THE DAILY RRITISH WHIG. MOSDAY, ! NUARY 20. 1028. . Life's Social Side Editor of Women's Page, Tele- net Greer, Major and Mrs. Victor phone 248. .Private' 'phone 837w. |Willlams, Mrs. James Cappon, Miss le eo =» Hora, Miss Macnee, Mrs. Holloway Mrs. Havelock Price, the diocesian { Waddell, Mrs. Callander, Mrs. C. S. president of the Woman's Auxillary, Kirkpatrick, Mrs. Douglas Jemmett, gave her home 'on Sydenham street | Capt. and Mrs. Murchie, Major on Saturday afternoon to the |Greenwood, Miss A.: Rogers, Miss of 8t. George's Cathedral, for ¢ Laura Kilborn, Miss Nora in ald of Dorcas work. Mrs. Price Miss Martineau, Miss Marion Leslie, and Mrs. Henry Wilkinson, received | Miss Mildred Jones, Miss Cecily Ru- the crowds of visitors in the draw- | therford, Miss Edith Carruthers, ingroom, where a cheery fire blazed [Miss Audrey McLeod (St. on the hearth and where the work |Miss Cecil Macnee, Prof. table, with its pretty things, in!Prof. Roy. charge of Mrs. R. E. Burns, Mrs, D. | .e EB. Mundell and Mrs. G. A. Robinson,{ Mrs, W. T. Connell and Miss Nora was soon surrounded with purchas- Connell, Arch street, were the host- ers. A handsome table with all sorts | esses of a charmingly arranged dance of good things to eat was presided jon Saturday afternoon. The table over by Mrs. Edward Rees, Mrs. H.|!n the diningroom was lovely with Wilkinson, Mrs. Luther Breck and |primulae and golden daffodils, and Mrs. W. J. B. White, Mrs. J. C. here Mrs. Henry Richardson and Mrs. Ponstord, Mrs. C. G. Brooks, Mrs, i. |T. Ashmore kidd poured tea and H. Mason and Mrs. R. J. Carson Miss May Ford cut the ices. Danc- poured tea in turn at the tea table ing went on in the spacious rooms artistically decorated with pink and and the hours passed rapidly to the mauve flowers in a silver basket and [merry guests, who included, small silver vases. The assistants|Frances Murray, Miss Anna Mahood, were Mrs. A. Hallam, Mrs. F. J. Ayl- |] Flo Cunningham, Miss ward, Mrs. Ward and Miss Bessie | on, Miss Helen Steacy, McTear., Miss Millie Ferris was at|Margiret Davis, Miss Mary Macgil- the door where a silver collection /livary, Miss Cecil Macnee, Miss Viv- yok taken. Over $80 was realized | len McCartney. Miss Anella Minnes h will be used to buy material | Miss Jessie Mair, Miss Caroline for bales for Indian schools, {Mitchell, Miss Isabel Minnes, Mis: {Grace Mooers, Miss Virginia Fair, . {Miss Evelyn Ford, Miss Voting for new members was one Bibby, Miss Marion Lewis, Miss Hel- Of the events of the afternoon at the [en Tofield, Miss Mary White (Sher- Saturday meeting of the Badminton brooke), Miss Clara Farrell, Miss club at the armories; those elected Kitty and 'Miss Jessie Torrance and being, Major and Mrs. Turner, deja number of cadets from the Royal Lobiniere Panet, Miss Phylis Knight, Military College. and Miss Doris McKay. Bridge was so 0 played in the bridge room. Among The patronesses for Art's « those present were Col. and Mrs. | dance to be given in Grant Hall on ¥ictor Anderson, Col. and Mrs. Con-| Wednesday are Mrs. Bruce Taylor, stantine, Col. and Mrs. H. J. Daw-| Mrs. W. T. MacClement and Mrs. "son, Col. and Mrs. Schmidlin, Col.|John Matheson. The committee are and Mrs. Beverley Browne, Col and | Messrs. W. G. Shaw, H. Douglas, C. Mrs. Valentine Stockwell, Mrs. F.