ALLEN" TO-DAY MARSHALL NEILAN'S "THE STRANGERS BANQUET" THURS, FRI, SAT. JACKIE COOGAN in "OLIVER TWIST" YEAR 90; No. 24, MORE STRIKES IN RHINELAND Sabotage Against French Oc- cupation Continues in Rubr. FAENGH HOPE TO BE ABLE To Present An Ultimatum to Berlin By the 31st of January. London, Jan. 29.--The entire oc- cupied Rhineland to-day lent its weight to sabotage against French occupation of the Ruhr. While the | latter district was almost completely: | cut off fram the outside world by teléphone, telegraph, waterways and railway strikes, walkouts by | German railworlgers spread to] Cologne, Treves, Aix la Chapelle and Coblenz. Dusseldorf was tempor- | arily isolated by a strike of commu- | nlcations last night. Central offices of the telephone and telegraph ex- changes were closed The rail strikes in the Rhineland | were aimed particular] t the great international expresses which pass through the occupied zone. French sources reported empt to wreck the Paris-Wa express | outside of Aix la Chapelle. Ralls were loosened but were mended by French workers, it was reported | from Paris. | News from the interior of the Ruhr was meagre. Apparently strike 'cemsorship, combined with sporadic telephone and telegraph strikes, made trmasmission of des- \ patches next to impossible. | French forces along the Rhine and in the Ruhr were working to combat the German sabotage. The occupation? is expected to have reached a stage by Wednesday where | France will feel able to present an | ultimatum to Berlin, demanding! payment of 25,000,000 pounds sterling due Jan. 31st. S------ French Expo'ling # vike Officials Dusseldorf, Jan. 29.--French oc- cupation anthorities to-day begam a series of wholesale arrists and ex- pulsions of the highest German state officials, chiefs of bureaus and muni- cipal heads of services for rofusal to obey orders. | The strike of the (German rafl- road workers throughout Ruhr was complete today as was that of the telegraph employees. Telephone and postal services are partially affected. i an il rsaw | i Frm, Belgrade, Jan. 29.--The government newspaper, Tri- dunal, says that Foreign Min- ister T. ,Chitcherin of Russia and Ismet Pasha have made a secret agreement by which Tur- key and Russia will give each other military suppo in the Near East in case h lities are resumed. The agreement stipu- lates that Russia will send sey- eral divisions into Mesopotamia should the British and Turks take up arms, | | | Ont. | Woman Aged 105 Years Dead at Windsor, Marie | Windsor, Jan. 29.--Mrs. White is dead here, at the age of one hundred years and seven months as the home for friemdless where offic- fals did thelr best to make her last | hours peaceful. It is said she had a eon in the Canadian west and a daughter in California. Pugsiey May Resign As Lieutenant-Governor St. John, N.B., Jan. 29.--The vournal to-day publishes a report that Hon. Willam Pugsley is to re- sign as lieutenant----governor of New Brunswick before next session of the | legislature and states that Hon. | Clifford W. Robinson, Moncton, min. | ister of lands end mines, will suc-| | \ faacient t | nation day throughout the province { tering the fight keyed up to a pieh | erowd | his The meet | aude, ied a funeral hymn to express | opinion { career was at an end | Patenaude devoted himself TO OPEN INNER TOMB OF EGYPTIAN KING MAIL TRAINS SET ON FIRE to wo [rich Rebels Were Very Ac- i tive Over the Week-End. "OTHER TRAINS CAPTUED logics Throngs of Tourists Crowding into the Valley of the Kings. Luxor, Eg narvon ar preparation tomb Egypt ner tomb the mummies hamen and his be found objects of tremend in.erest. Throngs of them from America, into the Va » Kings to s the arti removed from th archi tourists, many are crowding >And Sent Hurling Down to Destruction in the Blaz- ing Wreckage. Dublin, Jan. 29.--Blazing mail . trains, fired insurgent incen- diaries, were sent, one after another, heap ot | by into a great [ smashing { wreckage across [in line at Enniscorthw as part of | a great rebel activity that developed over the week-end. Attacks Sun- day on Governor-General Healey's | residence were part of the demon- | stration against the Free State, : The Dublin mail was held up In | County Wexford and set afire, after | which the attackers tore up rails at { the foot of a decline and sent the | train down to destruction. Two { other trains were captured and sent hurling down into the blazing | wreckage. In one instance, where there was a double line, an engine jumped a break in the rails and continued on before stopping. casualty was a Free State officer, | badly beaten by rebels. | | Briti | Who | the fire d whose repor in b partment t t for last year shows I comparatively free miles BIG POLITICAL FIGHT IN QUEBEC This Is Nomination Day---No Chance of Ousting the Liberals. Montreal, Jan. 29. sh Labor Party Wants Parliament Called Earlier London, Jan. 29.