain were mar- and Underskirts are being specially featured, and on Saturday when it was learned ried here. There was intense enthus- : : : that a member of the Allen estate |iasm and the evening service did not are here In variety, extensive enough to please the would not permit the sewer to be | close until eleven o'clock when thers most discerning. All are attractively priced, and bullt on the property. At the last|were thirty-five seekers. . meeting of the Board of Works, as-| Captain and Mrs. Kendall will re- low enough to be of interest to every woman. LARGER MARKET surance was given that the work | main in the city to conduct evange- : would commence on Monday. On|listie service during the present Ww, h hi d 5 Saturday, when everything had been week and next Sunday. 3 PRIVATE 365. PUBLIC 458-450. WHOLESALE 1767. Sofien ready to start on Monday || my their ean Batis many make atch this advertisement every night for there : morning, the city engineer was In-|their wishes miscarry. are many special values to be offered. Every day ---- formed that the work would have to I~ min, . . . os be postponed. It is understood that DAILY EMORANLTS | will find something new, and the pricings that are one member of the Allen estate Ob-| mucnre at House of Providence to- . . . jects to the sewer being constructed | night to be quoted will be of interest to every thrifty O. H. euchre and dance, Tuesday and for that reason work will have A O. 10 evchre and dan woman who admires and wants pretty things, and 10 be held up until thiNEE are 80- | ~anrr----------t---------- . justed. The delay is unfortunate as yet not be too extravagant. ; \ there are so many men in need of PRINTERS work, and the building of this sewer 1 - . . . . . Would srcist thes. We cordially invite you and your friends to visit ORANGES won Monday morning a cane ot HANSON CROZIER & EDGAR this opening and. disklay, 10 So oh vis < J « KINGSTON . . . the local representative of the Ontar-| MARKET SQUARE Whitewear for the coming Spring season. fo government labor employment MARRIED bureau and sent out to the Kingston | DEVER--WHITTLES--In Montreal, on Jan. 16th, Lillian May Whittles, to fce house. Ice cutting was due to : James M. Dever, son of Mr. and J h La dla & S The season is here. Our first shipment of the season comes commence on Monday morning and roi Dever, formerly of Picton. | 0 n i w on to hand next week. The price will be more reasonable than last will continue for about four or five| HOGG--WELBANKS-- At Toronto, on; Limited ' Jan. 1yth, Joh Lawrence Hogg,| season. We attach a good, tested recipe, which makes delicious weeks. 20h. of Mi. and Mew, A Hoge. ! M alnde, A number of local butchers com- Collingwood, to Norma C, daugn- - ter or Mrs. W. H. Welbanks, ana menced cutting ice on Monday morn the late W. Welbanks, South Bay. RECIPE: --12 Oranges, 12 pints Water, 12 Ibs. Sugar, Slice ing. Ont. : y TRUMBLE--ALLEN---At the home of them and remove sceds; cover with water and let stand over the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. night; boll in the morning 13 hours; then add Sugar; then The Late Herbert Rea. Garrett Allen, Demorestviile, Jan. boil again till jellies. Save all &eeds, cover them with water The funeral of the late Herbert 3nd, Miss Burtha Allen to Theo- ee wars of nw ie 4 rt ong ba I i | on Saturday afternoon under the CLARKE ~1u Picton, Jan. Juin, Baral i. Clarke, daughter of the ate direction of John Cornelius, to Cat- Josepn and Fhoeve Clark, aged 73 araqui cemetery. Rev. W. E. Kidd years. | conducted the service. There were LLSES ln Winnipes, Jan. 24th, Mea. jany beautiful floral tributes, in- DE aT ns x Picton. cluding some from various sports MeQUAID In Hallowell, Jan. Sh organizations in the city, and the Ane Casely Mogumid, wire of ka- { ward McQuaid, in her 88th year. funeral was attended by many Young | ppp inGLe a. Rose Hall, Jan. 30th, men friends of the deceased who had Almeda Pettingill, wife of H. M. heen formerly prominent in local Wi Petting Save 33 oars. outis sporting circles. The pall-bearers LSON---in Hier, Jan. e Wonial were Elwood Nicholson, Frank B WAash 2Evd 34 yours Sands, Robert Irwin, Howard Kirk- wood and W. Steen, all boyhood friends of the deceased. 75-79 BROCK STREET "IF OFF 200 ROUTE IT PAYS TO WALK" - | Frontenac Fishermen's Association. ROBERT J. REID : A meeting of the Frontenac Fish ; a . : . : ermen's Association was held in the ! ; . agricultural hall on Saturday when We Are Of Some Bar alls ihe members met A. Rankin, M.P.P., Underiaser an : Lo- _9 Majestic . slot lesturey i aries Five in Ladies' Evening Shoes--new cut-out effects, new strap styles 2 its commercial aspects. Last year, and new Colonial rough the efforts of Mr. Rankin, " : >me of the restrictions were remov- . " ® : ; A ® i d as a result of the formation of is. : . ® J] 2¢ 'Frontenac association, an" fl wushura: cw iscount o 70 8S ee Jere are fmportant matters artampl % oe Ge : : Tol / t effect fishermen, the organ-| RONAN BITE . y \ ization is able to place them before : Evening Shoe. 8 ' '& the government in an effective way. Bagot x : a | Always fresh--always tho DOSE .........sovv......04c. 1b, Spite is a little word, but it repre- - ; : : .lents as strange a jumble of feelings x 8 nd compound of discords as any N olysyllable in the language.