= keeps on promising when he should 6 THE BRITISH WHIG 00TH YEAR. knows, TH DAILY A { MONDAY, JANUARY 20. 1928, A LIFE SAVER, Collin's Bay railway crogsing death trap is soon to be4 thing of has been allowed rdness only * The t so long, Eg Two as dangerous crossings {as there are fn Canada are those at Collin's Bay, and they havé taker their toll of life, The causeway to be built will eliminate both crossings, and next summer motorists and driv- ers of horse vehicles will have a more contented feoling in knowjng that there are two lass danger spots for them to travel over. | Published Dally and Semi-Weekly by 'THE BRITISH WHIG PUBLISHING CO, LIMITED 4. G. Elltote .. +. 'President Leman A. Guild .e + Ed { 5 | TELEPHONE Private Exchange, connecting all departments . -- SUBSCRIPTION RATES: . (Dally Edidon) One year, in city One year, If paid In adv Une year, by mail to rural o Une year, to United States . (Semi-Weekly Kditto One year, by mall, cash .... One year. if not paid in advs One year, to United States eee ne. a eens, - OUT-OF-TOWN REPRESENTATIVES, ¥, Calder, 23 St, Johm 5t., Montreal ¥. w, 243 85.00 $2.50 HE. «81.00 hompson ....100 King st. W, Toroato. Letters to the kKditor are published only over the sctusl name of th: writer, ------------------------------------------in coe Attached ia one of the best job printing offices in Canada. The circulation of THE BRITInM WHIG is authenticated by the ABU Audit Bureau of Circulations rn ---------- A | -------- A bigot is never a big It. It's got so now that a position Often pays less than a job. The income tax bank is a triumph of language over expression, are €x Some complexions good amples of decorative enamelling. Persons who talk much are apt! to get fiction mixed with facts. The flapper's rapid disappearance is-explained by her fast appearance, We no longer #haye inercenary | troops. But we still have mercenary patriots, The height of some people's am- bitlon is to 'succeed in borrowing | money. The trouble with many persons is | that their disposition is eatirely out ©f proportion. ------------------ A Paris doctor says that appen- dieitis comes from mouth-breathing. | Take your choice. ---- Many a promising young man be making good. | -- ---- Drinking moonshine and racing for a crossing score about equal per- | centages of fatalities. ---------- The race may not always be to | the swift, but it pays to put a little | action into the running. | -------- ; Germany has been granted a moratorium to February 1st, the day before Groundhog Day. ---- { "Pay as you go" is an ideal tor | state or individual, but that's all it generally is for either. i ---------- i | The meek may inherit the earth, but just now a lot of the other kind are trying to break the will, ------------ Love is the quality that keeps a wife trom day-dreaming about what she could do with John's insurance money, -------- The sad part is not that anybody should get a divorce, but that any- | ~ body should be so unfortunate as to , desire it. ------ Saye an agitator: "There are £rooks in high places, but the man in the .street Is upright." Not if a flivverite' sees him first. It France fesues special cubrency pay German workers it ought te 80 well, It could not fail to be bet- ter than what the Germans have 'had. : | vives the Frontenac is an unusyally laid out | A tragedy abut twenty-five years {ago at the Collin's Bay crossing is recalled. A farmer and his wife were ldriving home from Kingston on a cold afternoon just before Christmas Their children gazed out of the win- | dow in their farm home awaiting parents, whose vehicle was 'aden with Christmas things. It be- Ean to grow dusk and the little ones their wondered what had detained mother | and daddy. It grew dark, and stil] they did not come, evening kind neighbors came in to fook after the little family. and daddy would. never come home again. As they had driven on to theo ColMu's Bay crossing, muffled up as they were, 'they had failed to hear the train coming on the tracks there was a crash and man and woman were thrown from their seat, and when picked ur hey dead There are many people who recall that tragedy, and to-day they wonder at any organiza- of men or women who would put a stumbling block In the way of the suburban road commission in the splendid effort it has made to have the wera tion thé death crossings abolished The suburban road commission i3 to be congratulated upon the success {that has attended its efforts in get- ting the Dominion railway board to | order the efminration 6 the danger spots by the building of a causeway, cost of which the city and the county will pay only twenty-four per cent.; and the county council is to be commended for its alacrity in putting through the necessary resolution and by-law to 'temporarily finance the cost of diverting the road and adding to the safety of human life. the FRONTENAC ROAD TROUBLES. The disagreement 9m the county council over road money votes re- question of separation. county. It is nearly one hundred miles from its southern end at King- {ston 'to