Daily British Whig (1850), 6 Feb 1923, p. 13

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TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1923. THE ODDS ? ST YOU AGAIN imperils the teeth and health of four persons out of every five past forty and thousands younger. Nature warns you of its coming with bleed- ing gums. Take no chances: Act! Brush your teeth with forhans FOR THE GUM More than a tooth ~--it checks Pyorrhea + 35¢ and 60c in tubes JUST CALL FROST'S When You Want a Thorough, First-Clas® Job of AUTOMOBILE PAINTING PHONE 526. 209-305 QUEEN STREET. ECZEMA IN RASH ON HANDS Fingers Cracked. Lost Sleep. Cuticura Heals. 'Eczema began with a rash on my hands and 1 could not put my hands in water. It grew worse every day and my hands and fingers ail eracked which made them covered with eruptions. I lost sleep with the itching. "The trouble lasted three months before I heard of Cuticura Soap and Ointment, and after using three cakes of Cuticura Soap and two and a half boxes of Cuticura Ointment the eczema was healed.' (Signed) Miss Eva E. Belliveau, 338 Highfield 8t., Moncton, New Brunswick. For every se of the toilet and bath Cuticura Soap, Ointment and Talcum are wonderfully good.* Bumple Kach Free by Mall. Address: "Lymass, Lim- iwd% wal G1, W » Loa every. Be Otwbmant 55 ant foc. Tabvm Bon. Can Soen shaves without mug. PHONE 1746; For Firewood A cholece lot of Hard and Soft Wood always on hand. See us first, CHAS. BEDORE & SON, 274 NELSON ST, APPLY SULPHUR TO. ~~ HEAL UP YOUR SKI Broken Out Skin and Tiching . Eczema Helped Over Night For unsightly skin eruptions, rash or blotches on face, neck, arms or wy body, lief from torture or embarrassment, declares a noted skin specialist. Ap- ply a little Mentho-Sulphur and im- | provement shows next day. Because of its germ destroying pro- | perties, nothing has ever been found to take the place of this sulphur | preparation. The moment you apply | it healing begins. Only those who | have had unsightly skin troubles can | know the delight this Mentho-Sul- | phur brings. Even fiery, itching eca- ema is dried right up. Get a small jar from any good | druggist and use it like cold cream. AA AA ~ nn RELAUT LIFE ACCIDENT 0. WIGHTMAN : ERNIE D. SUTER 151 WELLINGTON 151 KING'S FORTUNE IN THIS HIDDEN WILL :: A Toronto Man | Shares in a $600,000,000 Estate--May Change Wall Street. Broadway heirs now sels headeo New Yor in the Ii Wall s Toronto is vit matter lor one this city. Furt | nundred of tl the lion's ¢ {heritance may border { Toront I Fred k | Brower t {Servi with In Jogar« ids National | 5 cern | yuilding Brower | 7 interest- ada. The omance prose | ing ac which of pr The finds known as 13 Brower | was the daughter ter the bat-| f Eng- I Hol- of royalty with a private Everardus Bo- th ot of I a mesa n tizen of Amsterd gardqus. Fleeing the royal father she came w her hus- band to what had been New Amster- dam, but was en New York, hay ing been ceded by the Dutch to the British in 1674. Here Mr. became rector of what is tle Trinity church on lower way. | In May of this lebrated the | the grant of ti {year 1697, five | II1.'s death nerable | ment, four pa wr jdewed parchment with (r ribbons and a huge | still extant. | | her Bogardus now Broad- | h of 1 chur anniversary yal charter in tt} William docu- | [ce years before This ve es of inkled frayed, faded red It gave the nance ¢ wax seal is church for poly on * whales' its maint | weifts, wre | that should Long Island | | Sound. > however, ceased ix nd the church |owes its present alth to other en- dowments, but will subsequently pear, from Mr. Brower's s | chiefly to a quest {of the usufructs of | estate, all ks soon ap- tatement Aq assumption Anika Jans ionabie tae King William Relents. This charter is proof that William | was relenting towards his runaway {daughter. Before his death he left| {in trust for her in Yaarlem, Holland, {a dowry which left untouched, is |stated to have now the value 140,000,000 guilders On a back to Holland to secure this de | Mr. Bogardus was drowned | widow married Trinity church, a Mr. | spelling Brouwer, also Hollander, | though an Anglican, not a Lutheran. { Deterred by the fate of his predeces sor he made no effort to