Daily British Whig (1850), 6 Feb 1923, p. 15

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¢ « gion, two local Chinamen, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1023. [Meet the CHINAMEN FINED FOR HAVING OPIUM Penaity of $400 and Costs and 8ix Months in Jail Imposed. For having opium in their px Lee Son | and Lee Pork, were on Tuesday | morning each fined $400 and o« and given six months in jail en @rraigned before Magistrate Farrell | Their arrest followed a visit by De- | tectives Hartman and Allen, of the Royal Canadian Mounted police, made to the laundry of Woo Kee, Clarence street, on Monday night. When the detectives entered the Jaundry, one celestial had a box filled wh } with opium, in his possession, and he { making an Investigation into threw it in the stove, but Detective Hartman managed to save the opium from the fire. The other celestial had 4 bottle filled with the stuff so preec- fous to the celestials, and as the of- ficers swooped down on the laundry, Be threw the bottle on the floor, but | #8 was recovered, so the entire evi- | dence was intact for the court. Bvi- | dently there is a determined effort | being put forth to stop the efforts of the dope ring. The officers, ac- | , companied by a Chinese interpreter, | bave Deen in the city a few days, local . conditions. The interpreter is Charlie : Lin Chew, who stated that he attend- | 1 ed school in Gananoque. "4 about 9.45 Monday night, stated he Detective Hartman THE :DAILY BRITISH WHIG mportant Buyers and Sellers in Town--Th The British Whig KINGSTON, ONT, Minimum c Daily rates per | 6 days 3 days 1 day Charge Cash . 4 3 4 8 charged. Marriages, 5 5 Memoriam cash, $1.00 7 es hargec each insertion Advertising ord insertions takes tion rate; no ad basis of four lines Count six average litte Chi _rge for irregular time inser- taken for less than words to the received by e Brit- from tio sh rate more than one day = expiration will number of and adjust- t earned line for white space made at & line of type. te for yearly advertising st. reserve the right to edit 1 sified advertising e rate is 'elephone 243, ask for a want ad taker. | | | | | [© | | | | t ed the laundry of Woo Kee, Clarence Which Will Obtain Evidence | | Mreet. On going to the room whe re Lee | he clothing is washed, he saw "Son and as the latter "spotted" the | | i + the floor. The accused said some- detective, he ran and threw acted thing in the stove, Witness promptly, and found that the China- man had thrown a box containing | opium into the stove, but he managed | to save it from the fire At the police station, the accused | stated that he indulged in the oplum | when he suffered pains in his stom- | ach, | Detective Allon corroboratcd the | evidence given by the previous wit- | ness, | In giving evidence against Lee Pork, Detective Hartman stated that he noticed the accused go into | Woo Kee's laundry on Clarence street | Witness entered direatly after him, | and told about seeing the Chinaman throw a battle containing opium on he was using opium because he was sick. SH ------ | | | ed the address of the president, | following committee was unanimous- | | with the committees appointed | the other returned | and smoker in the G.W.V.A. 13th, at which plans | for the Royal Commission on Pensions. One of the meetings of the | War Veterans' eral years, was held | evening, at which the was extremely encouraging. President D. the chair during the meeting during an earnest address he appeal- ed for the support of all the mem- Great sev- local branch, Association, in on most enthusiastic | Monday | attendance | A. Volume occupied | and | | bers in the all-important question of | obtaining evidence for the commis- sion. He asked that a committee be appointed to co-operate with Grand Army of United Veterans, the Tubercular Leagu$, and the Ampu- tations' Association, so that work | could be started