THE DAILY BRI DED OF NATURAL CAUSES THROWN FROM A CUTTER renters mis ues Heart Disease. TISH_WHIG. MONDAY, JANUARY 29. 1928. { se STORE CLOSES DAILY 5 O'CLOCK Well-Known Wolfe Island Parish Priest Injured-- in the Hotel Dieu. Self Mastery Through Auto BY EMILE COUE. Suggestion , { "That A Oleymich came to his] death as resuit of natural causes and tha Timing. Wolfe Is that no blame can be attached to] : Bet Peon Fie a pri . re. |8BYyORe in connection with his death" land, 8 'as ple sult 'of minor injuries received om was the verdict of the jury Spi | Saturday afternoon, when he was od 10 inquiry ne ie demts of ¢ is i i : i ats IP ner confin n ortemou thrown from a cutter near his own | residence after returning from a try | pew Sg RE JURY YAO, 04 He - to Kingston. It is believed that no { evidence ken. It was clearly Clearing | Sones Ste DIGKSR, DS! Owing 0 Je | shown that no person was responsible oy severe & : {for his death. 'The prisoner was only, Ladies Rac- | South! best to remove him to the |, ind in ity ceil on Buturda¥ | hol 5 i , : coon Coats . . . $175 J] Tue roads are tn bad condition on WOLBING bOI 4.40 DUO. acied Il | the island, as a resuit of the recent | = 0 he Sate ! i} neavy snowfall, and as Father Flem- | Rr RL C. Ponstort was the 1] ing was turning into his home trom | first witness called He stated that | {il the main road, his cutter overturned | Ge cel Nord il and he was thrown heavily onto the | deceased was sente 1 | Bay, to a two-year term and had en- ! | hard eurface of the road, Fortunate- | | i {tered the institution on December | Iv, he was not driving very fast at | oh 190, He ciatined that 30 Was ll | (ho time, and the horse was mnot|"l . He ¢ i' . a well behaved prisoner. { | 3. Fur Sale For attaining Health, 'Success and Happiness. ° A choice gift with a message of Good Cheer. The most talked of book in a decade. Cloth cover $1.10. Paper cover 60c. Postage 5c. per copy THE COLLEGE BOOK STORE PHONE 919, OPEN NIGHTS only, Hudson Seal Coals ......-3250 only, Marmot Coats Sizes 36 to 40, 38 and 40 inches long. Muffs, Stoles, Capes, etc. gi frightened by the overturning of the I pra sleigh. Help was obtained from a | Convict No. K 55 who occupied a | | cell next to the deceased, said that | nearby house, sue tie overs > {he heard Oleymick moaning 'early fn | rive ~" |the morning but he did not pay any | |attentign, as the prisoner was in the | | habit of moaning, He stated that de- | ceased had not said anything about | | being sick. | | Convict No. K 74 said that he | heard Oleymick groaning during the early hours of the morning, and | he made quite a noise. i Guard H. Woodhouse, who was AN AGED RESIDENT DIES. | making his rounds in the section of |} | the prison where the late convict was | confined, said that he noticed there | i | at Rest. wad something strange about the ap- | §] Napanee Beaver. {pearance of the man and he reported | : lf! Another of the aged and highly | to the chief night keeper, who in | John MeKay Limited | respected residents of the Township turn summoned the hospital nurse | KINGSTON, CANADA | | of Camden passed peacefully away at | who pronounced the man dead. ! A | Centreville on January 20th, in the | - Night Nurse Arthur Raven told of | ee ow mo ~-~ |norson of Mrs. Margaret Wartman. examining the body and pronouncing She wus the daughter of one of the [the prisoef®dead. : pioneer Methodist local preachers of Dr. W. G. Anglin surgeon eaid that | Tamworth and vicinity, viz., James | during the time the prisoner was Bell and his wife, Matilda Gunsaul- yonfined Jo the institution he had us, and was born in Sheffield town- | twice reported sick. On one occas- | ship, on Nov, 22nd 1836. {ion he had advised the convict to On February 6th, 1374, she was'| ease smoking as it was making him united in marriage with Charles | vc mit, Wartman, and for twenty years live| Jr. James Miller,. pathologist of ed a happy, useful and godly life in |Qieen's medical college, Who per- the home at Colebrook. Her husband | formed the post mortma said that | predeceased her thirty-two years. In the cause of death was haart fallure { 1894, she came to live at Centreville | due to the hear: being dilated and | {with her only daughter, Mrs. Mortl- | getting no blood. He said that death! mer Lockhead, and during her Te- | was due to natural causes and that | maining