TUESDAY, FEBRUARY. 6, 1928, THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG Has Northcliffe's Dead 1 Hand Blocked Marriage | Of Widow To His Friend? | Co rd Forth lif fe a THERE'S NOTHING FLSE soothes and heals so speedily 8s Zam-Buk when skin is cut, burnt, scalded, chapped or bruised. Zam-Buk is also a most invaluable remedy for weeping or dry eczema, ring- worm, chrounic sores, bad legs, bolls, plmpies | For PERFECT HEALING- T [0 ZA 3 RT ULCERS & OLD WOUNDS. "{; and the whole leg was full of inf Bingham, of 118, Brant "A boot nor shoe, nor could "Lotions, salves and ordinary but the very first applicatio Z with Zam-lsuk, the swell and the sores were gradu ECZEMA, RINGWORM, Etc. "started on my little son covered. The boy w pronounced the diseasa in when a friend got me t a marvellous impre M months Zam-Buk t and eruption. Ther. EVERYDAY INJURIES. '! piece Melette, SD. * poisoning set in received doctor's treatment but t and swelling spread right up into mv shou { live 1 shail never forge: the rehef experience I applied Zam Buk The swelling and before long Zam-Buk had inflammatioh and poisonous matter out of the wound and effected ¢riecy Healing " THERES NOTHING TO TAKE THE PLACE OF Oak Flooring We have in stock an exceptionally nice lot of x13 No. | Plain Red Oak-- Seaman-Kent 'Beaver Brand." y right ankle, r You can always get it from:-- dward ALLAN LUMBER CO. VICTORIA STREET. "Phone 1042. GASTORIA For Infants and Children. EE ------------ Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always Bears the Signature ther wear I move ; Vi Courtesy J oriR ife all dealers, or for . TRIAL SAMPLE send lc. stamp to Zam-Buk Co. Toronto. neck and ent his skin was abso En Cros ASS GR OOD Bs gashed my of tin» fingers very badly 1 I'he wound s ymehow became Was re drawn every bit 3 am---------- SN. a en Ce Tor Rohert | Hudsore | a -- = CanTAUR COMPANY MONTREAL.P.Q- For Over Thirty Years '(ASTORIA THE CENTAUR COMPANY, NEW YORK CITY. FOR THE KIDDIES TODDLE-BIKES., SLEIGHS., CHILD'S SETS. LONDON.--Reiteration of the phrase "during her widowhood" in the will of the late Lord Northcliffe with reference to the legacy of 25 per cent of the income from his $20,000,000 estate to his wife, has caused London to wonder whether she will carry out her rumored in. tention to marry Sir Robert Hudson, Northeliffe's friend and associate. ft was said that the engagement of the Viscountess and Hudson would be announced as soon as litigation over the will had been finished, I'he rumor also declared such a marriage to have been Northcliffe's dying wish, NET 33 Doses s ~ Ear Vel) Coe) Cal A AA A ASA eA A At A A ri Every Machine In Our Shop is the latest and thoroughly tested for the best results. You can give us your order feeling assured that it will be carried out with promptness and thoroughness. .An inspection of our plant is invited. Bishop Machine Shop KING AND QUEEN STREETS AANA AA AAPA A NL et mn. NINE RADIO BEN We are offering a number of Connecticut Phone Head Sets, 3000 ohm at $6.00. These are high-grade and worth $8.00. Radio and Electric supplies of all kinds, stalled. AEROPLANES. WHEELBARROWS., KIDDIE KARS. CALL AND SEE OUR STOCK--THE PRICES ARE VERY LOW Lemmon & Sons 187 PRINCESS STREET ~--n, "I certainly would," laughed a mer.} ry voice, and Happy Giggles, the little | eliin from Makebelieve Land, hopped up beside Dicky and Mama Ant. "What is that you are saying about] me, little boy?" { Dicky jumped up and almost shook! the little elfin's arm off, he was so! glad to see him. "Why, Happy Giggles!" he cried breathlessly. "You must help Mama Ant. Those terrible neighbors of hers have stolen all of her cows, and now she hasn't any cows at all I just told her I knew if you heard about it you'd go and get every one of those cows back for her." . "You say they stole them from you? Happy Giggles asked, turning to Mama Ant. "What's the matter? Did wr FRENCH TANKS IN ESSEN. France did not attempt to grasp control of the rich Ruhr district without a show of fore e. The picture shows a scene in the streets of Essen, the great German steel centre, and the home of the Krupp armament plant. mean it or are you joking?" "Joking would be out of place just Tae now," replied Mama Ant. "You see, | Your keeper fall asleep on his job? , : i'w 1 » : § we've kept our cows, or aphis, hidden Indeed, no," replied Mama Ant 1. "He never falls asleep on duty. But UNEL BL I) {in the ground. : - "Hidden in the ground!" Dicky ex-| You see, I've kept the cows uncer- | | | Complete sets in- je "Why, I thought all aphis| ground, and this noon some one rap | a Halliday Electric Co. PHONE 04. CORNER KING AND PRINCESS STS. ' ped. I went to the doorway, and be- fore I knew what was going on they rushed into the antihill fighting their way, and took away every cow that they could get their claws on. Now I have none. But, dear me! I'm not complaining. I'll find more cows--"' were found on leaves.' "No, indeeced," replied Mama Ant. Dicky and Happy Gibbles Help Mama! "Some like