immediately. tha | After some discussion had follow- | Volume, Macdonell. in touch by soldiers' organ- lations in the city, thus forming a Comrades and will get ly appointed: Susman, Bowker These comrades | Kingston sub-committee of the On- tario organization. | this committee rk of great it = ass The wo will involve a deal of time and labor and hoped that all veterans will this body in every way Questionaires for the use of every veteran wishing to make suggestions are available at the local post office or may be obtained from the secre- tary of the G.W.V.A, It was decided to hold a meeting hall on Po! ole. Tuesday, Feb. | will be formulated to increase inter- | est | was MURDERED IN EGYPT While on & visit to the Valley of the Kings, in Luxor, Egypt, Travers Allen, a Canadian, was murdered. Rob- bery was probably the motive. He was a grandson of Sir Hugh Allan, of Montreal, and resided for many years| at Brockville, Ont, where he visited, last summer. QUEEN'S 10 HAVE | SPLENDID COMPANY And It Is Said Cc Conacher and Dinsmore Will Be With Queen's Rugbyists. The Ottawa Journal will carry the following to-day: "It's a long way till football but already rumblings are heing heard and prospective abode yt different stars are under discussion, The most important news that has come to the front since 'Queen's disposed of the Argonauts, one cold day last November, is that Lionel Conacher, peer of the Canad- fan football players and captain of | "the Argonauts, runners-up for Can- | 'adian title, will take a fling in the educational game. 8 "In a letter to a friend here, Bud Thomas has intimated that the big train will be seen wearing the tri- color of Queen's next fall and that slong with the big fellow will go young Charlie Dinsmore, whose work at quarter back for Argonauts was cone of the outstanding incidents of the 1922 season, "And that is not all. An ambitious rugby programme that will have an finternational tinge, is being prepar- ed by strategiet at the Kingston seat of learning, If the-pians do not go amiss Queen's will engage Yale, Harvard and Princeton in exhibition ames." Whatever that be which thinks, which understands, which wills, which acts, it is something celectial sand divine--and upon that account must be eternal. . Toronto medical opinion is te the Effect that the influenza epidemic is (abating, {A meeting of the Portsmouth council was called for Monday night, Was postponed, | by the secretary, in the association and to in- augurate a drive for membership. It brought to the notice of the members that any comrade six months in arrears may again be re- instated by merely paying the usual initiation fee. ieneral approval was expressed at the financial statement as brought in which showed that the association had wiped out all liabilities and in addition had a nice balance in the bank. During the past eighteen months the G.W.V.A. ex- Seulive have cleared off a deficit f nearly $4,000, which had been a Bi on the association for some years. A great deal of this credit is due to the canteen stewards, and | especially to the present incumbent, who has shown a generous increase of receipts on his books since tak- ing over the position last fall. The steward received a great deal of praise from the members of the ex- ecutive, as was his just due, and with affairs in charge of such a capable steward the prospects for continued growth and prosperity in | this branch of" the association ac- tivity are very bright indeed. The greatest confidence is felt by all the members concerning the present ex- y ecutive at the head of affairs in the association and it is now assured that the association is now on the happy road to the fulfilment of those ideals which prompted the organiza- tion of the brotherhood of veterans in the latter days of the late war. LOCAL NEWS. Brief Items of Interest Picked Up by the Whig Re- porters. Mr. Swaine, piano 'uner. Orders received at 100 Clergy street west. 