| Mundell, B., Barnum and D. Carruth- W. Hill, Mrs, W. H. Macnee, Major | ers. Ls and Mrs. Horace Lawson, Major and | - . Mrs. Tremaine, Major and Mrs. Gar-| Mrs. Caughey, Colitngwood street, PN A re tt ti i tn EE din} John), Prince, the FRANK PHILIP SLOAN, AGE 3', YEARS. Younger son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sloan, of 39 Burton Road, Toronto, who was adjudged the handsomest boy in a recent competition held in Toronto. gn Rheumatic pain- relief! Congestion, inflamed tissues ~ then persisten Sloan's to break Juin Apvly Sivas tw break ~and stop that pain/ iment ~kills pain] Lrains, chest colds ) [iy up : SPECIAL! Homemade Lemon Pies--Try our Fried Cakes Wedding Cakes a Specialty. "THE TASTE WILL TELL." Macnee, ) Miss | Mary | Miss | Kathleen | » | was the hostess of a most enjoyable] {dance on Friday evening for bher| | daughter, Miss Helen Caughey. . . . Kensing- | { 'Miss Jean Chown, Toronto, 'spent | the week-end with Dr. and Mrs. | P. Chown, "Edgehill." | [ Miss Mollie Cartwright, who is at| | present in Montreal, will go to Ot-| {tawa to visit Mr. and Mrs. A. D,| (Cartwright, before returning to King- | iston. | Miss Leta Elliott, Brock street, | has returned from Montreal, Dr. and Mrs. Calvert Carruthers, |Sarnia, who spent the week-end with | |Mr. and Mrs. R. Leslie Meek, Tor-| {onto, will arrive in town on Tuesday | |to visit Mrs. Robert Meek, Univer-| |sity avenue. Dr. Carruthers ! TOMORROW'S MENU, Breakfast i Bananas Cereal Scrambled Eggs Toast Luncheon Fried Cornmeal Mush Maple Sirup Baked Apples Dinner Clear Soup Steamed Meat and Rice with Tomato Sauce Canned Peas Raisin Pile Coffee Cocoa gails | | for England on Feb. 8th, to take a speclal course in medicine. Coffee { Mrs. J. B. McLeod, Alfred street, Tuesday to| IJishes in This Week's Menus. ~Neamed Meat and Rice: In most families at least a little of Sunday's roast is still left to serve for Tues- day's dinner. Line a buttered bak- ing dish, or an aluminum mold, with tender boiled rice and fill the cen- tre with cooked left-over meat (any kind). Cover top with more rice, | |leaves for Toronto .on | visit Mrs. G. H. Blackall. | Miss Mary White, Sherbrooke, | Que., is visiting Mr. and Mrs. H. A. {Tofleld, Barrie street, | . . . | Mrs. bq. Payne, Cornwall, is the | guest of Mrs. Joseph Elliott, Brock street. Brig.-Gen. and Mrs. A. E. Ross | will return from their wedding trip|and place this dish, or mold, in a large saucepan containing - boiling water. Let the water boil up around the mold for one hour, then turn out ils contents onto your meat-platter and serve hot, with the following: Tomato Sauce: One-half can of to- | this week. | Mrs. Frederick Mahood, Stuart | street, left for Toronto to-day. | Mrs. George Campbell, Vancouver, B.C., who has been visiting her sis- [ter,, Mrs. W. B. Gilmore, Montreal, will go to Ottawa to visit Commis-| Matoes cooked 20 minutes with one sionor and Mrs. Perry before com- | (f@8poon of sugar, one-half onion, | ing to Kingston, where she will | end one-half teaspoon of salt; then be the guest of Mrs. J. L. Whiting, rub through a sieve and add either Clergy street. cue cup of soup stock, one cup of Mr. and Mrs, RB. F. Segsworth, left-over gravy, or one-half can of South drive, Torontd: Mrs. W. B. | clear soup, (consomme or bouillon.) Dalton, Kingston, and Mrs. Andrew | 2 a frying pan, brown four table- Foreman, Montreal, are leaving for |SPO0ue of butter and rub into this Europe next momth.-- Toronto Globe. {turee lablespoons of flour, then grad- NT ually add the strained tomato andl Miss Jean Dangavel, Elgin, is vis- alloy to boil up a few minutes be- iting Dr. and Mrs. R. J. Gardiner, | [°7¢ Serving. "The Chestnuts," Johnson street. Aprle Dowdy: Pare apples and o ; measure, after coring and slicing. Col. Alexander MacPhail, C.M.G., |,, D.S.0., honoresy ADC. to His Es Taere should be four pounds of the fficient | Miss Margaret Murray, | {ton avenue, entertained at bridge on | -- USE {Baturday afternoon. | . : Lk, Laura. A Kirkman tie paper over the top of the dish,| slices into a buttered baking dish | wi*h two-thirds of a cup of brown | sugar, one-third cup of molasses, one | |cup of cold water, and