years endeared herself by |the convict couil go about for some loving deeds and wise counsel to | time without showing any serious many friends. Many who have been | symptoms. heed by her kindness will cherish | The members of the jury were: ! { the memory of her holy life. J. N. Dolese, foreman, Frank Purdy, | In addition to the faithful daught- | Fred Beaudry, F. B. Pense, Raiph er who cared for her in her declin- | Adait, Ernest Hughson, Jack McQall, ing years, there survive a stepson, |John Johnson, "Jack" Welch, Fred Charles W. Wartman, of Phoenix, | Hunter, John d"Esterre and Mark Arizona; her nephew, J. C. Bell, | Dine. B.S., of Cowallis, Oregon, and three nieces, Mrs, Joseph Peterson, of Hil- ger, Montanna; Miss T. A. Bell, of Shaughai, China, and Mrs, H. L. Wal- ] ther was later city § Upon inquiry at the Hotel Dien on 11 Monday morning, the Whig was in- formed that Father Fleming was much better, and was resting easily. i It is thought, however, that he will i |be unable to leave the hospital for {] = tew days yet. .3} Your inspection invited / i Mrs. Margaret Wartman, Centreville A -- SLICE AND SERVE OH HENRY! "THE HANDY CANDY Lest You Forget - We carry the largest stock and best variety of stylish House Furnishings to be found in any store in Eastern Ontario. The prices, 100, are remarkable for their reasonableness. and buy. To see is to admire CROTHERS ' KINGSTON Established 1869 - AT ST. JAMES' CHURCH. = EXTRA GOOD CANDY AT A SPECIAL LOW PRICE VANILLA OLD FASHIONED CREAMS 29c. a lb. NUT CARAMELS 29c. a lb: New York --~ TE L001 4 . . rifty Housewives 4 WEEK-END BARGAINS: ..10 lbs, 83e. : Granulated Sagar .. Island Rell Butter Creamery Butter Rolled Oats ........ 1 Pens, 1 Corn, 1 Tomatoes 30e, Tea with the flavor ........ 43, Fancy Mixed Pickles, per bot. 1Je. 1 Pot Barley White Rose Potatoes, bag ° Canned Pears 4 4 4 : .90e. § Sugar Cookles Jam (en sale).... 5 bottles $1.00 Saluda, Black or Greea .... 80c. Pure Pork Sausage, Ib. .... 22. "SAVE THE DIFFERENCE" i. | lis, of Drumheller, Altz., all of whom had been trained and brought up by her. Four brothers aleo remain, viz, William M. Bell, of Enterprise; An- drew E., of Tamworth; E. W, of Mountain Grove, and John N., of Vanconver, B.C, The funeral service was held at the home on Monday last, and was conducted by her pastor, Rev. M. W. Leigh, B.A., of Enterprise, and at- tended by a large number of rela- tives and friends. The pall bearers were Horaitio, Alfred M., Fraser and Frank Bell, all of Desmond, and | John L.. and Cephas BeM, of Enter- | prise, and thebody was placed in the Centreville vault, OFFICERS CHOSEN, Annual Meeting of the Lemnox Ag- ricultural Society. The annual meeting of the Len- nox Agricultural Society was held in Napanee on Jan, 18th, and although Interesting Services By Rev. C. E. Jeakins of Brantford. Rev. C, B. Jeakins, M.A., M.C,, St. Jude's church, Brantford, was the special preacher at 8t. James' church on Sunday, and gave eloquent ser- mons at both the morning and even- ing services. In the evening he took his text from St. Matthew, V; 14 "Ye are the iight of the World," and St. John, VIII: 12, "I am the light of the World." He declared that all great musicians, such as Mendel- ssohn, Chopin and Handel; great poets like the Brownings and Col- onel McCrae; great artists and writ- ers, were torch-bearers, lighting the world, While steadfast friends who were always present with counsel and assistance in every contingency, were torch-bearers to the Individual. These we all appreciate but above them all is Christ, the great torch- bearer who casts his light before and behind, 'Ughting up the way to the grave and beyond it to the palace beautiful." Newman & Shaw | Kingston's Big Dry Goods and House Furnishings Store of Mrs. A. R. B. Williamson, organ- {st and choir director, ------------------ Fine Musical Treat. A fine musical treat was provided at Ohalmers Presbyterian church on Sunday, when Miss Jean Chown and Miss Deloraine (Craig were the sol- oigts at both services, and both were heard to great advantage. There was a good sized congregation both morning and evening. The pastor, Rev. Dr. R. J. Wilson, preached at both services, RRA Font A ---- REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FOR RENT $1100.00-- Stephen St., 91200240 Lower Paice Street, rooms sem! - detached brick $15.00--87 York 8 5 " dwelling, 6 rooms, bath, toilet and gas. electric light, gas and $20.00--1010 Union Street, 6 rooms, good cellar, driveway. bath, electric light and gas. I! E. W. MULLIN & SON f sm men Rev. T. W. Savary conduoted the i service and special music was rend- Let us posses the earth before we | ered by the choir under the direction reach out for the stars | Phone 380w. 1 Cullen's CASH AND CARRY ALFRED and PRINCEAS OP0 Money to Loan. Fire Insurance Brokers. Buyers and Sellers of Real Estate, Corner Johnson and Division Streets. the weather was 'very pnfavorable, about twenty-five were present, After the secretary's and {(reasurer's res ports had been read, the following officers were elected for the ensuing year: President--J, 8. Johnston, let Vice Pres.--Hiram Shannon, 2nd Vice Pres.--Rockwell Parks. The following Directors were elect ed: G. W, Gibbard, W. H. Boyle, G. 'H. Willlams, George Switzer, BE. H. Sills, M. C. Bogart, C. C. Main, Isaac Briscoe, C. A. Walters, Edward Kay- lor, T. B, Wallace, W. @G. Schell, Frank Smith, W, H. Hunter, Arthur Rook, Roy Armstrong, R. Long, J A. Coulter and F. H. Henderson. Secretary--J, L. Boyes. "Treasurer--J. W. Robinson, Candy Store 314 Princess Street ed S HEA ~~ a FUR SALE DRASTIC CUT IN LADIES' FUR ~ COATS AND SMALL FURS FOR THE BALANCE OF JANUARY. MID-WINTER SHOE SALE All this week continuing our Sale of Ladies' Splendid Quality Shoes at $2.95. These are our regular goods, no eheap, shoddy goods bought especially for sale purposes, "and we gtand behind every pair we sell" See these wonderful VEIUES BL ,...vees socsvsnssss 4288 Bargains in Furs OUR SENSATIONAL Price Cutting Sale of Furs Fine Brown Calfskin, Two Straps, Goodyear Welsd Leather Soles, low heels -- & quality sold regularly # ne everywhere at $6.00. Montrealers and their guests are revelling in the delights of winter sports during the winter carnival period which will continue up te March 1st. Where else in America do you find it more delight- ful, where élse will you find the joys of the most joyous season of the year #6 all-pervading, or so access- ible as in that fine old city rambling for miles up and down the banks of the mighty St. Lawrence river, and more than'balf surrounding historic hoary old Mount Royal? All the Canadian winter sports including skating, snowshoeing, tobogganing, ski-ing, ski-joring, hockey, curling and sleigh-driving can be enjoyed. The Grand Trunk Railway offers ex- ceptional service to Montreal, and i information desired will be gladly given by any of the Grand Trunk) : agents. Booklet on application. ; B i Official announcement of the Bri. d ; t'sh national debt shows a total of : , , 4% : about seven billion, seven hundred. million pounds. ; Don't buy a home until you study bo. classified ads, This is the place to come to get a Fur bargain, and people did come on Saturday from Sydenham, Westport and many other places, Our entire emor- Fine Brown Calfskin Lace Oxfords with flexible sewn leather soles, perforated vamps and military heels. Regular $5.00 values, Black Kid Leather Oxfords and Two Strap styles, low heels. Regular $4.00 values. Fine Black and Brown Kid Leather, high top | new Sport last with perforated tips and low heels, values. AH sizes 2%; to 7 in each style. S. J. MARTIN " Shoes of Merit and Distinction." ced boots ~---- eguiar §4.50 $25--A SNAP IN MEN'S FUR COATS--385, We are bound to clear out our entire stock of Men's Fur Coats. The Coons are all gome, and the balance are Biack Dog, Near Beaver, Sheared Goat, etc., to go at two prices-- Va) [A 120-188 Dairymen'c Convent'on in Belleville recently. Farmers are hauling wood after the big storm Thursday, they had to have many shove.lers out to work. Miss Bessie Konnedy, Cole Lake, at Mrs. W. Sigsworth's.: Mr. end Mrs. W. Beon. Mason at Mrs. Ww Sigsworthls for & couple' of days this week . Hartington, Jan. 26.--Dr. Smythe, | , preached au educational germon here on Sunday, which was very inspiring. The teacher traln- | ing class, under the leadership of { Rev. R. W. Armstrong, met Thurs dT BE dag evening in the Methodist etureh. i 1 Moors, visiting in Kingston for \ the past two 'weeks, has returned. Chicken pox is in the vicinity. Ma- dolla Babcock is teaching at Desert Lake. BEdiey Campsa.l attended the 4 Beware of im'tations. Study the classified ads for investments, A lot of people surrender too easily. Bd