THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. *=2 | pace at which he had been riding. And] | realised also the emotions which sub. | . | consciously bad been driving him a. | - > Beautiful Birch f long All the way he had been saying Do you know that Birch makes a handsome 7 IF WINTER COMES "War!" What he wanted, most ters 2 3 | sal | floor when you use a Canada, 1922 22 2icClellang & Stewars, Lig, | ribly, was to say it aloud to some one. > | (HOICE T / K { He suddenly rec $ '" ly > Seaman-Kent "Beaver Brand EE Ye a -- SORT ISI TIL Copyright 1 t hg | tective feeling towards herr For the 3 pocast and fsiress, at she on honour | ye time in his life he pedalled in- | : . - 1i t i { | would be welded into strength, as the | Steal of free wheeling the Somclugion | 4 : | of the ride. He ran into the house and | | presence of another brings enormous |. the morning room. Mabel was not | | support to timidity; if she declared for | oom. : | love~his mind surged within him at there. It was almost dinner time. She Publishers, Toronto. a { He wanted to say it to Mabel, He { ter. He took it from Give us the size of your room and it w BY A. S. M. HUTCHINSON | In Yiand 1m, { opened it; and the second event was prise when you see how little it will cost. For the sake of those | had a sudden great desire to see Ma- + bel and tell her about it and talk to | discharged upon hi She wrote from their town house: - 3 | . » . bout it. H it a curiously pro- i Nona's let- { brought relief from his intolerable | her a e fel "Marko, take me away--Nona." His who drink with you, CHASE a SANBORN, Montreal . BRAN AAs ee, SOWARDS KEEP COAL and COAL KEEPS SOWARDS SOWARDS COAL CO PHORE 165. UP-TOWN OFFICE: McGALL'S CIGAR STORB PHONE 811. Make Your Radio Set Even Better! Put on g Vernier Rheostat. We have all the good makes, including the famous Bradleyatat. x A pleasure to show them to you Be sure and sec our window ~--~it shows you all the parts necessary to build a good re- celving set. We'll show you all about assembling - your own. Upen every evening, Drop around Mail Orders promptly ship- ped. Charges prepaid CANADA RADIO STORES hy -- =~ RTH THT TTT TTT TT PASTEURIZATION FILLS A NEED--THE ULTIMATE SAFEGUARD . All Our Milk is Thoroughly Pasteurized. PRICE'S DAIRY OUR ANNUAL DISCOUNT SALE 20% OFF ON ALL OUR BOOTS, SHOES, ETC. EVENING SLIP- PERS AND OXFORDS. --NO DISCOUNT ON RUBBERS The Sawyer Shoe Store Phone 159. 184 Princess St. | ENE Hardwood Floors Cleaned! Why have your Hardwood Floors dirty and old looking when you can have them made like new ? We have bought a new Floor Cleaning Machine and guarantee to make your floors | look like new. | Estimates given on new floors laid, and Thos. Copley Write 68 Queen Street or "phone 987. Asking the Lord's forgiveness| In kmowing that you sincerely an't settle the misunderstanding jiried to succeed thers is a sort of t bad with your neighbor. 'satisfaction even !n failure. emotions leapt to her with most terrible violence. He felt his heart leap against his breast { of his tumult, it would burst its bonds and to her, He struck his hand upon the desk. He said aloud, "Yes! Yes!" | He remembered his words, "If ever | you fee! you can't bear it, tell me, ~ | Tell me." | vr | He began to write plans to her. He | would come to Eondon to-morrow .. | She should come to the station if she could; if not, he would be at the Great | Westerh Hotel. She would telephone | to him there and they could arrange to meet and discuss what they should do. He would like to go away with her di- rectly they met, but there were cer- tain things to see to. He wrote, "But 1 can only take you--" His pen stopped. Familiar words! He repeated them to himself, and their | conclusion and their circumstance ap- | peared and stood, as with a sword, ac- | ross the passage of his thoughts. "But | I can only, lead you downwards. I can. | not lead you upwards. . . 7 As with a sword-- He sat back in his chair and gazed {upon this armed intruder to give it | battle. i VII The morning passed and the after. | noon while still he sat, no more mov. { ing than to sink lower in his seat as | the battle joined and as he most dread- | fully suffered in its most dreadful on- sets. Towards five o'clock he put out his hand without moving his position and drew towards him the letter he had begun. The action was as that of | one utterly undone He very slowly | tore it across, and then across again, and so into tiniest fragments till his fingers could no more fasten upon them. He dropped his arms away and opened his hand, and the white pieces fluttered in a little cloud to the floor, Presently he drew himself up to the table and began to write, writing very slowly because his hand trembled so. {In half an hour he blotted the few {lines on the last sheet: | - + So, simply what I want to do is to let our step--if we take it--be mine, not yours. We shall forget ab- solutely that you ever wrote. It's as though it had never been written. On Tuesday I will write and ask you, 'Shall 1 come up to you? So if you say 'Yes' the action will have been entirely mine. It will start from there. This hasn't happened. And during these days in between, just think like anything over what I've said. Honour can't have any degree, Nona, any more than truth