one generous | teaspoon of ground cinnamon, then ! jcover With the following crust: Sift [together two cups of bread flour, a, | pinch of salt and one teaspoon of] |atug powder; add enough sweet | [rice Sa sliced apple. Put these | "SAL -- POUNDS INCREASE in 1922 sales over 1931. ADR" TEA The Reward for Quality ET ---------- ~ 1,754,929 | milk to make a dough soft enough {to bazdle. uncooked apples. Then bake the 'uble silk stockings, the "don't-care- or 111 the crust is done. the cruzl right off the dish and set| ance. it aside, while you slip the dish back And she knows she looks well. As the apples are very tender (covered paw black patent leather hat, with a pot-cover). When cdol, break |shape of a flowerpot, fitting just over the crust into small pieces and stir her eyebrows, and trimmed with fur it into the cooked apples. Serve | It is the wickedest thing in creation, with cream. {and she knows it. Baked Squash: Cut the squash into smali portions, to make it easy to | handle. Then pare each piece after | ! discarding seeds and stringy portion. ? Fill your quart measure with small | To-morrow 8 piec¥s of the pared squash, each | H OR 0O< C 0 P E piece cut about one inch square. Now turn the measureful of uncooked By Genevieve Kemble squash Into a buttered baking dish | with one cup of molasses and one | cup of butter, Stir well and bake 650 minutes, or till soft, in a moder- ate oven, keeping covered at first. Serve hot in 'the baking dish. TUESDAY, JAN. 30. An unusually eventful day may be jtead from th's day's planetary fore- {cast. With Uranus and Jupiter both To-morrow--Answered Letters, [in trin aspect with the lunar orp All inquiries addressed to Miss Kirk- |change, which may be the turning man in care of the "Efficient House. point to a career of sp.endid achieve- heeping® Separtment wil be 20SWeted ment and financial» return. in these columns in their turn. This re. | , ' roby quires considerable time, howcver, onl Dy armvel % invoive and boud ing to the great number received. So if | '© bring benefit, provided that a ten- a personal or quicker reply is desired, a |480Cy to be impetuous and hasty stamped and self-addressed envelope |De Overcome. Th§ mind may be un- must be enclosed with the question. Be {der high stimulus and the abii'ties sure to use YOUR full name, number, and the name of your city and Place this crust on the that which is imparted by irreproach- | a SPP street | quickened, but they should not be al-| dish in a hot oven for 30 minutes-- |a-hang" sensation which a man feels | Now take only when he has a large bank bal- i into the oven to continue baking till| 1 write she has just come in with a the | D Dietetic Flour and Gluten Flour and more IABETES Is not incurable if you diet with Jireh Foods. Superior te palatable. Reo ommended by physicians and sold by leading grocers. Literature and Dia betic Cook Sook with Menu Table sen eat. free on req ville, Ont. For sale bw Princess Street, Jireh Food Co, James Redden & Co. Kingston, Ont. de -- lowed to be tumultuous, as this may nullify exce.lent prospects. Those whose birthday it is have there s prospect of an important | the forecast of an active and import- year, with the outcome one of [ant { prosperity and fulfillej ambitions, if Remov- | they do not permit|impulsive and dis- cordant act'ons to/defeat their excel lent prospects. § Probable travel foreseen. wi _gifld born on this day »n will be energetic, talented and am- bitious and will be generally success ful in its undertakings, | cellency the Governor-General, Cler. | 8y street, will go to Ottawa on Tues- | day for the ceremonies connected hostile country, and I don't know the language, but I hope to make ac- Children HS oo Love It HIRRIFF'S