'Phone 564w. ; Progressive euchre In ald of the Hotel Dieu in Nurses' Recreation Hall, Wed. 8 pm. Refreshments. Hartley M. Thomas, M.A., awarded an L.O.D.E. scholarship, is a nephew of the Misses Jack, University ave- nue. Brockville Knights of the Stane are loud in praises of the Limestone city hospitality following thelr visit the | ¥ you? Once ou didm® have to you knew the the other thousands that Whig's Classified Section Cie appearing among these litt tion in *1-2-3" erder and Isn't it common sense regularly ? THE A-B-C ALWAYS THE Just A Matter Of learn al wasn't anything to find the we you Noah And if you know how to use the dictionary, trick at all to finding exactly the offer you want in the Because 'it's built on the old, rel You KNOW that there are profitable opportunities le ads all the time And you KNOW that th ads under each heading make it possible for your finger on what you want--immediately CLASSIFIED ADS SAME- ALWAYS DIFFERENT--IN OPPORTUNITY how to spell, it ted among all Webster had collected. there's no and war "A B-- iable basis of e Whig's system of classifica- alphabetical arrangement of you to put ° to use this profitable service IN SERVICE Index to Classifications The following "classification headings| re appear in thig newspap ical order here given, c'assifications being groupe d 2 Eothe r advertisemen The individual these head arranged under | alphabetical order for quick reference. P ~ GHA NAMES COMMITTEE ANNOUNCEMENTS Ergagements. Marriages. Deaths, 2--Ipn Memoriam Lard of Thanks Funeral Directors J al Flowers Br Monuments. ky and Found. AUTOMOBILES Automobile A Automobiles 1 k -Parts, Taxi. res 28 utos for Fire ----Motoreyeles and Bicycles, -Repairing--Service tations 1 1 13 1 1 1 17--Wanted- EB tanoniles 4- 5 6 7 BUSINESS SERVICE Business Serviceg Offered. Contracting. Cleaning--Dyeing--Renov Dressmaking--Milllinery. Heating, Plumbing, Roofing. 18 19--Building-- Storage ting Services, Professional -Accountants, Architects 28¢c--Chiropractie, 2d---Dental, 28e--Legal 28f--Medical 28g---Osteopathy. 28h---Osteopathic Physicians. 290--Repaliring. 30--Talloring and Pre 31--Wanted--Business EMPLOYMENT sing. Service, 1p Wanted--Female. Hel » Wanted---Male Male or Fe itors, Canvasse Teachers Wanted j---Sifuations Wanted--Female. $7--Situations Wanted-->Male FINANCIAL 38----Business Opportunities 39--Investments, Stocks, Bonds 40--Money to I.oan 41--Wanted--To Borrow. INSTRUCTION al Instruct Bo Cla. 44--Musical, Danc g. Dramatic. 45--Private Instruction 46--Wanted--Instruction. LIVE STOCK Cats, Pets Cattle, Implemer and Supplies. Live Stock. 47--Dogs, 48---Horses 49--Poultry 50--Wanted- ts. MERCHANDISE --Articles For Sale -Barter and Exchange ~Business and Office Fqu Boats and Accessorie Buildings and Buildi Dalry Fertil to my g Materials 55--Farm and 1 --Fuel, Feed Good Things 58--Homemade 59---Household G 60--Jewelry and W atches. Instruments. Equipment. 63--Seeds, Plants and Flowers. $s Specials at the Stores Wearing Apparel 66--Wanted-- To Buy. ROOMS FOR RENT ~Musical Radio 67--Rooms With Board. 68--~Rooms Without Board. 69--Rooms for Housekeeping. 70--Vacation Places. WW here To Fat Where To Shop in Town 73---~Wanted--Rooms or Board. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT T4--Apartments and Flats --~Business I'laces For Rent. if--Farms For Rent 77i~-Houses For Rent. 7§--Office and Desk Room. 79--S8uburban Yor Rent. §0---Summer Places For Rent. §$1--Wanted--To Rent. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE R--Brokers In Real Estate. 8§2--~Business Property. 