ithe northern limit, and the | people of the north are therefor lit- { tle interested in the main provincial | highway at this end. The northern reeves are protesting against their | townships being taxed for this high- | way, and have held up the whole | county roads by-law--a very serious thing, as the contemplated road work for the year cannot be proceeded | With until this by-law is passed, and an emergent session of the couneil will be required if this work is to | be done. The northern reeves should remember, however, that their end {of the county will also be served with | highways, sooner or later, and the southern portion will be called upon to pay a share. So it would be wiser | If a settlement was effected and the | year's general work allowed to pro- ced Two years ago, the Ontario Mun- pal Board, under the Highway t, decifled that the northern town- hips + not interested in the pro- 3 uo vinclal Bighway near Kingston and relieved them of any assessment for it. Now the Highway act since amended by the Drury government, levies the cost upon each county re- gardless of how any part benefits, As to separation, there is no doubt that north Frontenac would be better added to Addington. It be- longs to that county for provincial electoral purposes. The townships Which form the good roads system, which now include Bedford, might constitute a new Frontenac county, Those further north are assessed for $686,000, or just about one-tenth of the total county assessment, The as- sessment of the southern townships, Including the two islands, amounts to over $6,200,000. -------- HOW WILL IT END? What will be the net result of tha French effore to compel Germany to iive up to the obligations of the" Ver- sallles treaty? How will the present deadlock situation in the Ruhr val- ley end? ®These are questions which are to-day agitating the minds of all who realize how closely the events on the banks of the Rhine are re- lated to the welfare of the whole civillzed world. win the result be, as Lloyd Georgs predicts, the rise of Nei alliance of Germany 881 Russia, and the financial ruin of France as a result of her own policy, or will it be the final subjugation of ---------- The French are being unged to! drink wine for health-giving vita- | mines, only discovered after Ontario | + The Germans having now been 'Judged in voluntary and also in will ful default, the next decision may | ude that they do not mean to Germany beneath the heel of a new militaristic France which has visions greater even than those of the former Kaiser? The question is a hard one to answer. easy to foretell the result of open, armed conflict between the two na- tions as they are at present constitut- ed, but the presemt situation is far different from the ome which existed when the late war started. In i914, yet German and French arméd forces, And late in the Mother | As their rig was | It might be |ted addition of Belgian fought for military with the | British armies, and naval supremacy: The battle was | ons of brute force against brute force, and the stronger forces pre- yvalled, In the present situation, however, we have a battle of economic between the French leaders and the German industrialists Instead of meeting the French invasion with armed and active resistance, a policy | of passive resistance is being main- tained by Germany. The German leaders are quite content to let the French troops occupy the Ruhr val- ley, No effort has been made to step them, and indeed, effort would be quite useless in the face of the strong forces being employed by France. mitted the French to occupy thelr territory and seize their mines and forests, it is quite another matter | when the French seek to obtain pro- | The refusal of the mine owners to operate forced the French to take the mines about \a etrike of the miners and other workers. France finds herself with these properties in her hands, but with no immediate means of making them produce the supplies which she urgently needs, |in default. Day by day the passive resistance of the Germans is stiffen- ing, and as new penalties are im- posed, this resistance will continue to stiffen. This makes the situation {@ difficult one.to handle. If German troops were brought to the scene, the {problem would be easily 'solved, but |an army cannot in cold blood attack forces of harmless workmen simply because they refuse to work. Miners cannot he forced to dig coal at the | point of the bayonet; so that, for the | present, France has gained nothing | in compensation for the occupation | of the Ruhr valley. It becomes clearer every day that some outside intervention is essential to a satisfactory ending of the whole matter. French stubbornness is bhe- | ing matched with German endurance, | |and it does not look as if either is | [ near the breaking point. economic. condition of | grows worse, and the hope of secur- Daily the ling anything in the way of repara- | | tions fades farther and farther into | the distant future, And at the same | time the franc is tumbling in the | | world's markets, and