-~The parliament labor party to-day decided to ask Prime Minister Bonar Law to con- voke pariiament earlier than Feb. 13th, the date set for its reassembly, in ior to give consideration to the situation which has arisen wa the { Ruhr valley in consequence of | French occupation. The decision | was taken at a meeting held under he chairmanship of J. Ramsay Mac- donald. Irish National Captain Ambushed and Killed Dublin, Jan. 29.--Capt. Coyne, of the national army, was shot dead and three soldiers were wounded when. a party of troops was ambush- ed by irregulars between Abbey Feale and Brosna on the Limerick- Kerry border, Saturday, it became known to-day. The attacking party is said to have left the captain's body at the roadside stripped of all re This is nom! and the Conservative party ds en- of expectancy it has 'not experienced in many years. They think they see the Liberal party on the slide, and though they have no hopes of oust- ing them, they are confident the'r representation in the next house will be larger than in the last. Considerable 'mpetus was given their campaign yesterday when Me- deric Martin, the mayoral idol of so many in Monteeal, was not only howled down, but even had personal violence threatened him. He haa been Invited to a contradictory meet- ing between Messrs, Patenaude and clothing. pir eeseminen Ashby, and, arriving 1! : to et a hearing but in vain. The | perce = BISHOP FAVORS DANCING vim. ana maser nod he sous: | |F PROTECTION GIVEN him, and the mayor had the rough- est time he hay experienced, even in long political er. He was By the Presence of Older Peo- ple--Lack of Supervision the Trouble. denounced, laughed at, insulted and then as a cHmax BR. which was overwhalm- favor of Hon. Mr. Paten- - candidate, chant- Ottawa, Jan, 29.--A declaration in thelr | favor.of dancing provided it is hedg- political | ed with proper, protection for youth {by the presence of older people at No Liberal was permitted to speak | dances, was made by Right Rev. by the crowd which passed from | Felix Coulurier, Bishop of Alexand- rage to laughter, from moment to ria, addressing the Knights of Col moment, except with the aid of Hon. lumbus Sere. Dancing was a problem Mr. Patenaude. Even Mr. Patenauds {that all must face. It was ruining could not secure a hearing for Fred lives and sending souls to hell be- Monk, son of the late Hon. F. D [cause of lack of proper protection, Monk, who had come to speak for|he declared, the Liberal candidate, J. A. 8S. Ash- by. It was Patenauda from the very outset of the gathering. The other 'two Conservative snenkers were also given an attentive hearing ex- cent for a few minutes when Gus- tave Monet commenced to sprak. A group. tried to how! him down in revenre hut the half dozen comnos- ing it were hurled into the street Conclnding the meeting. Hon. Mr. to a <harp denunciation of Mavor Martin Truning to his opponent, Mr. Ash- by, the government candidate, whom he desirnated as a man of henor and a fair fighter, he said: "Get rid of this man, who will ruin and crush you." tried there in vast care howled down, ingly in opposition the that mayor's Shipment of Eggs. Ottawa, Jan. 29, --Government regulations regarding the inspection and grading.of eggs shipped into Canada have been amended so as to apply to shipments in lots of less than ten cases. This action was tak- enn view of the fact that "shippers In the United States evade these regulations by sending eggs forward In lots of less than ten cases," ac- cording to a notice appearing in the Canadian Gazette, All shipments of eggs in the shell will henceforth be subject to inspection and marking at the port of entry into Canada. Greek Royalty Attend Mass in Montreal Mqgatreal, Jan. 29.--Printe An- drew and his wife with Prince Christ- opher of Greece, attended ceremon- Cannon's Charge. Quebec, Jan. 29. --That the Con- servative party, when it was in pow- er in Ottawa in 1917, had thrown three thousand families of Quebec &INGSTON, ONTARI its way for eighteen | The only | The resi {as a surpris | his supporters that the the Premier of New Brunswick came , when he announced to a caucus of | ressure of private business made it the Wexford-Dab- | impossibje for him to continue in that office. He is being | succeeded by Hon. Peter Venoit, Minister of Public Works. THE WOMAN INSISTS ON CHURCH MARRIAGE Mrs. Lydig Says Dr. Grant's, Engagement Has No Bear- | ing on His Belief. i i S-------- 1 New York, Jan. 29.--There has | been much speculation as to the ulti- mate effect of the. Grant-Manning controversy upon Dr. Grant's engage- went to Mrs. Phillip Lydig. The en- Bagemaent was announced last sum- mer, but Bishop Manning, it is said, has refused to sanction the intended marriage, holding that since Mrs. Lydig divorced her husband on grounds other than statutory offence it would be contrary to the canens of the church for Dr. Grant to marry her, If Dr. Grant should be removed from the ministry he would be free 40 marry Mrs. Lydig, but it is em- phatically denied by friends of both that the marriage question enter: {into his plans in any way. | Mrs. Lydig, who has an apartment | at the Hotel Chatham, has excused | herself to reporters who called to Interview her and has refused to dis- : | | HON. PETER VENOIT | WOMAN BEING HANGED { Prisoners' Weifare Association | Want Commutation of Western Death Sentence. Montreal, Jan. 29.