83--Farms and Land For Sale. $4--Houses For Sale. §5--Lots For je. §6--Resort Property For Sale. §7--Suburban For Sale. $8--Real Estate For xchange. §9--Want Real Est te here on Saturday, where they won. The death is. reported in Ottawa of A. J. Maguru, a veteran newpaper man who was well-known in King- ston. 1923 is filled with unusual op- portumn'ties. Read the advertise- ments and you will find many that are of value to you Canon W,_ F. Fitzgerald enter- tainil the members of the Ontario Synod Executive Council to a dinner at the Belmont. on Tuesday after- noon. Dr. A. B. Haffner, Belleville, is s'nging his way into the affections of the people as he did in Kingston. He is one of =~ male quartette in the 'Tabernacle church and also does solo work. | "Announcements Personals SKIN BLEMISHES Hair, Moles, Warts | Birthmarks, Skin Cancers, Scars, Pits, ete, removed permanently. Satisfa tory Glasses fitted and fur s have failed 18 years' experience. Lake, Eye, Eur, Ndse, 268 agot Street. J Lost and Found | FOUNTAIN PEN-- Found, { FOUNTAIN corner of| King and _may have HOUND lar a 'ound, on streets, Office. black and tan, with co y information will Albion Hotel at Lost, chalr at r HOUND female, black, studded same will be Lost, lar tan and collar pr £5 y ose- cuted. na ceived 900m und, ve same two, on. string. Owner at Whig Office. on with Owner baby's graph 33% Queen stre MU FI , brown fur. O i) Avenue. , child's blue, on m Princess Street, Owner may Street terrier, female, white each side, and red Finder return to receive reward. 11 Bartlett , fox | e on | e h 0 | dat te will PENCIL--Lost, injtials *'M. _phone 1059J. SUM OF MON Lost, in per bag. Finder please _Whig uffice and receive a re ward, SUM OF MONEY -- Found, in an velope, near Victoria Park. Ow I'lease phone 1100 r 3. Automobiles be prosecuted. Gold "Eversharp," . PP." Finder "with please yr to n brown return ner AUTO I ARTS SRLAND MODELS 3 JDEBAKER 1917, WELL 191 L MOD ELS. LL MODELS, GENERATORS, WINDSHIELDS, Ww Hs LS, TC. ALL MAKES AND MODELS, PALMER'S COR BAGOT AND QUEEN Ac es--Tires--Parts d time to hay over and repaired laid up We can Queen and "Auto NOW- $ looked ur car is the corner streets. PREST-0-L11 Battery ire al Armature aE and agnetos charged and repaired. Ignition Specialists on and motor boats. New a teries always on hand tion to winter Storage anything electrical. household appliances, them at lowest w hile do it Ss re- nd rental Special atten- Repairs to ring us your We can repair prices. the save expen-| guaranteed our car the squeaks; Satisfaction way. Stop sive parts. by Powell. Johnson street Phone 1499 TAXI--Th only place which furnishes a proper 24 hours taxi service. 548J. | 'orkey. Repairim --~Service Stations 1 "16 AUTOMOBILE P AINTING--And flnish- | ing a specialty. niture Polishing. Gordon Young, shop) Queen street, rear of Abernethy. s Shoe Store, or phone 1876 CHAINS-- ee our specia Dreadnaught Chains. Sizes for all] mukes of cars. Sudaaby Bros, corner Qu ren and Wellingion Streets. FORD TOPS--Recovered. Send your Ford and Chev. Tops to us to be re- covered. Work guaranteed. Judson's _Auto Tops, Brockville. _____ Business Service _ Busin Services es | Otier red ig AUCTIONEER--Book your sales with or Twigg, 182 Barrie Street. Phone CARKPENTERING--And by contraet or day. at reasonable prices. _37 York Str Street, PUBLIC ST. Advertising copy, Form Letters, ete. End a effi- Client service. Business service Bureau, 14 Market Street. _Phtne e §91J "display of] cement wor First-class work *. W. Smith, 21 Child- work 218 DRESSMAKING Wiiterorc ren"s clothes a , specialty; all guaranteed. Miss 8S. E. Pigion, University Avenue. HEMSTITCHING--Picot edging, TP ing; work guaranteed. Mrs. E. Card, 366 Barrie Sireet. 1% from Princess S Street. blocks Tutankhamen to' Set "Styles, New York, Feb. 6.