can have any degree: what. ever else the world can quibble to bits it can't partition those: truth is just truth and honour is just honour. And a marriage vow is a pledge of honour like any other pledge of honour, and if one breaks it one breaks one's honour, never mind what the excuse is. There's no conceivable way of arguing out of that. That's what I shall ask you to do on Tuesday and I'm just warning you so you shall have time to think beforehand." He took his pen, and steadied his hand, and wrote: "And your reply, when I ask you, whichever it is, shall bring me light into darkness, unutterable darkness,-- -M." He could hear the homeward move- ments about the office. It was time to go. He wheeled his bicycle to the letter box at the corner of The Pre. cincts: As he dropped in his letter, the evehing edition of Pike's paper came bawiing around the corner, AUSTRIA DECLARES WAR ON * SERVIA. He shook his head at the paper the boy, held qut to him and rode away. What had that kind of thing to do with him? VIII Unutterable darkness! He lived within it during the days that follow- ed while he awaited the day appointed to write to Nona again. He had put away that for which, with a longing that was almost physical in its pain, his spirit craved; and craved the more terribly for his denial of it, Whatever she said when he asked, whichever way she answered him, he would be ALL THE FAMILY HAD BAD COLDS Sn . "Did you ever notice that if one of the family contracts a cold it general- ly runs to all the other members?" Many people when they contract a cold do not pay any attention to it, thinking perhaps it will Pass away of itself in a day or two. This is a great mistake for before they know it, ithas become settled on the lungs. Never neglect the first symptoms; got a bottle of Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup "Dr. Wood's" is 358 and 60c. a bottle; put up only by ' Co., Limited, Toronto, ( and see how quickly your, cold will - T. Milburn' , realized for the first | the imagination of bursting away once as though, engine and for ever the squeamish principles | which for years, hedging about his conduct on this side and on that, had profited nothing those on whose be- half they had been erected and his own life had desolated into barrenness He was little disposed, in thes: cis. | mays and in this darkness, to divert [attention to the international distur. bances which now were rumbling ac. ross the newspapers in portentous and enormous headlines. Ireland was pres- [ sed away. It was all Europe now | thrones, chancelleries, councils. armies. He tried to say, "What of it» Many in Great Britain tried to say, "What of it? Crises and deadlocks again! | Meaningless and empty words, for months and years past worked to j death and rendered hollow as empty [vessels Some one would climb down. Some one always climbed down. Nobody climbed down. The cauldron whose seething and bubbling had entertained some, fidget. ed some, some nothin at all concern. ed, suddenly boiled over and poured in boiling fat upon the flames, and { poured in flames upon the hearth of | every man's concerns. On Friday the Stock Exchange clos. ed. On Saturday Germany declared war on Russia. In Sunday's papers | Sabre read of the panic run on the | banks, people fighting to convert their notes into gold. One London bank had | suspended payment. Many had shut out failure only by minutes when mid- day permitted them to close their doors. People were besieging the pro- vision shops to lay in stores of food. And poured in- flames upon the hearth of every man's concerns. . . . | Al his concerns, the crisis with No- | na, with his honour and his love, that awaited determination, were disputed their place in his mind by the incred- ible and enormous events that each new hour discharged upon the world. He watched' them as one might be watching a burning building and feel- ing at every moment that the roof will | crash in, yet somehow feeling that it | cannot and will not fall in. The thing was gone beyond possibility of recov. ery, there terribly arose now the ur- gency for Great Britain to declare for honour, yet somehow he felt that » could not and would not fail te be averted. It could not happen, It did happen. On Tuesday the mounting amazements burst amain. On Tuesday the roof that could not fall in fell in, On Tuesday, the day appointed for his letter to Nona, he ut- tered in realisation that which, utter. ed in speculation, had been meaning- less as an unknown word spoken in a faReign tongue: "War!" IX The news of Tuesday morning caus- ed him at six o'clock in the evening to have been standing two hours in the great throng that filled Market Square gazing towards the offices of the County Times. Our mobitisation, our resolve to stand by France it the Ger- man Fleet came into the Channel, last- ly, most awfully pregnant of all, our obligations to been the morning's news, the report of Sir Edward Grey's state. ment in the House of Commons. That afternoon the Prime Minister was to make a statement. A great murmur swelled up from the waiting crowd, a gréat movement pres- sed it forward towards the County Times offices. On the first-floor bal- cony men appeared dragging a great board faced with paper, on the paper enormous lettering, The