recover wife's dowry, but remained on {and survived her. i | Her estate consisted of 109 acres| farm land just north of Batt | { Point, and is now worth at the low- est valuation $600,000,000. In ord- jer to perpetuate a family fortune she {granted a 99-year lease of this pro- | perty and left instruction in her will | that at the expiration of the lease { the land should be sold and the pro- {ceeds distributed amongst all the! {heirs then living. The will was pre- | | sumably deposited in the archives of | Trinity Church which acted as trus- and the end of the 99 years | j carried on as if there were no will in| | existence. The Brower heirs did in| | fact try to secure possession, but the | { will had disappeared and the world | sred Trinity church] | the owner. When the cit New | York wished to a ar {for a subway, the truth came out | that the property was leasehold and | | held by Trinity church merely in| trust. The city paid $3.000,000 into | court for the heirs and this with oth- er accretions makes over $12,000,- 000 now in escrow, a future melon | tor the Brower heirs, when they se- | cure the legal knife with which to] cut it, of of Brower, former the next rector a his shore | {of | tee at of secure | The Will Is Found. | Strange to say, in May of this | | year, the long lost Anika Jans Bo- |gardus Brower will at last turned | up. It was found in an old chest in | | Gap, Pennsylvania, by a farmer of | | Holland descent, William Schnept. | | How it came there is a mystery. i The will has been pronounced val- | id by the courts, . All that is now {needed is an order for the distribu- | tion of the property, and the Brow- | er heirs will enter into the enjoy- jand CAUSE OF BACKACHES' mil- | § | of the back are ui | You really THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG -------- must also portion of re has academic . is a f h he remembers fatl her discussi rly ildhood. Now that the ill has been discovered & vlidated, he felt that there good hopes for some kind of tion. Granted that Wall Str. ems probable, can prevent com ice being done, t Jutch guilders and escrow, no mean inheritan for over 150 heirs. bu are the Many Heirs in Canada. Of these, the majorit Te are ifornia, almost an equ Monin and In New York the remainder in New principally around The Canadian Browers male line of descent and are id to have the best laim. The higan and C \imants » for the most i ndants and do Mr twe SHIRLEY BOOTH In' on Wi dne; A CUTTER TRIP wick, sday evening, Feb. | ton. are in direct alifor fe bear part not Brower r, dips, name Taunbada,' It is time to get 1 ; ations and erardus Bogardus, ind of Anika Jans--the cau estrangement from her of Orange commemor- y + 1 Y g the first am trying to a cutter at Port boat of |, 4 beach royal > small , which I th s a dinghy, iz to row out tothe ard. Then we can in~tle bungalc ) oanut palms, hoist the out before the 3 scribe it, Uncle?" wut Captain Tom, who has to get on , Teddy, wouldn't be advis to pull up the anchor? Have vou matches in the waterproof have vou a bandage or a clean terchiek; ve you a knife taking anything it be of some use wrecked? We to gail out on the Pacific ocean God alo knows . whether 'we ver reach Yule Island. A guba, which is a sudden violent wind storm, may carry us .on to the reef, or we imay be blown ashore and wrecked. It we are not drowned we shall still under : sail Every muscle in the body needs a of rich, red blood in propor- tion to the work it does. The muscles der a heavy strain rest. When the lack nou 1 result is a sensation Bonlv supply z our a boy, and have but little boar 1 it blood is thin they and rebel The of pain in these musecl Many people are f itened into believing that backaches are due to kidney trouble; but the best medical authorities agree that backache is to kidney trouble. very seldom due In fact not more than one backache in a hundred has anything to do with [5g the kidneys The whole trouble is |, due to thin or impure blood, and those who are troubled with pains in the back or loins, either frequent or occasional, should look to the condition of the blood. It will be found in most cases that Dr. Wil-! liams' Pink Pills by building up the and, Teddy, it is always best to