-- Tutankhamen jcvercoats, suits, hats and othar artd- Ces of weering apparel will make tieir appearance on the market in a €a1ort time, according to a statement mde, A clotting dealer announced that %2 had applied to the Patent Office for the exclusive right to use the 1ame of the Egyptian for commercial J arposes. Superstition is the religion of the iJznorant, en-| | ASHES- ished after | Goitre cured with. | Phone | 10 | also vanity) have same at 374] | Owner lon will be gladly re- | "Division | apply | have Any-| t harboring same after this|~ | |= | FURNITURE FINISHING -- 1 1 Ontario | Clty | Street. | Electrical and automobiles | bat-| = | | | i) i Powell's Repair Shep, 8514 | { | | | Also Plano ana Furef | | | | | eir Ads are Printed Here Employment Solicitors, Canvassers, Business Service Insurance Agents 35 Situations Wanted--D>Male 37 pn for ngagements, Best Clay, ange, established In 1 Clarence Str ppos:te Fost "Office oe - - 41 John- SURAN Financial Money w Loan > "and Investment 1361. President, e re, Tea: °F eS Glass, Burglary. Hun ter _ C wt ivie, 107 Gore street.| ~i.oan rpurated B.C; Money issued on city ies; municipal mortgages nt bounds tour sale; Moving, Trucking, Storage pur- au- Cleahed out of cellars and n job done. A. MacGrege t t. Phone 2258 guarantees good xpress and mov- le prices. 104 Montreal to Arr 4 chascd; inv "posits received and RC Cartwrignt, manager, Street, hiagston, Instruction service in I = ing; reasonab Street Next Your dance or banquet Bger success If you engage he 9 Suciety Orchestra, rrnone Res. 988w . or 11642. led Lreneer, 261 King + corating 26 NTING. APPLY J York and Rag! Paint Al TOMOB ILE Jenkir corne Road. | 1 Live Stock " Poultry and {Supplies SIGN PAINTING 275 Bagot street. . e 2236w. Merchandise Articies ror Sale AWNINGS taken for ents; best service. Re guaranteed. F Fh We have a good of alarm clocks at $1.35 and $2.00. G. W. Lyons, jeweller, cess Street A D-WOOD- Wood Ag ne 6 i BRICK PAINTING--And Puperhanging; Urade manship guaranteed; prices ri eur choice selection orf Wall er R. Lyons, 3514 Barrie Street. Phone _368w. PAINTING--Papernanging, Glazing, Hardwood }'lour Finishing etc, first class work, reasonabie prices. Wallpaper samples. Kstimates submitted A. Mounteer, 208 Alfred N ~~ Architects 28D. ARCHITECTS--Power, Son and Drever, Merchants Bank Chambers, corner of ilington, work- | ht eel pair . Cooke, ne ALARM CLOCKS variety tu Pr Decorating up antity of hard and soft. Ap- Wathen, 143 Nelson street or phone 1321J »--Lleveland and Columbia Bicycles stored for winter; Baby Car- riage repair work done, Skates sharp- 1 w ground at Muller's bi- 371-3 King Street. Phone "gor- 2nd Kingston, Telephone LL He a ; 1to6 pm NITUKRE -- We have for sale all George a A | nds of good, second-hand furniture i | 1 stoves. ny person having stoves and furnitwee to dispose of, we will pay highest prices. J. Thompson, rrinees reet Phone 1600w GARAGES- Cottages, steel truss barns, wareh steel sid ngs, 2 lees, tanks, B. McNamee, M. S Phone 2292Zw FURNITURE -- Private To start Wednesday, en = 1 wu I sold; between hours , Dentist. : 268 | » 6 p.m. Apply 137 Hag Ph 652w. Open] HARDWOOD - Dry appointment. woud, slabs, delivered. rm $4.00 per load, W. C. Bruton, 248 Uni- versity Ave. Phone 1038w. HARDWOOD---$14.00 cord; $3.50 quarter curd; cut any length; slab-wood $2.76 cord; kindling $2.50 quarter rica 3 wed and delivere W. H. Tal- "BA, Barrister and| , St. Catherine Sireet; yerd on oftice, corner of King| Concession Street, near Division Royal Bank. Money| -- 9 = 1995, ; | MILLINERY G Medical 28(.| Trimm BE C. W.--M.I>, 138 Clergy St Son offi e Pho a 851. Res 1845m. Office h 7-8.30 p.m, 28g. and Edna, Phone 447. and by ap- ARCEL D.Cu "Ph.C., ner Princess and Barrie Streets. floor, Barrie St. c¢ntrance, ont. Consultation free 8 Hours 9 to 1 LUCY--Dr, | Lucy, Chiropractic Jdraduate Nurse, 239 Bagot Street, be- | tween Princess and Brock. Telephone! 943w. Hours § to 12 am. 1 to 6, and| 7 to § pm. Spinal analysis and con-/| sultaticn free. Residential calls by appointment 33 "28d. | Dental SPARKS & SIVARKS -- Dentists, Wellington street, corner of Brock. | P 46 n Road. Hardwood, soft educed prices. "& SMITH -- Clarence B. Cunningham, CUNNINGHAM and BSolleitors, Kings! n. 2 yril M mith SHEA Ambrose, Solicitor. Law and Brock, over o loa C t lof np Ph ne DJODS .