Marmalade -- quaintance with the natives and get from them information that will be worth giving to the world, There should be plenty of romantic mater- ial for a novel, which I shall hope to write, "This lime last year I spent a week among the cavemen of Tunisia. The Ar: rs were very kind to me and I got on famously with them, "One of the four sheiks actually proposed to me. He sent a message throrgh an interpreter that he liked the look of me and had not gw a white wife, and, if I would marry him, he would make me his favorite, ) "Of course, 'they always say that, Proper dressing in lieu of reducing don't they?" Lady Dorothy added. exercises was recommended for fat |"I did not accept him, but I sent him women last week, by Ralph Moni, in- [a kind replv, telling him how honror- structor in women's dress designing |ed I was by his offer, and explasning at the Chicago Academy of Fine Arts. | that I was already married." "Stout ladies, by dressing correct- ly can look thinner and prettier-- this is the shortest route to happi- | ness," declared the fashion expert. The fat feminine figure for sheer looks cannot complete with the well- shaped slender woman," said Moni, "but the stout woman can dress her- self in such a manner that the harsh lines of her figure are made.illusive to the eye, and perhaps attractive, "She should always dress in loose garments, as the form-fitting clothes emphasize the body lines, The loose' bung skirts and dresses will elimin- | ate to some extent, the harsh Mnes and make her appearance slender. Texture and color of the dresses a fat womdn wears also determine largely how well she appears to cthers. "A fat woman should wear thin dresses, as the heavy textures give the appearance of bulkiness, She should avoid bright colors and wear more of the subdued shades. | Green is one exception, and fat women gen- erally appear best In that color." Fat ladies, like all others, accord- ing to Monl, should wear corsets. "Corsets keep down the hip line and develop the bust," he said. '"The best looking women are those with shapely busts and practically no hip lines. Women who abandon cor- sets often loose their busts and de- velop huge unsightly hips." ? Long dresses look best on fat wo- men, Moni declared. "There is grace in long dresses," he sald, "Dress trinmmings should never ap- pear on the hips or other conspicu- J, ous spots on the fat figure." he con- tinued. "Ornaments should run per- pendicular, and from the shoulders to the ankles--otherwise they accen- tuate the ugly parts of the stout fe- male figure" EO ---------- (| Lady Dorothy Goes to Timbnuctoo, Lady Dorothy Mills, daughter of the Ear! of Oxfotd, has left for West Africa. All alone she intends to ven- ture as far as Timbuoctoo. » Last year, in search for a plctures- que setting for a new novel, Lady Dorothy spent six days amongst cave men in the Tripolitan Mountains. "I simply love adventure." said she, be- fore departure, "and that is why I am going this journey into the wilds of alone, . A "I have been to the Sahara before, 2nd have often looked from the north towards Timbuctoo, and longed to see it, hecanse it is the home of ro- mance in tite desert. . | with the . opening of parliament. { While in the capital, Col. MacPhail will be the guest of his brother, J. G. MacPhail, and Mrs. MacPhail, St. James' Choral Society, after {several months' study, will render Mendelssohn's . "Elijah," in St.| James' church, under the direction of Mrs. A. R. B. Williamson, Mus. Bac., on Feb. 28th. DRESS HINTS FOR THE STOUT Smart Sport Dresses. Two-tone checked velour is fash- ioned Into smart little sport dresses which have collars and cuffs of white pique. That because her trunks did not arrive in time, an American woman in Paris is said to have decorated her plain white gown with real flowers, which were so effective that they are now the vogue. TAXI PHONE FRONTENAC TAXI SERVICE IRONS, TOASTERS, PERCOLATORS, ETC. MIS-CAN-AD-A VACUUM * CLEANERS Burke Electric Co. 72 Princess Street. Phone 428. province.