the sunshine, and some Ant. | like the dark, I bought that kind on Dicky stopped to look at the crowd! purpose, my neighbors wouldn't of tiny ants that lined the garden path. | see them and take them away. But I Buy prunes with care-- then cook this way sO suppose some of the younger ants To be sure of quality prunes, buy Mist- LAND Prunes. Then use a little care in cooking them. There is no fruit more deli- cious and healthful than MisTLAND Prunes properly prepared. a Here is the approved and easy way to prepare Mistland Prunes, First wash Mistranp Prunes, cover with srarm water and soak for several hours, over night if possible. Then heat slowly in the water in which they have been soaked to the simmering point, Cook under boiling point until the skin is tender, but not broken. Slow cooking develops the natural fruit sugars and little, if any, sugar is needed with Mistianp Prunes. However, is you desire sugar, do not add while cooking. Put in your sugar after the prunes are cooked, but while still hot, so that the sugar will dissolve. If you prefer, the prunes may be removed, the sugar then added, and the juice cooked down to a { way, then the other. They seemed so Great crowds of them surged first one | excited that Dicky was about to put his foot down on the one nearest him, | must have told it to some of the nei- ghbors, and before 1 knew it they were upon me and stole every one that we "Just a second," laughed the elfin. "You'll do no hunting nor fighting for cows. Your cows will come back to when he heard a pleading little voice! had." cry out to him: 'Please, please, little boy, don't | crush me. I'm in terrible trouble?" Dicky lifted his foot without harm-| ing the little ant, "Oh, thank you ever | so much: I'm Mama Ant, and a more | peaceful little family than mine never | lived in these parts, but this is my first year away from the old home, | and my family are not very strong. Our neighbors, who are much larger |, and twice as strong, have taken our Quebec Men cows away." | Rheumatism "Taken your cows away!" chied| Dicky. "Why, I never hacrd of such a thing in all my life. Do you really Tried them and is Dodd's Kidney Lac Etchemin, "The very idea!" Dicky exclaimed. "If Happy Giggles knew that he'd--" ~~ Michel Roy Tells) What Dodd's Kid- you before morning, or I'll miss my guess." Without a word, he flew over to the army of victors and waved his magic wand. Every cow they had ta- ken irom Mama Ant fell down on the grass in a dead faint. Of course, the big ants became al- armed and one br one dragged the cows back and laid them near Mama Ant's doorway. "I'm sorry," the leader of the big ants laughed sheepishly. "I didn't know they were ill." And away he and his followers scampered. Dicky, Happy Giggles and Mama Ant and her children started to carry the cows into the ant.hill, when they all jumped up and scooted in by them- Hardwood Floors Cleaned! Why have your Hardwood Floors dirty and old looking when you can have them made like new ? : (Special ).--"'In the autumn of 1920, I suffered so greatly from rheuma- tism in the hips and pains in the back, that at times it prevented me from walking, also sleeping. 1 de- cided to try Dodd's Kidney Pills and have not regretted doing so." * Mr. Michel Roy, who lives here, makes the above statement. He feels that he owes it to other sufferers of rheumatism to tell how he found re- thin syrup. Try this recipe today. Be sure you get Mistrann Prunes. In two and five pound cartons, or in bulk. Orzcox Growers Cp-orsrarrve Association General Offices, Savzm, Onzcon Wassmvaron Growsrs Pacxise Corroration Vaxcovvrzs, Wasmincron > selves: Mama Ant cried, she was so hanpy. She couldn't thank Happy Giggles and Dicky enough. "Always remember, little Mama Ant," laughed Happy Giggles, as he started away, "hidden jewels are oft- times more sought after than those kept in plain sight. Drive your cows We have bought a new Floor Cleaning Machine and guarantee to make your floors look like new. Estimates given on new floors laid, and Carpentry Repairs of all kinds. Mistland PRUNES lief from his suffering. | up for the sunshine once in a while, { and I'm sure they'll never be bother: ---- . EL ts = \ 7 AR s -- Why, Happy Giggles! " ney Pills are not the best remedy. Other sufferers from rheumatism tell of pains relieved and health re- stored through the use of Dodd's Kidney Pills. They act directly on the kidneys. They strengthen the kidneys and put them in shape to strain the uric acid out of the blood. Uric acid crystallizing in the | muscles cause pains known as rheu- matism. Ask your neighbor if Dodd's Kid- ed again" down the garden path after new ad- ventures, obstinacy in a bad ome. Catching Dicky's hand, he raced Thos. Copley Write 68 Queen Street or 'phone 987. A man who is a rolling stone may not gather moss, but he should ga- ther wisdom. a Few consider how much we are can realize how wretched mankind {indebted to government, because few {would be without it. Perseverance in a good cause is iy