--Reiterating its advocacy of the total abolition of capital punishment, the board of the Canadian Prisoners' Welfare Associa- | tion decided to press for commuta- | tion of the death sentence in the case lof the woman, Mrs. Florence Las- sandra, who {s due to go to thé scaf- fold on Fohruary 25th at Fort Sas- kKatghewan, in company with Emil Picarielo, the couple between them having been found guilty of shooting acpoliceman in connection with boot- legging In the discussion of this the death penalty exists the board cculd not intervene for the man; but it was felt that after thirteen years' hiatus between the hanging of a wo- man in Canada, such a step would mark retrogressfon. A vivid news- Faper account of the execution of tha woman, Thompson, in London, was read, in which it was stated that the women attendants were so overcome that several of them had declared they could never officiate in such a Way again. That Canada should sttike out for itself as a new coun- try in the matter of more humane criminological methods was the ser~ timent expressed. GERMAN U. 8. EMBASSY "French Officers Get Five Pints Milk, and German Child= ren None?" Washington, Jan. 29.--Reports of "pernicious activities" by French oc- cupying forces in the Ruhr are con- tained in an officlal communication from the German government made public here by the German embassy. Wkile the French officers get five pints of milk a day, German children over two years "get none at all," the reports stated, The French are freely making threats to the German workmen that "hunger will force you to work," it is declared in the official Berlin de- spatches, . Fire Destroys Landmark. Cobourg, Jan. 29.--One of the old landmarks of the town was destroyed by fire Friday afternoon. It was a largé white brick house on Elgin street, in the northwest section of the town, owned by Mr. Latter of Montreal, and occupied by Mrs, For- shaw. It was owned and occupied for many years by the late C. Fox, but was built by the late Mr. Ruttan nearly three-quarters of a century ago, and the interior wood work in w2veral of the rooms was walnut, to December inclusive immigration decreased 25 per cent. as compared with the nine months of tae pre ceding year. case, it was admitted that so long as" COMPLAINS OF FRENCH | During the nine months from April' | OBJECTION TO CANADIAN | | | .{made to dependents of their em- Dublin Government Offers {men are expressing great disappoint- 5 cuss the controversy in any way. It was learned today, however, that Mrs. Lydig called personally upon Bishop Manning in July, 1921, and told him that she would not be married to Dr. Grant except under ithe canons of the Protestant Episco- | pal church and she wanted it clearly understood that Dr. Grant's engage- ment to her had no bearing whatso- ever upon his beliefs and policies as a minister. As the informant put it: "Mrs. Lydig informed the Bishop | that Dr. Grant's pulpit was dearer to her than her own life." { | PREPARE FOR LONG STRIFE Tempting Enlistment Terms. THE REBELS GETTING AID Important Public Bodies Pay- ing Half Wages to Men With the Irregulars. Dublin, Jan, 29.--Dublin business Decrease Canadians' Income Tax in States | Washington, Jan, 29.--An amend- i ment to existing income tax laws de- | signed to relieve Canadians and | Mexicans employed in the United States was introduced in the house by Representative Green of Iowa. It | provides a normal tax of four per | icent. on the first four thousand dol- | ilars derived from personal services, | {instuad of ejght per cent. as at pre- | {sent, and gives exemption of $1,000. Income derived from other than per- | sonal service would continue to pay | government is maintained with un- y abated violence and that the havoc |tRe Present tax rate of eight per cent, under the amendment, wrought on the railways and roads | has reduced the volume of trade to es ee a ruinous extent and strained the THE FEMININE ATHLETES ARE CALLED "EYESORES" ment at Ireland's condition, The chamber of commerce Friday issued a very pesslinistic statement declar- ing that the formidable attack on the finaneial resources of a large propor- tion-of the business community al- most to the breaking point. This statement is in sharp contrast to the hopeful forecast issued by the government and is important as com- 'ng from a body which has nine of its members in the Senate, Lose Their Beauty and Charm. Chicago, Jan, specialize In athletic contests lose their beauty and feminine charm, In- diana Gyberson, prominent artist, } ciared in an interview here. Women athletes are eyesores to the landscape, according to Miss |Gyberson, who advocates plenty of {ecutdoor life and exercise, but frowns {on professionalizing sports for wo- jen, | 'Over 'ndulgence in athletic activi- ties developes an unwomanly type Preparin Long Disturbances. | op § for 10g 1 o 29.