--The Editor. | | Br I Tr PT PT tag What the Editor Hears { tend | the square | ed Seville Oranges and A dame rumor says gi cane sugar only. | dances so much in vogue some years ago are returning to favor. That the methods employed by | Fmil Coul will no doubt be helpful in cases of nervous d.seases. Many a man and perhaps more women | to their graves b2fore they need from dwelling on their ailments, That Miss Maud Royden, the little lame English woman who has fough* her way even into the pulpits of the | Church of England, and has preached | in the pulpit Calvin occupied at Gen- eva, is now in Toronto, Miss Roy- | from your grocer? a healthful and appetizing treat. Absolutely pure. Import- pure Cheaper than jam or butter. Why not a trial jar or tin Gen has been lame since her birth, | Lut she was appointed as the first wo- | man lecturer at Oxford in 1905. She | | | has a passionate love of the people | §| {and is a brilliant speaker, In 1917 | | 'she was appointed assistant preacher | 'at the City Temple, London, an event | po A entirely without precedent in Eng- are made right and the quality lish history, 4 That it was unfortunate that the | {eplendid lecture given in St. George's i | Rall on Friday evening by Prof. | THE GOOD HOME. MADE KIND is in them, Choice variety of Pies made daily. TASTE-RITE BAKERY FF. A. ATKINS Corner of Princess and Alfred Sts. Currelly, on "The Tombs and Tem- : pies of Egypt" wasgnot heard by a | larger audience. The Historical So- clety under whose guspices the lec- ture was given, should have announc- ed the date earller, even members of the society only received notice of the meeting on the same day, and in many cases had made other engage- ments, ) That of course no man will ever 'understand a woman; because before marriage she has to pretend that she doesn't take him seriously when she does; and after marriage she has to pretend that she does take him ser- jously when she doesn't. That the V-shaped and square neck line will be seen on the sum- mer frocks, the bateau neck is be- coming only to young faces and soft plump necks, it adds ten years to the age of an older woman. WINTER WOMEN. Now comes the Winter Woman, And what an attractive and alluring person she is! There | are women whom winter does not suit. The cold seems to shrivel them up. It makes their noses red and their Mps blze, Exotic, hot-house flowers, they can thrive only in a tropical warmth. Keen, cold winds are hateful to them, The real Winter Woman is quite ifferent. She may, or may not, en- joy the cold weather, but she knows how to adapt herself to it, She docs not coddle herself, She knows the seerst. She takes more outdoor exercise. Nature's 1ouge is on cheeks kissed by the Litter wind. * Her face is aglow. Her | eves sparkle. Her complexion is + clear. The zest of Hfe is in her. Of course she wears furs. There is something In woman which ia akin to fur. It nestles to her. She snuggles herself in it. She purrs over it, The Winter Woman looks adorable in furs. The possession of sable gives on CLEAR AS Eso BEimEiaasssasaiininan ng IT LLL TITS tennnsonas to her a sense of security similar to "1 shall have lo travel through > THE INSTRUMENT OF QUALITY org A sce (CE) ANOTHER GREAT SPECIAL OFFER THE ETUDE MODEL PHONOGRAPH With $15.00 worth of new Records. *140 Easy Terms of Payment Amicably TT TTT TIVITY Home-made Bread, Buns, Rolls and Fruit Loaves. They OI EL LILI IIIT LIL LILI LLL IY OO In