Founded 1847 Are You Prepared for The Science Dance and Dinner DRESS SUITS, TUXEDO SUITS, DRESS SHIRTS, DRESS VESTS, GLOVES, TIES, COLLARS, etc. Dress Furnishings absolutely correct. Livingston's 75-79 BROCK STREET "IF OFF 10UZ ROUTE IT PAYS TO WALK" ss ANDERSON'S LARGER MARKET PRIVATE 365. PUBLIC 458-459, WHOLESALE 1767. NOTCE TO FARMERS NOW is the time to market your potatoes, Weather is mild, reads are good, and this is the place. We are open to buy 1,000 bags good, sound Potatoes. We buy 6 days in the week. Cash paid on delivery. Get in touch with us by mail or phone. Open for business from 6.30 a.m. to 6.30 p.m.. Pri- vate Phone 365. : Pure Lard, kettle rendered . .. ..... .17¢c. (SPLENDID SALE OF CITY BONDS Kingston Receives the Highest Price Recorded in Toronto in Some Time. » big Toronto "You certainly received the price that has be paid yet Ontario, municipal ri provincial b nd here for Six Bo ow Zero { { below zero was the | official temperature on Tuesday | morning. The coldest day so far | this yuar was on Sunday morning | Feb.) 4th, when the official report |said fourteen below zero. On. Jan, 17th it was twelve degreas bdlow, i while on Jan. 7th is was eleven de- grees below, | Ninety in the Shade At Plant City, Florida, where our | strawber ne from. Ww 2X ~ | pect another lot Wednesday ing--full quart box 65¢, pints 35e¢, at Carnovsky's. William PB. Macdona | resident of Wolfe away at his late reside {day morning » was eighty-five years of age, and a Roman Catholie {in religion, | It was 27 degrees below zero at | Bjock4 le during Saturday night, {33 at Ottawa, 37 at Arnprior, Ren- | frew and Pembroke. R, J. Baiden, Portsmouth, 's con-| fined to the hou ywing to izes | PRINTERS HANSON CROZIER & EDGAR a ct Niagara Falls, Ont. Am Asm | DIED. | t, King-} 3, Eliza-| of the late) her Jat Sth, at ' clock to Cataraqui cemetery. | Kindly omit flowers. } MACDONALD - Fébruary 6tl | rothers Funeral (private) from dence, Thursday, Feb | Macdonald, a i Funeral will tak | residence, | 8.45, to the r where solemn quiem mass will be Sweet Pickled Shoulder Pork . . .....18c. Smoked Weiners, hot supper specialty 19c. Smoked Boneless Breakfast Bacon -- By the piece 32c. Machine sliced, 35c. Don't Forget All-Week Exhibit and Sale of . Prince Edward County's Standard COOKING AND EATING; APPLES Rhode Island Greenings, Baldwins, North- ern Spys, Golden Russets, Starks, Talmon Sweets. Special --Rhode Island Greenings-- * Peck . +++v.. 42¢c. Bushel . ... $1.60 t sung for the happy repose of his| ! soul. | Friends and acquaintance 3 p i "invited to Tay ges Tespeatiallyy Et | JAMES REID | The Old, Firm of Undertakers 254 and 256 PRINCESS STREET! i Phone 147 for Ambulance | i RAIA A Arrest] i ROBERT J. REID | i The Leading Undertaker | Phone 577. 230 Princess Street Farmer | M. P. KEYES { Undertaker and Embakmer, i Undertaking Parlors 228 Princess St. | Ambulance Phone 183y, : { NE ON Ek rpms JOHN CORNELIUS i Undertaker and Embalmer i Parlors: 274 Princess Street, | Ambulance Phone 599, I AA Arai ina | I. RONAN ! Undertaker and Embalmer ; Phone 3356w. 288-240 Bagot Street Call night and day promptly attended H. J. KNIGHT 'NDERTAKER PARLORS--Sydenham aud Yarker, hone, Sydenham 35 and Yarker 2 r 4 THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1028. JLAIDLAV & SON. -- LIMITED KINGSTON'S FAVORITE SHOPPING CENTRE PHONES 754.755. URS: 9 DOLLAR DAY $ 1 THURSDAY, FEB. 8th $ 1 Dollar Day is an event of special importance to all who would exercise thrift in buying. There will not be another Dollar Day for some time. Those who do not avail them- selves of the substantial savings this Dollar Day offers will miss many opportunities for practical economy in buying. 