-- Consisting of Velvets, Plush and Veiling, smart sample Hats, 112 Lower Willlam Street, or made to any quantity, Also renvoat- rontenac Mattress Company, 377 King sireet. Phone 1861J PIANO--One English Parlor Grand, maker Broadwood, London, Kng. Une three-piece I'rench Clock set, Blue iners, sets of four, Walnut John | irs, Antique Beds, Chests of Draw- | e grandtathers' clocks, ete. Lesses - { Antique Shop, 607 Prin 8 Bilreet. service,| phong 1045w. hollow | - Foal ROL L8--100 Otto | regular MATIRISSES For sale, your order, &ny size, lowest factory prices. 3 t , near Earl. ing 2-6 p.m. Call and see W. street. Phone SH IE Driscoll, 23 F. oo Good skates + - Higel Player Piano price $1.10, $1.00, 50c. gti 'chotee while they t for half on _ Price _C. W. Lindsay, Limited. corner Bagot AT---lady's knglish Blanket size; man's sheep-lined coat, s 40; -- ------t also pair military boots, size 6; all band w A 4 , fr s a specialty; efficient se he REY ad t Apply in the morning, 88 Kami: «ki, corner Mont- er E treets. - Al ~ Canadian New or usod furni- | Sign ho 3 gs, ; work su iaranteed Call or drop a} nd- band. baytun _W. J. Gavine, 216 Bagot street 5 a Sterling, ] --And genera! rep ir-i Hardw od wWhoTcaie ers at or drop a card en po =a . at C1 y Stre d, 3 cut, hardwo y Btreel. $10.00 at y mixed r button | cord, 3 cut, deliver- made to order in all popular suapes| at ca RicHardson 'and and sizes. Uphoistering and repairing , Lorne Barrack and Welling- done. E J. Goodridge, 244 Universit n st: GELs Phoue i 11M. Avenue P hone 18384. my Sm 621 .' REPAIRIY Hubber Ligh Ww. SHOE done. put cn out- # Hubler he Adolf cnet cits ao id Qu Toledo, hones: BM also number of and Bramford 204 Princess St and re- d, $1300, WwW. anted--1To for 06 nian Raid medal. WHI pay Apply A. KE. Way, Bow- ont. WRIT ¥ -- And Alterations. Mr.| 1 dh nocrapson guarantees first class) pressing and cleaning. Mod-| 8. 94 Wiillam Street. Employment EF John Th tatloring erate pr manville, TY Pk Second hand, Under- d State age, price and Apply Box «-2, Whig Of1- Alemite| Awnings, | work, | FRAME Parlor! | elerences. | 30 k vice-president, A. | and | | | continuing | of 10 a.m. | | | | | Apply 63 Al HOUSE inierest allowed. | $i Clarence | HOT Phones 704 or Fast HOUS Ahone J HOUSE FRAME FRAME Real Estate For Rent Business Places For Rent 73 HOOMS Koums on hing sireeg occupied by the [O.0ON, nAlngham and Smith. former 1c 7 eight Apply Houses For Rent i--Immediate rooms, hot water James Reid or RIDEAU STREET--Warm stone house, » rooms, s-piece bath, furnace, Bas, electricity, rent moderate. Apply 47 Rideau street. Tw anted--1'o Re: HTMANT Small, furnished, light housekeeping; in vicinnty tora School Apply Box U-§, or phone 1367J By May 1st, or at time most oenvinlent to owner, six or seven FOU nouse; in lower section of ©f Princess. Apply Box Diftice, possession, heating. phone 147. ~ for of Vie- Waig ith Whik Apply G. M. Macdonell, e Street. K.C, 38 QC) MARKET--Good location. ox G-6, Whig Orice, ISES-- HOUS S---6 rooms, 3 bedrooms, light, gas, 2 piece bath, com- bination rurnace, fine cellar, hard- wood itoers, garage, henhouse, Barrie Stroet-- §L.€0C, electric BUNGALOW houses, garage, low taxes. -Barn, 20 acres, 2 he city wary COTTAC houses, 1 Price right, -Stone barn, acre of land; hen close to city. M. B. TRUMPOUR 845J. 237 Bagot Street For sale and to Jet 1 in all parts of the city. Apply to H. B. Wil- son, ears, LAA Post Office. E. W. MULLIN & SON Real Estate and Insurance Bro hone 639w. kere See Display _Advt, on Page Two. BATEMAN'S REAL ESTATE. { $900--4 roomed frame house; north end. $4100--Brick veneer; 7 rooms; | TO RENT--6 rooms, $1900--Frame house; 7 rooms and Bare age. 3 plece bath; hot air; large lot. $20. TO RENT---4 rooms, $13, HOUSE- W. Kent Macnee 2 RANCE -- Fire, Joiler