MONDAY, JANCARY 20, 1023 THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. FOR-- : --&-- = : PROBS: --Tuesday, generally fair and colder. | | i COUGHS, he » : EE COLDS HAVE YOU ANY - 23 | @ ocd) ¥ 0 0 and ASTHMA OLD GOLD We Bell and Recommend OR SIi.VER DR. HICKEY'S SPEEDY that is serving no use- REMEDY. ful purpose ? indirgen { T B t During January we : " [ nN a os €s wish to purchase for : BP, fom DRUGGIST p J rr BOR a. I~ f {rds | : || remelting all of these . = 2. || metals 'you can lo- {| npusTRIAL HEART OF GERMANY IN FRENCH HANDS. The Ruhr area is estimated at about 1.234% square miles % . Removal Notice ly. S2te in extent, but something of its immense mineral wealth can . . be gathered from the above map. Each of the round black Kingston Taxi Why not look these marks represents a mine shaft. The district has a population Service of four million, of which a half million are coal miners. In PHONE 060 up NOW and turn pre-war days its coal production was 113.000,000 tons a Have I a ary the int seful {year It has a visible reserve of 54 billion tons, and an estim- | CORNER OF BAGOT AND em 1nto uselu ated unmined reserve of 220 billion tons. Steel production in Féad . ne ay BROUIE STREEY rr) the year the war ended amounted to ten million tons. Over W. J. GALLAGHER, R. ORWELL money : Proprietors, nine hundred million dollars is invested there. \ ? | holm for a trip to London, the bat- leships ing vere de- > §? [ HEROINES OF HISTORY Sonn a Oe SAXTON COAL SMITH BROS if sho had been a queen. ° | Significant Incidents in tho Lives Her greatest sficcess was on her For Hot Air Furnaces and ne Heaters--8$15.00 per ton. Jewelers, Limited of Famous Women. visit to America. Here she first sang he 4 at the old Castla - Garden, at the By Mark Stuyvesant. Battery, the present Aquarium in JCANNEL COAL . Established 1848, : + |New York city. | i P. T. Barnum was her manager. | For Grates--8$18.00 ton. . . hy ; > King St. Why Jenny Lind .1s Call] the | yor contract read for one hundred WOOD 'Swedish Nightingale. and fifty concerts at one thousanl Slabs--cut 12" long, $3.73 load Early in the last century, at the | 4,11,1q each. Later, of his own ac- . Hard Wood--12" long, $4.25 Royal Opera In Stockholm, there cord, this wizard of the show world, load. | was a famous dancer named Mme. changed her contract to read that } . Lundberg. She had a maid who used they should divide equally any excess to tell her about a child she passed | yo. five thousand dollars per con- W A Mitch Il & Co. every day on her way to the theatre. [Lops i . e o FOG Oper This little girl was the daughter of Jenn ' C. MABEE I ; . y Lind's proceeds of her first 15 Ontario Street ! DR. H. C. 3 widow. She lived with her grand- ly, concerts in New York were ten o 79 WILLIAM STREET «other while her own mother went |. 00 dollars, She immediately : " pe {out as a governess. turned over this sum to the tmayor | Telephone 67. Phone 286 | It was not a very bright place for |, givide among the city charities. | Wi 1 f : S : 1 8 ith but two days left of our Sensational January {this little nine-year-old girl. But she She gave many thousands of dol- {did not mind it, because she had a |150g not only while in America, but . : pet cat to which che talked. and fqumng ner life. | Clearance Sale, we are out to create a new sales record sang. People stopped in the street It was while in America that .Jen- | ; : : |to look up at the pretty picture the |ny Lind fell in love With and mar- | for the month, and realize in this month of sales that only Stile ang the 4! male dn he min- ried Otto Goldschmidt. Goldschmidt | jdow, and to listen to her sweet voice. | yg nny. | rut . . . Mine, Lavmanare®s tails bovis 0 | 1s, OIvS Yeats yotuger, than Jenny unprecedented value-giving will attain the desired effect. SITE) i { interested in the child that she The marriage was ideally happy. . 2 i sbrought her to see her mistress, and | They toured the continent together. . So for to-morrow, we are offering for the last time f {had her sing some of her songs. She was feted at all the courts of 5 > ' : Me Lundhery sala: Europe, but was never spoiled by her this season that extraordinary bargain attraction -- il "This child must be educated for | success or the wealth which she ac- | the stage." cumulated. { She took the Jttle girl to the man- Fow women have been adored .as : ager, who started her instruction was Jenny Lind, Her life seems to) TR ten ee ee | immediately at the Royal school, Tave been bless aus a : ave bee ssed because of her This wae Ihe besinvine hd ie gcodness and the joy which she gave | ; < aree e > EB St Of SINE- | the world