be blood and feeding the starved nerves ready for the worst, aud TL banien he pains "If 1 stopped to think about it, d mak « eel bette ry i, other way. How much better it is to | nole, I would be scared to go, but try Dr. Wilifams' Pink Pills for your |! understand what you mean. Yes, blood than to give way to unreason- able alarm about your kidne suspect your Kidne doctor can make a test in ten mi utes, that will set vour fears at rest, or tell you the worst. All dealers in medicine sell Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, or you can get them by mail at cents a hox or . six boxes for $2.50: from The Dr. Wil- (trip or two you would be able to tel liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont, 'the time by the ~~ Ex- Greenwich Villagers Out of Funds, Protest Arrest as # Fickngeness un ible boxy hand} have with yon of De , Or vou thought of in case are going hall ¢ ev "That's it, Teddy. Now let us sup- pese that we started out with a fair | wind and made good going for a time, At first you would lie on deck watching the «tars and trying to pick up Orion's Belt, the Southern Cross, and many bri ant stars. After a title | Forenve will am » Mors. PARIS--When Greenwich Vilage comes to Montmartre, often as not it comes to grief, also. So did Arthur Moss, poet, Villager, famed as the man who introduced nudity into the Literal Club balls, and founder of the Quill, who left New York in 1921 after marital diffi-, culties which resulted ip his wife, a Long Island society girl, divorcing him. With Miss Florence Gilliam he founded and edited an En lish magazine in Paris until he ran out of funds. Now he and Miss Gilliam have appealed to the American E for claiming German The Cat and the Canary," A Al PP Pa AA A ANP TO YULE ISLAND ' said Teddy | f we are to m ake have to make a big fight to live, 1 have to learn to be a better scout." | ition of eartain | 13 JOHNSTON ~~WARD "HANGE CK E HANGE 'Bibby Sy Kingston Foronto N. Montreal Sydney, N. 8. St. John's, Nfid. London Halifax, N.S. Sherbrooke Moncton, DIRECT WIRE CONNECTIONS. Internal od Ex ras) Pah ains are PECL tly relieved by p= THoMmAs' ECLECTRIC OIL THAT IT HAS BEEN SOLD FOR NEARLY FIFTY YEARS AND ($8 TO-DAY A GREATER SELLER THAN EVER BEFORE IS A TESTIMONIAL THAT SPEAKS FOR ITS NUMEROUS CURATIVE QUALITIES, GRAVES BROS. PLUMBING, TINSMITHING, STEAM HEATING, HOT AIR AND HOT WATER HEATING All work given our personal careful attention. HOUSE FURNISHING HARDWARE Phone 332 AND THADDUS GRAY. 211 Princess Street at the Grand Opera House | 7th. to take First k, and fully Upped Auto Repair ne to do your wor at your watch. beautiful in | We care stars without look w The sky is wonderfully the South but then Captain To would probably attract your at- tention at the whe The other boys You would see sitting in their ng und of voices, of the fire and the lm of the night make you Eo sleepy, you would not e that the shore ng are no of yc ; Mechanics 81 eq Cla all work OWNERS ~~ "w. ATTENTION STANDARD AUTO SERVICE PHONE 545. QUEEN STREET (Behind Standard Office) Seas, aranteed | Washing, biank- | and € ots an a cigar- | their | on deck, would and presently | condition to | wind had died | d that the sa'l was pa} pping ag 1st the mast. I de not think d smoking or The droning the Distilled water always on hand 80 Ker be in a not down an you would awake until dawn ana | then your first thought would be for GREAT WEST LIFE'S the hot coffee boiling in a billy-can If wou did not tuck into Wonderful Record --OVER 65 Millions of Insurance in 1022, KINGSTON OFFICE: 41 BROCK STREET. on the Ire. d butter, sardines and bull- which is that horrid canned should {bread an marrow, | meat, 1 be very surprised. | | Then you would notice, perhaps, that | {we were getting close to the shore, ---------------- stead about fifteen years ago, wher ind if we had had a good run, Tom | go passed away surrounded by her | you that we were just ofl | or rowing family and kind friends If it loo! » bad | 114 neighbors. F we yonid run ix for The deceased lady Sp he = i o Roman Catholic and 0 4 } solation of receiving There is a big village of the church at the hands of her Samoan missionary would pastor, Rev. Father Maher, The | ) a nice