--Women who The government which recently predicted the speedy collapse of the opposition, now recognizes the possi- bility of a prolonged disturbance and | is largely increasing the numbers in the army, Though the army has more than sixty hattallons, there are numerous vacancies in most of them and none of the men who enlisted for six months are returning to civil life. The enlistment terms now offered are tempting n the presence of '80 much unemployment. Each private |2nd adds nothing to health. receives three shillings and six pence | 'Artists would not consider pick- a day, all found, and liberal provi- ting a model from the Amazons whe sion is made for the dependents of made up our army of women ath- the soldiers, the wives of privates |letes." i receiving four shillings a day with an | Miss Gyberson pointed to her addition for each child. The cost of (model, Hazel Daly, acclaimed by the army thus promises to exceed |Chicago critics the perfect type of £10,000 per year. The eloquent ap- [American womanhood, as the per- reals issued by General Mulcahy are |Sonification of beauty and health. ettracting recruits and this time the | "Hazel is like the Spartan athletes | engagement is for twelve months, [Of centuries ago," Miss Gyberson | but no - army possibly attainable (sald. "She is not over-developed | would be large enough to protect all |Physically, nor does she lack the sex | the railways and to meet guerrilla at- [¢harm so often found wanting in the | tacks at all points, The destructive |Woman who makes athiétics a pro- | resources of the irregulars show no |fession, diminution despite fifty-three execu-| "Mlss Daly i= an outdoor girl with | tions. Their boldness even in the |@ Penchant for riding and swimming. | centres of cities continues, Rut these activities are very inci- | dental to her daily programme which includes music, art and daneing, feminine proclivities seldom found in the woman athlete, "Like the women of the classic ages, she combines art with 'physical culture. The result is a harmonious creature of health and loveliness." o- Helping the Irregulars. While the employees are releasing their staffs on Mulcahy's appeal for army service and undertaking to sap- plement their army pay and keep their jobs open, some important pub- lic bodies are paying half wages to men fa their employment, who join the irregulars, Several members of the Dublin city council are in jail from which some have obtained re- lease on signing an undertaking not to bear arms against the Free State, but the council by a majority vote tas decided to continue payments | Girl Athlete Disagrees, New York, Jan. 29.--Miss Camila Sabie, America's foremost woman track athlete, believes that a bit of sprinting with perhaps a hurdle or 80 now and then would not have de- tracted in the least from thé phy- sical charms of ¢he Venus De Milo. "It is ridiculous to believe that athletics, in moderation, are detri- mental to a woman's development," said Miss Sabie. "If they are over- | @one, harmful effects will, of course, ; | | Dioyees in jail, who have refused to give this undertaking. More than Ralf of the council stayed away pru- dently when the vot was taken. _ The government retorted by with- holding grants of nearly £400,000 i : { i In {consider the situation | Ismet Pasha, head of the |An Artist Declares That They | | | {ties {from other sources than the Hydro- LAST EDITION. MAKE<READY FOR" ATTACK By Turks At Mosul if Lau- sanne Conference Breaks Up. TURKS REPORTED MASSING Eastern Thrace--Allies' Treaty a Virtual Ultima- tum to Angora. Lansanne, Jan. 29.--British and Turk military activity in the Near East was reported to-day as the Al- lies announced terms of the treaty which is a virtual ultimatum to the Angora government. A Constantinople despatch told of Mustapha Kemal, Turkish general issmo, urgently recalled to Angora from Smyrna. Brit'sh army units as well as a battalion at native troops rienforced Mosul as protec- tion against a possible Turk attack if the Lausanne conference breaks up. Turkish troops were reported massing in Eastern Thrace and else- where approaching strategic posi tions for possible activity against Mosul and Adrianople. An extraordinary meeting of the Angora assembly was convoked to created by impending breakdown at Lausanne. Turkish delegation here, must give a final, dat "Yes" or "No" to Allied terms on Wednesday. The Ear! of Balfour will bring up the question of Mosul at a public session of the council of the League of' Nations to-morrow, outline the situation and request the league to arbitrate in the interests of woria peace. Dispute over these old flelds proved thé chief bone of contention at Lausanne after the Greeco-Turk- Ish terms had been partially arrang- ed, : SEEKING THE RIGHT TO RESELL POWER Municipalities East of Toronto Want Power Commission Act Amended. { | Toronto, Jan. 29.