with her beautiful voice. | Heavy Garbage Cans in 3 sizes. jEre=Jonny Tiny, We BWRlich NIBH | ™ avo. pussed the Tater years of bof | | ingale. . he life with her husband, childron and You are required to have two Garb- | Jenny started to study and work C . | with an interest and determination srandchilgren around her=--3 happy. age Cans this year. | which never left her. contented woman. She could not help {| She had «mall pants in the opera, singing. o No. | Garbage Can {acting children's parts, When she f A few days before her death, when | or . |grew older she literally took the | she was sixty-six, she sang with a | a { world by storm. | sweetness which was like her char- No. 2 Garbage Can Ll Sn 2 | At one time when she loft Stock- |acter. + C eéals No. 3 Garbage Can Remember Kingston's Celebration this summer. Use Brandram-Hender- y TN d son Paint on your home. ¢ "NF = I Stamps. M K ] & aR oy. .1 : 1 ty RE Ht On a purchase of $12.50, you receive the equivalent in : Eo All 1 o C1 ¢ ve y Thi Birch, Limited | - Miva = Li st2-nps of a $50.00 purchase here to-morrow. Realize Jobbers of Plumbers' and Gas-Fitters' Supplies, § A 4 People stopped to Listen to Her Sweet Voice. : and House Furnishing Hardware, Tools, Ofls, Best Supplics, Sneed wo] - pi what this stupendous sale event means to you--then come and Tin Work; Electric work; Painting and P. H % . mo IN TR ag T work of all kinds undertaken. ee mein. Sowcial AT ALLEN WOLFE ISLAND. | Mrs. Isadore Rattery, of Fulton, Do- to-morrow and take full advantage of its exceptional eware, Her son, Roy, leave - A Budget of News From Our OWR | morrow for his Fome 0a Tera | 2 Correspondent. One of John Niles' horses feil and | . Allen, Wolls Lan, Jaa. 21--The broke his hind leg yesterday and Mr. | . armers in $ vicinity are ly en- | Niles was com elled Le 2s 8 fl cased in sawing wood. RB. Burke | Mise Magers serio, hoot, Bim. This is positively the last Four For One Sale 'of the the owner of the sawing machine. brother, Ald . . . . . . a Archie Berry spent three days at |ywith heir ant he vend Mid-Winter and Spring season, so we invite your active the home of his sister, Mrs. Macgre- | James B. Mo "Miss en i . gor, Bell's Point, on account of her | aise Behe ies Moo re Ju t co-operation Tuesday. severe illness, John Niles Is still very | them, also Howard Niles. | sick. He has now been confined to i 3 bed since December 1st. News ar-|,, - PATtY Will 'be held next week at | Tived this morning of the illness of ihe hous re Mr Robert | ALL PREVIOUSLY AD V ERTISED SPECIALS Sn wns m sn Sa Bates have made a rink, and if the | : weather continues cold and dry there | RE M LE UN Tl W EDI NES D e__»o on will be good skating, James Ruth | AIN ON SA 2 L DAY Oomini ae broken in his new colt. In time ' shall be a good road ho T! Alter Tse. he assorting our stock Meat Store Ice between Wolfe Tstand and Howe we find we have a number Island Is In very good condition, A of ends of Cretonnes, Sa- YM.C.A. Phone 12087. sleigh ride party has been planned s td Chiintaes. We Opp. " (between the two islands for early - -- teen next week. are offering these ends at greatly reduced prices in order to TO-MORROW'S SPECIALS: | Eddie King has been hired by Mr. | make room for our Spring stock. Just the thing for over-Cur- Bolling Beef ............ Allison for the coming month. Mr. tains and Slip-Coverings for Furniture. Brisket ...... ...o0n [Allison is retiring from farming on al 1AM S NLS {account of Mrs. AllMson's ll health. SPECIAL DISCOUNTS ON OUR ENTIRE STOCK DURING THE Pot Roast ........ .... Miss Edith Montgomery spent ons! BALANCE OF THIS MONTH. ; Oven Roast .......ecss- | day this week at the home of Richard ' | Berry's. Miss Margaret Halliday . !spent the week-end with her parents. ! re {Miss Lillian Halliday, ) e HOOVER SUCTION CLEANERS, PIANOS, VICTROLAS, § sae "s rast two th wd Poe for = PLAYER PIANOS, VICTOR RECORDS, PLAYER we | sister, Mrs. James Kenny, has return- { : o © : 'ROLLS. MONTHLY SUPPLEMENT RECORDS on hand. . 1c. Ji{od home. John T. Murphy, formerly | J : . {ot Wolfe Island, spent one day with" §§ ; tesaee.10e fins mother, Mrs. Jorry Murphy. Bi Peas -...oe ooo... @ for 35c Hlpoward Niles and William | Kio we Corn ....coovvvei.® for 3c. Hl cromsed the river from their homee 0) Ll F. Harrison Co., Limited S---- ---------- to the American side last Sunday T. , Harrison *y Phone 90 PROMPT DELIVERY to © said the ice was not in ver : : : good condition. The crossing from © - . ; | Kingston to be island is excolieat. : EE 3 & 21 'That on every dollar purchase or over you receive Four Dollars' worth of Steacy's Merchandise Discount economies. or