1 8 YARDS WHITE COTTON An extra good quality White Cotton--386 inches wide 5 YARDS DRESS GINGHAM ~--suitable for everyday uses. Regular 20c. yard. a: Shilal/o for everye a) g y This item will offer unusual savings to those who believe in doing their sammer sew- 1 ing early. Dress Ginghams in Checks and Stripes and many new shades, Values from TOWELLING 7 YDS. LINEN ROLLER $1 30c. to 35c. A good quality Linen Roller Towelling. It comes in a Brown and White Stripe, and is fully 16 inches wide. 6 YARDS LIGHT PRINT 3 : YARDS PILLOW COTTON $ 200 yards of Canadian Print. The rrint 48 1 A regular 45¢c. Cotton--Dbeautiful quality--fine, even comes in a range of attractive patterns--all weave--all widths, light in color. 2 YARDS 8-4 SHEETING A good, serviceable quality Sheeting--8-4--=2 yards ; 3 YARDS CHINTZ wide--suitable for large double beds. Pretty Chintz -- suitable for Drapes, % Cushions, Coverings, etc. Values from 60c, 1 to $1.00--to clear at this special price. 2 HUCKABACK TOWELS 5 dozen, extra large size Huckaback Towels. They I> oR redlany Conte, Tonal good aNality wm 10 BALLS BABYLAMB WOOL 10 balls of this popular Baby LAMB Wool for $1.00 $ It comes in colors Shrimp, Sky Blue, Aluminum, Tur- A 338 inch Natural Shantung Silk. A first qual=~ ity Silk--absolutely free from dressing--suitable for Dresses, Men's Shirts, etc, NATURAL SHANTUNG SILK $ 1 quoise--about 25 shades in all--1 oz. balls--full weight, LADIES' HEATHER HOSE . * adies' All-Wool inglish Hose, ey LADIES HOUSE DRESSES $ 1 -- . ye ae pi HR $ 1 Ladies' House Dresses--Dresses that sell regularly sizes, and regularly sold for $1.50. from $1.75 to $2.50. Made from good quality Print and Gingham-----nicely trimmed. Men's Black Cashmere Sox -- all pure wool--they have double spliced toes and heels tive styles. Regular value $1.50. and regularly sell for' 75c¢. Ladies' fine White Voile Waists. Developed from an extra good quality Voile, and are made in three attrac- 2 PAIRS MEN'S CASHMERE VOILE WAISTS $ 1 SOX $ 1 A bargain that every woman and housewife should \ ool Jerse y take advantage of. Made from a good quality Print and nicely trimmed. { loth CHILD'S GINGHAM DRESSES $ 1 1 yd. 3 PRINT APRONS $ 1 Pretty Gingham Dresses -- awtractively styled and trimmed. They come in sizes 2, 3, 4, 5 years and a few large sizes. Regular value $1.50, All Wool Jersey Cloth for Suits and Dresses. Fully 54 inches wide and in colors Grey, Navy, Band, Green. Regular value $2.00. 3 pairs of Children's Mitts for $1.00--Mitts that sell regularly for 50c. and 60c.--are all wool, and come 3 PAIRS CHILD'S MITTS $ 1 in Navy and Brown. 2 RAIRS CHILD'S BLACK TIGHTS WATCH THIS SPACE 1 TO-MORROW NIGHT. Children's Black Tights--excellent quality and very warm~----they come in sizes 8, 4, 5 and 6. Regular value $1.00 and $1.25, aA I i.