Money to broker, Life, Accident, loan. Customs BATEMAN'S REAL ESTATE 159 Wellington Street V anted--Roal Fs Estate -Or Bungalow -- six or seven in good locality. State prios. to Box F-6, Whig Office. rooms, Apply BUSINESS SEMVIUK Bank of Commerce Building, Br and King Streets. "hone 08 or Tom General Insurance Agneey. Writing:--Automobile, ire, Acc) dent, Sickness, Plate Glass, Hurglary ete. Representing only reilabie coms panies, Coal Is Plentiful BUT NOT IN KINGSTON Install a Idberty Ofl Burner in your Furnace and burn Fuel on It is cheap, clean and con- venfent. Davis Dry Dock Co. East: End of Wellington Street. "Three Piece Chesterfield $100.00, at J. Turk's PHONE 708. Sets, In tapestry, Help Wanted--rt emale COOK~-General, required. Apply "Rooms For Rent 'Rooms With Board omtortabl y furnished, board. Apply avenue, phone 12isJ. ROOMS AND BOARD -- First large rooms with Hirepiace nisned, not water he e Refer Street We wanted = 127 King 67 with or {| ROOM--O { Univorsity -- = without 215 Good wages We need} socks on the fast Knitter; expe immaterial; HON WORK you to make learned Auto necessary; distance ® no canvassing: yarn sup Partic rs, Jc. stamp Dept. Auto Knitter Co, Toronto LADY BOOKKEEPER----Must perience and referenc Whig Office. MA -- With s« sme ience in din ing room work, Apply Superintenden Y.W.C.A., Johnson street. MAID--For genfiral housework; be good cook. Apply Mrs. R. H dell, Lower Union Street. YOUNG GIRL--Or middiecaged we to assist with housework. One to at home preferred. Apply to _Uni rsity Avenue. Help "Wa anted--Male SEMA KER---First class, for - St Cheese factory, Wolfe Is- Burke, R. R. No. "class, , well all cunveni- 3 3 U Brock. JNIVIERSITY ciass rooms and nents; centrally beara, located Ail improves have Ll elec bea sit- Bas lor tree Hoowms ror Housekeeping 'D BEEDROOUMS--Tw use of Lain; also and Kitcnenette; A Jil y Julinsun » Real Estate For Rent - Waated--hoows or Board 9d EOOMS--T a schoul root mu uKing. Wad- man, furnished, ildren of 243 CHEF Lawrence land. Apply to J. H. 1. Wolfe Island. FIREMEN AND ners$150-3§250 monthly, tion?) Write Railway, Dept. Nffice. I » GARDENER --- Experienced, for the ountry, married; must be capable and ave good references; excellent home, This is a splendid position for indus- trious couple Apply Box A-3, Whig Office. Se SHOW CARD WRITING---~v ur us Make money at home, $15 to $60 pald ly for yeur spare time writin BRAKEMBN--Begin- (which posi. 2, Whig lo-Day's Blunder (Corrected (See Illustration on Page 14.) Grape seeds are not injurious. fact, they will aid the process of digestion, according to the Chicago Commissioner of Health, Dr. H. Bundesen. furs! N. 1 Hl | arms scmne is ems | | | { | ! 243 -- First | ! 3) In| | HOTELS 'Densmere House Two comfortable rooms vacant after November 15th. All conveniences. First class meals, Special attention to transients. 72-74 Sydenham Street West. Telephone 791m. MRS E. P. DENISON [Lakeview House Corner Queen and Ontario Sts. UNDER NEW ANAGEMENT. First-clasg roomy and meals, Good yards and stables. Special rates to Marine Men. P. M. DRISCOLL, Proprietor, cards for us. No canvassing. struct and supply you with West-Angus Show Card Servies, Colbsrne Bi onto SALESMAN eo handle new invention for Ford cars; big money; territory al- lotted. Every owner needs one. Par- ticulars. J. C. Bradley, Sutton West, nt. 117 (experi- Sewing Ma- Street, King- xgliector SALESMAN Grocery Specialty Salesman with knowledge of territory Port Hope to Brockville. Apply in person er by letter, stating age, ex- perience Harold F. Ritchie & Co. itd. 16-18 McCaul St. Toronto. get the full benefit from your ifled ad, the name and telephone ber should appear, unless & box ber is used. Good Body Hard Wood Thoroughly dry--cut in stove lengths. $4.00 per load. James Swift & Co., Limited Foot of Johnson Street

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