the prestige of | France is being lowered. | offer of mediatory services by some | other nation. The problem is to find { the best nation to intervene, Britain [would readily act if her | ful. French distrust and German an- | tagonism would prevent hér servicss be!ng ascepted. The United States stands out as the one great nation | | Which could act to settle the prob- | { lem. BothGermany and France would welcome intervention from this side | of the Atlantic. the south have a unique opportunity of dcing a great service to the rest of civilization, and it they will but take theffirst step in helping to solve the problems of the world, they will go far to re-sstablish themselves in the esteem of he nations of Errope. That Body of Hours By James W. Barton, M.D. LEARNING NEW TRICKS Do you remember when yon were learning to rie a horse how tired sou became? Perhaps it was learning to dance or to ride a bicycle and how easy that same thing became in a short time, Why did it become so much easier? ride:the horse, you had to obey mm. struct'ons--body erect, lines in a cer- tain position in left hand, right hana aL side, knees pressed into the side of the horse and so forth. Similar ly with the danc'ng and orcling. In other words you were not using your body, but your brain aso through- out and so physiologists tell us that Where the brain enters into an exer- cise fatigue comes on sooner. Just as soon as yiu know how to ride a horse or bicycle, or to dance then you can do these things for al- most hours at a time. Why? Sim- bly because tue brain is not used any more, all the work being done auto- matically. The gray matter of your brain is not disturbed in any way, 50 that there's mot the tired imental feeling either. Before this principle was unqer- stood It was very puzzling to puysi-| Q:0giSts as to how people effccted with Chorea of St. Vitus Dance were sble to undergo all the movements to which their bodies were subjec- One sclentist endeavoured to fol- low with his body all the movements of a Choreic patient. He found him- scif exhausted in a few minutes. Why was he exhausted? Because he had to study every movement, ang then execute it with his body. -- The Chorei¢ performs all his di- » and | wits | But although the Germans have per- | duction from these natural resources. | over, and that brought | and for! {lack of which she declared Germany | | powder that will Germany | | Ere long | [the time will be propitious for the | services | would be acceptable, which is doubt- | Our neighbors to | Well, when you were learning to BIBLE THOUGHT FOR TO-DAY THE KINGDOM WITHIN: --The kingdom of God cometh not with observation: Nei- ther shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.--Luke 17: 20, 21. For the kingdom of God is not| meat and drink, but righteousness and peace, and joy in the Holy, | Ghost.--Romans 34: 17. | PAA acai | verse motions unconsciously and fis | thus enabled to do them all day long without fatigue. | Now, what ig the lesson? Do not |attempt to learn Intricate exercise of any kind when you are tired men- tally. Light exercise and simple games are ind'cated when tired mentally. | ALONG LIFE'S DETOUR | Such Language. "A singer holds his own, But it is tough," sighed Botes; "I'm out of luck, you see, |. A banker holds my notes." Observations of Oldest Inhabitant. I kin remember when bankers made better salaries than hod carriers. | Lots of Truth in This. | Blinks--"People lived longer in the | old days. { Jinks--"They had to. It took them so much longer to do things and get places." | From Our Daily Mail, Alice--No, we never took a prize at | a beauty contest, and don't look like | Valentino. But, glory be!! so far no one has mistaken us for the missing | ink. x Sarah--We are not up on those sub- | Jects, but think if your complexion is | muddy that you ought. to keep it in | out of the ram. | John R.--Well, even if you are all cut up over the way your girl treated | you, at: least be thankful she didn't | shoot you full of holes. | Old Maid--We know of no love] make a man love But we know a metal that will. | called gold. you It's commonly But No Fair Weather in Sight. "And, speaking of the drobvght," Remarked old Hiram Grover, "I guess that Europe's found The reign of kings is over." nnn | That's Something, | "Is Jones an optimist?" | "A real one. He says that, though he is getting old, he at least is glad { he doesn't have to buy shoes for the crowsfeet that are appearing around his eyes." Fool Questions. A. M. asks: "Is every drain of | thought an express train?" No; and In some cases it's darn lucky that it isn't. ---- Another Mystery Solved. "Collars go through as many as 17 | processes in some laundries," says a { news item, Then it's no darn wonder | they look like such wrecks by the | time they get back home! n---- Just Like a Man. | his wife gets tired of furnishing it for | him he will go out and hunt up some other woman who will--Sam Hill, in Enquirer, | If wife refuses to lle to her man, | By telling him he's the best in the land, | He wiil wander