board was pulled out, endways. The man last through the window took a step for- ward and swung the letters into view. PREMIER'S STATEMENT i conveyed in ULTIMATUM TO GERMANY EXPIRES MIDNIGHT Sabre said aloud, "My God!" War[" drawing upon the reluctant Pebbles, there sounded from the crowd an en. ormous intaking of the breath. An in- stant's stupendous silence, the wave poised for return: Down! A shatter. ing roar, tremendous, wordless. The figure of Pike appeared upon the bal- cony, in his shirt sleeves, his long hair wild about his face, in his hands that which caught the roar as it were by the throat, stopped it and broke it out anew on a burst of exultant clamour. A Union Jack. He shook it madly with both hands above his head. The roar broke into a tremendous chant. "God Save the King!" Sabre pressed his way out of the Square. He kept 'saying to himself, "War... War, , . " He found him. self runuing to the office; no one was in the office; then getting out his bicy- cle with frantic haste, * then riding home,--hard. And he ki He th his eyes a red a vision of Otway with those little beads of perspiration his nose. saying, "War!" CHAPTER 1v, f= 1 He approached Penny Green and time the hard Belgium --that had | would be in her room. He ran upstairs. She was standing beiore her dressing | table and turned to him in surprise. "Whatever--" "I say, it's war!" She echoed the word. "War?" "Yes, war. We've declared war!" "Declared war?" "Yes, declared war. We've sent Ger- many an ultimatum. It ends to-night. It's the same thing. It means war." He was breathless, pantihg said, "Good gracious! Whatever will happen? Have you brought an evening 'gome this morning till" He could not hear her out. "No, I didn't wait. 1 simply rushed away," He was close to her. He took her hands. "I say, Mabel, itis war." a emotions were tumultuous and ext ordinary. He wanted to draw her to him and kiss her. They had not kissed for longer than he could have re- membered; he held her hands hard and desired to kiss her, "I say, it's war." She gave her sudden burst of laugh. ter. "You are excited. I've never seen you so excited. Your collar's undone." He dropped her hands. He said ra- ther stupidly, "Well, it's war, you know," and stood there. She turned to her dressing table. "Well, I do wish you'd stayed for a paper. Now we've got to wait till to- morrow and goodness only knows--"' She was fastening something about operation. She released it and said, "Just fancy, war! I never thought it would be: What will happen first? Will they--" She held her breath again. She said, "It's too annoying about those papers coming so late. If they haven't arrived when you go off to-morrow you can tell Jones he need- n't send them any more. He's one of those independent sort of tradesmen who think they can do just what they like. Just fancy actually having war with Germany. I can't believe it." She turned towards him and gave her sud. den laugh again. "I say, aren't you ever going to move?" He went out of the room and along the passage. As he reached his own room he realised it again. "War--" He went quickly back to Mabel. "I say--"" He stopped. His feelings most frightfully desired some vent. None here. "Look here. Don't wait dinner for me. You start. I'm going round to Fargus to tell him." (To be Continued.) -------- We can be thankful to a friend for a few acres or a little money, and yet for the freedom of the whole earth and for the great benefit of our being, our lite, health and reason, we look upon ourselves as under no obligation. Men must be taken as they are, and we make neither them nor our- selves better by flying from or quar- relling with them, CASTORIA For Infants and Children in Use For Over 30 Years Always bears the Signature of As a retreating wave harshly with- | t, "Otway!" and before i She i paper? Do you know the papers didn't | § her throat and held her breath in the [En your bosom friend, ex- ALLAN LUMBER C0, VICTORIA STREET. "Phone 1042. GREAT T LIFE'S Wonderful Record --OVER 65 Millions of Insurance in 1022. KINGSTON OFFICE: «#1 BROCK STREET. | DAINTY CAFE The place where dining out is truly a delight PRINCESS ST, OPPOSITE BIBBY'S a RADIO oa We are offering a number of Connecticut Phone Head Sets, 8000 ohm at $6.00. These are high-grade and worth $8.00. Radio and Flectric supplies of all kinds. Complete sets in- Halliday Electric Co. | CORNER KING AND PRINCESS STS. Place Your Order Now for Our Scotch Shortbread, Made With Best Creamery Butter. "WE USE NO SUBSTITUTES." F. C. HAMBROOK 115 BROCK STREET. PHONE 1925w. EAT HERE AND BE HAPPY THE VICTORIA CAFE King Street. Jewly Lee, Manager. Telephone 762. | J Just near enough to danger not to get harmed is hardly far enough cau-| gway for example's sake. Justice is not always secured in re- sorting to the courts, i - | If you wish success in life, make perience your wise counsellor, tion your elder brother and your guardian genius. hope January and F ebruary Clearance Sale WONDERFUL VALUES FROM OUR SURPLUS STOCK and ODD PIECES. BASSINETTES $7.80 to $885.00 CRIBS $9.00 to $18.00 mattress-- tretes snevsnnesnsees $10.50-812.00 PEDESTALS in Oak, Walnut and Mahogany--- all reduced . ...".. 20%. AMBULANCE PHONE 577. i 4 ROBT. J. REID Director of Funeral Service. 22 Years of Good F urniture. »