dinner a.t- { funeral, which was one of the larg- ed for night and weather. | oot iy the distnict for some time, was Roast chicken goes well for dinner | attended by all lasses 4nd ° bore ¢n shore after a night on the briny. mute testimony the esteem in {The big river that comes down here | which the deceased lady was held [runs up D Jiminy Malovs place-- | myo coffin, in which her body re- {you remember the chay a 0 J taken off o . SD aia Ya bis Posed; was conveyed to ie hy Butea | : of the Assumption, BErinsville, | {some big rubber plantations belong- where requiem mass was celebrated {ing to Sir Rupert Clarke, There used | | for the répose of her soul, after k > be a Ceylon planter working them. | which the body was placed in the We will go ashore I think, Teddy, ult to await interment The chief fsaveow, and sail on again tomor- : i Thomas Keegan, | row, Keegan, son; Mrs. | Mr: James Gar-| Cassidy and Mrs. daughters, and one Belleville, and a | Seven Sentence Sermon. 11 Head was a devout | had the con- | the last rites | here : . The crisis of life is usually the secret place of wrestling, ~Spurgeon. KIIOW 0 on th Reach, and the |cook us there, and rich simply 1ile we w whether finer --Roosevelt. . hether we climb, whether we plod, Space fer one task the scant years lend-- To cwoose some God, And keep it to the end Lizette W, ¢ of . path that leads to {va Reese. mourners we | husband; John | Thomas Mur y { rott, Mrs. Ja 'and | Hugh Hickey, sister, Mrs. Lynch, number of grandchildren, nephews, | | nieces | | | . re ' I To preserve in one's duty and be st answer to calumny ~--lIvans. - nt is the be Tomorrow's stor, {from Redscar Head about the trip Yule Is to Unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given DIED AT ERINSVILLE. --Bible. Mrs. Thomas Keegan passed Away | | on the 9th of January. .Erinsville, Feb. 3.--The death of | God doth not need Surely Some Reason. Either man's works or his own gifts; . 2 As a reward for being a good boy, | who bee! Mrs. Thomas Keegs: h oceur- - . : : {od oa i hg In %® Hy whien OCCUT- | Mrs. Levinski took little Sammie to |Bear His mild yoke, roy = 3 ho » - Jauunry last, Te | the new music hall which had best: His state ¥ s 0st respecta blo and highly cently become a brilliant addition ls kingly; thousands at His bidding | esteemed lady. Mrs. Keegan, whose | i, the small town speed, | Jie Was Marearelte C. Lynch be-| aq the Jopiuze began to sing, | And pest o'er land and oceon with- B ie = e Inarried Ne Keegan, Was | Sammie #@came greatly excited over | out rest; | born in County Limerick, Ireland, |the gesticulations of the orchestra|They also serve who only stan y and i seventy-three Years ago. Emigrat-| conductor. wait. ing to Oriani. | ith her parents when | "What's that man shakin' his she was twelve years old, the family | stick at her for?" he demanded in- 'settled north of Erinsville, where |dignantly. { deceased lived until she became the | "sh-h! they serve Him re-| --Milton. . . We cannot always be doing > He's not shaking his stick | great work, but we can always be wife of Thomas Keegan: After that at her." doing something; to be silent, to she lived in Stoco twenty-five years, But Sammie was not convinced. suffer, to prayy, when we cannot moving back to the Keegan home-| "Then what's she yellin' about?" 'act, is acceptalle to God. A A AAA A Any Ameen * a Get your vitamins naturally Vitamin and mineral elements are part of the splendid nutriment which Nature stores in the field grains for nourishing and vitalizing the human body. Grape-Nuts, made from wheat and malted barley, has for over twenty five years supplied vitamin and other elements necessary for perfect nutrition, There's a crispness and flavor that delight the taste--and there's natural health - building goodness that makes Grape-Nuts with cream or milk a complete food--and won- derfully delicious! Grape-Nuts is truly economical because a small gusntity provides Grape:Nuts foram Sold by grocers Pe -- Made by Canudisn Postum Cores! Company, Limited 3 Front Street, B., Toronto Pro sor, mbassy ice of Aix la Chapelle imprisoned them in foul and foie Pel fprisane , m in foul and inartistic cells'

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