away down Primrose | lane, Seeking the graces of another Jane. --Warren Tribune. --e Gems From Guide Book to Success. The "Trailer," having no Inherent power, must be either pushed or pull- ed into action, as {ts usefulness is wholly dependent upon other forces. Left by himself, it becomes an abstruc- tion and liability, and, once detached from its leader on a stiff climb, quick- ly takes the down grade and rushes swiftly to disaster and the scrap heap. How like many humans (trailers), who steadfastly refuse to belleve in and seek to understand the infinite power with themselves. : J. EF. Ss Daily Sentence Sermon. It is right that a clock should have a face and hands, but there should be no waste of time. ---- News of the Names Club, 'W. E. sends word that Jack Spratt lives in Washington, but we under- stand that he doesn't object to eating fat. Elsie Thee, of St. Louls, knocks for admission, Elsle, we welcome Thee, , ------------------ Howe Island Notes. Howe Island, Jan. 26.--Mr. Key- es passed through here last week with his sawing outfit. The roads are in good condition now, owing to the heavy thaw. Fred Marshall is erect- ing a new factory and dance hall. James Beubien is sawing wood for Fred Walker. Much sympathy is ex- tended to John Goodfriend, Sr., and family in the sad bereavement of a loving wife and mother. Young sons have come to brighten the homes of William Martin and Julius Lach- ance. Visitors: Thomas Garragh and L. Driscoll at D. Welsh's; James Tur- cotte, Pitteferry, and J. Beseau at P, Kane's; F. Quinn and P. Lachance at E. Garragh's; L. Prior and Harry Norman at James Beubien's; Alfred Antoine at J. Pickett's; C. B, Quinn at J. Garragh's; J. Pickett at J. Leavis; Fablan Garragh, Rockwood Timothy Prior has returned from Walfe Island where he has been visit- ing at J. Morgan's, Invitations have been tssued for two weddings which are to take place in the near future. George Beacock, one of Brock- ville's elderly and esteemed citizens, died on Friday. Some show their gratitude in asking for more favors, Our petty triumphs lead us on to- ward self-glorification. Every man Hkes to be flattered, and if | Hospital, Kingston, at John Prior's; | BRITISH WHIG. El BIBBY"S ~ Annual Stock -- Taking Sale STARTS TO-DAY It will pay you handsomely to come for a look about and see for yourself just what wonderful bargains we are offering. But if you wish, (no one will urge you to buy) but MEN'S PURE WOOL HOSE 3 pairs for $1.00 BOYS' PURE WOOL SWEATERS Plain and combina- tion colors. $1.45 our attractive prices may do the trick. MEN'S TROUSERS FINE SHIRTS Good quality Tweeds|;, 14to 17. Some --perfectly tailored-- |, iip g in sizes 32 to 46. separate soft $2.90 | collars, --_--_____ |95c, $1.35, $1.95 BOYS' PURE | WOOL TOQUES | 29¢. BIBBY'S MEN'S BOYS' PURE 'WOOL HOSE, 69c. ~~ mm, Ne in Fe OPECIAL SAL " HIGHEST GRADE--BIGGEST STOCK IN THE CITY Regular $1.50--hand made. SPECIAL ........31.15 Regular $1.25 -- Black Dia- mond. SPECIAL ..$1.00 Regular $1.00--Frontenacs SPECIAL ......... 80c. HOCKEY STICKS Regular 75c.-- Juvenile SPECIAL .........60e, Kids' Special ........ 20¢, All Skates reduced .... .20% FORD TIRES-- SPECIAL. ........ 98.75 MOORE'S TIRES--TOYS--SPORTING GOODS WELLINGTON STREET. I~ 1To-day's Radio Programme. | MONDAY, JANUARY 29. WGY (Schenectady, N.Y.) 370 Meters, General Electric Co. 12:30 pm.--Noon stock market quotations. 12:45 p.m.--Weather report on 485 meters, 2:00 p.m.--Music and talk, "Mak- ing an Easy Job of Dishwashing" (Courtesy of Modern Priscilla Mag- azine) 6:00 p.m.--Produce market and stock market reports and quotations news bulletins. 7:45 p.m.--Musical fifteen numbers. add music-- A ------------------------ programme; When conscience is in working or- ger you and I always have strength to back away from those things that endanger honesty and fairness. The average person speaks about 12,000 words a dey. Classified Adages [vex comes to those who 'Took after it. Are you watching the A-B-C Classified Ads regularly for yours 7 Read them to-day! (Copyright, 1923, by Basi] L. Smith) THE WATKINS || "able Waters ADANAC {5 &al. demijohns), (Pint bottles), MFG. Co. OF CANADA, LIMITED, 231 WELLINGTON STREET are rebabbitters of all kinds of Babbitt and Bronze Bearings for all makes of Automobiles, Trucks, Tractors, Marine Motors. We are also prepared to make Bronze Bearings for Electric Mo- tors and Generators. Nothing too small or too large. All work guaranteed, D. M. L. CRAIG, SUPT. Phone 828. 'Res. 1205F, POLAN a Office the Dr. J. O. Macdonald 327 BARRIE ST, (Near Princess) OFFICE HOURS: 2-4, 7-830 p.m. "PHONE 1710, $d ; Ki HOT WATER BOTTLES In zero weather or times of sickness, a Hot Water Bottle is a great comfort and comvenmi- ence. We have thea in Earthenware, Metal, and Rubber From small face bottle . .. 75¢ Dr. Chown's 'Drug Store 185 Princesse Bureet. Phone 3438 Everything for th Sick and + Sick Room. : BITUMINOUS Egg and | Stove Size Particularly adapted for Hot Air Furnaces and Quebec Heaters. Price 15.0 TON Crawford COAL Foot of Queen S¢. Phone 9,