--Municipalities east of Toronto and along the To- ronto Eastern Railway route are go- ing to seek legislation which will amend the power commission act of Ontario, so as to permit municipali- to purchase electrical energy Electric Power Commission, Steps looking to this accomplish- ment have been taken at a meeting of the county council of Ontario county, which has been in session this week at Whitby. A strong com- mittee, comprised .of F. L. Mason, ° teeve of Oshawa; F. Richardson, re- tiring warden of Ontario county; Reeve Blow, Whitby; Reeve Ross, of Thorah township and Reeve Forgie of I'ickering village, were appointed to wait upon the Ontario government with this object in view. This etep has followed the expec- tation of the communication between Toronto and Cobourg that the To- ronto Eastern Railway will be elec- trified by the Canadian National Rail- way to which It now belongs. Fully confident that the electrifi- gation will be carried out at an early date, the interested municipalities | want to be in a position to get cheap power and light from the railway which will be operated. It is expect~ ed, by Hydro power from the Niagara river. At the present time, as the agt stands, these municipalities could not buy through or from the Cana~ dian National Railway. Charge of Abduction Laid Against Father Stratford, Jan. 29.--On complaint of his wife to Stratford police, Wil liam F. McLarty, of this city, was ar- rested iu Hamilton Saturday charged with abduction of their two children, aged six and seven. Accused and the children departed Friday morning but when McLarty was arrested the children were not with him. It is tho t they may have been placed in Roman Catholic institution In Hamilton, Religious differences are said to be at the bottom of the trou- ble, McLarty being a CathoMec it is ceed him. fal high mass at the Greek church result, but this is equally true in the eald, and his wife a Protestant. The case of men. {family came hers from Owen Bound. workmen on the street by closing here yesterday for repose of the payable to the council for housing -------- een. | 00004200000 0050 00 down the Ross rifle factory wihout THE NORTH ESSEX ELECTION MARCH 15TH Ottawa, Jan. 29.--Writs were issued today for the by-clection in North Essex to fill the vacancy created by the death of Hon. W, C. Kenpedy. Nomination day 'has n fixed for February 15th. Pol- ling will be March 15th. *0000csssesestee 400049 0c sasre soul of the late King Tonstantine, Right Rev. Panteleimon, New York, chanted mass and delivered a pan- egyric of King Coastantine, « | Rotice, and that the Borden govern- 'ment had taken that action in order to reduce, through hunger and :tar- | vation, the young men of Quebec and force them to: enlist, was the statement . of L. A. Cannon; former member of the legislature for Que- {bec Centre, and Liberal candidate # In the present contest, at a meeting | here yesterday. "Now Regs ' we Belleville, Jan. 29 --Hast'ngs county council went on record as op- posed to legislation which puts in the bands of the Sheriff authority to fix salaries of jail officials, and whizh ¢umpels county bodies to provide uni- forms for jailers, turnkeys and ma- trons. % >. 2 * @! * rn #! English clerics are to engage in a 3am discussion on the now prayer- # | book, Rew ARTHUR SAUVE : The leader of the opposition in the vebec t, who the 'onservative campaign ce. Mr. BSauve iz keenly interested in agrico tural affairs and all rural problem: and bi perience punishment, schemes and thus the eventual saf- "With proper coaching and inteili- | f-rers will be innocent people. There is an influential move even in the S:nate to d'sapprove of this form of gent training the modern girl may develop herself to an extent that she would never attain if she limited her activities to the field of esthetic cul- ture. The mind of the young girl is also developed and broadened in cdn- juncticn with her athletic work. "Woman's athletics are etill in their infancy and will continue to Refused Licenses, Brockville, Jan. 29.--Two pool- Teoms in the village of Athens have been closed, as the council has re-{ i I-| tie, two to two, Rsevé M. B. Holmes Forges a ~! decided the matter by voting against in the leading French-Canadian papers. the renewal of the licenses, fuced to grant licenses for 1923. The grow." vote on the question resulted im a : Sergt. George Richardson, the old- est V. C. in the British Empire, dead at London, Ont. { Poon the new Thurlow school, known is! New School is Onened, Beleville, Jeu. 29.---Friday after: as the Prince of Wales' school, was opened officially by Provincial In- spector Waugh of pudlje schools mn the presence of a gathering of resi~ dents of the school section and of members of the city and county coun- cils, inspectors and trustees of Thur. iow and of other school boards, Charlie Chapla in is to marry Pois Negri '